Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-01-20, Page 8LIG
w.Sentinet Esiti-te np,ary.. 20th
and especially. their .poplar'
assistants, -are deserving of the
1893, Will long . be remembere
P our season ` for stock
mg will be shortly at hand
-- hav6 resolved to `clear
eat. Many lines -before
qommence, and- to- this
jie.,-nd have -resolved to' establish
°tinter 'Bargain, As .thi
Lacrosse Meeting
A lacrosse meeting will -be held- m
A...S. Campbell% shop on Friday even-
ing at 8 o'clock sharp. All lovers of
the game are invited to attend.
Met in on Wednesday, the
18th. Delegates were present from
the ,various lodges- to the nuniber of
-about 1501 " It was, decided to hold
the next session in Lu.cknow, on the
third Tuesday in May.
aff-oid rare opportunity se. Cure goods aw'ay lrlow
:the„regular price,- We would.
as you -when in to take a
look tiirough, and pro6 and
iIM[110N, 1N11110Cti 81000.
} - -
Bruce County Eiop"'ement
• The tOwnship .of Amabel in- the:
recently:in the -alleged: elopement of
C.. T..heaker with a Woman named
Smith. The. ocourrenee -.‘ is the' inOre
regrettable ai the - gentlernen ilea' a.
good -wife .-and :nine.. children in .very
straightened circunistattees and the
lady eight little bai.rnies.
Canadian Pacific Pamphlet
The Canadian Pacific railway has
iust issued a news pamphlet, entitled
free facts farms and sleepers, contain-
ing thefiate of special trains to the
Northwest during February, March
and` April -also the rates and conditions
of Ahipping for colonists and their
effects. Collies can be Procured by
callina on Mr. J. 1Vlurchison agent for
the company.-
Farriers Institute • •
The meeting._ of the South Bruce
Farmers Institute whieh wail held at
Holyrood on Saturde,Y -last was the
largest and most , successful held this
spason, and we intended to, publish a
full report of . the proceedings in the'
present issue., but owing. tO -the :large
amount- otipace given - to -the -Orange
dedication,- we -are cOmpelled to leave -
it oveitillnext week. -
Handsome Stamps..
We . were shown by our deputy_
IS on its face .a copy..of paint- in sight: of. "land."
a copy -of the. painting of- the "Landing
this- the Presbyterian: iCh'tirch.
and -are largely attended each evening
by :the Members of. the. different
alrarclies, 'Few places are _so-. happily
circumstanced as -our village in having
a- body Of ministers Who-, while loyal
to their; can and do de-
light in such of the paSt
three weeks..- :" Behold," Says the
sant. it is for brethren to dwell.togeth-
ori4 unity:!) Certainly. the' .serVices
4re times -of refreshing and are
profitable, and we hope tlaat increas---
-big interest will he-,,minifested -.all
such efforts,. Which. cannot fail to.bene-
twO. cent, is the . same shape, .and
Of Columbus.'
The iNardenship
.1.We .see that Reeve Milne of- G-rey
1S -An aspirant fdr the Wardenship of
the County, Between Joe Griffin of
Ashfield and Mr. . Milne it will' be
pretty •hatd to.decide as both are -ex:-
by- its nominee of last week ------Mr.
win the honor.--ormton. Ntil Era.
Newsy Heins Served Ail fOy
D4viscon is
friends -in- Buffalo.
.cellent blit the 'NEW ERA stands
Griffin -L -and fully etpects to see -him
1V1r. Griffin. is one of-tIr oldest Reeves
in the County, and his .inany friends
here would be glad' to! see bhp War-
den of Huron.
Canadian Horticulturist
4 ft. tong: 'Apply- at :SErrii
. -7—Three Walkerton yout
been: :-,fined.. - for -sleighriding
Only eight more
n Favor of the House - •
Mr. Wm Valens; of KiriloSs, return
ed- last -w-eek frona Strathroy,.- where he
_of the Grand Treasurer and Seoretary
of the Patrons. of Industry.
lyliddlesex House -of 'Refuge, and he
-infornis us that if every property.
owner Could. visit that institution,
and hear the opinions • Of farmers
Dominion Handbook
Canada has just been issued. It' is
brought up to date, and is replete with
inaformation in concise form pertaining
to every province of the Donainion.
The handbook is embellished with! an
attractive cover, containing view4 -of
Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Winni-
new editiOn of _ the -handbook of
aster .
great -
s have
on the
Peas ,
and .we
who are liVing will be a supe
people of the last century.
—We- ara pleased to learn hat our
old firend Mr. Jas. -Falconer? is con;
sidera,bly improved in. health.
Potatoes "
Flour Or ,
Turkeys per lb..
Geese "
Ducks "g
elliCkenS C's
The January No. of the Canadian
Horticulturist gives a beautiful colored
plate of the Alexander apple, a full.
page engraving of the editor, a pen
and ink sketeh of his honae, and
view of Maplehurst fruit farm. Fa
directions, with illustrations, are given
for making a cold storage house, for
fruit ; seasonablV hints for work,- in
fruit and flower garden, the' apiary,
etc., etc. L: Woolverton, Grimsby,
Secretary of the Ontario Fruit Growers
As,sociation, is the' editor.
A Good Company
dent in the JocalitY, the vote in. Bruce
Ititakes a stron- man. to hold his
own thpugb.ts so much. in subjection
that -they wi.l.l. not worry him.
MARRIAGE- LICENSES, and. certificates
.15 telt
to V-
TallOW gt.
issued. jay- G. W.. Berri:. -Call "-at
and Huron- connties would be over-
whelmingly in favor•of the' advanced.
and modern system of cateing for the
poor and helpless. - He- was assired
by those in a. position to know,- that
the whole cost connected with the
Poor House dcies not average quite 35.
peg,- and -a handy map of the Dominion,.
and will be. extensively ciroulate4
-Great Britain.
A- Anderfut Little Vioriniste
• 'Miss Ethel Armstrong's: violin solo
. was one of the cleverest performances
of the evening. _ . This little -iaine- year
old. child -handles ,the bow With a
The Ethel Armstrong Concert Com-
pany gave an entertainment in the
town hall,- Meaford, on Wednesday
evening, to a very good houSe.
Little 'Ethel is certainly a musical
_prodigy. - Her performance on the-
fyin,,a the most r'fiatterincr eulogies
published in 'regard to °her. The
entertainment throughout was of a high
order and deserves liberal patronage..
211-eaford Mitror.-- This company
will give.. an entertainment in the
town hall, I.Jucknow; on Saturday
evening,. 28th inst, under the auspides-
of the Independent Order of For-
—Maiter jolm- Tennant arrived
hOme pri-Wednesd4 from his visit to
friends in Brantford.
FlOur-43.10 to $3:20.
*Barley—NQ 1, 46c.
DressedlidgS$7.75 to .25.
Potatoes—tsteady at 75c. tO 77c.
Buiter---15c. to 16c.
carnival will 13e Nheld in- the
_.A.gricultural - hall rink at an early
-date. .Get your costumes ready.
Mr. Isaac McClure, Deputy -Reeve
of Elderslie, and Mrs. Mc.Clure, are
yisitin.g Mr. -Ben. McClure,- of Luck -
cents for each 100 ECres in the. count3i
per_ year.
Robe Returned
wai stolen from Mr. Donald IVI-array's
sleigh while in the drive shed of one of_
our hotels. A notice to that effect
was published in the' SENTINiL akthe
time, and on Saturday morning last
when N1r. R. -K.: Miller, -of St. Helens,
nd skill that promises in the
deftness a
Coming- year to place her -in _the front
row - of violinists. - The. 'audience
rapturously encored -her. All
notes .*ere pnre and. .sweet and shoIved
the Most earefuI,-training of. a talent -ed
.Armstiong.and company _will appear
in the Townitall, Lucknow,- on Satur-
day evening,- 28th, under the alls-
pice§ of the Independent Order of For--.!
went into his store he found the robe
at the doOr, _with a note attached, re-
questing Mr. give the robe
to Mr. Murray, its owner.- The
guilty party evidently thought it was
Mr. D. Murray, _of- West Wawanosh,
who had lost the robe, but. it " was a
name -sake -of_ his, who is a resident
of the township :of ..A.shfield. Mr.
Miller. sent the robe to the SENTiNEL
office and on •Saturday last it wig
banded to its delighted owner.
Anderioni of West, Wiwa-
.nosb, had the pleure of . having his
family altogether on Sunday last - for
the first time. .
All parties indebted to the estate
of John Wallace must settle on or
before the -20th day of Fab. neit or
coits will be. added without further
-Life Assurance. .
Thoie insured in t:he old reliable,
the Canada Life Assuirnce. Conitsany
will be pleased ,-to learn that the year
just closed has been the most success- .
ful . in- the 45 years history of the
Compa,ny. The total -amo,tint et new,-
-business Offered exceeded seven and a
quarter Million dollars, the amonnt
accepted being. neatly one _million
. dollars ahead of any former- year.
-The assets - of this Cornpany are now
greater than those of _all the other
ganadian compa,nies combined. -It
carries about 10 per.cent of the total
insurinee in Canadian companies; and
it) must_ be most gratifying to the
policy holders and .the 'Conipany to
find.' that itf methods still Maintain
the confidence. and 'patronage- of the
insuring _Canadian . public, - Any one
contemplating - permanent ineurance
inforniation ,application to Mr,
John 3turchisoni-.40_01: agent for the
Frozen to•Death
.A. correspondent f urnishes the, fol -
Council Meeting -
was held in the toWn.. hall at ten
o'clock on Monday last, when ,a1.1 the
members took the necessary deelara-;
-tion-of Office. The_ firSt business tran-
and se -Conde& by J. L. ..PaitterAon
that George Middleton. be- auditor: -
Carried. The Reeve :appointed. as
the other auditor, Malcolm Campbell,.
J r. Applications-. for the offic,es. of
Clerk, Assessor, Collector and treasur-
er; at..the same Sillaries as last year,
were-. ordered to 131,6 called -for by the
clerk up to.the lst,of February. Engi-
neer Thos.-.Douglas,.of the waterworks
was re -appointed, and the, appointment
'of a village constable was left over tor
future consideration. - A. number *of
accounts foli Officer's _salaries, electric
light,. etc.; -were passed, and the
council - adjOurned to. meet at* nine
o'clock. on the mornink of- Felpruary
firit, to appoint the municipal -officers
The first -meeting 'of the new conncil
Mr.. D. Campbell, ex -Reeve Of
Lucknow, and who has -been in Mani-
toba for some three years pa,st, arriyed-
hete on Tuesday ny‘ht to pay a visit
to_ old friends and relatiVes.
—IVIr -and Mrs. C. 14. Hill Mr. .and
Mrs. W. Ha,mley, of Milton; and Mrs.
and Misd Edith Fraser, of Galt, are
the guests of Mr; Archie Anderson
of West Wawanosh.
—A Hooky club for Luckn.ow I *rho
will start it 1 We haVe the ice and
certainly c.can get the players if the
matter ia taken holi of. Let us halie
This -is the season when young
and old are wonder -
ing what
they give to ,thei
by calling a
of Monday 9th inst,' William' Solomen,,.
.went °tit to:the barn end on. returning
ha missed. the house kwanderincr *along
was. found "frozen -0- death 60 rods
The. ineighbori -had Iturned :over the
Snow:. from .six: to eight feet_ deep
entirely over 4.tert acyev field- in. - their
fits, although. for.- so:Me . _time he had
none. He. was in.ihis 03rd year.
sensation.* theVicinity, The funeral.
took place Saturday last , to Verdun
search. Mr. *Solomon was -subject' to
At the firSt -Of this year the fees df
county constables were materially -re-,
.'arreSt and;, 25c. for attending
Conductor" Snider an.evangelist, and
well-known - to. Luc'knowites was .the
hero. of an adventure at NeW 'Hamburg
station -on SatUrday• . While he- was
Waiting for hii trail), the 1:30 eXpreiS
came . A4 it ',rushed up tO the
station s lady, who did not see -.or
hear it, attempted io crois the track.
A sh)ut of. warning capse her to look
Seeing the rapidly.approach-
ing train she lost her presence of mind
and would hive been., struck by the
engine -had not Mr.‘ nider
aieress the track, snitching :the. bewil-
dere4 lady fron.1 her peril just as the
train swept up. The lady, - and her
-preserver were -both unconsious 'for
—DOn.'t forget the Caledonian.- ball
in.their hall on the 25th.. There will
be goodrausic and refreshments served
during the evening. Tickets- at- Mut:
-Curling Match'
Western Ontario Tankard presented
by- the citizenS. of liondOn; Tesniting as
MoliEY To LOAN.— PriVate funds
to loan On first 'mortgages on real
estate at -6 per-tcent. interest. For
further- particulars apply to Mr. W.
Grenache, or Mrs. 'J. Grenache,
In the - item of a ,previous issue
regarding tha>Misses Little, it -should
have. read pupils of the Hamilton.
Young Ladies College, and not gradu-
ates as stated: The mistake was un-
intentional on our part and we gladly
make the--cOrrection.
towns; almost equalin. size,
You can find ther
select Istopk in L
Handsome _Abu
Chinaware, Shavi
1)esks, La
the tiost
&now in
s, Taney
Dress -
41g, -Glove..aud.:,11n1f._. Cases,
'of .yourself. set:in a handsome
emotion in. the little
A. Lawson,
W. Allin,
Skip 18
john ..Allin,
J• 1VIu.rchison,
A. 1VIcPliertion,
Skip -17
John. Moffatt,-
. Col:Scott,
Skip 11
John. Watson,
Skip 21
Total 35. Total 32
. The Luckn.ow Curlers speak in the
highest praise of the handsome manner
in which they were 'treated by their
Kincardine brethren of the besonl and
played on. tbis Friday in Wingliam,
against either the club of that town or
the dub that played Am yesterday.
voted on the cow queition at the
reeent election. Clinton's electors
,said "keep. the goivs. closed up" by a
Vote of two to one ; Walkerton's rate-
payers proved themielves behind the
small majority.. ,
a concert given by the- Sons
of Scotland eV IT,nderwood. recently,
Messrs. Aliz,'3x. IVIcPherson and- Thos.
McDonald, of this village, toOk part
in the progratiamellnd the Watchman
speaking of their - Highland dancing
says : "It is needless to- state that
this feature of. the-entertain.Ment was
immensely ,appreciated by the audience.'
40 fl2
Our 'stUdia :is -othplete in
every 4epartment therefore
ve do our 'own work right here
in Lucknow. We have- no
fancy slio* cap, work prepaY
.ed for- It is nof necessary
because we turn Out the. best
work iti :Western gdarios
moaning thati*e don't gei any more
1,13,71 -ted to' slip put On. the. back streets
this afternoon andlet .ithe -boys have
fun- with; thetn . 'This winter -is Old.
fashioned..i4oUgh:lcir to, suit anybody.
You .don't:beliffe it take a shovel
and .Chase the handle -of it -lip pilla
..Wherq you
for cash. Just
large stock of
'ins of
- the wife •t4 limy. 4.. 5114ay of a daughter:
oots Shoos
Alio. a great variety in Men s
Women's and Children's 'Rub-
. hers
en's Long Boots
'Worth 0.50. gingle pair
Tweed -SU pers, 1f3c, 20c, 25c
per pair.
:Call a d secure