Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-29, Page 4" 4.45k.•%•.,,P.....5.7"..9i.r.imo•tts. -get •,11,-..n..• * rtir,r; r , • , . , Au_ nont Wind WE, iiSBIATir uTTEA-INIVTWOGilz • „It:WM AOCORDING To THE DICTATES 10* polisCIENCE WE PIRZB ABOVE ALLOTftR • p . LIBERTIES 411V1Pin 3.‘ I 749 VI 1882. b. BRITISH ELECTIONS. !The eleetions in Great •Rretiart are. ;over. and Lord Salisbury's government has been badly beaten at the; polls. The, Liberalson the other hand, how- ever, have not had thebriUiant victory -theyhul hopedfor lathe opening stages of the conapaign. Mr. Gladstone has .11 majority of 45 composed of Liberals Anti-Parnellites, Parnellites, Laborists ud Radicals, over Salisbury with the Conseivatives and Liberal Unionists. 1 Isl:Otwithsta,nding this defeat, it is be- Ai:eved that Salisbury will not resign l'at%will meet, the new house on • st 4th, ancrtrust in: the hope of A -split in the riinkg of the Liberals. • he Reformer* say, however, that hen 15atliamentmeets and the dress frOm.the throne is read, Glad- e:will.sbnply mve an amendment "want:Of cOnfidene"and thus, with • n: raising any Issue to create ensions ainonget his followers, he a very serious loss. 14isetth0,,,,ctinserVatives and the I • • The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County;Fridays duly 29th UM•••••• •••••••••.• will be greatly elated over the result -Otthe prohibition—plebiscite taken _in M.anitoba. on Saturday. The vete throngiOnt"tlaeT-Noinee gave what is said to be an overwhelming majority 'in favor of 'prohibition. Even Win- relpeg •was two to bne against the license system. What the effect of of the vote will be upon the Govern - remit is not yet known, but it can hardly fail to influence it to some extent. IT is thought to be probable that Lord Stanley will place his resignation in Lord Salisbuty's hands before the British Premier leaves office. This is mere conjecture, but the belief of those attached tothe governor -General's office at Ottawa. His excellency has been engaged during the past week- in putting thingsin order in his office on Parliament hill, a thing he has not done since he took office over four years ago. His term would have expired next spring, and he would only be anticipa- ting his retirement by about nine months. Lord Stanley is known to enjoy his present office very littie and to have accepted it with reluctance. To this latter fact his Excellency him- self has publicly testified and we believe the public in general would not consider the country had met • with will the )nsve to call upon „ EVERY day some new law is passed tone -to form a'new Govenunent. some where or other to protect people against the result of their own ignor- ance and folly, says the editor of the "Popular Science Monthly." He might also have added greed. The idea of getting something for nothing • is indeed the mainstay and support of a far larger part of the fraud that exists in the world ; and the first lesson in practical wisdonk is to learn that the t • g is impossible, and that no body p to give something for nothing, or .large value in ex- change for small value, /except for some selfish and dishonest purpose. In addition to the -Schemes that are ST SEPARATE SCHOOLS. who believe in one system of iohools, and that under the con - 14 -the State, will find cause for tion -in- the return to power of Greenway government in Mani- onSaturday last by a.,ssubstantial ority It is true the opposition to support the legislative new rn dispute in:the event of Privy 'Council affirmin the right Provincial Government to enact 4 "VS- that if the decision was o1her way they would acknowledge right of Separate schools.to State Tire° fact, however, ' that every Pperter of the Separate schools was viiTayed against the Government also tended a great deal to increase Mr. treenway's following, who not only accepted the Opposition's pledge as far its it went, but declared in the event .of the Privy Council deciding that the mance had no right to pass the law practically abolishing the double school :system, that they would not vote one ;41011arld provincial money to any but Public schools, thus leaving the others to provide funds for themselves. • Tne British Reformers seem to Have come to the conclusion that as their votes on liquor questions have alienated from them the liquor interest land provoked it to active and serious opposition, they. may as well work the temperance interest for all it is worth; at least Mr. Herbert 'Gladstone has armoured that After the Irish question a local option measure will come next. This will bo -- very welcome news to many thousands of earnest people, and will create,. a certain tolerance for Home Rule in quarters where there is 'very little faith in it. unmistakably fraudulent, , there are hundreds of at least dubious character. No offer is to grossly extravagant to captivate and delude some persons who might be supposed able to take care of themselves in any ordinary business transaction. The green goods men, shoddy peddlers and other fakirs travelling through the country could not exist a day if they did not receive the assistance of the credulous and greedy. It is now near the end ot the season for and we want to clear the stock. Straw Hats we offer at Half P and Flowers at a Big -Reduction. WM. CONNELL3 - 1 2. - HARDWARE - 1892. La.s Harvest Tools, Hay Rakes, Mixed • Paints, Cu Dry Colors, Chemically pure isc cam co3 1.-11 Sort) 1.161 Fism Ca ifitt) THOS. LAWRENCE, 'Int Retaliation Bill against Canada passed by • the American Govern- ment .gees into effect on , the first of nAugust. It provides the, when the Frail. dent shall be satisfiied that the passage trough any -canal or lock connected ;44th the navigation of the St. Lawrence river, the great lakes or the waterways connecting the same, of latiy vessels. of the UnitedStates, or of cargoes or passengers to transit to any part of the United States, is prohibited or made burdentome by the imposition of tolls or otherwiae which he. shall k aleem to be reciprocally unjust and unreasonable, he shall have the power to suspend the right of free passage through the St. Mar's Falls canal, Po tar as it relates to vessels owned by the subjects of the Government dis- criminating spinet the United Stiktes. ASHFIELD. Farmers are cutting their fall wheat this week. It will an excellent sample. The weather is extremely warm and, men find it very hard to work in the hay and harvest fields. The following pupils of S. S. No. 5, pissed the recent entrance examina- tion at Dungannon, viz :—C. Gardner, J. Wilson, M. Anderson, E. Wilson. -13. Ritchie, W. Gardner. Six pupils out of seven passed. I4 CREWE. Miss Anna Lannan, of Gode rich, is visiting friencjs in Cherry Grove this week. The fall wheat is all so good that we don't know which of the many varieties sown is the most profitable. Every body here is hustling at present. The hay _crop was very heavy, and the fall wheat ripening so soon after it, together with the great scarcity of help to hire causes consid- erable hurry. •i Miss K Fogarty, of London, died at the home of her brother -in law, Mr. J. Cain, a short distance west of here on Sunday evening last. Deceased was ninteen years of age. Her remains were conveyed to London on Tuesday for interrment. The thunderstorm of Saturday night last, disturbed the rest of several of our burghers but done no further damage. We learn however that it dealt more severely in other places, one man at the Nile having seven head of cattle killed by it. White-leadF. ..4.1.J.A.13.A.STIT•T The only permanent wall finish. Calvastised Sole agent in Lucknow for Preston's • Braided, • Barbless Fence Wire. • The Leading liardware and Tin Depot. LUCKNOW. • V \" \ lowers HAVE YOU A GOOD Mrs. Smith hasjust received a large assortment of CHoICE • FLOWERS which she is selling at REDUCED PRICES Call and See Them. --Since the Grand Trunk gobbled up the express company no special rates have been granted. Another result of a huge monopoly. re.444rorrrj rr• rr r • Mrs, SmitA• Stop & Think Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of ) pots & Moss • And at prices that will meet the wishes of the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different • Styles. Children's wear in all the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE. QRenaming done on short notice. JOHN PEART. PAIR OF EYES? • ._ "EYE -TESTING" PRIZE CONTEST. If your eyesight is above the average, perhaps you can tell us exactly bow many dots there are in the above inner circle. If you can do this we guar. antee you an elegant and valuable prize. It will be e more difficult task than you imagine at first sight. To the ilia: person who can count the dem in the above circle correctly and send us the exact num- ber Which asoear therein will be given a valu- able Gold Watch. guaranteed to be a first- class timekeeper. To the second will be given e first-class Set of Encyclopedia in library binding; to the third will be given a French ' Music Box; to each of the next three, will be given a pair of genuine Diamond F.ar-irings; to each of the next five will be igiven a Solid Gold Brooch with genuine diamond setting; to arch of the next ten will be given a handsome Silk Dress Pattern. (16 yardsin any color); to each of the next twenty will lie given a genuine Coin Silver Wateh. • To he last person who sends the correct number of dots apptanng in the above ch. cle will be given a fine GhIRa Dinner Service; to each of the next flair to , the last will be given a Si1JL Dress Pattern (VS yards in any color); to each of the next tar to , the kat will be given a ge_nnitie Diamond Brooch in sobd gold setting ; to each of the next trendy to the last will be given a Coln Silver Watch. This contest will be conducted on honor by one of the leading art publishing companies of the world. Every person answering must enclose forty cents (silver) ar fourteen three cent swaps for one copy of a genuine reproduction of that famous picture, "A Flower Slave." size aptly inches, suit- able and ready for framing. This picture will be an addition and ornament to the most artistic hoime. Nothing like it has ever been sold at this price. Our object is to introduce these art reproductions in this country. . Our prizes are genuine and vain - able. Nothing is charged for the above rewards in any way. Weidscolutely e theanfree to attract attention and introduce our beautiful works of art. we guarantee a valuable phi to ovary genes ohs en stud es the meed awaberei deb m Ste aims &de. As to the reliability am, company we can refer Ton to leading Inasirips bosses in Toronto. All prizes will be given strictly as merited, and satisfaction to the ;cline ia teed. Un receipt of your answer sndong era cents, "The Flower Slave," as desthbed above, will be sent toyo address promptly, and if you are entitled to apnea for correct saserer,yovi will also receive it preqWy, Address MMUS /Ft sumucx, $ &sus rim Gioia Tants, Cat. 'DON'T READ4. THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs; Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above •FINEST GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. All nne Confectionery in fancy boxes --I lb., 1 Ib., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T B4 DEOENED by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown in town for Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever. All goods Guaranteed Pa:v. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES A. SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Milis for Christmastand New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders andiet them filled at once. THOS. REID. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING LOT 6, CON. 14, E. D. OF Ashfield, in the County of Huron one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is /situated 2i miles \from Lnchnoti. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grate,12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shedtgood orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Boa 170, Luckaow P. 0