Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-17, Page 8The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, June 17th ' LUCKIIOW POST•OFFICE. Hours A; a, m. to T pi m. NAILS ARRIVE, W. G. & B. South 41:13 a. in. Daily & B. North 1210 p. m. arirg 2:30 p. KinlOsif W. G. & B. North 3:4814 m. a. •• •,"*... • e'S lowing seasonable 0. 0 Itave just come to hand 8,Acrare great value AnotheK big .lot those erican prints at 7 1-5 cents Or yard; net, also a lot niore diose indigo blues which ve been so popular this Season. A. special line of white handkerchiefs, linen finish, worth 10c selling 4 for 25c. A nice range of black silk nutts, extra value at 25c, 30c, 35c,. 45c, and 50c per pair regular. • A particularly nice lot of black worsteds and black and fancy pantings. See. our fine stock of em- broideries, challies, art mus- lins and lace curtains. CAMERON. 101100C11 & CO', 03KlarO-VT. THE CREAT.,, Of the greatest readyniade clothing store in Lucknow, we have this branch up to a science, we have made it our study and know what the people re- quire. Come 'in and examine our suits . turn' them. inside out and outside in,. look at the linings, see the.pockets and examine the button holes. The suits are alI. Made to .order and . are :Sewed with Dunbars best linen thread and ..- warranted not to rip. Years ago you could tell a ready made suit as far as you could see it, why it looked as • though it had been thrown on' with a pitch -fork,. but things have changed since the old n:an died. In fact this 4• branch of the business has experienced as great a change as RipVan Winkle We should not. call them ready made suits as they/are simply suits made to order in Terooto for our cus- tamers, -ss they can • take them home when they I;uy and then they will • realize that they have got the fit, g. -„t the finish and got the workmanship,,or in short gut the. general •.et, up' they wear 'in the cities and be convinced that we are the clothiers of Lucknow. Can \ye two More suits this month, can w,s sell live hundred'? Well we will see NOW We have not told von half aso'at el thin !nit if you will Iduslly call be pleased to show you our:stock, quote prises and tell, you the balance free of all charge. 'ive -urepeded in securing . another line of this worisi renowned lace tains, prise .5(.:L: per pair, we will sell at 30c. We • still &quire another car load of wool for which we will pay the highest cash price or ex- change f)r .any goods the customer may require. Not. wit.1 is ta.nd in g the millinery season Laving advanced our stock is conipletes and- we are offering 7 qpEtri.-1.1 4P.iir-iA in 'flowers, feathers and trisIss, F.a.ts Cottle and see for yorirsei'e, scsysisi .an tell your neigh- norls and 131.ienifts :hat we are the profit spkiaters.. is "live and et 4 WORK Intermediate points L. L&B.North "Langaide W,G.&B.,South L H. & B., South J H. & B.Seuth 1 W G.& B.North Efolp•ood iniorigh} Kiniose 900 p. m, _ 44, 10.30 " Tuesdays and 3 00p. m, Fridays 9.30p. m. 0.00 a. m. 3.20 p. in 4.30p.m. !Map and Vicinity Farmers Excursions Extra accomodation is being provid- ed by the Canadian Pacific Railway for their Beobdignagian excursions to Manitoba and the North West. Colonists sleepers will be attached to excursion train over Teeswater branch on June 21st anc1.28th and July 19th. Was Tried DonaltPNicholson, of Kinloss, was tried before Judge Barrett, of Walker- ton, last week with thrashing his wife and was fined $5 and costs. We be- leive it is the intention of the Crown to prosecute the parties who tarred and otherwise maltreated Nicholson some • few weeks ago. Going to Oamp No. 3 ComitanyLucknow go to Camp at London on Tuesday. The old war horse, Capt. Jefferis is here from Chic- ago and is highly gra,tified with the armory and service roll. 'The men will do well to be on hand Monday evening or early Tuesday morning so as to get away wiiitout rush or worry. District Celebration It -is to be honed 'that the . brethern from LucknovVrsurrounding courts will turn out.on the 1st of July to attend the District celebration of the Canadian Order of Forester* at Wing - ham. Let every brother fall into line. An excellent programme. is prepared, and a good time is expected. Take your Wives, sweet -hearts. and families with you: See the bills. Don't miss the District Celebration. Mechanics' Institute • , In order to enable more than one member of a' family to become .mem- •hers of -the. Lucknow' Mechanics' Institute, the a.i.rq.c.t9.r4. hame depicted. toaccept.as, members at a"fee,of ,50c. all -membersof the family where the head has purchased .a $1 ticket so that now if two ormore members of the same family wishto join the lees, will be $1 for the first', and 50c. for each additional ticket: Drowned at Kincardine• On Monday eliening/last ' about 5 • o'clock "a high school student named john McKenzie was drowned while bathing in the lake with a number of 'Other students By the aid of grap- pling irons the body was recovered in • leis than an hour, The young man was unable to Swim, and getting - beyond his depth was engulfed in the waves, which were flowing high at the. time. He was a son of .Mr. Hector McKenzie, con. 9, Kincardine, Town. ship, and was in his seventeenth year. West Bruce Teachers. • The West Bruce Teachers' Associa- tion wis held at Port Elgin on Thursday and Friday. Seventy teach- ers were present and. .considerable business was transacted. A grand concert was given by thc'. association on Thursday, evening to a crowded house.. The following °dicers were elected for the ensuing year; Presid- ent, T. T. Lillie, Port Elgin ; vice- preSiclent, Miss•Sturgeon, Kincardine : secretary -treasurer, F. C. Powell., Kin- cardine : executive committee, A. Cainpbell, P. S. I., T. Rankin, S. W. Perry, .)liss • Yemen, Morrison and Holmes. Tricks -in. Buying Cattle. iwresponden t c.)f the Acton Free Press says : "A sharp trick was aged by a butcher near Arkell,. a short time ago. ,Ttie butcher bought some cattle for a good figure an.; seeing he had paid Ion much for them he hired another inan to go.. and offer the same farmer a higher figure than he had paid, after which the butcher went and told the man he bought the cattle from that he couldn't take them for about two weeks longer, when the farmer told him he was offered more than he sold them for.' Then the butcher said, "give me back the money I gave you to bind the bargain and you inay sell them to the man . who offered more." This he did and he is .now hunting up his other buyer who is of course not to be found." It seems to us that there was six in the one and unuiur 1 UIIs half a dozen in the other. MaSonic aerYl.ce • ''t• I —A Canning factory la to be started The friends and brethern- of Old ap Port Elgin. Light Lodge of this place have arranged --.Paris Green ! nye paris green to attend divine service in the English church on Sunday the 19th day of June. The Rev. .Brother Strongman, L. L. D., of Goderich. •will (D. V.) .preach_on,—tihe—occasion—All—are cordially invited. Service to comMence at 2.30 p. m. Gone to Europe. • Mrs. Jas. Crowston, Langside ; Miss oMarion S. Mackenzie, Whitechurch and Mr. Denis Mitchell, Lucknow, left Montreal on Saturday 1 lth inst. as passengers by S. S. "Sardinian," for Liverpool. Mrs. Crowston visits her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, in the latter city while Miss Mackenzie goes for an extended day to Edinburgh, Scotland. Beware of Firecrackers As they are explosive. Bennett the painter notifies the public that he Will roof paint for 50cents,per square. He has had six years experience in roof painting and can give best of reference. No gas tar used. Beware of scabs, and see Bennett the painter before letting the job, if -he can't suit you in prices it will be a cold day in July Mr the scabs, ,Pernicious - Literature In addressing the grand .ury at Newark a few daps ago Judge Depue took occasion to call attention to the harm done by "half dime nevels," which he characterized as "the most pernicious literature that can possibly get into the hands of children." His remarks on this subject were prompted by the case of young Fales, the , boy murderer recently convicted, whose crime is generally attributed to vol., acious reading of such sensational • PUblications. Judge Depue gave figures showing a great prevelance of crime among young persons and more thau intimated that a prolific cause was to be sought in the species of vicious • reading whicn led young Fales on to his fate. • •West Huron Farmers Institute A speoial meeting of the directors of the W. H. F. I was held at Mar- tin's hotel, Goderich, on June 4th. The following directors were present : •.Messrs.°Forrester and Weir, Clinton ; J. Connolly, Goderich township • J. E. Tom, Goderich; Dustow and Morris, Colborne ; J. Mollough, Ashfield ; C. Washington, W. Wawanosh; C. Ham- ilton, Blyth; W. Bailie, President. The meeting was called for the purpose of securing speakers for the Wingham meeting, also to see about holding an ecursion to Guelph. After a pro- • grammelwas made out for Wingham meeting, -Which is to be held on the 23 of June, it was decided to have an excursion to Guelph -on the 20th of June, and • the following committee were appointed to look after the excur- sion : Messrs. Forrester, Hamilton, Morton and J. E. Tem. The Dairying Industry Referring to the prospects of the butter trade between ',anada 'and Great -'.13teitain the Mnn etary Times says :—There is now a fair prospect that the time is not far/ distant when . creameries will' do for Ciadian butter what factories have done.' for cheese. •• As the resuIIl of the initial esperiments•Pro. Rob rston expresses the opinion that, in a , few years, Canada will be able annually to send, $5,000,000' worth of butter to Ent_i':" land. From the Mount Elgin Cream- ° ery-, butter' sent to England and British Columbia • brought 21 and 25 cents a pound, and that produced. at Woodstock fetched 20 cents per cwt. less. Our hest Canadian butter is not quite up to the. Danish standard. Of the -::',G,000,000 worth of butter imported by England, last year, 1 c,i 1 mark supplied 49 per cent. • LOCAL PARAGRAPHS • Nt ib.5 Itenlitierved up for Sentinel Header, •.••••••••••• --- Mr. Harry Whitely, of Belleville,. i.visiting in t(,wri. -•Mi. Moo.dysof Berlin, was vish lug in the village this week. —Mrs. W. J. Brumpton and St Clair Tlalfor' an, isiting in Kincardine. for potatoe bugs at Harry Rays'. —We noticed John McMannus, of Winghain, in the village on Monday. last. • t—Tare—Wieto—n—or Council coinmenced at Walkerton on Tuesday. —Helebore,tt Paris green. and inset powder. at Harry Days'. —The season's tlipp of wool in Frontenac County is the 'finest in five years. —The Ayr Advocate has made its appearance with H. J. Benner as publisher. A Young Men's Conservative Association was instituted at the Ni.e recently. —The Reeves of Kinloss and Luck - now are attending the county council at Walkerton. —Scientific men say there is no record of a summer girl ever having been sunstruck. —Baby Carriages ! Any one need- ing a baby buggy can get a bargain by buying from Harry Days'. —Over 250 persons signed the total abstainers pledge at the temper- ance meetings conducted by Mrs. Hitchcox in Paisley. —Ewen Mackenzie, B. A., will con. duct- the st rvice in South Kinloss Presbyterian church, Sabbath evening June 19th, at half past six. —Mr. Wm. Hood is the possessor of a fine standard' bred'filly colt from his Chicago Volunteer mare and Saranac. Horsemen say it is a daisy. —A. B. McCallum, Paisley, has been presented by ,his • Liberal friends with a handsome gold-h.eaded cane in recognition of his services during the election. —A farmer named David Bell, of Brant, four miles from Walkerton, was killed by lightning last week. He was drawing manure and his horses were also killed. —Messrs. John Boyd and Wm. Connell went to Walkerton on Tuesday to attend the court as jurymen. •As little business was brought up the y re- turned the following day. —D'Alton McCarthy, M. P., has apparently learned the lesson that a public man cannot, at the bidding of .a leader, put his principles into his pocket if they are worth anything. —The Caledonia Advertiser writes up a glowing obituary on a resident of its town, and closes the article by saying The deceased had also owed us $2.50 on subscription for about nine years past. —One day recently Mr. D. K. Web- ster, of Ashfield, measured a small shrub and after a week had elapsed again took its measure and found that in that time it had grown 24 inches;or about 31 inches per day. —All members of Court , Sher- wood No. 50 0.0. • F, are requested • to attend the/ regular meeting next Monday as important business is to be transacted, all in. -Tubers are requested to be on hand that evening. —Mr. John Morton, of .Hamilton in a recent sermon said "the greatest gift of .Cod in' this age is a • daily newspaper." That's the way many people 'seem to. look at it,. or else they would not make such determined efforts to beat the printer.—Brantford Expo8iior. Frances E Willard, presi. cltail, of the national 1,Voir,en's Temper- ance Union, • is learning to ride a. bycicle. cr mother's advancing age makes -impossible the usual trip to summer resort, and ,as exercise must be obtainedsthe idol of a multitude of women will take her daily constitu- tional on a pneumatis -,Judge Mackenzie, of Sarnia, on Thursday gave judgment for i-3100 in another betting case, in which 111r.. Fred Trebilcock. of London, was the plaintiT, having put up his money on Hyman. Mr. Trebilcock claims the seat was stolen, and that Mr. Hynian firl'elced -Was ayetbythe qualified —The Rev. %A. M. Goldburg, of voters. Mr. Treblicock has had Hanover, was in the village ,on Tues- ki.1,100 decided in his favor up to date, clay last. with interest and cost, in most - cases, —Machine,Oils ! Lardine, Castornie, against the defendant. Climax and other machine oils at Harry Das'. '--The Canadian Order of Foresters will hold a grand celebration in Wing- hain on July 1st. —Mr. Rol. )IcNabb, of Paisley and formerly of Lucknow, has .opened up a tailor shop in Pinkerton. • —Captain lien Jefferies, of Chicago, is in the village and will go to camp with the boys of No. '3,. company next week. —Robert Somerville prescription clerk in Draper's drug store Superior City and formerly of Lucknow, had the misfortune on Tuesday the 7th inst., to receive serious injuries to his eyes, from the. explosion of a prescription which:he was preparing,tand isnowin St Joseph's hospital, St. Paul, Minnesota, where'an operation on him took place. The result is not yet known, but it is hoped that his eye sight will be retained. ---Kincardine defeated Port Elgin in a lacrosse math on Thursday of last week by "4 goals to none in less than an hour. —In main street Methodist church, Mitchell, on Thursday was witnessed one of the gayest events of the season. —The- occasioirwa;s-the-marrirtr-brMiss ' Emily Coleman, second daughter of Rev. John Mills, pastor of the above named church, - to Herbert Morman Morphy, a young barrister of Minnear polis. The interesting event took place at 11 o'clock in the presence of a large •assemblage of Mitchell's best _citizens. The church was tastefully decorated, andupon the pulpits -food a magnificent floral display, the father of the bride was the officiating clergyman, the bride being supported by her sister, Miss Nellie Mills, and the bridegroom by his brother. The floral offerings were profuse and the presents numer- ous and cosly. After the ceremony had been performed the numerous bridal party drove to the parsonage where dinner was served, after which the happy couple were escorted to the -the depot, where they took the train fora tour east, prior toleaving Ontario for their home in the west. BINDER TWINE. Having again arranged for •a large quantity of binding twine, I am now prepared to accept orders at the following prices, viz: , Silver Composite, 9c per Ib. Arrow Brand, Mc Crown Brand, 110 Red Cap 12c •Blue Ribbon 13c Can also supply a few special grades of extra quality, such as the Standard World, and Blue Tin Tag. Binder twine at low rates. W. 4LLIN r - Executors' gotice. PURSUANT TO THE STATUTE IN that behalf, notice is hereby given that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late John Ryan, in his lifet5me of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, yeotuar, who dicd •on or about the' eleventh day of April, one thousand eight - hundred and ninety-one, at Kinloss in th.-, County of Bruce, are requested cin or before the 20th day, of July, A. 1892, to,send•by post, prepaid, or to eliver to J0J 4. Lane or William Malcolm, Ki lough P. 0., 7.2th concession Township of Kinloss, the executors of the last will and testament of the said.Johis Ryan, their Chtiitian names and Surnames, addresses and desc..ptions, the fu" particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts duly verified and the nature of the security held by them if any ; and that the said el-:ectitors will on and after the said 20th day of July, A. D,„1.692, proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties en• titled thereto,avin4 regard to the. claims of which they hate then notice, and that the said. executors riJ1 not be liable for the asset of the said testator or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim they have • not notice at the time of such (1--- tribution. JOHN LANE WILLIAM MALCOLM Executoes Kinloss, June lith. 1892, ON gan be earned at ourNF.ii line of work, itapidly and h.inorable, by these of either sex. 3 oung or old, and in their oWn In. nlities,w herever they live. Any ono can do 4 n ork. Easy to learn. We furnish erurYi4ling.'1V0 start von. No ri.k. Tou can devote your spare moments, 0, adi your time to th. ,ork. This is an entirely new tendon.] brings wonderful success to every worker. Beginners are earning from 525 to t 50 per weeb and upwards, An more after. a litae experience. We cnn furnish you the em - d ployment and teach you Emu:. No mince to explain here. Full Information FRES. PrEXTE CO.,, A1:111'STA, MINE: • ee h, Teet If you \ilt t fIrst.class..,4(4, of 10,4 • 'cheaper than the cheapest, cai.1 on iI%Pat erhfi a Di• 7i 011iec, LU(WN01/7,0N7- , EvIGLEOD'S System nenovator„ .4% e And ,,ther tusttql • SPECIFIC AND ANTI DOTE — Impure, °Weak and Tinpoverishe.d Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeple6eness, Palpitation of the Here, Liver Complaint, Nenralgia, Loss of Me:nory, Bronchitis, Consiimption, Gall Stones, Jaundice,. Kidney and -Urinary Dis- asees, St. Vit.ts' Dane-, Female and General 1:),ebility. $1 per half pint and 82 per pint, bottle. LABORATORY. • CODERTCH ONT, J.M.McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Harty Days and A. B. Cnngram, Druggists, Lucknciw. • ' .` , • - :s AL"' • s's -1111101