Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-22, Page 4k . 'T uchow#entiuti Mt tummy TO MED AND TO ARGUE **urqa &OCOEDING TO THE DICTATES Na" . NCE WE :P! 1 E ABOVE -ALT --wen= LI:[1NETI S ,ow. jtly lea• . t TRUE CAN4D7IA2V- The Pre y "`=`, ^.:asrr. " loth t made a speech at Niagara on the Lake on Monday last, that left no doubt in the minds of his hearers 'as to what he thinks of the annexation sentiment in Canada. They were indeed the words of a true patriot and will be heartily applauded by all true sons of Canada " Take our fore- fathers," ortefaathers," said Sir. Oliver, "all in all they were a noble ancestry, of whom a country may well be proud. Whether their loyalty was a mistake and a • miefortnae Chorus—No ! no ! — "as some elsewhere aver, or whether on the other hand it is to be rejoiced over, as the people of Canada generally have always felt, there can be no denial that it was at all events a profound sentiment on their part? Those early settlers had been born British subjects, they loved the British name. British subjects it was their determination under all temp- t Cation,, to remain and on British soil o live out their lives, whatever that •deteranination should cost them.", Artier describing, the resources of the Dominion, he declared : "Such is Cana - 4a. and this groat country; won in the -t century by British blood and British treasure, has, by Britain been (confided to its present popularity • "As the Dominion grows in popu- lation and wealth, Oranges are inevitable and must be faced_ What aite they to be Some of you hope for some sort of Imperial Federation_ Failing that, what then!? Shall we give away our great country to the IJnited States, as some I hope not ?many, are saying just now ? Or, when the time conies for some important efie, shall are, as the only other alternative, go for the creation of Canada into ars idependent nation ? believe that the great matt of oar -people would prefer tindephead.ence to political union with any other people. '.And sa. would L As a Canadian, I ara not willing tCanada should to be. Fellow Canadians are you 1 (Cries of "=No"). I am not willing that,Canada should commit national suicide. Are you! (Cries. f "No.") I am not willing that • Canada, should be alaeorbed into United Sates. Are ton? (Cries of "No.") I ant not willing that heal' oar Brite connection and our hope of a Canadian nationality shall be �tJestrayeed forever_ "I'dor rt want to -belong to a nation whi h both political parties have for party purposes to vie with one another to exhibiting this ha, • I dos% want to belong to a nation in which a suspicion that, a politician has The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, July 22nd Tim discussion, of the question of temperance in the schools caused quite a breeze in the Teacher's con- veiii.an at Montreal. Some of the t cb declared that teachers who smoke were -not fit to -associate- with children, and others held that a man could not teach temperance unless he was an abstainer himself. Another raised the ire of some by .declaring that the man who smoked was not a gentleman- Finally it was carried .that "In the Qpinion of thisl. acs' .ia- tion all tteailers should use every effort, both by precept and example, to discountenance the use of alc-ohol and narcotics among both pupils and teachers." AN enactment has just come into effect providing that foreign news- papers and periodicals brought into Canada by wail or otherwise, may be posted in Canada by news agents to addresses in. this country, at the rate of one cent per pound, payable by postage stamps on each seperate pack- age, and British newspapers and, periodicals brought into Canada other- wise than by mail may be posted by new agents to addresses in Canada at the same rate, payable in the same manner. Partly printed and partly written notices issued by societies for the purpose of notifying members of the date and place of meetings to he held must, in future, be prepaid at letter rause_ Seaforth I posfkr—It serous that Mr. Blake is not so badly egaipferl for an election campaign in Ireland as some of his friends feared he was. Mr James Sumer -villa. of Lucknow, an. old 'politic -al campaigner, and a former M.P. for West Bruce, is reported as saying that on one occasion when Mr Blake was •contesting South Bruce he undertook to hold a meeting in a Tory stronghold. The only available room was>a saw 'mill near the Black Horse lake, which was open at one end. When Mr. Blake began his adds has opponent's supporters got noisy and undertookto break rep the meeting.' Mr. Blake gathered a few of his friends around him, and throwing cep' his ceat, was soon preear+ed -tt o clean . out the. • a job which _M' Smerville says, he could quickly accomplish. Another attempt made to nolo. fir. Flake at a meeting in the township of Courtriaght al_eo failed ignoininianiedy. , 31r. Blake was quite an athlete in his yonnger days. It will be seen from this that -tmaasder on the past if a .political. candidate is as valuable a perms a -ion in Canada as it is supped to be in Ireland_ _ DIED IS GCELPH_ orallb of sr Old Beverly Mao. (Fro= tt� G gal-yh The late Alexander Innes of the, city, was °the Third :nn of the late AleAlexanderAlexanderInnesone eathe pioneers of Beverly town—hip, county of Went- worth, beim! tine of the recruits ._,f the rebellion of 1-637. Deceased '. barn in Beverly near Kirkwall. and a frierscl,c feelisafr tpww-ate the get ; with his parents move air CiairY cation of the origin. of the most of i township, taaaa. v of Breehe w hsm ass theta is eaongh to ensure his • deal at i hi.s 16th year. where he resided over at the poles. (Cheers.) �o Sears, and where the news c f his death will to heard with dept regret The dash has lined in this ciiv for the last ten ye -are and who kne :. hate held him in highs esteem. ::`o, I don't want annexation. (Cheerer) I prefer the ills I suffer to the ills annexation would • in -ch-e. I love my nation, the nation. of cur fathers, rind I -.tali anent w-l::ia'y join -'n He was a hire ll iirasb-ararl and facer, any nation which hate her. his ttartily always being his teacare_ He wars bon. ,-shad and Yah ri_l a a:3 • TEE ii is+hup of NeWi *nnadiand his issssned a.e appeal for help which •anent to meet with a ready responsesefrom The whey Anglican body of Cards.. He says : "The church ref England here is over witehaed by the diester. The etre d .royEd the cathedral, bi hop's Lad clergy's how schools, Synod H a. i Siad er riie3„'age ' Theo 2.1" e S : trioti -:=e... r..ninsaared The teauti- fui P, .t eira,y, d red by Gi3}.ert &lett wed r eetly colni eted at a tioUi a fxs, r2 :eettie , C .t, a s ruin. It is a bi-.tork :andetark of St- Joh s, wad was the p3 where Erg::.ah service iris first celebrated in the New 'ccr' T peal for ;,apathy and aid to the Anglican amaiina nior .' rt The t Sate Diaatic s.hrongh life and strictly temperate_ 1 Iia_ eteeeee wit :.iia~ and te:•r and was berme , with Cbristirtn set retia de. e Mr. Me1"tn.•a wee- a revere aria -ten i and death to him eniy a hal. eta- 1 clue He leaves a widxeew and e e ! ehildre ,--Ja in the C. P. Pa . tee:eeralh , : Mat SGS-.. yraphrr 1 t45 l.*:'aiT, Black -1, eh. .r C• T ,DJ Let iMunroe. Hage and Maat le &3m w see it :. all of '4.i.1 iril /r. , ...y i . -. T',-.:..� ._l i y�' oi :..:. rue" we _ Kee - ;Lee__ L •_ e_i 1 Ile funeral :alp.: -Ls,. 1 :p....:-;,,. r� _ day was isr 'e r attended_ Th.e i'• mo , • bearer'a.'Fr az. fl -.!:22",r'', : /P-17.,-.,:-,. Fare r'ivice, Wm: Andersen, W. M. Eellis'ee tecta. D. Tripp. Rhhert aayeaer, A�ex. I NI t K earth.. J r. The funeral e'rt itseet were et nd, aetii Rea ed by the R.. J. ::`ie c4 orb. church dare—ate'. a r.c :ober_ ear the E a It is now near the end of the season for MIZlLiNERY d� and we want to clear the stock. Straw Hits we offer al Half Prt, and Flowers at a Big Reduction. WM. CONNELL, - LuckiioW. 1892. W CCQ HARDWARE. 18920 Harvest Tools, Hay Rakes, Mixed Paints, Dry Colors, Chemically pure White -lead. The only permanent wall finish. Wire, Oaunizo4; W.s CO ...ii Saari) Sole agent in. Lncknow for Preston's Braided, Barbless Fence Wire. The Leading Eardware and Tin Depot. , LAWRENCE, - LU NOW. T1-e1t)S rr..un•.c/ Flowers HAVE YOU A GOOD .DON't READ Mrs. Smith hasjnst received a large assortment of CHOICE FLOWERS which she is selling at a! REDUCED PRICES Call and See Them. rs rat Stop & Peart has received. a larse stock of the !cutins lime of Boots ft Skaos // k� And at pries that will meet the wi=.hes of the public 31en .. ilio: . Bsam' r is and Gaiters and ai to - aand s lame variety of ,plough Women's Kid/ Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever, Alen Oxford tyes and gipper•_ in , DifTerent Styles. Clandrenh wear in all the hailing. lines. CALL AND EXAMINE. Reh firing izeiee a shetit 'notice. JOHN PEART, PAIR OF EYES ? •• ••• •: