Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-01-27, Page 5APORAL REA' CORMEDS. 7. 'PARILMOUIVT OUT- -T OF' 'GANUCK. 11--1 A VE --Y IMPORT. TER AMD CAERSE Co j, -b ed in Our,' lit0t Villaig", almo'At Uri HOW ]RETRAP-PED: TWO COX.'- . 1_. . ­� . - snow .6111, i za -0,UJ%TG IWO RICCRIPTS. ce the ureat., bl z- 'rd' Rut FIDING.Y MEN n w r. -E 0 M t 'r u are . el e yo4 E ro if o w h r ens oi 01 in tfeasury.. could se- piir -Citiz 9 . �"109 911 .0 some - ng t aun, ers, t, rec-- ..Chica H: S. & n f' VithL Sh'o* e :Am frQm sale of 19. a d ro v Is-,anid'' t0wns en - Store'. n -b e'a v -or i fig' r Exeter- 0 A. -is, being-,tr­ . obe;e .-Atth ied ,.er6 d -dig th6 Wv -'s out, -to ibe' e "PeO AA in e' P. keleni onsl ins a C gu* n that -they could t -t a o hogs 1-3427 U1 on six een'ch rispiracy and Mai line, Aniti -rec fro' e. f .1 Fal t arkes of Co 1P . . 6nts,of I and Wint ge o.- J..U. Der orro Wed IrY.., town some ime- or th But - -aver -00 Anit. b for - factdry 1950 a ne ex 174:-U. Or - as been - two. of s are' Y. "M ­ -64 -8tQQ - ..; - -.. 1 174 ai it: w -or Ir h- flurLry- t UIL 0 time erel" Ree. 1rchii. calls on k ke. aft- - M su Z4 ln­ Nitturai, �8 tch a'd-Al4bama.No ne, d his snow ca e and.pile 1 53 d' gher iv� R Of L c, fro rplus milk co n eepe ent. 0 'L d. Up 'hat c tered he rts battdhd pocketbooki In ei as 'the ore. and d tha- irer. ]Btil; 10 W b- nd 1. and a, ruined pr a" says-. patien c*e and" per-.. v 119 00 e: u 7M S, -ET'-PT- -old oVerb severa -w E, b- vxemove mo, e ace untain it. 'hoom ia-wife In' xete*r has - een on -1 Is.:Onl $2'1.375 71': yg EMU.&. Wools, y,. &�ow.. Appraised 4 h is collision with" 06c tiv. Vi n ]PIj s, nioun ice, 0- fc - L J& - - *#', 4 c 0 WL Ing interceding 'the yery'-storhi weather lin' "ilk 722 06 IEE6nseL the n -ta -Paid fo Chet 0. 92 *ith .�ot' fri d alitif er e sin Pa t en lilseSL EXPENDITURES �`fe 'the- Pal* L 6-"r �Onj.- , - _:Of A0hur*, el Sto and hi& wi at. M g h4n4 1., oldo, r y w an ou yea s -644`28 ir�y'-f r wee s Ahe" nuid, b0i din Vt -in -seasonable _Ya Angoliia not to punish-. He .'.is -tboui fhat.we. QLXperieneed -for -the., last. tWd 118 90 ne 'th, in Cost 6 and -feed -54 - �-9 ost6oned 'until niek6lr-�IaWd -and:- his .'appearan'be s, �.p n ogs: n mg 2 -6th 1893 h Of. ha: dl 189 6 DRES -onahat, would r6adily- inj !PDS pr6git Women eW ce"e4 ..,e I ­ . sea-, Oil 7spOndin` r ays *ith her fo 1ogs...� .q di io oexiat.. n on moiRey 136 -to Suit- e- app Miss,,T6n'i -Murrayi 'of FarA*m6tLnt'-.* iWhose husbands h f rrow th' -roachi -9 0.6 .29-25 M r of thi wo h calldd at' cousin -Mi :--K. U ray L sC ifiing Two� deluded men ave, §s 10 00 T 9 vBr qpmsed eebaterg e .35 71 W imppisone4f man They. V -eV place, L' P ON at 8 on ed ive ib- colid hogii returned 'C ith the d n. P -h ro6t -from. ogs paid an -vere slire vie im ce ssy color -share the- d'8 I 0-.-- h deri.. a debate w -He 'lock. --Cit ni dire onnect Thursddy, J' that he must to...c h.Lile Y. 1450 00 ty baters 0 account of thi' make..a.special ilt G' -a conspAlAcy-, f9r such a- nice* m otormy. P put's ,ordered f ry ,suit go as. to: Weat road n.mon or �36 32' -cou d do nb won L w f. OL .0 iind ..unfitness o fit' L t dAo - gu.%rij ee L ther. deDartm-eiats re equal well ve: mar d. tbein 46 But if �noth�ng very seriou's - -turns - up TaXes 4L rie -both of M 0.611 n 88 *th orted Ue n t "they-- will h --plat oLrm. i is enous pimses 8 :69.- e .-ew t good'si �n_ aka ...i meet ..on t e , tb. Ti es -had n ex 4 d r 13389 M- Highe. tPr c u e.p. a r id utter, R 0 rived1n t hi it: i X0 e -for C1 Y�, ou th Par'-'�' su ance -19th emlo k C ty- 'n Jan Paid' La o -o UndL rs, meeting. se. -an -was. Nlahce' in -Tr 1 8 ce. a onte- be h bus' Rememb -Pi6duce _Mnon.th ga d -Buiter. easu ry .8 nd.'at er thp 5':2 M IS arri_Va L- e the- Orange- hal hiirsday, E s%, F6 u r din rror between cretary. jan. 19th. Th' r 8, o niee ingp as Jind Treasurer iding �9- pbl' rep'ts he- -*as atco V'order about half -past two -O`cl@0. -666 out- on--1'1qtrANV" bail T `_-.�'MURRA'y ak�r' li� ysa ed a lie minu es o pre7lous, m-ee - P. in, t 3,75 ofliC "L e p 1-:7 434, o'Unds of --milk, - n d' di whi h'wa H tte up. auc it At- .'6rst' he. h d -a a i - -th a e n- the and confiriiA- n. .-ing-was.-reid ors report wtis­ .al o --rea'd c cheese, hich -he s -.an -16LI,-502 o th-e. '.'tinie pla e., a vertisec�i, adopt6d --After-W IL t salariesofthe H d Av -pound% of thilk erAge r.e qUi directors v �fi d.: at a, . Ke _�,5 c h in ke t k I lb obeese. T, for individR S W 110 W inted t6 a red" o -ma e r. un -.bauk.ers' saliLries'-by-.,.%�(yrki-�cy'Ai.h" �p (11''po seconded �diat he Presi en -per s a 'd rice t nd:: -il.e P rlidard� to sha�ia pa ing arn a n ds'. c -e e _;'Perso nL and- that, li'e-- G-AN'� the.eI1`3u111P­yqar.� -,.It wtis niloved tarid, Price M. k T: er b Mcxn, 1).e t1i'o RR' 4 5-8c. Haulin� exp6n., es f r�', is S , 4-1 . p. le in P_I& a.id I U oces, At o it seemed ibe s of 9 c)l&rs liesi -23 �3 pr ae hj xx s the a pnsp a� to mke your �electiojas 'n 0 Cil `he' ivou! e. t ise pa he! Wait T, YL dh Oarr A A P, R. W CN YLOR, PAo a fai P t6her".- n- il 'Presi . den t 0 CROCKERY, CLASS 1poft those who calfed' ry W�ARE d. Ile ho were - 1vi'siting his P A roiits' iin Ah is n. a '-mee rs -:on in'- _uAiY th -6turned to---theiir 'hn'me av, quarte ang 0 1 stock th- h _d v- el i 'the a'n ink held- I h -b.ei At 0.1abe, ha -an' 10th e fbllbwiiig - oifficers .-n d. w as nex hea rd :of - at MiL(!h. ppl .,a _B a A'x e A -e Dried Apj* Nutmeg soda t ng. e -are p.orry to C 7tin buisillp9s -no te t FiL I , . for -.1893 Pfesiden Bladki Extra ts- wera elected reet, %yhere ag� W hat M r' Oil olive ­ I Y� . .... - or PI. %.R 011, sweet ga �Jas..- T41* B,�ack Lead n I al'ft oil, castor 6tarch, urn a. .Partnv.r. E aramount, ig. no. Blu Fi6h,:ca.n. ed - %V th CobL Win Xur&6 _ Fay;�.:T asuf r Baof. Ha'ilton re re M e i dried Oran es ak ng'Powders Fish, betit Fritz weyer. ig a. fidi��r .1. . 9 'Con L onia i, w -MeC hades Bpfle e _y, Gelotin tilphe Oat Meal .4th 13r,lok Ginge 6f and Jobn.: -c_ ay D` ceors D T. B ails Tapioca -and -Iiha worked- in the'" linen.''-roo 'N' irf LANGSIDE.'. Toni&tcee- c A. `.Patto'-e-son-,. `W -M., c- M�rKenzilp,_ Hopa� -P ouse� ior. a nu.m -e'r' 'of .0. MILLS e he anier_,H b ipes T (-,I-th6r We arp, S. -very What wcin( 6rful7w� ha vin'-.,- -Na Hunte Baskets s, ickles ear. She W n" mea ort us -fire occurred this- other. morn, Jnte-resting' addr69q:- -�Vas d4iver-ed 'on Indig? Pgarl* A -ndol Brushes tremo ile, ro !lVii arrow- escape with pe", c ant ed V* -a er 1ng_th&-`1VWates I an Licorice Li _d t � h, " ­ L- � _ J 1) a_Ve JFen G f -boards -Coffee Dairy - Cqm­ n fich.,J nT when- -Sa�und" Bi3cuit, tbeir, ivos, th'- cause is sulvose b me uice epper Wash r Lemoja' ari 'OPe dfioha to inceiidiariy 1,, mission on ecnoner heard his be bercg �Ve Are pleits�d: o stato, W-� g fryf4al Washir n e- Ca ned -Goo Lamp�-- Rice - g Insured in- e ,angsi e- a insuiance.'beih th - I'll id Coco Lard `�ver, the-house-und 'contents, -urer covered -by r6t-ii; --could- ou R* in i ice WbitilD -are -in a und, o4sted- 0 inthou h o, a oes -making Ki in -i 'and al -1 a his w.ite,L' bi WXLIKERTON Matches ' Pg Div Mince M Ye ance, Corn canne_ -1e Waik already -a' -huigband'and futh orn Rat, Salt y raser, or C -meal last F "d .-Mr. J FIF �T 6 big raffle fidle 'tb ake Oa�ce ri.. LU d _t f merly of ckn6w, who D%ter sem. Aight' Currants Macaron-1 the ide6.4 taking: :a' -�mate owing -the iiallueni c a of new as,been carrying- on -a Budcesbful -plicitoimph" nother help to SA I Tie Sets t�r Curriekowder ard b niss iu L;bau6n, - Indiana, has. �old mid Senn& Water Sots ]Ke ni out-. rs no. 170 r hitu et re d1k fton.. L.- : _ 13 Cocof%nut; Th *'il i� ri t ' ed to W aMeat% an ed '-.Emaa'six 'w'eek9__AQo 4nd'she- becoffie t, An' ngi-rig. again er a stormy e - One of a oun ors as War e at. ward c cill b' decided Toii lbt Se�.tg -es N poftng lb Will nc td'trke t1f6 position owing '0 -a ..Yrups infatuated'i. 4le WaS a The weddi g be s- (not... 'be t te6hjkai 19 cow office at ark. sooriberluigifii, re V a -an o. oiw oil w4ye on �han wyeri, with .8 01 objection t his qua,'H&ations.. �'The .opds deli er�d tany payt 4 tbF-.-,tb.W% Wyl _. 1 6 - on street, and he'ha:d r4 Sound spent theieforie-be. iee6nd electi never inet'.before Mr.. aiid ie. of --Owe A Br*n. e6ha Institute 'had -Sara Lord f The M W. days;last We wLitb 'Air. Win, met -a' w'dinan *hbinE he:..wqiild4o Mr. Bailey for-& ilight-of readinis lait-week The" an ;L rs' er ca nd byle are vial, it 0' G - 6d result.wag nof a. bi re Lg� i , e met finan al ' sult.tor th6 f1T) 0urse Iliss. Fr' �Mi;-Suttan,late-of British- SALE mMA. Of c Misses: innon -and :--McP re th Mc hee'a e -&-pliteoldgical.talk for th -tenefit: OY� a as pileased t -the Air lro ie.. inatitut 911 9. ofthe" enext week; wou 'is -are making -the dhips-fly. PR paid*, and When. lloff­%iiatch" sbe Mr. Ro.0 an on During the Qn in th Walkerton eceived R-ATNERYDESIRABLE -Visit. the 6ffice' and "co, e e n the'sick liA Jam- MTs -`J two lb�celleht citizens from T664watefr. Mr. Thos PROPER.. r ty� own H- XBUUTO'S OF, T HE LAT, ku �j'he"Le L . I _. I 't . M -o er for sale, d gr his- family entered- Ah Math fr *�on, who -.with ddy FLar 19 .;E.7 Rarri -a a Cc n' est eson, twillie.11 On the Second n! 5 W Wawanoh; �i$ sale. On for 00 irat�t,. bo into possession lot the. -Ceniral- hotel- and Mr rent -'the. estate of th saii d6 Ulmer- e prelwises are-- ortable G d openin etu. rent -r -ndin -the o h also th —A :good., large,comf mimed i.nt;o -town. rieth old Saunde,*rg ot he, sta g! In cial �ho stable. No a lArife frame� barn L -shaped, tell' ba' and', Nixon �v - h frame hous6 M- theson. bein d Walk' Na .3 W. D h fathers 'are in posed of I e w&A.h.%l of loi w. orld. She 8 a a one, no. O:he to one -nee come to repti6seat any"ot er line ai; The .166unty" eb- 75x45 feet, and. underneath !the same -stone 12th con. Ashfield, containin -1 as of _es; stable, spring� is 9 more . er, and a, acres -tat en eML. The great into'r they %j L i4e being high t Had tq. see tb rOtect 11 4,: r Din the oni.an�. are L found 'on thei or less. There is on -these pr e- and brisk. ost each- January se851Qn Centres in,the election, '(i , go I od . wells fb ises, wo ba4part; 6f the'lo and tw. t he dwellink �housei one log barn with farm .0 e.,w ealm ooncetned, sh'a had a ardeh�' rl"his year the.ciandidates were- front togethef with a cistern at the'Lbaim two youn v e sappjy� and-an-unenctim Bgau,' l tickil6w; Sbott'. of Kineardi­ �'furnialieo a Aing -orchar a s vWic r% mple vrater sup lyt 30 acy.es ;ph, lirge C od faeii� is well �vatered' and extra, well fei d A Ott Huron,--- i6. V=Naughton, of ' of hardwo y a 6d'farm near P.T. principa asonwhle SHFIELD COUNCIL iglftott� of _-Chealoy atd with ced � rails. - owing . is the- r sult.'whicli ce.� Thp - toil e winter fruit, acr6s,underrassaud the-jxd- Forterbasof sal!aor reat 96pply n Ut' shows.that-tbe man -from Lucknow was�e ected atice well cu tivated. tatute seo This being one - of best- farms iu, -tho COU]ieil* tne't -acc6rdinj to 8" '*fth ballot. Total _vt'is 4 3 -b Ka:ividers would like to --wed- .'-b ontbe-h mi or cr '21- 22'-, T hi I 6th A. he members P, itL �oUght t;6 finda ready sal�' . Jiuivaxy the J011 Lodb4a, orn ryan .1 12 19 as t owns --For Tam# 'a Urer 0 ell Th settledi. 41041ne Wo, L. hi, treas 0, use, % 01:11 er nd_13i6rd afply to 'VP ed ey h very- '0111111,t -o sh Others bu re h taoti0ii.. f ques BY, are_ i10 W ad T�he.tv 41 -the t 76 or 1A �Parris r%F, ted to re Wzell� of -a- PrQpa is er's 7, receprs es.t, 011 the arr CIL n I -Ag: the --peses foi- p g on t, Ing timb.- ARE Y' Of -the I Giryin cou,11cil --.'-o 9, -W I �A of the touavnt of lot I - e r D as 0. 01 co 0 th P k)f VV, L Motion thin Ickle Vft St L t e8t 'W coiL or em. t ()f Pting of th UeL -add, Y,the:a a In th ressed : hL er a, Pp9i e Wh Ciro Such olver fo r 9 0, Farj� After'- e iiex:t Ta 0 10 X6vera �b ad G` A M t in CoUn (10-VVII and' t Wo: PU Tin) St .17 .. - VIA RID 'T '00, th -8�u -stran % ke' ir 0N. -she be Zited loll L- 41171 C -Th I - I-) ow I rY. h' ca 'le '4fatu oi p PO"Pite 0 o- ;va4 d the,, ndei r8414 Dah Of Oil audit 'er. d d 0 the th: hial, TA 0 er and .0 98e has ;.9 Irk Ot r th i -e pi e stuLi V 9- bom.pise. _.jh X -L a - ' - that- - 04 -1 e - d Ir lot -cl t,) - _b -th h . i see d t arfr1sh - Co hoved by er, who- ae a L' e' h to. see- ed th e 0 I Grilmiie a St. - proper.- 0 "ers:; .893. t are Jt18-t- e.wel e r azi told tinie. The co'be,at ]17.7-0airibd 48��' Va di 1wi T' -.S Uced. h 2. arris Web er...: af an othe -h er t(j find -6 , OU13g. -C _r ey Ck 'With D tei - You. 0Ywent. but ad, -or she would, se s -Allow d -Sh UCh I 11Y- 13i bl e eL. Nvere ers S a So well a o We is iiited lie he led' imb of, .0w, -pr' he were- ent eav- 'the. &11 I' I rs- Check.g - h r 0 d eon, er to ffairs her h, oU11 Ape perty In to Sband Issued �0, , . 1 - _' - 10h th. YOU of 3- and. _ec ex -gy it C h penses; 87 2. tT e t eMr 02, r $4 - T -t -'�rt at e VQ$ -0 graVe I PiL 0s CU 'Ve dld 'L , spen t, in- rep. Bib] re,,jahider -of t, -E40 Whe C elld Y oir li 02. -NVO We goods.. i6 ivr.. a a, 's - veet idl �be 11. es, -or Th Usti R r ah 4, � $1; J C_k 6 -usband fhaj -T...,. of propet, GriM. A OWJZ_� 6�az% Zib fe L ood M 5o r -'sell ted to sell th e -'Ga'ry Ood ra tra or PqrtiohL of W V2.2i blub de G we - Una- vv.as, -th6. -ho 111-0,9t 'Wh to be, d M ) '01 -sale Dlii.,Salar .- A. 11 e A� _h t _e W .4411ders 'Was s, I Y Ovetcha ay Xpijs arrested- Cb - nrge -in t ad AM Joi Q11 IM - .'- - 1 ' Other e e as ere 'All labor t the �te V611 0 ro cut t16 �rd om5e '0 P, amount 0- 1 4;�d b.� I.I.th. weet 6 . - -1, � on Ord* h tuader aYj Pe P�y 0 tliih nd 'low Pace �ea Aeft 'eall '8A1W One Ilot 4t SAM 'S75 auseof IM8 -0, i D,.')er 'nouth Id _d t thli o ea. e MIQ - .4. . . .... . eyou 'No 80 erl bri&p waa t 3nen oua,quest riv tb D V