Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-15, Page 5• 7717,51,1 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce k..lounty, April 15th ; HINLOSS COUNCIL. j W Cameron, T Woods W Kinahan, "Council met April 4th. The Reeve in the chair. Members all present, -The minutes of last meeting- having been read and approVed, it was Moved by Henry seconded by Moffat, that a statute labor beat be formed, extend- ing from lot 13 to 15, inclusive, in the bad concession, and the corresponding lots.on the rear half of the 1st conces- sion, and that Kenneth McKenzie be 'appointed pathmaster for the said beat. Upon application of Donald (,.G.rdham it was moved by Moffat, ‘tatoonded by Henry, that ten dollars be aranted to widow Smith, she being in indigent circumstances, and that the said sum be placed in the hands f the said Donald Graham for expend]. ture.—Carried., Moved by Henry, seconded by 4ohnstone'that the fees for the town- ship hall be as follows, namely: all meetings except those hereafter named the sum of $2.00 per day or night; for lectures under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, $1.00. All meetings to be addressed by members of Parliament or conducted for such a position, and member of Provincial Board of Agriculture, to be free.— Carried. Mr. John Donahou applied to the', ,council asking, that a fence placed ac - cross the road allowanee between lots 5 and 6, on the 10th concession be removed. Moved by Moffat, seconded bYrJohn: stone;that the clerk be instructed to notify James Marshall, the owner of lot 5, to have the said fence removed withodt delay.—Carried. Account of 'George Hayes, for re- , ,pairing a wing ,of a bridge with stones at lot 2,6, con. 6, $5; was ordered to. .be paid. AcCount of Joseph Beamish, for cleaning stove pipes in the Township Hall,. $2, was ordered to be paid.. . Moved by Henry, seconded by Mof- fat, that Patrick Kelly be appointed caretaker of the hall at $1 for every day, or 50 cents for every night meet- ing, and that he be responsible for the collection of alt fees forthe use of the . Moved by .,Moffat and Johnstone, that $15 be granted to widow Alexan- • der, ,the suit to be placed in the.hands of James Nicholls for expenditure.—. Carried., . • ' ° Account of Harry Days, for medi- cine for Mrs. Kingham, '65 cent% laid. over. The Council adjourned- to meet again on the 27th of May, and on that ..4 -lay to hold a court of revision. PETER REID, Clerk.. J Craig, W Armstrong, 'S Thompson, G White, D Rutherford, A Harper, J B Rutherford, D Todd, E Durnin, W Hutnphrey, D Donovan 0- Taylor, R Lockhart, J Webster, NV W Scott, T Stothers, A D Cameron, B Laughlin S Phillips, J Gordon, J R McPherson, G D Mckenzie, E Jarvous, T Taylor, W Callahan, P Callahan, G W Ellis, E McQuillan, A Anderson Jr, W McDonald, J Paterson, D Kennedy 1) Archer, J Foster, R Thompson, J Mowbray, S Clark, T Anderson, J Webb, 0 Horne, A Sproal I) S Sproal. Fence Viewers;ILJ Plunkett, A Mc Cabe, J Smith, J Maean, A Dunkeld A Pentland, G Smyth, J Thompson, W Cameron, J Gordon, J B Rutherford L Sauilers. Pound keepers:—II More- d J W Jackman, P McCann, J 01 rk, T Alexander, W Humphry, J Campbell, J Archer. WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL e, Met on Saturday, April 2nd, mem, bers all .present, minutes _of former meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's statement for Feb, and March showed receipts $222.49 and expenditure $83.59 leaving $184.45 on .hand. Michael .Murphy asked aid fioni the Council to. enable • him to buy seed grain, he not being able to do so. . Moved by Mr. Bowers, seconded by Mr. Gibson that $1-2 be given to Mr: Murphy.—Carried. '• It was resolved to pay -John Miller 5.10.for 31 rod of wire fence at 15c. granted by a resolution of the council 9t1i, 1890. Mr. Kerr appealed for compensation for two laml,s and one sheep killed by dogs. A ceimilunication as read from the township solicitor on liability of. Municipalities for the payment of. slieep killed by dogs. Mr. Kerr's case was laid over to a following .ineeting. Alessrs. Caldwell and Wells asked assistance ill aid of John Shoulti, latelyburnt out in Manchester, a worthy case fin' charity. Moved by Mr. 'Gibson. Seconded by Mr. Medd that the council grant $20 to assist Mr. Shoultz. ,The usual grant of $20 was • given to Lucknow Agricultural Society. It was decided to subscribe for six copies of the Municipal World for use of the members of councils Moved by Mr. Medd seconded by Mr. Todd that a by-law. be passed dispensing with the payment for sheep killed by.dogs' while the tax on dogs be maintainedin the township. The . follbwing pathmasters were appointed: —S Kerr, J W Jackman, D McPhee, J Pierce, J Willard, J H Mallough, G Armstrong W Plunkett, J Nivins Rutledge, J Bruce, 0 Howill, 'J Teagan, T Nickolson, W Stothers, J Curwin, W P Grearson, W Ivers,T Young, C Wilson, W Andrews J Clifton, A Stafford, S Medd, Curnanins,,T Radcliffe, II Glen, T Mc- Roberts, W Campbell, J Wilson. Jr. R Bowers, 3 Clark, R McAllister, McAllister, ,J Thompson, E Brophy, J Hickingbottom, P O'Connor, W H Harxison,.. TZWoq,ds,,,,S Cook, 3Durin, The following accounts were paid— W Murphy, charity $12, J M Smith, Gravel $2.59 J Miller, wire fence $5.10 Shoultz, charity $20, Lucknow Agr. Soc. $20, Municipal World $5, Taylor Bros. cedar$2.80, J Ferguson rep. road 50e, J H. Gay, rep. road $3.00, R Towry bal. onJob in Dungannon, $5.75 Council will meet as Court of Revis- ion on Saturday, May 28th. R K Miller, clerk. ILSRFIELD COUNCIL. Never. Good ' Gouricil nnet in council room suant to adjournment, Reeve Grffiln absent, iminutes of last meeting read and signed. On motion of Kickley and Parrish H Girvin took the chair. The following accounts were ordered to be paid:—H. McIntosh, for work aria ,t...Yrayel-- --W-. -D., .$3:35;' W. Speers; overcharge on statute labor, $1.50; it Bryan cutting ice on gravel, road $1 ; S.. Echlin, lumber on S. R. 9 and 10, con.' 1, E. D., $2.12 ,W. Kickley, for spikes, 50.; Paul Smeltzer, inspecting bribge, S. R. 9' and 16, con. 7., $10.25 •; John Kilpat. rick, for, repairing Phillip's bridge, con.' 8 and i, $4; Mrs. Nichelson, charity, $7.50 ;.; M. Parries, salary: for collecting rates, $80, .also, overcharge on collector's' roll, $1.57, • On 'motion of Parrish and Kickley the, council adjourned to tneet again on•the 28th day of May, the Court of Revision' to be held at 2 o'clock on that day. W STOTHERS, Clerk. KAAKE & CO.'S Second' Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS, Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, • Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. TUESO,AY D4.ariirtz Fu'ItiriCaiantg APRIL, at 0.00- p.m. MaNZ.421...X1VrAii. 247Cao3E6 rri EAT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful, album, yalued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place in our window a quart sealer of beans. Any one. buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. The neaf-est number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a disinterested party n July 1st. This will commence on April 1Ft. • WILL LEAVE TORONTO With COLONIST SLEEPER ATTACHED FOR I,. •ANI--- AND THE CANADIAN NORTH-WEST For full infortnation and descriptive pamphlets or Manitoba, the North-West Territories aud Britian Columbia, apply to any C.P.R. Agent. J. Murchison, Agt, Lucknovi. _ rand Trunk az co_ 1111.1•111••••••=111.1101.00•05 e -w pring Goods L. .7) S TO ST: HELENS.. • MORTGAGE SALE rpHERE* WILL BE OFFERED FOR JL sa1e6 under power conts,ined• ia a mart. • gage by public auction at MaDoughrs Hotel. _Dungannon • —ON— Wednesday, April 20, 1892, At 2 o'clock p. m. The west half of lot number one, in the 4th concession of the township of Ashfield, in the •county of Huron, containing 100 acres, more or less; 85 acres cleared and cultivated, balance heavily timbered with maple, beech and hemlock. There is a good frame dwelling -house, good frame barn and a large bearing orchard. It is situated about 4i miles from the Village of 'Dungannon and 13 miIes from the Town of Goderich and the 'Village of Lucknow. Good roads and markets. Churches, schools and post -office convenient. TERMS Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. Arrangements can be made to allow a portion of the purchase money to remain on the mortgageata reason- able interest. For fuather particulars apply to H. MORRISON, or to Vendor's Solicitor, JOSEPH MADLOUGH, Lucknow. Auctioneer, .Dungannon. Lticknow, April 2nd, 1892, A \ ING resolved to carry on, business, as usual, I have • just received a new and well assortecl' stock of Spring Goods. Beautiful pattertls and latest designs in "Ladies Ceylon Sultings." Every',,ody should see these goods. They are simply beautifal. I) RAILWAY. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS • •• tea.. wolettet, New Patterns and Fine Quality. the latest, patterns -in both English and • 1941w, American.' All alley deliartmi-nts-. of my stock are equally replenished by th,, (hboicest and latest goods in the rnarl-cet. FARM PiNEKICE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. • A call is.merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tastes of th-e;moSt fastidious. ) 0 TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, • BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 41:15 p. m., on Feb. 24, March 9 and 23, Apr. 6 and 20, and May 4. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. The train leaving Lucknow at 10:38 a. m. connects at Toronto with this excursion train. Baggage checked through to destin- ation from here. For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow • 14 s t/414 ttobt.. Mitirrav • • ,nnorre--41.........re,.. Dralra.scanill=f0 HOOSIF STEEL FRAME, CRAIN DRILL. Over -25,000 Hoosier DriiN and Seeders with gitur Positive Force' Feed in {Use in Canada. SALE OF VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE a of power of sale contained in a ,Mortgage made by Mrs. A. Henderson, default having been made in payment thereof, will be sold by Pub- lic Auction, at Cain's Hotel in the Village of Lucknow, on Thursday, April 14th 1892 At one o'clock p. m., the following property: Lot No. 11, in the sub -division of Park Lot number 15, and Lots 361 and 366 in said village. Upon the above lots is built a good frame louse, (with_ stone foundation), 19x2ft4 ,With kitchen, 1624; milk. house 1214 and wood- shed 12x28, all in good repair. • TERMS. The purchaser shall pay a deposit of 8100 at the time ot sale, the balance of one-half of the purchase money in one month thereafter; the remaining one-half to be paid in cash, or seeur • ed by a mortgage payable in froni one to five years at tbe optim, of the purchaser. Fer further piirticulars, apply to CRERAR, CRERAR & BANKI ER, Vendors' Solicitors, Hamilton: April 4th; 1892. Teeth, Teeth , GUARANTEED THE BERT IN THE WORLD,. and the ' only .drill that can be • . instantly regulated to run t he de..ired depth . in ' hard and soft ground while moving. . Tir Hoostait is 'rin ONLY DmLL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds , evenly, andat the depth desired in all kinds of soil. Tim Ef.00SIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the instant the If you want a first-class Set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on Pattemont Dr, Tennant's Office, LUCKNOW; ONT. MGLEOD'S System nenovator. And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -- –FOR Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kiriney and 'Urinary 'Dis- eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility, 81 per half pint and 82 per,phit bottle. LABORATORY. GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Propriztor ,and Manufacturer Sold by Harry Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknow. horse moves. . is the THE HOOSIER IS THE MAI ?OSITIVE. FORCE FEED, and only drill that deposits ihe grain evenly just the depth you want it in hard' or soft soil. REMEMBER THIS. THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL ';..i't11 cultivator teeth is the hest cultivator made, and' is the only implement made with teeth- on independent draw bars that can he set for h ,rd • and soft land while the team is in motion. The Hoosiers lighter on the horses than any other drill made. The points of excellence in the Hoosier that other drills do not have are worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world. THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in less time than any drill msde. Send 'forour new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Beware of purchasing drills that infringe our patents. NOXON `BROS. M'F'G. 00. (LTD.), t'INGEnsom., ONT. Th'e financial standing of this Company is firsi.cless, they being rated at $245,000. No combine here. JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, Whitechurch Ont.. Also dealer in all kinds of Agricultural tmplements, Organs, Sewing Machines; etc., all .from the best makers in Catiad. .•••• TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to CA_SI-1 FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. S ARUM. Colorado Spring neaL. ,VICTE HAVE A LARGE Q TANTITT of the gennine Colora o Sprin Wheat of our own growing fit for geed, we cleaned, testing 64 pounds per bushel. W can reconmend this wheat to farmers aft two,years trial. Prices on application. Also five young Shorthorn bulls for sate on reasonable terms. E. GAUNT ft. SONS, Cons 11, West Wawanosh, St, Helens, On • A