Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-01-20, Page 4ie `LtkckfOvv 8ent�n.el, fy ranee 'o f. ri '1* .SES LIBERTY To UTTER :AND TO ARGUE . WEEELY ACCOEDING:. TO THE DICTATES 'OF ONSCIENOE WE PRIZE ABOVE . ALL 'HER LIBERTIES L'OknOW _ Jan. 20th 1802. B.UTI ER FACTORIES under eighteen .:years - of :age,; . shall be .presumed. to be under that age unless it is shown by evidence that he is in fact over that age. -._GRICUIN caw, SOCIETY Annual ;Sleeting of the,Sinloss Branch. A httle over a year ago the Quebec `government took steps -toward placing. butter and oheesmakng in that Pro- vince in the hands of syndicates.: The object .was to secure a better and more • uniform; equality of product.. This subject so weare informed by the speech from -the. throne, delivered last The annual meeting of the Members o ' the. Sinless- Branch- • Agricultural Society- was held :in the,Mechanics! In- stitute on =Tuesday afternoon. The t-tendance was- t(he., largest that has been held for some years, and all the surroundingtownships' and thevillage auditors , were well represented. - , The ;__ week, has -been: very lately attained Sand •the policy-. already entered upon is to be * more vigorously followed . in future..- All this is of interest to us in "Ontario. -Our cheese industry _is on a_satisfactory-footin; but our x butter - output of neither good nor .uniform equahty,- The remedy for the evil - may. be found in:the- adoption= --of the: :-policy- forrnulated in Quebec -"and the greater enenurage entt of butter. factor - .The benefit that would fallow the vigorous prosecution of- this plan be illustrated by: •reference. to can _ • f re port showed that the society was:iu a f ourishiug condition, and notwith- standingthedisagreeable weather for the last fall show, the treasurer,still had - a balances on hand . of :$131.50. 'The election of officers and directors resulted as follows :_ President—Peter McKenzie. First Vice—Wm. Anderson. Second Vice—Peter Corrigan. } r Denmark. . Thatlittle state, with 'a populatiork,about the. same, as -that of 000 000 rth _ Ontario exported. 620, , wo _ of butter annually, while the whole over .the:spring show, but it, was finally of C suds sells about $1,000,000 -. decided by: a-- votethat' the show be - Th fee for membership was retain �. DIBECTURS.. . •. Ashfield ---James ,Lane, John Jamie son, R. Anderson. a West Wawanosh—Jas; Gaunt, Mal- McDonald, - Wm. McQuillan,. Kinloss -Henry Thompson .Crowstori;-• Alex. Nicholson. • •Jame$ Hu ron-=-Alex.Patterson and . Jos. R. McDonald. Lucknow - `.Jas. Bryan, . C: A• hard. J. L Patterson. The auditors are J. G. Blurdoch and; Wm Connell.. A good deal of .discussion took Platte abroad:-.• Let = us have more butter- factories utterfactories . in -Ontario %and in a short time-o.:utputwill be as large" as. the Dane'. • INSULTING. THE FARAf-.LRS• "Those why --plead the -extravagance-: and improvidence of our farmers, says ,the Ottawa Free Press, :gas an :excuse for the utter failure :of the policy of trade restriction simply - insult our agriculturists, _the men to whom our, country owes whatever , measure• of: progress it has -Made, and • such pros- -s enjoying. There is no �psrity .as it t � . y g • held. as usual - ed at the: old figure of $1.00 . but only one ion ticket will in futurebe given to members, instead - 'of two as formerly. The pride of admission to the fall'. show WWI raised to 25 cents, and all parties, outside- of -exhibitors will be charged the same : amount for buggies `and. other rigs; .It is also the: intention of the Society ,.. to try . and : - secureAt new track for speeding, or to, have large building so removed as riot to interfere with„the view of the pies- ent course. -A great deal- enthus iasm prevailed amongst the officers and members, and a big effortwill be made to• make the shows of 1893, the best ever held by the Society. WHISPERS ABOUT TOWN Something out of the Ordinary Weekly News Brie con ti.pu t ;rid for tboug. -co taifs::some .v � reduced st111. esirable goods s are selling ,freely. Cash for. the -latter .- axe . $4,25 d $x.00 per Marc' reasonwhy a thrifty and, industrious, .farmer should not enjoy as many of the comforts of life as the manufacturer, - the - mer3hant or the professional_ roan. _lie works harder,, as a rule, than men in -mercantile or-prJfessional persuits, consequently ::the.:pretence that - end eonsequ _ y , . farmers are not prosperous because • -the _ � . they: insist upon_ having, buggies to'. ride in good clothes: for kSeroselves and their wire, pianos for their daughters, etc., is as rid culous als:It is: nipudent.: Do these men think that nobody- but Lawrence as now on n hand. a large stock of. h_ • combinester manufacturers should have -_ o the good _things of elle: world r _f the • any. f good - they e farmer be satisfied that does.not. always. exist., - , --'tvh�, should..:. .the cause- us: to -be : just :a little fiction - sinall. profits that the; :tariff=fed only 3 . ..� -with sma l- . _. v in wealth `and in future; • to . be more honest, more monopolists -may re el _ more -:kind and - considerate - -Opinion us , . r P., truthful; vice , w ` r • W. , shore. Tf : these =meetings. shrewd observer, e. - ..: the mortgage indebtedness have done these: things only,•then_ they 9=oFinon that .. � greater. accomplished much; -.What they -have. �f the farmers: of :Ontario is- a _� g been the �aneans of�dein I ern. not burden upon -then-than •landlordism .vin to write.. I have no doubt they ins upon.; the United - lain gdoin.” � - . going g° . _ ;have done . a 'great -deal, but .I am not.: a- preacher` and: will not enter . into this part of the subject. It would :.be difficult to say which of the. 'congre- gations have. been the ..most reciprocal g I in -turning .out to the meetings.: - am not informed- whether nor. not these meetings will .be. concluded. this week: If so :I .hope such •. meetings. may •be held' at some: future time:: . The �Provineial Assembly. will' Have these union, services that - � V - ;. . intending purchasing � artEs mien g ... .. . - -fall__ n p k,this a . • _ .. of furnace-��vor : ock of alb : • . k� � .:. usual a full stock He:ls--also�ma g p � fail call. He has as x not to give him a a or f rnace� should..... . pressed ware, ods; kinds Of Wt have :been. going on for. some three anygood l Yes if only' they weeks done . �, ingendey a apir`it of _-friendly unanim- ity nanimity. among the different congregations -taking part. Yes if only . they en--. gender a - spirit : of friendly: unity- among the_ individual memder�s.:of : the dividual ' congregations, something. In g japanesed n1tE �crare, es,eHandies ps and The Leading.Hardware Depot lei T � R sell M a b haskpressed the towards o • n .:and: T?e. � airing pr0mpttY. attended- �toveplpl g P A._copY of_ the `. following :hag been forwarded ; to each teacher, by the Educational Department, to be ,read occasionally ; - to the pupile Any .--person who either directly or indirectly sells or gives, or furnishes. `to a minor . :under .eighteen. years `of age, cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form, shall, n summary conviction thereof before o a -Justice o .--the. Peace be subject to a Leads then all for 000Y'18$ AGENTS TO :SELL OUR C loioz A2(1) IIABDY' .. Fruits of FINE • convene- in. a_ month or so. I have.an amendment to the License . : Act. It f is. nothing: more or less than tbis,.that . - Iran drink: o d� 1 ': '.le. a of s . for...the privilege ug i t, et -drunk. and. If a man IA _going.. Q g . .. - .. , - • . i 'himself, . his famil to and, the connunty.,- who ;should • be taxed for it 11 -1 commend- this sugges7 Tale_ the drunkard, tion to Mr. Foster. T Would be: away ahead: of a . "tariff for it-wo d � ... ": is just as -resonable avenue Only; . It _ r. y�_ hee ..8�t to tax the nuisance as it ie to to th • an: who .makes she nuisance -with"-_ mo. latter a party to it. - nalt : of -not less: than,$10 or more , the man who will drinks g = -t Without costs p � 'with.. less, w =than $50, . . - pay secution or to im risonnient, of pro � � P r or without hard 1 houfor y, with. � g 30 'days,.or to nceedin . -herrn: no �►:. . both_ fine with or without costs and id amount = and imprisonment to the said P .ion of nuked discretion term, said to �. h s for to f the convictl° - a trate And in . m• ase of a fine and costs!being awarded, and the same not being. upon' convict. tion forthwith paid; the ..offender shall paid; -:: e:tommitted to .--the common -gaol, • - there torP .be im risoned for any :term . =the °�nle sis d s u n g -thin not exceeding Y a. d. This ax �er _. are sou costs - and e.p _. he l t4 t sae t gall not appl . to a : y r . guardian rdi ua a or .anent his. mor 'for, h p-. _ g e-, order- -�• of ; ..the - rent ten request -or � written q guardian. A person :who reniX . or . gu , - Pe. 1 appear to the . magistrate • • be - 4reater- demand for} earnest hard Work on the -.part of *temperance -People. Rave...—,,y you any money, in- our. treasure Y 1 •. Take it : out, 'get Joe`: Hess- or:.=some other: •=good man.; sieve, kin u amort. � us have. a���sha *Jong - the and . P g. the � - uckno w -enjoys drin kers. L -te h a idistinetionthe of�b evIa 1unen - ;being: w unt s drinkln hole in the --.two o co wo t r he name..:` .This le us- w a :-nut. ,t , _ Ies t n re `` ent 0 m ce 1 do: � for: a-� coiicmmeu . _ , , next week.- UBEDARE. :t e Largest the Choicest Goods, e Best Va in Lucknow. obt�amable - � .. indsSeason. Inds in S n,. 0i USE FQR. VETE'°HAVE J'Y NEW SPECIAL varieties,.botb in fruits and ornam3n- tals to offer, which .are controlled only by us. We p , = "y a'. commission or salary. Write us at once for terms* and secure :choice of territory MAY BROTHERS,Nurserymen, .. - 98510in. • - Rocheater: N.Y - .. ON HAVELOCK; STREET D. TE ITUA ata - e of Lucknow near the S , in the villas tion. The house is a large I frame, me, 'containing eight or nine rooms, cellar, kitchen, etc, and is in agood state of repair.' .The harden con-, and and is. well tains about one acre of ground and other ed with apple . cherry, plum stocked The p lace will be sold • cheap. r • fruilees•,. P � , For further particulars' apply to Hugh Mor- rison o . 'JAS. G IN EN =�A.0 0 Iyueknow$P. BOAR FOR SERVICE : i inform th service this $e.. ion Divas 1 hoar, recentl e fila C olborn ai . former.str n r ROMs• TL, $1,25-i not -eq pal RSIGNED WISHES.= TO : for Vitale: that he will. k .e dp . , - lot 11.;0011.:: (Eastern_ i._olk 1d athoroushbred � Suff ' _ - i the `towitshi, _of e :.in. ..p ekes cl nimal is no relation to: Inv AUCTICNEER FOR ON feet - 3sitc..ae-...-11.4 L.G��� • ITCHEL1 BROS. WILL PA:Y $8 • per thousand for the above quantity of - first class map logs, none other 'be taken. • MITCHELL BROS, , _• Luckii W REAL . ESTATE, - I NSU Re ANCE AND GENE AGENCY. . _ TS INALL PARTS -.. D SALES � ATTENDED - of the Countyand satisfaction guaranteed f A number o . FIRST GLASS . FARMS rias. e t. : on- reasonable _ - Porsale.. • JOHN ' CR1FFIN.__ $YNI? r.G GS .�� at - ime ry - $e -o€ c t MR LTZER -SHORTHORN ILLS HE L � OFFER PO B' ERS O NED •aai a. n o* 'young� u rang pg r o m h s..,, .' e t - Thew are 8 menthe to 2'yearst •;. ?� i. sh will :Sll .naako . w snd' and. fleshy- thick Co - . iidence solidted or coxae r and see NS, E AUNT. • —m4114110.04:411. AND- FARM AND 140ME Film 1593 Both Papers ers for •SI ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. A'HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER.. EztcH 14U1aHER ; REV.. DE. TALMAGE'S 8< Sunday previously. WAKEMAIN'S WAtDEBIN(IS. ,AGBIOULTUBAL 1 A.TrE,B Illustrated, ed. �AnIEa PAGE—Illustrated. •- - - � ._ A SERIAL TALE, and other :interesting reading matter. 13 RIPEN delivered the ;_.. •in-.dvance for the a ..Price, One I} liar a year ."VPEESLY.. • RESS and !AR*R AND l oME-- n all 16 pages. • Balance of1892 free to new subscribers. - ed an eve.:: unrspresented• - Agents rant .i'3� . . trice t4 solicit subscriptions. -REE PRESS INTING cis ,f ONDO;N ONTARIO: FOR SALE: of � he station ion� ha s -. to r m s . P . .c n i e r s 3 n a F hadoutArom Cnil ds�E S wistM,blOaRueEet R0hrL I�. S Ameeuvno.u�owter.�aodlocaton,wftin ft 4 • • • 9