Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-29, Page 1D. C. TAYLOR, Has now in stock run lines in • Sap Buckets JERSEY CREAM LK) -FAOTORV"-OANS and all dairy supplies. rknoto - • vs. 4 'VOL XIX. -18 ...•••••••••••••••ramor.......... '4. .• ,•• WillfibWAIRE" ' • Evert surriesee yearsiu vanktyandi Kalni soming a4k' season ot Louisa cleaning. • Paints, oils aid valmis4eit hi abundance. Fence -avirootictoverything-to.bee- feund in a first class hard- wa,re_stare. All of which will no.isold cheaper thus, the cheapest at D. C. Taylor's. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1892 BANK OF HAMILTON 1 GEO, MAIR & CO. LUOKNOW. Qapital, $1,2o6,86o. • Rest, Seoo,000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President -A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH 4. T. Wool), A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier -J. TTJRNBTJLL. S.4 VIIVG,S BANK. -H8 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of hi. and upwards received and interest allowed. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB-AGENV. DENTAL - 1 3. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingham, vv ill be in Lucknow on the seeond and fourth Fri. ayand Saturday of each month. Good sets for $10. Filling and eytracting a specialty LEGAL. 0IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 13 in 11. 0: G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. PA. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, Conveyancfer, ete„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Offite at Traver's eld stand 11 MORRIS N, o law, Solicitor in Caneery, Convey, ATTORNEY AT aneer, Cominisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAREIS; ters, Solicitors,etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.Ci, \vra. PROUDFCCT. MEDICAL • A. McDONA TAD, M. 1)., C. M. C. P. S. QM 0 0. Office, Kintail. DR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND REST- dence, Outram street, se,coud door north of Little's shoe store, I) R. TENNANT, 'P HYSICIA N, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery posite:Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. 117% :1NIcD. GORDON, C.M., F.T. 31_,F, -M.S., 1`,I.C.P.S.O., Physician,. Sur, aeon. and Accoucheur. Office ne;t 'door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, VPosite W. U. Little's. DR. 1). GEDDES, V. S.,, CALLS - either by mailor telegram •promptly attended to. • Charges moderate. • Offiee, Cc,a- rigan's hall, Boarding ' 'house, Cain's hotel. • Lucknow. GE ERAL _LL ONEY TOLOAN ! FIRST-CLASS nit. 'mortgages at 7 to 73., per cent.' interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE .securityfor any time, at the lowest rate. of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the princi pal may be paid each year, interest ce-asing on the anoint paid. For further particulars, etc., apply to ANG US STVIWART, LitCkBOW. SOCIETIES . • • ----,_ W 0. T. U.-. The •regular monthly meeting of the Wemen's Christian Temperance Union will be held every secoml Wednesday Of each niontli in the Odd Fellows Lucknow, at 3 p. in. MRS. W. H. SMITH, PreSitielit ;. MRS, HORNELL, Secretary. ITOKNOW I Lodge, No.112 meets every, Friday . evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Wm. HOOD, N. Grand; JOHN'ELLIOT,Reeorder. el 0. F.,COURT, X../ • S herwood , 50, Lucknow. Meet - every last and third Monday in every month, in the • • Or- ange• hall.. Visit- ing brethren a r e _ cordially invited, ao ;roma SCOTT, C, R. D. D. YULE SEC. LucKNow LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Othlfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month a eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. T). Partnesox, Master Workman. R. D.CamanoN, nf'onrder. Colorado Spring WE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY of the gennine Colorado Spring • Wheat of our own growing lit for seed, well cleaned, testing r“ pounds per bushel, We 'can reccmmend this wheat to farmers after two years trial. Prices oa applieation. Also five yonfig Shorthorn bulls fur sale on reasonable terms. e E. GAU4T r6 SONS, Con...12, Vest NVawanosh, ' St, Helens, Ont. • BANKERS, Or Lucknow Bankilig Comp'y. LINICNOW, PED'Y 13m,1892. TO THE FARMERS: Since the date of our last advertisement to you we have sold 1100 acres of land, and being all the land held by us in behalf of the, various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm of r- 9 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers have, however, placed the farms in our hands for sale, so that we hope to be able to apply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our seles exceeded 1000 acres Iast spring we would request those in want of a cheap farm to apply early, as the spring time will now soon be here. -We can grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and a low rate of interest, If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we C411 guaran- tee you satisfaction and a a very trifling expense. We lend money on farmers' notes for long or short time, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, Sale nctes a specialty. We do a Oneral banking .business �f all kinds with Merchants, Cattle Dealers, Shippers and Farmers, GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager MUSICAL Tummy; . ANY ONP, REQUIRINGFIRST -CLASS lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply to the Rev. Mr. Connor, the rectory. Prof, Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays. MUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TATIGHT ,by Miss Kaake, late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. I —....I.A.benlimmary.y.Cramwm=ornyvalurnmaktuadin.7%.3dieurapolasoffearlki CH1URCH DIRECTORY. ,ENGLISH CHURCH -SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. M. Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult • class every Wednesday evening a O'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A areweleome. REV. IV J. CONNOR, Pastor. C. T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lneknow for south at 6:03 a in, 10:30 a, tn. and 6.25 p. North at 12:25 p. in,, 4:05,1). in, and 10:37 p. 111 . • Fire and 'Marine hourance, North British and :1Iercanti1e; of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, Liverpool & Lonclon and ,Globe, of Liverpool. • Gore in•triet, of Gait. Northern,' of London. " and _Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phcenix, o London, England, and Accident. In- surimea Co'y., of North _America, 'Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM,' • AGENT - • GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at mY expense, INSURANCE. Farmers, • look to your own interest •and insure your farm buildings and private dwellinas in the LONDON MUTUAL. No large Premium Notes required CASH SYSTEM : • 50 cents to 90 cents per 8100. for three years, JOHN LANE AGENT, - KINLOUGN. Also ageat for the Phoenix, of London, England, 4 NOTICE., PHE S co in the building east of the SENTINEL Printitig AGREIIENTS, BONDS, LEASES, 1)EE•DS, 'MORTCrA,GES ANT) WILLS Ca\ IZEFT-1,T,Y PREPARED. Plans ,specilmatiens niol estininti for hell() ins, mills, bridges, etc., , furnished on short notice. ESCRIBER HAS OPENED AN JAS., SOMERVILLE. Lneknow ..Tan .1891. • —Boys are again warned against the shooting or destroying of robins and also notified that if found doing so will have to abide the conseeinence before a maaistrate. The law shows no pity to those Nvho wantonly destoy birds.. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Newsy Items Served up tor Sentinel Readers — - —Boys suits in all sizes at Connell's —Miss L. McDonald, of Ripley, is the guest of Misa M McNabb. —Mr. Robert McNabb, of Paisley; spent a few days last week with his parents. --Mrs. Thos. Anderson, of Dungan- non, spent a few days in the village this week. ' —Mrs. James Munroe, of Omer, Michigan, is the guest 'of Mr. W. H. Cook, of this village. Nov is the time to •buy shirtings and cottonades. Ware offering some cheap lines.—W. Connell. —It is said that Conductor Snider, the railway evanglist, of Winghana, is about to settle in Toronto. Alex Ross, of Superior City, Wisconsin, • is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Lucknow. —Fall wheat is looking very well, and there are prospects of a good crop, but the spring is • rather a backward one. —Just received this weeksome new lines of carpets: whickare worthy of the attention of intending' purchasers. • W Connell. • The melancholy days have come, and sad enough they,seetn. 'Tis quite too late for oysters, yet teo early for ice cream. • •s -An insect, somewhat smaller than the potato bug, is infesting apple trees'. It is considered injurious to the apples. ' • 7 -There was a splendid programme of speeches and music 'given at the Epworth League meeting on Monda evening last. • ,—Bee owners report serious losse inaheir colonias, owing to the spring opening so early and afterwards turn- ing cold. . • • • —The color comes out of many kinds of blue cotton hosiery, but the celebra- ted "H.ernSdorf dye,' is fast, get • them at Connell's —Alx.,ut • half a dozen , papers in Western Ontario have given Lup the ghost lately, and.the sheriff is, running one or two others. , • 7 -At , examinations,' inarts and 'science at McGill college, MoiStreal, Mr. Ewan A. McKenzie, of Lucknow, obtained the degree of B. A. • --PK,tions to be forwarded • to Parliament at Ottawa, praying for the exclusion from • the Dominion., of all obscene literature are in circulation. —Some of our young ladies, when they wish to say yes, use the expression somewhat like •‘ uh hub." We wOnder if they were proposed to would they reply uh huh. —Mr. Geoige Mail., late df Guelph, • and now ,of Lucknow, contemplates opening a. private bank in Brussels should the recently defunct bank there not revive.s•-London Free —There is no truth .in the report that Richard James. Martin had his feet and hands frozen s in Southern Manitoba. .He sold his horse .and bought •a farm with large improve- ments and will remain there. WHOLE NO. 964. JOINT ENTERTAINMENT AT HOLYROOD. To the Editor of the Sentinel: DEAR SIR, -Has your regular correspondent been asleep or gone on a journey for I have not noticed any report ot the entertainment gi+eu uuder the joint auspi ies of the Holyrood Mechanics' Institute and the Patrons of Industry, on March llth ? At this late 'date we will not go into details, but the opinion was una,nimously expresssd that it was the best yet held in Holyrood, famous as it is for first- class entertainments. Tbe talent was chiefly from the St. Helens association of Patrons of Industry, assisted by Mr. Frank Paterson of 'Clover Valley. and our own vocalist Miss Agnes Ccrrigan, The accompaniments were played by Miss Grace Boyd. .of Lucanow, jO masterly style. The Anderson family, Messrs. Jewitt, McQuillan and Gaunt and Miss Gaunt with pthersamsented a programme that we have neverl'seeri 'excelled. The proceeds, are to be devoted to 1 urnishing the new read -s' ing room when completed. The directors of the ;Mechanics' Institute have made their annual 'purchase of books ot about 150 volumes for their library, and it has been said by a competent judge, who inktpeeted the last pnrchase, that thy are the best selection he had ever seen. •There are now over seven hur:dred volumes in it and all trash has been carefully excluded. There are now on the shelves the complete works of Se/At. Dickens, Geo, Elliot, Parkman, Ballantyne, Kingston, Annie Swan, G. A. Henty and the Pansy series, with selections from E. P. Roe, A. S. Roe, Mrs. Harriet B. Stowe, Tolston, Geo. McDonald, and °veiv writer of note whose•works are to be found in any cireulating Iinrary, The best works of history, travel, biography, scienee and a wide range of reli- gious literature, furnish a selection of which the directors are, justly proud. We would respectfully remind our subscribers that all subscriptions should be in before May lst: so that all accounts might be closed for the year at that date, as required by the regula- tions of the department. We invite all ineuabers to crane to the annual meeting which will be held in Purvis' store on Monday evening, May 2nd, at 8 o'clock, when the auditors' statement will be laid before the • na and all other necessary business —Mr. J. M. McIntosh; the •insol• vent banker has tendered his reSigns ation as Reeve of Brussels, and rumor says that Mr. Kerr of the Posta is the corning' chief magistrate Ile would make a.good official. • —Many of our readers will regret to learn that Owing tCea sudden and serious attack of illnesS, the Rev. James Caswell, of Listowel was' un- alde to take the services in the Metho- dist church in this village on , Sunday last. JUDGM _ARMOUR is in favour of high license. To the Owen • Sound grand jury last week he said : "No prohibition law coUld p ssildy be devised by human genius which would stamp out the liquor tratiice. 'Instead of such a measure, a bill should be passed snaking lieensea •ery high, so that none but respectable houses could exist ; and power should be given to license inspectors to deprive any house of licence upon a • breach "Of law. This, he maintained was the only way in which the ci1s of the traffic could be mitigated. lausaeted. If. you haVe overlooked the inatter please come and encuairage the secretary by paying up your subscription. NVar.. VALENS, President. PRAMOUNT. Alesrs A. McKenaie,' J. Reid and R Mc- Adams returned frcin the Michigan lumber woods last week leoking hale and hearty. Mr. T. Fa Pattersen, teacher of Clover Valley gave up his schoel on account of ill liealth mid hasgone to the Southern_ States to recrdit. The se,etion has engaged Air. ,Tno. McNay of Paramount as teacher for the re- main1ler. of the 'year,.. Mr, andiVIrs. John Phalen who have resided iii Coi•al Wreath far the, past seven mouths left last Monday to seek a new hump in the golden u•t, We • wish the couple •well and hope that ere long they may lath/ n and pay us all' friendly. visit. :\ Ir. HoWard Merannan, of Port Huron formerly.of this place is' spending a few days here and in Lucknow, '111r. J. P. Murray, who left this -place some time ago, arrived safely in Winnipeg andre- ports things not very booming, Jack intends going to the Pacific coast. Seeding is nearly a thing of the past here. Thu farmers of this vicinity believe that st .cka raising and dairying. is more profitable than tilling the soil. Mr. James Davis has . been erasagsA as engineer in the Paramount saw -mill. Will has a large niunber of logs in the • yard this seas, In which speaks well of him as a first sawyer. Curiosities will never cease, 11" )r a 'Teel- ene in the shape of a hen's egg, go to ,T. NV. Murray's, Paramount.' Mr. Henry Cmaie Ins been engaged as first mate. with Mr. Peter Arurray during the seeding 'and harvesting seascat Owing to the past few nights' severe frosts the fall wheat is rapidly turning yellow and bla. should the weather turn out fine new a goml crop would not be fiespaired of. DUNGANNON. D. D. Wilson is now buyine .:•gg.4by weight, 1)ka,iott Garet was held here on Saturday Word has been r c, i yea by friends here of the safe arrival of Mr. Geo. Anderson and Mrs. Andetaon and h -r 1;ttle • ifinglifer in Virden', fanit,•ba. Q etrterly meeting s'rvie vill 'be held in tin Metlealist church here next Sunday at 10;a0r m. Rola. G. Fowler, son of Robert Fowler, Wawanosh, a young man about eighteen year of age, died on Ttiesday morning last: Funeral will tiikki place on Thursday to the Dunaannon cenpaery. INIr. James lfarlow and family, of this vinuqe•. left here on Wednesday for London Where they intemrto reside, Messrs, Smiley and beeves have been busily engaged in moving 'buildings during the; past few days, The moves have been good 4 ones as the appearance of the south west of the village has been much improved by changes made. On Friday lest the people of our village - were startled by the sad news that Mr. Wm. • Le4dy. of Wawanbsh, had committed agicid• • by hanging. Mr. Leddy went out to harrow in on of the back fields of lis farm, in the mo g, and we are told he harrowed about one ad a half acres before be committed the. deed. We undt.rstand that he first tied him- self., to the harrows and trailed about fifty - feet;.; this not acconipIshing the desired effect he took the tie strap of the harness and climb ing a tree near by, tied one end over a limla and the other about his neck and swung out from the tree. He was dead some hours before the body was discovered. The deceased was i ot considered sane for eome tithe before his death. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place »Sunda afternoon to the St, 'Augustin ethete The vvictow and familyhave the &frothy the entire neighborhood. CREWE. (Too late for last week.) • Miss Lizzie Pearce intends spending, the summer dress making in•Lucknavs:1, We are sorry to announce. thilt Mr. P. Sherwood is serionsly. ill. Mr. J. Morgan, who is att(nding sat Goderich Collegiate Instituteaiskspad- • ing lig Easter yaeation under the pjerna1 • he ,directors 'of A:.,.B.:.1,.!,11.10*., fkf' torys held a ineetinglifst''''.146naitt° They expect to haie everything 'ready to start by about May Ist: The , proprietor ,of ourpioneer store has established a branch at Mr., Wm. Shackelton's on the 9th•con.,' in connectisn •with his business here. The, continued cold winds and dry weather are having a very bane- ful effect on the fall wheat, which until • a couples of weeks ago looked unusually finein this locality. We regret that our jocularremarks which appear ati in the SENTINEL Of AprilSth, in reference to an Item from Lanes, • raised the .ire of the Lanes correspondent;stO such an ex- tent that he exposed his real nature.. Let him be a• tiller of the soil, an honour, which he: falsely plain's, a pedagogue, a nondescript, we are not' n the least disturbed by his IOW personal tirade, neither are we disposed' b descend to- his level in choice of anguage or style of diction. .A3u,t, in -mew of his •advanced age.which un var- ably leads to s.ecend ehildhoOd we eel inclined to,treat him with sa •cer- air' amount of generosity. He Claims o have a' "centurie's, acquaintance" vith the post master at Crewe, which he said post master emphatically enies as he lacks several decades of hat age, hence it behoves a novice to o a little careful in making Untruth- ul assertions. ' He however carefully hirked our challenge to show how rewe could not. support a blacksmith qually as well as Lanes can ,but lack - las the ability. to do this, and the race to acknowledge his incompetency, e descends to a, personal attack which eems agreeable to his nature. The cribbler insinuates that he would nat )ject to our Presence at' Lanes, and alter assets that he would provide r• our mule's needs, but we . much ar, owing to the exhibition in the ribe of himself in his' last article, nit he and the mule would fraternize - such an 'extent that we wouldbe reed to return without our mule. mule, it is true. may not he , the ost tractable anitnal in ' the world ut at the same time it is decidely eterable to companions whin ,some lect. The writer, or rather liters, of the effusion which every ader of the SENTINEL must censure emed ,..to sutler from an itch for riting, and a desiee to emit .spleen ther thin deal with an argument. ow abuse however is like the crow; comes home to roost. Here is a ecimen of his taste in the choice of pression "we could easily bear the eight Of the sit but for,4143.clean- ss of the sitter," • We os 30 .ish to profuse in offering ads°. ..t, ut we uld recommend the writer 'J zombi - tion of writers, from Lane , to guard ainst the use of such eXpyssions tind L give.puldicity, to thoughts which ein to Saturate their minds. In nclusion, we are prepared to meet c Lines scribe fairly in any manly .:, bul will not follow him in low 1 1) it el fu fo fe sc ti to .fo A 10 pr se re SO ra it sp ex ne 1)0 wo na ag se co tli wa J personals abuse. • I ura.vel c.a• 1 ,w,p+ .1,1". •