Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-08-12, Page 8•
11113 5 iK 0 1?;
1,1.1swelga of dress
will begin begin 'to
,A , pt bei we
... _. - co of our
stool; line, qQ 11 t-
of*ad; 100 ,pieces,. a
'ety of' shades and
-14 Cash discounts
' 4, rg from 15 to 30 per
,.. these discounts mean
-le • g Of many lines below
Order to :decor, .this' oplm-
aauty should not be missed
� r those desiring'' anything in
n the lute of dress goods.
Miura '$a.mato7p.m.
'Mina Assns.
&IL Swath + mason. Digs
kap KM& ueogrlio,.
.4 B. Nadi „ L-681).111.
wish 10.30
900p. m. u
Distil 10.30p. mind
300p.m. Mhos
G.& S..Boadi F ! 30p.
&B. $oats '
&B.=Baia 30.00e.a•
a,B,Norfi 338p. se-
e-4.3ep ls.
t yt a � IIWL
.A. .8. •• anagram has. set in his
s ..the 'most :perfect clothes real
'gesture. Itwaspurrhased from
tkowato>n, Leach
t Foresters
Lr." Tennant left on Monday last to
ud. the annual meeting of the
id Lodge of Independent Order
" +l ;*'1 toresteis; which is in session at
ittie this ween.
Heads tfte list.
qa4� *',Atthe recent entrance examinations
:the highest marks obtained by any
.yp'gpil in the county of Bruce were 688
!von by Miss Maggie Miller, of school
section No. 10:, Kinloss, of which
school the teacher is Mr. K. J:
• Public Notice -
The public are hereby notified that
any one' found trespassing on my
..harm, north half of lot 67 and 68 on
the first con. of) Kinloss, just west of
the will be rosecutted.-D. K.
Webster, Lucknow.
A Heavy Crop
It' is generally supposed, that two
pounds of twine is sufficient, to bind
the crop of an acre of land, and it is a
heavy crop that requires more, but
Paul Smeltzer had a crop of wheat on
his farm in **field that was so heavy
as to require, nearly doable this
emountusingover a hundred poundsfor
thirty six acres.
Sunday School Excursion
The annual Sunday School excur-
sion to Lake Huron at Goderich will
take place to day, Friday, August
12th, and gets, to Goderich at 10 45.
Nine hours at the lake, with steam-
boat, band &c. Every body should go
and the *fare is only 80 cents for
adult r 'and 40 cents for children.
',Lhetegular train leaves Lucknow at
6. 18. a. m. and gets to Godericb at
s .
stem depend,
Willows ifs -in .mon
t§ttretk and Past Grand
la pint as a delegate
haw age.
�uRaunpted him And will
daya with friends in
Qn*atrco. Statutes For Imo -
The queen's timer announces that
'Ontario at&tutes for least session
Nil be reedy for distributiou about
the secoad wrest to August. Four
hundred and 500. pages is usually
oonsided a large- volumn, but the
fotthcomiug, one will be about 1,000
pug" the target ever issued b the
The Maids still get there.
On July lat the law which Otitis
the use or possession of to by
bop under eighteen came into force.
The weed still seems to be ex -vely
used however by the kids of the lege
and someonee is selling the is
breaking the law and rendering them-
hemselves liable to a heavy penalty. The
boys are also liable to prosecution if
found using it in public.
PinleseClothas One
Mr. John Roes, of this
has purchased the sole right to
sell the universal pitiless clothes
line in the county of 'ce.
This simple contrii armee will make
wash day, henceforth, a plessere
to housewives. No more cloths -pins
coming loose to worry and perplelx, but
by a simple twist of the wrist every
article is made secure on the line.
Don% fail to see it.
Laying the Corner Stone
The corner stone of St. Paul's
Episcopal Church, a building at
present in process of erection in Wing -
ham, was Lid on Thurielay of last
week, with the usual formaltiea.I
Among the clergymen present from a
Matinee were : Revs R. Craig, rural
dean, Clinton; W. T. fluff, Brussels ;
T B High fel, Blyth; W. F. Brownlee,
Gerrie; W. J. Connor, Lucknow A.
Hall Bervie, and L. W. Diehl,
Homeeville. The structure will cost'
00,000. ,
Gloss the Doors
Our readers have no doubt noticed
that in the majority of houses . struck
by lightning the chimney seems to be
the point of attack, the electric fluid
6aieiog &adagio s to the premises by
W s - means. A scientific piper says
thedanger can be avoided, or at at least
lineenedsb7 caping the Sys not
in use with ordinary tin cape, and
thus shutting off the draft. . The same
theory will apply to closing doors and
windows during the progress of a
*hinder stoma
Semi of Scotland
Delegates from the different amps
of the Sons of Scotland 3n the counties
of Huron and Brace met at Winghain
on Wednesday the 3rd inst. ° The
object of meeting was the discussion of
the advisability of holding some kind
of a deinonstrstion at some convenient
place, in which all ' of the above
mentioned Camps could, join and if the
scheme was feasible to take action in
the matcr.,.- The result was that it
was decidto hold ledonian games
on a magnificent scale at Lucknow, on
Wednesday' the 14th September.
Wingham Time&
Afraid of !McCarthy
At Barrie Assizessame time ago, a
rugged Irishman had just given .. his
evidence in chief, and Mr. D'Alton Mc-
Carthy, Q. Cl,was about to open his
fires of crus examination. The learned
and not little dreaded Q. C. was slowly
advancing towards ,the box, adjusting
his throat as he advanced The
witness realized what was in store for
him.' He turned to the judge and
said : "Ter honor ivery word I have
been saying is the God's truth an' if I
say anything else when Mr. McCarthy
is' talking to me it will be a cursed lie."
Concerning a House of Refuge
Mr. Wm.' Lane, of Godericb,
County Clerk of Huron, last week
notifiied all the municipal clerks of
the . recommendation of the County
Council concerning a House of Refuge
which was to the effect that a test
vote should be taken at the municipal
elections on the matter. The `same
course will be adopted in the County
of Bruce and it is hoped that every
town, Mage and, eownship in the
county will act on the suggesti®n.
There need be no expense about it, as
one ballott will answer every purpose,
as • there is nothing to prevent that
usually neck for Reeve and Council-
lors bearing also the necessary words
for or against tine- House of Refuge
vote, or a separate ballott would not
cost couch.
fl �
n tir ,rote OUfty, 'riday, Au u
Grimsby Park1o
" The annual excursion to Grimsby.
spark noel Niag aura Falls will be tu-
anora ew.At gust the 13th. The. fare
.is the lowest ; the time the '1on ;est,
and the ' programme the best ever
Offered. See bills and ask G. T. 1 .
The Financial District Meetings for
Kincardine • district is to be held this
year at Bervie on the 24th lost, conn:
menciug at 2 o'clock. A mass Sab-
bath school meeting at night will be
addressed by a number of the dele-
game in attendance..
A New Business
Mr. Wm. M. Shoebottom and
family have removed to the village
and have taken the residence at the
corner of Campbell and Havelock
'streets. Mr. Shoebottom was "'for
many years a prominent business man
of Ailsa Craig and comes to Lucknow
to start a fruit evaporating business.
A Fiery Family
An Iowa woman hiss named Ler
twin daughter Gasolene and Kero-
sene. The old man's name is Pete
Roleum. We hope the babies will
grow up a parafine girls. The
I nan who marries into that family will
strike oil. But we fear that sparking
in the immediate neighborhood of the
girls in question will be a very dais-
sagerons pest -time.
Another Fake
We again warn our reader's against
fakirs who are operating in the neigh -
ming -counties. . They sell a portrait
for 50 cents cash in advance, and a
ticket is given the purchaser entitling
him to the portrait provisional on his
buying a frame. " This is where the
trick lies, for the frames are outrage-
ously expensive and run as high , as
$1O. Give these vendors a wide
Trotting Fast
The trotting bred stallion, "Royal
Abdel ah , ' owned by Mr. W. J.
Little, .of this Mage, is rapidly
developing towards the "golden circle"
of ' a 2:30 mark. -Swine ;few week
ago Mr. Little sent him to Hensel
and after two weeks handling • he
knocked , off a half mile in 1:16}, a
two thirty three gaits and' were it not
for an accident -to one of his foie legs
we have no doubt ere this be would be
rotting in 30 or leas. It is to be
hoped that the injury will not be of a
permanent character. ;
Tereible Accident -
About six o'clock on Monday.
last, fire was discovered in the reef:
dance of Mr. Robt, Young, of lot 35.
in the 5th con. of Greenock town -nip,
a short dislaace from Black Horse
village. The fire originated -near the
roof at the stove pipe and theframe
building was soonenveloped in flames.
Two of,Mr. Young's sons aged res-
pectivelly 14 ,and 16, who were
sleeping upstairs, were overtaken by
the flames and perished before
assistance could reach theta The
terrible accident has cast a ,gloom
over the whole community, and the
heartfelt sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family.
Manitoba Crop aiiiia► .
The crop -bulletin of the Manitoba
Department of Agriculture jsat issued,
and summarized from returns made by
regular correspondents of the depart-
ment under date of July, regarding
the wheat crop says :—The crop
promiseeto be of the best. Cold
weather during, a part of June has
thrown it from a week to ten days
behindlast year, but it is doing well,
and farmers are • jubliant over the
prospect of a good crop. Oats and
barley are doing well, and ' there ' is
every indication of the harvest crops
in years. The root crop will be poor.
Live stock is in excellent condition on
account of the abundance of good
Prohibition Commission
The ministers of the . village have
recieved a series of questions from the
Royal Commission appointed last sass -
ion to engssure into the quomon of pro-
hibition and to consider legislation for
the sass pression of the drink traffic.
They are not asked to declare
whether in their opinion a prohllbitory
law would benefit the country, but
there is no reason why their views
on that point should not be stated
briefly. The commissioners probably
were afraid that if they invited such
opinions they would be stated andd'
argued at too great length. There is
little doubt, however, but that the
vast majority of Canadian ministers
will declare for prohibition.
—Dr. and Mrs. Elliot are on a trip
down the St. Lawrence.
The Perspires too Low
The frame hotel in this village form-
erly occupied 11y Mr. T.F. Cain, wee
offered for sale by public auction on
Tuesday last, but. was not disposed. of.
The 'Highest bid 'o6ered was ;413,600,
which was taade .by a gentleman from
On Tuesday evening last ,between 7
arid 8 o'clock a large barn on the 12th
con., of A,shield a was struck by
lightning and the wilding together
with about, seventy toes of bay belong-
elonging to . Mr. Smith McLean was
totally destroyed. We understand.
there was no insurance on the puperty,
which is a total loss.
M rrlrrrrsaire
This is the title of a beautiful ruello-
drama to be produced in the town
hall on Thursday evening next, by
Mr. Harry Hart and the Lucknow
Dramatic Club. The society has con
tribgted $100 towards the new stage
and scenery in the ,hall, and they
should receive .a bumper house. TO
see the new scenery alone is worth the
price of admission, and when com-
pleted we -will have one of the finest
equipped stages in the province.
Wicked flies
A little five year old son of Mr. G.
Roes, of London, who is ac:coempaning
his mother on a visit to his uncle Mr.
J. N Ross of this village, had a
thrilling experience on - Wednesday
and one that the little fellow is not
likely to forget for some time. While
playing about the garden he undertook
to catch "the big flies," as he said,
and lifted the top off one of the bee
hives. In an instant the bene were
upon him and although although his cries
{brought immediate aasistence the child
was badly stung by the, pesky critters
before he could be got away from the
Caledonian Gaines
Ata meeting of delegates of Sons
of Scotland amps, held in Wingham
an Aug. 3n1, it was unaoimoaely
geed to hold a:edoaien Games in'
Lucknow oa Sept.14tb,1892. Accor-
dingly the Great Northern Caledon-
ian Gathering will be held and for the
first time under the auspices of the
Sova of Scotland amps of Brace
and Huron dittrick. The load camp
bas resolved itself into a games coin
mitten and gone to work with a will.-
A handsome subscription has already
been raided The programaae, the
railway to and the concert are being
arranged for and cormsaunication
opened' with a view to securing special
attractions particulars of which will
appear on the programme and in the
press as soon as arrangements ate
de5nately made. It is already safe to
predict that with . the advanced haw -
vest the special attractions to be
oared, the activity
local f
an the hheartyro oall the
camps in the district that the arrange-
ments and management will be com-
plete' and the gathering one of the
larger* and most successful ever held
in the Mobley of Qaledonian gatherings
in Lucknow.
Rev. Charles Rutherford, of Brookins,' and
his wife aid his shirr rare at there parents Mr.
High Rutherford and Mr. Donna McPitee-
soa s.
Naas n visiting friends in
ThosLott, whom putting gabbing touches
to the bridge near St. Helena, will fioiah today.
D. aikl T. Todd shipped at Lushness, 65
head cattle for Britian.
s ps.ria Wank. Ism
The citizens of Toronto have voted
$150,000 to the Toronto Industrial
Fair for improvements to be made an
the grounds for this yeses exhibition,
which is to' be held Brom the 5th to
the 17th Sept. next. About 50 acres
have been added to the present grounds
and a new race track and new grand
stand to t twelve thousand people
is being 'built and many other improve-
ments are being ' made. Consequently
this ysar''s Fair promises to be greater
than ever. A large number of special
attractions have been arranged for and
several new features are promised.
The exhibits in all departments will
be larger and better than at any pre-
vious Fair and will include many that
have been prepared for the World's
Fair next years excursions
will as usual be run on all railways
and the attendance of visitors will no
doubt be ass large as ear. All entries
will have to be made on or before the
the 31st of August ' but poet of the
space in all the buildings for the
exhibit of manufactures has already
been applied for. For copies: of the
prize list and programme drop a post
card to Mr. Hill, the manager, at
I!all Wheat, per bushel .....65 to ;70
Rase •
Potatoes II
... .00 `" .25,
Butter, perllb . . . rolls .11, tub .13
Egg; per pound_ .. .... .06
Hay per ton • _$7 to 7.00
flame to the prenviim of the undersigned, lot
%,123, coo. 3, Malan, on or about the 19th of
July last, three two year old steers ; two two
year old steers and one yearling heifer. The
owner iii�__ requested to prove property, pay
e zpenaesftml tame them away,
Joni McKasztn.
9633 Langside P. O.
50,000 ApplesWante�
App l•mfo, whhiich tthe �market pad. Winter
paiti. Hold your apples for Cantelonn andrice wffl te
gavetnoney, - QQ
D. CANTELUN, Cantor(
r situated lot 13, con. 7. in the 'rowbip�`
of irinln, Co of Bruce. Frame Douse.ngaood �-;1
w411 wekred and waveli eatly situ-
ated. roe pastuktdaass apply to
E. NICHOLSON. Plopeieior,
we to Thornthile. Ont
PETER Hor000d P' O.
NeueitipauV se UM Z+o rasarir of aibelses,
I Lase teaaemitted or delivered to the
persons mentioned in the third arid fourth
sedionsof the "Voters' List Act" the copies.
r,qalled by mid aectioa to be so tasamnitted
or delivered of tie lit. add
a�L. of all ppessaas ap hi � bast
seemed Assessment Roll of the said muniri=
to vote in the said municipality at
for members to the Legislative
Amssnbly and at munieodd list was lint��ipsdl vwele tions. and
Use 25thda ofJat�1892,
and r e time for impaction. d7•
nectars aro called upon to asswins the said
list, and if any i aileron fe other eaters are
food Litten.. to 'aim insssduie peocsediaa
dobm the same man corrected aeeoedls to
Dst�+ed at this Ilith of Jaly.1893
E.EIDPC arkk oBfthe mad anouoryalitp.
3967 T.egide P O.
w7 of the 'Rued; lot 29, eon. 4,Kin-
loss, an or about May 24th, fins ysadis.
cattle this. steers lad two heifers. One steer
sad a�eifer ate aid, the remainder
4965 • JOHN 1108% Laspiale
Sept. 15th to 24th, 1892.
Cambia's Favorite Live Stock
Bea Uma.
10000 aMei to the Pain List,
Over DEMO gobs: to tie Norms
Sheep. Pits and Poultry
Viiitem and -REliThitues gnewits1 mitre
for siren mosey this year thin ever before.
Stsbrose and space allotted on receipt of
ecilrate tr ctio. _ an be el aattractive
For Prize List wed all infoemstivsn sic, •
CapLLW .rtes Thes.A.Rrowne
Mrs. Smith has just opened
up a case of _Ready -Lade
For fall and winter. It will
be to the interest of the ladies
of Lucknow to call and exam-
ine them before ' purchasing
A few ends of Dress foods
aced Prints selling at . cost.