Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-10, Page 81g. oKl•1��Qlox • gt YOUR EEE 0 LEGS, re• eau EMI sf )ERF TY41.r oetttAtz4S 1 tam \� tDo. 1 1\\%�:: Wail STAINLESS issoE. MARK, 6f tRlZ�liM 'HAS WOR FFttw S.0 -t ALLEo wFA T BLACI,6 MABEt. a HAS WORN THE EVERFAST STA%NLEF.S • • 6TOGItINGS..v:ta4s `° S'TCGKINCS. i As warmer weather is now upon us there will be a big demand for cotton '1)se, and here let us say that• there is nothing to beat the Ever Fast Black. They are perfect fit- ting. They are a beautiful jet black and they are abso- lutely stainless: Every pair has the above cut stamped on them. Ask forthem, and be sure you get them it .you want a hose to give you perfect satisfaction. • Also see our special lines in black cashmere hose.. extra value in the following prices -20c, 25c, . 30c, 35c, 40c, and 5.0c per pair. Whilespeaking about foot- wear we would ask you to. see what we are offering in boots 41 and shoes. We never had better value in fine lines than at present, and we ask you to call and have a look through our stock. AMEUUNI MUBDO'CU & CO) MIT7"C3CNOWR N. B.—Try our Teas, black, green and Japan, all prices. And remember we sell best granulated sugar 21 lbs for a dollar or 4tc per lb.. Wide 4 wake Buyers will find our store full of big, brilliant bargains. We have got the stock of the season and for the season. Theverdict of the people is that Brumpton's stock of ready made clothing is simply immense. We have any quantity of it, any quality of it, and we want to sell it and more than that we are going to sell it. Good clothing at low prices is what tells.' What is the use of paying a tailor five dollars for -making and three dollars for trimming a boy's sur when you can buy Readymade that will fit all over and not touch any • place, and wear the boy out, for half the money at Brumpton's. We do the ready made clothing trade simply because we carry the stock to do it with. We make this branch a specialty, buy it right and sell at a small rnargain. As a rule sugars advance before fruit season, and there is no reason this season be an exception to others. Now is the time to take advantage of the exceptional low figures. We • quote • 41 •for Redpath's Standard graulated, and 31 for light coffee suyar. We have a large quantity still in stock and will be pleased to supply all • 'Who require it either in small quantities or by the hundred weight or barrels.. A barrel only costs about fourteen dollars at those figures. The wool season will soon be here. We want to get two car loads and are prepared to pay the highest price in cash or exchange factory tweeds, flannelsand, blankets. Parties coming to this market will not do themselves justice if they don't call on the won- derful cheap general dealer W. J. BRUMPTON , i The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County Friday, June 10th LUCKNOW POST.OFFICE. *Hours-.S.a. m. to 7 p. m.'' MAILS ARRIVE. W. Q. (f.: B. South L,. H`, & B North • Holyrood Kiulough Kinloss W. G. & B. North Godarich Intermediate points L. H. & B. North Langside u. & B. ,south L H. & B., South H. & B. South W • G.& B.North Fiolyrood ) inlough /} Kinloss 6:13 a. m. 12.30 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 3:48 p. m. 900 p. m, 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays and 3 00 p, m, Fridays 9.30p. m. 10.00a.m• 3.20p. w• 4.30 p.m. Daily H 4 .. !May end VilCintt, Lacrosse The Kindardine lacrosse club beat the Walkerton team on Thursday last by one goal, the . game standing three to two. The return match will be played in Walkerton on the 16th of June. • 1 Division Court • Division Court was , held here before his circ. Midge~ Barret .on Wednesday last. The docket was a light one and only a few hours" served -to meet out justice to all con- eerned. Hi hest Award At the Universal Cookery and Food Eaxmintion held in London and opened by the Lord Mayor, May 3rd, 1892, Messrs. W. G. Dunn & Co., of 'Croydon, London, and Hamilton, Canada, obtained the highest award for 13aking Powder. Satuaday Excursions On Saturday ,evening last the excursion train between London and Kincardine arrived for the first time this season. It is expected that it will make a weekly run • during the hot iummer months, thus giving the half famished people residing. along the line a chance to spend Sunday at the lake. Farmer's Excursions The various Farmer's Institutes throughout the Province intend having a grand excursion to Grimsby Park on July 7th and 8th, where they will be addressed by Hon. John Carling, Hon. • J. Dryden and other notable speakers. Departmenta`I Exams The high school entrance and public school leaving examintions be- gin June 28th. The primary, junior leaving and pass matriculation exam- inations begin on July 11th. The senior leaving and honor matricula- tions begin on July 50th. Summer Tours. Those readers of the SENTINEL who are so fortunate as to have a . summer tour .in prospect, should peruse the new book on this subject issued by the.. C. P. R. Co., a copy of which can be had from their ,agent here, Mr. John Murchison. A large number of attractive and low priced trips are mapped out, which will save a vast amount of thinking and figuring. Adulterated Coffee. , The laboratory of the Inland Reven- ue Department has issued a .bulletin giving the results of the samples of coffee purchased in many towns in the Dominion, The bulk were, found to be adulterated with chiokory, roasted peas, wheat or beans, and dealers vending such compounds have been fined $20. The fines were generally paid without appearancein conrt. Canadian Foresters The Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order of Foresters meets in. Stratford next week. On Friday afternoon, the • 17th inst., it is proposed to have amusements for the visiting' brethreh in the Aggricultur;al Park. A good programme is now being arranged, to consist of tug-of-war, foot races and' senior lacrosse match with a first-class club. Mr. A. T. Davidson will repre- sent Court Sherwood; of this village, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge. Now in Force The Act passed at the recent session of the Ontario Legislature, to pro- hibit the sale of tobacco, cigars, or cigarettes to persons under 18 years of age came into operation on June 1st. The penalty for selling or giving to such persons is not less than $1'0•' or more than $50. . Any person actually or apparently under 18 years, found using cigars, 'cigarettes or tobacco on the streets. or in any public place is liable to fine of $1 to $5 for each offence. Epworth League '-Che Epworth League of the .Motive dist church held its regular nionthly literary and musical entertainment on Monday evening at which a choice programme of music, addresses, react; Ings, essays, etc., was aclniirah ly rendered by the members of the League and visitors. The weekly meetings of the League are becoming more and more interesting and each evening the large basement of the church is well fillet] with young people: $500 for a Brick W. A'Thompson, a Canadian -farmer of Chepstowe, Bruce County, Ont. arrived in Buffalo last Wednesday morning from New York, where he went on the understanding that he could buy $700 counterfeit money for $500. fle was met by one of the swindlers at Poughkeepsie, taken to New York, planked down his $500, saw the bogus $7000 counted out and apparently put into a box, which he was cautious not . to open till he reached Buffalo, On arriving there he opened the box and found it to contain some paper and a piece of brick.— IlV iartotn Echo. CY ae_ Complimentary $upper. Mr. Robert Findlater, who was for -- ,_gears book-kee ear for Mr. Thos. Lawrance, left on Thursday for West Superior, Wis., where he has secured a similar_ and" more lucrative position. Op Monday evening acompliwentary supper was' terfdered Mr. Findlater by the members . of the Masonic society, at the Whitely House, ,a number of his ° social friends also being present. An address was read and presented by the master of Old Light Lodge in which Mr. • Findlater faithfully filled the honorable position of secretary for 14 years. The guest made a suitable reply, after which' other speeches were made and the meeting dispersed after singing the national anthem. In the departure of Mr. Findlater the Masonic body have lost a model secretary and our village a • citizen most respected by those who knew him best. We wish hint every success in his new home. Masonic Service The friends a nd brethern of Old Light Lodge of this place have arranged to atttencl Divine service in the English church on Sunday the 19th day of June. The Rev. Brother Strongman L. L. D. of Goderich, will (D. V.) preach on the, occasion. All are cordially invited. Service to com- mence at 2.30 p, m.. 11I Pit Ye Oot • A parish beadle was' once much exercised by the appearance of a strange old gentleman who, when the sermon was about to begin, took an ear -trumpet (in two parts) out of his pocket, and began screwing them together. The beadle watched him till the process was completed. and then going steadily up, whispered, "Ye mauna play that here, my man ; if ye dae I'll pit ye oot." • Kincardine District The only change in the ministers of the Kincardine District of the Methodist church made at Guelph was the transferring of the Rev. J. S. Coiling,, who had completed his three years, from this village to- the Trafalgar street church in Mitchell and the Rev. John Mills, of Main street, Mitchell, comes to Lucknow. The Rev. R. H. Barnby, who w as ordained on' Sunday last, has been appointed to the charge at Tiverton. The Rev. Dr. Henderson, of -Kincar- dine, was again elected chairman' of the District, and the Rev.. John Kenner, of the , Ashfield • circuit, Secretary.. • Trout Out -done Two • young men from Lucknow made their appearance on lot 21, con. 5 ;the property of he who is generally known as "Red Allin." Having fished while on the streatn that runs 'through Mr. McKinnon's place with indifferent success, they repaired to the barn to partake of their lunch, leaving their rods in the barn yard. When it was time to •go out again one of the young men went for his fishing tackle to find instead of a trout one of Mrs. McKinnon's largest goblers fastened to the hook. Allin got the hook out and the fishing was renewed. On account of the high places their families occupy we refrain. from giving navies. --Com. • ].About Correct When a child is born into this • world the physician is present, and gets about $10 for officiating at the important event. 'The editor heral ds the event 'and gets a cussing for making a mistake as to the ,sex and day of arrival. After a while the same child becomes a man : the minis- ter is. called to perform the marriage ceremony and the minister walks oft with 'a ten dollar bill in his pocket for his trouble. The editor is again called upon and chronicles this event bye drawing upon his imagination to make them • the most respectable people in the country. His only pay is to be asked for a fev, sample copies of his paper to be sent to some absent friends. in time the once baby, the once happy groom, but now advanced in life, is brought down to • death. The physician calls, presents his bill, - the undertaker is present and wants $100 for performing the last sad'rite, wnile the editor is expected to com- plete the drama by holding up the deceased as a model gentleman, a Christian, and one who, at preseut 'is singing the songs of the redeemed around Jeruslem. The probability at the same time is that the baby, the groom, and the dead man has been so infernally mean and stingy, 'that he had stinted his wife and children and had never contributed one cent to the support of his newspaper. —The Kincardine Review is advo- cating a house of refuge for Bruce ,county. 4 • •. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Newsy Idemsge. ved up for Sent'-iel Readers —Owen Sound has a population of 7,617. —Walkerton's assesment is $8000 less this year than last. —Don't fail to try the tea Connel sells for 35 cents per pound. —Mrs Nebagaul, of Colborne, vvas visiting at Mr. Thos. Young's. --Master Wm. Miller Left on Friday of last week for Revelstoke, B. C. —Mr. W. Vanstone, of Kincardine, was in the village. on Monday last, —Mr. Oliver Whitey, of Goderich, was visiting, in the village this week. —Gillies & Martin, of Teeswater, have purchased the Listowel foundary. —Mr. Lewis Lamb has been elected Reeve of Greenock• by a majority of about 35;. —The cheapest line of duck vests ever offered are to be found at Connels only $1.25 each. —Mr, Albert Whitely, of''the Imper- ial bank, Toronto, is this week visiting at hone in the, village. —In rural school sections the sum mer vacation will extend from July lst to August 25th both inclusive. ' -The County executive committee of the Patrons of Industry of Bruce county will meet in Pinkerton on June 14th. ' —Mr. John Colling, took first-class honors in the second year course at the recent University examinations in Toronto. --Sellery & Temple, who have been carrying on a boot and shoe business in Wingham have removed their stock to Kincardine. • —The season for millinery will soon be drawing to a close but our stock is still well assorted as we add to . it weekly.—W. Connell. -Spring was rather backward here, it is true. But we are still ahead of South Carolina, where they have hail drifts three feet in death. —The . Methodist pulpit in this' village was occupied on Sunday morn- ing last by Mr. T. W. "Hildred and in the evening by Mr. John Bowering. •—It is announced that with the beginning of the next month the rate of interest upon deposite in Canadian' banks will be lowered from 4 to 3i per cent. •—The Sacrament of the Lord's supper was dispensed in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday last, the Rev. J. Anderson, of Tiverton, assisted in the services. ---The 'Mayor • of '1our,t Forest inippsed a fine of of 'x.00 and costs on ono Jas. Brush for refusing to cut, and burn black knot after Laving been notified by the inspector. —In some ten or twelve towns in the Provience the town hell sounds an alarm at f o'clock p. m., after which hour all children under 14 years of age found lingering or loitering around the streets are"liable to be arrested. =14Ir. Art Johnstone, printer of Calgary, N. W. T,, and brother of Mrs. Thos. Little, of this village, was married in that place on the 4th inst., to Miss Edna Cleary. —A convict in Kingston Penitenti- ary engraved the Lurcl's prayer on a five cent piece. The man never had a lesson in theart. Even the instrument used in the work was made by the' prisoner. The whole of the lettering only"occupies half the surface of the coin. —A rather novel butchering estab- lished in Brant township. Twenty, farmers have banded together and kill a beaf every week, each member taking one -twentieth of it, Thus, in twenty weeks, they will each have consumed one animal, always having fresh beef. • —Mrs D. Sheriff was visiting in Kincardine this week. — Mrs. H. Stevenson, of London, is visitingfi:tf ods ip this vicinity.- -Wanted ictuity.--Wanted – First class servant girl, good wages. Apply to Mrs. W. Allin. —Mrs. Thomas Little and Mrs. J. Johnstone are visiting friends in London. — Mrs. Owen Hi tchcox, the lady lecturer, addressed a series of meetings in Paisley this week. — Miss S. J. Liui}say_left on Friday for a few months visit with friends i Kingston and vicinity. —Mr. Samuel Barber had his hand badly hurt at the Furniture Factory on Wednesday last. — Messrs. Crossley and have left Wingham. They Europe on the 16th inst. —For boys, youths or men's ready made suits go to 0oniiels Lucknow We are offering them cheap. — A number of the Masonic Order of this place visited their Wingham brethren on Tuesday evening'. • —Mr. Hugh. Clark of the Review) has been appointed lieutenant of the Kincardine volunteer company. —Mr. W. J. Cooper,(an old Walker ton boy), has'been nominated by the Conservatives to oppose Mr. R. Watson —Mr.. W. J. Little, secured the contract of attending the village weigh scales at the council meeting on Tues- day evening. —Mr. Donald McIntosh brought a hen's egg into this office on Tuesday last that measured 8i by 7 inches. It is a big one. --Mr. James Johnstone and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dreany, , of North Bay, who have been visitsng friends Lucknow for the past week, left for home on `Wednesday. —During the furious storm one night last week 'lightning -struck the cupola on the Goderich jail, and made the boards and splint( rs fly, both out- side and inside the building. —Mr. R. Wilson, of Naseagaweya' township, county of Halton,;is renew- ing old times among his friends in Wawanosh. At present he is the guest' of Mr. Archibald Anderson. • -Lord Dufferin; formerly Governor General of Canada has sent to the proprietor of the. Dufferin Posh one pound sterling for two years' subscrip- tion for the paper and Hostage for its transmission. There is something in a name after all. --=The remains of the late Mrs:; Malcolm McKenzie, of this village were conveyed to the, family burying ground at Harrington, where they . were niet at the station by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and. relatives. Deceased had been sick for some time. —A large stock of Buggies still on hand which will be, sold cheap. Top buggies, ''our own make only $75.00. Also a good verity of second hand buggies. on hand which will be sold cheap. Repairs and triming a specialty .Jobbing promptly attended to.— Hildred Bros.' —One of our exchanges has received a letter from a certain young lad wanting to know whether it would'e proper for the girls during leap year to get on their• knees when proposing to young men. If the lady means to get o.i the young man's knees we should say it might help her case wonderfully. — The Lucknow bycicle club were -seen going into Holyreod on Tuesday evening in wand array. Miss Elsie McLaren headed the procession. After an hour's -rest the paity, Miss AleLaren, Mr. Brown, of the Lank of 11arriilfon, Councillor Congram and \V -in. L-',r,.,er returned to Lucknow ha'• Ing nrar1F rnice run -A trip through the country, at the present time will well repay any- one ne who is nt all interested • in the h'•auties of nature ,to take a trip through the country, everything in }loom. Will not some ,of o photographers go out and take a vices of one of the many pretty orchards to be seen around es, I3y11'DER TWII]VE. I-Iunter sail for Having again arranged • for a twine, 1 orders at large quantity of binding ani now prepared to accept the following prices, viz Silver {Composite, 9c per lb. Arrow Brand, 10c Crown Brand, 11 c Red Cap 12c Blum Ribbon. 13c Can also supply a few special grades of extra quality, such as the Standard World, Blue Tin Tag. Binder twine at at low rates. 114 , ALLIN r r