Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-25, Page 8441111114mi .r 1441.011111111111414r 444/444.1%, ---LUCKNOW POST -OFFICE. Hours $ a. ne. to 7 p. m. MAILS ARRIVE. •'W. G. ice B. South &B. North Holyrood Rinlough }- Kinloss W, cf. 4, B, North 'odarich Intermediate points 9 00 p. m, L. H, & B. North 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays and .Alangside 3 00 p, m, Fridays W, G. & B.,Snuth T H. & B., South f "P• • H. ez B. South 10.00 a. in. W 13.North 3.20p. In- Helyrood). / 4.30 p.m.. inlough Itinlose 6:13a., in. Daily 1.2-ao .6 2:30 pin - 3:48 p. in. s. 4 4iititnot awl Vicinity Sam Fraternal Visit. A narnber of the members of the I. C. F., of Lucknow, visited their Wing - ham brethren on Friday evening last. After initiating several candidates, the visitors were entertained to supper at the Brunswick house.—Wingham Advance. Handsome Calanders. Messrs. George Mair d; Co., bakers, who are the local agents for a number of the leading insurance companies of both Britain and Canada, have just received another consignement of beautiful calanders, and any one de- siring to get one free should call at the bank. Curling Match On Friday last, two rinks of Luck - now curlers 'visited Wingharn to have a friendly Match. Two games , were played, forenoon and evening. The total of the days play resulted in favour, of Lucknow • bye four ehots. Our eurlers eley their treatment ley the Wingham curlers was highly appre- ciated and a most joyable time was spent. Must Attend School. In answer to a correspondent, we may say that truant -officer, Constable McLeod, has authority to enforce the law which compels allchildren between the ages of 8 and 14„ years to attend school for the full seseion. ' In case of an infraction the parents or guardians of the child may be brought before e, magistrate and fined, and if •the toy still refuses to go to school he may be• committed t6 jail at Walkerton, Church Concert. There- was a vete/ good audience at the choir concert in the Methodist • Church on Thursday evening last, and the different selections given were well .eappreciated by all present. Mr. W. • H. Staab, who has been leader for •many years past, is certainly deserving of a great -deal of credit for the able manner in which he has conducted the 7, choir so long, and the entertainment elven last week would have done credit to any/church in the Province. • • Seiling Ashes. • A preminent farmer said to us the other day that he was surprised at the action of the villagers and many farm- ers who sell their ashes for a mere • pittance of money, or perhaps a bar or two of soap. In selling the ashes, he •,Said they are giving away gold, as it is now recognized by scientists, that , these are the best fertilizers that can be possibly got for the fields and 'gardens. A householder can't afford to give away his ashes for any money if he wants to raise roots or vegetables. Origin of Leap Year, In 1288, when Margaret was -queen of Scotland, she made a law that dur- ing her reign any maiden should have the right to ask any man to marry her, and if he refused without good cause to make her his wife, he was to be fined eine hundred pounds. .After the death of the queen the women so de- sired a continuance of the tight that a law esa's passed allowing a woman the privilege every fourth year of ask- ing a man in marriage. This is the origin of leap year. Newspaper Directory. • We repeived last week from Messrs. A. McKim S6 Co., of Montreal, a copy of the first issue of their handsome new directory of Canadian newspapers. The work is the neatest and most com- plete volume of the kind ever publish- ed in the Dominion, and will be found invaluable to all business firms in Canada. The binding, press -work and paper is exceedingly good, and the in- fqrmation contained in the book has been selected with great care and ac- curacy, and the enterprising publish- ers are to be congratulated on the success that has attended thoir first efforts. ' The book opens with an inter- esting and comprehensive history of Canadian Journaliste, and also con- tains a curious fac simile of the first paper published in Canada, the Hali- fax Gazette, March 23rd, 1752, 7 The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friclay, March 25th 1 -Mechar4csi Institute. The Directors of the Lucknow Mechanics' Institute are requested to meet in the reading room Friday even- ing at 8 o'clock. ' 1). D, You., Presi- dent. Pay in advance At e late meeting of the Canadian Press Association held in Ottawa, it was resolved to enforce strictly the pay in advance system for subscrip- tions. The newspners of the Pro- vince are how arranging to bring the resolution into effect at an early day. Grain Chopping. Messrs. Lees dr Douglas, of the Lucknow carding mills, have put in a first-class set of mill stones for chop- ping grain, and are now prepared to do chopping of all kinds of grains on the shortest notice, and at the cheapest possible prices. Satisfaction gyaran- teed. —Lees & Douglas. Broke Through the Ice. While engaged in skidding logs on McCarroll's mill pond on Thursday morning, the horses broke through the ice into deep water, and it was with great difficulty that the poor -brutes were removed from their perilous posi- tion. A eouple of the _workmen at the mill also got an involuntary cold bath in their efforts to save the horses. .Sons of8otId A Camp of the Sons of Scotland will be instituted in Lucknow this week by Inspector Canspbell, Deputy Grand Chief, assisted, by Bro. Hugh Clark, Chieftan of Macpherson Camp, Kincardine,. The inauguration will be held in the Oddfellows Hall on Thursday the 24th inst: at 7.30 p. m. All ',applicants for • membership are requested to call at Dr. Tennant's office so as to be examined before the abovedate.- TheTivertonCamp will be organized on Tuesday, 29 th, inst. and Ripley Camp .on Wednesday 30th inst. •• Scottish Canadian Mr, Wrn. Beattie, agent of the Scottish Canadian, • published by Messrs. Imrie:and Graf:1am,, Of Toronto, has arrived in town to canvas for this paper, which is the only organ pos- sessed • by the Scoteh population of our great • Dominion, wherethere .are at least half a million who claim to be Scotch by birth or descent, The paper was started about sixteen months ago, andhas steadily gained in circula- tion. We heartily recommend it to the patronage of the sons of Scotia and bespeak a suecessiful canvas for Mr. -Beattie. It is the •organ of the Sens of Scotland who are now making the province of Ontario one vast camping ground. LEANING THE COUNTRY. The People of Algoma on the Move. Ii renewing his subscription to t SENTINEL, Mr. Charles Edson, a form resident of Lucknow, but at prese residing near Thesalon, Algoma say "We are getting along very well sin we came up here. Although we h everything burned when we first cam we are a good deal better off th when we left Lucknow, but if thin go on for a few years the way they a going now, there will be no one left Algoma. I only know of one ne settler coining in where I know dozens going out People that cam up here a few years ago without dollar, and have now from 20 br 4 acres cleared; comfortable houses an barns; horses andeattle, in fact, jus when you think they are doing well they sell their stock and implement for what they can get; leave thei farms to be sold or rented, (and, o course, as no one is coming in tha can't be done), and go away to th States. A. few have gone to Manitoba or British Columbia. I do not know what they want as there is work and fair wages here for every one. I am sure if 1 had 20 boys and girls I would not have to look for places for one of them. The bigest job I have is to keep those I have got at home. he er nt s: ce ad e, an gs re in of a 0 —Georgetown Council is tagging the dogs of the municipality. The Weis $1.00 and the tag, to show the tax is paid, ten cents. The same law should be adopted in Lucknow. --A Protest has been entered in East Bruce against the election of Mr. Cargill, and we believe a similar astion will be taken in West Huron against the return of Hon. J. C. Patterson. —The immigration to Manitoba for the season has commenced, and the prospects are that the number will be larger than in any former year, The 0.P.R, land commissioner in Winnipeg reports that the sale of lands for Feb- ruary aggregated $100,000, largely in the south weetern portions of that Province. LOC.24.1;PARAGAZIPHS. Ne wsy recalls s erved up tor Sentinellteaders —Assembly next Wedneseay, 30th. —Choice clover and timothy seed at J. Elliot. ° —Mrs. B. Allin, of Ashfield is visiting friends in Seaferth. —The farmers inform us that the fall wheat has wintered well thus far. —The Hub grocery is the place to buy choice teas and coffes.—J. Elliot. —Mr. george Burgess arrived home from Superior City, Wiseonsin, on Monday last. —Attention is called to D. Murchis on's advertisment of special lines of wall papers. —The boys will go fishing on the 1st of April this year instead of 1st of May as formerly. —Mr. Thos. Lawrence who has had a severe attack of la grippe, is we are glad to say, able to be around again. —Messrs. Geo. Mair and W. J. Brurnpton are in Walkerton this week as Jurymen at the Assizes Court. • —Have you seen our ten pieces printed toilet sets. We are offering them cheap. --4, Elliot. —Mr. and Mrs. Harper, of Kinloss, left fee. Manitoba on Tuesday last. We wish them success in their new house. ---We have a lot of youth's tweed suits very cheap at Connell's. Also suits for boys from five years old and up. —The prominent egg dealers" intend buying eggs by weight this season, which we believe is the only proper method. —School Inspector A. Campbell, of Kincardine, inspected the Lucknow school this week and found everything satisfactory. —Mr. Angus Kerr, of the 1st con. Kinloss, heti sold hi3 ferns af 100 acres to Mr. John McDonald, a neighbor, for a good figure. -e-Mrs. D. Collins, of Kindardine, is spending a visit with friends in Luck - now. Mr. Colliee also spent Sunday in the village. —Mr. Peter McIntosh, of Kinloss, sold to Deputy Reeve, Alex. Nichol- son, on Wednesday, a grade "cow that turned the scales at 1630 pound. —The Turnberry Agricultural So- ciety has decided not to hold a spring show_ this year. So also has East Wawanosh Agricultural Society. - —Mr. Wm. Harnley, of Chicago, and a former member of the SENTINEL staff, is spending a feiv weeks with friends in Lucknow. —We have just received a beauti- ful • lot of glassware and crockery. Take a look at our dinner sets and tea' sets, cheapest in the land.—J. Elliot. —A professional scene painter and stage builder, of Chatham, was in the village on Tuesday, and gave the Reeve estimates tor a new stage in our Town • —Mrs. Linklater, of Winghani, Ont., one of the passengers on Saturday's colonist train, gave birth to a child on board the train, near Port Arthur, while en route to Winnipeg. —Don't forget and attend the assem- L4' next Wednesday night March 30th. ill the Caledonian Hall. All are wel- come. Come one come all, both great and small. Admission, 25cts; ladies free. —We never said it would cure the Grippe, we only said that .it was the cheapest and best tea for 35c per lb. in the county and you could get it at Connell's. —The safe arrival of Rev. (Mrs) Thompson and family in , British Columbia is announced, the lady thankful for the day when she was brought under the skilful treatment of Dr. Tennant.—Com. —Mr. Richardson informs the Bruoe Herald that lie will buv eggs by weight this year. So will Wilson of Seaforth and other dealers in West- ern Ontario, as eggs are virtually sold by weight in the English market. Rev. J. Kenner, who through illness has been laid aside for the past month is expected to preach mornine and evening in Lucknow Methodist church next Sabbath, Rev. J. S. Colling, taking his work in Ashfield. —Mrs. R. J. Whitely, of Lucknow, and Mr. Sohn Martin, of Wingharn gave the NEWS RECORD a eel!, Friday, while on their way to Goderich on account of the death and burial there of the late Elijah Martin.—Olinton News Record. —Ladies requiring millinery will find our stock right for spring. Miss Lawson will be prepared to wait on customers and take their orders begiii- ing on Friday of this week., KAAKE - - DEALERSIN - - BOOKS, STAT ONERY, FANCY G')ODSi, SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Photographing a Specialty. To Whom it May Concern : The success which has attended us in our photograph business since we located in Lucknow has surpaseed our expectations, and for which we ask you to accept our thanks. Being asked by some of onr townspeople to refurnish a stock such AS was formerly carried on here and sell them at popular prices, we have made arrangements with a reliable firm to carry a complete stock of School Books and School Supplies, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fancy Goods. Lubxeow, MARCIII/I611i, 1892: We don't propose to give you these goods for nothing, but what we will do is to sell them as low as possible and consistent to the welfare of husinesst, For this month we have received a stock that the public requires, a d as the Season and Fashion demands we will increase our stock with the best values in the market. In conclusion let Ud impress on your mind the advantage you will have - in buying from us. KAAKE & 00 pamonalmonamidimcor.on444.....1.—...44.4...2444444....eanou• • Next door to' the Bank, New Spring Goods HE PEOPLE'S STORE, ST. HELENS. RAVING resolved to carry on business as usual', r have II just received a new and well assorted stock of Spring Goods. Beautiful patterns and latest designs in "Ladies Ceylon Suitings." Everybody should see these goods. They are simply beautiful. rla Pri '; : .1 JO • eii4S New Patterns and Fine Qu'ality. the latest patterns in both English and American. All other departments of my stock are equally replenished by the choicest and latest, goods in the market. • 'FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tastes of the most fastidious. Mrs. bt. Murray msammeram........,,romaerroomio•444-47ra444141•444444,4444m4.44.ft., HOOSIER STEEL FRAME CRAIN DRILL. Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeder r; with our Positive , Force Feed in Use in Canada. GUARANTEED THE BEST IN TIIE WORLD, instantly. regulated to run the desired depth moving. • TIIE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain evenly, and at the depth desired in all kinds of soil. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the instant the horse moves. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEEI),• and is he only drill that deposits the grain evenly just the depth you want it in hard or soft soil. REMEMBER THIS. THE HOOSIER CONICI.NED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the hest cultivator made, and is the only implement made with teeth on independent draw bars that can .be set for hard and soft land, while the team is in motion. The Hoosier is lighter on the horses than any other. drill made. The points of excellence. in the Hoosier that other drills do not have are worth more to the farmer than any drill in the world. THE COMBINED HOOSiER Ca changed from drill to seeder or seeder to - drill in less tinne than any drill Riede. ‘Send ier out new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. Bowery of purchasine drills that infringe our patents. NOXON BROS. M'F'G. 00. (LTD.CINGERSOLL, ONT. , 'The financial standing of this Company is firstelsss, they being rated at $245,000. No combine here. e arid in the bard 0 an niy drill d .soft that ground can he and*edwhilse JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, - •Whiieeh • 11,1 Machines etc- all fram th Also dealer in all kinds of, Agricu tural ,Implemeats, Organsr Sowings. , , 0 iest teal:era in Canada.