Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-11-04, Page 7C, I:7- - ffi S I YI a '� WOMEN's k. to be jabbed in the ribs or elsewhere, and 1 you any hair at all on the top of your head p ,K FACTS 'hat's what keeps you oanstantlp on the # where yin Stave oWilted sol tor+ured iL far -� UFAIR qui zine. Seo long a lame. It is really a ht'tie , more COHSE, GAIJ[A% SORE SHOUI.DRE B. SCSATCEnM% Or a�ay Woman find moat difficulty in cultivating 1, trouble and one cannot peep her hair' look- Wo UDS on HOiRSFS or C_A,'rWZ.JR,' Qty - strength in the wrist. Their bodies, are ; inti well for many hours at a time witu a � A � J3 2 � _� d 00 , it enough and the are nick enols `h on `hi h collar rubbing against her'braids can- 3e G>CAHAI4T+ ii you sme TF Cn • F P g y c1 $ i g „y s t by - it on receipt of Price 25 C4, -j" By a. F. SEGSWOEMP l ►Jl1�New and Ele •at Desi �s fay their feet, for all that they have learned in . tinraily. By the w:.., i. your forhead is %'t3�9_-,1i CA . AGENTS ti a,nterl Esuatyw3assz1,. T'ESTIMORI.AI,& V 9 tht bail -room. Bat a woman's wrist is pro- } too high, you are still permitted just the ` p. ...._.-.. . P. ---------'-L-- . - 1e�•taUy ,wealz'-ant it takes a ht T lot of {bit of friLga to soften Its all too minent j�p nry��� �- j � p_,_. � 3 ! �VtW11 i11�U�. trio k to mike it strong. _ _._._. rsutliaes;satitstt-s :fie: iigh?ost ,snot- . _ _. g:�$ BIEi -_ _�..y_ a'_. _--_._ __ -- _ . - -: _- Tse fencing costume of a woman consists softest bit and as far as passible removed - - . �. of a Ovate% a pair of pantalettes and a i from the omnipresent bang which is>i reatily fif'$at i t x-111 Do sra• the Most SwItoa �� I Thep are ail made of the lightest material 1 and truly now a "thing of the paair t¢,�rassasc•b_ � r Zlte ust- of v"lk and e s as a diet or an ' i�0",�EN b�'IELDERSOF THE F� 1*rrd fin loosely. Tne skirt and pantalettea � � C2rraiiV![i!e Car,aents. , n a tri is often a trial I` � �' � �' � only pome to the knee, and etockinge should aid in buai,na ;? pa id- this wags . e - t Many woman who are fond of wearing only l,e worn to within three inches of the ; y ,s to lbs nurse. • y knee -cap, so as to permit of that bending ; white cloth garments are not °aware that 9 Maros p.a,ieuts wM take MIU -lightly Is KARAT GOLML The Jeri..'. swac er Dance -Trust douse- freely at all times. Such a costume Stade , the:g can be very easily cleaned with p:}• 9�-ars, ar a -n hat, and digest it readily, d COSTS ai0Tdiil toonas• q keepr-r.4 fshould Nut do -Two or 'Three of blue serge should not oust more t�aan SHL 'cry The ��rs in the British army key- 8 w en milk causes du•tresa itteHatFSb.8 _-1,�aii• Farn�lan Faudea-Snaday Meath -Mew the white in their uniforms spot3essly caFan It is an escrl;nnl 1s.^, says the �lTu toS5.85 � 1� �iSaila of fancier material would, of course, P y rm' 5+by the use of pipe clay_ Zhis is int.'z,ed rye the iniaL-'with ays or hotwstez, >z - I'to Dry a handkerchief. , come higher. , �K, 'Iadiess. ev anaityDaaey of For the implements of warfare, e foiZ3, �thorongh g into the fabric, then brushed as T.rJ•'er .,5, ise6(tte and after eriniiug ETcrusetheiaaiarailss T the b_? i and dUsated cut until all atairzs anti sets n the eeasos i' >a dif- ordinary kind, the on flag is e ma&k milk, The tall e raft in the month many °8 v� o� TM� J ficnit to say to 4 5cJ, the gloves $3. the sooea Thin 'ars removed. In some instances rat is twist itiiis and seal which ideathe pub- < ; necessary wet it Ii stains ars very burl p,reons after a &ink of milk,. especrmaIly a � r� M,a= a3� makes the entire outfit about ` . + :m�li r r.� tits, often car..;es the patient to -aM�v �%WMW Iry will be izio° st Sarah Barnhardt, by- the ] y, is one of the 'it may be made into a so• -t of paste, laid on , b C -OA z][ . and allowed to 1.ecome almost dry, when it Gis..ke iL .,sputabyus. 3E I fine, fencers inthe world_ 7 ' � Nf?r t of success is giving b ilk and -� 4b drawn. flowerer, will ruh'ai:d brush out very readily. W--ite - i•S9 there are some gen- One way to Dry t3aadkereblesc. 1 f � TE to : _,,4e vio vtould rather no- take � cm shoes of undressed kid are easily cleaned . ` � _.�;" erally accepted It is sot the washing but the Erving and • : i tLe- is to p•�Taue them in different ways. .r - � �e7, = . rales of fashion in ironing that is ss. disastrous to t� e beam in this way, and this, iurie8d, is simnst•the I For a d ._',c:a,•,e-tom.ch the while of .be $i:-�eVz1UAeadynna�e1nM wiaea�anae� trimvn Lg, tirl.ich seem to have been adopted of fine handlerci-ie' wnich., unless rcat' only method by uUhich they can be made to tYgo, well b��l=n, added to hot or cold milk, r�t>ffimi�e�,-,2-T robe a�9� - `�H� , cJ g . even by oppos;pg hos,:sea: Felt is again to I care be taken, soon became ss:uly draggled look wail The TWe-TMlCb T I sweetened w t� :e, will of`Len prove tempt- CANADIAN TRICK T40VELTY Co.,Tnrautc6Cts. lime all the honors of the season for hrts ; a and worn. a most s,utir .e plan, and one : 1 ing, -when even the Fight of the yolk with Z HOW TO BRING DOV.•y A SON. 1IIE silk ii ni, )e3 -a- lv both pain and fancy felts will be used, and which its being adopts r' i,v L5a most elrgant P M PT I 01h ■ in some of the iron stylish' models a fiat women; is to snper:n'en3 the 'washing of ; LCL him have plenty of spending racsn:?v. After z<~ ns. a 1 tale of ,the yol3fmay be U 11 is ; a of colored felt is draped Aver the crown, your handherch;efi by hast :ng ?n your ' I'eTmiL him to ehor,se hi9 own campaztians jyatl, the �a h_`e vI Lhe etg being added,]ast P O wi: `host restraint or direction. and not stirred idtc the. milk, but left.ai the �--S.fkz :z Baa �a =e P ofaea, Zu rT.m of a blocked hat in black fatty with low fiat boudoir a amtli basin Eipc'i:ial.)S set aside; 3,1r Sun,TT• �.�� n�� �e i•� "� �idd"-$• T.11L.1 • crown anti Evia,-, straight brim The colored for the purpore, in which : hs dainty pieces - Give him a latch -key and show trim to top of the g� for v:nament. 5iuc L,,; & Co -.1x66 wffi •"-y.d` sum- ya`°,ao. e� felt, usually either viehx rose or bright pale of lace and cambric slay, be washed with i return home Late in the er�n?ns. With careial preparation and a little ;tw_ n is laid on the crown and arED AT UICE ranged sydnr own hands Then comes the drying, ; 99ake no inquiry as th where and with i*zgernity the uiinure can be varied. A,z�i� roan the brim of the hat m ? and, thanks to some womanly geaina, this ;whom he spends his )allure moments ohampa_-ne gl4x is of a Convene t'size fora -Send ?�c and hvvr your name m tie . p t 4 r_ ; Give him to naderstan3 that znann small q - tiTLS, and it :s better To of eraper- ' ��� oniv :1CiEN Tom' Dirsttcrry in Candy . a series of regular. . flutirgs. The brim is ;may be easily aeeonplisherL A hsn make a goad substitute for n,r,ra aT3D CAR Wc3UKS, troos�ocg,ontside turned up --on • one tide, and the only ,trim- r chief lass i3 so easily mare that it , g >�9• _ • urn a u is les s� Esti thus a cep or glass fnIl - - ------ - ---- -untag. g'. - ; Teach him to t for ere act o, c; nen ozi'. part ::a.n be taken Ming it a 'naso of black and colored feath- l is within the reicTt of -all.' A sgnsre p- the pay � , 1'� o min p'' 1 helpfnlnea3 to others. A si ;.6-i ea' Ekes t.o empty s -'dish. It ere, fastened in at the bads of t --^_e hat `: of glass larges than bandkerchieL=. is bound . �$�'( T{i7'i�� ®�?�ai�#:lS,-� FOR wi=. a stras� ,.no :le, and :.>Zo hFr buckle is a ith ribbon, upon which some s dtable now To BRIG rr A Soy- is Letter i s ripest a smau gaailtity than to put front, Black and green, eitber bright , motto is worked; and silk ccrdmwn W :.rarely iMake home the brightest and mostattra - '-ake more t The p!.*,ieut than be can use. � i A soft b-Aed custard w,- prove a pfeasan cress, e:slera! 3 or chartreaFe green, ver sins - on the two rap, r cornerb suspends Lh novel .true paw a on earth. - a very fasa_on,_b19 combination, an,': acme `affair. Af6er washing your karehief-, rise € ylsi;e him respansib'e for theperforinsnes change :rom r�.w urea ua: milk. Ibis may • r f the most `wly-like hats asrethose c•f black I vre� and t':en stretch tbeui, one at u time, of a limited number of daily dnties. be made tette `'-t'i white of egg. • - ' felt trimmed » it u n little c r _fin green vi.lvet upon the glass, patting them down smoothly t r� alk frankly with him on m..tters in . and black feathers t pped with green. Gray ', and pig king onL a*co scallop and corner , which he is interested.. grsA1 r° r'aadch'Id�. and vieux rc-s� is another favorite combs- with care. Hang the g :L s in Zi draught,,' Sometimes invite his friends to pour Moine Q-ezn Vi ctcria has a large fazm-ly. There _ tion, and m .ny neutral -`int :d fY1t is -t.; are and in a short `while y,n ••��wzll find Your: and `Abie- Take pains to know his moo-- are, beside` her, rwr c:h33req,fthty grand- trimmed with bows of shot velvet and black iiandkerchiEf exquisitely dsi<.c� ' motes. caii<:,ren a•-,6 a nipic'ly increas.ing.progenycf €eathem White felt hats will also be worn; The Fashionable Cotiller ; Encauraga his coafidenceby giving, ready , ,riat-gr•.n3c-*-ilaren. Here are the grasnd- one of these, with a brim bent down a little ter _,pithy and advice. Be careful to i>~pnma � , h:.,:r•cm uo to tiate Fmp�or fi�G rllisara, on either t-iu'e, is lined and bordered with : Cotill.ns are stall l:kels to is f ver, ; ,n his mind that making cka wteris- ore' Yr'rioess C:-arlot:.e, Prince Albert Wiliam dark red veiv-t ; a large bow of the velvet though the b vr:tte was the ev.s_{==,r dance ; inaortant than making money. , H-tir:, I'74 ee Si_Qismu-.-d,Princest Victioria, _ is„ passed thr ugh a steel Lnekle. lir fro:. , in Pts: s list psi and will gt ja.-li.: kiga -- - Prrncsr es I?red �81atal t ._ �TCi . t f'r:.yea l II1aT, 1. . Ard above t`iis'3ises a plume Of tbr,re- 'Slate -7over�-this- iire�on_-,.-mere -s�_ o n�#all;_ '- A � � :a _._ _ o.ers Tza-rcd3. inc -� Saph_.md the PrznmEs Margaret, taste otbeTS. 3n b3,g b0ttlaH6 f:a-, leer tsps and a small fancy bird with ' ing girls cearly lgve the cot loa bscaaan c-' ��g r Q � A bis^k ai_"zeLte'tai-fel there ;the fslyora, and the gavott ,sans, sashes an :. Panler' s son.. rushing into Dr. H's. a23ce s._1 bei 1h Eisz --"F4e ri -- flC. d $i.00. I1iot all the new hats, eowerer, made'sacbe}s.:ea�nera, fli3vel,T ani finery, rill -J , do -_ Fin lost'_ Om• new bons✓~ T`he Prn-* c; 'Wal.s has five children, lir per has thus cholera and -and -1 gave ,,e:2 :'ictor, G: 3-ro Iesui..e Z" Tim �+� �+- Moe IS tU A n� F=Erp ' - ' u ict°ria, � IC—EN 8 S i £uPLE� J4m bwvly with sow arc wris - the small, high Srlesz- ' never take 1 place with them. Cc .. .R j 1; aria =d '��_ u._ .o ad,I, } i„ d,,: • AGI'T"TS•n1112ir- . -' 'ill seen on many r,•cdeis. " catilloas and runners are t=) be the fad both: iser d i l -.s tots manning_ {R es o$ sgx_, l sults a.r�.�r1 1S =. 1"I"I - .-h=1, �,�, whirling sou ..ver rhe � h : ee, i c; z }lis fattier appraacb. ), iLe P i i, a Alice has : s rrn:, nxme7y, L:... -n„ b m=il ¢ O'ee of tl_cse, in ruby velvet, with the �s-i'�h e exclusive sat send gess al socirsy. , a $r Eir, viztoria,,E:.zs'x`l,,Irk--ne, Er t, rarerU �+r: �' Doc .r H. to old Back r -my r . ,� = hont9. ddaas-i- ins- 1:iiST i Sti Et'.��5? 13 frOnL, bIliacrmtriat:.�g<iSeltT LS the cry, and roaa�tilice iL C°i� e%- ` TefDsf �d "m�°r`�'p� pa inted Lt;v s n i ro and abt•> a the Eats, leas 'citing than the TeEn;az ',urge dinners and 'yon must l .k after pony son. Yca.r arw r'' 3iig 3 rirr C. rte,, :n A =u: roe ea RNWL fan ek has the 'chore std, Ls he the Duke of E•Enbargh is chile in 'the T. D. CAMP$Fi-i., $ t.L6, F.,�Ie.Ra� a i;anQ of w do black satin ri jbsn lifyf-•: led . d.cces, however cia3ora>e asp es:."a a;>int, E t'n'a .roruhig- � � tee, v -1-h ilLI V five, MUMQ'v, f�2fred, fl>: a.nnznd the crown and p>`sed tbr• us.;= a - is cct,:n, e?_ As to :ore pro-s-i.:nal ;tees: %ori aro q +-;- _ -. r ►�'a; .ton 3sesaa_3er�r_nf Beatrice. THR19LUl1'CDe'*'- ve`tinri ,78� loner ' ' bsckla c•n arse sloe 'The vr:u i; :Eales un r cry c `l rs ate ss g: -au st " £s=-ker-What _ Heavers, .hes 1, .- , s a e; -� vtsteloveflonesrmd iw t� >s�s sw - y �' + loft. The Primo:*•_ C;f -titian has sc deved orals ceuaatrirverl. Ilea ycav-tso-. r • %rdered . th a ryal'.'cf lzlsck valve:, and •sorsa hc';s�3 the last s3son or LN n, i. 9 a n>> had Chrisi Aa=be1't • , two bda�'; n i r _ s stupe back�rard jr r,?ri the have ceased to be acvel • and a e f -!t � Doctt r H -'Can tv0 . well ant nova fire. '3 ii s a^e an, front, T.s.e ]Mack velvet striage are fastened , to baa nrd. So mass cf the gars:s j n . ,^rets we;e not s<-) rrad � to hila v:snr Jonr� =ria iwn ns. Aagns to and $arold g 1,s. �4 Uk a! goody'= . r� - stn aTi,ET t-rccrn that 4u eT - i"mac Drs a rr_' Go„ _t_Bn._bt has tbree, MAI- �� T � ',rine-,, ti4S>; �iC--.Iaci. E! to the gaiat9 of the brim on Each aide with who Lara alt€nded th . iii W.:, la no:. s g , sr Ari a=_r �z '_ :cLoria I =�1 < a _fz f ;•,z L - k- � I,,%:y b :t mall jet slides A very elegant Chapeau, , even pk; s couple' of douara to ga i3snker-1"es, but i d g fti " ase Ia+ont Ks:111H Dar ,:.r H. -The Lrcrd v: i =?-•rce ne ! 7z>en " 3 is p bo w z a: 3 Leopold are ch dx�en of r p nom. - .i,¢i L6 from' �e i ith a cross ait:ti'ar iSi shape but lo=wer, is to a jrecis<ly a r filar performance . if 3 - . a ? he 3•• lam urn I to-. am lost !-Europ,e�nrn Exna-nga i the Dake c• _ii r of �reea ve'.r: t ; the trimmtug c •nsi=t• of ' riven in pz+clic, I: rs dEroutly to be wished : T_.e pr ,. ._ s,�s-rice, aeuAT beloved of c _01--4.114) r, st _hod i --a lull loops of rasher narrow bra k satin rib- that the women will not rersi"t u .wearirig t . t ,Slee r,+ticl. her ' otbe,- , c ren, Albert, '� ci.ar. hem ;:moon s bre d _ _ ,, 1 bi13 Alex- z b :old onm^�-:favorai►ie� y ,aa_ . bon c n the leis side of the front, pasted' lcn� _e? les sv�atn_.ver' c�MraG ;br tires ma �1r3 ?$_ Peck, E. la h $t2 EE t, `t .- Terk ar%c , : w t er'- ° Y nr�yTictoris and a i7eW nil? - $: ? . R through a steel buckle, with a pr ame of _• relect to PET ac•riste. 3g rare deuallete car- : - 'h -s the I sir Toe •-rir_ 't -:t has jral?t flsrped >� vrinks SAL V °"�' � - Jr t��w s ,�- i:' d s 'ly R -O, -n aL dinners aad i Cit ; visited Caa9ae last sear, s* .� .J �r yT,.b. ate. Pal green �` _ a and aipaerte. � _;E1 a sage_ are ha`rit .� t noted fortune to pick up sometby� ., '_-:�if • over B �_,1 ''�.�Tye thi; fr..pe: -ahen wnzm r, them. The strinss are also c.f visc : satin : as acs, this ;s 4mte appsreativ ashy aTa ; b F_r n -r also ribbon. ; aff�.t5tion c,f mode,ty and fak' destroys r:, t "nly suited lies, "hat h r ;ra h' s W. ri the m99rL�Cttsr213 of _1aer .•i_iae i �vrirT ff+e .ior the 6asi�.' BonnetsI are tall, , tut the trim•nirgs,' the'effeet�of man c�.s,-__mes. A very ear ; T � ,r� h'�T P-uOPIT �'$+a LA :,T J1; S . s Fbesats : " I boueht tirFt it-lEes o? 11 A very r'-_; � : en : Mci •e ge can be Made _dao O on three :.�_e, ori � ?- • _ 7Tmse are nide in =ffect and all in iron=_ The ! c�llent Stan to be sr'.np:3 wculi, be fora \.�liiie vrhiie' i� Cassis and i.r s`_-ci nsT ,n- ;uiz --•z- t;_,= Wit o wishes to us pmidm .7 S + i D•e'.1 i/ : a �t]$IIty,", ��•Z> ..}i<.D L.�r- = �L'Ti.T� •�' .••.1 iwt: ,re made c_` fel , velvet. anti embroider, d i ntmiber of t ore ronthfcl masons to cun�alt raj ' bhra to souse of it, and ..;T thick hu the J i � A g;,�_= zz' � iclj onion, a�ter.berng per ac a Udr las- Juu .m Bxc. rim �ws Later ial , togetber in advance, and T hen for trrEnty or � on T,be rad bis7= of homy C`arri7+nv--� :cru A cE y p-rvis bonnet is a sr s11, E t s' ape m re who happened to select soca fancy :beat medicine for "iaternal or ea`„ernai pabl Loi}rd a s: alt i_r_+ w 33e1d in being ��..x rs� cif the Um el S.r -_ tT . 3 -U : they have ever used _\' ^:lig deserves pt ,=e : g �, e a 1--•-e qu:aratYtf ,of very �o¢,h-r,m _-,••w Ycark ; iand v j r,hEz5 ?P� K IFP d 41 1in old gold f>_lt, lined with blue velvfT, and dream anFear to$e.lie. t1Ls i� c`n sac%i a c'ommesdation? for is :s a fiawertu], ad;�--z-P_ fniu Tnis is ,_ted q:lits eaten- nrsnt =` air-; pored a-.att ?=a' -e_r, : i t trimmed in fro:: with a bow the velvet, ; ' am each ! of ai,i taSaL her skirl s .be =a' - i- UlAna end 5 rani:; !iv^; for 3 �ssMT �i3 a et+e of re'ret pied trst•�;h an j little shorter than be neishb_•: s 3 p rfe~ag and ; er`a <•.Te^s ±o►. poria e. s;selJ, in �arcvs t--,� :cr pap .IIP. �sCt7~ToTit?�r-," a s 'ell kinds. Take no sn� tuts. Ion r'n z %_., o= even gloss, Arad the mr.2aaiae. /-:i,sreF" 3L H. P-1&', TmnnS tet upright st£bi hoc's%, With a je , ale ' �oieh° ': :'rett3 3�is trona tears. 1 7 t r_aait r t h c it 6 0.du, would SmTrase 1. enz Buz est, H n AP, -L 'XnrZb i`.=vbi=_ i. phone :eaher en either lice of it, in frant , A c Bain mamrsata fano in Connecta m Eire 41cx !>essgrt- aYy rrn_ : s nv �' = fi-t & L It n FARMING ■� /� prsis Oft a vrl eL'yaa3 Bp,lnit2 Uf rrEii% los? f t, '" � � �iq}j�c7 ��y�� �j��;iiI�JY� �7fi±isa7r r sz,a Nes i it del-'Catc and d�a,Koas dW:l -_ maiie 17 I is t � c ,e:.• *,, s;rid 'mss* n7 E fru of whi `P, gray, bais-e and other oo?e; P i felts 6 whit everz�stg go X13 '13 . a d1 t�. great R ,7- Ji e_ w J`,; �z• -i.. _ est se well a9 _ 1 • ore a'_sta �,Y'i? vrzih ,pointed Croats, and I of daintily -tinted lace, fittWi sc, as to push i t,I.i)ing dyne -quarter of a gated o, vie in ole I -^-ch P' t' + J . txin� cs in various wars with teathers ,and � u� upon the arcs in •mafl_r folds, ,while the ; piat and a half of mill; ; to thi_ E^ l t+.o ms o; :l n -4 cr `, and' latent ACF. Id ACRES � � ends are mitts throng` vhici-. thy: hands 11 oral.:_ -es, of sweet rimoncs, bllanch-d, w tb I ce-nears -f,-M. _ : ftie rneaZm sold by �� frame ho.Gl w barn, un]T mvE= tri re:ce f t rIr eft *s's . F a. ; :} r a s a b ,tt ore county ^eat of 6ladvrm onnL - rte.. �_ Fern strange axe some of the fa,hionable ! show' prettily_ The iaes, ca:•:=ei out in a i �.,, rrzmcces of white smr-a-j Bz6l n- it a I �� at rara3me its for chapeaux ;the anTcnr r' 02 ; bt aclT lace gown over a zirp Boli -aurora a ri._e is tendi r De not s`iT the r...., 2tnI 1 r _• `a:n2 a =t c•n:rr ;n:: aha' water, and the 760a- acre=. Tlrai;E r n:tzra ion- mm�a. in3er ;tt ar meal hake to rt in u<e for silk flip, is de.rcio-sly pretty �.nd under-. t eh+�be the kettle in whir h is boil. When = �c=sa,nn cars i ,_t a �•,, 3 res l more than Iamb tor awe At}di , "nllr ' iia alive sl:inue3 s omen ' d•.ne �e:rve in cup% which hire tiueen firs' :.be -—,cWTs_ �' same time : to these are sow ad a -i bass t oecamtng E114A T, FOSZW -CULdwtta. wings ir• �r: i p or black, riniil s- luras ? Two-thirds of tl.is s=_.sa,-a •#nil -dress ; vc a sci:lt e.l l warmer:. L� -e a g_,uc„ �m _I r . ' fully 9 will eke a-a:,re or IRs_, of the yr of res -h cup ss. on rat^ * a.. 7,_,-r li " L.: rs ,:anon as an €sample, ex-. painted, t and c -and in s<.na�-int Pg j, jf' P y S FL - c'.-.. d r_: z r-rn :riff iti.ster "Or for En= i.• a r vivaL Of c.la••se, :rsmea with ; o jei.S, with cream p•,nred around ly la -, .`M �U� D4�z]_ . " vela, iss_c's *L`L.�2 Cf bltt2 0- gceer_ Leath- p , n� , •a _ tF.• let rb ake'o},sc <ti Or bELteaa 1i��„ r'rs, of.en sp*�.k=ed with irxtal or iri:. long. slander vs�:,s r,a!nra ; : rceent tfhe ; the ✓rte: imgu;e vlade of tae wisi_e s%. as ez- I ' ' � � �JE� (t•+ t7lra , 'Jnr. fasnioa >9 2:C�ik `i-, Saad I ea,d L -u- - a L-hoof'pl � i; DS : PC =-'6-e thb: i `x'7'1,, '•Yi T=� 1.3aE �1h �ae3' :' �I?d the C�Se- �^ r^i`1.E; 3 r 4: deeTat P v iFr, luso many 4f t .nm o: F`� }fry-c`'e sine ; �ee, ani im a fancy %rs•h�*'. they wi:3 be ?o:c�.3' to 5ie3L in i+ze em<i ? fvr.cskr-_ iris simpL ditea gills e- n es- :.ri--^-°id's'e'� t'ec•s-ae a Tece at l.h. de- ^ +•,6 , = i.�'+�.ir?S ::'i16,AMCCHIAE i For Ehart or ili-shaped wom-2n tie neva• t r -.--ie:- m its de�ratiart or is the e •--it'h:I 0=" er•_ sane. -E � � ' 3rusrnen*s, imi:atacn bus -. i.nd aim-r'c?tom.. •» -- a fOri /T - C�? Sfli/i) r1�i `Lt� which n i= : -'st res impesable to an;*ivze, ; mr)ve rs a boar. Height aha sL�-acs is:' ilich it is served. e -fir,- :rn3 cf his per, which _._ r STp R1P .FOR ,4f7" XYLA)', ' .9 so comp'licst,� and, elabc:a a a -r tie e - imparakd b; the long svaight sidtta. .and r va bis its r 1„e ca1:a'l Rican, bni fandea ��R/f E lST,SAArl�t • m E%�C`. tTES. �xclt_[37tab1C tTamn:l=ag far : tine sarawaleat n2Cs r3 mlp2'3rs:S br high . qw .-; Z-&—tW .6': r Eett-"J:•'- 3 _ d=' ; --'i - &, pret �, Wf.1i._£_'t-- :L''La3r1 ;<tB Rli.9 always'r -1�i. i J !�`> - - s r �€.. a� z CC'T*W_ YARAt..&c. OF40M eta is a glathe of fan✓ feath : _gs - tlp- -es and a sRor b -dice_ ' ::� aArr _ , I _,,,2,.,v # = g, . �3 facrtr_ It is 'said that 1 r . e * In these Em ntrnalir v . - I)r. _ n r; r have peed t' _ : tlirre cf t.' ase curl over tz� edge of alae pi, a irocas t? trains c - ;a)r c^ • - - ,o �s sp. from ttae,sboulders, anti, where these , }� ,;"I:? a_ a' ! Tc,zv'6 ;.a wz :e his Ro'.-::n :Hood drs-na, _ ' � brim in Wiz•` The fon..-a sr;�ds an c:, . 'meg _ - . . . behind t5em. . I sof. ;e ars:t, it is plaited in a innititade o: i ne For&5_, tsz," of he had not tgckEII Sails lo-.: • • fine f =l3 to i. id like a faa as the wearer 8 severe Azai�cer. da Rr-h � �:.3 ,him to lay siege to faze - - __ _- _ A eery' b-autrtdl bonnet for err -Age or a, � ,ore- Saslow (admiring his fro -ria in Llie ►net's heart . _ - , s Wen lace is used, iL is usually crlowd t,ilor's lras?i-Don't You th�k i Carr's mc- �;'rwcen-Nva-, just y 7” F - geld pssm°n*erre, the top : cinr clo- $ let me Lkung a min- ,� s "` s with, a loth^r2 sh3 jet about 1R•: tscnes3 either gold, sorry, a do g tea Lint, or else i self pre? v well, fir_ Ca sva3 y z=P 's3s.a S las-Oa, i brg, �'Groode>z, .s.Ee Sgnarti the brim is of th ighthae cf to m-t�..h a hue p -o iueut in the gpw-a- I i'ra-sawiv-No ; b --r i thins pan've rot 10 tt,at You put yourself to no unusual storm- � ` ' '� 't - � .. ye?low yc.vet on ttie , tolded in two MENi. b re+af er;. I've carred roe 1L�- env u u - --__- - _. —_ ._. 4 i' or three fiat fords at the s des sed pulled ` ~ ` rJ�.s_ f�3iI. 'ayrc'+, t;z-£4,FCF_%sT. i WEMs �ersag irasa _-am_L1a&--he r,s!• ` %:;Tr.:.LBL-�TS?W'ALt-GE,COIO S �'- -`-'- front intra 'a full and. bread efi•cl., In : Fr.air_ r z �' a hr s ii al Tc,nge ani (-;-"' :_mo'_L` Toronto, frnns_,, just above these velvet puns, is a bow " ommea]_ �sr and C- earn. Gtsa., •n Taoriteche Gym t`er S Izidne�. Tetrapsn �tSle. # &Zg Canada surra and betii ceivped comms- T'a.-1 AING detective s;.oric_ 3z � • o- X 9 ble-A ribbon velvet - ties of the S9i .toga Potators 1 oral =. taot•1 a, Canada G•ntr-] $asmess lrie.loi'e grsrie s anal lot) Papular Songs. lanai start from under tk" b,wx ani kora minced Toma'�� f Co lege �rrarJo . unt_ Idrge : and b west ff s' 1% li? si•snge but true that the' loveh-Or .a -of Toronto. >iaD 2 e ca--IZ9n :' free. Bien- lUc.' � Y.AF<<3I 3i a`P.� tin $ellevnfl up the ends of the yehow velvet at the Ronl Co>I 1 A � t ie m �. he nlore chidren she lass tion thi= 3��• smmw .t »Itott. principal - ave, Toronrn cant.. back_ A dainty mountain of ostrr alt and tam x.� Cie.rSoap .a Tm ss m- ,asi>e to Lay pa_as a Dim Iiarro>�a i sra 331 �;}IA i Aii9 fA XI '$ I ' aatEmmi±re m bimck is place) can the left P.aa- , Ra"b of PAXI. y S 4 _ near the front.. A very wiriple, efeccave Powpt� Bated with Aleat_ Cieristan4s a at,' sand Ltr�'e, * 11 to her I,s k I o SSS to .-4n : .W ,. U y j f] j Linc' P.all_r't : $ 4 to 530 3D0 8,,;,,-�i-Jwaz. is the � lH ' and Certainly bemuzing bonne:.. ;". can LimaBynt / oes. lower. sant the other batt are on ��j*]�j1 LK a'ea,t now er Ste; 1 i6L'iLfi L 71be- reproduced in a dozen goad c:ombina- �.aFonnai a of Tomatoes gate=s '. o b�,,u�s h a '" aaske;i h stmt . 11191-e wanted etre for cv made in in�3s�- Ciaec=e Strmws. -. A Beat big wax dolly that can shut her cti arm and terms to J. S 3,o.000 1:v+ocr Ir= z.%. tions.. Race M- erbagae_ ' Ci)t_ZL•, Pr s,oam, Ont . lfa�ea els fAsecra." Co�c t_ves and say inamma, said NCU. Seed lrtr a C3resa•,= mace 3.ist. � - 'i'MR- Customs~ Say, T -re. had to come ,.•back V 1?�� _ Addr>e 4 . This vcin:Q . says the li`uew York World, ` Bwaod Sardines on Toati Watercress. with those shr•Es I bought last .night. 1. entlr€8D� G►�l=�e _ ._ :�•$tt*asti. iBnL pular a=erz i� among young women who . Cucumber Salad F`rnit R To any i�:'� from N erc- - 1�eYa3it; lit t to keep :heir mrrc3es az govi temvon Pic cF Deo er-e=cn't then ail rg%+t _ Cu-aly s -r AY _uhood amd allica cosnp`.aant=, I will � free DT Dlli INir..�` N - SdL%M Vis. COi&PANT� d� Tea -Tea ; that's the �ub}a ; one of 'cm �agi;t a mt.-n9= o; cure. I base no'.Iiing to sell or give, and t heir � blood in active Cir mla:io-. ural: be . , to iw l�`t. tint cam :`urs. -3, irL �rmatbon-egurdingasi nPle. V rE HAVE Y..isai i`+:` a_ ,*,as i *s d� _ e Ratio• Night it*bts. Yy - xasis6v^1" year ere sunt to - bn(__;zy n+ve meats•-• o' :-ore tbat win be of great o»� �A-_ witbour�rn skirl dgsscrao; bot as 3 he- stege_ I In a very elegant- tronissean the ni- r:erre is a dairy in E:agiavd Q-bich is built vs.:ee to the rff.i ,e3_ This no bumiang �d are natag u= asp and reu'it+�� �'`�" I'rira to e>iiiabi:aat>9 to a " seieat�d f , , gowns are as much hke dr+ewser as passibL, "f r'arr ori rsarblc, ligtted try elect ricti3• c•Q - nothit,g to it ve3�ga a write fiat part&- o �� tun gdad9 of rya Ltir -. a<a - es�u. ` W,th eleCSrie. t ulcer Eley criats,. LDao=,e 5-8Tngr far ,eply. Canimurn- rwb'tlr. ts-� nod mat «li -a- ,w � were not �siumn airs in polite-crety, and for hot wEathe ihcy' are eves, made . snpplreff . vriLh oro alaeves, Lsae armholes bordered with . aZr, a. _� r -avian= la-T� sLc car.IIaez;taal. 3i:ddrr�� G££l. staaaped wst� so-°'' ns�r'^�o �.T ="le 1 .Zb and e:erg sort' of a darter from a lie slow . the lace 'shot Othea�a f ".st errsoxausr$ and citnrais Butter p --o- V0IS PLAT7� 25G 3atfiurs- S.- • et. Toronto. raw tre a�*�Scrs?S: a:: aa.- - s�, .0 u rit2:e of the Spanish mssiden to tl•.e lively, i �'oe matching jabot. _ �"a`tn du.ed in this Pala, ill es-mblsshment ought ca'r .c:.t ar-yeas :sem on�inct r . ,.., are of sflk and acctrdem-patted aA over, certair y to be gilt-edged_ ! ffi-,J_n"-'%K ire SILVER C� T • � 1 � rac'sety kickiaag of a Cru eta girl war, in . a sash around the waw, a alk pokg ' . order. , Fencing be revivers this pear + ,having " mel siert a prison paper," said orae , . ; " 1- a 1 4 e� and ,pore thea alar before ;l'hia and plaited frills st the neck. Some have " \fie win, and Pr SS bests.of the same material as the r ghtgosea life convit:t to gs_ .-.._.a �� =e b,.=a' Ut�e<-x,� - F,a llz araautp'•iabment is quit® csinama- aaaong and falls tffirIIiIIg downward from these ne k ma:,o sltasl be. `The pem is aig,lttirs,,E. c�•r a=. ���Y i o g A%�T$ iNt' `' �,'c the French and German wa nen, ani some and in a D shape Lan$ hantGmg ?luau the sword., ' " « ;vo, aur motto shall •f:JJ2. �E^ w� poor em' fast -*dung a . them are as skrl'dnl at it„ as their big, lithec are the isssticait, and nsar2y be, `. � e have come to slay.' ; r, - i ntt t- c' - brothers who fight duels for honor'Be ort Ps - �, Bibles sort Aibems Sea �., 5. 1 -�'.. >, Ir '-:r g's. -..r✓-,.:. .,, I I choose that 116ay of sei#Inng drtbcalL:ee with :all have a frill at the bean Rama of mser- Fmet Strsvgei-'C�e must bars a hz$3a �� i , •, v a s•�.x r d:+dss �G is EsrRes, PCii .. y - - . titan ayre ia►uouced a=ooas thee• bast and eld trine daring our stac ffi 1 York ` _. air . _ t; =- , r , -�..._ ` s Z .�. is r is j a ti *L`��e�•cd° troulblesame cI="=etea at the nriiverEi:y. . arnund the sleeves. Cklydrnal capes of Mice Where shall we gra s Second Dzt�-Let us ��'�� =,;,� .1 . 'Ifa: � _ ry - r�� � � �-.n Fencing caltiraitce the eye to quick actiosi heron ate .a, over the shousdera earl go � hear ane of the Sensational preacbem . _ fr .,� _. te=a �, so acme a . . pw e,. > -.� -a s ori. '_ -+C:,:: r . " and the mind to ready thinkin• All Pats lame frills at the tram and we wW find out the best e -aces to v..:a_- af<a: _-_ ••� of the human frame, from the brain to the �� t� as �� -� •� v. >, '-� n� � •� •er. �. Cti".tS i!iF'�.` st!'. I �o >� Are !at of hate- v t -'•g. crtnc`•.a�d u> a v ora se cs�d .ems ae4 neer. r hma fk rap- " feet, are in constant motion all the tirfse. ; t = r} ,,he tenaoon neer relaxes so Irsg as the othet ; Brash Saar banve back and gear your An'.icip-tao6 is Lbs seed of pa1'ti�Pstson, � .*=fi C -Slam � ffi U� - 0 `*Ttd r s iet'Zoar, or girl. slasads vrrfS fell in air. hair Dour on your neck and be thankful that and oftenZKmes the seed iii tla9 moist Pte- 13.8. �t9iiiFt71 J1lYD Cp.,,-f ttititiilliLtyf�a" „-:,tst_s. -i?',J1_&%>4 and left turtle. �' : `.r Fon don't lkww squat minute 'you're going datura has dealt kWily with -r. orf ` B . �� . .a .1 I a , • . � . may. • . • 1 5,., ._ . .... .... .. .... -... v. . ry . t r, .. . .