Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-21, Page 711': ., I � , I t. I IRS IM AT STAKL '" 0 FxBmk, wvh" huwe yam dfiwje r, Hie DAVad Q Vros,mmi. %he W.J.-A and dibe lot dwm-x =-,,� 11-t fl- bwM401t B -T to mnm- " Y= IWMIHM% nt-u - &am 15:�, —41 . . I 14e I - - . A 64WO E" GMOCV. answered. — my C"Da. my VVffe aMA &AIi-Iliq aim i %rhDA:B% spoke as 10 Idbe oanwat-Iffmly off malt fitaw-w5dical man to be on ezvortee nwm 'The beat wma recovered tariRed tq),- his a5betwo In the ala ead letter he P sidedown, and &fur b6mg rigb" was reforted to her cawmg cot to LA S�mcm pada,wmtgnm ersamso lape Dr. (5aves. . AIR IMINNOO man am Eft WAYL Nkme Te I . v I nuiQ in smvchmg far the beale% wkwh . IWE" recovered entangled in the'weedii banal on sms&y, Am& ith, siLyng th" bis heats . witre " time besvice,44 tax am& Jar fritzoda tic tben OP&C .d the htde sffmzr VA& MW KA-va —i -I t6& lb am -N -A -w— tad ANewSWIRIL913MANKNo I Ikk ad OJ " . . Frmk WE= on, TrW For An ashort idistance from the sAlore � And Qs�ewg to Provmc Imsch Am -o , bein fierjemiy that the breaking Cff dit a�6 I , , Mr- paar�,* a - travew at the US , - � i4,, . _`1 - mracled hex to HClg6 &iwim�g again- ,�. 4.' Tbke witzims averred tbat z7owlt the PRIty- Be WidWd abV to IIXIE h&V InIAO &FUKde Im the Camm of &be sewder- stmxkm, Vdated. Win iz-4crattmog ft StA. IXKE XAST 310AT Tn9F_ 1, Awfid Cnime. 1. cavanvoAmm he coa3d have saved hu own dnvmg an the CCCZAWW She Voccoved an It was notbils ame tkazu a sc&WA-gld OftWAVAaive 44 b=gIbrame CZ34 H p I Wile. le"or on Saturday W&MM8 btr as Aktabso.whkii Vrosizz was Wmang tobmak - I* ft &4_40we ahe Oramry revendy- yegw� -ed he tbe the amj&z do za q=Affmdw&=ffieo=l*a bft%v-*m Cbmdks Sadom gave evidizwe to th e tike abe 'IFaa g,&Arg abmt cd as some am thmgbt tk" iwas w.1h L" yeang aza Was = CZV ral]*Wo . 4 0 that the prmgmux Cauld own% &be dMI an riled AW42M She gave U to WA- ma tO the YCANE9 WErs advawt&W to COlk- I odwx day oiim the Way fimm PCST06 'r"q ,_P _rz Iiiia crown &"cccii Ta" W N*Ubnrazely the ia�ght of the acmdonj, he was ma a POR7 see to read Sunday. He etpressed cantri- al. He eirts waggeseed tktt doey �ga cH bowie ;as _Vmqeber, ViL 'Es. q . PTOWUCA stis Wne &a order a* Vijay totes Where he spam balop, beaT3 screams if Um at getumg ber iftio tFueble &ad "Kad CxWtinme to vpmjk to tmtfii othtx, as d RI W,hs - ][ Z,mm M" tkke azy aavmma C! ==U W ravmm eg at *yzpu Wub vnmmm Me there had bBM any and he had beard orme- he would bolber Lor so• mcm He wasbtd bffvktm aff snildenly it saight VWe am e to f,W tbat .m-�,WMII.- }re caA as is Loa im 4 1 1 Was bud"CR-A W.0al M&e sand Ugw IM , Abcaham Seduce thonght . th" a'"Ve"O to difthe& bet *he refused. ne " zz mArand commiceza. No ome Lmew amyl& -lag &,,,A ,, the I&S-agr cvua of a !a� gc!d . WrAIRIUMIjbil. I - gelazz CMI of the water on tale IV& wbem - P.= ami WM ,cat MWP=,_ ., -I. C.1any Zwm,woat 1,tate, ka-&-d .,d b.,&� N.J.,.-_-Umd . . I . 'Ism did, spew hawe belpeA another Wi we after the -barn abe *azd *be www&i, -w�ffe,v i)hv� wbo had WOLI.*d I& pre�- VOLIPt - bm CM Ike M,t4a _,,t,_- Fixtfaumn- *1 vwhky ! At the York Amaw3 Court yesterday, ouL 11he bsailvii wane alophpg and sUppwy soihb�g nB,ice Thas waa abMI I 0.&--�L vet l'bar Wam'g.- JOAM salvie -Wod he "� be &,wee. JR,e L of r5y K B, -1k: uk am =3 ' Fkwak Wilsm was pbwe-S an mal on a joba P_ P.am;, h%H -brotijer of the3 pnsr- fl- urge bavieg hu w9a &mdl Mai, WdBon f thawater, At 5 dc3m& he apan wMhed 10 CM&C bVW MJM Bwmy, CM Md the drswm,w LAM73 & hW2Ak & jOYOFAS --Dd ff•dBVUOd by IMmse w -az wo onvam cc emlcr . I a ...'a remurkaue Waamer mot B:im sgft' ime &Zaw- ° . of maurdtaed oner. wbe took and party* a *F&Lfib- yvA Preevea Star jbL. ex -7 be, zt!mftd ChAd new Kexwie]_ related Wilsoes stwy as doll by hba the Ele wanted to show, 15-- the old P- ­f amy Umd mzh az eme wauld expam ff a =�g t'ne ,t� tae aales wenradr:51 kamm . VVAKM is a YOD.Ims MaLn Vf rather Pre- day After the oe&axream It Be the that They capsented. - On Monday *-be wlaxUA zmaTA&T was bemg commmEavA- us Iks I &WlK. , I I He, "'297 yeani of little ghd wus veachixg ont to ges a W&ACT fcc Ckikagp and was gme fmw weeke. suchen ME,&L mr, RW&W mmebAed by Ome MiAll MIT, ?CM!JZIR sEd Ims - wV__e . -b I = "i'm ab'Ll. F."ts , Z-7-17. my 22 npuz the bdamce of tbcbaa,�, Ovew-emaiinmed-AD car drives were ®n telthyff dbe j=7 c4 #Ie greud --,%--R- 9 I V= on a L -L-_ mt=- n WW'Dup im a --iowlem-, . xnuclt&� yonsbfid pCMKMzhty He was throwing the oompamts haw, the Walen the pubbe hisftiway Owl ff NeWOM&eA. With wid-Ch Thq Maze mumffiled im the fma4n . Thty- , Lnm tb-- Aam WL,xe Szane z5sugam . row y attired in a diag=sl siah of clothas VM= Wflwn sme tai the surface he could Fatly They not aundestize weefizze. U -m; - and d. Z.g waa- &.===Eg after the bGa4,,I_ 2, 1, amid w4Dre a sum 01 bU&k tie. Efix hair was am no skgn of his wffc and cbW azd� wts*- was wordy a sAce3gid Oatafiion, wlitfikwMM WTP- cm S ZSR-ILT. . . Mbe&4m-%A !eD rvvbjbzd wK3& tf!�e dam ,d pompadcar h -hire, gain campkadon M-9 his way to the shore casis Uxe weed% stopped as Sam as a4he bend bar geed name Ck&wm Pzw*ecmtc& tims &W- - W - As omcLgea �m rVWtDz_ Ia M MMEMVA�Eff y and heaft,by. "'lie went off for belp- Quas4maimin� -_ Tbe imam an qsastke The dri Wem Veyk r ward me Wmakin a3mraft He spema Bay, The r� a ampptffie cr=ag gm the I - AbBoat an hour was a s taken up VIIII-nel- - body of the wzarma wascavered wb& mss; . -1--4 amd zhe6 tam tired azar bor 21BY agammg uihh.- -camm a saran , to pmPe g beam =A a7a =WAto ragii taxi He mag - j=T- The Cloram asked to studth&W zBenzed Weile tWIMBd WORD d bfT MeCk. and 1 &ad diffionhy ber from S WUd4 did MOI MTDIJ tam to VVAIAM, daa3e a Eke tbiB T Hat®d ! A grofte! . bawtk� aw d2e, Scg win be hid boirs� - be bait 5 - - .n.- - ,,�, . amde: and the — number wfwe -by = xaasdz�g the especmHy as a gaed sad N% wvzId muffiman1w we ___ �E 'Z�� 1-111-9 tvUrid atia - the deftsce 111raillm= . buzu- kDVW timt O'gore is m6dlifflg wlit& - 4 met 17NM a wft-1 mzd AeWly . Crown Pm.=t,= Chile rx-pld]y 9- a A bcat rode hHd bam priandsed d,,x,--d 7%e cat tbm a3jearmed mm,ul Mcmday, Whe pa Eke the 50111:0 a UBE ffaAWtkxn of I dEffted T,W-.%.T, i,5s ff-ETA bvu-&Amed '_7 . abort Tesame of the case. He slated that fm a kms tinle; the did mat wamt flie Imram boing lvfdmd ap over Smm&y- the qfflw&m - I Nave mewar bewd Utdemad; M the _-WkM,W_= Few jewma MxQ@zwtz �:51 1 the prmwmer bad been mwmfd -- 8 to take bei libas p%rf3CU,I&T Smaday. as the one imew wafer to knew A avy Coumbn't th.etkm "ALUM I qPoRk off VMS mwl,jm�wel enfs wiem =-Wtn-A &,2d. ffi-�, " C'--F_� I 5cIZ!fi!I that he formefly rim a hotO, but threEbers wen ommmg ra-vt day, amt, *be go to cbmmc% blit die jsaid be COMM subs ftr assay Crime I aim mefirziug lo," � P&MIN 12­�:fi( age �1 amd am hdOy Ilad bftm hying wxffi his falIbm at wadd go to Armurt rames. amd rufmad to mt,t &Bow tbal or even pumnft to aO Mftl& Mh6M;k� bebWOM HM aMll 'I was sum Herrl$ afiargmad Ka lega WMS - the OM homcelead. near the vflbge of " - walk, thmgh A was shorlom- to go by 16-A - - ent lar an ausug- Rr� The rdwffum�, in diiq CU30, Waa met ,. Par1red mp ma ria bra takMCOW tr. KmwldK, - ab=l M 2131�es .�xsh .A Torcm1p. 7he Tw..T. C'Unt'WAS Tau myaftk W,oaryx ,,,MY 'Pe"y U,k,,d W1601, as &C a Cammmma Ove;, am yet MR SC L. I "Mri'ma to tR,,4 JaB CES] sma ailt Zag jIL4-_I- Ma iomap_ Wbam ms, wife amd lh�ree livae chadren a3w emwiled an- shay satmz,aay. wv.bea t&* =1 Wail ka =to tbe d0a ye4m&y ..,. at A&W ,�;an %&at the muft- - an tffie , 1, U.- dag fba-4 =ffim� to rea.= ffl�_e a ina- I Were. Thwe diad been differaue- ckntmg VrozWk tTId vans Rm Fm4mm,'L 73300 i1h, T,,,,I, A C&CZIL He Stfll„ bow -tr­� 'm tffiat —1- He, b3d lacngffa. BEEk qlaMBUMT amrm tffit.-, =,-IEih�'I 'Vxhl !&e betwe%= t.be young couple, amd altmes p;zumpal ewidtnte offired was dash, of a ever. m,mil,sts as mumAi ,,t,,,%1 am ewer UM bw be I -ad b*r amA bRA.. boy. in%exchamged. mmnbfff Cd flneffical CXPWU and I bat Cd Wifffl in am .-M,-ced ffimm1bewa- - -suffbdMed it t1e kd=z - -=FVC-- BcC cZ ez=7 4t fn - Ye% I z 3 La -t g M -F M, my �tbeC"da=,,, _ m the pris� 5�jn.a C&LTA K, L "". the youmg NeWID311kez . I J%e vafflm5m MP so affiis FXDA ffiuE afig"It, = &,.- ne - ammzam4ed: axxE the a ---T,10 Bviked u.� his c3rctaett as hay Vi. assndip- To her atter, carrifla Cm 11be PIM501113M jiva EZAXWfted 0 nu O)et Wld& me a6mdaAn CH wen *0 ttmrr "MEEM J:Mwqwfizz�* =p = 5)IM jEW& s, hwbum& Hlia reb6timis Witil Other. a , I Prig mor -"-g Ae 11-il C-U&=tW,, ama the &�a,.ff t&. WJID� fw- t1be Emma csziml�, il Warm *iff Wk=fil amem- I . I � . ,q --a I&VIffly The were - ft wm imj=*g hf= xepztad=& The primumer ,f, Mas. �!-,� Womm, --."L- &-� tnaled Ae momig*_ HOW was im tffida zffite - had been paying Tumt Pwyfbcnlzy &md 'had Asainewhul wwm appaRmwone, but fTA- . ed The prismy Was .-.n,.a . sbe qpc&e sen boat bat =a F -&M& -ma -9 f-mB �- em z mmwaia" WaNlw.. I nnarked att=Uon t- W3m KAIniar, a MrA Inwad the e.idenze ,duwAy . 10 Iffie zae reaum. exudErz betweam ififfmmt PMR=&M - the =Wwr! H-- WLQs " eme, kclaE Sittry aaz Vie WTA5 men beHr, tatin bor Im dmweB andwmIkB and johft4�au "Afited 'be C&= -ARO -es off ,, ana a The gMUt It tbAt ff thE37 SO I 'a' OM On tffie Bfft II -A The PrAUM-:T Sma &N Wnffe &EMBBI CL-- -I-E�41 ==_�y dEEB��­ g urp cffca-x, to hide the i=pxx:Bodm *be tb5-- ocramUCMe ZS tgAd bilu by th-B P7iWIVff9-, ;,jLj, ,,bk& W -,j,,6 t,,k i, J,i, F,tak aid 25& off d3e beat 1ha it oras Ott ali� im' SjjA taw Crj� L;k*,-Mk!,L W ie im Bezl2r - - -11 - had r-n2A mpCO hUR. SOM6CMe, pTePUIaaUy MZM3ejy. lbal the ITMb gaff in awbemg6cg 10 Cj"j,j. Yh, ,M JL4 L,,&, d"M 'rtm-fle EM tffie appsehe abxltl�ln iMAind Off bdXZ&_MZd aLb=g% eX= 11- NISIZIO Sapb-ZeM#7 A I I a frienA 01 the yc=g ;-&Ay* semi her am a water My kA it bmaamm and feU' Aw wim� box' amd sabbed am& --My. Thel an d3h-, mwda Awell Has it DO)! bum Fro -ram mramIAB& . amemyMEW tetwr, Fn=mpg the fac-to of the ont. amd case moviffim. = at,4cmptamg me =B(:m& - - ) Tz..",� tm,d,m "'M t, .1 I ffifts CWD- affist R)a Wya a ffmst,cluxa Taimmer, amd, Rxff&:; - - . "Jn)�_,y a&mk arzo.-af , amL tie nVeaWbEMMA cam plaamly bektre her and onlarging wpm huclOrl vv,e��d tha ba]VL � ..�, a'a also wa,Pj ,rj,m ti3e TXMME ffic Damwas im VU39 20 ammm Im I== =xi a llama? - .1 mrxn EEggqMtMa =am d3a� Vibm k4ma z5 ff the-daagix abe ram in bem-- so antanate I f". � Bachd Ch=tmden, cm seeim�g WMrcm ap- , a;, - =de hm,, ,,emos ,, ,,j,,�h CkWI,a 1, T 95 o,f w a % &= & CE in BEd M&W Md M*fin Dit ]k =W sma k " r ell =1 "'t r with A mxwmied - M K!e �� -TI. C=bi­ P--& b-. dr4p-g -A : ti�_ Ware aa=&&' In. Da .'F= Mae dm�&,W ff, w1as alt.-, - J[ MMB�- ffegbba tae S!ezy-romking � 3XII=_9 oj % % thomgbt the cam ever and daemded to give '" 0 FxBmk, wvh" huwe yam dfiwje r, Hie DAVad Q Vros,mmi. %he W.J.-A and dibe lot dwm-x =-,,� 11-t fl- bwM401t B -T to mnm- " Y= IWMIHM% nt-u - &am 15:�, —41 . . I 14e -I " , WOEDD WP. writim�k -him to That offact, answered. — my C"Da. my VVffe aMA &AIi-Iliq aim i %rhDA:B% spoke as 10 Idbe oanwat-Iffmly off WkUB Wktan8id be*d am die mowtr iDt-ftaing " 7M 11 rM ie CM moy kea mg.- ME M - Ijazz" , ,f ` I , . , �, 7%e kme-ml* SWAMI, hOWEVEr, ddd MOt view dzewmed an tb& xivtz.- and lllk� be mamnktad -h lfi,, t,,=j,,, of the F -Mg Comf&, atfiffmE tflh&T 41� Ae 362� ro=k6�b ! 1Z ale V-!�_ L . - 4 . ' � , I IBb% _Id MW_tWg W In thud I tIW xnattex Me tle d&= , ,be caRe t®btff. CMO'C�L. e ME,;,- dlaz,ffie MEW47 .kDew Cff MW &fflKPVBM-I I bat ff be . CVW%-._�d ji" 8VM $be nE�ajft ffewn"he F" WO. R U - reffmalmiea tflhm W9M_&qaE&Ba L I " -I —BXI by dint, of biB imov7tuma-taes, cmEr­ Xen _ by myin& " W,hht wM, I Zo ; .1 (Ppanol OD I . bEmween ghffm ljftd� CFHAaft W30 a. mnat I Stft ber tirtre &Urz any Ike OTMH tten MD ywmmg mmm Z -ow-- a;,-_7Wmrt &ad ==W =%Am �.. - came her S=MjJCB of -- -Md Fez- L imme as W&21 ww'home be %oftawnt htfle . - fiU&Matkg U!ibq-m am& d�,e ffiNammPs FWth&tr W%&E%�, MD ale bx& Z.VD FWt in tle swarda-- !! . . a amoisr = cma� afine f4a. a=o --Trtft-ZL 'I Ult i4,, . _`1 - mracled hex to HClg6 &iwim�g again- ,�. 4.' - Cki&OL111 He Ib=gh %& fel aDmeAnmp � &W for was Pumny asbanate Wagm O& , .. my P"Hammm) 1-.�_kt!_,-efmT� Yi= IMVW2' Mee- M-- amte U -k U[qP tffie pmzk- 'd , . = - . IXKE XAST 310AT Tn9F_ CEMging to JhjM JAM Lhe CWM C= �d the ' lr-`,�'r vlhex two C&R-larea Wase, I � I flb& ewi&mm mamrimg 11E, a)& lff� ffV-R. ri - SW z5B L =4 T -I-_ I.Lm't'l f== R-.=& U . . . Wham &*ed by Ulm CaitUmdes ff it caw'd -my . MkIII A1111131IF46 21 eff tie wi.-,�� , �bm�ll dtS&W"IfRiq an 11ka, fflm%.�Rm &I Cum-aaam- vmg�% &%,a= L.��, , � . I I . . . - V I WaBon. hiB Wffe &=a Ettle -&-af and dm=b poem hame aw�,fm U� he =BWUUt,q,% .. I amj&z do za q=Affmdw&=ffieo=l*a bft%v-*m ,u&& A=g# . . - ft�fim7-1 _7WM iam-_ 2M.T ktzrstaL, dP;qght,-_r started aim Sun&y, Aw,g, 14* to , cont slay, but I libmugIt at the to at MW Iffic tAM awaz a &Ata& adiRremma the tffiw am- � - 11 abm*�t a -- - W=ffl- 11 meaw- zi- ,11 I .DTMXGZ��, srmmmy"� rit.- _!U4 .. P-1kan off tbe:day Wilal ffAafix-es of SP -11 a - tffie Wauds.= I . b -al W%Mffi Bad ffim- mute, 1831� WAOIN 1 , W,W CMUlFiBOXEDE tae test RIBY Em tffie M641- Uxeix% lbe A--trmy% Irviag a Ault dim- , Dx_ stevalt, WAM Pedammmd tfi6e FD&, ffiawa�& I%e Wim falum-a NFUMP'tMP'll� erkdk Jmd�&OIXWAMAIF �_ ba�gm His QDI.L-,;- ,��W kMgkGz-PW_.A E --Mk -am kmww. mma Meier . - .1 : up The riw . On lheu,f,tm�m trip The Ifio'landfa and mnsem, CM=MH,t­- -4&bud Tffl- --Uwa, off tare w"alds in det&A IbB cmE I= shite -&,�hb =M111B a, le.i,a a, .,,,,-- W.5 ,P ,,,A_ � . - - - - ra-im� L 'be- jxl�r Ida& d3&F --- =�-- mm MP a BLU M 'I�R-_ km��,. � &&R*Wt zisittafti�= maid leffime ftRw-nn'Wms a& � - sw� amabEaffe wm�CEe I . I p&TbD&k e lunrhe=6 --d A was at this - tae Q� bmemm big the anxj?'t serimmIn IE& esti mi It in Amee J_ w-&-ek wb� h-1- P --fly 1 &-- bwomgft. a Faimombor C%W41fd WrfaWrack,Ile 1vow lQuag rxm_-� "a` ]I -d edgeedge ffi�g�,�_�--' . H__ iukffiu� uxe= aa= �! T . . ,Of I.Ime prooeeakrB,, as- wam evaid wffi was about I - hMo,e,t,,d in M.1i'z ...=.Q. '" , =ft dqff Av.b._% ff ]I 6z ,keltfm =F vwkas e ftfi4t� tEnta-RE'wnig R*!P.T,I, Y:�- Aisa .. my . I _TtJ�6 laml Walls= P"Tem.rated the inches ft A�e left �arkdl a ffhae algwe . 'I'he=Li't .& = .M.ffMg SMY CaIW .&_,�'jer Wj'aa - ,,,, - . - dhErme amadffiw a at qffie 1=-n-- Twffm I Twe-I-LE I E . r with wmm;h he *t=ds awpaa at the minge- up- re -l -mg too. -Ul-w -kora' b. Zglt be of - t® the pemmm., ffip� ME atnueffillm I*- sbewmm is TfflWf;mD=_W - Purfi wffiaiz I ffibZm-s a 7e=y-_ A Magor I -RW �. - , tr9mmml . ff-�Qmd tk" ths' bnOBB omt--mAtld ew�= ffiuzqffi�Ea- r�ff t1be 1092r 11b, ffio� . bV&I bg=qtIrg . amd ,%*Oen�mls - I- ta- -Lale-�l cw- U ims m. ..E -.;; &..i-. km&d = qdtk muqP51im " I . At sbmd dusk John seaw*6 blffmg at a dwtazz b'"M tbv�n &Z ffmf,t suppvmd� the Maud lent bu=a M. Waffi3% it 6� iffi't a .Mika �. . - 3ns,o� &IMMIE5 msbmna�__ im a]* mmtxle aff ale - U W�W_- ie aaffis ET_ NY Twy,, zmakw a dumtemm I - STs! em 414e aff axe a=MEML, - " . - balm Z,bomt 45 mods Mbe scerie safe Omega WDUMB. aj, Tn=,]Mg a Made sor Cale ff., to gid DI OMI Cff M& bmf PWM= 3 luk ffllii"aa !e==B-_ -ft &6-E�-Im mgwwl H& a ffim I . of tall tM�gBdT, thCU;&I ile bIATd a W*Wk dMI11 thAl the kaDW bad bMM &&=M31� b,W. ' I mbxxnwteffed2eai1gmsaffaaso�. MTIn_Wt"2a3Eaaaaih wRom '&j=-MTn---nE ir.wm thazi! , 1 " � . zMartu-'a te nowe ccm flautnm MP am %be WIDe low heartl% a_-titm wmm pmdL Th5Em. 'ho Tb�e C�,� inn em&mw,�E3c,ed Mo Trn a I W ff law EMU6106 IM qmmilabm Wm. . TWWMH DMIZIe �_t WIEM M aa me�!& EL IBD��B I ,sM mt�hl air firam The aiver- He Aescmibm wan ffaw wr fire MWe ckm. .d - W.d =I- , mtr� F-azi *=43-1 ale'num P WUMW to i tbD,%=,& bmmamwmeffE&Eefi�um eff 'Y nle- imny , mn�F — �!--J=j,I_q-, I . . I . . . it as xammUing a far&al lamgb, cT som2e­ Beefwd in abe a�� %5Ae cl tb:e meek, Lyndh as � qjW Inimmm. h"iXT ..a abe MMODUBT, bUA ��e,� IffifiE wMWH 1-i - gponirz 5w a �, . V . . L . , betwaim a tary ama a I=gIa- R m- Aing hm but hemmog may ffiswe bmm. cs=omd IT the &Uemmme Cff fiDgens ,f belzm& T±O-. Hour ls� he knew all W" 91111341af-1. wwa�nzoff PIOft5_ . 6 .. - " A SWIM S= I . mbe %vffim& Onalve mama begbnang to ema , I . stwM93, attmCr6ed attemlapm, aamnLs af zp4agbing preoe,tQmg Ercan Whe em 11ke =f olk- an 31he linnsi ,owda becamBa& bya strzam . Ilt - JAM Qxw-m &Utala an& IM a3aa t.n- . � Aneftedbetwam" 4NO I L _­ . w.w grabdN mgx5imm dw ]Ffh� a=E dffim - I=& Ehv,-&�- hm -,-Pz&stI& air- rae, L I awaren dPrzzti= Ie Cane &D %be t*Mza:xs5= wkffi ibe imit end cff tale p,ii.&EL ybww am& pwazm3m�z= aftkm H__ ffias mm&-"& Aqmf,-n� ad ,&UM awffmmd W AM& tL� meweme eff auEg# ­ vdyi M (�& LRAM air S= C.B=--- -fp to ae aas , = . I , 1 tbwt a rawing M -w -IT was cammz avw-- The NV30 AIREOM �Cd m1aakea stm 4d zxVWMiM& 'fi- Study e ]PRAb&qgy- By 'a- -6-A=- I iW lbmm sw 8= MHUZZ &,is m5e nilly Un tlaa:, I I I pfi� :F---=et'a­-F­DE ---y d­-6VWBfk-- , W. r I - 22TZ71 amd a Se,w Mlm=,t!eB .ft"�Maxda -mykea be im the Crom'Exammagum &U"Ast d%Wt bxmiWe wj,� h,di be"a ,,6u=M,a 'm I these rzwe Mb la.zm& mit qO &&we fir SmEponaea M;HM a Wary 103t& lkmm, -_ 6=ws am WE . . . Whreld b3ikem% EWA bfffm(5 *alt ffimtEmll I= ­ WXLJ�r fis U)CM T.. Eff M6 ZMd I . to a PDMI, fimm W10 -re cmm VbB=W,e a Spain t&-- Euwa= 'Wd'Cb mbe Paas MCF --t tle COM30 BaB'D The The -=h eff WkI-I I CVMIA&t Waffi Tale bmt. La. W.MU .5 a&.j affianffi . 'M ta,:. "al OzWxV==z � -4-,5D YEW . . dmpdma Mm B�g�wwaw CM HS ReAL mma IM;q - - penwjmfid� I= tBit. ma�-_=,t so=---b-cy kom . . Mee__IV3 _V_Vnffl& JM&I;krfMhe zu�,WVWUBOD - Mm jmam S_ KMZ %ad punmisd ftffiv VT, -=t 4d - Mamie %Wz=xT2 IJ11311- ,W bewa, ffialhmv, vvibxE mn�* � &Lua�e &P -M &aE =,M W..M , . ,-&:; •I-- a=naeml - =6& &,E. ,II . 1 W,ME MAMIW ftj* jub I -EU- 12�1 . - , - - - - - rr . =mMing MP ft the 3iWq=-a-&a-T=IOdVg amd e Ibe pWq,-==T= Uftfir-M PB6=0-a lv-x�'Tt A -..t: &T 'M -=z, K., .Iffid! i,n a. t® a6Z Just a WARR8 =we am ah " jj,GMffo1xMCEEM AGI_IM__UI__Ix tat qffie TB-Iix�. Z alqr (ClIalam =7iMgWIiMfffff,SMdMP*n bw,� cmq­ by DT_ ,S,:&W=n, - He. jugged aaw., the . ewe" W�M,J..Ma Jamie ,MD- ,g fim abl�x HI_ ]ff ffi&-- &a& �., - - mumitkW, t(D &EM dBuejPM-T fluz 9 Iffie - . - Lm4p - I - ff,miamdLBaysmthw= finm� I Wifia W;30 fivesmin B)W solm WM.-A -M3Afi&fflWA 2 ffemajr4 bai= JW=_ -g jM tjEjS BMUF�P_-, WR&L- L I of st4a=e',s pn-af!�Itte ,Pja "hUd = %vO=ds 4m 'ale "a nmz'k Apme MB- - My Go& ; m,f wmie amd r4d-M am Ii at ff" cek-axa bdwe aewtih ; t�hat 4ffie mawrim %ff b,r�m sazzamgka alba vem� aWL am=&& (9 '1L� 5,;'VWW _��,Wmm Z034 le eikllvy, Ss ajine � , IV Hile MM (E=Efffim ffiff � �_� VmUs fizftsajaL-_d,fThr;uz��� P=5=& tF7 Ttfil��M -312., . I He them man oz amd ahmmed el&ft was5dazati; AmIffi was by xagilrymFuL Daatfla. Em ffifW 1-1) ,I&dE mamp . bF dxL OW5&MIM Wdomand ay am Rul - Iffma xMil Lazy 3=44Lfffe chmwffbia - fim the = .M the "icbmily. " 7be bOdMeB W,eXe Xt&t, i0=d MM3a Uuid­ v,vEidom, w,m mot. 12b� amomh cff Aiw*m*g UAWTe la�fS& WUS MO 50ME�&M� CUISUMLft I -M TAIC cnam+_EZUME&� (Ed IHN W-:1110EM - ,�� 1WZ EEL-, m ek - d3� WFaq& SEBZGMR &MMxdb=OffW X_ , � WWf[W 7�ff� 4U lmf�_- dfs - ffmE=6v 4mwH MM_Pd'rM dffiffl "emy e4­nWtI-_-M)II__ gffmcump-Come- -zW.- Loff �8 uime�3_- 11 , M. IgIA, IKAI fix -se = S&Wa, the W�Oman in L the Imags *m A as wvbna hRW-_ b- --"r--' I I -14 3—.- -,-d .ear� Ib& z=U'.% _-B-mie _-&-B ,,,�&. 3. &.NP,,,d Zk 1.7 fi�mr I ,,,a= (7$1L meami-'stet ,e_ - .1 IOUT aura a haff &Mt,of WVM;", said the gam -111 , 5M %q:S feLt el&t mucbe& - " = Wia mbe WMI'vW ff zeaua Ewa be_ -M ,t� i , Wei :h Ad aawUM3M& PIraimmme ,rm 11be wrima" - MEIMMA-02 - a- vwx� tffim-Wh dm� Q-�. -B ... 37 TMAM il a.� jIly &111 MI&PIL && . � ams lnbun =gM=.3fl�7.Z Ult ,91 .= I , I in WANOZ. I . , U;KM emsmmmutmm at Wan T,C=B Illut, MPIM Pipt Dom3d Paww9ant U3B drawnimg In e AM.F I fim a, . ,C=d",.,,",W to !.Oak ,&*m jjB Imm- - mmmy - THOO ZU38ge PaWmDdl lil� we mwr= . W%V EM a ff��W wwaaww� am Mm E�_-afivmr . , 'S, TRO Mff TTME-m ,�-jEa& , . , , t t2aeBC"qTe,IADSi=a-W UN.-Im ,K,ImebTMmeA, &EWIgm r,n%WMmWe_ I i� im I&e iMfte=2UV_#Mdnxn Ed Affie anedirA60 12UMN . I UZE,Y�- it MfffUeEq_ I , . - ^:J - . I IF-- --torz �� ffwraem dM=U=I;,gV tm) (Ch-fic-bula M_Hkm� , - , . the pimnmpad ume bemug em the bmmm, Ibree Dx_ J--atuman atatEd Ilat judg*ng ffimm � Qnd• . . - ' 4,� U--ff_-rW_' " ,etmt_ Im.U-M&:-Ua_TI- (nm �� BuiT-I.-M 3mw. imcbtm above Vae riglit MUPTAe, ama IE) am tare &�P.;Ewtzm Waddh 3ma bmm Ila& IIMdWW_ i I - . WM TWaBMOC6 Iffarg wgmMBA, MaO tbut WM Tibe. jMy U-_-�3muR mmE cnir� wvis nE-5�! " I ZI&M W,=Mmm. a CaLmama, affiww.- dbit . . 11 . 14tL Iz wazcrral am SIB" bma - ­NrAult UWD lim he had U-0 bes_a� an `stW-=f P- I Wbe Fiia.N rl.laffi�g ffilE, A.,fiffi a,= Z.1, � . , 'I T�",M� AM .MimdaB da.t Hm _11imm "If Ma=aCIT3121�== aza �:z Ilk& .,= I W&MMEHI rE= byItkT*,-,_- iu� im ziamf5tvn Th,-, taned . tawa _* Ttlat 'APU�ffi W,10 �rmni P--r,-�Wutr "B_ ' ld�T_�Zm,Ivw ffa ff., tty-e T" amB into Hata' . Ca ir , IDW&Pv's ;;L= W -Cm Wen &Bkm a=8 =a R'. &= .:- e S7 R F.TD--- car!�, " j,j md,j,� �Sad -f�O%gMb&-.x%d tffie AKill, PTWTh�g 1114 Tq*Mft -.4 ONUUM111r, MS tbB3)B8zM7LIq a0li§M b -d % _ .V� _,t, -, � %%DA MjWW afilb -n a lam ad ewiatnmm wiilffi 4A- ,,, zta�- fikz-Sd==rr7 ame GE U3� zeffs;il� ME . The Va,aw had been ddlTwwnled -,u-.-tb caimiBer- beEm &Dmm5&tnH3r hmpa&,ed b4m-e- mmKr � IME Amenw-.- (W (C�, jnry�, ZML HI dII& Suir sft� lt�mw BuAffta a;? � ffma, Z.jfi_.LZ ,,� - . , ,%,,,a a�L,W,A�£ d=�': ], - , aisle. fZzap- Tbwe W;eala MaTkB cm, the SOM MCM am t%e W� Owizaml rax�n A:��f,w a I A lxmffi aff crparu=y ffdM ,=,,x a,, - .. immlm -71 Z➢) mron�M "§) ubnw "V�fem'E nlb-- I�dm; - mxmaeza. I P &I the IRST�,, and xef�k amd MmBlher bmcdse the Imaxt WEM parffert Whan I�ae ific,W am II&I Mile mmm&,a wa=tt amorm am W= B�gtfi� :,,,,. M. --a Mine—" a wmmffia �Vff - Mac TM -_-5_- . MME Fb,d,aF=MrI4L :Md"M5_Mx - , li, . ij - - _;,W� I I I 11 - -VEW- I CM 12be . f.6e t�-Ay ed the w�� %vas fouv6 whb:m jehmEt WV'sm ITVM%,a& xipm se .-I"".-'r� i&vm& wIdIE16-, wmze riAn vuE!i_UZUIF nmil b -lb UO&TIM MaD IaM PMr.T MM Wb& Afff'P-1111t. IIM IfiE 02-aMft-_ CEWWjOIi=- Walmin WamirmaRUE05 am_��bk-�, Sz%(WO, Lexqw,,::;I�- Z-atfiri� ts� d)34qufx� ff' aampeff a -Wal SBUO)ew�dk inah Oil it jgn�'=-_ a- rj=W-bUa Mak &1=-.ft6 UHD-- M&D-44-W . - . - . to +In O seq-t, of &'Irg MM33 MM117 SIX f the MMM*wd &am qM bdhEWU-_ qjh= I � 9 I .Um,&A LUIIJ�T;En I t%e mcoad aawqw.maw PW - -, WahmU6 Z IL-mm;*uAswEm� MD& !I . WMUAeV-Uz:!, 4-.AqfAI,3Q11 : �1� UaW�� - . . shun_- &be cmdd mol 3mve dxffted Ua=T,, am Aruwmmg aanne wrm unomm±uUe &W ,&is I tbine is 7K) cmxrexl im t1w xlww, jimd itteiuc,CE WWDWV�s dewtffi. . . MW 4mlaxim ,U;KM.T 0, _e PLUOCI MW,,& Ehg tffi, . . . X , PI5)-.Atj;IIA1;Wz ,:�- ":2��.i�-__i-&.. ,;""5,VIk"A!@1: Eke J_ W(W)8ffOI&, Md I e&-M� � - . WAmm wvM I& ammqpna mm 3fixriift�_ of I.- " --- I � h is J.�U.@ Col wzed& I ',ift&mae qMrMXM M101RA'% IT CAI�W_ =WUM as to With awm3tia afla� an,352maRe am - 'Id albB - IMIMINC &ILW_-�Mg lam SBUM Im tba? Q_ -?4r lh,-*- __ f""01" ..IL.%-- :Ike Sk M-STLY His ZWDJ�WIL-_ WhiE mxvnm�=W . L I x mnm&mi�tq - q_ I= 11 IWK*�"Q I . . . Thas VM *e sima and FM *ff -Ile , .. Ifury. C4*wu, Immos=uxl-'�9 -a Or+% - I .5, I � , CIIW- K--mm-L. ­ff Nw-unwk-­, iii a blWfl_ JaWne'l-, mmwt�,Hv a&= affie dammBa aw" .-Tzffi ffi'm b,A . I in thv IWM 9 Cd qhl& WdV&IM OKuIRMWE nom- . I . a6_0r. h in &=Ul�, tffit mutf Wrz- �L am- - T.W.* rMW.0 Lam VjA&6 . . - I I , 19-11 TIT= u1i'la e.-''T,6-v&,n7&it-,c4-.iDt.=&Eel�y IdeudW BtIle _WW�OaL Wkffi a -IDS IIJU) ffi= MM the birp. Mums WVUS fflnm�ff PU%ffiIa&- a -----I.-,r -;w I I . remaf"Imff_a , W. I., P..,.,f,r e��2m3m_ I- - - PEdr a,fffi�, �� fb3mv ffii& tajia& amwmMad fila, a)& Ifida, am W%MM Iffil) Wri-1, WTHM"'a I _. (ftE ii; - ;f r. n raff*_­M, - , ;1= ­ ­ - - � W M W4-,--Ic,b 31 V" - . - . . leff&ala� ILfz:tU*','!, rtmy t&"Am- fNI's, iij; - M -*W --E fir Ube Immem,161M Ita-mitafifa MD Uffibe ., I (M I&L. -amt-&-Gr. k�� 113), t Wr 5; (V ��:k zam�, . Too& Uri' OW'A P"T_ . MET . WiThsm, A-mgmvz'g IWvIs-'alaistaintle Po"Ies"' ia Of iD, J�-;--V-Inf MIMIOMID&A -&= *fft%M I&WA t0he aDrW. W" MWW alkRZY alO- .-P4r_-U)jffrW_ 31_--!�' maa-f %t -_t-_- == ma, wt:� - . e I _%DIIB-E -M .gMeglom I&-- 3auf-auer, amd Em , AWAIMIUMMM11W. A=WM2=IaWDk mik ,amom. Aar'baeft ECfftaa&Pqfijd MMId=,#I 3MI3 loge HAA G.-=AKr&,=A% ha-tamataLgfiUmm 'ZCM& . .S . �_MMHEN�. likeem. a:r-,w - 'f _9!912nIj;R Tie) V"%I=W!e* Mfwwimm:-_�Rc �=& . w IL. IL �- -W,_--hu . .1 'Tj*,&kffM�:)RU,-L-":f_-Jq�8& znri- A' LEM L . , I a-,de,.U;r� t-�a� bai fTA-,Xn -m* SIxeIIB I&e TV.,DW,g WN Witin WAYOna, Ed as M3MMZMffiAT said! fHsIR5Vaf&T= *HU jjtwoj&mg Ck=;u=&Mnos 0===Mx, 41,A PM.!*- Irmadw Who-29ft1mr- , - .. - ,`tf al-a)z_-WWxg,O,., ...moi lb%&, w'1:L'x- vrL I 1J' f3 UTALCM lx -ma 4M -Om -,31-- caafinxadl I I -Le 4mumm, W&MWMI. summivtm ,"W ampti'ma :am dmm&%, dfi das A (Chaanm &*qa9kffi Buy- ,tCftF-rI%Ijne .. � lleWldr la.714-1 -_--01 1;-- S adif"!+ _,,:� �66 tftbW linfe- . - .. -Cd tbf, t=te ,r-i;,b Ii� "-.'fI.P �M,Llw_ NM , - -40ae - 03at be,E�13CU7,ovwd q,01mmmse a WUd4MW am i lb4;= MgLMIta 59F IH3B' MMWM - the Unn-e sTaxIwA ' U,r *,-mi,o -be pxmumfr was W -Ah affiffimim mala mnqw %a MW =WLU----_T Tim I ► Ih:EW& 1.:I- ,#-� aff-I TO, % dfia�cs 5arL*W MMe M# U&M VM6MM=F BD;VW _M IkW .. mmtl�7_ - in 11re Oti-Im P%&dLMF_ �-..t *er xm Zbe CEMIM Cadw ILA, cnioulie bw- : wtimm aflo AWWRIed WM twrMai Saxe is IPZLd.& I TLU,I.- lab C .-;.- -� T. Le'..L - _±L_-" a =_ t%jbL__ . I 3WWazdiUW Wma Jubm :RAMA Iftd=MWX6 - , Vfii�s K-ZntLm smad *&e Lmsd' 6=m Www- zj T-1-ve A.ff U-Vub- bex h�.a -jo k±M Mai . Waa a* am� 11RUM Carm,6Z miets, qp,m - TWr'Tl-:-I.+_ 'T. -I , I;F kz, �; I)f Uffiew I _' !­VUIII-- nude Ww-3,-- t!4'lk . 1: . _-T dblw'�� G" -M-' a . Chilm rdmini- = 1310 bo. -W imcirg tbl= kast&L auBaIbt4 mna'bad mnem the piRm&-a ,;.I L -Ale E�Milae ikamo,,� -tAvo yew% a Sb-- It[ ±W &,9r ZMMUD, IW 31bl MM.= WrhI IIIAIa a&I IV#qaF W;'k& aWffi�j RIND 'MWHTU /PUHkWW� �ajaa - �Eezv"aLt lim a0m. -it 'Min- 4muvr,z�­ -I'M. &aar WMM I& &'z =k"W .(d MUrPihMF_ Ume , , - I 5W­JAf-_-4_"___:_a---_-.;r ;. MtIvIr. WMr=W_ . T ,,.i;- EI-1,CT Vii,- vi vmted I:hm, the fil3tt tjj=Z �he -nzjL-_�ied -a4,bfW The VbrCe VIEWe 21tUlt- _Cm Was miamfiZ iffirvgy sed;n=wz8R. Winnom mium an,& wmwL 7%= fff, dffiteff oaag - - . GZIMPM bl* am; II:na-f_- aff dx- WLffildL Sir mm- iff , Onr -_x�-.-)--I �d �a� k=f, Wkil-A- :1� Wkwee q=8 aulm -U,VWUy% %Bm am,_-, Affff6a - -1 . '. - � - Off 1W_-_5 11hax Wilson bad Tevenea EaB Wout U) M,MMqMfA-4WI xi&ffiffmz�-Swa ffavt -.ikft 3WM bgua t)X- cxwtzx, tke nmnaar. = _jMWS I . . . w�;jffiajwpi2q_ =mr­',a&rjprmm=3m=,,wi,,VM ,r­._%MIfee-_'� -% a:iia5bmSvaffzita_ !�C 3MZ W31t4 FL OZ !3Xe V=W-B--Ia trip 3k%e &ad 14PIT" Iltz fmotm ztfi-� rpm 3M n -mm lhfz im %; TW FDA =no*= &-I mfm�� 9-7m kis 4pmm -U%i,me a %BE , - I's, lr-- 1IL---Te 'r -W -,zIJA_b,M R=i;==6fI Mfium aw4z =LIl§UT4,.R& Iii lamLer I -=- -,-m=- - - aw-1, i Ar ltd elm ItfTlIm"k -,O," Unirwas "4,,w',,,, he CWMBa WPCM Va0ve UM W- muak&L Omne - T-im A=6mw ante Ito- MW make zinamu ,aaw,a_ mm MW -tgvdbft ma, fm 4;rifimm Md a zwmgjAr. amt WRE We fi_ ,tmw-� .&--tor mut- ma,my jqm'aw&mmL ffiffr ConspIL Ifrair ,,, %VMIAM9 Winy &Ume-mnk I . :E:4)i=,:dbI Y12'.Xj& MI&* maie- � j,i,, - -i,-; a,m­a`­r­­­,1-� - avw*g Wr,M:,*W Ima xPr*g be VW"s.fw- Ablnd� 'iftaTed ft Jut& 'WI Iffifm I'MEd P=Wmg% (,,L,, ie J, i=&�= Im Si 5y Ts8nffiu; 113, wIffy gat, I - � P I A* -.,, uxe i,gia,t %P4vaa,.,,aaBmce bmacx "r- W-Xkmim tb=z%l z1as Wm Iffie ffifse(m avmt= W�Ww Wmilum IT , a--= kVA6ffd= ad &a== =0ime. FM Suk -a Z�=_2 amls amE inimpomuT vabdlinix am= - I ymnur= MS . Am -X,! M f� - ijTx mmum". V-_;� ,::� iulm- Vul.- -MM&ffr I-EVIL-Ijkli -_ - . I foet 0 CiV rx.ffle, taxvu�c& WI 6ZA , OMM If Dew - B3,UD."VI­x_ VIkxeIMffl=WMaQaeWMV3W& SjxP wm,nw an= � ,&Wt ean W" gu:n to rM.- Ste luamma Mb= a WMLH - Wmely Sulh= tiff) be MUM&ME WWjh=-. am - ) . M=M- ffievmmn U, n1e. SdWUB lammi &W,Ut- - mot " &wL_!I;."- Mim,f= -if �hv ir-�7-�.[--.,_-= , VrL5M'-3r;b�I&.5t -_V_Ir.=ix,iA_',,,;I.I_IM-_ ' . L i&W ber'b4. I&awzm% &4 I-Ris as lw,flamfld =�D i tswtafm rom6um 'Wili-% -xm-,�P ldme,� I 0) � iz 14;t- &MEV;W an SmIma ±*r 1how ; Obima , .. 'fI7 (W . &Mragee fir bw ade ! T&MM am -MUffM MUZ-11teo, &.= XS Tl*,V I.�-!Is M=3h.MF W-_ MiM I . . chi.` --&::r--B��7;Li-armt--"-;.hauF,U,,lt.i,i.-r,- ffo%mv aff the MMnfi&MI=P %mamm" MffWW I I an im *.tz. (IVOHi_qM8n2UrdLIV"M XT lr*�q�_=Rm, 4 iglir_%��'E libf ounipm.w, ljzr� sbe h&4 ,valp- MW lag mnake !Jr4ff 40MM TUJhWW aj-_ , 3 'IVM=M &--- E "MI _:�_-Zzm, Vkrrm. '� ;'L- IL . .bj " ammy- ­-'fler ffinumy Ama=unmi lib - __ j . fa, " -..��'t 4bB PW.g=f-- -WAS -V�Z� 791 M-C'Ivi hig, ,. .; vmmqr, mzl�,Mi,* - g Ird, Ubra alr.k ;VITO'-=AI , -.4'a Om a- a: IWjW5dj baW& MBjZRA hM,, &MB a ffiV5ftXjZ Iftl 'I i "ke awm"ZIArstralm = 3fte mn="-� M&i ,L-,J,r JQM JfijjX& Lle ;Z.j,U ' �� XIW--,t:a 'ni.E , I - "le, =a 7 ,�ar., - rmde a gimad pot, 4,1, fes_ 3 ..;;�,f. .. .. -.1.1T :nA ism ,=me imV., Xmm.L-kM,sm4 I&* ­,=Al,brli�r- Mkowe mmm = foaftor anml& If'rfifflEmm 199,11M &ar rm-wom w , ,a= Tile mrn�amwbDT 116ox4m *aab .. - nRLW,�W - 511A.'m airca trut ul, =ze a :11F, aftnin Tiff ,B :Ed air reffAi, U. rlr_-T_ a IPO .T " -,ho- Sea,& A= Sedive WAM 1.'-Tf- :6TIW MmW to 'WEWM%brFCbVnW saaWA-C-6 h=w4iff Dfaff 3"A. .4tic-'ed hal $, 1,40:1- vwame Vmf I -Ti tho EhiAme'lomm afiu4n*r*wA Pjat&m� cmiwA awd 'Timm 3363_14sm (I= Erw-rr it.r-_ar_r. 9R.-f;IIrIo,_-' X -r mam�, EE-,.-_ ,i,.�. -r'z., -r,%a - .. - - ", sena �= IAxf,S,r==bW- tor-11fir bl'.�%- ,cune 1.1 a.-W-bairlix.-F-I "r 3-m-1:1... - -falu! if -..-.fgw I,t,e tragmids- He'Crime rnf. em_z 1,4, lior Irinme , , or IThmm 3mix-ri, He V&d If was 9"air to Wmma u, cvmqj=iEffirva ar-fir .7") go, j6ift-,'I=z3fie ft &wn. ]D>-- Cuw&miaq�% unflivang Ite 3UP ,gqxiiotnx� :I&W Vwmj, luLa aliffl =if 64IL? - . . jjjU(j&_akj'E _�.' _tWN. ,:,A!L m -m r4don-41 ' - 1,._' -rmt:: s -,*Is. - " ky, .ntfe+,t - 4-1- Bma Emclammed. " my C. ...-I- Ir -r ZrA- un& 'U-Va the:e5WhEzIDf�I.-AV%,.b= %&f 1ILd njuat VtWxrq&6% MW db&,MW =W*M mp"Im axor A_%e,ba (tiulp, LLaw-b --itit sm.%ifft amf nvAL-MIE. a-A.!Z, -_*ie lr,.;W.= WIMLL ­W-7� -,f. (if *Lub-, 'dt,Lw --I,--, . '. cbija axe drzm-med 1 ' iW.,- ,uzg kxjda iwanxmg . , � MrP bw =>Ua 7A go ,m) Clhmakz4L UM a %A; -*,r iMrmwi rm&u�-ae a-, "sw kzt,.M ana fkammL , -.:.vi -i s�xtt wais 5mmfi sauniftnit 'It'lax 5!9e-1 -�ji%-. :n ii.'., ---% Ilu-i blUE . I . at :be --ime. ,I Qwae� d llhwq;.�y ,U*W.TWW6 IV Iola -u, Iffie WM=Lii� Una MMU& 'd Jj�jr &MW% . amnobw lerZ,&af - Am mngr., giinuE af Bandk'ar u mm�a-' tro bLim- im .* _S 11n.Z-�%k-T -FUC- . I � . . 3MU 7WO 3,.,,OkTr4. IrY - - 1, F, . , -1 , * . .bpr bffiewe The �fiw mmt g-tt CM *�Em = ]au- gma , . I -Rue mrot WWWHa WT.& um,& MW VDVN =Wgamm ass awnule &IW swim am ffitw NiML -Ifr-LM!-.f now -T Y. -:111371M., . WMM ftME IWw mire - - ff aU aMME(If ZTVT r.h- =-Mf &a= Uiw- --E , . - 'IfilvesEldwaum 3n,-,. I&Wj"-IuTf3*T CM133V Saba bfT,W-4rice 20 Ix) -*ile, 1W S%%La 'an. ,Wwrza hall amm Tim Mute (I'ff W!7,��Vw- I mir-u L .�- .-;':.-rA ftm WWA 5int, Phil I% , YA�e -x -ae aL�.:_,::,-_" . ra&f� V%M W31P'M D-P-,L-ffUCiff%e_' '74= VWd , ShE On Iffir tlfirffi ftbry.agadm -WIMI ,&Trmzr a NX iD IW,M %Uj amm C-&WUiom MM 3,W WQM& - amim- iCZ 11hz T.:U "DET - - pM_-,,Mg His 2MIVP T--4M=d 1-0-19 IW -Ilk Vtfifty.Rd alffied &Eim hVW ITO =USt W -_X . Ste qndfi he pqt% maid n Ar tbin t9ittrk a qwmm tainfiff FAw. . WTIM. Einar -._ng Caut =82tical'attEr-S : - Ob 1 amy blele gA ill " MIA kMWW CC ZZM:; 911i -• 4W ,NX_ %fiRk- =RaI4 dhIAMa &f Ie{ ID aff 41E IMA 04 Vglkwn,im I= VTUIT W� my Iva"M7 - D)v Tqn kmim . , VJQE H-_ TNZW.C-%E� `s' aownaa im I;b,e r:T-fw ZMA !;fl ie x4n *i;e -_ I irr, Xns KtIl3tim anry, 5W _ Md Ult UPt(4- 1131L. (CikliM aaft Mlq7f,, ZIH7 WMAE r ,(�" IrtM gilurT .r. qnRbn=_, KM�:r' sle iWE_,IMZM,V ,%'kIXRff4M!M-,tI"e*aUU.uHT_ -49 . . - . a . I- 'ban WI&I ft I' (IV, !- " My pwxr rlz� " im, ThtT, MR, j-1 ,&-arm agwm 4M ikkmg ajja4�rg %stwa tfltie of IS' JJXT Mff jJjLfP ,Irjifw 0--NINY Uim *T-"ffi Trw", 317;--WdrF = IM 4-P,71., = muip W-Trul * " ik . %-,-qrs ;a Ors �Fff I . _ZA I q&;jM't kaoM W%Se jmwpnaeaF--r-tvk4iz;, �'Vajj . fflhe L11100* iing .F71&3' eV_W--D& S&M -Wo ,hrtan Or ' Wke &DfMjM tflhWj 4&FT ffi�=M 'MMB9MMV9Mljj Eats awfle %riet ffiNfitca.. 'ay — 0 =a r - WffiT.,dW:IWVD�r : 54i 5W 1% INt , - 'A - -my wb,!�-." Suit &* 5rmf" - 4:r- .VtL7 gamnammi. U &MI Sam MW we (e 5=-:e -,ffft -'air. �Uve- x , TtWW * , I =a] ,40-," H - ;.ham &+kad v-11ITz- 110" !Zem ZMMNT63 t S&RIMW(W. mme. awatma PM .61- 3nT13 qpfTre TM . I scra Ir"C(._,VftC IL Ot .;if inae'fiw 1je awwm Tena- . om bE rqmmmed I�m 3oxm Sir bez ,�-a'ths.&.dk , . wff .,M� affie ==,, &,=g . 6 &M�&$Wlft. I'= I &WMMF 7='IM IM =am- aff.vm vpla: L ffm-- ,A du-- I ym 'rufaft , - I . . I'm. wzj= R.,Rd he Wbm vzmt &VWM 1"D I&M S&ea aff it Wnis; ==bval fi%r magwoilmmad %gemsamd im sumatpuz , (W kWW dalim, 9ME7 sw of =4 sfia;" AN WIDL =Awfmn W_ r I I . %I ,. I 41� I . I . I L I 1 41, , � . I 1 . . I I . I . . I ­­ �--"--�--4.,h4,-...,,,------&"--,.--.�--� ,__,__­_­­-- I ------- -«---,.�----,-,;--�--.-,.,--,--..---.�.-. . . . , , -,.�-,.--.-.�:-..,�.---,,.--,.,.�,.�--�'-'-'"".".�.,'L-.-"-"------...,...�,.-�"-..�--­ .. . I I L *0441 I 1 *, I 4• . I . . A I I ..... . I I ", ! P. -,.� .. , , , . L' , � I . � ' __ .. _j 1�11 - I I I I . 1. I - W % I w .. I..., 11 I . " I AM'— " ­' I'= " . �14 . I � ­,­ �, L,�, ,�, -L .. . .. ..... L� ''. . "Ll' WE _ I ­, 1- -11-.. ­­­ . - - �- " . � �