Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-15, Page 8: toi 'Sr 'The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, April 15th HOSIERY 1: ,itlingt ani flitiduttp ForSale Frame house and lot in the village of 4. w 0.- ,a1;110 rEUGRSFI E°. Oki Vy OU (w EAR • "7 THE .,, 1: "tAs.i. :.‘.ni'i29 \'........------1:"."`.... HA F VI 1) ' ' .......-.'.1"1.411r. ...- ..., ' SU—GALLLE) .... . -'1-',E7 .: 1,I \WARRANTED t, .,:.•••• •; EVER5ACT ,..i.., ' I ; FAST BLACK - ' STAIN4.LES if , F.TOGKINCS. TC 45 0._ . 1 \\\/,.11 EVEI-IFAST STAiNLES:i'‘ "; RADE Vou have seen the above CUtL before, and you have possibly worn some of the EVER FAST BLACK cotton , or lisle thread hose of which it is brand or trade mark. You know that they keep their fine black color and do not turn a dirty greyish green as most blacks do, and th4 do not stain the feet. These hose are made in Germany and colored by a secret process. Various makers are trying to iinitate the EVER FAST BLACK, but.they are only imitations, and the purchaser should see that the above cut is on every ioair. We have recently laid in a large stock and full range of these beautiful hose, and will take pleasure in showing them. Besides the ever fast black we have a lot of common lines - at prices ranging from 3 pairs for 25c up, and also better values than ever in theplain and ribbed cashmere. See our stock before purchasing. CAMERON. MURDOCH & CO DOJ QW , W. J. BruiptoB Dealer in bankrupt stocks and the smasher of high prices has made another large 'pur- chase of 100 pairs of lace curtains, two and one-half yds long; regular price 50 cents, we sell them at 30 cents. , Our flannelettes at 4f, cts. per yard are going fast, only a few hundred yards left. Our millinery department, under the management of Miss Bowers, is a great suc- cess. It resembles that of a meadow all aglow with butter- cups and. daisies. Miss Bow- ers extends a cordial invita- tion to all the ladies to call and inspect our stock. We still lead in groceries - 21 lbs. granulated sugar for $1, and 27 lbs. light brown - sugar for $1. Great auction sale of bank- rupt stock, ready-made cloth- ing, boots and shoes on Satur- day. W. J. BRUMPTON PIONEER STORE,LUCKNOW , s Four Eclipses There will he four eclipses this year, two of the sun and two of the moon. A total eclipse of the former will take place April 26 and a partial on October 20. The eclipses of the moon will occur on May 15th and Nov. 4th. Queen's Birthaay Quite a number of citizens are talking about having sports on the Queen's Birthday but no practical action yet has been taken. Let some one take a hold and „get °up games, Who will be the first? Don't all speak at once. Old Papers Old newspapers are said to make valuable anti -moth wrappers for furs and winter clothing, the ink upon them being nearly as repulsive to all kinds of ver mine as camnhor or coal - tar paper, They are likewise good to lay under carpets for a like purpose. Spring Skirmishes The usual wranglings on the even- ing of "big days" came off on Tuesday, Spring show day. One or two little scraps took place but no one was seriously injured. Constable McLeod was ,on duty and did yeoman service in pouring oil on the troubled waters. Kenny is a good officer when he puts himself to it. He may be a little slow but he gets there just the same. English Church Divine services win be held in the English Church on Good Friday at 11 a. m. also in St. Helens at 3 p. in. on Good Friday. Collection will be taken in aid of-th London-Society-forpro=- mating christutnity amoung the jews." On Easter Sunday the Holy. Com- munion will be, administered in the above named churches, Lucknow at 11 a. m. and at St. Helens at 3 p. m. Pretty Pink Paper The grand Easter edition of the Albany •TtLEGRAM for the issue of Saturday, April, 16, will be printed on pretty pink paper with beautiful blue ink. It Will be a paper; worth' preserving as a souvenir. There will be Easter poetry, stories, historical articles and beautiful illustrations. Think of it, 16 large pages of reading for 5cents. Ask your newsboy or newsdealer for a copy. Taken to 'Pound Constable McLeod on Monday last, acting under instructions from Mr. D. W. Hayes. station agent here, took six cows to the .pound. The express train coming into the village that evening had to be stopped at the cross- ing just inside the village limits, and the cows driven off/ the track before the train ,could ibach the station. The railway officials are determined to enforce the law against cattle running at large in village within half a mile of the track. Spring Cleaning It should not be necessary to call upon people to comply with the ordinary rules of health, and to keep premises in proper sanitary condition. Nevertheless at this time of year it is always incum- bent to urge upon house holders to clean: up their back yards, and to remove all decaying vegetables and fruits from their cellars. A simple compliance with the 'sanitary regula- tions at this season may prevent typhoid and ,kindred diseases and epidemics from appearing later on. Died in Dakota • The Daily Argus at Wrgo, Dakota, on Satusday last, contained a lengthy. article on the death of Mr. Sr , H. Logan, a prominent business man of that city, and a former resident of Lucknow. Deceased was a young man of 28 years, and had suffered for some time past with ,.consumption. He leaves a mother, three brothers, and' two sisters to mourn his loss. He was among the early settlers of Fargo, and carried on an extensive photograph business at the corner of -Broadway and Fith 'Avenue and in his death Fargo bases an honored -citizen and an upright young man. He learned the petograph business with Mr. D. Patterson, of this village. To Correspondents We are exceedingly obliged to those who every week keep our readers posted as to the 'events transpiring in their respective localities. .We are also much obliged to those correspond- ents who, not able to write every week, do so as often as they can; but. we have several correspondents from whom we hardly ever hear. We would like to place them in either of the two classes mentioned, and 'hope they v; ill place us under greater obli- gations than they have by writing occasionally at any rate. Lucknow for sale at a bargain, and frame house and three acres of land connected therewith just outside of the corporation of Lucknow can be purchased very cheap and on easy terms. Apply to Geo. Mair & Co. Bankers, Lucknow. Tough on The Geese The Lucknow village fathers are a set of cool, unflinching, right -loving men. Last week that honored board passed a by-law that strictly prohibits the running at large of geese in the village limits, and the, constable is going to rigorously enforce it too. 13lyth has a long way to go before it catehes up to its sister towns and 'villages in this line.—Blyth Siandard. She's a Fickle Jade April smiles. and Weeps by turns, and it is as fickle as a girl with two beaus. She is warm the one day and cool the next. The sensible man and women as well will pay no attention to her. vagaries. The robins may be deceived, the sap may run and trees may bud, but the safest course far us is to refuse to shed our warm clothing until, she at least has run her course. Cricket Club At a meeting of those interested in the formation ,of a Cricket club for the village at Whitley's Hotel on Monday evening last, the following officers were elected:—President, Geo. Mair; Vice-president, H. Morrison; Sec. Treas., P. A. Ma.lcomson ; Cap- tain, H. Days; Managing Commitlee, R. Findlater, J. Murchison and Dr. Elliot. The club starts out with a membership of about twenty. Have You seen it? Shepp's Photographs of the world consisting of Panoramic views, of cities street scenes, public buildings, churihes, Pagodas, temples, castles, palaces, homes of noted people, and a large ' array of instantanous photo- graphs showing the every day life of the people in the various countries of the world. Don't fail to see it and when you have seen itdon't fail to get a copy of this fine work of art. Beware of Sharks The Post Office is being used as a means of deluging the country at present with a lot of "Green Goods" circulars sent out from New York City. These fraudulent articles are written in a very plausable way so as to entrap the unwary. The way the law is at present the person answering these communications or in any way having anything to do with these sharpers is liable . to puniShment as well as they are. Our advice to you is to have nothing to do with' these rascals or you may be sorry. Rifle Accident • What might have been a very serious accident happened to Reeve Geo McIntosh, of Kinloss, on Monday last. He had deposited a number of loaded cartridges into the holder of a Winchester rifle and while in the act of transferring one from the -holder to the barrel, it became fastened, and in trying to adjust it, the cartridge exploded and the breech being open the explosion went towards his face embedding a large portion ,of the powder therein and a piece of the brass shell entered his cheek near the mouth and passed out about an inch and a half from where it entered on the side of the face, making quite an ugly wound, which was properly stiched and dressed by Dr. Elliot, of Lucknow. George congratulates him- self on escaping so well. Game Laws. Mr. Gibson's bill to amend the game laws is certainly stringent enough. The close season for deer lasts from Nov. 15 to October 15 followina, and no moose or elk can be killed till 1895. Hounds are not to be allowed except from NOY. 1St to 15th and no does, fawns, or any wild deer not having horns can be killed at any time. The number of deer to be'‘ killed by one person is limited to two. The close season for partridge, plover, duck, squirrels and rabbits is from 15th Dec. to 15th Sept. Wild turkeys, beaver and otter are prohibited till 1897. No birds can be shot between sunset and sunrise. Persons living outsids..ithe province are to be taxed $25 Cfer a license to hunt. There are various, other sections, providing for the ap- pointment of a Board of Ganae and Fish Commissioners to enforce the ,gaine laws and encourage the preser- vation and inerease of game. The bounty 'on wolves is increased from 86 to 812,, and a bounty of 81 each is placed on loxes. Some of the provis- ions of the bill are, we think too narrow and almost impossible of en- forcement; but the bill as a wholeis held in the Mild rio(irri on Monday, Jet Farewell Service. Alarge congregation attended ser- vice in the Baptist church on Sabbath evening to hear the farewell sermon preached by the pastor Rev. Mr. Mc- Kinnon. The Rev. gentlemen gave an eloquent and feeling discourse. Mr. McKinnon will remove to Clinton, and we are sure we voice the senti- ments of our readers in expressing regret in the departure from us of so good a clergyman and citizen. "What .13yoots. Shoes is LucknoW's loss is Clinton's gain." Stop Think Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of The "At Home" The Woman. Christian Temperance. 'Union will give an entertainment in the Town Hall this (Thursday) evening commencing at eight o'clock. The following programme will be rendered; Opening hymn; Prayer, Mrs. Polling, Vice,President ; Chairwoman's address Mrs W. Smith, President; Instrumen- tal duet, Miss Edith Smith and 'Mr. Hamly ; Chorus, the ,boys; Recitation, Miss L McDonald ; Quartette, Mrs. Armstrong, Miss L. McDonald and Messrs. Harrison and Douglas; Read- ing, • Mr. R. D. Cameron; Solo, Miss Lalla Berry"; Instrumental duet, Miss Edith Smith and Mr. Hamly ; Chorus, The boys; Recitation, Miss Laura Berry; Quartette, Misses Lalla Berry; andEmma Peart and Messrs G. Greer and A Davison ; Solo,,Mr. G. Douglas; Recitation, Miss Minnie Greer; Quar- tette; Mrs. Armstrong, Miss L. Mc- Donald, and Messrs Harrison, and Douglas a Speech, Mr. G. Murdock. Admission 10c., Mrs: D. Hornell, sec., Mrs. Smith, Pres. Trip to Alaska The Canadian Pacific Navigation Coinpany has opened up an attractive route for Summer 'Tourists. Their' handsome Clyde built steamer the "Islander" is to make five trips from Victoria and VancouV'er, Bo during the coming season, among the inlets, fords, &c., of British Coluni- bia, to Sitka and the Great Muir Glacier. Amongst other places the steamer will call at Fort Simpson, Metlakahtla, Gardner's Inlet, China. Hat, Fort Rupert and Alert ]ay; points not visited by other steamers that have hitherto made the trip to Alaska. This picturesque and inter- esting portion of the North American continent is very little known; an ex- cellent description of it was given by Lord Dufferin when he visited it as Governor-General of Canadian. Tickets, and berths, &c.; for this Tour can be obtained from Mr. john Mur- chison, Lucknow. Spooks in the House . Residents of the north end of Hay e lock street have been much concerned recently over the strange and myster- ious sounds, noises and rappings on the walls, floors and -windows of one_of the dwelling houses in that portion of the village. The rappings commenced at the wield hour of midnight, the time at which disembodied spirits are sup- posed to prowlaround, taking their nocturnal exercise. That the premises are situated near the Kinloss cemetery• does not by any means, lessen the solemn air which effects the minds of the hearers of these unearthly, as it were, communications from another world. The occupant of the house, although a small man in stature is large in courage. The other night when the knocking began he seized an axe and cried out "man or devil come forth and die" but his ghostship didn't come forth. Next night however, when, the rappings were repeated on the walls and windows, the occupants of the house fled and are now living in a more populous part of the Own, and thus one north end landlord is a te nant short. acrosse Team Some people say that a Lacrosse club cannot be gotton up in Lucknow. There are twenty-five young men and youths in the village who clinnot afford to pay the initiation fee ofthe Cricket club and do not care to play foot ball., Now why . not Lacrosse? The 1880 and 81 team was J Murchison, 11 Somerville, R Kerr, W Campbell, A Odium, DMcIntyre, K and F McPher- son, F and E Rookledge, W Treleaven E Frain, and D Marshall. The aver- age age and weight of this team was 17 years and 115 pounds respectively, None of them had much more than ever seen a game of Lacrosse played before 1879, they.never played a match with a team that was not much older and heavier than themselves neverthe- less out of over 20 contests they wf.re beaten but once. Surely there is, as good stuff in the youths of Lucknow to -clay as there was then. Lacrosse is the national game. Every town and hamret in the country is getting up a team.. Is Luck - now tobe behind? A meelAng will be move in the right direction. there be a good attendance. And at prices that will meet the wishes of the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gait4 and a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different Styles. Children's wear in an the leading CALL AND EXAMINE. Repairing done on short notice.. JOHN PEARY! THE HUB Leads them all for Farail3r Groceries AND CANNED GOODS.. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stock, s The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow. JOHN ELLIOT,. Mrs. Murchison, MILLINER. Has opened out a fresh new stock of Spring Millinery /And is prepared to welcome cnstomers, receive orders and supply the latest and most Fashionable Millinery at prices that cannot fail to be popular. Customers and their ordera retive personal attention, and their favors are duly appreciated. A CALL SOLICITED. Mrs Murchison. LADIES. MRS. SMITH Has has now on hand the lar; MILLINERY' STOCK Ever exhibited in the Village and in few days days Iva have a - HAT TABLE At prices low enough to Suit all customers. A CALL IS SOLICITED. Mrs. Smith. It t•