Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-25, Page 5As the drawing books authorized by tire Educational Department were not issued in time to be used conveniently fin every case for t -he July entrance •examinations, the examiners will be, sinstructedto accept the work of canal.: • dates this year either in the old or new • series. Theacceptanceof theequivalent of this work in any blank exercise book is provided by the regulations. Owing to the delay with the publication of No. VI., due -allowance will be made for any disadvantage which pupils may .suffer in conRequently. ; ,•• THE New Brunswick Legislature :las declared almost unanimously in favor of a union of the three Maritime Provinces. ,Why this union was not Occomplished long since is impossible to onderstand. The three Provinces •Tconibined have less than one-fourth the area and only about one-third the population of Ontario, and yet each has a double chamber, and there are for the three of them sixty-six more legislators than in this Province. The proposed change, if carried out, ought -1. to effect a saving of a quarter of a irtaillion a year. WHATEVER may be thought of Mr. MowKs anti -tobacco bill, there can be •no two opinions as to the injuriousness of snioking and chewing by boys. A certain doctor, says fugitive newspaper paragraphy, struck with .the large numbers of boys under 15' years of age whom he Observed smoking, was led to inquire into the effect the habit had upon the general health. He took for his purpose thirty-eight boys, aged from 9 to 15, and carefully examined them. In twenty-seven of them he discovered injurious traces of the habit. In/ .twerty-two there were various disordei4 of the circulation and digestron, paipi- tationofthe heart, and amore or less marked taste for strong drink. In twelve there was frequent bleeding of the nose ten had disturbed sleep, and twelve had slight ulceatition of the mucous membrane of the mouth, which disappearing on ceasing .from the use of tobaccg tor some ddys. The doctor treated them all for weakness, but with little effect until the smoking was discontinued, when health and Strength were soon restored. yspepsia, Intense Suffering for 8 years— Re- , . -,-- stored to Perfect Health. Few people have suffered more severely from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMahon, a , • well known grocer of Staunton; Va. He says': ' "Before 1878 I Was in excellent health, weigh.- ing over 200 pounds. In that year an aihnent developed into. acute dyspepsia, and Soon I was reduced to 162 pounds, suffering burning sensationsin the stomach; palpitation of the heart, nausea, and indigestion. I could .not sleep, lost all heart in my work, had fits of melancholia, and for days at a time I would have welcomed death. I 'became morose, sullen and irritable, ISI. . and for eight year's life was a burden. 1 tried 'many physicians and many remedies: One day a workman employed by me suggested that I take 01, op Hood's Wife of it had N11118.11111g . cured his rilla, as Sarsapa- dyspep- sia. • 1, did so, and before taking the whole of "a bottle I began to feel like a new man. The terrible paile) to which I had been subjected, ceased, the palpitation of the heart subsided, lo •0 my stomach became easier, nausea disap- peared,. and my entire system began to tone up. With returning . • . . , strength came activity of , . mind and body. Before the fifth bottle was taken / had regained my former wcigt;t and natural condition. I am tOday well and I ascribe it to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." N. B. . If you decide to take Hood's Sorsa- parilla do not be induced to buy any other. Intense ears odp.s ' Sarsaparilla r Sold by all druggists. Fl ; six for ,95. Prrared only by C. I. HOOD & Co., Apot hecarie13,Lolvell,Nass. ROO Doses One Dollar FARM FOR 'SALE. HE, UN•DERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his farm consisting of 100. acres, using"- lot 30, on the 2nd con. of Kinloss. Eighty acres are cleared, th hal MCC in timber. The bni.ldinos are in good condition, and the property is well fenced. • It is situated one mile from Whitechurch, and a school is located across the ropAl. This is very desir- able property for anyoub desiring- to purehase a farm „ JAMES MITCHELL, Whitechur ch, P, 0., Ont 1.14,1111647111MboOM0111111•11, tf11101..1• •••• 44.114,41ciX41,,A41 z • •C,-. •,. The Lucknow Sentinet, Bruce Uounty, March 26th ratid Trunk LIICHNOW MARKETS. ,A PRIZE PUZZLE. If a frog is at the bottom of a well, ten feet deep, how many days will it take him to get him to the top if he •climbs, -up- -.one- loot—each - day, and slides back six inches each night. One Hundred Dollars in cash will be paid to the person who sends the first correct answer to the above prize puzzle, an elegant pair of Diamond ear -rings in solid gold settings given to any one sending second correct answer. A complete education at business college given for fourth correct answer. An imported music box (playing six pieces) given for fith correct answer. A silk dress pattern for .each of the next five correct answers. A hand- sorre parlor lamp each of the next ten. And a solid gold watch for the first correct answer from each Province. Every person answering must enclose four three cent stamps for two sam- ples of the fines illustrated publication on this continent. We give these prizes • simply to introduce it. Ad- dreSS,:LADIES' PICOTRIAL WEEKLY. (22) Toronto, Can. In the SURRAGATE COURT OF THE CO. OF BRUCE. In the matter of the Estate of Joseph Tiffin, deceased, ALL PERSONS HAVING ANY claim against the estate of Joseph Tiffin, late of the Township of Killion, deceased, who died on or about the fifth day of January, 1892; are required on or before the lst day of May, 1892, to send to John Ross, Langside P. 0.. one of the executors of the estate, 'full particu • lars ot their claims, and the securities (if any) held by them, duly verified by affidavit. After the said date the executors Will proceed to dis- tribate the estate among the parties entitled, having reference only to the claims of which they shall have received notice, and after such distribution they will not be responsible tor any part of the estate to any creditor whose claim they shall net have received notice at the time of such distribution. . This notice is given pursuant to the statute in that behalf, • P. A. mA.LootmsoN. • Solicitor for Executers. Lucknow, March 23rd, 1892. NOTICE. LICENSE DISTRICT OF SOUTH • BRUCE - LL APPLICATIONS for Tavern and Shop Licenses to take effect on the 1st day of May net in this district, must be filed with the inspector on or before the first day of April next. preceding, ANGUS STEWART, 2-948 ' License Inspector, Lucknow. Lucknow, March 14, 1892. • . °MACE SALE! UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a power a sale contained in a certain mortgage dated the 30th day .of April A, D., 188Z, there will be sold by Public Auction, at • McGarry's Hotel in the Village of Lucknoav, on Md.nd.al'ilig 281h day of March. 1892, at 12 o'.dock nt on, by Peter Corrigan, Auctioneer, the following valuable property, namely : —all that part of kit number seven- teeo in the twelfth concession of the Township of Kinloss, CountY of Bruce, being west of the east fifty acres thereof granted by the Crown to one George Brown, containing seventy eight acres more or less. The soil is a good clay loam. The buildings consist of a loo house 20 x 24 and a log stable 30 x 40. The fot-is fairly well fenced. •• Torras of 'Salo. Ten per cent. of the purchase Money down at the time of sale to the Vendor or Solicitor, and the balance,' without interest,, within 30 days thereafter, wh6ri the deed will be given. There will be a reserved bid, In other re• respects the conditions of sale will be similar to the' standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. Further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer or the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated the 14th day of March, 1892. PETER. dORRIGAN, P. A. MALCOMSON, Auctioneer, . Verdor's Solicitor. Colorado Spring Wheat. E HAVE A LA.RGE QUANTITY • of the genuine Colorado Spring 'Wheat of our own growing fit for seed, •well cleaned, testing 64 pounds per bushel, We can reccnamend this wheat to farmers after two years trial: PIC:es oi. application. Also five young Shorthorn bulls for sale on reasonable terms. E. GAUNT (f• SONS, Con., 12, West Wawailosb, St. Helens, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. Being the south halves Of lot 5'3' and 54 in the Township of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow.- Good grain and stock farm, well fenced and in a good state to cultivate. A never failing creek runs th reurh four fields', Two good wells and ptunps ,• good bearing orchard. All seeded down but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24, and a • log house 18 x 26. There are five acres of fall wheat. Apply to ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115, ON con be earned nt our i lino nfwork, raphIly and honorably, by f bofln pf 1,ither 60x , 1,ong or oki, and in their own To, alit Icooviterover they live. Any ono no do the work. Fria), to learn. NVe furni.h erorythimr. We mail on. No ri.k. Von cnn devote your apnrp tome Itn, or nil your time to the work. Thin In an entirely new lond and bTill Fo wonderful All(TOPR to every worker, RiTITIOr. o ning from $25 to 1p50 per work and upwards, and 1116TP n ter ittle experknee. IVe enn rurninh you the em- ployment and teach you FREE. No apnea to explain here. Full intotmatIon ERNE. T.Ati illg at CO.. AIM:STA. MAINE. 4 1 Ir., . •••• • tt 1 - I Fall s Wheat, per bushel.... .00 to .87 P l 6 6. 6 . .00 " .51 PQaOttaStOeS 4I . . . 44 . 25 Butter, per lb • • • • 14 " .14 Eggs, per dozen Turkeys, per lb Geese, Ducks, Ii Chickens, .pt r pair. -Dressed Hog per cwt Hides per lb Tallow " RAILWAY. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH • COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 11:15 p. m., on feb. 24, March 9 and 23, Apr. 6 and 20, and May 4. ThroughTourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. The train'leaving Lucknow at 10:38 a. m. connects at Toronto with this excursion train. Baggage • checked through to destin- ation from here. For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAVES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow. LACES. Mrs. Smith has just opened a lot of • Chiffon Laces In all the new "shades. Als3 Yak Laces In Black, Cream and White • Some- thing new in VEILING. More Spring Goods expected daily. A CALL IS SOLICITED. Mrs. Smith. 0 •UBLIC 1 • OTICEn All parties indebted to me for accotints of 1991 either by note or book ficcounts, are • requested to call and settle • the same at once or they will be placed in other hands for collection.- • This is positively the last chance. JOHN PEART, Boot & shoe dealer, Lucknow John Gran/ AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO, REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY, SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOrsale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KIN.GSBRIDGE P.0 . • , t Lard .10 00 to .Q8 .00 to ,06 •07 • 25 5.75 3 . 04 .08 Hay per ton ,. $12 to 14 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING LOT 6-, CON. 14, E. D. OF Ashfield, in tbe County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is situated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, • Box 179, Lucknow P. 0. DUNN'S •BAKING POWDER ill525APEE.U.LEIJD Teeth, Teeth • If you wanta first-class set of teeth cheaper than. the cheapest, call on - • Patter$011t Dr. Tennant's Office, • LUCKNO W., ONT. Real Merit Is the characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it is manifested every day in the remark- . abfe cures this medicine accomplishes. Drug- gists say:, When we sena bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla' to a new customer we are sure to see him back in a few weeks after more, — proving that the gocid results from a trial bottle war- rant continuing its use. This positive merit ,Hood's Sarsaparilla Possesses by virtue of the Peculiar Combina- tion, Proportion and Process used in its pre- paration, and by 'Which all the remedial value of the ingredients used is retained. Hood's Sarsaparilla is thus Peculiar to Itself and absolutely un- equalled as a blood purifier, and as a tonic for building up the weak and giving nervc.strength. Hood's Sarsaparilla 4' Sold by all druggists. Sl; six for $5. Prepared only by C. 1. HOOD Sc,CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa. 100 Doses One Dollar TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied .,by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to 1=)A"5r FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. 1 The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLING. Seientifrc American Agency for CAVEATS!, TRADE MARKS, , DESION PATENTS. COPYRIONTS, etc. For information and free handbook write to MUNN St CO, NI BROADWAY, NEW YORE'. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In the cientific Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent - man should be without it. Weekly, $3.00 a year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN 8c CO, rtamtsuuns. 861 liroadway. New York. • 04, PRINTING 0 Job Printing of every description executed with taste and promptitude Send in your printing be it a Poster °R A Ticket. All Orders handled in a workman like manner and at .reasonable rates. No jpb too small or too large for our capacity, SENTINEL LUOKNOW - ONT' . #.1 McLEOD'S System nenovator. ' And other tested remedies' SPECIPIC" AND ANTIDOTE -FOR-- Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Cpmplaint, Neuralgia,, Lon of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle, LABORATORY. - - GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, . , • ,Propriator and Manufacturer Sold by Berry & Days and A. B. Congra Druggists, Lucknow. • $900 SALARY and Coromissicn to Agents, Men and Women, Teachers and Clergymen, to introduce a* ncw.and popular standard book; Testimony of 19 Centuries to • Jesus of Nazareth. • The most remarkable religious book of the age, written by 300 eminent scholars. Non -k sectarian.- Christian wants it. Exclu sive terr,itOry given. APPLY TO' TheHenry Bill Publishing Go., Norwich. Conn 3 • 4:THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Go,, , Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates' Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the a FIRST GOODS LOWEST .Prilc, All FineConfectionety iti fanc Ib., 1 lb., And 5 lb.' boxe DON'T BL DECEI by Fancy Shows. We have th goods ever shown in town f Christmas & New Year Tiadt?„, , And our prices are cheaper than Otek:!. Guaranteed Jure. -'-.- No cheap goods bought to run' .••••s',14. v Christmas. We carry only fine !;'• goods all the year round'. ' vstg All goods •-• • 'o, WEDDING OA ;•. A SPECIALTY. „ We have just received a car of &qv from Ethel Mills for Christmas' itifd• New Year, trade. • it: Now is the time to send in yoiir • orders and get them filled at onde. e .THOS. REID; A '1•01ei •,/, • .•