Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-02-17, Page 1• • • .Trac o Por Canada Saws, Axes t!i 4aan% �,. e. - goods best, quality t,ulteiy-it idI 'p vi 4tods. All to suite Cauas than Trad; SEE. WARN' YOUR BY U t RUT ' ! L' D. os: TAYLOA, ':1 • r... wiz . ,r•ir , i,. 'Held o*et to bu3=ers 300_ tug for No trou goods 'body: D.C.T le to $ov- Every. otieited Y:LOR a ilitTeltianiNEMKGESXamgerstilIMIIIMP • - • -Lvplakapw--: Oapita .paid" up Re -serve Fund Total Assets. $1,25o,0oo $7:979;646 :Pre"ident -JOHN STUART.*•< Nia6=Presiclznt A DIRECTORS : - OHM PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, 'GFO ROACF A. T. WCOD, A R.'LES' (Toronto)%' ; • Cashier—T. TURl~f'BULL. :SAVTIV 6- IBA.N7K—43nnirs 10 to :3 ; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of 3.1 ansi npwar.cls -received and interest allawcd. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also •at cue= `rent rates of interest; - DRAFTS -Tin :(Trent Rri; in and - the Trn ted States bought and C. BROWN, SUB-AGENT. DENTAL. J.. S. -JEROME D S. Wingham it be- in : Lucknow on, the second and fourth F_ ii- clay and Saturday of each month.. Good sets • for $10. Filiing add extracting a -specialty Office at -Cain's-}fate1 - LEPAL At- . MALCOSISON, BARRISTER,, • • Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc,,; (late .of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich)..- =Office - at Traver's old stand.' _ • MORRISON,, '4 - ATTORNEY . - - AT •. lawif Solicitor in_ Caneery, :Convey anter,. Commisioner, ete, Office, . over the. BANKERS, IN' .AR O,_ FRIDAY; 'EB1 U Or_ucknow Banking Oo-p'y_ .LuCKNOW,YFEB'Y• 10TH;1893 To --THE FARMERS: a We have: the following farm:. properties for Sale cheap•ancl ou, easy.tert s of•payrnent, viz: InKinloss Township a.50 acre • .farm,` a. 10.0. acre farm and a 150 acre farm and a . 200 • acre farm ; in Huron Township_a200 acre farm; -in' West Wawanosb Township -a farm of 100 acres and .a farm of 150 acres , in the Township 'Ashfield two farms of 100 acres each ; in 'Turn - berry Township,, only - a .few" miles from the` town of : Wingham, 100. acres- of timber- land, and a grazing farm of 250 -acres in. the .Town- ship of Kicardine, • • .- We have a large quantity:of.'maney to lend on first mortgasei on-farm or village proper•,p: -at from 5 per ce1t,.interest up The rate is gov erned according to -,the class of security, . We also lend' small amounts of money-- on second : '=mortgages and first:chattel.mortgages. . Wo. do a general banking -business in all its branches, . allow, interests on deposits issue -drafts'_on all Canadian .points and on the American Exchange, National -Bank,_ New Yoi k Oity .and whieh. are accepted anywhere throughout -the. -:United States, _make collet- 1 tions in the States, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba or:the North-west, and: cash cheques on --any place, Lending- money onfarmers notes- a specialty: • We ,effect -Insurance on all classes of ings, either -in Stock or Mutual = Companies as.. desired.- , None butfirst �class ,Companies rep- . . GEO A.-SIDDALL,.Manager. barber shop. . Telephone No, 195. ters, Solicitors, etc.., Goderich, Ont. MINGLISH -CHURCH ORVICES .11 2;30 pk,m,, Superintendent', Wm: S. Holnies. A.. McDONALD, M, D.-, . • Adult class' every W.Opesday 'evening at -Office, - " 8 -o'clock, Bible andprayer book lesson's. All are welcome: REv..W.-1.1.-Colatett, Pastor. - VCICNOW -.MECHANICS tute. Reading rotim open 'every evening . - from 7. to 10 m: ; excepting Saturday!' „when posite Cain's hotel.- • Office hours from 9- to 12 • MoD. GORDON, ...kilin'simple-ment shop. Residence Rasa Street, • -south of R. IL Mantosh's Store. either.ty Mail or tOlegrain -promptly ,attended to. 1ChargeS moderate: Residence, Outram street.; oppOsite Dr. • Elliott's- and 4 _Second_ door nOrth of SzitTOIEL office. HE MISSES LITTLE ARE . PRE - pared to give Music lessons on the piano or organ, ' For further particulprs apply at GENERAL ANONEY TO LOA.NON REAL ESTATE 1.11. secufity for any time, at the lowest; rate of interest. The principal may be paid Lucknow,. st -the end. of the tithe, qr a part of the princi- pal mayi.-be paid each year, filtered ceasing on the amount paid, For further particulars, the hours will b from 2 to 6 to. en, The librarian will be in attendance d Tin these leave tuckno.v)'for South at 6:18 a in OffiCe in. the .huildhig east... "of the, • AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND: WILLS, Plans ,snecihdations and estimates for buildi _ Jugs, mills, bridges, etc.,- furnished - on" shOrt notice. SOCIETIES • :Le meets in the south end Lodge Room. - - -Wednesday af each month in the Odd Fellows Xi Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evo.ing at 8_ o'clock in their hall, Campbell 4treet, All brethren -. Farmers, look to your own interest and - insure your farni buildings and • private dwellings in the ONDPN IVJUTUAL. .Noiarge-Prenalm Notes required CASH SYSTEM : 50 cents to 90 cents - per $100 for three yearS-,- OtiN LANE -AOENT; KINLOUGH. :Also .ageFt fiir the ',rhoenii of London; 1-1, PIERCE; Recorder. every:first and V" trGINO the Ancient Order United Warkthen, meet in the Oddfello-wshall, onthe last. and eight o'clock. Visiting., brethren Cordially invited. D.-PATTER§ON;•' Master Workman. D, CAn4ami,_ Recorder. - mamas Attentio it is to Tour advantage to use E TLEVERP001_, and bring it to market in rolls weighing from to:3 lb or in tubs.- .0rocks or pails. at this season not bring. as good prices. RY.17th-1893,: A LucLu041. c's Sacs Fate on. lheleaiiway: About 8 "o'clock: on Saturday horn= in last -as a, special train was on its Way :to Ripley, the trainmen man lying = at the sideof t -about three and a half miles le track,- _after:being. taken .aboard- t e- train; Oh' :.reaChing .Ripley it. learned -Walker; .ofthis village and:Ilia-friends iinmediatelY notified. of ,:the:. sad eVent: feW years -past the Mind. tiimes he:. -would ,-wander .frein village but aS he, had. always 1.rettirned.,. home, no thought of the. sad fate ithat , Vrom. What -can' learned of his „traVels it -,appeara . he Walked out the hOundary afternOn. and: got On board. the.i late' at night, auclon-,reachint-..Luck-, now -the- 6onductOr put him oir at!. the :station, but instead of coming home. towards Ripley,- ,gow and ..sv-ere he -passed the night.wilrprobabli neVer be struek by .the ornineimin from: theriorth and thrOwn;._tO :the ;.Side the traCk,'Where,aht: was 'loud& about other. portions -Of . "body :Willie: badly:, injured, and a y tot:was Lrenclered- ,evidence behoved: he was ‘••=iilkting Carried on -the- -ha'kery 'business. The, remains- were brought here on Oatur- Monday Afternoon. -Miss Eliza Bowman and- Mr._ Wallace -Bradford weiv married: on. WednesdAy,' Feb. '1st.- The happy .eouple went for_ a. trip to Palmerston. They haye. the best .viishes of :the people of, the neighborhood. - Minnie *And- Jennie Strihan, their Many viciuity. Peter .14cKinxions -health: is said to :his arm -Istelen. while' working iwith . the three. best in each !class . ,are -published and these ate :in Order._ Of merit : I Jr 4th—Sarah Scilly -Sarah nomp- 3rd—Ada - Cox, Susie James Herbert Thompsen. Jr. ,3rd -=-Daisy Thompson. Nand JaMes, Richard sisted.by- john Purvis and Dan. Kerr who presented in. quite glowing colors the greatness of the' Republic to the South. - On the side of Independence -,irere A. A. Kerr, Captain, assisted by Alex. McKenzie; !John -V-alens and Daniel Stattersi' The decision was given in favor of :the side of Annexationists; The following,.subject and sides were chosen for the next debate.. Subject : "Resolved that the pursuit of the lerirned professions is. more profitable than the', pursuit of 4:grieulture. . John Purvis,- J. Marshall, John' Mc- Kenzie, p, Corrigan, D. Kerr, J. .Mc- Donald, and Neds-Hodains. • Programme :—Recitations by John reading by A. McKenzie, a duet lisy j. and D. S. McKenzie and music by Joe and -Blake Corrigan, Pierce and Fred. Thompson: • Miss pay, of Nissouri, is at present ED. ----No correspondence wds receiv- ed at this office list week from Holy - rood un41 Friday morning after the paper had been printed. dizpigE- McParthy has -sold his farm, Mrs: Hughes, of:T.eeswater, has been spendini a few days With her daughter . The -funeral sermon of the late N. :was preached oh a -Sunday tth, by 11,ev; D. -Rodgers siintofW :Misner • has been' 41.i for .zonie tole. with spinething -Siiiiday Feb: 19th the anniver- V.) Thel Bev. A, .POtter is expected to, 1. -and; the ReV. Rodiers in the eire- ning...'. on Monday evening, the:,20th teasMeeting. will be. held. The -iD4gannon Methodist cituroh -choir will be. in. Attendance! A go -0 WHOLE NO -going price, or -in o t ler vtwo .which.was heing.generaly the -country at packing ti to the large_ crop in ron :county dealers from all parts of t. e Provincei came here,: and as conie u.ence prices were inflated, Much to 'th subsequent soriow - of Some buyers Although 1,156,22 6 brrel, of apples were export, ed' to _Great Britian from anada, tind the -United S.tp.tes last sea Oti tO .date, against 958, 812, this aeaso *to date, the prices, Ilave been very mu h lower. thilt• year in fact. it is only du. ipg-thepast two_ weeks the returns ha e -been as' a'. rule equal to. the oost of e In. many. CaSes the losses have- amotint- _ ed to We prices paid -farm 'rs for .theiri fruit hi: the orchard. Ha it nol.been and weSterUStates made market for large quantitiei:- of- fall nd _winter fruit, the season's business to, dealers generally. would have been much mpre disastrous: Mr H. P tterson, of Colborne, handled Mr. D. .Cantelon's apples this. season, and irer -.60,000' barrels were -.under Mr, Cantelon's supervision. Nearly 20 000 being ' shipped from glinton stati n, over 19, 000 froM G-oderich by, raj and boat,, 5,000 from Londsborough, 10,000 from Durham. Some of thos ,froim .this . iminediate. locality and so th wer6 'not up to their general sta dard, while lot those north were as a rule very fair as - generally nc; better fruit 1 found .thatk along the shores _of Lake urOn, but; r this season it, was much b tter a few miles -from the. shore. „It is thought that this was caused by t o early blos- soming -on the light la d pear the shore, foliolYed by cold rai and strong winds. Dixon, Mr. Peterson's local manager, .regards H ron county the DOMinion, but thinks the farmers should cultivate and p ne or- chards more, as - he belie ea Work. irk this -direction brings - 1 ger returns than any -other branch of farming. Farmers would do well to , graft ‘-thir Tahuan sweet 'trees, and ot pant fail fruit trees; Besides the ,-000 barrels cantelons don: about. -25,000 °were boujilit. hi- hi name. and handied-by.,M.r. Peterson at Lucknow,, - .0/1.aei?itnint (.1f -the' itormy. weather- -whieh latter place Mr, R . Sparling their Tery little-. doing round -liiere had a half interest. Mr. Peterson also thAt .winter,- the -roads, dont4tually had -an 'afire:4st in about 0,000 barrels .getting lislooked with snow. - " at Brusseld Ames Steep handled; and in otheria ious.parts of the.Province he either h ndled- or hid an Interest in about 10 ,000 barrels --- . are soyry to learn that Mr. 'making. 'a iotal bf rlY .20°100° -barrels this season, of hicli ..he hits Thos. Fisslay hai been unwell for some time past, We hope -he bay soon be about .494000 stored iThr ePaeking" He better. -- 'Son .0o., Liverpool, solicitins-'for them consignments of fr it and r)look- . ing after the shipment o other dealers - Th0 tdantfriends of Judge Barrett fmaevuotr,ing.Htheat firm with heir -consig,n- reeet to learn that there is a case Of diphtheria iii. his fam0. Montreal, Portland an s New. -yoik - during the Shipping seaso andis now .1411 open out 'here in. a few Weeks.. the interesth of 041signo s Mestrs_. Will make three -in, the toWn.. Adams & 'Co.. Mr.: II.. •CUrran and- farnily were visiting'hii father, Mr. Robert-Curr4n of St. Helens, a few days ago. WALKERTON gone away leaving his business to take ca,re- of itself. . rev-ious to his depar- ture he tUrned. a house Nvhich he owned into cash! Ills stock has been seized. 2nd --Lizzie . James -Willie Ja,mes, Thonipion -Ale- Kenzie Richard. Ryan. , in it was beginning te. be -on the Wane: But.. altheuh .the Crovid- was. ;small . A number.of debates Were given all of Which :were well: side of limper ial -FederatiOn haind led the:subject -very creditably _incl. r4.ade, lumber Of pod. points in _favor ,lof his Sathes.Maishall,-jcapthin 9f the ..Ainne*aion side, althoUgh did •not.matce..many poipfOri" yet he lighted... the _audience vtrith his droll. ovial.A. sarcastic syle: He- as - ,Mr. Henry- TO1t011, 8011 of kik. James Miss Stevens, .of this town. This is I only one of several cases in Which our promising young men -are -taking to themselves wives who will hke them become citizens. of Alanitoba. ' ,T. A. Rittinger, Esq., is chairman -of the High Sehool-board forA893. OUR APPLE TRADE. • must be. made of Mr. H He contributed in no a the success- of the ev greeted with repeated infused into his Songs of original humor. M 'clever, and what makes ment, mest pleasing is is free from. vulgarity. =Win. Tucker, years. old, who swallow plate knife, fork an Toronto Asylum for minister, was at one tit year to apple dealers, says one of -our exchanges.' In -the -early part, of the seasen, owing to exaggerated- reports regarding -the quantity of fruit, buyers became ekdited and ' prices gradually _rose. The producer natu.rall:y thought there were "millionS -in it," and ma4 of: them in some sections refused to sell at a pribe, and bUyers offered them the I—The 33rd Rattail° coMpaany with the Firs don Field Battery, the and 30 th Battalions London this year., -Th Will not go..under,.e'anv —London Advertis Rich • is. very - comical audience in roars of 1 time he was on the p1 rry W. Rich. all degree to ning and Was pplausei He a strong vela Rich is very his eritertain: le fact that It • spoon at the he Insane on tort otime ago. a. Methodist ie stationed in of HUrein, in . Hussars Lon- bth, 26th,. 28th ' will drill at. and kept the ughter all the •