Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-01-06, Page 3'A DUFFERI we ought to he thankful to the' INnk Pill- UU MIRACLE, a. all druggists or irect' by mail fro i'Medicine C"omp4ny from tber only growipg stout and otrong� and Willi,*nif Dr. LAUGH AND LEARN* scarfs— -4s. 6d. eaeb .0h, a eai i I this is his first d -ay at, school. The. doctor' address. , The price' at which- the e pills are That's too exptnsi*e. If I gave my bzother`,�-- 'a John such a thing last' sold *makes a course -of treatment compara- A gonx of KrIss Kringle's Tree e ' - for a brother, is �t ? B%rgain counter gue 2, ve as com ff, /I' 'Ernest Dnke's Great Peril alid Wond&ul Toronto ex�ibitinn, b-dt my little - -fellow tively- ifiexpensf - oDher esid he would be dead before the, 0,1 as thmt-1, all obo pared with Kriss K7 ing e's be]14 fire iingli was so well then that he was, &big to be' remedies or medic tteatin' floor -below (To, iuew-comer)—al Are On al ent.. The frosify air is tingling, around, and even- weub with. 'his -father to beingwaitcdon, �adwn?" All silvery sounds a -e mingling, the exhibition. We have been buying the This nierry, merry day. 'Lire -ved Af t eir Big. Ia- In China. - �With man'y a fleecy feather qIrl Childre a om. --Mr. -Stevdn�Qn,* One of the �snow-fiakes dan, e Now 4ND IBROAT. The' rether: e ii elar to, R 1i d 19 e' oe e till a a child is born, -the 6rst ques. by -Thr d 0101POIe" Orangevill ' druggists, and Ernt,'9t.is a As soon Iffere comes Kris,4 KrIn � le s weathqr; In gobd Kriss Kringle's -0 e. e Its terest4ngr Nar- using them although not so often �as at tionw]hich. presen to '-itself i 'it- many Diseases Va4sed by uIr 11AROM"o of a a initiation bY We first. It woul& not , bd much out of your nto -the hunian family. , The �ahia potestas Theft- Funcelons. Kriss Kringle's measures tripping JR*Y'.% Mother-aiid Other wituesses. supreme ; - i wayto call at the school- and it is for the father to -say Kriss Kringl 's sweetness sipping, there you'will regns (Flufferin Post, Orangeville. find Ernest who will -be -able to sp�ak f whethef the little'life-bud ,shall grow up to The while-hN gifts wo"re clipping. In a recent lect' or- himse4f. become a. cit,zen or a-, cit,zeness of the* From brave Kriss Kringle's tree. Assistamts' A9soc04on, London by Wil- The -a- ianjund Burk,�'onoe-ex'.laimd We set the candle's burning, �gri Middle ingdom. In accordance with the Justas Mrs. Duke was conclu'ding heLrin. KA a Moment of IAke stars and planetR turn* M. D ndon, the. -tbrnat was �,�;d despair that teresting narrative the teacher of the supreme in China both - lr�gv dosor bed in detai Ae, age. i d 0hivatly Achool, ouily law, which is Amd every d eam anf� yearmng nwAs 900,1-, foi ever, and i 8 fo:r the Emperor and. for hi There satisiled we see. th laIrnyx pointt skut as the� two Inobt i Mr. -Thomas R. 'L%j3gford' w4o- boa d -h as a - tn"hest sub - important parts. The now, has 6 very Im ever-, eiiie of us' we hrar 1t remarked at_Mr._Duk!e"s,. entered--the-11housel. , It was j -eat, until the " child been " lifted u Alone and solitarr that the dt�js.of part .,f the the dinner hour bv: the fathe'r. - it has tiheo - re _P iion wit b the throat I and and the reporter expected tlically no Aloof from elf and falry. conzec 4 dim, suptrsitLours aU4 romanti... t grew in forest its di rde It Oontaini a series of bonce Past- We that Ernes't would,turn'up, a�vd save h.lin�& existen e.' It follows, therefore that in- s airy are not goii2g to a. dticuesion on visit -to -the school.. He was informed' how- faratiudde, or the failu ff- Through many a s---.ason dim- call�d the tar inated,bones, whioh exp -160 To reach its day of glory, the meriG of ei r 4-i-a-ternent. Much Of ever, that the.boyhad taken hia lunch with eprivg, receives. the tacit approval of the When winter woodr, were hodry, a laige, rfa , of vparm blood, &Dd cauge -the the chivalry th'at we read 'of had a great him -in the:- m law. As male childr. tlie'a"Tir in a ed to be warmed ready for tko orning and 'would spend th en are a. means 'of To hear Krls,q Kring;e's story 4deal bf the wild an grothj�qu,� abour, It.,- dinner' hour at play. - Mr. Lan * fo SUpffort in old' age they - are uftful, and And dear Kriss Kringle's hymn. -lungs; moreovero the cilia of tte now -a 1i g rd aocom. whe fint th%t wai3 aaributed A , .1 to pa, rely if ever destr6ye 1!aughter- ow- e the secretion's to move and reject the racd1ous, nied'the. reportei- tohe. rad � and on the' r4 d. caus the a senclela was wrk of 0 tree. that wearies never 1 the t6acher saidl`-that'Dr. Wjjliamq� ever, area reoponilbility and an expense,* 0 tree th,;tcliarzns us ever I solid particles it bas collected. "Tho w5a is of tP'Ient "d gepiuft, wiEer. and Way Pink Pills could notb* *o 'and' 'are frequently expo ed., 0 tree that liv;. s forever I greater iba e -to - viidely kn6wn. a Obviously, the proper organ for breathing, not the genli, a their' -,ration3 -Who' 4 1 have been boarding all along -at- Mri -welcome�Azi the Chinese mouth.- �,The laknvx, uhicih is the &ir had I they are not over The bletarzed Christmas tr-ee. expicwed and compre e Dake's," said he 49 an4i -1 tell �Gil i q -'home. Mothers of the poo er class exhibit Where love and kindness blending- It e r 'eastirrs of Nature, witblin whose Ernejot w",in I a bad state Iast.sp considerable. an±iety as Roundup the year's fair ending. passage, is bouoAed at its upper 9' b-0som- Iq vaid to be )ocked ringi' No to". the ma'iter, There heaven'g own beau.ty blending,, tremity by the vc41 cords. az),d has, ther(> a P"Ocea fOr due ev r thought he would"get-. be'tteA' and I and . Irequently conault �. the - neighbor-- Behijld Kriss Kringle's tree. fore th,@ double fubction of breathing and of ill of' fl $ __ - - newspaper e'ems , ,so strange. ej 8 ib a le in' 08 that -he -`waa cured -by, g j ' a-hous which of course, has a pana- phonation. The opiglottis by alte ring iia a re, three cea for all woes. The Toauist �rie IM. calendeks will soon be ont of 0. form, causes the � food =Mission ifs to Lsithfult and i U actively suuh a., medy.' Wh dat do a r zdoord 'id-teresting . current, events, and to doctors pronounced' his 'case Yj rows up � Ue to pass wa the ;t ai hopeless ticks.". In order to Wirie—I am very fond of literatur pharynx and keep' it fiom the larynx. In. make'Euch eolltmt!n! �d sug-g-,;,,tions as' it Jennie---�-Me 0. P tti and yet, hia"is� at'.9chOol to,day 1 - He is a asc6itain 4hether the tree which represen too. -Liter&ture and dancing I sp?aking, of prop�r, breathing, the afith& altd. it is t3 role -ihe 4. -P68t bright -little boy, and - the Pink Pills aed� the woiiian '16 - ihe unde Id'beare.-white just dote'on. is desiring t6 fili in.�thi rwor po�ntedl out that � diaphragmal' breathing rrtiele. : Theeikh- his lifib.?) -or red flowers. - If white, then something Beware, -young maii, lest spoil the was th, proper ni'thod, and not clavicular. Uringtowmhip-of. OU0 furnl�,Aes a ou n in- The reiporter was f�il, of thoughta as he must be done.9c to -change the- earth, "for," aa b&ppV Christmao -season by.giving your vtau of a m rys-,11ous 1i in -I astened to- the "school to inter surely as- clavicle during ai A�ring, by 68 h self 1b wag reported tb ubi i had broken hii3 the sun risen'to her n m lehild- away to yout best girl. sting in view the a enlight4med ti'mes- wou'.4"nsidoubtedly have littiejell - Y O; Bali '�ernatural, irifluences iv who may be ' id to I have he%rd ren shall be born. But what is to be don -4 He (delightedlv)—Have you 3really and this method -of bre�thing. T= d wieabcs i �the- su m-mfis- of death, �and to 'h lave been The remedyis certainly a curious on I b� germs, b inhalatidn:of and whih raws I ngi are often caumc - saved from. an early grave by -Dr. Willia mis) is an illustration of the, fa gewer ga, etc. "Fortuate -hi-1 st,�rn' and practi 6- 'It� truly i6ever been'e %ged' before She— In 9, w eoPvl- Never—that is, not'in thewinter. .�Uuhle_ sen s;,,t ton. thic ptinciple that like cures like-. In such other - organism Qnderfal Pink Pills -which the -teacher had El In tfie throat alws��I_s w1�4ve the Particulars of he truly described as a simple reinedy.' When a Vase the girl child O-f,auother family must - She�- Will you instruct your daughter in ready to attack t4ese g,;rms. Rhe thftat, roat�rat V' it 11 Sical Otne`ug i h iintt A'ct�,Vity W e reached the school -sevet al children be adopted, in order t' di entlan were.. guages ? Great man—No was W 0 ward off the lonj the . ger ell provided ,with- tonsils, both faucid h one tongue is sufficient for a Womano, r6ug playing in the yird, and in - answer' to 'our line Of1emales which thr�atens'the welfare -and lingurld, Th�- thnsils prodUce�phaga- -house. ': 5his pro' knowli a N I otEuoueh. -the uaebi Pihk Pills -for Palo call for Ernest Duke -a bright, little boy ofth6 People, ces is� cytesi or leucoeytoa, aua.mboid corpasolesi 6c, wt)ich are nQw h6uge-hpidt'words on tart,A out from the romp�ing viffing" -tbron' - WV1 Thuit turns QUV that a iirl For just one, kiss did he -plead which a6tually swallow up the germs. Wh this -con- Illeett R1 ..y i�h Y*14d'the arti 91 Ole him if he was the boy j�ho had been 10t w-�n ted - in her per- Beneath' mistletoe jo";home Is then, should tmsilo be, out oub ? Becau -an Mr.'H;;l,,.%,it rr.ight, he di -,4 'post d to doubt.* 80 gick, and he * '' at least Just one .1 I like that, F4r, indeed P answered with -a -mild 4nd mitted'to livb, in another. .'But even th I 'K when the� -becooe elarged and Init-the reduiVua wex 0 sitniced and en Quoth she, indignant, " lZo." 0. Are - you -well- now 12) gg 0 'there is a urplur, and the mand�riine ar desperadoes like to the they lose this lanction - id by rew- convinced by. thlt-. ,�triki-ig_evidene6 of I 2 . , "" I e at 11 Why do thes,- the patie; t YespYin ae(w.ell as. ever again. Whatcured their its end to stem. the fearful tide the horn v wbich pink Pills !" was the. rei%dy And, of- infanticide. . A numbcr of � benevol with their boot on se 'they know tion can go on producing the was you s 11 Decgu y jmrface,'the mwly expw cerroborat-�d. ks, sevti-al reliabl ent Jordan is likely -to'prove hard road for persons mllh)g rerponse. Th -e litt, deday of -largely 4 le, fellow.,did Chinese `r0irbhants have. devised The' teeth! is -kiwwledge of the er inly app fu,,l ei)joymenf pla)a is" certainly ch them to travel.,- This shows the Ipor ko c tia iI ear tdbe in7 the' whibh arming. cont D ()_n'fk towgship The' & e or It should always be remembered that it i Of of heilth, and no one who did'not kno tfi sidered both.from. Is e thepo I Iut-6f ingenuity'and -teeth in order. Obmtractj46ktbV anpplie equa!1v 8,tri.kiing 'and' facts w�ould thi k that, he. bad so baritable intent. " The - -little gii Is -are nott'he cost of a gift, 1buttheffection it the cause of recently of ..Dr. WilllaD�81 been e an ;n isuch a fe ble d brought up in asylknis, ymbolizes, that the worthy recipient pri precrious con- which ar� practically must be exerciseA in speciel effeetu&! remedy wher ditio4i as to be despaired of by three I- i I fema�le uni -Pink Pill& w, an of ellvers oca versitios, Although deserted by at Christmas time. alcohol and toba-ce tie , phibi iaris' ski,'l and kn­ T e Ow;edge physiciani a.of standi"g and ei�erience. 'We. their' families, -the authorities - 6& A Tioy man has in�rent'ed a kodkk which, these luxuries 2mve been- u,i. f,6rly b - ffied. take gr t is bad.— Men 'my. be hook hands with the and started for Paifis-to. obtain their' pedigr,��es, it is said makes an e:gpouare of oixly I. 540- others, iposed t6"b"o icOptical.' and'tQ fan' il which are.; no cY at Orangeville Vinced that there -was -cots -"d are of it Pecond --just half the time can hung up over their �'ired by disor'ders in Praise' of thee pills is fully con of ofirse, requ a good. deal in the stories we had been readr invaluable for'- fut'ure use, As they, grow any'ah6kliow_ in use. piquantO rabre hy�pee:iule., but, it, is -hard t6 confrnnt i 'ir er, these Aildren are mref4lly trained ng of m "I a wrought throughtho, use of old re the log�4 oe and in this resp"t an en Romeo sh-o whispe * d. will you get. toi Su -d-, Alnen Dr. Williams'Pi ik Pills. and elaborately-. 6d ucat WbAt one Way "during M-0,­Umtint is fast being built in sup- The ia, ed. Arriving at a some mistletoe for Cgristmas r6porter i0so interviewed several marr able age ng somewhoot . .1 . Oey 4v'an enormous for, Juliet?" he questioned. Oh; helpi. poet of'the- mof iw an�d claims'of this g dvan 5he a is by, reat- of Mr. Dake's neighbors, and found- a er the avers �tage v Ninese woman, replied, inerely 6s—as an excuse A. Z) 98 *0 preparati6n of z the 'century. -t them a�ll of one' opinion. Thi4 was that who never receives any educatiow whatevie' of UA 44, V - I , foray, n 6, Mono, Poverty-stricken Sui Ee Wr,. WMA�!�k lot 1, conci,sio* 8 was onee vry 91 si adakicals.it � is son would -now be - sleeping hD the unless belonging to the wealthy or ffic;ai Amandp lik' tty bit 4f hi 1111 of . vie. A-Rown nd respzAAted- lent churchyard had , it n4t been - -for class.' Indeed., pi Y1014 on a __ -, � and I will treat f this ilection. : A tew" Yrf-+ks ago Amanda -4 ho--uld.- thin bdice. tiie time]" use -of Pink.. Pills. 'He 'also very -fe�v &h -d or -writ Y -of .16 Y e, &VA -Dnere.T W foundling carries- to Not that many others wtie using the ar-old'.-b-py _tr &r� __ ;709thing tea' -itill less ZaonhTrdothaL his httle 12 -ye .h-tz. lea;��,,, e me, t2' . and bu band the. one . gre�at b been snato.-hed iroiii - th 'of her 8 'For 6 16ug e pills, ;th . gratifying rlts-1 :while many b + ti... 'by Willliam.W k tnaideial, howigver;-remote Ills Alf"ers: isay AWL - at lado' iw leir inds 'since Of every Chinese iitflt' theH011 d --We- ttoo hea`rt—an- edu we fif�wrmv�e -4�'Yfbg of cation.��Heny Bfit7dm llo*'tw -Wl* younq�­. ould increase t with thw-rlilee* WhIal ave t& rrosperous bave ta, m Of the doting vestigato, ge ailm6ts Dowell, in #4rperls. aide h"Llcip�'t, Q . . If rishes at Ohri one 096y, Duke n�- h ijo,�, mwv%ra troubledi We had pa e it When th , appoInt1n., iat- �,bf the. Post i - I e d i's iars?) - Ville, and C -&d at his quiet I d that our ir -would b d pastors ce 'a flow o owe Air 9 -to hax In somexespects aPentweazel-,4 be Slie reV. ort-bl. h DR9 _*iR-at a I ea pect Your Hon�or my dear. Mrs,.,'PD n place, is rd, of the e story whie..1. We - h Yer of rrang 1pMase, I would lik but there-Rorter wasj i;, ad isiend by,on maighborin thre rnest'Dahe's e to ask a.zecess for ten man who buys. of; the Nina 1.7 recovery -i bbis 8.,Duke.. Wrefto 0 - ;o fully. minutes.. A maide d-4 9 ! . . . . . . . . . . y received by Mr e ing _ku 'F ar and im n aunt 6f 'the defendant Ve Yu. 064e aa t tiw con.iii ion of but,here We Were return* hasf�d -snd'left-him $WO0(�D. e past tl4e .1 wish to mas prese retJon j) -1 fh evertlAng W" nug "YiD -that"' it With my eilent.fo unani who -while 6 ive been befo" 'Pl�intiff's attor en 0 moud lishel u St. e bir4 w, sla;- I 'our.. Y Ot -wcd, an,! er t)onpluiaed when Y ney (hurr1edly)--:_The ]ad - in�vlotigatlon. not gar -in.- whom I have the 6n .4614 thathe 'From or- W represent in- pre asic! tO a loop�' AT T11H DRUGG - ;_ Oa arriv ISTS'SAY.' thst Sail �b A teamell to hk �vate of � ath last 8tructs me to withdralw, this omplaint. The A riater The -MOR the epurt pleasqj�.J move that the we et exp4- id h1th able to intervi IBM' apring, -at W flr g' -the fall And e,41Y V, happ fatiji1y.- US he lltt�e BOU968P at brille we det* ine�d di isted. idase, 7Gern'%DY ne -never--Vw,�_ to leave:the f--oare, a -ad- wero -rif;t prepared larity the 10 5mbers Of t 0 POPU -&I druggists r, g great 1n( t6. Pch olboy Th6 VA10 Anovgh to mix wit' to -, e b - d- ,ft V e own wor,4 for the re h at e S .,more a*. rang ,inch :�` the-christmall *141 'a��e - Gen Won(- of the remedy that is"' warkinig alue, sympiaby. supply . th era' 9f Lets 'u, o 0 go and -a wifi and causi4g such. genuine Call. at the Ke Invali VQU ho rises 11 Ulkjr4q* O Mr, Spatts. g . T Eefiest th little boy that was Mr Thof said- young giion 1, I to sic -been k last ' nt r and sipring wa lu MaDY. Parts'Of the country for J6�m Wi - f. th he gir U Should mqal"r gilen�611t, �­ MA ave. O� venson -was 0 e flrst up in t WIL there 8 our drugght in - a F3 Ste t 'have miiiletoia hug h Y next Int+.r.roiative. He' is, indeed il k. of Dr. Vi .'F!oor fello' t eq,m. from wOr- ewed "Do, yon sell m w '10W 9 horbO is OU Pink Pills ? ingl., we asked. 'truth we hid -at i me ti, e no hoDe that he was his pro dAr- _fiiend Of M- Mr. Steve Cc& you h - replied xqplied Mri,.�'Dake, 9,1� lnd, -to tell ydn the any Ther6s t thAt� Miserat W - is no ttolav th III b Ut a, su6h fle- as ve- 'the s cto", etubus youlng The t iWould e r again be &l Jeava hl bedjr�- in my-p4ore. I)ro be vftal�led OA Rover* 91 To whitt do you attribut�i the bo -a re- ce said, the yes. as No$ Y. our m nd, an d vl fisa. said Y -)rter -YOU know d- after e sell is ver i to YM 06*e V the'r, asked. a. COX digs voila 11glited y0uli ry large, the, - "Like jM - Q cre"Ing. as ge 8416 7 )y Bloobumper -filsh tb 960h.itonothingbu* aws' Pii k 1 41 How do y 40 t� &e 1; i� a6 Dr. Will' lik fi juaeed, 1) re - of. prissn�a. I to tAke 18Ari jR - I%r Bet Lit jjeivoros, i 6 174 lose 0 TL positor W6 - Yill&', wi�A tberea�A-Y-zA�nd.enqpbitiere,�Rponiielwe asked: , __ �f_ lea Ue..( f r. . E, ht Ou z! Mrs; J)ake, W�d is.- a very. int�J gent the merits 6 iug tileo an be b ga 0 -se who, an �._Th a Gut, Y tuns Y thii2g." g s *dy and who -then ve, the irdervieerthe.j use D.,-' Wil U _,ihe go-by, I re cho era' givin ing tutreis Part any r was ques Ie w -'the football P' ou dow'n` f6t Is re h + 1 well-i4ih idbredi- beat reiults; � . _. I I 0. t 'y:' 'h-+- 1 wa�enyt it? at +that 1 evor on bf it, In February' op�Pwg UP seern ed i .0- f , h�e tiohed he. IAplus nex b6 nar Ernest had -*onde4ul r&ti" 11-LaA winter t morn,w Turne �& I don2t kni r stomach vn That know. YOU grlppe� �y #4Wt I -.Pill iseasohs e 0 Dr. Williams, Pnk pret W id you Y ximlaverfroin th e&cts sai 8 (Gan In his experien-ce Ban, ftrk _�-N[ot 8;S -1axt,. some'tj me. Ee had th4- he was'a, lg&rto h'MSelf. . ke'r JD' afier e VP unwi- ll thati.w.e tookhim to'Dr. d o er gripp, , 2 jUat think Cif it, Xothel. Banklut remedy 'such a Cla;ra­�-Iloth a � i4_- - dafighter?. so iit n' h&d mad it mights YOU know The, ills, who examined 3�osaw;x, of M,�no M. him o—Whal 0L- d such wonderful 450. h �roduze cl, pu t C has. surt.d. bis -life for _000�,. calle n a 9en 0 -i thar what YVJ%8 trnubling'him' tScarcely a- day- passed4hat he did horles r �and sA was a resul -other" Well, iftows my daught r, al2d a, b th which re Pa or to your t Were N -He has? it h rties wh-0 M t=yjn! qw requi d to el not h S, lio long 'objection absent embera ink IsoUng; thoight ths, ? thdr" Pills,' -pul', d the 'tooth and said to the�u'l on. gIck-s—It is me- hurry- angell�ke'yovkU' e bei. _ -_W, ou Dodds was�- equally enthu- linaking him that v int make --y h6me, amd all - Mr Uke t he bp he.: w6uid be, 9. If you call'- Dr.'� Williams' Pink Ulking a ut--' 6or- I ioks—ycu will -xight abort Iv.- ln'sy'iead of getting bet -ter, Bias ow. so, PIOU -tent Tn e 'be, Ji -I -he sai to get 'Aroun 0 'Pro' V 'Ernest g(,t fe they, tell -Aison" - 1,2� you r worse ;,pil ;,o an 1 v out d however d -waO edi said 4ftb tiMV ftr oishe that-, beat selling- patent 6 women ar alfogethei too -I he jiv popular and 8 41011 Mo ?0she*$1 a aya. e me; r ao= cwnfined ftirely to� his be'd. -He ar is WhiLt's th 'tte ? day- r littlro SV- �!E - L- Who h eLbo m 8% YV. was m MY - stot e L J&AJ4 in avength ztnrl, ap*tite, and' a to-Aay. The sale is now d propos�if to th6 'becomin day.. Some. ujimibtedly on the iiiciea6e and I can s Y' er g mare nervous every &V 1 ght fro m. are" 81he aaq t you� 01� it WOUH get twitching and -nervous' tj p tool" 'i Mmea he at s(fores' 9 No.- Shd took f' 8 IL A -I) Williams, fiame end d i1tte shake so bard that he- would j, Ift hel 0 boo wr my frot-t int Ir pxaisee w"t But; t Afits, and ns�wall VAIR, �Dbzl htewyou,-, The 4haki hocking 'IT Th sire siid hw uld 0 e doneJoi thein. ey 0 ons der. hen, ng W48 so strongf? F1 e spray gOL gre re very long Way; ed,sho6k with, h ti at medy,&n�myex1,.vpxi,6uCe the whole' b' im. We kertamly n the brilliantIv doc:A� jh't the efleot -all.. thab is claimed for parlor they �tt& tha nothing to Sh0we fN Ur'. who prescri or -the- tidy, and *ho�_th�m-" 13[p and, she..,-. A1_9)W!- She-kedilied at ease Of I frost- t _pme. alarmed and sent for'a second a y shocki�g little sOraY bed'f' tfA cove t fs�cfiaij while re Pillff itteli raistle 0% are a M ap e1gAn 'd so save it, as his opinion that bis reco.�qq r.r.Williamle Piilk -perfect --'the -extreine edge- ol o, on, residink attbOOVA114. d builder' nerve restorerg our ne tism. --neul 9 rheunia %ttern Jost the s r&lgt&g ohair -,�6f A. suvenir p. -L-odge, of 8 6iUncl' 'ng h6 i9t iirVev�§ 7 on �snd liste d to Lo ieiti-4�1 lli- E41MIX44 WAS iTpomible.' Ati thie time Ernest bl�6 and Ja Haddingt Ipowe of both legs and nil toL be. ter 01213 1hey fiad tied down to eiise fh6 f- loconiotr 'Ataad e tfiumpg., tht With stated tbstwhile the imml -of inido 7 111siv diN 9,11P !, aejy� large- 1. parti -e coni mr. by less�niDg� the ine. ne 'this ye on C -F -Fed in attewted prostrsti andhb. tiredet r an increa e. nervous -41 a glit%U -you I to W.Jiimpin headachei- fiervous Vitus' id heartseemec e ph5 it, ffing,# rdfrom,' - his ear-dru s iau. we I i, i, , , I ' ; - 1, I .9 second the d dwfi�ou, i lk4 �Ieaded-- 2com p4 --Lod Mjis Marie I e now a til -he ce6le was -.-the a Is— grippe, f -dL g more hop-sless, popffixig 'on -�he bqy "m6 me, but t getting the nd f ter e&o' afiswer me A she, re Vhe humors ih bk �-6d such �a Mi. -Shk bkd' plio" after a A .9 'rAj �.-zo bad., every !6y becornin" to;960,00.0. ink -YOU 0 oujht to- i6sk that a third as hn as- et�� Finkyal paute; [O J@ consult.., icroful&, 0 48d 0 W s4�nt for, to �tiic erysipfil , 7 The Ute Bir In tq its sa _Jn*g�wo , _ * T*is-'Ifigt, 0' giv thy gloV lo vale so -d iallow co YOX mmit to -be - yo�r wife. wh doeen t restored ne said' th�.O thefe was.no� * 8' a heal .,nauteq)) he, anatorats Once -adY600.0 _9 e trbubler nan teM, ,h26_' S Iexi�ns, wid are- a 'do fQr th original form A,giigal -bi4'of'11 a M_-'�or Ernest, &nA' that. 11 the p evejr,knoy� s gn, -ouble I and fif'th urely I have I ed. it often the4i �le iYa o&I6 the tatiire of:,im ordinaiy -in 4 he nerves.' Ir'-'-. Peou, Jar 0 not tell' ydu bow t ­- knd Utt&S YOU I hbight—d a Mors f 'it case of men - they 160�dt raaiQa1.01ire. i.A ugh noes had but el OR a thigh ge e of losing -our b(53,11; r-WoOk ways Big Harry D. msu--th"Urgh he Worry, 9ve tart &rising bo ed -any 0, I evell the pro;:pect froii, jiietital have &I Ited At A and from which tO is our full `ame ne from New Ze1%1 IkYDU savehis re elfoict­-:-�- would have tri., thing t k__ Rhao forations din g in We Post abou -These pilI a f? t the i iqd,byz oth6, DA;�_ �jjjn& the res Woalcl giVe What. -AdiA Wei ha.d bF en rea he sm Ong -wonderful �de by' I)r.. Williazns`� Williams' MediqiA*--'Y, gue Mrs. Withfar�y—1 th ht I cuies rn Jai 0;,, 1) " 00 �18, and, often tA Ont., and So OA r Christme0- pink Pi. ought OF trying tands for Dennis iny huib%ud`somd pajaw6s,,, 0 a_theM '0 , , 1 But suppos did good. -'Neurly. and wrRpper 6*":-Oi six b6x6s y not do any i Ube,at t Biariitrj, bn-'Ing OU -:7 ha;m if the raff wil 'I a hi Ism -for-$2.50. Bear in mind, that Dr.Villis "Th6 QL 1-MobAat )ni pd He hAs ev hiera, ao wo wer . told . they wouldr do no. only in boxes bearin a trade, iir t e .40 1 1 "I n' a hald'ally before 5 err �%Il it-50,cents a b i� y week we iread about miracles. wrought Mio,,. Withorby-:-ThAV li�d -a f ter Decembe'- 201th.`uj�less anoiiier gettull Wbh ry `tO t0891h them myoolf- ch'heifer the.. her head them 1AM, Oan wear by the PUls,- and ne- Aay I determined to '.Pink Pilla never sold in -bulks-` i b "If fbey them. -dozen or hiindred , and, any, deabr'Vv� e j�ail ts �� �ff in . the doctor -if we -might- oo�t Ank ubstitutcm i this form is -trying d, GX nd 's -well said. We Y can't get better,. a w4iefrau Father 11ATrY A&Inst­ AildroA 6the bo 'ed.:� The Rev. IDStL both the- Z � t* hutch of the Redi y ; -vQi the Pills re not likely to hasten his � ou cand should be � * - Fenjjr, NeW on* nd _ I Xg�i , Th7e idea"that fu a S. rich' the () u like-' Shortly public are also cautioned th his ,Msl tant --do ast UP end; You can Vo without I 14, re rly. siliapt lias exchlingedpositlobswi L Ia &4ted'; the l-Pilla L: This all other blooct -buftdejs� -a and`the'pc16r- shou ba, simils John of o calleil son; Sifter the ltei Father W, we ou ght aW a C crap%. name- M* withbut! fio*,6r' ey Are 14 41++n York Buiw.- this chatkg in may lait.. ttle'R ad not n4ve tonics,.no, ter wii�t- b6 unprea eks wh J)mn taking- thdiii -3wo we en he -b Th gien them. beoome-the"Matto the Now depre.%. lia, the history of tbb 70testanv, IE 114copal, �We 4iiit the whose makers -hope to- re.4p ov.pwdulary aa_ Pef6imAsociatiod The assocition 'haven t of -anderful"eba'i ofteu a - .. . motiel , W, 411 enw Chuich" sud'it'wab an eutirelY wo -ul repOw lo' th -fact th Chr tians reotor, W1 0, it fi doctors' medicine 6pt using -;vantage. from the tiderf ates ;P, I iW , . . . . r- I - - one on klot.t '06 -night. altogether -and k4 of the, t 3 the part A towbitonest P�Lt.' y, -he Pma only. The boyfinproved so, rapiAly chieved to. Dr. -Willim 1 Pin -k 4Ask- gtau've a our ver a -on f, -for I I of weepig groWingold. $on or 8K*.;_MV ha*e staflites to find U6'1160 M -that -tirr �ji rills b&ken o u. out 0 u a short e he was ablce.to be 0 r dealer for Dr.� IM in tingu*edAorch0;94J "Young WoUfa like can haidly believe a st a ange 83, 0 -era a 'th ex to I an if- they mean d,ebabWq r ,substitutes. wl�i e AM "We I - 0` _,, sgopwonlftp_�_He _t ike le- People, �an,4,refqge, f . o, a present f0t46 ory NoMeth-inLg suitable jbis,bat.elvery wor1 of it is truo. I tell You d "Y ' " 'han a in our Dr. W 9 n death. M%n I&ere is wondbrJul bo - ill, 0 y an Ams� P1 k t 't 0 de e tur rfa in al _e Ig 11 01 JIB in