Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-26, Page 5J DEATH OF A YOUNG HERO. Terrilrlr, Iterezveisetrt Ira the farte'r wf Zee. 3, E. Newell. t Dicer, the Goderieh Star.).. ethatiAay • afternoon a boating accident occused whereby Rev. J. R. Rowell, of North-st. Methodist church !vat two of his children), James, 15, awl Roy, aged four. There had been a pie-nic of some five or six families down at Attrill's Point, and atnbng them were Mrs. Howell! and a blunter of her family. The two o„oys, Jaynes and cloy Ho„we11, in company with MIouttague ( ,!born, aged six or seven, tot into a dat-botteatted punt and were paddling beep and down about 100 yards from the h, when little Roy leaned too far over the side of the boat and fell over- Taoard. James imma liately dropped the oars, erne of which floated away, and glanttly jumped into the water to r. cue his little ¢.Metter, whom he ea. -Ached and then strugg ed to return to the boat with. In the meantime, the boat, with 1Yttle si_eyear old Mon- tague in it, had Fteiiteel out itew the lake, the little boy on board being powerless to keep it into the shore. Pluckily and bravely the 15 -year-old bay held on to his little brother, and endeavoreal to rich the ,craft, but etttnl„eretl as Le wee with his clothe his I'urrleme al5 d with the beat gradually drifting away from him, his his strength forsook him and he and his precious burden were seen to sink nth the water. Twice the cry of help ruse upon the air, and then all was over. The agoniz iug mother and the other ,f,aiai ie aers witneseel the fatality from -the shore, but were powerless to help. Young Dn.-it Stitt, although not a strong a•iiummtrer, p:tutuged in to en- deavor to swim to the drowning but • was unable to reach them, and • narrowly gaped Laing their fate. In the meantime the !beat, containing little MIoutague Colborne was drifting itelplessly out into the lake, and there -w + no !heats available until R. C ;Hays ran downs to the mel .rind Wired another boat and started out after the derelict whiccontained the little lad The alarm had now reached tire dock and soon willing hran& with gapplliug irons were seam unmrr far tha loodio- a AP drowned' he About Ti O'clock the y of the eller lard was recovered and hreught to the pastorate, but at the taimse of going to press no trace of little Roy n,u: been con. toau • ere& Rev, Mr. Howell was absent from home ;ll::yam pastoral visits stn a ng his • people on the Huron road wire; the mlatmmity a ur I„ and knew nothing of the terrible event tanto! his' Rev_ hfir- Torrancet Victoria its a dircwe : nd apprii: L Lint of it.. . He rettarned to his stridtened home at , al'efack amit at once set mat toga the emchi 'tm semi for the ;body of hfa '. {-UI1061!(� ii ;.+ill 71' MI f udlMainal6 for •Entails Roy, his young haorn.. The e. aT event eat a gloom over the entiirF- community, atnd hundreis off amen and women t armed vett to show w " mr sym atthy towards the bereaved fa,mady.. La—The body of little Ray was faGL7.e:l about t f}'efec. and was Wren to tthe afflicted 1 0 ext. FALL SHOIllr DATES. (< .,‘,„..,,-.a,, rktf. l the and %Ea In• , i Sept, f7-28. e7aciro4a at Te -r. ,,v:1t,Pr,. Sett.. f 5, fl1. F''.ireail et Attwood, Sept.. .2 „ Alontreatl Exposition, Sept. l5-23. x>v.,,H1 e:::rte. at Tereet0, rept„ J -L 7. way -- feltitf-i-, Se:r. j;,..ffeL . -fn i ?aeon, •aat S3ee:iffortly, Otte 4-5,. Feist Hazen at iltr s, se le, t)hr,. K-7 . Oat.. 6-7. rs2:':ev.11,,, :11,`,it t. : .17-.•:.'':. Marys, SoSouthE''Wtlt+L ret '. SMEai „Septi• 11.7-.2.74, 3?loe-nonrrtten, at Milvertia,, Sept, ...17-f.8,.. •r,et 11,.: r, at li.7 11Ttr x'toi7T `ief,tt. 11.7-30.. ---,,tr,Llare ve IR;a'., n r.fr, rrTY S ptt. ''o-1`.. '•V r•rj h F riinf `ilii•q.i'iV. "tend' t_;), ;G-iiina..)' at Sew Haira.l',t in Sept, '_'•,>-;0. Titeke:1 at ML'i cL.:•C: ':Net_ 27:28. 1-'1 rata; Hlr.rtiee.t.7ra.1, Sept. 2'6-57. el ."4 ' aitierio, 5r t telt;. h- C,- r is W esterir . t,e, ier ch. S'tept. 1-o30: iO: ea,r*.LL lafoccle, \H etojecoe;k,. Sept! 2.8,-29'. East Wawant.oal' et IB'elgfaere„ Ott 11-.5. W,.tle al.ey and North Fast at '7 -•::sego,• Sept. '20.-2.I. Morris P,'ramele at JB.lyi F, ot;tt• LI -12' -E:tzneI—E,ete-en nth and FtIcon. t ^. a,:u T a rubber coat, ',The owner- 66il have same by apply- -- rlr 7,1) W ds Tet 13, coca. 8,. Wmwmn afii. A5B• 0'y Rhee. 111:.Y N G V R.ST-CL S fessnus in. music ean.hxuve the sante from irrr f,.Mom,. 1, Fellow- elf the Yorkshire Coale ��a f !ionicif' . ,i terms trrft to the Rev,. 51 ` r•_ Connor, the rr'ct,•r}r. Prof, bF,lses will Bo fn .Lune ;nnwon, liondnga. ' The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce bounty, August 26th "'"g °t iGrall.d TFiflki medicines A Cure "Almost Hiraculous/' whet, I was 11 gears o1 age I hada severe attack of rh;erarmatisrxn, and after I recovered had toga, on crutches. A year later, serainra, in the torr% of white swellings, appeared oil .a ileitis pares ar$ My horly, and for 11 years I wws an invalid, being confined to my bed 6 z .rs- In that time ben or eleven sores ap- "-..rtd 3rar: Cra.,f:e•-'Uci:ng rete f,creat vain and i•:e+ erur<,:. I re auerl I never should get well F.a:.iy in P9,6 [ croe.et to Chicago to erait a sister, but was conflated to my bed most of the :irne I was there. to July I read a hook, 'A Pay wide a Circus,' in which were statements of cores by hood's Sarsaparilla_ I was so ire - pressed wide the stmeess of this }medicine that 1 ; i k --rt to eryit. To ate' great mon the sores soon decreased, and I began to feel t,ette•r at:d las: a shr,rt time I was rep and rut of .t, 'ors. 1 ge,xrtinuucl't to, take Hood's Sar- saparilla fern atom a year, when, having used six bottles, I tad become so, fully released Cron the atisi-nse that I went towork for the Flint ak Mfg_ Co_, and since there .. • : , r f., ,o}Ti A Sii.NGl,re; DAY -;:: v 6•I •.: . ! : •a' z.'1:';i`l bi-lieve the diy2{,•�' se i e . I e•::e'! 1.•o is rauy system, 1.!'ways feel well, am in good spirits and have a good appetite. d «,ecu now years of age and Cabe walk as well a- any cin,, exe--j t that one Iamb is a I±IIIIei shv,,oite•- than the otter, ovuing to the loss of he'm's, and ton song fforsnerfy en my right lei 11 ar lacy ffulend3 ray recovery seems; almost mi.nrulinut, and I think hood's Sarsaparilla as Me ICV1 g e,f nrsctie'ines." WILLIAM A. i zisn, r N. Ballroad St-. Kendallville., Ind. 'Hood's Sarsaparilia Aga 5satdompattatts, saffsfoil& arepareda,ty .LHoop at.co, Apothecaries, local,M . 100 Doses One Dollar MCLEOD'S System. Renovator. And other tested ren eaves SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE --F0/1j.--- Impure, Weak and Impoverished ie +. men, PalnitatiOnt of the 'Neill �* Liwer ob • ain't./yNe ra , Loss of memory, Bra t b,�':. Coast= b .. iii Stones, Jaaticidiee -.a . and J rna- t. . mem,St. Vit ate" ! .acne, r ernale Imr-r o ane! eneral Debility. SI per haDf pint and 32 per pint bottle_ tasonmmmn r. - - tem , ort J. FA. MILE®D, Proprietor and Manufra>etucer. SOld by Rau ry Days and A. B. Coma:, Diu t*, Las -know. Scicainic American AVM fir ATE T1� S CAVEATS, DIESICAV coveriticurs, ate. PA� fee freararstr sm stsil free Eandtooltwriee to NEWS dt CCIJIL.51a narvmn:warn Ninv T. (Meat Umgsv tort rte u fug patents fru Ame es Every pli}`e"e tars out by no Benner: Befort, int panne nysaattice given free of charge is Me #tielttifk>nv Lervecteirratincuafanyarir> fathe irenaema�f e�atttt8om iz...w�c a airmonths.. ittrdress rrec . 38D gooadtvay. ITew Tort. A NEW ERA Gasrada's Czeati MUSH IAL , FAIR !TORONTO Sept. 5 to 17, 7892. E is ge-d Grounds New ilaff-]IIsi" Track New Grand Stand And. many other mproovement•s. Greater ter and ['getter • than Ever ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST is N w and Varied Attratinns of a Superior t 'b frac:ter, tact ruct•ipe ami .t mnefng,. the Latest Inventions incl. Grandest )fsAmite in • fl Departments.. Tio Pcaple's 6riali9aqQae Qalfng Trap Ecescsfatr arta an it'>apv. F)>; P atfn. and all mrm 3. S. Withrm, M.T. President. !Manager, Tia. mamyuia ort HAS ARRANGED FOR HAll VEST EXCURSIONS ---OTi — AUG. 16 Reta�r s tembrr /� U (�/ 3 'lett-let/2,44r (kt ,44r grid, �- Vi • Fie IWrl, iii; ®'& L -Q Return o1R r WI, Fiona all stations in Ontario return rates to HAR'I?tiEY DELOJ AI V Y., MOOSOMIN, t,,ra 28 BL'SCARTH. .. t RF-GINA '4I YORK lA1Fl TON V PRINCE ALBERT 0 W CALGARY EDl1oNToi $40 r BERTHS. FREE—These trains from 1 or - onto will have a !united ruin her of Colonist Sleepers attached, aCcommtriation in which will be alloted in order of application. Parties ticketing from other points Ahorsfd' arrange to arrive, At Toronto in time to con- nect with the 1J.2'b p,m:. train, leaving Au.enst 16.23 and Member 6, a92. leor ftdl information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Luekn_^-w (11"°��' DIAN ?AC•JFJC y HARVEST EXCURSIONS FROM ALL 'STATIONS IN ONTARIO, RETURN_ RATS TO O1 W IBitOOSOMIN $28OO. BINSCARTN PItr $30.00 CALGARY $35.00 ALBENTJ MINTON. - �. To leave all points in the Potence of Ontario, Oto% AUG.16 Return unto October ea, AEG. 23 fleet ober 1J1. .� 6 Reim r1 November P*ati+�s ticketing from Duper poisit ahem t o auxnve at Toronto in time to connect' with the 1L2ty p.m t tafnn on above dates. For � information appy ti any tdcitet agent of the Cana an Pacific L".zitwxy. J. Murchison, 9gt, Lucknow. John Griffin, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL .ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL. AGENCY. SCHOOL . HOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window. Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibb, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. NTICIPATINC• The rise in Cotton Goods, since the cotton mills of the Dominion have passed into the hands of a syndicate, I have put in a good stock of all kinds of :STAPLE COTTON 00008 And am prepared to give my customers the benefit of the same at old prices. Have still a ,good assortment of those fast -color English prints to choose from. Come early and secure. Also the "ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STooKmcs. Just try them and you will have no -others. All other departments are equally well '"assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remember the place. MRS. R. M RRAY, ST. HELENS_ M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CROCERIES & PROYISIORS. I have in stock the following : FD i dztd App a • Nutmeg • Soda Ex9 '. Dave Soaps Fish, canned Fish„ dried tf e GingersHopsHoney 'tee Licorice Lime Jae Lemmas Matches Mince Meat Macaroni Mustard Mea Ismagnesl ea a Back Dead- . Blue Balking Powders ��, pot B Brick Brooms Baskets Brushes Irrseluit Coffee Confectionery Calved Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn; canned Corn meal Curraaits Currie Powder Cream. Tarter Cocoanut Teretes' igbt.1 Flour Isittts •Osl, sweet Spm 'CIA, castor S�� Ormige Strawberrie3, caned Oat >� Salkhers Palls Tomatoes, p Peels oma�toes, canned Teas , Pae- fries Tobaccoes Peale, canned . Vinegars Pepper Washboards Raisins Washing Crystal ipe Woodeenware Rice Flour Whiting Sago Dinner Sets Salt Yeast Cak Salmon . Dinneer Seta Saran Tea Sets Seeds Cream Sets Water Sets 3 ' �Fesry Sett . ops t Toiiet.Seta always oil.1ianmffi. Goods delivered to any part of he towee ssa in ew • Goody.s= pan Ale AN ;ent4if yoousis e one; :f you. a few ho co.'s KAAKE s• 13 Second Annuneement of SALES ATS IX IY IN AL , F' A r r of the Cow ty and satiyiactihn ; naranteed. A ,lana ter f • FIRST -CLAS' FARMS If nrs:tIe on reasonable t.-rms. JOHN CR/IR, rtil�ts rr3L�rL,tib; 1,..4 THE H.0 Le,ds thein, all for Fay Groceries CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Seam FIN T• EAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest 5f' ck, Telae Ciaieesi Goods, & The Best Fare EXT we intend to give every lady" and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, vaIue'd at or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place in our window a (fruit sealer of beans. 'Any one buying $1 worth of 4,„oods or Photos is entitled. to a ticket with the number on it iyon guess. The nearest number gets the prize. ' Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will he counted (•'hy a disinters ted party on .Tuly 1st. This will coinmonee on April 1st. • aZ CO STRAT.FORD OIL CO. GUARANTEES STERLING MACHINE OIL To outwear any other oil in the Threshing Machines. obtainable in Lucknow. For sale by „>afl y uotiege, Dablia, Barry—Why did Rowley marry her praying that the degrees and teaching of Stag—Hc wan attracted by her convt's- eational powers- tI , the university may be of eneri Io w-omeishwo has Barry—And why is he appIyhag for a rii- briern signed by upward o; tO,Upt) Irishwomen* . voice now tL aingtlfar and presented to the provost and senior owiagaror r .,,este wardll, fellows of the college. Strang --Same reason. itnarket on Rigden, Mne , rr arad . _.