Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-24, Page 4tvictu tyttI cI LHE LIIBERTY .TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE _ r " FREELY ACCORDING TO `THE- DICTATES aE CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL *THBR LIBERTIES c tFeb.heal. 1893, 11IR. toll McCarthy promise: lila:Patrons of Industry depuitati-on at. Ottawa thether dayk'that • he would• suppoit-t request for the abolitioh �)f the c 's upon gal: oil, bolder. twine •a barbed wire and .to - adti�o- s E r. - 3 cafe= tli of` tracde • combina tions pis° final. iu future. DrAI oais .o l�eiz late. -nd ba treat/Amt.' cilln A REMINISGENCE 0tLQ.1cliats l Cc Iete:17: :'i\i°- for the L eknow • SENTINEL)" :: early in• January sof.1854* a young. &:oupie just a:fe,v weeks' tarried, ;:left ai east,-4township z.1:11.d took up their abode in: the i erth ieete. n 'section of 'Ashfield township, whicl`i was, then an,. almost unbroken • wilderness.: : '1i6 .The- -Luckn.ov�r-'.ent;n 631313eai, poor fellow, -was not much given to emotion;: but he was there visibly affected.: I- do not remember to have seen the little babe left motherless. :_-We returned to the 'friend's house and ii xt morning (Tuesday) I set out. on my return journey, reaching the brick hotel.oii the Huron road . about the' `Middle of the aftern9On, -.long. -.before the stage came, but :waited foil lt. The, night was dark when it Caine, and it •`was only a• -lumbering.:spring - wagon.• with a canvass cover- : on it. • 'A bi drunken "nigger" and -Myself were the only passengers:- lie would *:be on: eti ery seat and on ' the bottom as ell. I got, out and rode with • the driver:: 011,7-::what'a ni ht, the cold wild the terribly: rou gh road, the Jolting; of the; wagon, the slow crawli�' "pace: --but .at : last :morning, dawried--"The: sun rose-' and the stage .stopped opposite Tom: :Smith's - blacksniith shop iii Mitchell.. glad to jump out'zand , make ',my- Way; down the Fullerton_ road to-a-fiiends house;;here I recev -ed. a kind -welcome and was made coin fortabl"e..After --resting-there a: couple Of days I started"'for lo.L.o, p�'scer through- Mitchell : - and ` Stratfor:d, staying ov er--nigh-t at the latter= place:- ant . ` e:Ikiil of . .course,' file whole... • 'distance. I arrived home late 1\londay. night having `n i u1e the round trip- in, just ten days» :The wiitor visited gun nian, x honi -'we shall call Dr; cut: down -Add cle' rc.1 oil_ the trees • Lochalsh:`cemetei7 last:. autumn. We stood, by ' the . mound beneath :N ili:ch from "a 7 S,nlall -blot .f . •roiliicl on the Many yo ithfcil hopes -and aspirations, :urn 51,6- - hu_d -ouiN lased, . -. built a •I Were: buried•:with the dead -long c-;ar lieforP rias far iiiailyy ye2rs liG small cabin,: and_ here the= -young couple . - , , - rested : in the-, same grave with his commenced hous;-keeping. .It seenie�l . l�elu ed :1fis, (inst. Mingling/ g` with lifers. V }o } a forulidable undertaking..fo remo� e ..i- Tile fii:st'lnt'ely gra- e is albne_Ilo a oi'e ..lloseCgia.nt.timbers:'and"tranaferin the sciire> of others beat -it con. parry, and �li:at a °ch hi iii • the` su:rrriutitlzngs t i 6ugh i nellifi atecl ground into. ffertile, _ b firl.:s: . but't otlii,rs had done the -,lrke �� ha t a" dense forest iii *the-: Buie o~ li y . .. - atom pith.: •here and "thole, a little gaud ----o' fla=y thout,ht, - ' could they.:: � ' opening .of slashed down. trees, stuns ps. riz . ''.4110-.uuu.g algid courageous, 'and :.arid° lo4,i heaps. :and erhaps.. a f€ W... wiopeful acresof grain wird•a small _planting of B.ry:ee.Co: li n. Friday Y •r u a ry 24 F Mn, sill earth g Prices. 00 ;e for 3.00 . •; s• ar S ofsucceeding events of the potatoes striving to.roake headway 'gill �ollle the _ as related -by a,brother of D's the ntei -ars. between the sturps, Was. fe may ; be of ..int`erest to the older° now a iiiaunificent .. farnairr g dial ict> y residents -ci¢ Lochalsh district. He -dotted with coinfortaule .'homesteads says . -«iii the last days. of -May 1854 I: and bark full to:.o erflowing with .the - Dumfries to , went from our .place,: in , puoduce-of t1u past harvest. .shfield, 'W=alk lug the entire: distance. : Where are the 'pioneei s; whose he Du$aIoand.- :G oderich ..brancb of sturdy persistence and sarong arms persistence railway_ was. not open until_ some years 'worked this :mar vel taus g chan e ? The �. later. r On the third day " 1 reached': numercous. headstones . in Lochalsh ,Ashfield contig on D. helping a friend • t logging 3 when_ theywere.- • donne at IIIght and'.we:1'ad supper (of • soWans) ire started tllro gl the woods . for his°.. v ° havefoul d the: place.: 1 would file ef4 way myself'. We: got there.- about 9 e, -and as I did list like the somans ': y:sister laiade a supper.- which was to rye feast: Next. ` day, . Saturday,. I t k: ested. �uncl�.y z� e rent' to a eigh= - :ior 's house a font - a mile distance, :to meeting.` There was uo minister; some. one or two'.. good, men conducteld the. < ervices wbnclf ero:.entirel3. -in _c4aelie.. • in the afternoon a :friend cable • alone.- and longand he, D. and luyself,,_on going. out • into: the. woods fdunci a large elft. tree ;.round which Fey t:hr r , putting - the tips . of our--" fingers: -together, Were barely able to. reach. Monday I started for .Dumfries again, walking the whole cl st_ ace.`' In the following N oveniber' I made a .:second to Ashfield, __ this time under very sari circumstances :On a Friciay.evening after coming holi esfrom .Faris- .Gra ninfer School, my in ether • told. pie she had a letter from D. say-- i ng his wife \vas: v er'y ill : and it was tier -e-arnest.desire that _I should- It once roceed" to -shfield sand learn: in'what. sister -was. ' "ive all a-°concdition my g recent illness_. the assistance I could unclerthe circurl _ � - � 1 _.-The sparrow Y_ � . inu beingthe last Saturday_ Was. a grancf�.sueeess- cemeteiy cl catp the `quiet :resting •place of many of themThey. .had:- their day, they li:a've not lig ed iiiain They were: honest;. faithful, industrious worked while it was_ <<ncl godly.," .They :` . $. day and -when - the flight came it had. no terrors for thein. • ' Sisrassmassurs DANES.µ The roads are in. fair condition and farmers seem busy at_f: all kinds. of teaming, : and general . winter -work.. Several- parties are Making prepara tions: for - enlarging -: their barns .and placing :then -upon- -stone. Walls: The": general:opinion°-seems. to be that ` the old boarded stables are .not suitable for profitablestock, feeding Miss Nellie Howard is "off on • a trip - tos Alpena, Michigan: -Mr. ...S-tephen- ::Doyle is at- present. visiting -:the old home•stead. Miss Bessie Farrish paid a '. visit to friends' -in .Kinloss last week.: Mr: Grigg, ,of :Ripley, is at . present doing tailoring in this section : = Miss Finlay, of, Rapid City, • Mani- toba, -gave usa : friendly call, this week. ° We are pleased to r. eport°•Miss Lilly - McLean full ' recovered from her y • stances So about 7 o clock -the follow. lunt'and oyster supper in Nov ember_1854, I.: started on my .long.Got - to "_ Stratford about 5.3 'had r'y supper and took the stage �t -Reached icks 6::3O:for Goderell. II hotel lits 1ieP sho ti -after midnight, :find. Clinton on ►iuncla.y: at .10 a: the _st4-ge-did 2 -Licit-star&pagain u t_il� near I r} Ic�ft..Lhe atag eat the brick ... _ tavern- 4 miles froth Goderich, crossed the Maitland at Igen 1MTiller,, walked on till night:ancd staid all night at: a new _ :hewed log- hotel, kept by =very nice•- n;orth of Ireland people,' whose name I :have- forgotten, on Monday walked along -tiff= town -line between ...Ashfield and Wawariosh spme distance,; turned .andgot a ake� cuff tothe left to rds ,the: lake e :to a nc-iuhlLur of D's, wieie I found D, Who related to° me the events terrnina- ting in -the demise and burial- of. my• sister,: before 1 had left home. We went together to the.- graiie, the first burial in 'what IS ..kn wn as the Lochalsh cemetery. The .trees were* .trees -out down on what I -should judge a r wa half acre,: but no logged: T ee - s a small cleared place round about the nal - fores ` was all The rime t grave. P abou , It. was: late in the . afternoon, ' which was. cloudy ..and dark = with, a Little snow_ on the ground. We linger 04 there giih''. i a,,4 then came .996-2 . ANGSIDE. • a The news of : la_st= • and the high.w' lew 'a •characteristi•c. "valentines our fair damsels: -The last butnot least=a: ,rag ' bee, to which the fair ones flocked°`out amid the : in. cme lency'of the weather: It .�is ��ood=to see such: enthusiasm displayed• g even at a- rag.- bee..- What is ':the matter-" with us. having a •Woman's _ Foreign -Missionary ;Society or .Christ- ian, Temper.:ance'Union ? .: It Would be = time well utilized.„.--: A number--.. of :taffy . particip ants drove to Huron the other "night.: Another .wedding•:has: taken place'; ca nnot: ive_•a detailed - .statement` this week.' Cuttin g wood and saw -logs: has be. Cutting. come -a :pleasure.: _ This statement -.can be •verified -bY- 'a= minute's investigation of a folding • sawing machine, which one of our citizens . possesses` ,> It: is as • first-class: article and should;• be be ownedby every -. farmer. r Lawrence has know : on. Rl large' stock of and a g _purchasing _ intending attics .. work -this 11 an t a parties ^� - � of furnace woY _ _ _ ase exalt _ r�� . �Il also ince. p ...c full stock o. {� _ .%le 1S � • b _� � - - not n - '7..1..; 1•;�m -a-call (��:��._ - ..l�e .has .aS tl.Su1�� a . - give. in �T A .. - �, s�.ove f kinds 0 Tinware. area. :.-ariesed PropsOd Chaj.b4..Rope•a :cods. elL- adin .. Hardware Depot. and _ . � � attended to ` - E • ove. 'ping aRepairing promptly i was frozen. limber' - of ne..of . : .. .,,,,,,, .,„,... THE ' AND - 1 BORN FORSTBR In Lucknow, on'Sunday,P2th inst,-, the wife of D. B. Forster, of a son. GBLIIAM—In Kinloss, February 16th, 1893, It the wife -of Mr. John Graham, of a son. • and liar; ;Mot: of: (HORN -BULLS HE TJNDI:RSIGNED OFFER TOR sale 6 sui .�perior young bulls: ranging 'fro m : tmonths to 2 years, `''hese are the right sort, hick. and • fleshy and will all make '..shoiriv _animal dence - solicited. - or come -pon and see r _ GAuNT d' SoNs Sgt Helens VERY DESIPABLE TROPE �TI1.AT ty known as the "T eddy:Farm" Lot 22,- Con. 5..1West Wawanosh; is now for sale.. On. the premises•are:-=A -good; : large, comfortable -,frame house,. a large frame barn L : shaped, • 75x45 feet-, and underneath the same a stone - stable., a never -failing spring : is found on : he back part of the lot gild. he two good wells to together with a cistere ba n, . front, �, n • at th which furnishes a mp le water t er s up�ly, , 30 a c s hrdw0 d b,a�h large orchard fruit,-90res under grass and the ,bal- k .. ranee well cultied.: - : This being .- "of the - best farms in he Township,' it- ought to find a ready sale, : rticulars apply -For Terms. and Ua . , to -: HMICGOHR MROIGRARNIS;ON., :pu-Rc.:k. a w: Or to JOHN McCABE,inrear of for ot, After _April rist m - stock of h�t the country. ,one in tri is. part - of t e Will be second to _ � �best goods, aid r lar a consgnnlent of the very g , . just ordered a g ; . � _, , therefore.my m, stock of must have space to put them in, t y ROCERIES M ST -- will •l� sll e the whole _ l OR SALE:. - OUSE ANI) LOE . OR SALE_ ON . ` Ross St. ".also lot for sale on Havelock • j St. near the G-. T. -R. Station. ' tern as:- easy ters: _ Apply to - Jas. Kerr, : Drumbo, `or.. H ugh :- ' Morrison,-Lucknow... : :... , them out uick s n order to clear qly Y of nn:.. a stock of ERIES T CO T made e and:by calling ' early you will have - � loom must beA .thatwill � show burs to choose from at prices s ,fi�e selection that. I =" mean business Peas• o �.omatoes, . 3 Cans Corn, t a-�(� . -5 Pounds. New-I�aisina, 25 c 44Pounds Tapioca,25e. 6 -Pounds Rice, 25c �st (. urran:s, • 25c. _ 4Pounds be . :5c - ie S 20 5c 2 -50c, Tea. 35c., Sugar, 1;00. ran... 20� Po, ° ads G g . 251 -Pounds Li ht Brown Sugar; .1,0 .. � emember : the entire ,3toCk wilt. be sol._ a