Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-28, Page 5a queen fell on their faces and thanked God that Spain had been the nation to first discover this grand country, and carry the Christian religion to its be- nighted natives. The king honored Columbus by appointing him Governor of the island -he had - •discovered, The- , - same year another discovering expedi- tion was sent out, also one in 1497 and 1502. After Columbus' second voyage he became a subject of jealousy and was deprived of his office. As in more modern times, as Sir William Wallace the hero of Scotland became a subject of jealousy and was betrayed' into the hands of his enemies, so the great and good C(. umous was cruelly treated and lan•Ied in Spain in chains. He died soon after of a broken heart, with e request that his body be buried in The land he had `discovered: Whenl. the .nations around Spain heard about the wonderful discoveries that the Spanish were making in the New World, and realized what a source .of revenue it would be to her, they4 be- gan also to tend out discovering expe- ditions, and thus this continent bacame colonized and open to civilization. A German writer edited a book about the New World and suggested that the land Columbus had discovered ailed America in honor of Ameri- cus espucius, a,friend of Columbus. The work was eagerly read and the New World came to be called Atuerica. ez lig us make a general summary of The results of this discovery_ Af`er r •t'♦lo 1',:C.:^.•.r•\- t -F tllr. .Indies 7,y Columbus, the Spaniards pushed their expfi-:ratiulta zti!! farther. The English e and o-:1 nations f,,l1 ) �: suit and settlements were planted'; the country was opened :.villages arose and in time became cities_ • ••1i-T•r-, • -.1 - Nov mighty •:ities as pr.p•11y sun I._ ' True, our country has not. had smooth Sailing TerriY' wars, both civil, and with ,foreign r.oa•r•r; have taken pi ice, hut we have ib -",r at peace now for over twenty ye Yrs- We are proud to say that we are a patriotic, liberty-lovinif people, and that no other countryin the hist.rry of 91,1 world !in- male as rapid progress in a; short a, length of time a has A.lrierira. Who would not live in Atn-ri••-.1 the land of the free " Long may our land be bright, With freedoms holy light ! Protect us by tbv might, Great God, our Bing-." a .•r en,. • : •!h -'i. . i•t.e -.4- it1 r(- -'•g- r - t /: .) t• T , I {' l.1Liv,tltlt: iJi ilt�iM#4�J tl a t'lly!lere a the World t:•-t•iw. on T` • i ;E-1 (stir TradeMarl. ,.,r:• ., Or. ,-• P, is ti ' • ,:,wit t •.• !'.. aT •1 -1•k. .;:'tile til tntifart:.i'..t i•t- us. Stud for Catalogue --Mailed 6dd) Free. THE ^V'E"f ELECTRIC BELT CO:. 43 K -,g St W.; Toronto. strntron this wiper. The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Llounty, October 28th MARRIED. 1 L&tDB):aTes—Russ—In I.uckuow,on Walney day, Oct 26th, 1891, by the Bev. John Milli,, at the residence of the bride's I ran Full father, William Walker. Mr. W. J. Lead- better to Mrs. Isabella A. Roa, all ef 1 ucknow. E,oss—D�MacMiki ti —At the family residence ;,lie2n� Concession af Kinloss, on t'he 19th October, by the Rev. F A. MacLellan. Mr. D. C. Ross, Woodstock, to Miss Anne Mac- Millan. third daughter of the late Duncan - MacMillan. COURT OF REVISION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a C.,urt will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters List Act, 1889, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of t5te County of Huron.'at Dungannon on the 12th day of November, 1892, at 10 o'clock, to hear and de- termine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the. Voters' List of the Municipal- ity of Ashfield for 1892. ll pgsons having business at the Court are requirealto attend at the said time and pace. WILLIAM STOTHERS, Clerk of Ashfield. COURT OF REVISION. , OTICII IS HFRFBy GIVEN THAT a Coutf'will be held, pursuant to the, Voters' List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of' the ('onnty ('ourt of the County of Huron. at the Village of I)un,aun-,n, on th- 10th day of November. 1892, at 10 o'clock, a.m. b. hear and determine the several complaiuts of enon and owis,rens in the Voters' Li -t of the Muni- cipality of \Vert Wawanush f rr 1892. All persons having business at the f Blurt are required t, atten•I at the -aid time land place. 1L K. MILLER, Clerk of West Wawau„sh. St. Helen?, Oct_ 2..th. 1892. llpou ReceiptPo.�:; �N with your name and address, we win • forward you Agents' Outfit and OurG reat Premium ��flst EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS LIST OF HANDSOMIE PRIZES, WHICH ARE OIPE'al IN MANY CASES BELOW COST WeWant Agents LSI EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE EARLY. This is a chance for the. Young Folic. THE GLOBE Toronto. WEEKLY GLOBE. balance s892 PREE. If von want t• -i buy At right prices go -to - C. K NCAID'S •_IIsi, try vrtir luck for VUICir et= • With each pound of Raking Powder you have a :foes: to what length of tine tins Candle will burn_ The nearest o 'e to the time gets a Tricycle valved at j'i.:10 J,IJ. KINCAID Salary arcd'e Teen es weekly (ram s'a rt. tar ver 1 commission to local part-trnie agents. Permanent pwition. Good chance for wts-aneement.. Esrhz-in territ•1ry. -sr growers o: ' ar•;ery stock. in .nada. attd onlyirrmeera is i.,th (';.nn :,::1.11 cited states. Ceo har\:C Kock 0. • trice to treatment teed. N. . tati.-n in r.e Cs_ No tion r +••+ ;and tale. fru `'. n other �� heon our or tog pd., s and an?or:•'rcte r.:T1:1 v:>u: fsa�rs .a .' ter • HAS ARRANGED FOR HAll VEST EXCURSIONS —ON— AUG. 16 Returo September 25, AU G. 23 Return, SO bar 2nd, SE PT. 6. Return October 16th. 1892. From all stations in Ontario return rates to HARTNEY DELORAINE, MOOSOMIN, BINSCARTf#I, REGINA MOOSE.IAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT - PALGARY EDMONTON: 828 830 $35 840 BERTHS FREE --These trains from 1 pr- onto will have a limited number of Colonist Sleepers attached, accommodation• in which will be &Noted in order of apl.:icatirru, Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at. Toronto in time to con- nect with the 11.20 p.m. train, leavi•ig Augu-t hi. 23 and September 6,18 2. lotr full information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent (3..T. H_, Lnchnzw PEOPLE'S POPULAR PA ONE-WAY TIES TO- Britich Columbia, Washing- ton, Oregon, California in TOCSIST SLEEPING CARS, Toronto to Seattle R ithont Chante. Lea' mgt TORONTO ETERS;.FRSD_1T AT 11.30 P.R. NOV: 4,11,18, 2258 92 DEC. 2, 916, 23 30 Apply- to any C. P. R. A::entfor . full particu'.: rs. FOR SALE. 6 �(lo -DOLLARS WILL PCI; - s L1 chase ,a splendid farm of 200 acres, liinloss, Co ' Bruce, 180 cleared,' with all aecesarg•buildin orchard. water and apples. JOHN J. STEPHENS, • Teesu-ter. McLEOD'S System Ienovai nor. And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE — -FUR Impure. Weak • and Impoverished Bl•1.111, Dyspepsia. Sleeple —nes . Palpitation of the He.^.rt,. Liver Complaint, Neoral; ia. Goy of ' 'Memory, Bronehiti-. C'••e tmi•;i• u (:all St ,nes. Janl:di.•e, Kidney and I ret ;.ry Pi • s. St. Vit;:-' 1 ••F.male Ire and General Debility. 1 per half plea and per pint bottle. r4ROR_\:i•RV. - - a,i•E,c:::i. Vii, . �. J. M. McLEOD, Prol.rirtor and Manufacturer. Sold , by Harry Days and A. R. (•.'r; r to I►n, . i -t-, I.'Iekr. }\v _ m THE LI Leads thesis all foi Pauli®' N N _ANI) 200 ACRE FA Fruits of Allliin& .tl, FOR SALE OR RENT FINE TEAS it�•F'1�•:,: T,rb^ ,: t'.,� lig F. P. I,F .1) .\ • ire • i •1.,troy .t ll'.; i • t „ r• ,.Lr .1. The: - f- u. T.-. rr w. in -r - • 12 •b r. 1 errs _ . •l. i •r: iLar•l. 2 - . 1 v t tis et :i.tt 1 .. A: • v • r. t. - l•r-utio •r t,• .li'IIN BARK KI,r., Il •s 17.1. L::ekn 'w P. 0. HOE TO LET. I iv G, t.• w.. t . Little. Let kr. w, or. 1J OH N ELL10 T . Jab. Herr, Drumbo. A SPECIALL TY. The Liz1 c si Tlie Choicest Goods, & The Bcst Vatic obtainable in Lucknoiv. -e RNTICIPATING The rise in Cotton Goods, since the„cotton mills of tt Dominion have passed into the hands of a syndicate, I ha put in a good stock of all kinds of STAPLE COTTON 01)01)8 And- am prepared to give my customers the benefit of same at old prices. • Have still a good assortment of those fast -color Eng prints ,to choose from. Come early and secure. Also the "ECLIPSE” FAST- BLACK STOCKINGS. Just try them and you will have no others All other departments are equally well assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remember the place. MRS. R. MURRAY, M „ Is the place to snake yt•ur selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CROCEflES & PROVISIONS. I have in stock the following : .Apples Blackin ll'-ack Lead Blue B-l:ing Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans' Bra\ms Basket; Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery . Canned Goods Cncc a Chxolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates , Dried Apple - Extracws Firs Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelotine ' • Gingers Hole Honer ink Indigo Licorice ' Lime Juke 'Lemons i lamps 'I:ard lMatches lMince Meat 'Meal ::Macaroni Mu`'t_ard. ;Meats, canned • 41�Iaf,*ne51a • 'Nuts a Nutmeg • Oil. olive . Oil; sweet Oil, castor (/ Tsang es Oat Meal Pails ( Peels Pipe: Pieties Pearline Pea-', canned„ 44. Pauper R,Lins dice - Rice Flour • 'Soo • Salt Salmon Sardines Senna 'Seeds lSn `Sy ruw No. 1 Flour aiwi-ays on hand. Goods delivered to S• •ai •s Starch Strawberries, canned Snlphers Tapioca Tenant , canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli v ine�•ars Washboards Wa: hir.g Crestal . W„odenware .Whiting • !Dinner Sets (Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets I. Tea ets Water Sets 'cam ~gets !Berry Sets • Tact Sets any part of the town. e� odds. KAAKE &CO.'S Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper; Etc. FAT we intend' to give every lady .and gentlemen a chance to `let a beautiful all nm, va1•iied at 8•3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. • We plaice in our- window a quart .sealer ;,of beans. Any one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is'entitled to a ticket with the number on it von guess. Tile nearest slumberS;et; the prize. Beans pelt it st-.liar by .lir. Kincaid and will be counted l,v a (liiut.erested 1!a:.'tti-.,,11 ,Tilly ' 1st. This commenceOil April 1-t. ' • H: & Co_ 1 �4. 4 GUARANTEE STELLA M 0 To ,•ut%v, ar 111N IYille ,•l, lig th•' hark,' 1 ::, . Tnre-liing Machines. For sale 1,v D. C. Taylor, Logeknoir, O