Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-25, Page 4• *U'1"PItB Am) TO ARGO*C BDING TO ME DICTATES OP _conk; o$ WS PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTfiEi3 LIBERTIES • Lrk*ow, Nov. 25th,189 . ominion • �:. G�=geJohnston;D : _. ` statistician, says that the most the Cleveland Administration will do in the, direction of tariff reform will be to remove the duties from raw material. If that is done there will ° be Scarcely any duties left, as there are few arti- cles that are not capable of such classi- fication. Mess pork in barrels has been claimed by lumbermen -to lio their raw material. ;y er )lilgaself and i,n...° N• remark' seat' `Irhera war an exodus, and it would not be stopped by men who shut their oyes to it and said all were disloyal who did not do just as they are told by the few Cabinet Ministers who dictated the party policy without consulting even the members of the House. If it was going to ruin the party to tell the truth, them the sooner the paIs ruined the =better- for _ the . country. The Empire, it was true, had not approved of the address, but many Conservative papers had, including the Mail, which within a few months would become the organ of the Conservative party. A director of the Empire, Mr. Frank Tehad fewld him he was right members of Parliament had written letters to the same effect. THE New York Sun is again anxious ` to abolish the bonding privelege and get a whack at the Canadian Pace The average American pays little attention to the Sun, and the party that sought popularity at home by doing dram • ge abroad is now in the cold shades of opposition- The Sun, however, is no worse than some of our Canadian papers, who are continually howling about what the Yankees party was mainly due to the position could do to injure Canada if they of the party on the tariff question, the wee]- They have done their utmost Republicans having..forcd the issue to to hurt us and -we still live, but in the an extreme which evidently did not meet with popular approval. words of the street urchin Harriston, McKinley & Co. are in the soup. ' The Belleville Ontario remarks that the man who digs a tore of coal gets about 75 cents, and the man who burns it pays $6.50 or $7.00. It argues that coal should never go above $4 in Canada, which would give $1 to the miner, $1 for freight, $1 to the home dealer and $1 to the combinester. do Lit seI bat life u' ewer wish earn bona want p&aea whoae you to °Pin. jar contain long ha your You an Hour ea; glad of via l" "Ilia of the foe .. Tan arena ss called?' With ea hands nothing Y He /yoke " What • to Lord Cru as to wbetl It is seer a 16amband site fast a " little " .No f a do not Emden may be azar sheahl Ise co as drawing a . IT is proposed to introduce the kan- garoo atgaroo of Australia into the Northwest .as a substitute for the extinct, or all but extinct, bison. Parts of the coun- try, especially in the west, unsuited for cultivation or other stock, might, it is thought, be utilized in breeding kangaroos, which not only afford good sport but flesh, fur and footwear. It is stated that President Harlon referring to the recent elections, said that the defeat of the Republican THE Brantford. Expositor remarks: Juries do some funny things Take the case of Proper v. Brantford, by way of illustration. Ten of the jury- men were in favor of awardingdam- ages to the tune of but $50, while two stood out stubbornly for $210, and announced their . intention of fighting it outs on that line if it took all winter. Finally a compromise to es205 was arrived at- It is not to be presumed that the judgment of twwas worth more than that of ten, merely that their staying power was greater. Hence another case' of minority rule. Such incidents afford powerful argu- ments to those who favor doing away with the usa of juries altogether in, civil cases. r. r g -Milk a 1r E . er9: We call the .attention of.. the ladies to our SE100] OF trcrits. • We have a large assortment of ,��� R ita m. lars to suit the lowest buyers The storm collar has taken .t e p lace -of at pricesBe sure and see what the longboa to i „ greater extent this season$'than last, you are offering when want to buy. OUR DEPARTMENT. MILLINERY is kept well suppl10d with the newestgoods in the market. IV-1AG) wen we siay Overcoats, VIM Rev. J. S. Ross, of Woodstock, bas been writing to ' the newspapers about the long waits incident to funerals He suggests that no funeral notices should be printed "without two different . times being mentioned, and (to give an illustration) should read : '"Servize at the 'house at 2 p.. m..; funeral at 2.30." This would be an advantage in all weathers, but especially now that the winter season is getting in Where only one hour is mentioned it means that the re- ligious service will begin at that time, ,despite the.fact that the word `funeral' is used ; for• to begin half an hour • earlier with no public notice of the . would • mean that • no neighbor gonld be present, and would be a slight to the dead." The idea is good. Generally a few only attend the ser- vices in the house. The others kick their heels in the cold and say all manner of complimentry things about the minister and the services. Tux Mail's- Ottawa correspondent states that it has been finally decided that Mr. Cbapleau will be the next Lieutenant -Governor of Quebec, and that he will take up his resident at Spencerwood before long. Mr. Chap- leap's acceptance ofthe governorship is taken in political circles as an indica- tion that Sir John Abbott gill retain the Premiership, and that Sir John Thompson will become chief justice and when we say Overcoats it means anything from the cheap tweed to a gtod Fur Coat at the lowest price in the market. M. CONNELL, -Itch on human and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. . Warranted by A. B. Congram, Druggist IJV 1892 - 1.593 ES. STflVE8: STOV[S. T. Lawrence has now on hand a large stock of /61 • COOK STOVES, COAL STOVES,0R STOVES,Old STOVES, PARLOR ' ® STOVES, BOX STOVES. COMBINATION S dingy nucha a stove or furnace sho not fail to give him a call. He has as usual a full stock of all uid kinds of Tinware. . waAg Age Handles Cow Chains, Rope p He is also making a specialty of furnace work this fall and parties intending p sing Tin . • ._ l. Granite ware,, Japanesed—ware, Pressed re, es, •, m s and Halters, La Lamp Goods. Lamps The Leading Hardware Depo:t. OM ING.I CHRISTMAS, COLD WEATHER That stops the clock, also a consignment of goods from the Old Country for PREsibssT Armstrong of the Youn€! Conservative Association of Toronto, is not only a gentleman of ability, but is also possessed of sufficent moral courage to give expression to his opin- ions, even ;though his utterances do not agree with some of the supposed leaders of the party. If there were more such independant Wren as the worthy President in all political parties it would be a gocd thing for the country. In his inaugural address before the members a€ the association some time ago Mr. Armstrong deplored the fact that a large number of the' brightest sons of Canada were contin- ua/1y going to the United States, and declared that something ought to be done to stop the. exodus. His remarks caused a good deal of discussion and at a late meeting of the Associa- tion a motion was introduced by a dissatistied member, in which the President was taken to task or his - _ - THOS. LAWRENCE,. LUCKNOW-Stovepipuig and Repairing promptly attended to. WEEKLY Yon know the special lines, HOLIDAY BOOKS For old and young, RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY BOOKS For S. S. Libraries. 4t. BIBLES des �IId con - FARM FOR SALE: RAM LAMBS FOR SALE. �HE QN•DFRSIGNE13 SAS FOR gpT.F FARM CONTAININGlot13, 100 ACRES, at lot 3, con. 10, (eastern diviaon) situate o f con.in me usToe, good Ashfield, a few well bred Shropshire ram of hard, w ll of Bruce. Frame house, good lambs, at prices to suit the Times. For further o��, p wateredulas and �aceniently situ- particulars apply on the premises 'or to particulars apply 4o W. H, Reid lied. For E. NIC$OLSG T Proprietor. �� Lanes P- O. or to PETER Hood P �0. Containing ex III cordance. NOVELTIES AND STAPLES in Stationary. These will receive •furth mention when the' goods ar opened. er e Georgian• Bay Shingles. lot of XX Ge HAS OHa es 11 a car lot of XYgg Georgian Hay �mg the and intends keeping ting g season, and will be sold at the lowest possible paying price, JAMES GAUNT. Whitechruch STOCK FOR SALE. e undersigned offer for sale at rock bot - Tb tom pries for the next thirty days, young Short Horn bulls, cowls and heifers in calf Leicester ram and ewe lambs, got by the first prize winner at London Ins. dustria' oro. Choice Berkshires of both address to E. GAUNT & SONS St. Helens, Ont. D. MURCHISON, Bookseller, Jeweller, etc; NB, Nickel Alarm, Wal nut and Oak Clocks in abun.-� dance. SHEEP LOST- 1TRAYED FROM 'THE PREMISES OF IJ the nnderFigned, Tot a, Hnrnq, nn or about the trust of September last, a ewe and two Iambs- The ewe and one Lamb have dark faces and the other lamb white. Any one giving such information as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. W. H. ` IA.MBLETON, Lucknow, P.O. FARM FOR SALE. In the township of Kinloss, on the 5th con., being part of . lot 11 ,. on the Holyrood gravel road, and i w.t el n about The temiles frlae is well the ed, watered, and a first class well fenced, well orchard- The buildings are in good state of and 11 acres good bash. Immediate relion, and on easy terms of paymennt, For particulars, apply to James Snstus-EL Office, or to RICHARD HUGHES a, Lucknow P- O. RAM LAMBS FOR SALE ZTDiDERSIGNED HAS S FORAshfield, SA. TIat es Lot 7, Eastern Div a number of fine bred.Leicester Ram Lambs, For particulars apply to GAPT, ' ROBERT Dungannon P.O. olk Boar for service. Te.—A pure bred rms--4100 x--1'00 at time offs eservice if not p d 8150: 986-2 • CALF ESTRAY. (LAME TO THE FItEMISES OF THE v undersigned Lot 5. Con. 10, (Western Division,) Ashfield, on or about the firs' of October last, a red and white steer calf. 'Th owner is requested to prove property, pay penses and take him away. DL N CAN T McKAY,Kintail P.O. WANTED. 300000 feet OE ONLY SCOTCH PAPER IN CANADA THE Free Press ALS FARM AND HOME FSa1t 1893 ::. $Ia00 Both Papers for $1.00 ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. • A HIGH-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. EACH, 1{tIIyISER.IfILL CONTAIN : Ras% DR. TALMAGE S SEn„zos delivered the Sunday previously. WAKEM'AN's WANDEPXCGS AGRYetL'runAL MATTER—Illustrated. LADres' PAGE --Illustrated. readir A SERIAL TALE, and other interesting matter. SUBSCRIBE NOW Scottish Canadian �A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AND THE SCOTTISH MINSTREL CONTAINING TUE FOLLOWING SWIGS WITH WORDS AN D M U IC Caller Herrin'—Arid Robbin Grey — Bonnie Prince Charlie—Flora MacDonalds Lament— Nae. Luck About the Hoose — Scottish Blue Bells— Tak' Yer Auld Cloak Aboot Ye—The Braes o' Yarraw—Bonnie Dundee Dear Land Ayont the Seo—My Nannie. 0, Tulloch- gortm—The Sweete;s Word on Earth is Hame —Pibroch of Ponnil i',hn—The Flowers •o' the Forest — Diana Fash Yer Heed I—The Land o' the Leal—Away Ye Gay Landes - capes, — Scotch Dainties : Brose Parritch, Kail, Haggis_ an Bannocks—Wag s me for Prince Charlie ---Oh.! Saw Ye My Wee Thing —Sons of Scotland—When they Kye is Co Hume— Return ._ y n y, Scotland's Yet—Oh ! are Ye Sleepin', Maggie --.Scnts Wha Hae !—Willie'S Gane to Melville Castle—Whnstle O'er the Lave O't—My Dear Henan' Laddie O—The Seottilh The Emtman's Farewell—Fear a' Bhata ; or, Blue Bonnets over the Border. The paper for ONE ;YEAR and the above Song Book • • ONE DOLLAR 3SLEA -PLE LO CHS. �(IT(HEL.L PROS. `VILE PAY :1S Irl per thousand for the above quantity o€ first class maple logs, none other he taken. MITCHELL BROS, I.ucknow 4 Price, One D,oIlar a year in advance for th WEEKLY FREE PRESS and F AND ROMF,—in all 16 pages. Balance of 1892 free to new 3abscribers. Agents wanted in every ^ zrepreQente trict to solicit subscriptions. FREE PR SS PRINTING CO LOND — ONTARIO - SEND TO IMRIE GRAHAM, Publishers. COR CHURCH AND COLBORNE ST TORONTO, ONT. Teeth, Teeth If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on Pattersont Dr. Tennan& Ojllce, L UCKNOW, ON CLOTHES REEL MITE NEW IMPROVED " CtIr:SLE 1 Clothes Reel" ; the most complete, durable, simple and perfect reel manufactured. This article ca s be got only through the sole agent at Langsi; le. 96&-t f A, A. CROWSTON.