Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-24, Page 3V R 4. MAIM. ;J ..... . Toron". versus -Y to cr�W -.Nos onsense now,and then "A little n ds -diseases, as -ifiesprin in She ber . )nto,get Sue -h.' neI at 0-the-w1uter, returning spen I out- Is relished bY -the in JL:D 1, etc a beat eve 4, and Will-TeMikin there tiii ,wise M011. the-AtlantieM`:() TOV crosses -Sints for mone , Byour Onger irs g��. a delight partiAl- T1 -only fO - baullaD daivoes uerv'ous GaYe4he nings to ourtrolle-7 CE a Q-TRARI n -u mountain ST. "D ial - St. Vitus Ialdte, our GAY NES Al AM& I her ear ter-' at" 'd- mentI and givds A] r. theirs higher tha ire amuse, -with SprostiatiOntud the' t And knocl ts i�e P601, ys I oh he6vt. Beadb Arid takes ns Our Len our pead And tl pe.; isI T id Toronto's -reach HiNXS 0 Is del n'io ie -AT .-SHE deams od:' such- --as sQr6fuU,j. clijo ryiipiUs, 00-IIIIIII 1ai der bri htly-9 ih Old an Me- e 'erty Our oity.:W -of-.. Monte no th, -esent risky for the e- Godi' when"Were was no pale, and tI .6-. says Toronto'sigut,pr c)oN tbeir 'whif3keY.- eto - les peouliar --.to -th them and rk blo L -bt Ub .4'rearu$i cithen.--� - . ...glow to and -giip, � di- i depen in feelfugor:there romi vy G1011 4.,M king. headache.- pervou have finished d road�,fa a dandy - o - 1 r is ibe sa 1. our e1evatQ f the after 060 -Of' I& Ah6�Ga .1 aii;,I the inountain handy# A 6 Of money -ma h J:.to di g on umors pink- Pills give a.. healthy Al hav -never been ii the gambling "Oras, - es like "astiWeB , A, i And spa -Bud- 04riVa. excep, Health.: Ballow - complexions - a Diva To (irink, n6thalf Athole BrO86" stieng � one, in - N ssimn-Th lirierssuptheir spec en h, BY yed- Vo isAhe r c . 0 RejugLejk: rig me "ou the:10ase-ofm t -;.ibixt to- me it. f�,Wale sys.wing and in now on And coc 'd re -a Nleottlie sways. -do. keters can i li, �Ojlilblink going Wi kc their lugs atW thOirfioc in:. 11 bases -wising cio is play a.ggmie ess KIL atro u for F th At'ii tite riir- eff6ct a, radical- curiO thing a Woman Pau our cric i unito -their fame No* Slugs tht- -m -a, .,Women- oat'. b. 0 rize at wiii'* flrsi p Me Vo-- wplieuls, scu:4 14 ptal w9r;_V over -work. Whi halwaysaddEU rom me ee- pailtiful' WOM06n in to a do. Irs, the SuVeking It Carjo, tables. staring at culars-orills i wid Relict to, zed 0 t4e� Gfr*uu Monte Our soldie world, -at. go ffies -on our aldermen. t7 alacet Pills are manufa�bari -.R&Ris -an. at ch W.. lee 'to 0 fmly patu7 'the Dr.- she would., llecome rhere's 1 orter+&!�dy. d b� -them- to There s not It stan.dard ]UP Thea� V� er even lAdviance jj!'oii doll �Pieftt hing left by, im 490 y ockville tim n1tv Their M�ottd sufferers.&. P&I I gly Ugly in -my eyes. 013 40 Medwinea COW house. T h e An they's6e - Z III . there., was.. AII allow d in,f uturit" d.are..sold hide 'd and My 'he ex' Themountgan y dy;ii- N� Y--, an, I � . 11 - ivd that is :-(St, cathiiri,11 OjLt. Scheneeta, . . ­ good darc ying., to be.. es Stan pis dr 908. of: .-, -1 . .. - - fi&ik -banner deal A3 -� IA e:jv nor re -bad in t SSI UUfu i9t6ndard Oul boxeB'bearing the firm, q& tibde.m6rk pie a J.11 th6y 1; CeP - ilea e, TAU es �Mplie and pri ­ -rs and T I PA r�- ) cents, 6, box, or 6 -boIx Va gr�atmajjysinge -.., jr,e,;,G100F, dud TV01' ally, the� btber rtin�- k ow minst the Emp :and- wtappers-I -PA V rlsia* - -:a 0. trem, 'A Of V; am -8 Monte 9 ers that Mr. 0 1. HblieWsl sen; 9.0ne- ales ving-that th vap W n mind -that. Dr. Willi m -i Carlo e earne. it persom uq.t twice.as Much a 7 d �q 5o Bear-. u. a Who go� to Belle, -by- the. U Are wor i �g*ted` citizens for V. or ind p.rominbr r � I- & concero -a pro- �ev eat bling, am irig most tQ 0 "illsare never 0: -�f thia-' bid - ancl Pink P .4614 in Wyki iy �.eir for seme which th nd iwe brigaide nes-,.-.-. en. an dealer mbl-jug!- to- is ab e. . ee a 'C restored t Ii, d i pulsiv our pouce for if ofir Board Of St. thari had be do -Or.. -hundred to- faied new ga me. tely..fe ftt)erB Q Of T Zen, 9 SOW A po. -cOmPa'PO ol.gUB-Bringo., -in a a in-thii f " - -t ­ A wilL Ikealth after years � orm: is' ishdd -all 0. K., av a -iaobititute io b� estAbl "CLOUI) GOOD -1W A-rie.­ nywnere-, miens. or. he liell:t. 4-GOODAPYF9� ST* 7The-edit .06 . : thers a, fLuxeM--- tonian Wald Dordering'-.on� the m1ra" & and should be -.in corner o P, -old with any 0 T . I , ­ a en the last - . E for, defran - --YO9 of III Hamil j1 - - : Parisi . ach loi Ae, 1j, k1lown I -also, cautioned. against, e SO . - In ad . Mr. Hellems : all -the tues -to' this nublic are ans hav the sha -oni paper Z. b .-robap y U r 'Can put Tordn to -hear from him t c our ' g. The. ter acea� :atal k. ve.... -castle oj� SV., Clo c --- Ben c 6 'a . I Ir beeii abau-. years, �M d.bpo �h h -nd �4 d'he wait anxio"A A 'builder and 110r . melano A 3ur.n6wGovernor Ab6rde d slid e given t4eibq. 0.01 te may - b doned "on so Ljjit­�Of aI delapidate, 'aYj (one o state of. hi worid6dul. tee matiii what natr 01 if OW,citizd. stwefen), 1he stor Mi6pths, no hing�-�h v aited'iW aL bi. - qj In sjor goMe whose xn;�kais Lere'todw( e f r, loo a'e all been e Is coming hbA not a en. --Opposition tatt. ome. .-when They, are al Ahe: voted by- th nd to ToroI sons die j66 doll re have b ieen A i1eiltI --.which ought to be. -with.wvery w t niniary advantage; f -;would; be 101 houldcome here to See - but met arm welic ip . 1) * -.. cer.7 . I a) the- construction 0 ToroWfO 9 -sev Ir Pt- 6v-er an `4h. he had. colne;m. hope - o. re, S..pe( for on he tibld -tha'er - d upon W�i achieved erad 66v6till oil Of iny serjoui- atfe 3 hom is the edruer 6ur de6i!4 io, - tain to' ae were:8. entirely firiesh, -p ei i r con Q'uden;Cit r the woudelful-tePutation rd',is- and grouiidg- Butj Wh6t`6 e On Then overy man an -�Wlll am mad ttendaInce-at - thii Monte re-' woul. em I& a. '-Ask. y c ailtoll.. ..Mr. Aell esort. �A cord- such:w. r jV in Hal: e is. welli, W-illia fa'-� Palie 6ple', 6to.. establish' ith its 6py denizeifts, ed. -W J� f IS �wiihhC and- hi r pi ing to Mal t 'be Februa al afid, C7 ourt Str Ci :,Pink Piliry for the pe. � A� P n -D the a ry 1893. sljowea to as E� n Wit` a ayll carp, is 0 knoNm to ail our oldor'residigkit thi� an:d Se.all -i ion -ubstitutbi-�.. . .. I. - the.-famPus re ref"a 'is rather: --limited-'. t his I a e a a On I, of menioriea�j as a ii�bl?st integ 6 St. C , 4 4 oty,:hpiiialivea, thiis jlg way be had- of Vor`16:-Caam . Ion, v Maim, all Bal Two IM Pink Pi coduts'fr6m -V aI allniot)t -of. the I �4 pr Ut - latest, ad grave one ji, fro.ni -D and -gaYi jo, ormse botk druggistj- or direct, y- ma, t- -b night, -qi�ty Dr. VV'Uliivm b imiia j. t bab%swereborn Mr..-Hel- all d pessm, there -the wife 'Of*, TWO 1] -and �strif e, 'coUche in wo' on, her -said om -were Into W W6 little babiestwo Ye8 more rice �a -P y, laughtet; Napoleon Tema en. ;-f6b%4 Year the. En b had: s,.-Me4iciueCowp6ny..ft C, I h- rheumat.ism . 6itb'' 2) for the� histo ic, It thig-world'of si Wil lam 1 ian fell Xs after, Ar -the past tw(. hich t esel wheii­.-Jt Is: ip6ror Maxim and nity , -A or - less t -B-V $'yet at -14 addriess-'. -The p. no lack of p a: Ale d of that ultra - O.spa6iousand so vainful fhat- M �6ino Cr&w.1 d andilo Which. of teii1- g -Pt d k ourse of -tropItinenti- co -i. there is 1knea. bel6ro -the thir Lmted in bapp, are -sol, ma es. a c I .. an to )M r ad- be6w to w th ...One in &,rQ( .. A. , -PM theverY­lukuryathan 0 to Wi ;hich �ers -.b,. ut�.'� kt ill. 1h comparedj� i Wblii althII tbeyArie egg�d -hina--noti- -to leave- her jivab 6ui'�4 not get 4bo tively , Wqxpeusive as art descriptions 7 the hi�li-kie�, a- Mexicoi It r d me M treatment to g he and to some -,in Toren dicil. in a ace I ir:� 'all the- doe ies, or ld d -r The other was In M squf 0, r riewe hab nshine, 9) ; not -,u -.aie-unde id, t the German I -was 000131 -- re the ii�erci:08 Of his sfen6mie rio M I ebia a get no relief worth ..6the to f. their. gi e t e ..is generally afate. venr �uffajo- but- tabji�tmiB tb� gamj!ng tableii Of with. and I ut of e 'by obe& e -identilly set tire to one little bal etche wen Th -to Tbia, F�Ve years ago t, to b I the palace v oli soft:(,O'W on W7. cil)1ta.1 null ILa. or speaking about. Lild tend other itsWeaiilim'�s str d 0 far Jrbij .1870.. The h, �nd felt-$ a ruining MOUACOP W-01 ;.Shfills during the war Of k a vapor bati. . , j,. �j - C.6io, dis-- Flo * ' r th J.V,611w�a 'and tod, MT. - &8.- � ago., in.:,a 1 more p lotion, fb eif -awoke at Door" The --Holbrool , eoplelutbat--dir( o e- ttle b befed vvltll Hom - tead diffi - ltY� saikd- stil of: h6l soon to, tI two More. vfiver'. - has latterly been proved inac- n li Oy a silver spoo eliev -hat tation ojj tile e fact Ahait'. thousands.- es'fired the it:ia� all Frerioli M nott d Shawl. dng at hy' ed t a Ou j%dmjtI jinly teMporaryj s-er r the the F -el -V The �6thdr, it had Was 4 fo -heas and 11OW8.:, would --be visjtora�-are- pI relief -h f -a rag owbver urat6i hi Mont ,ge. fro... -:vy,qq S UP -�t� fo re4eutI Butl, fou: O-�thB I&M6 suM pU'CiB-by. Ou ill.-direoted shot ate still on -years ag ej lefi-sing, not,.a. Te -is a Cannes W onel sa-ti not r r gind. a half n and gold reclined;' gs 'We I' Work h' .'Wripg, arther,, south tban. is ell that eyesore, theothier On ra by ar is he W. 0 ie Tabis. came_ -evtesti philanthropi�t sh6uld Valdriall. one h t. y It on a6ain and -So cOM as, h idly, tI� whi4h. could no. ad a lovi)ag, gel jv b;oI tan -8 .:of td me up -that OX 0I the I Grown 'up sis do ault ingi- -2. Thi gi tibes--4.ed theii Umil* t but have been fraught with J-04uld. qmcnt ib'Others-. "us - pr imity inhaU t, t'' cloI terand mer t a -num. I .11� b choly mem, O� -0 '10 0 atiems 6f, Nr oaY Lutiatia has bego, a - - I art om a too r: -for-tke�a ­ furniAes Onpl( - tuffer. tr . d h r d out.* er wasn -app- -j [:but Aggre capital woul 0, Th nej � g T*6 fluall. A . wor babe's moth Or of doeto ial dl� 'raelii, v blotte. e p 6en'd M14 w6�'61 f -them treated Monte A.r hie.r the J%ttle one always to f the OTe. educe - the: -0001 9 PTO". the Ctinnois, d. t f r kd from meet an aid --was Din. as they r or.. .. � .''T -Socil- they e bi:abe got all i I .-Prospect out, T� My. jgej they, sa. be a peage one littl hiiig jk� S, ould- remsih,0 the e ess toot P - any, an Be -y n I me. -Cfipiti�l U The othei s -es few Aga Ed 4,- eame( me ereI do and 'laborers an d' Again `-jh dght, be sd vei 16 joMany hopefor -d lab but, even 0.. COE -t-iPossibly could, frOW.ho du with -youngerI duetionlb�' -NiC0162 t LtemplatI so e andabov a 6.. inst me -were or-. ate: partners, a ',a �not. Prefer that t of ki .04pitA at - deprecatel. IRS Off Seven Hours The A tinued the 0 lists id dof s ap -e I then - disdon knew lot the heav n1Y IOVO,, -fit. )bir. TV "LiborMust choose blpvww�-- the cerm.-I at " preisent2 'to bot] With the tables. There Aft.:_ --Neither bane at emptA But tyVas given drew 4M it ago'g6t -a h'' I � t - 3, froviabOve- -about-a jt�deg - and o interf&b a of'. WB9 an sov ind icurious r tainty ies 'in urope eriBign w 0 es so diffe to a' tteal P St Ment anlit d -t e ViiP16s h h" done ren t in Atioll- r- k- -P -for.�Pal caige, fllustr`At� Twolittle. babc in flis One E di;sIgiation I :.traiwelliVg --in- An interestmg ;d; in Als e, 3ower o. 1:as Belong t r when' grea If 'nature, -tI deal o ti s jilone is eac jbopr. of Dr. Wi am without I elilig risks -of Vrofi.bi*and loEs. f unostentatioul - -o one G, h littlq hWt -."People a -used -0 recupera ve -God ing!t Wor,k- tbi* a for -and hold to - P apt 'cap ime,--aw -by --a surgeon-- b'g ot ital his t a Who Is- j h rt, Ind lified j�aa-its P�l tj ded A Thohere on oax Mdar"a jj&vWg chosen wi�gei. fiequentl in Arls th they're s -rmy b efit and qai�.- ­.. 6 t en V pal... the�'obligg lons n recor se efl6ct­ and a. V. su &in h WM h0m' list -ee. n tiie s hand witb gut any ., . I . , .. � th dow in fact,. i .-ihe-` capital Of- 6 .-attendinga --maChine u Both. mAy live r box An, to e M4h iI better laul J?I. 142 Cal ever -got f ant p An"6th may Meet xpected tob muD 2. who, has n bloaks -off iin -had 'the tiVE Of two You See e j4vf�te. conscience. That, d 61e---- seppe of 'Pink Pills. of p Kona- of thii Be1jisug. -cut, 'ff ia.thii . an cut -0 k, that a box 46 -ahjIre, roule W.0jM150 -it-is that the royalti0s' b-ne seemed to thin C d* ite vige b16n oring di pot- The oblig-gitiolls 0 1 TB,6f-h!13 it terw4rd the. itow -uEFF theL A ate, Perbal. 0,bOL lest they miy be 6 de anSIX - Ou -b6r at no gfe, �r than -the j ro pr L e. - I .- . . ... e or treatment... t -W -the I-jke'bting e- ghLt to% d of - . IL, f - . M1 knife.! evexi.hours &f 'The. Brit the - I re _about �th r- U 'ith* 14 eir -With Ron rom- e,. case o ofi - I h6spital f dah. dele-0 Ion- a1v ad 7SUrp U% "t to the' - - ibie d,0jjuuoV& in wen fe. aeut tions OZ� Aw1w."had of je Governr do' In J' h.er.8 -be ween th I[ de sub, d ne,. determino-d. to attempt.* to t t 'Uni no ffie �jb of- - kv is for One,-, ted to t or -end - V �iwen VictoI The- Buf965A. has repor e Whtn I- that need preiia. iortions "of the fibgers-, )city. -m -ea -y 0 recipri, 9 -w. , -t- - �-�y - u der Lt. I he"tresty cer -think ejgLhte,c­,nboxes. au can..:sh -suthbfl. or jOUL to the' pl�ce the missibg -1 0 M. a root -0- averl r ming o- capital, IL a- U v adqui nto I U14- t A . 1. . - The ea free I 0 ha alwaNfa a. h6r s t Of -gttVlrkg them 1) he waaso -,fully Cured, i'llak he- Viol d to 166b h 4 u alihotih the-zprospe, States aud:tr 0 "(1101 ' ven P. and, - 6 e t'.Of flowers rom. uEli e. � seeme Unit I L a a Unda We c Br -an Saw jhat, 1 -h d no gree -ustry and he. to-acce 'b sh� *as e pt. A %Bke W -f Ote given Ve' been pai '3er celit. is k ag.%jD,9 I , .y baseballs h Nrterg 61 gs t%tej goods fir or d f the t a to bp- most remote ed 8`4 - - . and,'th ue n Of 25 1 b. be fe a d _-,tio [0 v. Cleansed re d, nd .thri the- re atefulb d h*le SOM ers.) W - courage an. 'go E6 .9. luest _e Uthof -8 1 lhdI wbel 3L W- A to 01eir 10 ,do. -the er restore h an t . half V '96 -the.- Cat e ff the duty 6n.0t Ore a we yt f r6m -4 U 7 M Itth 'bef I b sic e en is or -�pas�of.tj a fortnikati Was on. y �we sntur!p- are ex-eml. -ills a f8dr- # - f alth. i1i thO ata;ying at Mefi�one t fingers I t the. p Use passed into h 2e a In -proc the of '.to,;da ixed by Biazillan lucts )oxes and a pi �ces aod.fi tate`86 rers felt ow- wage -ea- oh- for Men -ytD. TA %PitI h io.. T-h� RA rred, Pin M. h,.-- d run AQW11 b HOW:T11 AID This cOD:v - - -any bene aterd�yj apd the la � 0 Was.found to have occi Tnited'S -ners of by donir. ies t had. e aftqr a y JOWLand. my 8"P.Peti, e left it n' j of t6-; 5e -Baron de. -Rains. 1 16 - patient- Bon.. disf avat f td.d:a;y tl 'L U�raj 0 Can become tI WiPitslj.- ot �t w , hien at next :al said is, regarded with ricult �64 11�ithout-.AVLY ime the surgeon Wa )ethe, returnIng aind Stor" ai I Brazil 'as m *6u -du e e h t re; -of. �.Jie iy, knees al -dot we Eul�-opeM 2 one Of tho Areng he -h �%�Je' t-- otie'that and 'eneation -in W4)jj to -by .biagawto fee, Env' -of t Biderable -a of the, ag I -apl a betin-proved to bb..de�d.. portio �tb-- orroW rif�o in ptiris. AJ* nsid6rable JaPse Ld -ankles- b.�ga;�L to gain r is .o Pro tY jM1 Th m6unc nee adow Of. Lbt, are a on b6th tl strial b, I-`on6iue&tO-- �iovevndl the fingerfs.- h Fro, m . that 6ut'- o t -nmura re: Isivs 0 n'---oflhe W1 y na l: Were,perket ih- the. ends of importers- of rta n I Wdut pated.: 15y Ahe ad 0 tratio gat 4 (�ea by -its -SuPI e ornn, -y heste, -di men, �1 d st;at t a an t in the us may b b tsadvan whe 6rea: from the _tjjiB ' - a -millim ite 4 * Guw chief argu... ecured ..tI of th ffa,. C aire.'sein r by the her J- . I . . - ` I iVen I - imm -.- � .1 %ncy dri)Fjb baIill. Was V -ense. a vantage a ith -6t does not was the there apany d other 4 down. iljL 01, kg:- A. fit and.. OwIm the' ire: an the foil the� on Nas J.. . cle TbXt -Succeeds., SAO, free into t BMWs routdr so -a fritrid.s: hOus Ond "T.' dihi nr to e inig the thiO export whi went the th "M 19 'Jb is fmot. a. crime: .0 so if one gues 2. - ® ugar,, keep 'UP vtrAth e Dur 'scourage.meut -of� Brgzilian si t ethibi.8 I- -tried to It th;�t i be� 9. Le Boole -ber -cil. not t he iiviiie4'. t own. amon Tb .�ty!forLAe. D id- pqrted.' v" ho t 1sen Mg ed- so -im day that, I felt it M4 t n ing. estII uch ed MO 000 'tons Ver 11 bijity�r u_itin -he eve out cir Uj%rS2 nor n Acq t -of -t isitor w. imony is no s�, nor roughly� con_ I OUnr ed w '0 36!f d I I I . - : 4 6 fooled - :goliciting r. rs -'are anul plies Only, t. SuVr j� OW--. �9 es A afterwards. Urt ckas the :Vj rly �Par h If 1016 tota�l ex �somvbaid Offectt �Uja.� a�,ario Dstonished by t e "g be im or h6 most as this- exemption - ap] ,00kjorkeie er Final y AUn has al a the �oi pil1g, &nd ev I - - "had donne. Which is I anacOntinued ii inherehl d fnalie ip and bells and r 4ons. It convw- I Lict-86clu o i4ards ihO ink a attenticiI t t - i - I . able righ 1MS61315' P ag Dj�- W' o -la or -ail t t ij so cleverly VjS to attractigener keP� in that at s' n cl this.rigbt -baUB no _it W bel&r NO. 16 Dutch SW the eve fat a who or its public work) S -YS the Ne vor .13 -mprovem as* elffe-dd:�e f �j-ther the King$ ti6l, h -found little fa e �atr'ikera. w as -min ­haxe'selta vith bVubions--or one x 'd� Ever EV( y his York, M . 7 ' ' eiritity. ,ning.Sun. -Brazil. The col ce. and 6q� interfer�-d .1. in �Waa'an 1i 'Butn h Wdn Aw Y E�Pnt. to aidin -reveial Ellgar tr,ng! - Orfli I id logs hAva.g.- 8 -A . ­ - !96ine 2 8 vern. but he objeties fo' -dunger is jhe-. bu ines- of' Daughter r 5 r the 84P Unit te amd. eclined. to -port. at a, nor the Stat, s few 0 ut%etw U '"d -ac .ii the time jou b ram -be Y V t MeL tI , waa .y L Whe e to th tbe.mask 'ties, nor the an &greOMe ee the �he doctors tell t1i to, mike -pr ff f e qyd6�tion of money -or -6ami t a iniqui. rarote­ b e s seen. to -he tar Stantjo.1 SpV -su-9ar exportee inaU . rear 't to -is aaking, such- io pro - -1 -1 but that. �S, d I ted -ld be stil nefite ii: tee e, ery maii, shr .,of all it *R it t.v the, -hum 'hei'aston Went. - r S '. . ni SUN a -into impro's pert ia*­�very yp h6*1111 al4ation Army h posBess�pu- in; his health. fias d - the .-Wailtbicst�. 'L die. I as those The gix *eeks.agf) .1 wai In bles ­ an to "a4ents of, the society it its of �18 ited 84 gress. tea the - ch. About ud tinjoy th T111: -=AL S1 saiVdl UnL mu - --five U, NOIT ru the succesaijil aIgre to )3reij T ly miles" at eff-I to:acquIV-1 A. nust have great ally re carrying oil -fie ci�mplhnentx of ciet fo 'to ed f con and Walk peded- L t Toronto e- m haxia-'don-&­ b :Wzior. L r r ' ' r the Discourage, Ono ald -notc wcepted L*.t the. sb the b 'f� T116 -90M(Ahiiig I"001. Baron� i ampaign of d -of the the real, estate diVinishe daI th Was the -hei4 'Commodity. As Much better at et 1A ivk)i1ne,- kers ath,d 6nt of Matrimony are is* QR4I .'quou. hisitellow Mae .- m . ly of iI unitea methods latter 8,8 � fore In fact 11 eel So At ometime a e buildq a. Their. a th 1"SL j],Tr Col iO -2. 1k:mon9pe ppjnt� Mr th A'w in Ce ..appare -wai -vicerta tb the had States- . eoff.ee Ive e a lie temperance '000' hav d- lutil s'- who -Brazil has ahnoiit k n t" was not. z ers d th . %litriflMaine'llAs' lot eVeELi�g.: It' -own � an jetI eAa'e a. a o n do ' that are thog -df t iiii- rketj the free a iP9 _Statea 'At t1li war 0, stay d W -wi 0 4Y� re -break it, Who man h9, th dt Up coffei d. "t.Mej1_t 0 in -rableget ears W housei:to I to -the UWjLte theL 0 J." gavem-i 0 om of So L and d, hard] k id --the people., He had en '72 vene oar playe a, I'D 0 0 eir of the 8 wor ind'w6t! to -b d 'a build bAchelor apar Brazilian 0 0 & for ifte p%rtu hile- Jar. Hel.- rea - & LCIOW.n fr ly � seeift to. COmpensa', ijgto the, rfe'd by gaged the services liq . uor. come -a. i I tV equippe L W" k'I at v�.ith j.Nooman on same -an( . ese Dire 'foryeors in ne LV houses -an lems was re a, � - - I , 7ho WELS muc : Of the, -1 t . exmption 'his story,L h W 'Uji'd ing A jb I as him-- areduction:accorded to UlaitI that --sbigb ere whdi 'fajon -he, haii; existed dresses made alikei. The oarrieden aeo6rding t PrOdUO W friejadq -h6L hear 1, that Mr.. Hellemts his �ei He and d V 0 nd ts in M aiactea a of Stotes bed ofit-of the timo M comfort a the -q - atic 16ats. -allegied- tt 0 'in �j'j heyj�fa goin -2 7 2; applied t BrAi'lliau io break, 9� ioom the - -latmost, -clo*n whose - :­ er, kat the average su theolder tariff . riot --�robabl_* T heu has ij�dujrge-d.Axis--.;�pPe4 e I Sumer 'had takep a. OOIT, .-PP ink -pi T heu would, tie too. T heu th' cir6ui happiness is �%-rgel �ention j. was. e incrifiagod bver '4nd e Mu I ce at -.,objection to 'United"Stp6ties, th"On to 'ecirgmp-nee u Sing P some -tI ob C The on 4uadisn XO uffdrer. No -Viud'M. de M 'he 4 per lady riot - - - - I, &I is mOk - SB 33-d Hel-lemS .'L. d ur 'tY in Brazil A Up the oiffor I V of ar6iing' L e1v Difestly tle t jrja'the 9tavilaxd ilian writtag ftis size became -imMfeDs'N -Rehii�ch only, tOoikL his'pl Ottiod -Of marriage y chief. .8 afil ij 411.thm h-iD gayo.. We ..P air of fI itprise his Vid 'ail th t1ii tab any[ interest ir( the er the far. e society haB PILY8.01in importan nited A to il _S; th%t thus the V at ends nor- relatives'showed th from ant L' ii -ODD si6nables tab br case,, While y Was be ub I.; s-11 ne day last tbi - r8;tu tea : * 0, g lations as gvery to ed... t 23 .. L 9"9: S(,0eaja'ojjjyLcha)r:ged an lie un vt- X OT11"-. worked h we are. prodnetio - d--' 10 is Mani... ad vcgorem, br SWEET.Sj�kVVA TO ems if -there are living -like a'bru;e.: !or menqr while it§ 61ml ,a mrI:- only f - -1. 1 - ea; e men a r �asda t6 th onein WIiib: atures-uh will-agred, is Althol the," othe:r poor: ere 1D am sliffe ing week. he. ce Wi'tb[ .0 agh- to: &V . f, -r .-WaiF,notified'll, th man.. With_ veii hourly, grow- ne S, -'United'S 8 is� not 0 L MY � v - le� WO Ai effort has-. bee of b 54d Uf FL be- -glAd -take d il -e ed. - - tate Che eq all�t�. interest from.. -he et.' 46n th Ora r, ch- ion codfiih in t jn�o L3QrjO'US Comp was to- ing More vid 1�en to -'enter ct.; CientIV large them as tances: Vv- 16h -e� Some -yea;y. a I' have , e -would ertiin- hI hb on Willi "lived e i4 f &I witli F mt g,et.V�UL expressi of op ;.6 -great -goo met id siness w: th 46 t lace-, kdo und-'be: ben -el. iied a on -the sUbje ..L a An eleg&it. few Iomeni. silifflaT Y. -v th Canadian fish, the bu ill' 11ave-Vana.. r ' uld no -Iff, pink P Ille 1, to have ot women* uors - 4 -0 S. fti ter.. co C Cting So fa Me Way'r M� ject MO 9 1.0 holii. of -C her 'an' 1 e Aff- h -aid a -Mi al gja( 36 liq -from -obj t the work of- tion Wit -and it, i lested e e r developed in t I a - & - hL ri e- `-'should -not Whe i6t - the pr fitr it M y nt(�r ntured to. 0 its .1 - being:1ketively `6 Oe du her -he soci ty, tIbject only t limita felt h an& this* man �14, e 1,u ril�e`bene d V e se. of. tiMQ't4e,'0-;'__0ct of th �t en hav b 4.r the tin er- jjjjgh�' a p D Atroilg V M.- that i aOuT nicoti t, ts he. tb�p -cannot .-_ tO4 Aggemen, ne Woll�14 probMIAy JOI - treatm- 1Y h� e. a fuiiera;l therew is been S-- And I _to ent. Will 0 ai je t pills.."., made: suitable.' particular- fefential reply >nff. r 0,MC onvettiou eae g d"'buri6d. claI by.- -women "ieen even 7 cem e y an. St A Tho takerhad toaucere. ic jyi(,-ndth e 4jr. Londou atIORS1, Camaidi n .3 c 'd ha ake ave reedra '! , - e kid the- e.ws. said -L' n iook body to the f eltias of. -ladies and. tr to bav stage. 240 feet.' Hell o oiae o1jow.e. de 9 ?&uo 0 L, -he began to rat r Is beinr ish hair 0 dwaro iaids oes not appear AlthoUg it. 1) y6r was Pan . done half�rdo-en' boiesi Sir -be' -ref colic bi men %a roof rj� -%tioft of Briti z Qxp aged by, 16ninI6d. hardenjing Th th Port e` ive is e. T au, thefa y. Aa h li ' d ie some w built Over of haiawaro's -usI -the remains, not -a regretr a"A Bus, 0 -rs n'L a grareyardi iW -an 'me in the im- t -regularly ap�d- W as nomF j! -jind v sis fi�a wonde is Eiiston there. ]jai been nited C612 a had been ne one. 0 are Aven whe ed, orn Thord remoi fr the U ater the. fourtlAalf do :EV P&I women nee tho bo rtation cigar. d'- -Lewi�t 'A h e le j upon,.Mr.. but" �pee w o- have.-Aaken the' there has bpen ......... me itevion a p diird. reporttr -cal t't.tes -a X 9t an ig jifio'--iji tI day's Of. yore, At"thei Broad street. The ges for y iglish ."h d druggist,. r ears orts E C3 es U-nite W him... I � . - -I - J, . - - - - ­ A' - * now W thfi re a switchman ce few doota, froin Ag If. C11 A Wi in cloud -a. of hardware. The� 66MO At a before A�,,J - , ( .. ­ ' the othes lover; ent 171a tWeE 1,reeii'wood the eaa 16Ad it. TOe violet c ' ec! nthasbPen..kePt1O O�ar- creme injmP J,are,.now im.0 re­ij­0nl'V . ho ;ud- ceived her cup d Stat� --whose iftU .-man. for a2 that o aidomes At VVaterloo the to eriquire breath up in ih ported fromthe t. always the best. 96 ely Ow -found The m n! 6 iaVery.b6dy always Of little. blit, or croVes neStj­ aW itbs Z esi ence O Fi ISW -no �Conveiationv 'but 'ill od i ii, but smoke, . a Pi - kP s e'WoM&61 . T� other day,: tobacco .(),rat Ms 8 sto u d'-- i. th _ !­ bou 3,66i&lly We ght i%12113 in, n.. so lin.1 roof Di. -Will id ;k i6alDer in nes, gin. LLE J. LiEli St' that r . . I.: r I el bad) py 9 f jrrlage orses wa h OIL 7 --thO. Sale Of prietaij Me4i t rycan be knoWSLi eSI jaidie �go he large L re pair 0 th 8 In ipite of draw h,6 --thought of 66,ble--, which A' rt%il� land., _egafdr to. Ot e �nquire wh t.- g� .61D tioned- off r ..a L Ve Y at effe -whom ` 6ue iv11 iron a d: &Vj6jjUe,. W LL Theatre. -Lifbr.,.­ 10 article ever auc ut to buy Ruch goods as auvne., in-cide"ptally to - �44-p - ­ e thoroi bV a met. W ar he.. the n Hellern' case. oodw T :�J; and inducemp tB141 Said. eased an p1raeLi6ear the"motiI road cOmpalRY.- - ather beltinji, bolts an, 5ily r little N tit nia, .-Thej�rgestfteigh ou� e 2 me. . XiWs� Pero Or ated ir 'Colk eMo not quite tstaiti.oia in the W ld,� le y 'jr them 8 e I - abes* >.%ld,people have a- gr d iron ty pillit f or'l an* dl� h fil is wroug all e* d to know -4ther c"onvie : I � - dorrug L ­ W. - - - an 1161ME . . � .. r r - wi -On ire hoes, -11 0 IeMois eile et I box -Ooa kc rdaid Litre 1- Greeuw elm *om C11!iving waster re, it ze 04 for - t 41 w6ne.e;ct piece,4 - The -koxes -iron Vj7. ion in een Acribs. jrronj pie -h Proper,. 9 that Of the or �arbed I w I�Y. or e dr S'aerfatoppe the ttle 1as. -been h N. th �enciiig and I steel 'M �-With toIl .,- d I i n at B ear if ­10011veri" &8ker re&rd h vices a'h OM es covers Sev6ut her -in F kne r r tiM6 lis Fri -dis tea the other meantim6lisr Strioibe-'rI W.,"t have i ad Chatl 14 partidularly beau .61SSW er_thou nglaud. eights fr dL other Auguste in Which Voluoej r lid London St4t*1OU -than fro the H fheurnatlam-.-an f6Ut 'and h EAirope T I - .11 - : Th eY P OoL a thoroughly ruu:do ff. heimaliners"I _g d -Stories, in I to her Zoti6g 4G . I - any are run connection wit 3nerillyare lowe eaggknd thAt he Wa an is hardware �ffeetion or -wh Unit unitea stae n. ad� one hotel.s Pink 1: -the 01 64 h f low. -born manimoth V P, ja . iilx 01' conceive ful. X 0 onewhi very highl a of -the ieroui her A ibb mask their it itlitea, ind Mko;ii �spealka -passe,, o an Fuglish at aW Ahe Ae ter is Wh- is sh 1, asI ation . �t 'di&no- ey- 0 Rr.&Elt at has !Sao a th thfnkr th wenty much. 'I -the -young Un- St.- Faner. as freight 1R.My --ant. In t -a Yrench- /:though'atr- rat.he he. ac*- pea;* hi entas Dre than go I p &Y ompirtm ,y.-go6 een ol s StatjonS or 0 difference in Pr1O A hAt ease er 6A.My tile - fascivier - e- to 06 but t. veid to 0 small pr him.W] 'oh she's M ty. Aolng� an I ba A -MY yields aw bill was Oried-mr. Which j. the dr of Deputies to r i6f -her M .8 - fo, by Ek little. Wo two COMP back in du the hold t�e -dill e�.� of of p8VT 9. business. rMe' nL -mated, -counted do YOU' tb e 7 Conventioij �p tink aue6d[ into lsdk4 Dea mg Wit feels tions .# -the Chambe now' Whit of -her father's y -ity-fist had"' hi" iteit. char WL h d Y weiteiloo a train oncel Mod Ma 8MO At7 the 'he. Severine if; she ad on 9p this is TllI of her. 1: hy �cauiie in 0 is' Alb o iubject modify tile existi m?6n.- ondeded to, i1jilgl3i horseaf 61A -be ib�lad' ejr�6iselle Juliei)� y les'sen -,the: S' V961itage di like a Young an qlothi6,9-ah Y. all n the. I varIOUS wiBre bothL faidropp W th. -outlandish PlaI iberi thA and fireman bad- en. s a.. M. tte d , bout'a''doze'n an for 4' that -and -that agineer ia T jiitea -stateisgorods. Thi 'bilIVA : A tak, The: n7i i -in whose ei 16ii posts.. The traia -T etc. -fter he Baye. I t c. accoiding to a 'stat Met daught6f 0 standing at UP e Woman.-. Bleep, bout the. and pkoug�ed up but, jL into, the h so a th r h e*rr Went thrbug Upoit of Minister of �tore one. d -s D e - tr0ii f 'the ch wall and d .'With' Finsuce, tke boxes he- came 'I b6y.. from he childh6o .41,t&r SchOO er ar t -pp raZill*% U, teil to. ol�6d, like %.ajt�iMe( r -B#ng -be erected the street- Minister, 'PlOulp. bjrrjught:up the is to d when. in more' full- 'I at W%& ­ the -iriattqT A�bronZj)L-jttathte -noble Bit0a groomo 611 1 .-. . I 'B' L otent I - Wh-%VS:, of ler of 1he. in nvi ns Ohs, 0 0 he, I L Out, oyer eSjg twur e wit a,pi : . ­ ' 't go h h la� Ades .6shesj,-� drives jqvd -. - V - tio't$ % OV' Gkint Stev bi *n.* years a -a '01werence".1 fectly astOpishb.d auld �inegs ring- D e -er--Cdj.1--fur:w�idh vv!. d - -&� b- w1kat . little poe"I filgtOn oice f Edii tit U.. firou e these JL�jjwiiejte fknd 'her '.sc'jhjdr On _ idea. -conve i!ouii. e of,h!A-v has sent. -ing.in every toll enSon 0 ibufgfii ar that tbel -blooded -Im you a ain �n&fi,-seaied'. figuree blue Xv-8 0'. P9 - j - I ion- as a Ner rni. -young agaiii bothfor's stand*' ee c6mpan y musical. bit. of verge. 6n YOU think I �am or . 1 1. ­ -. h -� V*� VOI *rote.w. sou. er -on Ul I i for thii; tb 0 a I older the )j en goa look ojdj3r than I cr a nd t e -work o d0jubstic?--h qF "he, I ujjijjf�d might v min Sh��.Ara jbib& 'fa,"the,yea Pi� a ired 68 d though.' ou ;Th fleeces Oft .-requ ate no-..,- a ch gedmi- y __ 0, robro younger --Well y j;b4w�,a Y&r Im 6 t k 'YOU. g d &Ad e but "You -are .61dQr for half a ye %r nk:pills,�', ald- performe.4 -thd . HOT oj(j me that severa,1men are it h �U ly� to freq'4ent 'gin -read 0. ML - 'W �roofreader el. e. has er izarre. tricki em a keA n Pretendirig o excu ml ra _th t numbi6rib UsAe -,cashm. Ise 1. hea;� a. had - --t#ed octor-& Wi ou ieineH bU e - amdrtor sh pie )Uyieds - t -Without & wide.' darry Out -of 0 - ido .4hol prowls about here is '08 of good look. on 1 0 3'other patent me than.. in CC That W Skin ga�je, y, sides & the Met Vi4gle at a . JiOoE aked -an ShO mor 4.1 -%L+. speaks, g "Y aI My -Saliis. Of Dr. Williams, Pin stehitect ie quiBu 'Uncle 'We �Did - t towitrelf wife mih juppose he n] gles remai fo hisil -to Llit_Ajandy... .'SheL likes 6:and Won S -90% 40P.00 �GingL, L-�-1 . of. fjuE�Mer g tell, that speaka, e 'Your last,- p ans hours.. fo don t that. woul -dker r any mys 1-Ous Has.. , . . hitl at c -Pals, are- constantly, inciei a�n&.:, Lag . r I oftheM t6f., noi -love Weilt dult a U0 4-10 'see thing he -ar must'hav r. i�uerl �aji. ont little pills Madame.S.everine do her OWn Wkinglo these excel! t is s llian.CeS�.ieven going -to When -ere. are in a -P Y bqpboY6 4T. peop 0 about the, h6UBe'r raged h ken.- -alvirayi en,OOU 8%jd.L the be lifted eyr 13 a I i6 ..�thj%t very man has th Atil the visitor., as �it is nolibi7e4ther' berta all ­* I sug tv ouraff w4o.have c1use to, be than If it _ii. �'jjj a to throw h 94 UP in ­;Okre solidii, L B 0 jign �t b&t:tCjj:0L ep t d. Ws I W1 U 8 -riot air YO _ink P11lS6 b lifitime to be truly' # pf -sh he x1lie there if$ a 4', tji�d ]p chance coMe Once, in 18 C said Wanie.prouldly �3bU - r 1heit. 16 yes �W. mo .men -in- lied uPoii - Mr. it stL a e to -at busines$Ohn 011W reporter ca ihe gres.; OM GIVZS U:P atid ab6ut me." -FATTf Xdw to 7" ',wb.46 she Y, 'is dand - Mr. 41%riy Solith6tt, an thing pl. are. in..$ 6 Romeo.' and hat Friend of. Entil, itria (to k The 7. CIt you d tugglat and '.both� aPo e file Divj% lee, Whyl GiiibnwOf) _atjLying -a- tti62 wish m6 to -be your -wife 11viell-known, I e. gr ing. tka.t :the . ink b.as been -Fin-gIng 0 06, Tou- tee n a 'Muc t , 6 fOiM9J3C6 jshe W al higbly Of P, Pills, sky h' ill W eived WO rve known yOU Only bulk lot _the mogtpopI ar io to Mil& t M d Jfyitliu dri k- -0 ve-that Foi this" Le ma bit I Wished, to give remedy- -in. the aviores.. an, _L. �t 608!lia_ so Came iig. thf 'lid rn% 11 d6nN belie n t I DID'a rt 9 "i tunity. of "�f trU_th h k r o th ---tif se. are-- lo -u -d- e oppQr, �UgWk thst,­ a , . - - - i who has itteg of t. q re e.L as fiej '�Where she W a Pi -F Will. ra, r r-, I ; - - - then. rett ill 4 Thi 18,116 Bud tg thew d den 11-" H tj�mma drinks ea, blige ViBrd 6d her, mid 1 lady p rr�ed -an wid she hAs beiah. 10:, -DI Willi nk Pills arb ne old Maid yet. �p� rn 'fjeet� "bim -build6i nerve r.'")rert on A 7 t