Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-15, Page 40.- ss. ' - The LLACknOW Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, duly 15th --.'"------inewsaMicsaramoraosmosamos Tafel nanutuNtutind ' talg LIBERTY "TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE • FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES overcharged for fees. At the conclu- sion. of the trial Commissioner Irving intimated that in his own Ppinion the charges made against Sheriff Sutton. ProVen, and that he wouldreport " 40f LIBERTIECONSCIENCE WE PRIZE aBoyit ALL to the Governmt accordingly. en MISS BOWES IN TORONTO. et ;MIER S wwwwwwoommmn....wwww.w. Liteknow, July 15th., 1892. 'ST. J mix's, Nfld., met with a great calamity Friday by fire. Five hundred houses were destroyed and three thou- sand of the inhabitants made homeless. Already a cry for help has been raised and no doubt aid will be needed and given. THE binder twine trust are going to find a formidable competitor in the Ontario Govermnent, says the Toronto Mail. It has been decided to put twine machinery in the Central Prison, and the convicts will turn out twine for the farmers at first cost. This, it is expected, will strike a death blow at the twine trust. 1 The following is a candid criticism by' one who was present and who occupies a high position in Toronto literary circles : —Miss Agnes M. Bowes, of Pinkerton, was fort- unate in getting a chance to read at the closing entertainment of the Provincial Normal School, in Toronto, and she made excellent use of her opportunity. Though this was her first appearance on a T3ronto, plat- form she made a very good impression, and can easily deepen it if she can only got other occasions for the display of her powers. The situation was some, what a trying one for Miss Bowes, as she appeared in the same programme, as Miss Agnes Knox, who, had ac- quired a wide -spread and ,well.founded reputation as a public reader, and has been for the past year a teacher of elocution in the Toronto Normal School and the Provincial School of 0TEIE British Liberals are gaining - ground, but very slowly, and though they are likely to be in a majority at the close of the elections their majority will be a comparatively small one, even counting all the Nationalists and Labor members. The counties do not seem to be doing much better Pedagogy. Each of them read two selections, those given by Miss Bowes being the longer and more difficult. She read the quarrel scene in Sheri- dan's "School for scandal," and "How he /fiddled his way to fame." With the aid of a voice more than ordinary power and compass she gave a very perfect rendering of the part of Sir Peter Teazle, and a less striking but . still very skilful of the part of Lady than the boroughs, and it was upon Teazle. Both parts call for the It is now near the end of the seasofl for and we want to clear the •stock. Straw Hats we offer al Half Prie and Flowers at a Big Reduction.. M. CONNE.LL, Lucknow. ••0 victories wou by the farm laborers' exercise of high degree of dramatic .- vote that the Liberals hoped to roll up large majority iu the coming Parlia- 'ment. With a majority of from twenty to fifty it is doubtful whether Mr. Gladstone would be able to force Home Rule measure through the Hoof Lords. - use • ilAmaroN Times:—Grit newspapers are saying that Professor Foster's duty of 5 cents a dozen on imported eggs will be of no use to the Canadian farmer. , Let the grits be patient. It takes a little time -for the Professor's duty to get doselito its work. This is July. Wait till December, andif eggs • axe not then more than 5 cents a dozen dearerthan they are now, we shall ask Schmidt to set up a dozen (hard-boiled), with concomitant limbur- ger and sandwich. The Professor will be invited to partake. Surely if the McKinley bill makes wheat dearer in Canada when there happens to he a famine in Russia and a short crop in Hungary, the Foster egg duty will make eggs dearer in midwinter than in :midsummer. power, and the draft on the reader's versatility is all the more severe because of the abruptness and fre- quency of the transitions in the dialogue. It is unnecessary to say more of the selection that . it so well known as the quarrel scene. In spite of the triteness which, comes of long and enduring popularity, and which makes the majority of public readers shun it, Miss Bowe's rendering of the piece was greeted with a hearty applause, which was a spontaneous tri- bute to her unhackneyed treatment of so familiar a selection. A still more marked triumph was scored in the other piece which she elected to read. In spite of its comparative length— always dangerons in a long and varied programme—and its dialectal charac- ter, which greatly increases the diffi- culty of a thorcughly dramatic render- ing, it was listened to with the most intense interest, and its conclusion was marked by plaudits again and again renewed. The Tennessee dialect is a hard one to master and reproduce but Miss Bowes, in the opinion of good judges, has gained a high degree of facility in its use. She did very full justice to both the. humor and the 1 Trus County Council have, 'says the' Exeter Times fooled away a lot more time this year in investigating and discussing the Poor House scheme and at last decided, to couple a vote with -the municipal elections. We ought to petition the parliament for an act permitting the poor to be shot when they get too poor to pay taxes or too ragged to attend church. This is the largest and richest county in the world, outside of Africa, that has no poor house, and we ought to be the first to move in this matter. Econ - only is the true secret of prosperity. Say a dollar a head add the usual three dollars for funeral expenses and no afterclap. And then the great • moral lesson that if a poor devil is really poor he had better look out. 92. - • HARDWARE. - 18 pathos of the story of the fiddling governor of that State, and won her way thereby to a position in the opin- ion of a very critical Toronto audience. would of course be invidious, to make any comparisons between her and Miss Knox, to whom she was intro- duced by a mutual friend after the entertainment, and by whom she was received with the utmost courtesy. It is enough to say that Miss Knox never r had on any previous platform a more dangerous rival for popularity, and that no one would be more ready than herself th admit that the style of Miss Bowes, though very different from, is not inferior to her own.—Kincardine Reporter. —Servant girl wanted. Apply to Mrs. T. W. Hildred. AN event of unusual interest to Walkerton and the county of Bruck vvas the investigation conducted by Amilius Irving, Q.C., on behalf of the Ontario Government, into a number of charges brought against Wm. Sutton, -heriff of the county of Bruce, a position he has held for the long period 'of 26 years. The most important of the many charges made against the she If were that he Assented himself from 1 office without leave for two months' at 7a time ; that he neglected to .serve jurors and constables as the law required, that he had charged the county and Government for works he tad never performe,d, and that he had - — LUCKNOW MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel .... .65 to .70 Peas " .. .00 " .55 Oats " .....00 " .26 Potatoes 4 4 • • • • , .15 Butter, per lb • roll. .11, tub .12 Eggs, per pound .. . .. ' . .06 Hay per ton .$7 to 7.50 • Harvest Tools, Hay Rakes, Mixed Paints, Dry Colors, Chenalcally :pure White -lead. The only permanent wall finish. SerbtDO,Calviani=lid •Wire* Preston's Sole agent in Lucknow for Braided, Brbless Fence Wire. The Leading Hardware and Tin Depot. THOS, LAWRENCE, LUCKNOW. niers Mrs. a large 0.• Smith hasjust received I assortment of CHOICE FLOWERS Teeth, Teeth If you want a first-class set of teet cheaper than the cheapest, call on De tty_nont which she is selling at REDUCED PRICES Call and See Them. Mr& Small Stop & Think Dr. Tennanee Ofilte, LUCKNOW, OIVT. Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of oats &naps And at prices that will meet the wishes o the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different Styles. HAVE YOU A GOOD PAIR OF EYES? Children's wear in all the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE• IWRepairing. done on short • notice. JOHN PEART. : :4° 1.41 4111'• • al 1. I ird- I 1•I III E ••et: • • ••• •• • • lie • -••• ••••.•• • est* • • ...et • • • • • •‘• • s • • is • *ow*. • %look • ..•9••. • •7.1.9•6, - • • .••• Al.." • •• -. • • • • iF • •••••./ • • • ari • •• rat: :::11•6:.• • ...:144114 61 4. • s• • *** •• s • • 4•4 • 66: • • • EYE -TESTING; PRIZE CONTEST. If your eyesight is above the average, perhaps you can tell us exactly bow many dots there are in the above inner circle. If you can do this we guar. antee you an elegant and valuable prize. It wilt a more difficult task than you imagine at first sight. To the first person who can count the dcts in the ' above circle correctly and send us the exact num- ber which appear therein will be given a valu- able Gold Watch, guaranteed to be' a first- class timekeeper. To the second will be given a first-class Set or Encyclopedia in library binding ; to the third will be given a French Music Box; to ea,I: of the next three will be. given a pair of genuine Diamond Ear -rings; to each of the next five will be given a Solid Gold Brooch with genuine diamond setting; to each of the next ten Will be given a handsome Silk DressPattern, (16 yards in any color); to each of the next twenty will be given a genuine Coln Silver Watch. To the hist person who sends the correct number of dots appearing in the above circle will be given a fine China Dinner Service; to each of the next fire to the last will be given a Silk Drees Pattern (i6 yards in any color); to each of the next ten to the last will be given a genuine Diamond Brooch in solid gold setting ; to each of the next twenty to the las! will be given a Coin Silver Watch. This contest will be conducted an honor by one of the leading art publishing companies of the world. Every ,person answering must enclose forty cents silver) or fourteen three cent stamps for one copy of a genuine reproduction of that famous picture, "A Flower Slave." size 24x17 inches, suit- able and teady for framing. This picture will be an addition and ornament to the most artistic home. Nothing like it has ever been sold at this price. Our object is to introduce these art reproductions in this -country. Our prizes are genuine and valu- able. Nothing is charged for the above rewards in any way. We absolutely give then:free to attract attention and introduce our beautiful works of art.// We guarantee a valuable prize to every prolog who can send us the correct number of dots in the above circle. As to the reliability of our company we can refer you to leading business houses in Toronto. All prizes will be given strictly as merited, and satisfaction to the public is earan• teed. Upon receipt of your answer enclosinf cents, "The Flower Slave." as described above, will be sent to your address promptly, and if you are entittedlo a prize for correct answer will also receive it promptly. Address ANGLO- LEZEICANWIT A$GOCIATION., No. 9 Greed 1,101, Ossisda Life Tercet°, Oat. tOON'i READ THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods,. Biscuits; Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Ete., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINE.ST,COODS, LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes lb.; 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T Bt. DEdrIVED by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown,in town for Christmas & New Year Trade • And our prices are cheaper than ever. All goods ' Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods boug‘it to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. TCYA. CAKES WEDDING A SPECI A4.1. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for Ohlnes and New Year trade. Now is the time to send,in your orders and get them filled at once. THOS. REID. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING LOT 6, CON. 14, E. D. OF Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is situated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fenees, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shod, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. • Apply on the premises or to SOHN BARRWELL, Box 179, Lucknow P. O. •