Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-11, Page 7a •,....1.........r....77.717....m.riOrmanonselimmes. 0,1410 LEGISLATUp. The Spe:aker took the ohairat-3. o'cleek.- Tifo Teltsiwing petitions svern'presented Mr. Cleland -From the Council of ,.Owen Sound, for an Aet to rearrange and consola, • date the debt of the town. Mr. Bronson -Praying for certain amend- ments to the Municipal Act. Mr. Harcourt -From Mr., Osier and others sof Toronte for an Act to ineorpor- . ate the Niagara':Falls Park &,Queenston Electric Railway & Steamboat Co. Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) -Re Synod ot ,Niagara. Mr. Hardy -From the council of the city of Brantford, for the repeal of the bonusing clauses of she Municipal Act. 1Mr. McMahon -From the municipalities Beverly, West Flamboro' Dundas, Galt id North Dumfries, for an Act authorizing the sale of Dundee and, Waterloo macada- mized road. - Mr. F. Clarke --A number of petitions praying for power to municipalities to raise their revenue by a tax on land values • also from the Toronto Typographical values; praying for an amendment to the Municipal Act: . The following bills were read a first time: Mr. Awrey-To amend the Assessment Act. Mr. Monk -To amend the Registry Act. Mr. Hammen asked if it was the inten- tion of the Government to introduce legisla- tiois to enable municipalities to assess the entire rolling stock and plant of railway companies during the present session. Mr. Mowat replied that the matter had at yet engaged the special attention of the Government. Mr. Tooley asked if it was the intention of the Government to take any action with regard to the resolution passed at the last sitting of the County Council of the county of Middlesex with regard to the removal of Mr. Charles Hutchinson from the position of county attorney of the said county. • Mr. Alowat replied that the usual action had been taken. The county attorney had answered in general terms to the resolution, but, before the Government considered the matter it would be necessary to have speci- fications of the /natters complained of. Mr. Tooley asked whether it was the intention of the Government to take any action itt the case recently tried in the city of Lendon in Which William Yorke and 'others were aharged •ancl convicted of de - horning a certain number of cattle, and if so whIat action is proposed to be taken.. Mr. M owa.t replied that the Government promised to issue a eon-imission immediately ' for the investigation of the whole question. Mr. Gibson laid upon the table a report of tIse Toronto General Trusts Conipany for the year 1891) showing the financial standing of the company, also a report of the House of Industry in the Coanty of Elgin for the year 1891. N0TICj 0i mo'rioN. . Mr. Snider -Return showing: • I. 1 - number of parcels Of real estate owned the Province, not including unpatent Crown lands, unless Proviucial buildin have been erected on any such Ian 2. Acreage of each parcel and where locate 3. For what,purposes used. 4. Esti:flat cash value.,of each parcel, not includi buildings. 5. Cost of improvements ma on each to date. 6. Present estimat value of improvethents on each parcel. The following petitions were presented : Mr. -Godwin -From the County council of Elgin, praying for an amendment to the Municipal Act. Mr. Magwood-For relief of the medic p o ession from the annual fee impoaed b the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Mr. Bus:h.-From K. of L., to regula the price of labor on public works. -Mr. ilicLenaghan--Fromithe iroti trapul ers of Sipith's .Falls, praying that tit contraet system on public works may b abolished. Mr. Hiscott-From the city of St. Catl arines, praying that the by-law be repeade allowiug municipalitie's to exempt propert from taxation and also granting bonuses. . Mr. Gibson presented the first report o the Committee, on Private Bills, which wa adepted. '- Mr. Harcourt moved. the House int Committee of the Whole on Supply, an • the motion was carried without a division., • The House went into Committee on Sup ply, Jr. Baxter in the chair, a d . the st item ill the estimates. The coni mit then rose. Mr Tait presented thirty petitions on th personalty tax. The following Bills. were read a firs time: Mr. Tait -To incorporate the People' , Life Insurance Co. Mr. Tait -To amend • the Assessmen Act. Mr. Biggar -To amend the Act respect • mg wages. Mr. Hardy -To reduce the number of grand jurors. Mr. Bart asked for a retorn showing the number of persons confined in the different jails of the province as indigent persons, unable to support themselves, and the length of time each person has been con- fined. ' Also, a return showing the number of insane persons confined in the , jails of the province, the length of thine each portion has been con- fined, and the reason for being so confined. The lotion was carried. • 4, Mr. Thite-Bill to amend the Municipal Act. • Mr. , McLenaghan-Resolution-That in the opinion of this House the time has 'ar- rived in the history of this Province when greater local facilities should be given whereby farmers' sons may receive a better „ education in their own profession. I Mr. Gilmore -Petition of the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., praying that the limits : of Port Arthur be not extended to Fort Wil- ; liam ; also petition of the. Hudson Bay Co. 1 he by ed gs ds. d. ed ng de ed al y pill to amencl the Municipal 'Act. • The . :object of the Bili was to reduce the repre- teisetitation Of members in. County Councils by t raising the number from 500 to 750 for each d. Additional ineinber aptioffited;.. e ! Mr: Wood (flastiegs) Was opposed to the e. bill and in favor .of leaving the represeata• tiou--as it was. The provision .had been 1- thoroughly, threshed out on former oeca- (1. :dons, and he believed the people were y ! opposed to it. Mr. Hardy thought the time • opportune 1 to consider the question or collateral issues. a As at preeent constituted he thoUght the ' 1 -;,.'A''''"N"1"--"77T"-"--'i,.'-''""---""'"r".-"r-4..• ,„, . ., -date the Act respecting Municipal Institu- tione. He explained that the bill contained no new matter except perhape some verbal aabaNefle_ _ . -'...2,. - . - .-- ea- - - Mr. Atlowat, in moving the!esscond read..: in of the Law of Mortmaixi, /laid th6A the law had made o bed, and t tion betwee The bill was read 4 second time. The House went late Committee of the Whole in Supply, Mr,' Stratton in the chair. The items in the 'Crown Lands- Depert- moat were then taken up. ' Mrs Meacham pointed out that the Queen's printer had started in at a salary of $1,500 two years ago. Now his salary was reified $100. Mr. Ross explained in this ease that the man was an experienced- newspaper man. Of course he was not a friend of the Oppo- sition. But he was a good and capable man. In his department he endeavored to get along with as few elerke as possible, but tried. to Make up for this by .working them up to their full capa,city and giving them good sislarieis. He considered this a better system than having a lot of clerks working for poor wages. Mr. White asked when he might expect to receive a report about mining lands which he moved for last session.f. . Mr. Hardy replied that the report was in course of preparation, and he thought would be out soon. He would make in- quiries. • Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) -presented the re- ports of the Minister of 'Education on University extension and on the new Upper Canada College buildings. - The follo petitions were presented: and others, o Almonte, praying that an Act ig Mr. Caldvie (-From Bennett Rosamond may pass to incorporate the Carp, Alnionte & Lanark Railway. Mr. Conmee-From the municipality of Neebing, asking. for an Act to enable the corporation to divide the town into wards. Mr. MeClea.ry-Fx-om John T. James and others, of Victoria, asking for an Act incor- porating the village of Victoria. Mr. E. F. Clarke -From Blake, Lash & Cassells, . and other law firms, asking that the regietrar's and sheriffs offiecs be permit- ted to be closed on Saturday afternoons. Mr. Speaker presented a certificate of the election of Mr. Barr for Nerth Renfrew. . Mr. Willoughby introduced a bill to ameml the Municipal Act, which was read a first thrie. Mr. Barr asked if the Minister of AFri- aulture, or any peremi authorized b y him, had promised to supply each inemb f tl er o re Farmer's Institutes with all bulletins and reports of the Agricultura.1 College and Model Farm., • Mr. Devden,. in reply, said that he had purposed sending to ineinbers of Farmers' Institutes copies of every bulletin issued during the year 1891, together with other information of value which might be pub- lisheditom time to time, -- _These bulletins had since been sent. to every neernher of the Farmers' Institutes. . Mr. Snider Moved for a retuan showing -- 1. The number .of ' parCels of real estate OWned by the Province, not including un- patented Crown Lands, unless Provincial buildings, have -been erected on any such lands. "f2. Acreage of each parcel, and where located. 3. Foe what purpose i d. 4. Estimated cash value of each parcel, net including lraildiogs. 5. -Cost of im- provement made on. each to date. 6. 'Pre- sent estimated value df improvements on each parcel. , The motion was carried. • . . Mr. ROrke-moved the second reading of a . lways interposed with bequests orporations on a person's death t also the law made a distinc- land and money. M1 councils were somewhat unwieldy. The o change proposed was not radical and was d one which he thought the committees might well consider. The bill passed it second reading. d s Mela.ay moved the second reading of . a bill to extend the powers of police villages. The provisions might be left to the commit- tee for consideration. The bilrpassed its second r.eading. t The House adjourned at 4.15 p. in: s• How Old is the World? 11 The age of the earth has been variously estimated by scientific men whose figures after all must be allowed to be of the vaguest character. Sir Wm. Thomson, investigat- ing the theory of the earth's having cooled from a fluid to a solid mass, placed the period of such cooling at not less than two hundred or more than four hundred millions of years, the probability being that 4 hun- dred million years is the limit of geological , history, and that prior to that time the learth's surface was unfit for the maintenance of animal or vegetable life. ,Buckland said t thatit was millions of years since the world was created, and the only question was, . how many millions. Hugh Miller said : "The six thousand years of human history form but a portion of the geological day which is passing over us ; they do not I extend into the yesterday of our globe, .far aress touch the myriads .of ages spread out beyond." Dr. Croll considers that the antiquity of the oldest sedimentary rocks is not less than sixty niillion years ; while ' Dr. Houghton, reasoning from much the same data. fixes the minimum duration of what may be called strata -making time at two hundred million years. Kincaid Si., Brockville, Ont.„ Jan. 11, 1S89: "I was confined, to my bed by a severe attack of lumbago. A lady friend of mine sent me a part of a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, which I applied. The effect was simply magical. In a day I was able to go about my household duties. I have used it with splendid. sucticss for neuralgie toothache. I would not be vAtlicat it." MRS. J. NI; on the same subject. Mr. Guthrie'introduced a bill to amend the Municipal Act,. which was read a first t•ime. Mr. H rdy mimed the second reading of a!, bill to cc asolidate the. Act respecting the ' assessment of property. The bin WAS merely a compilation or consblidation of previous legislation. The bill passed,. its second reusl. i Mr. Hardy moved the second reading of a ' ' bill to hese orate the Association of Ontario amend 1 he Aot re- . and the survey of E'N•trititt a bill to ,.!onsoli• o Among he arrivals on the tVhitti.Ntar liber was Mount -NJ organ, it we 11 - known St, liernitial. life is a brother, to Lorl Bute, and has twice defeal efl the eater in English' beneh shows. 1\.1ourtt, AIorgau heit'd the 'St. lIntnsr 1. Kennels at Von kr"rsi. ' SVCCESSIONS. • Persons Who Have Val:expectedly Succeeded to -Tales -ft -Great, - - The unexpected eucceseipti of Prince George of Wales to his brother's place as heir-preeumptive recalls the fact that there are many heirs to British peerages who started life without any such expectation, says the New York Recorder. it is little more than a year ago since Viscount Canto- lupe's yachting accident made his younger brother, then in trade, heir to, the eerldom of Delaware. The Earl of Dalkeith, who will succeed to the enormous possessions and revenues of the dukedom of Buccleuch, owes his position to a rifle accident in a Scottish deer forest. Not many years ago his elder brother, while deer. talking in Lochiel's wilderness in Glen , stumbled over his weapon, which went off, and he died as he lay on t hillside, with no one but a High- land gill to witness, his last agony. That slip of the foot diverted the sucesaion to territories as large as some English counl ties and to revenues that a king would envy. Even more remarkable is the case of the Earl of Aberdeen, who had two brothers older than himself in direct succes- sion to the broad acres around Haddo House What hs,ppened to the first of that ill-fated couple will never be known. 'When last heard of he was serving as a sailor be- fore the mast aud since then be has. disap- peared, leaving no trace behind him. The secand brother was accidentally shot at Cambridge. Lord Leigh, of Stoneleigh Ab- bey lost his eldest eon, and his second son came into direct successiou to the family honors.. ,It was during a. big huuting expe- dition in the Rocky Mountains that the Hon. Gilbert Leigh, who Was M. P. for South Warwickshire, fell over a precipice an the Big Horn Mountains and was killed. The Earl of lianfixrely also owes his title to an aoeident which befell his older brother while 'shooting in Abyssinia.. Flr0/21 the Jaws of Death. Some surprising effects have been recorded from the use of Miller's Emulsion of Cod Liver i in the .most desperate cases of consuniption. ‘Vhen all other remedies have failed Miller's Emulsion nearly always succeeds. It is the best kind of a flesh and blood maker, and has been used with marked success by the physicians. in the ,Insaue Asylturi, Penit.entiary, 'Hotel: Dieu, senl General Hospital in Kingisteu, Ont. In big bottles, 50e. and $1. Fur sale at all drug stores.' Ontario Grand Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. The greairl secretary.of the Grand Lo of Ontario, I. 0. 0. F., has issited his sta ment of the work of the order in the P vince for the year ending 31st 1)ecem last.. The total membership at -the close • se" "'"'".I."'"'.ar,.r',''Irarewran..,....crrar;rt,,,,sv,a-lrrlrrT,,lr.rcI,rr,aseesea,',,,r,r,r',-,!rrrr,r,-,.....r,,a..,i: - ' • i•Pe•." A: a ... ''.g4141g81614112V090;.1 .b • TITIRTY YEARS. 'v N Johnstcm, N. B., March ix, z889. ih,Ao• js4V' "1 was troubled for thirty years with JPAkTs%0 a • pains in my side, which increased and became very bad. I used ST. J'ACOBS OIL and it completely cared. I give it all praise." - MRS. WM. RYDER. e "ALL RIGHT/ $T. JACOBS OIL BIB IT." 4) aaereauSateleraaSe A DOUBLE RELEASE. Story of a Life Recialmed-A Priso- ner Pardoned Because Dying of Consumption is ReOalled to Strength. Alexander Newman was sentenced to serve twenty-one years in the Penitentiary at Kingston, Ont. His physical system gave away under the confinement and re- duced him to weakness and emaciation. Consumption easily found him a subject for its remorseless. attack. He wasted away steadily in spite of the well meant energies, skill and kindness of the hospital EWE His case was pronounced hopeless, with no ex- pectation hat he could survive another winter, consequently the authorities, which never act in such cases till hope of life is utter- ly abandoned, releaeed him on Oct. 24th last, after a. confinement of four yeaes. Alexander Newman was carried from the prison bospi- tal on a stretcher, f/ placed. hi an ambrilance U :tolor, 1:91. alld conveyed to the f relstivee. His home -coining 1.1.';„5 anything but joyful, as his new-found hosrty socinsl doomed to Le 'cut short by tis) world's grea,t gleaner -death. But kappiiy fears grew groundless -life ,was a f2Itill with vigor, and hope for the ii.$pelsss one was revivo., Three days af ter Ne w: n 's release, . - friend who understood the remarkable power of Eisuiion to sustain and strengthen life, advised his sister tr.sprocure a bottle Of the remedy.. Animated vitii the belief that while thsre is lifo .ru is 1 lops, incpu•r- chased a I) :ti10 of. Miller's Emulsion of Cod ds,0 Liver Oil. From the first dose taken the te- b patient looksil forward Nvith hope when it• ro.. was found t"isst his syste.m could rutain, and assimilate this palatable pteparation. His ber of digestive organs had been an v, salt he was unable to retain sufficient fatal to nourish his body, from that. cause he had wasted ,--away as to •weigh only .102, pounds-. The life-giving qualities 's$f Emulsion soon oxereissd influence over Nevi n !Oil by ar- resting decay and check- ing his dreadful enerny • -the conSumption. Steadily ireprovement has continued. Strength came with added flesh, Alexander Newman is a new man'indeed. We . present 11. copy from his photograph taken,3 an. t, 2n11 instant. • iNir. New - Jai -amiss 1892. • man weighed on • that date 145 pounds, a gain • of ten 'ounces a day for sixty-six days from the time he began to use :Miller's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil:. We trust this verysingu- r recovery will not have the effect of res - ;lining the hand of mercy in the release. eitk 111 IF,ont.1"4 ..Far Letter if this rceu t e year was 18,403 as agaiuot 17,707 at the close of the year preceding. The average membership per.-- lodge was •77.32. • -.The amount paid for relief, funerals, etc., was .$64,652 57, an aveiage for each day' of the year of $177.13. The number of members receiving benefits was 2,384 There were 14 deaths ,during the year. At the present the assets are enumerated as follows : Cash in, bank and, treasurer's hands, $153,- 618.46 ; invested in mortgages and Securi- ties, $165,528.68 • invested in buildings, land, etc., $241,3'01.08 ; invested furni- ture, regalia, etc., $155,369.69 ; not enumer- ated in retures, $12,056.88 ; total, 8727,- 974.19. .. • . Zela's new novel is "LaDebacle,' and it is not as bad as Some other books he has written. Zola will write oae more book' to complete a series and will then end his h In tr $ literary labors by writing a novel on ,Frenc Neo-Catholicisin. n.s.vs TO C03111. If I could know to -day That in a 'me far to -morrow yon would long To hear assain.tlie rapids' pur1ing song About their boulders gray, That is some homesick moment you' would fain 13e drifting thro' this sunlit June again - If I were sure that you Would sometimes wish with all your heart, Adrift and dreaming, while you shared with mo My wandering canoe, I would not dread the shore of future days That we must touch -,then take our sundered ways. • If I could but believe • • That sometime when you see a sunset sky You will recall the night that you and I Watched all the colors weave Their wine -like glories 'round the western gate, I would not ask a dearer thing of Fate. I think, could I but know, ' • • When Indian sun -liner smiles with dusky lip You still will crave to hear my paddle dip In rapids laughing low- • Then I Would be assured beyond a doubt' Your heart had riot -exactly,' barred me out., "You have got two sopranos in your choir, I believe." ".Yes, and both fine vocalists.,' "You should have some food music with two such singers ?" "Yes ; plenty of harmony when they are singing, but lots of discord when they ain't." Edward Lloyd, the English ten's'', and Myron W. Whitney, the American basso, have been engaged for the Cincinnati music festival, which begins May 24th. Lady Henry Somerset, who has been staying in Chicago, has abandoned her pro- jected trip to Japan, and will return to England with,her Son early next month.. The champion Greyhound bitch Spinaway Wft8 a passenger in the Etruria on Saturday morning, when she sailed for Liverpeol. Spinaway ie to be bred to Col. North's great dog Fullerton; winner of the Waterloo cup at. Altcar a few days ago.. Fullerton is the. greatest dog in England, having won the Waterloo cup four times in succession. Spinaway is owned by the Woodhaven Kennels, of New York city. CharleS •Gillespie, of St. John. N. B., American champion backward skater, has decided to retire. He has skated. thirty- five races and has won them all. He has the chainpion record for a half mile• and one mile, and before leaving the ti•ack will -skate for a three-mile record. He will claim the world's championship for a half mile and one mile if not challeuged. The players in the Havana chess match have agreed that, should Tschieorin succeed in scoring hie ninth victory, tha match be prolonaed until one of the combatii,nts hag scot ed ganws' won. Husband, to friend-" I eon always tell when my wife intinele to 'give me a hlownkt .u.' Friend - 14,"-= catt,,n foreharel [ always hums little .snatehea of son -g" • il[ - cd, that the case of ..Aleitainler Newman were not known publicly, but it is tOo vain - 'e in the interest of public health tole overlooked. To verify the•above facts the ' certificate of the patient is appended.. . . , $ . KiNcsToie, January 2nd, 1892.--I hereby certify to the above being correct in, every particular. Miller's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil saved my life. Not a Member of the 400. "1 beg your pardon," said Miss Con- ventional, as the fireman came to the fifth story to rescue her, I cannot accept your assistance without an introduction." ' "Come off your perch," responded. ,the allant member of the B. F. D., as he lifted her do"wis• from the windowsill, " I'm no dude." DR.. KEELE Y has gained an important point by contracting with the United States Government to -furnish his bichloride of gold mire to the State &sailers' and Sailors' Homes for the use of the victims of the liquor habit in those institutions. An Eng- lish syndicate with a capital of $5,000,000 has purchased the right'to use the remedy in Great Britain and Ireland. There's a chance here fon. some speculative Hamilton ian to make or lose a fortune. rtogress. It is very important in this age of vast inaterial progress that a remedy be pleasing to the taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healthy in its nature and effects. Possessing these qual- ities, Syrup of Figs is the one perfect laxa- tive and most gentle diuretic known. -In his lecture oh Shakespeare, at Indianapolis, Colonel Ingersoll said : "The sublimest line in the. English language is, Lore is not love that alters when it alter- ation finds.'" , The mortality from measles in England is said to exceed anything that can thus far be attributed to the influenza. There are 13,090 deaths from measles annually in England and Wales. TWO pieces rif aluminum can .be soldered , gether by the us.e of silver chloride. ',Indy powdered fused silver chloride is spread along the junction, after which the solder fs melted on with a blowpipe. Enraged Conteibu tor a " Your proof- . reader made nonsense out of that article of mine this morning, sir --outrageous nonsense, sir !" Ed itor-' • By t: Serge I couldn't make anything out of it at all! I'll raise that fellow's- wag-efs' The Ann:Haan bison is so near extinoti0ii that thereto tut T;.005 left iu the count i y, liew a MacGregor Stirred a Crowd. Once, at it gathering of 3,000 people at • Aberdeen, I ' saw and heard MacGregor cause wild enthusiasm by simple means. . "There was a day," he said, "on which an ancestor of mine was sentenced to be hanged." Loud applause greeted this tragic statement. The orator wenten "1 mild have no doubt it was for stealing." Con- sidering the way in which the MacGregors of old got their living, the suggestion was a very probable one. It was received with thunderous cheering. Then, "But as he was a distinguished thief he was allowed to select the tree on which he was to be ex- ecuted; and with great presence of mind he selected a gooseberry bush. It was at once objected that it was not big enough. But he said, with dignity. 'Let it grow; I'm in no hurry.'" -Reminiscences of "A. K. H. B." (Dr. B4d). nTs.-All Fits stopped free by Dr. Great Nerve Ilestorer:) No Fits after first day's use. Marvellous cures. Treatise and $2.00 • trial b feee to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Ptiladelphia, Pa. 13111 Nye Visits London. London is a good city -on the Canada 'side. There are 30,000 people there. They are excellent people, too, reminding mevery much of Americans. London has a good . hotel at the depot. We wrote quite a lot of letters there and posted them,in Ameri- can stamped- envelopes. Then we stood around in the cold and bribed the postman Lo give them lack to U8 so that we could put Canadian stamps on them, which are 3 cents apiece, making 5 cents laid out on each of our letters. The street cars in London run on runners in winter, and the track is abandoned till the soft breath of spring comes again eand • kisses, back to life and , light and song ' the still and frosty features and the cold, white bosom of ti.e slumbering earth. The Canadian Pacific has its latchstring , hanging out for one and all. The passenger agent at London came to us and wanted to sell tickets to our company, consisting of Mr. Burbank and myself. We said that • other roads were competing for us and- • that we were wavering. So he said that if we would travel by his road to Detroit, a ride of over three hours, he would . transfer us there to the. Michigan Central, pay our hotel bills while in Canada, fur- nish us a year's subscription to London Punch, with key to same, and a pair of beautiful pictures by Rembrandt, entitled Wide Awake " and " Fast Asleep."__ Bill Nye. ' There is probably no amateur • organize- , tion in Canada to -day possessed of better , dramatic talent than the Garrick- Club of • this city. Would it not be a good idea for' the best perfbriners of the club to get up an entertainment to be given after the Lenten season! • • . . . . . Ulm New Jersey Legislature Voted this week on the 'subject of clOsing the World's Fair on Sundays with this,result : Senators for closing 6, for Opening 12 ;• Assemblymen for dosing 16, for opening 35 • non•commit- . tal 2. There is a strong feeling in certain , i quarters that the Canadian section should be cloSed on Sundays, and it is quite likely Ithe Dominion Parliament will respect this . desire to show the United States people and ' the world at large that We are not a nation of Sabbath desecrators. , WNW. D. C. N. L. 10 92 TICK AND VERMIN DESTROYER rpHE PROPRIETOASIHAVE PUR A. chased the formida at great ex pense, and are now prepared to supply the trade with the genuine article and at greatly reduced prices. „ It effectually destroys Ticks, Lice, Worms or Grub, to which sheep, horses and cattle are subject, and enables the animal to thrive. The proprietors will guarantee perfect success when used according to directions, as will be found on each box. It preveuts scurf and scab, and renders the wool bright and clear. Put up in tin boxes; price 30 cents each. One box is sufficient for twenty ordinary sized sheep. It only requires to be tried to prove itself. Sold by all druggists. G. C. tiRIGGS & SONS., Wholesale Agents, Hamilton, Ont. 11 THRILLING Detective Stories, 16 Com plete love stories and 100 Popular Songs 10c. BAR,NARD BROS, ,6Oli Adelaide street west, Toronto, Ont. HAft MORNS sattoiflois Beware of -Imitations. NOTICE UTOGRAPH OF LA, BEI rHe dEniu.N* 13ENNYROYAL WAFERS. A specific monthly medidno for Indica to restore and regulate the menses; ,producing free, healthy and painless lellsobargo. No aches or pains on ap- proach. Nov7_,used by over 80,000 ladies. Oneo used. will useagain. Invigorates • these organs. Buy a your druggist only thoso with our signature across taco of label. Avoid substitutes. Sealed particulars mailed 0c stamp. 81.00_per box. Attlress, EUREKA ellE8uvaL manorr, 14.108. coltPANI.- LeChuma's Tansyt Ponnyroyal Pills Th., only naft, nnd rolIn1,10 French P111 on the market, for immediate rvlief of Painful rind IriTeta Int MenReg, In,aIeWeak new.. elv. EFFECTUAL, EVERY 11"11111 E. of sold hyall urul:ciF,tv or vont by mat 1 p..t paid, seonr.oy In plain w cc 70r, with NI I dircetionR, for $2,. Tli PH il'EC1A.LTY CO., of t111...tgo, Ill., Sole Agents. IIenio,ly for Catnrrh is the nest, E.alest to Use, and Cheapen. i,'" ./t.L., .A.„. 'Al. 14 Mt:, ..t ..1.i. Sol t hy drumtirtir or strtit Sy mat, GO°. B. T. [(welds°, Warren. 1 ft, •