Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-10-14, Page 5ni. It The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce k.lounty, October l4th WEST /MAW ILINOSS COUNCIL. Met on Saturday, Sept. 24th.. Members absent, Deputy Reeve Bow- ers and Councillor Todd- The min- utes of former meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report for August a balance -and receipts, $45314 - and expenditure, $283.69, leaving $169.25 to September account. William McAllister applied to have a dog struck off the roll, no action as taken- The claim of Samuel Kerr for damages• for sheep killed by dogs was laid over till next meeting, The - sum of $L50 wa.., refunded to Luther- an church, Manchester, for statute -labor improperly collected. Moved by Gibson, rec. by Medd, ltbat the Reeve and Clerk be impower- led to accept the Collector's bond when executed satisfactorily.—trried. remedy. I consider it the grandest Grand Trull medicine in the world." A trial bottle person to use this valuable and lovely' will convince you. Warranted by A- B. Conaram. HAS ARRANGED Fon The following accounts were paid : W. P Grier.3o. re for two days work shovelling gravel" ; Andrew Kirk, claim for weak, $3, expenses,1$2.§2 ; Thos MeSenzie, repairing culvert, 50e; WED, Rinker, fencing 2 rod S. IL atL28; - Win.. J. McQuillame piping across ;owl 2.00;$Edison,Jarvis, culvert von. 12 and 13, ±0O;$Thos. Ltatit.,; gravelling opp eon. 10, $10, ceiling on bridge con_ 9, $3.00, repair- ing bride•e betvrin 18 to 19 1,0„ $7A9 ; Lutheran church, tre funded statute ilaR)or tax, $1.50 ; Ti Anderson 12 red of graveLconx. 4, at $1.. 65 ; W. A. Wilsen„ izin school sectiees end arbitration„ Cn-zit e---11;e-e.reed to ;net on :_.`Setur- day„ November 12th_ R k 1fien.e,x,• Ceek, If you want to buy k • • HARVEST EXCURSIONS SPICES At right prices go to ---ON— Return September 25. 1892. A UG. 16 J C. KINCAID'S AU G. 23 Returnugr'r ISEUT.6 ASH Fl ELD COUNCI L. nee,' A1U the nueinlbe6,; preemie the Reeve in the (Abair_ „, After th readinfand gut the ininutese the following liceounts were • pre-eteted 'and orders, issued for the ,atuounts:— • Hart. and Campany fee beaks zamel ferias . $13.1 : John Yilpateriek eel, reining at L 93: le. ()DC plaatak eon. $ .and 9$±00 W Moraine geadini, on 0. F.. ; W_ Lamin $'ttioquie: work,, (Nem_ 9 .aztil S. R.. 3 maid 4,, $2? -175 : J kin rep. eel:avert, N. ; R Fittzgelnikli, plank on N. 43. Re $.1 K Rowers nep. celvert eon. Hal% rep.. culleek R 9 end H»,, .$1 : John Ilintaaisoit, for pLenk.„ a7.0/7 Dreeepen„ rese 3 iced.. •$1 :J. Allentery„ eravel„ 'Weelle)- MieaetrepEauk, &Tulle and spikes,. , 'R. Penner_ eraireh l hn, eep. culiir1 3. Areeeus '116eNerneett„ cuileert and fee ettoinee..14-3 W eTelikeeelleon„ iten Q. 4) :1;1,7' 1i 1. • ID_ • ell eitiNere„ inepeetie.r.erevel and etas. ern John tOiNk.4 $16..54 ciee eteceites statute. Labor 'teams: C Luntlearteme, ttowimg ••.t4OkttnItO• EisartDrir tRoillffiss •'N; latualick, thtK tettoti to, . K., • Currie,. -Nine Griffin and W. ffNeil $.13.6$ ; John. • Kilpeeetrie., dines and gravelliet. S. R.. 3' and 4, J. ilto , “T^.711.70.1i111:Wo' R 3 oina Wit. innepe,etiner $.e R.. 9 and .110i,..ii--.±L5A0I. Gtk Wtt‘s-13.01-fiircogoi„, uti?. zereee,e, Gee.•Kap:eerie:4k, oct boundr.....--y. 1hktrpan.0--:. on fere $. 1Dueed Johneet(On.. ottak S. i.rrrz5)($11. uttipt. (vadvtetru toe Ln).. 1F.175, ailautt„ taLtAck•IIG FO' D.. Johneeoul repairimf eutveet end Zee. Kni4ilte.-_ rep, ,.re;.•:ert Jira 11(e. \\Vbiiitenev. Kt; re.lee reee. ,eiteen t eke elem hn ay. Ki"_ it3t)19, ,et • l'ey 11/..teeipt. Ferete'-re. Hue* Chnnut)er.e. thee inii ceellecili •k•ti the' kflfl 4;,Jitierees• :Wee eerie emitter (te4i'lre,er Let the- tommellip. • i.e., • 6 i'mee eleel'et pletes. era ineeeel their hie% est ienal or lleinai eentreeeen ;lona pluimetakieg: Return October lfith, 1892. Also try your luck for all stations in Ontario retnni rates to HARTNEY tirlattiret* DELORAILNE. MOOSOMLN, Q410 4ak BINSCARTIL V AOC" With each pound of Raking Powder you have a guess to what length of time the Candle will burn. The nearest oae to the time gets Tricycle valued at $10. J. G. KINCAID. TO THE FARMERS I have occupied by ,,Mr_ Geo. Kerr and am prepared to IC CAJSTEE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS The highest price will be rtiell for butter according to « - lit - _ , R. C. SPARLING. rented the.- store REGDIA. MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY icomorrroN •$30 $35 ANTICIPATING The rise in Cotcon Goods, since the e,,o_tton mills of the • Dominion have passed into the hands of a syndicatf, I have put in a good stock of all • - $10 BERTHS FREE—The trains from Tor- onto, Will have -a limited larmn tier of Color:Li:it Steavers attached, accorro-,,00lmtiorx in which will be allotted in ord4a. of appli•cn.tion. Parties Eiek,,e, titELH4 &Wei etatel points should arrare to arrive at Toronto !Et time try con- nect with the 1) p.m. train, Leaving .4n,.,,mst 16. ?3 and September 6.18912. kor felimftastaa 'tion apply to. - D. W. HAYES, Agent C. T. R Lucknew •Read the. Crop STAPLE COTTON GOODS And am prepared to give my customers the benefit of the same at old priees. Have still a good assortment of those fast -color English prints to choose from. • Come early and secure. Also the eport Teeth Teeth Of Manitoba and •North-West for 0 • If you want a first-cIsse set of, tet cheaper than the cheapest, -.eat en D. Patterson ar..remrtsnif • LUCAI,V0117„ ONT.: ROBERT CUPS NIMIAT, . • • INSURANCE •' FJRE AND MARINE,, GUE LPN- 11.-roritionAe. tere INS ETRA_N CE. Younaers,, Look t& your own auterest and insure your farm btuarmas -and private dwelIFEE the LONDON MUTUAL. ..!"1 I", :ert_eaktted y ifiltin,z4 ((lc Thi nil, 61' 141,, prf..- •t, eppleinr.Lrag: ,t‘t Ei.INV1111r t it IDL . -,4•;e felt 4:1„1;tr2:11'wrcs floats fir Oti JL11(1 L:14 L nap 74", C"..1111t Nrolfarze Premiums Notes required t."_telfif SYSTEM .50cl-rots cen3tt3 p' 11t for three- wears.. 401-111411 LANE ILINLOUCEL L L• C.) • AL•,0 a.3.--,r_t F. • r th FT±�..f Untriland:. NOTICE. "ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STOCKINGS. Just trythem and yetil will have no others. All other departments are equally well assorted in everc thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cask Remember the place. Copies ra5r be- F1 to any • A!,-ent of the TH SE.-'EllT }FEED AN dice aa. Tui ' E the Printin;7 1011,2471DS,. LEAi•••'..E1-3. 1DILE11.*._ ' NOSTGAGESAN1D , WILLS (IRIftiL 11..E..13- FRIEP,UKIKEI).. 11 1Pnuaa,ipeciitle4tiolia ;mit etItimaeti- for brniil mal.s.brit lg.. ate., Eitruished 3hort `;•.ItT L • P fist -reseed eon diet, •la fee. ther • yeers- 1711 ' , • Latil my re, eiell eee eene. C eeue:nr, FiRsT-CLASS L--.„':'. .t. 17 1. :7.4ttoaisigth.. PysiDelpo-as and IlinIeeestion q:Inibtlrof 77; Ln nap: va)rti, geek. -Lay— , el'Ita,;:nal^.)Tea - • . r•••'• • , lilt tr. I %ION CRIFFiNs _ 1) T(ty1f)r, • Tr • t I ,..;4„L'St.;•;:t F. ). %Or riN ELLIO1'. ji Lni:LflW. .r-9_ oho Grifll ALIZTIONEER FOR _tobq ADIAN r) • FOR SALE.- IVIRS. R. MURRAY, pal IDOL" WILL PUT, IfiarelNY ILI chase a 3PLeut-51 Erni if O' actuor._, Kirvi,km* Co. Bruce, 181} cleared., with: all aeces4atrybrafitErngc.‘drcha2rrl., water and apples.. • JOIL.N J.. STEPH10475,.. Teeswater. Mcl-E0D'S rtain Itenovator. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. -have in stock the following Apple tecnea.a. Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Brooms Baskets Brutes Biscuit Coffee Confectio' nen:- Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate • Com, canned Corn me• al Currant3 Currie. Powder Cream. Tarter C000anut Dates ,VncT other tested I:ea....tiles SPECIFIC AND INTIDAYFE — Ihniptrce,, Weak and Imp. v eri;bed Dr:Pe prim, tgeopiestmstis, P' • II. Her.rt, Liver Conaptaatt, Nenral_.-fit, ..f Memory. Bro hitia-, 11,11111pa, 6tone.s, Xammatte, kidney and Urinary 108a- aseet-i. St. Taus- Dtunce, Went:de IrrettaTiritiCt4. a.nd. General IDebirtty. zi'-1 per half plat an,1 *2- r. r pint b. tile. P -11,110111T04313, - - oo€nrcE. ')NT. •PrnprietorMa.ntrfilll Ic'EllanFirfiGi°etts' rer. LtL Ir ;tarry IDays. :tad A. B. Comomm., riots, Lacknow Dried Apple 'Extracts Irish, canned Fish, dried Gelatine Gingers Hops Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juice . Lemons nuripo Lad., I • !ltlatch 'lance 'Meat 13,11eaT iMatmroni Iinstard • ,Meatm, canned Miieii Nut4 Nee 1 .'Lour always on fleece 'Nutmeg • OfL olive Oil, sweet t(ff, castor !Oranges lOat Meal PaiL ;Peel -4 'Pickles Pearlitt, 'Peas, canned Pepper Rai4ins 'Rice ice Flour Salt SalmOn • Senna - • •iseeth Sirr`r SyLuvs Goods delivered to any part• of tle town_ Soda Soaps ;Spires :Starch. Strawberries, cannexl ScrIphers Tapioca Tematees, canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli :Vinegars Washboards ,Wasling Crystal Wodenware Whiting, 'Dinner.Sets Yeast Cakes • Dinner Set4 'Tea Sets ;Water Sets Cream Sets terry Sets. ...roE.,rt Sets KAAKE & CO.'S • • Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS • Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Billies', Hym-n Combs, WO Paper, Etc.. • ' THE HUB • Leads them all for Family Groceries EXT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beauii album, valued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free_ We place in our window a quart sealer of beans- Any one buy ing $1 worth ot uoods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the nu4ber on it you ?mess_ The nearest number gets the prize_ Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted hv a disinterested party 011 July 1st. This will commence on April 1st. CANNED CCOr.:'—, sTRATFoRa, 011 vrami of Ail X11105Z,.....4e".1`j`r, , i • dVARANTEES HURON CO. FINE TEAS A SPC4AL.T. •• A TT- . ir _ STERLI!.1•. .. 1i REAL ESTATE,, 1ENSUR• ! ' ANGE AND GENERA!r.• . —.4. .__ 4 i , :4-.X.I . 11:;•-• A FT F.:.\.i li),ED 'EN ALL FA.E.'C'S inIty tn.r..v.t.iefictii n :-...• In'•••••T. •: I.ri: . le L. e. S 14 , , • ,',. ?: .' , T • sutwoar ' rh,-r tr N. 'O • T:Ire,treg 3,,lact)1nes. 1irargigP—v# rty cow u x ma iyou ..L.Er ............ ts,..... )nretlidirs Chap. your oust tan the. Duly t BOOF—Thrt way Charlin—rilliatfir silo limits hemume & km -mei . maks* nit gm nth liny., Clop- tired 11 met. .-• 6 7 '7.7: ' . „:^•—• • „ „ ,,,, , r - CO 11GI / 1 f4t) 41:? f0 M • mento wunni trvxfoqtra,re nto vonoto- unttr Grad hintee . gond brick barn and other build inv.. AdAresq, 84. axame MAW, Laysite. lilnuatraralk, Was.