Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-22, Page 4I! The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, April 22nd faaaaartalos * gittSiatitnuitiffentintl l'HE LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO 'ARGUE PIUSELY ACCORDING TO THE, DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES tive homes, deeidedly of the opinion that they had spent a very pleasant as well as profitable time. It reflects credit -0a thtt people.-nf the_ neighbor., hoed -to see how well and orderly they conduct themselves on occasions of this kind. The proceeds of the evening amounted to the sum of twenty dollars. 4444•04.4.., Luokunr, April 22241., 1802. LArilES, A GOOD STEP. The Government of Prince Edward Xsland has determined to simplify the Legislature of the province, and to reduce the cost of Legislation and administration. At present the Legis- lature consists of two houses, the Couvicil and the assembly, after the British fashion of Lords and Commons. The Legislative. Council, consisted of thirteen members, of a considerable property qualification, who are not. nominated; as in the other provinces, • but are elected by thirteen districts. The Assembly consists of thirteen members of a lower property qualifica- tion, elected by fifteen districts. Thus in ndditon to it ten legislators in the Dominion Parliament, four in the Senate and 'six in the House of Com- mons, -Prince Edward Island has forty- three local legislatorS. The population of the province is only one hundred • and nine thousand, so that, wth fiifty- three leolslatorsthere is one parlirnen- -W-, try representative for every two 4 ' thousand men women. and children on t -e--.1-gancl. The provincial legislators are not very highly paid, the sessional •;,1;-",41lowance for each, whether councillor r, or assemblyman, being only one •. hundred and seventy - two dollars besides Mileage, whiCh in a province only one hundred and five mites long • by forty at its broadest part cannot constitute a very great change. The ,,,,c,‘,expenses of the two chambers and of this unnecessarily iarge number of legislators bear, however, very heavily .---.4• 1pOn up .Eunttli a people. PEOPLE who lick postage stamps ' &bald read the following notiee which appears in the annual report of the, ItOst,...oeffice Department. Complaints of, ' mucilage would be far lesi ;-.3-jao Tufillc would kincry 0., • bcifoit•rs- the envelope of back te'Raelbt and ot back to my shop—k-Irrd be Reinhardt came in Iti* following him. Rebil;i'd ,in "What do you Want*. a against me?" Hans sant'le against you, and ,don't'Ni.# thing to do with you.' turned round and went a said about a knife at tir, Haus followed him, ar towards the village. The '0 of my place. Mrs. Rein,f_ shop. Then Michael Hat- , came back to the shop. .18 hands with Mrs. Reinhardis came in • 44.441.4.w • SOME wonnS and Haus said : "I am la a you have your knife open e left, and his wife followei-- Before she went out Hauqn hardt did not behave,hin She said nothing, brit out also, and the boy S d - Mrs. Reinhardt was goin, she told her husband that his knife open ehe would.e him. Reinhardt then ran )" and asked them what they/ said they did not want anyti the prisoiner should leave 1 The husband and wife entei and the young Men, or boys him. Reinhardt ran back ta" raised his hand and said Mr that entered he would stic" after this Reinhardt camel' The three came in after went out as they came in,3 heard Haus,tell the prism, knife, and put it in your }E he was going home. Reiy did Haus and Charles W5 window, and heard the c- The ering work is being rapidly pushed along, quite a let of 'seeding has been done. Mr. L. Wallace has returned after spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. W. H. Johnston and family Of Hay paid us a friendly call last week.' W. H. is one of our boyhood chums and a visit from him seemed to bring to mind pleasing memories of scenes •enacted in days of yore. Mr. Albert Johnston. and Mr. Snell of Exeter paid a short visit to our town last week. • We are pleased to report Thos. Dickson much improved in health,' Miss Jane Farries is at present at the old homestead after a few months absence in Lucknow. The Lanes cor- respondent must be a venerable old fellow, for according to last week's report his communication was made to read and intimate that he had acquaintances for a century, a quarter of a century was the time reported The new printing press or the devil must be poor spellers. On Wednesday evening of last week we were called away to witness a very pleasing affair which took place at -the residenee-of -Mr.- Henry. John- - ston, when his daughter, Flora Ann was united in matrimony to Mr. Wm. P. Reed of Lanes. The ceremony, was performed by Rev. J. Kenner of Lucknow, in the presence of about one hundred invited guests. The richly laden tables speak very highly for those who had the provisions to make, and the very many beautiful presents indeed show the high esteem held by the many friends toward the young couple. We are proud to report that the young couple have located in our village end this will fully account tor tbe busy preparations of last week. We extend our best wishes for their prosperity and future happiness. HOIVESTY OF AGENTS. 1 To the Editor of the Sentinel It is often remarked that 'the honesty of canvassers is proverbial. No class of people have the opportunities to act d:shonestly as they, as often in their rounds find doors open and valuables eiposed, with none to molest thein should they wish to appropriate them to their own use. And yet we do net think we ever heard of one breaking the eight commaud- ment. We can only account for this, higb standard of honesty on the ground that any person who is industrious, as a rule, is honest, and there is no class more industrious than agents, canvassers and peddlers. The vet/ reason that men and women go into this business is to provide for themselves and those dependent on them, and that with- out being subject to the calif:co 01 an em- ployer. Much less the penalties that beset the lawbreaker. We think that the public are beginning to appreciate these facts, and consequently will give this portion of the world's business people the. encouragement and credit, • which al agents, convassers and peddlers deserve. tuCknow; Apr. 19, '92. • Com. 4V1 "IF YOU WANT ANCITF ole This was after they wcost walked into my shof Reinhardt was not in iair- said they would not 0 by was etandingnround ,cess_ .went out, but; did ne and to see Mrs. Reinimt standing at- his owr well where his wife wa .g of told the prisoner : ausic, the deceased. es all have been dead el.' ' house. When t effect. he said : " You tidal:ICC You engaged th:;,amiiies it. It 1 could ir select_ have served hirn cou ld have got all very the sante thing were all son of Airs. Reiay aiS0 w audience. After recess "3 iibfjrty aaid : He was heir very Remembered Heard Haus the late Reinhardt wit chairman entered • the exhausted . opened, poin' the Queen R h I f R SEM EN THE CHEAT ROADSTER STALLION CARLISLE 13026 Will be at the Wihtely House, LUCKN C.,)W ON TUESDAY NIGHT Of each week during the season. Parties having mares to breed' should not book their mares before seeing this grand horse. LUC KNOW MARKETS. • We extend a "Special Invitation to • the ladies to visit our Departi.nellt:-., • • •11 .40 Our stock cc mprises the latest and best and we are still adding to it. Miss Lawson takes pleasure in showing goods. WM. CONNELL, Luckow. LEADING HARDWARE STORE Is the best ,place in town to purchase your 11 Cross Out Saws, Buck Saws, Axes and Axe Handles A full stock of the best makes in the market. Also a big supply of STOVES, TINWA E, AND SILVERWARE All at the LoWeSt possible Prices. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK BEFORE PURCHAtiNa. LAWRE OF 5ts Leading Hardware, TinWare and Stove Depot. DON'T READ' .Cv+. Is the place to make your selettions in • CROCKERY CR-ASSWARE, CR4WERIEis 8t PROVISIONS. 1 have in stock the following : • ;DriM Apple Extracts !Fitrs • canned 'Fish, dried 'Gelotine Gingers !Hops ;Honey 'Ink ,Indigo 'Licorice Lime Juice Lenions ;Lamps Ward • • !Matches 'Mince Meat •;Meal !Macaroni M ustard :Meats, can • Magnesia Nuts ways on Iwo. Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, • Dates, • Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST COODS, LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes —1 lb., 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes., DON'T Bi DECEIVED by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown in town for Christmas & New Year Trade And our priceware cheaper than ever. 'All goods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES - A SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for Christmas and New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders and get them filled at once. Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .00 to .76 Peas et .... .00 " .54 Oats " .... .00 " .25 Potatoes ee .25 Butter, per lb rolls .14, tub .15 Eggs,•per dozen • , • .09 Hides per lb 3 Tallow " .04 Lard " ,08 Hay per ton $12 to 14 Turkeys, per lb .00 to .10 Geese, " .00 t� ,07 ont„ottftm(10ic respee. DuckS rhei . . .-VietTeLVi He heard son side. Ha,u3 • Reinhardt fo THOS. REID. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 'BOEING LOT 6, CON, 14. E. D. OP _LP Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is eituated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dWelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL. Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick • Beans Breorns Baskets Blushes Bi4cuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned . Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut • Dates NO. 1 Flour !Nutmeg !Oil, olive lOil, sweet Mil, -castor Oranges ()at 'Oat Meal !Pails !Peels Pipes !Pickles 'Pearline Peas. canned Pepper Eakins Rice Rice Flour Sago. Salt • Salmon Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar Syrups Soda Soaps • Spices . Starch • • Strawberries, canned Sulphers • Tapioca .Tomatces, canned Teas Tobaccoes.: Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards • Washirg Crystal Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets )/1 Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets 'Tea Sets Water Sets Cream Sets, Berry Sets. Toilet Sets • Goods delivered to any part of the town. CRAYON PORTRAITS 07 FRAMES arniariallIMOMMIIMMEIIEMMEMpat=3:1121111rX2mptV3.=ILMECMI=LQ.,113COMILIXIIIICILtaaDIEGEIGUJIMMO . .07 „ 13o2t, 179. Luoknovz P. 0 ..o To all our Sitscribers fu We, the publishers of " North American Homes," In order to increase the circulation of our journal throughbut the United States and Canada, will spend this year over one hundred thousand dollars araeng our new subscribers in the form of an artistic Crayon Portrait and a handsome frame (as per cut below), to be made free of charge for every new subscriber to "North American Ilomes." Our • family journal is a monthly publication consisting of 16 pages, filled with the Ilest literature of the oay, z.J4 by some of the best authors, and is worthy of the great expense we are doing for it. Eight year!, no the New York:I/orb/ had only about 15.000 daily cir- culation: to -day it has over :300,000. this was obtained by judicious advertisement and a lavish expenditure of money. What the proprietor of the N. 1'. World has accomplished we feel confi- dent of doing ourselves. We have a large capital to draw upon, and the handsome premium we are giving you will certainly give us the largest circulation of any paper in the world. The money we are spending now among our subscribers will soon come back to us in increased cir- culation and advertisements. The Crayon Portrait we will have made for you will be executed by the largest association of artists in this city. Their work is among the finest made, and WE? guarantee you an artistic Portrait and a perfect likeness to the original. There is nothing tnore uteful as well as ornamental than a handsome framed Crayon Portrait of yoursetf or any member of your family; 'therefore this is a chance in a lifetime to get one already framed and ready to hang in your parlor absolutely free of charge. READ THE FOLLOWING GRAND 30 DAYS' OPFER: Send us $1.50, price tor one year subscription to "North American Homes," and send tis also a photograph, tintype or daguerrotype of yourself or any member of your family, living or dead, and we will make you from same an artistic hail lire sizo Cra3ron Portrait, sod put the free of charge; will also -furnish Portrait in a good substantial gilt or bronze frame of 2 inch moulding r.Lsolutely ' you a genuine French glass, boxing and packing same free of expenae. Cnt this out and send it with your photo- graph at once, also your subscription, which you can remit by Draft, P. 0. Money Order; Express Money Order or Postal Note, made payable to 4 NORTH AMERICAN HOMES PUBLISHINP Capp Stefereneea—Anv nevr3paper publishers, Rev. T. Dewitt Talmadge, ' Ur md olnuffaind_ - • WI mercantile siqiciO3 sad .bantteb..New /4tiuttlAn-ttUZ-2VZOii• # '-'•', 0",Zir."7$1,::.•",,;':"...:AN•til -ter,:n‘ t,,:....,,4.74.,r,v)",V '.,''i! -----.1.4.1,i. ._:-,...,(f,(?)2S,A1,:f.,?::_,../4---7.,' -•"`"' ,, ,*,!;1 ...„ 0, c..,,,,,,,,-ci.r.IZ--,,-; 4...„,,,,,,41',,,,,se. .,,..`..4- Q -C) • __:_..•' , • ',•:: ••••• ,,'•, :-..,..':4„1„.•%',:f :::;7.1.7,-;:•',f;.7:1:7" :ii,:',i;•fia•e.4,6I•..744....''.i.:.-,i'.;,'" ••• • ,