Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-03, Page 3141911.19199 4 • , I " . , , • - DOMI PARLIAMENTU 1 [- Sir elelni Titz-.-47..prion MoVec.I that the House I. 1 iadjourn te-hoirriew' . and stand edjinithedi - until Thharsileii .t. -_.e 3irelocliel :- - i • 1 -. - Mr. Denis-, : for_ Alr.-MeCerthy, i ntro- 'laced the bill iiit amend '...the .Nerthweso_. 1 Territory Act.. e. - --.- - ' - -.-- h ii 1 • ' - Cries of 66 P., i -::•.iTI,- explain!' . -..- -I - - • • . 341.r. Denistit.,:- : Tay _ say it is the sanie ' bill iiirlliCh .'t'al.:.i -i-7."....,-i3Oueed.'164 year. Mr.- 71f...1.3,n . the hon; :gAntlemati I say When tv..e 1-_-:.1,_ will _conic up for iseCond - reading? - - *.- i - - 1 .: e • -.• f - ' * Mr. Cno4ut--,-*-3-...---.1.K.t.• yea.F.- (T.A.ucYhter.) • Mr. eostig-Nn.:zw4ofluced a -.bill tb!ametct ' -the, Civil Serviee Act. i e • Mr.. _Fos, yr.; ittiswer! t6- Mr. R6 wand ' 9 __who, asked whiii etier e thie'ci-inaranibst- teem- - - et . 1.- l'• ''' . t73 . i. ; hation ateiy aii...)pl.::d. by the .Americen/GOv:-:[ iernme it a/reins!, C. -..nadiiii eattle . 'would I have:iuzernii3-4.--; •:..e.- _in 13,i-i7id :t.O.Bo9tan or I • other ieapoe.:.- -if if.. •-.}-ip:4-nt; 14 .he ihritish e niArket, ;sal i eier. -Ur il-f.d 'States- qua.rentineh 1 thulatio-e, ei-- p• ' ; la ' he uewsPaperf; . of whice tee heee-fiiiii eievernmant nail not . been ofdeially ei -hided., .witiiiii net „aileitite oh' . beef ell.ttk, t-)k,...,•,_,:?::t.c.ross the frowsier I . except at the vie- iniiiie port - of-Bliffele. •, Canadian cettie i. eulit teeitiefete iiiit be eent , -- in borelte B ..,, :... for . shipMent unless. a I transit arreoge er le i.- he's eatee waled _similar to that by wile e Ainerlean: battlecan pa.si through Chiterer, ei-eis,w-egt to cast, hem one. Unitea iireiree vtiel to anot:her. . . - Mr. Davin in- ri thettlie.duty on herbed_ - wire,- on isiree . le rear leneherneets, • on -eget ' pile an,d on coires.; i•heoriliii be reduced," so as • to -give, no mfg -r :',-;-art reasonAla -F.oteption, and -that the 0.;,..-1,y on-bindter twine -should " be abolit.he,i, . '..-r1,1.1s wa not necessarily. a. - motion Of .iraiii ef eonfiiience in the Ciiovera- . i trienteherefie iivei, e fripperte - :of theiGer.ern-- _ meni. - -44-, a b.:js.,r ,:il in-blie National Pelieye: there, -Were ei i':.cre. kinds i . of _tal-fie- - pure reveeo - lei 'lc inektrate prot.,otiire. - _ tariff, or a --teiiir eihit :would' be -exOueive - e. and that -re -oils! e.--, if there was i:et., direct- _ r - -- taxeithie, - a ri.f,: -,•11o_ ctri. abts1!'4..1!7ti • hilr. itlerierierri continllg... the debe.te - .- upon the reieitheie of the- prepoee I -reduction: of duties, ii i (7''. :.-i. 7 ties- to shoW that in several.t..-1.,.::s i.-- .. littioncoal oil s,-}1.(1 as .high as 3i) o-Itt -.1 .4, (gallon. - f the duty* was retrieved:',..,.ct.tdard. eo pany will "have the entire:1i; id .---_-_ themsel. es, and lei I Iiih- mediately is:hie : .- -e- iirreer. .4f oil in- Cia . adri. - . . • • _ irCompetitain ..teril ;,--fouht the price of eilTin • Canadaas low ',- pose-ibla, . - .. . -r eer'il (Huron) 1-aaA ) said he .h M• hi*.noi i -aedei.-- (H• axes to. griati,. eiiit. ehohe . from a 'lla iionaL. standrioiati. . ll.--., waS influenced . by . no:. " monopoly :pith-. ,ohihe-.Theited :States or in .- Canada, aed- that .. he thought *as ai little iihnsire eheo: neh teior. friead viho .-49.id jil.§t • spoken. Geoid wt,i.. : He had .loOkedintio this - matter- t,-.rtie.gt. • 5.' i and had come to the . doncideicie their ;-11.the inter:rats .ofthe.,Canat &an Col,IS'1174:•• i .,..!.3.4 ',',Iiree. - fourths ef the = Ilouse had' .c-:.- - tr.,- the saMs• cOidiusion„ the dliti on cv;,-*1 f.=.11..ws;;..1. top; high, .: -- _ . -. . Mr. ..11‘-arn-1.1. 1 ' p.e acli eurnmenti of the - - debetee i • .••••A - •••••:" se -4 •?' - capital' -expenditure. .-. If; . however, We to 437-cither.condusion'than. that it is O.-thets a not making any Change in: any. • . . • - . _ • • ..• . - had 'kept . the duty sugar, instead,: of most difficult question,e-(Derislieelanghter.).*-1partibular. • - - . • adding:to' the capitate -debt- of the ii-ountryi I amI not going into the merits of thet,.dia- ,Sir John --TheinpsOn.introduCed a bill- to we would -not only rhave .teiped- off th.et ticuesion. -• .iAfter the hon. igeritleinen -.whoamendthecriminal code of 1892. --.In this . accretion, but heire. ractually -diminished understand ib haveepoken in the House on instance he _ also explaizied that the .errors the •debt . by about $2,000i Oct L.r;• _Se the merits - of ..the h question, it -should be J Were shnply .oleeicaliresalting.from mistakes that the preinise made of inob hicreasingi fairlywell understood, and Whit • the --,Goef- I•in printing.. - the debt was made itiPea a set Of circum -.1 ernMent proprieiteihile,••after haiing thought • Mr. • Edgers asked the Minister if .the. stances then orbiting, and 1114 it-. hae-not.ithe .matter over -very carefully, iseirpropese ,! Heine. Was going to get - some Valuable In - been literally fulfilled this.' because e to this House that the :itaniithert -Shall- he irformation indicated by the "frees as bearing the -Government thought it 'better to remiti-freer and that... the straighte duty; shell .reir the sabieet_ of .the criminal cede. He this &non:netts • •amount of .texatien, to the • for . present) ae- -• "it :.; is. referred to an opinion expressed upon: the -pee-I1.6,i -and to 7 Make :the rireripleh of the (Ifeerei. . hear.) In. that way: .the - 'subject -ofithe code by of the judges of future; pey: .a.. proportion... of the ieraoant normal, - the hidden Prate -Aim,- speak, the Supreme Court. -. It was veryrimportart.: necersary . for the icapital works of . the. Will be taken away, and the transport will that the Paper should be • laid upon the country, over and . above. what we could - be left *free, and at the same :time -a suffie table of the Utilise, especially.- as the Housei .spend7,and. Spare. out ofthe - curientreevenue... -.cleat. protection' will, be left teethe industry Was asked tie legislate on the -criminal code'. to conserve it'for the present • I'hope One of - • - The Tariff. . . . eviih tih stets ii• f w thingi . in referenoe other question•bas been pressed- upon the . Sir John Thompson said he -Wife ohjher and the to the tseiff tariff - mare Ciihrerninente-thO :binder :twine.- tion. . The oontiitation was one. of those- ': , No with -his-eyes:91;6h Will think fora ; Moment hear.). -Thiashes.beee complained �f commonly knewn as Open letters,- and Was of denying the fact that there is moreor_ ...eepieeielly byeettain-sectiOnsisby .the, faith', already didnotintend to coin- : - ss -Te.bs..-qitstionin.refereliee,..te-the tariff trade iug-elea atrlynigglitas ivea unite i; einplihyment to.. several • •.. The indutitry in MriDvin presented hi Petition from the iipireitte make agitation.and thoig upon ply- With the *WO Of the -learned judge._ of this _poi:our-ie. iiSeheral thingiehave eon- this hundreds. .1 have,. titan:tined- into it, and Moosejew River .Conaervative Association, .-:. - the teriff dper to day it has been 'or. miler as I ' -can --see it: . .not -.foreign. praying.. 7tbat the duties on.: agriculturali ee• ar-nninher of yearsiin this country, Will 1monopoly, however tatting and Very dime 'implenientis -binder .twine, .fencee.wire and lose. or. May have been or to linMe extent are at the coal be mateeially. reduced,..if not the Hoare permit me to . Menden . . them? is a. ,present time the. teletione between the two... -Ished; hear.)... _ - ithe -Arst place,- there' difference Of viewinthe matter of trade 13iit. to state this, e. that every-- -The-folloWing bills were introdueed - . : ' whichrhea exitedever since have been bed* knows. a monopoly eXitita on the other - LeRivier.e-iRiepectingithe Manitoba -: e side °f - the line.: The Government proposes,: -4 SOutheattern Railway 'CoMpany.:. . .a reountrY, -whielsbecaMea-poiat of cleavage -: in 1878..hethierni those. who that while 'granting i relief- to the farmers and :Mr: B.00rne.HTo incorporate the Cleve - free ttedewas the proper policy for- this those :whe-use it, nob to take. aWay a .fair Tao, Port Stanley & London Transportation .And reasemeble., Prete-Often-On binder twine, Reilihay'Conipany, and toeonfirnii an agree. . - conatry aniSthose Who - believed- that: tariff -10r revenue purposes, for incidental and I ptePete -that .. the . duty be reduced. Sient irespecting the London •& Pert -Stanley Was the thing for protection; this ..fre425.- per .cente to. 14 Pereeeet, There is 'hallway Company. - r. . 'e' Making the-rerefineh prime; consideration! one :oher ilnesbion•ii.. the cletise inAkicg „MoneriefferRespecting the London& and distrbuting it*2° • incidentally *iiiiiiPadehei-liti7ey, 4 rthirceeentn4tri:ee•years ago, when•4nilnot #.tio don't expect that becausei in 1878oilees.chool - protect -resources erif the . country. - s- We it is. proposed .te renew. that privilege for Si-P.40U Company. of Compe. • • ' theee . years ' TisdaleRespee, .tingthe.grend Tim** • of . thOught. .teiumphed i• and concentrated its next year we take' the Matter': ReilWati Company. • influence in the tariffwhichW-ar thealramed andWhich b6earae hive in18_79,We dont an may.. AT • le ape - upon ..a - .t erent, The House adjourned .at 11 o'clock. , . :-- s,:- but. I • ..hope.-,..iipon no..-. More., -uafairerable • .expect -that the. other -schools: .- of . thought* havetheirthoghtsi and feelings•- basia. Mr. Foster restined .•.leis -seat at 6 andthatthe sante feeling to a large- C'''cletPk:'• •• • is nourished by those different cleiseeihof tee' • • • SIR ItIditAIII5 OARTWRIG1LT.- eountreeenuah'_as in 1879. :There have been . rg tel isinl men who_ beiieved in free- trade' that have: 1 come, to .believe. proteetioes and :may . be gipliiiise- eak after rebus, was greeted with from the Libetat beaches.. 100 e - - He it has happened that some who believed . a-neeidee At any time end. under any possible :protection have come to believe infreetrade.. -eirctinistanCes, -Anaiial• iexposition, or T416 °.7° 1164' friend eveniannnal- ',reaffirmation, Of the • financial oppositeiee Will the .G-overianient adopt free :po4eyof the Goveihnient,..18.. trecie. • :Ny answer is, "lqo.". -Meer,: hear.) ecittaiderable interest to all '-.elaiSeS. And ri knowdisa:P.POinthoii hon. -friends, cciiiirthinity. On the'pretenteocealiOnS When, of the whese -stair. has been free _trade. There are .some considerations why the as .Minister:: Foster . has correctly stated; .. . . there e_ feeling -Of pnrest and disquiet Government -dos not .propose: to adopt free - • - • •• " - • • • voiding the. entree it no per - trade? 7' First, : the requirements ,of ithe revenue, a stiringerinien than a deeper- denbt,.- an -occarion...of--:;ukire than -- until interest. - To us who have been: in. the habit - thinkerithea. :hon. friend iSir ,fieheed of listening to that gentleenea,.it Wasita.ther Certweight),.a. Mau la- ti:remarkahle alisence Of - what I -must hall. .to wets wrionget the hest, from . the stand . the braggadocio in respect to the: N.- _pint hOn: gentleman opposite, challenged and the chatatiteristic.thrustit at our -friends _any Man to -showiherviiithis -chantey now, • • . 9 OW: tillS 01U Of • the , house. There or fOr Many -yews tis-COrim,r any sifherne :of - • . • - • was _. also a most ,apsence lie& trade ceuld beadopted which could be this hone . flee* acSati. revenue then*. revented it Twent•ht • • • • - the- • Worked,rand stated etinviction that -.the , flook;biddingthemitiow to the will . of -:the circurnstanCeS at -the country precluded its 4 PeoPle, and eitturin'ethenil that the N. . arhiptiort, and _prepluded direct . Wait so riveted hither hearta the people' which .mnst- teceSaerily Stoney on ite that an.Y. attenapt • to disturb it.. WoUld be adoption. . --The eticruirernea s • of tli Change hits coine. _ Thelon.: 'ttie.B.tidget, 7 laSUE • NO '91893.. rie _rowing to any if tiles. Advertlialtialli please !mention this Inver. * . Diseases are often difficult to remedy. P • • Y7 g tlernsai has had a vision or, nossibly, he Forter, -re the. Ilitinsebito okitside of eavings have to be raised . . P . Committee of Wei e and Man,said :Mich for the curren.t, services of the country. h leader -of 'the "four, Conservatives his .mey. have dreamed a . dreaine that the Speaker,' I-Lit-i.i-. .7 t="N state that inhhierch invite hoarti.enr,lemen" -o osite to show how • i -.. - e . - - - . - ..., PP. . - , . deolared Abet- tre are being annexect: by job last, -whin 1 1-1:e..-- :ht. honor -. of making my Much and werrein they will-,mak.e a• saving :financial s- r• fet t; in this tiousq 1; e§ti- se Ae to reduce that --AMeuat by ,aayivery lats. - -Possibly- he may have ' heard of a - . Vebe . i :' - . - mated :thle tisi - revenue 4het -Weald 'be large sum. Smell savings ica.n._ be -wed are gentle.men. in : .the - - Reuse_ Who:usedi tet given to us dor; --.-2.-1.1:1.1.41-, *f. would. he, for being -"nide, . I - aslehiroie $20,4100009. °f designated thebrains -, of. bliiiii the party, - Custome, $40.-5thetrire --Tne, actual receipts Casterns. revenue can he raised. under - lees .pheming the holy tariff,and speaking evil :- were 2u s1 05p, --4.-i-faj,. t'.very r rlight ex- .e-ade with tine world or any great country vtiordi ageinirr even the sacredigereyManderiieei..._ a Possibly he is the farm - cess a $14(;59. Exe Was estimated at hi. the 'Woad 9 Isay there is -another reason i''' . $7,000- bOtl,' wic! ' ths. : act -tial receiptseevir are whithiSheountri cannot adopt free. trade erS are -kicking againithithe Wise ami, $7,94_5,p97, an ex..--es4 of $945,07.; - Mis.-- atAhe present tiere.-**. It is on aucOunt. . Of 'rnereg°1.PrOviaiiius ' of * the "'riff and Pos.. - cellanees lb ly • he is also aware that every bade- , irs t•V-3,4•. eg'.a,teer r4.., $8,20,0 .geiteral development of T , and our industries and runder ./r- Prndenit. and not - . sufficiently:. -subsi- yielded i$S,47-h 715, a'11-. eX0.4S Ot $1,7 5;'• So our resonrbes.--..:, tiare .we .have, that, whereas- t! totAl -'?.-stimate ai that system adopted miller than /878, so far is -diz.4 paper fel also -.3rYiPg °uP -404E4 ' period:was ortr665,000, the tolial re- incidental . protection is Concerned,' and its provisions. - i Und.et-'. - .theOvioiroiliidi - , Peil*- v46476. 836, 921,, 871 , IN:iog. an excess of sinCe 1878 so-. far as abseil:Ire and direct- .8b*noes:' I' can well Understand that our i -* . : receipts over et ,res of - .,;$256;871. ' The protection". is concerned, 'developed- large political 'Vicar of trayis at a lois to find out what are the poicers that be. I under - total then foie 1A1 Q1, Wae $36,921,811:, at£3- ab.C.1 VaryillgintOefite. 'Nobody denies thee. is. to: niake everybody else 1890-1, heieg -thtal . -off- of numbering 368,000 mon., a yearly wage lohh. richer. hav.e -had .fourtein years, $4657,439. • . - -$100,000009; a -development .of • the wes t - eeMpared with Lhe total of $38 579:310 in A vested capitalof $353,000,000, employees stand that the,-' business' of professionaL • eXperirnent of making ourselves collectively Fri= the si,o,liowt-ng articles. dee eased of the country of $90,000,00-0 a year—these richer by increasing the tariff- and what duties were and in -Inn- are facli stated _ - the cold. fi , • , gures . - - hachures te?,.$15.„563- elireadstaffor $139,557 ; the census. This development : in.- have been the results of that tariff?. That . ev-: bricks and S11,063.; chffee, and manue (11It. has there has been a ideepread feeling that im .1stry- has • gone . on for .yearei the . whole . 'N. has been -from factures of, $110,-709 -; cotter), and. reached a certain point *. it cannot he ',uteri - first to last one - -egregions .fraud- is facturis of, Si802 ; ernbrOideriesi, _ not deed, neitherlis it reached:that point that what men say - whenever they- -in' eat ' otherwise pt.:IN-Jed for, $13,-'115 ; unaided it can stand :the :competition Of • -strument' e $3 3iih ; bzitter,''-ttheeee lard and mach countries is Great Britain and the bohdhY, All Canada. over Men are meafe,. $101,7h3 ; .-db, 7,991 ; tobacco and. United - States. -with their centuriesof recalling promises made on the introdu - . manufg-ctu:e,t $55,308 ; watches and wealth, great skill, e-normons markets;great tion of .protection fourteenyears eg ;After referring to the other details of th6 parts of ; wood and .mannfacturee prOductioas which-- find the markets of -the . -• . ..e h epeeche _and claiming the importance of of; $10.8SS In maeinie June; -1891,1-1 . world in such great .quantiti so .t at this eieness to the American maikets SirRiChard has. to be taken- into. account. Oar indite - °Gantry: (Ironical, cheers from theppPosi- of - this °-912auded as. kdows " FOr par„- ct the present p icy • t el' _ tried have kept the population of the G overtiment On • all counts: - hi tionind, counter cheers from Conservative*); Yes,they. have kept the pOpuletion of this- radically • 'false _ theory- and . radically vicious. in practice. eit is in the highest it.country,- which otherwise would have left degree.an tiniest tariffi.ari Oppressive- tariff. .(Laughter from theOppositionand apr. It -icioat uneuited to the genius of the plauee from Conservatives.) :- They . are. - _- - is • Oppreesiee keeping to -day inithis 'country an increatting. people of Canada. number ofhindsau to the -largest portion- of the people. dill . -- • ' eniployment; disCriininetes agajnst special Sections." 'increasing .inimber . -of imen 'distributing hem.. getitlethan has reversed the policy of - benefit* in the way of wages to production Robin Hood, for while Robin Heed robbed I da not need to State :further that the Robin of these industries has gone t-he4ich-ta:he)P. the Pb°r; these geakm€n. rapidly:and widely -since 1878. • Let each 0.1) the P°°t.t° aid the 'tick" •- These hen.: gentlemen- and their tariff are member of : this compare . his Own, • - , observation and experience in 1878 with his verylargely responsible for the faht that .. observatien. and iexperience of to -day, and thebeet. blood of Canada are new. (• . . he will see that verities Of .articles are maim.; vides in the United • States. Theirtariff- factured in CAnadehoiday that were not directly fosters .extravagance, And is a ver*- - hot-bed ohcerruption. .We have no chance manufactured -then. Let him • look over -. the whole field, and his: experience teaches of developing Canada as it hiliould be vele, ped, - The wily solutionis threforintlie him. that while: in". some caies. there have been failures, on the whole a great start has ,, tarithront and branch, and that there nift been made in the Manufacturing industries he no mistake as to our intention about that, of that all the 'Words- after that "-in of the. country,- And . great' start in de- - the notion be struck - out, and the following *eloping in that:way-the. resources of the country. Not only have Our industries. 111- atil?That the preteate-cuitoithe tariff bears :•••.1 creased, .but every milt that - is darted, every* refinery run, every .cotton spindle heavily.and• -:"Just4Y working, every industry: which works: up liPon* the igreat, consuming - classes 6f the Dominion, -rand raw Material, helped to add to the -wealth' !h°Pld be at. once - thoroughly reformed la the direction of free trade- iand that the atiount of taxes levied - should be limited to the sunfreqaired to meet the necessities Of the Government efficiently and economically administered. - -(Cheers.) -• Mr. -1Itiggert Moved the. adjournment f the debate. Agreed to. . I Sir John Thompson asked if there would be any objection to continuing the debate freni -.day': to.. day- until cOncluded.- Sir I he cherhe e.n. the -tariff in hstimeited a 108Er• upon the -Ohinwii phiort or suear of -the two preceeding ., year'- of - 5.0,iiii0. in . Our revenue. . I .estfinated a geeo from the excise duties -9f- $500',000. in malt, 8600,090 in: spirits, and $400„000 in tilba.cos. The increase has not come up to - the eetimetes. i- : The .- increase gained in emelt was $339,924 ; la spirits, .r$329i610 ; in-tobaeco the es.timate was .02E- - ceeded,;.-v.Thereas thehetimate was WM00; the increase has been. $514,140; the total . increase from. theee increased ex-- ----- Oise duties is $1„1,83,674; .. Inhorder to Cadet these inereared excise. duties to some extent the i duties of icustems upon • liquors . were. slightly-Morelli:ea ; but this iresuit was not• to incrtase the reeenees, - fer although we reeeived an: inerease in .ale and porter of •' $27,136, enil in spirits and wines of $12,874, we had a deerekcs7, in imported -torabi-cos Of • $56,,310 e- so- that hhte tetal :clecreasai-cui-- -, toms Amounts. to $10,29.8, -So far eh these _ goods are. cencerned. Therefore, as regards e the inereasei and loses _Which. were esti-- 41' mated, the revenue has gained Jess from the - impositions upon 'the malts. and- spirits r and we have loit More. ...than was estinmited. by taking off. the duties upon ittiger on hhount of, the inereaSed eonsumptiore - :It iii very •'probable that in taking off !the duties Upon --,,..raw Sugar we have remitted to .this country upon the actual necessary honsumption of - .. sugar_ ill- the neighborhood of $4;000,000 : during the: past year. - . ' - -,- - -I .-• ,_ I come now to speak for a few moments of• ' the expenditre during 'the pngt year. - The : estirriated expenditure of March ofdast year • was $30,600,000; theaetuelexpendituremas $36,765,89-4e an -increase over the preceding year of $422327. ' That it, the actual. et- • - peaditure on consolidated:bind account last - year, :whintakett‘ from, the total revenue Of • • last -year, left a Small,. haat the seine time •• ,convenient, surplus to. the amount of $155,977; About three or four years ago I -predicted that we'hed arrived at a period when we should call a halt- tii, an.-inbrease of the debt. :. :That prophecy was literally A-. Big Cat.. • Mr. J. Pearen, . of Westen,-. Ont., writes us as follows: "Last spring *y horse ran into a barb -wire jence and tore brineeif 'so badly that I could lay my _whole hand in the wound right on the bare bone. - As there was no. veterinary near, I inimei .diately tried Texas Balsam, and used it .fahthfullynight and morning for twoweeks, when I could again drive my horse. Within a month:the wound Waieeatirely.heided and not even the sign of a Scar was left. -About the game time one of My. neighbor's- horses 'got his foot cute and :hie Veterinary tried for -siveral Weeks to get it heal batfailed. I.gave him some Texas -taisam to -try, and in a:few, days he was working his horse again,- I can highly recommend Texas Bel- • awn." Ask Your druggist for it,' price 2,5 I cents, or address g, F. • Segsworth, 6 Wel- lington street tatty., Toronto: OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES •OF:LIME AND SODA, will restore a lost appetite- lOst flesh, and check wasting diseases, especia1. ly in children, with Wonderful rapidi Coughs and colds are easily killed by a • few closet* ofthis remarkable remedy PALATABLE AS MILK. Be sure to get the genuine, uft salmon-colore wrappers. . • Prepared only by Scott & Bowmaelleville. of the country at large, and -thereby every sober, - intelligent class of . the . Com- munity ,is benefited.. -These items lead On to theiconclusien, and I think will lead the Houseito. the conclusion ' that we are not ready to adopt: free -trade inct to -open up these industries, nurtured* from 1878, it is. true, and at the present . timeaided by a reasonable and I hope sufficient protection . . . i i . 2 to the unlimited competition of old mann, D. - . 9 ichard Oartwright, would rather the,ques• 1 , lecturing countries like Great Britain. and' 1-:' the. United States, whereby -Ow* industrial'.: tRU2 was Pub when: Mr. -Laurier, who. was '- employment would be swept away, with all :, absent, was in his place,- but he thought the . .ppgg- . and .. miwy that . would there would be no objection. . ' A. motion to accrue A strong- agitation has ' that effect was then moved by the Premier. , ' • been brought to the notice of the Government ' ancl agieed to. - • - - - . .--* , * _ with reference to oils. We have heard that i . Sir John Thompson introduced a' bill . . - Royal Purple. • ig itoyar purple" in velvets, • silks, bro- cadese and other rich meterials is pressing to the fore iiha somewhat _aggressive way. Which is a pity, for, " royal" though the ,, old-fashioned purple may. be it is not a co/or which, "works in " -with the lovely artistic Shades and tints -of . to -day. - 'As a pall it is right enough, but not as a dress,. or even as part of a dress. -?-.London letter Z7 Chicago Herald. , • . . • The Electric Light is a matter of email 'importance compared Witn -other: applications of electricity. By thiSageney Polson'e Ne rviline is made topene- trate to the most remote nerve—every bone muscle and ligament' isrnade to feel ita bene- ficent power. Nerviline, pleasant to take, even by the youngest child, yet so power- fully far-reaching in it work,' thatrthe most agonizing- h.liternM, pain . yields as if by magic. - -Neel/Mae -relieves neuralgia- in- stantly ani . for. the speedy cure of nerve - pains of every description it has no equal. _Sold everywhere; • ie Mother's Daty in the Rime. - 0 mother - has a right to , make her house an uncomfortable . dwelling place for . • her children. It is her „duty to prote t) and. hield them, not by the force of herf com- mand, but by the power of her love. If she would do this she must make their home the most attractive place in the wo d, to which they come not as slaves dri n to their galleys, but has free children.— e York World. • McCollom's Rheumatic Repellant. The . -fame of this greatest internal remedy has spread from ocean to, ocean and to many distant points la the Milted States, where it finds ready sale at advanced prices. Sold by WholesaleDruggistr of Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton, Lomion, Winnipeg, and by Retail Druggists generally. • - The Chalked *Banana Skin. • A Hartford paper says that an amateur artist of that town chalked a banana skin in the sidewalk, the ether day, that looked. 110 natural that everybody gave :it a wide berth, and one old gentleman actually fell down, thinking it his duty to do so. 4- - CURE GUARANTEED' Wily be 'tioubied ith piLEs in& TERNAL OR INTERNAL9 FISSURES. LOEFle' ATIoN, ITCHING OR PILEEDdrN. act.% PILERECTOullviNTVENATNgiLlvr-s hi= &unt3. i,eliefr. perferftlythinevlialanuaabsle4. TirMfaUrSeAvgeDr8Fitair even ira CLARK. CHEMICAL CO., iSfehhiherPr:Ith8r92-17;12.dTrurolog"ss cases of long standing. PutzE Sent byrnall receipt; Of Ct3 WbyLlmpAb�ut 'With painful cornea -Pathan-fa -Painless Cern Extractor- will remove them painlestily ina few day* Use theisaie; sure, and pain - leas corn cure—Patnam'S Corn Eetractor. At dkaggibteh _ r . He—Ifioirdid not love me,- Why- did you etc:on-rage- me? She—I? i'Encoarage- lea? He—Foe two seasons you have accepted every one of _myhavitations to the theatre, • .ete. -She--That was. not -because I loved you; it was because I loved the theatre. Bessiee-He was very impudent. He put - ._ his arm around me twice,. Jessie—Humph! He Ile must have had a.very long ;Arm: 110 second chance.- The first supplies his needs if he takes the wise precaution" of, _ planting • : erry9 s Seeds, Ferri's Seed Annual,for i893, Contains alfthe iatest on& best information about Gardens and Gardehidgit is. a recognized authority. Every planter should have it. Sent free on retinest. D. IL.T.XERRY...t,CO'griarludsor,•Orst. iTHE BATTLE WON tion..1 simply gave her a Levet The girl I love rethrnf inri area - Powder.. I advise all despairing • I -- lovers to try Love Powders. Pries . - $1.0t) ;•6 for $5.0. Address .• , _ CUPID 111E616114E 60., Kuicsin, UM • 7aluable tea StdFerer. Give ROOT. 74.C. e and bottle of -medicine seat Free to air :press and Post Office address. 11. West Adelaide Street. Terecto. Oat . 12,000 Acres of good fart IICIANApandS, .perfect,IRGMchgan ore Central, Detroit & Alpena er Loon Lake Railroads* -1,4,11.DS at pricei, ranieng -from_ $2 •trs, $5 per lame. These lands are -close to enterpri.ing hew towig. Churches, s hools, ete.. and it r UA be sold o, mosttivorabl •'-tertris. , •A-PhlYto B, PIERCE, west SALERay City, or to J. W. CITILTIW.: • 7Whitinore, Sties. Pleafre men- tiorithie paper when wrjOas... E DOLLA MAKER, KYOURSEWINGPIACIME. 'FOI? IT - QR SEND A 3 C STAMP FOR PARTICULAR PRICE LIST, SAMPLES, COTTON . YARN Sere. OF Otili Tt9 'Web 93, A , AOENTS, loeaL &mil • . : N.. _ . ._ , travelb.ng at once Ail - - e . ... , ft . • -seltereamentai shrubs r•t•• . - R os e s, Trees andP Fruits. Experietee'romecee3ary: Salary. and Expenses paid weekly. Permanent poeitionsie NO security required • Must furnish references as tcr. good characteg . . C.GA'RLES H. • RASE, Rochester, W. T. Mention this paper. . • . —DR. TAFT'Sh- ASTIIMALEDE Gives a Night's SWeetSleepand ofnameand P.O. address willmailTRIALBOTTLII Dr. TAFT BRPS, MEDI- orNECo.,Rocheater,N.Y. Canadian Offlee, 186 Adelaide €0 that YOU noed sit up all nightgaeeirir for breath for •fearati sufrocatien.Otireceteti Street) -et‘t Piso's Remedy for catarrh . Best, Busiest to Ise, and. Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by znail, 50c. E.T. linzeltIne;Mirarren. Pa. Is ma to et a. I to receyo . I amend the Representation Act. He ex - fulfilled up to the Past; year. It could not iiiriestion debated in this 11 ousen 11 1 : ...he fulfilled leiter that, because. we took off lion. gentlemen 011 both sides of the House Plained that the changes be wished to make 1 -session were principally millions of our revenue in . remitting taxa- have taken diverse with regard to in the Act of last , * tion to the,PlinPle, and consequently had to it. No_000l, reasonable man on either side- of & clerical character, and simply related ' to the bOundaries of certain eleotoral.dis- drasi on loans for a certain amount of our hiving looked thoroughly into it , , . . .1. hall COMO . - - - • • - • • - - • -. - • - ' . .. 7 _ . • • • .X THO BLOOD IS Titi3 LIFE Wcoirectly And Aft • • Disease axis ilia in it. _ "1* This remedy is guaranteed to Blood -Specific and death to all' • Priers;$1.00 per; boti- WILL PAY 438. 3 bottles for Vibe above quantity of - yor d One other be taken. if udruggist -oes, mot kee r - for it. PezetTCHELL BROS, IeticknOw OZONE SPE\ • Camitia Ute-puliOng A 44 f tr,