Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-11, Page 5LANES R Wilson, If Gallagher IR. Holmes, i The a_ucknoweentinel, Bruce tlounty, March Ilth The roads are in a very bad condition - • and consequently not much teaming is - ne. igr. M. Parries received severe sprain by falling from the loft but we are glad to state he is improving rapidly. We are pleased to say that Mrs. Sullivan, whohas been very ill for some time, is son.ewhat better this week. b Mr. T. Dickson is lying in a very dan- gerious condition, we hope to soon be able to report him convalescent again. Mr. M. Courtney is recovering from a bad attack of La Grippe and we hope ,to see hint around again soon. -The residence of T. E. Finlay was the scene of a' very pleasing affair on the evening of Wednesday of last week. The event being the marriage of Mary Elenor, second daughter of Mr. Finlay, to Witham John Agar of Belfast, which was consurnated in the presence of about one hundred invited guests. The cere- tnony was preformed by the Rev. R. •S. G. Anderson who made his usual good jet) of tying the bridal knot. After the 'customary round of hand - Shaking and usual happy congratulat- ions, the guests were invited into the dining rootn to do justice to the ample and inviting delicaties with which the tables were bountifully laden. The presents were both numerous and costly. 'and fully showed the general respect and high esteemed\ in which the young couple are held bv their many friends and acquaintances. The remainder of the evening was spent in social games and amusements. The young couple are coining to reside in .our sectian and we .cxtend to them our ver 5 best wishes for there happiness and success. ASHFIELD The sleighing is about dune in this locality. The rcads are very sleppy: We are sorry to learn that Thos. Webster. Jr., 12th cocesson; who has been effected by Quinsy for some time is not much better. • 'Feed in sorneplaceS is getting scarce for cattle, All Will be wishinglor an early spring. The pray.er meetings at Zion church are increasing in interest every week. The young people are beginin„e• to take inte-restin them.- Pray that - the good work may prosper. Mr. Jas. Wilson started' OD laSt Tuesday for Fargo, North Dakota. Miss Smith of 12th 'Con. of West Wawanosh has gone on •a visit to friends• in. New . York:suid Mrs. Smith to friends in Bay City, Mich. —Quite a .number in this vicinity •are laidup with the grippe, among those We.may mention; Mr. E. Andrew, Mr. - Wm. Gardner, Sr: and Wm. • Ritchie. • The snow is fast. disappearing with- out any floods. -The -spring birds have made an apperance and they are an indiction of early spring. SCHOOL REPORTS. S. No. 4 KINLOSS. R. Harper 461, R..Corrigan 447, M. McIntoSh 375. Sr. 3rd.—B .Corrigan 472, M. .Foran 406 W Foran, 394. Jr. 3rd. -;D. Strath 463 • J. Strath 435, A. McIntosh 366 Lockart 494, J. Johnstoi 141. Pt. Beamish 504, F Beamish 369, W. Pathwell 303. .1st Sr ----E, Ackert, 342, A. Ackert 303 R. -Baker 224 S. S. NO. 5 KINLOSS 4th— E McIntosh,., A McGillvray, E Valens, A Pierce. 3rd—A Valens, L 'Cox, B Bain, R Cox. 2nd—B McLeod, J Fraser, D Mc Kinnon, A Valens. - '- part II—R McIntosh. N Pieoce, Smith, '1 McKinnen, • .s. S. NO. 6 KiNoss. 4th ,Clasi—A, McDonald; H. Mc- Donald, P. McKinnon. H. Mdieazie. 3rd,Olass-A.Milne, M. ArcDonald, D. McKinnon, A. Atkins, D. McIn- tyre, B.- McDonald, L. Graham, R. McKenzie, M. McIntyre.' Sr. 2nd— McDonald, A. McKim nnn, J. Gra- ham, A. Graham, D. McLeod. Jr. 2nd —K. McDonald, M. A. .Me- • • --.51 Intyre, 'irraham. R. 'McDonald, E. McIntqsh. Part .II—R. McDonald, A. McLeod, —. McDoagall, W. Mc- Kinnon, E. Graham. A. McDougall. Part 1— A. McKinnon, A. McIntyre, L. MeLeod. 2nd DEPARTMENT OF nucknowl,. S. Senior 4th—Excellent—E Greer, S Greer, G Armstrong,.A Baird, L Mur- dock. S Boyd, A Lawson -G Berry, A Finlayson, F Odium, M S Armstrong, J Lees. Fair— G McIntosh, W Treleaven, 13McIntosh A Burgess; W Corrigan, F W Stewart. • Junior 4th—Fxcellent•-• kHamily, 1 Mataig,...IDeuglas, D--MeAnly,--n• -- - -- - - - - - r E Robertson, L Patterson, M Flood, B d T k LI Matherson. Gool—D Flood, 0 Ross, Barber, R 'Armstrong, Brennan, W Corrigan. Fair—J Moore, B Bryan, A Milian, E McLaren, ,A Findlater. S. S. NO. 5 ASHFIELD. Sr. 4th—C. Gardner, A. Gardner, J. Wilson, W. Gardner, B. Ritchie, E. Wilson, R. Webster, M. Anderson. Jr. 4th R. Took, A. Brown, H. Ander- son, J. Reid, S. Reid Sen. 3rd—E. Gardner, R,Gadrner, R. Webster, E. McGill, R. Wilson. M. Gardner, L. Hunter, D. Reid, J. Stroud, M. Web - sten Jr. 3rd. E. Gardner, M. Brown, L. Habick, R. Hunter, J. Helin, J. Hunter, S. Webster C. Cook, Sr. 2nd A. Brennan, J. Habick, F. Anderson, E Webster, 0. Webster. Jr. 2nd.— J. Webster, H. Reid, R. Hunter, S. Wilson. Part 2nd.—H. Gardiner, B. Webster, J. Hunter, S.Hackett. •"'Yo 11‘ ••••. • . • • • ••:11 1;1- T1!.. 7it• .1k 1..‘ ,•11 1..01 (10 1. tf Li !It. .i O• fr..rd . rs:.!..), Et_ pr.,ves I! , ;1.1:1.1.• st.r,.0,.." 11' d awst a reael;oa tvi (•..s tlt:1;1. in flit: Hood's 8a:•sapnri11ortiroc:111...s That Tired-reel:Y*1p; creates•ait ;:( :.ni. 111 shur, great 1.taii1y. anti digestive s1:rengt1.- 'I derived:ye:). mad' SarsopariS.1, N‘ Inch jjoI ; It built me right ve ; lent appetitt En. Savage. "Aic:. Faggot! Out: " Last sifting I V.•:ts entIn letely 1a red .nt. I‘Iy strength ;oft me i..is- erable all 1.1,6 time, tl,• t ew,C,..1.lair.11y attendla to y buSaless. it) 4,1 Hood's Sarsaparilla, and 1 et,rod, a l'here Is nothing like,. it." It. C. BEGot,E, Etkr Enterprise, Belleville, ...inch. • ,0 it . "Hood's 8ate.apurri1a rcstarel. -,-;(• to go.; 1 health. Indeed, I s:ty .sitved\my life. To ol:e feelhIg V rf :.; '•• •• not I woulthearnestly reconinh•nd 1ri..1 • Hood's Sarsaparilla." MRS. .00 Ilreeks Street, East noribm, Tt,:•s. 'N. D. If you decide to talieq1;:otl's instead? Insist tipon haviag s • t..) vtio , F arsaat' r • Sold by all druggists. ,,,t1; iior 57). Prfit,17•11:/:nly by C. I. HOOD -Sc CO., Anoth ...caries, Lowell, 100 Qosat.1 Or:a Colorado Spring Wheat. 11TE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY 7 '1: of the genuine •Colorado Spring Wheat of our own growing fit for seed, well cleaned,testing 64 pounds per bushel. We can reccminend this wheat to farmers after two years trial. Prices ot. appl'eation. Also five young .Shorthora bulls for sale on reasonable terms. E. GAUNT & SONS, Con. 12, West Wiwanosh, St. Helens, Ont. FARM F..R .SALE. THE U NDERSIGN'ED OFFERS FOR shle his farm c onsisting of 100 acres, being lot 36, - on the 2nd con. of Kinloss. „Eighty acres are cleared, the. balin& in timber. The beildim.-s are in good condition, and the property is ‘well fenced. It is situated one niile from Whitechurch, and a school is located ac.-oss the road. This is very desir- able property for anyone desiring to purchase a farm. 2-946 4 • JAMES MITChELL, Whitechuich P. 0., Ont DUNN'S AKINC DER tHE COOK'S BEST FRIEND • LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. FARM FOR SALE I 00 AC"ES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow. Good grain and stook farm. well fenced mild in a good state to cultivate. A never failing creek rill's through filith fields. Two good wells and pumps ; good bearing • orchard All seeded down but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 4 24, and a log house 18 x 26. There are fiye acres of fall wheat. Apply to ANGUS KERR • On the k premises, and if by letter box 115, Rev. A Potter delivered a lecture at Auburn on Wednesday evening. M A R.RIED. At the Parsonage. Lucknow, on Feb. 23rd, by the Rev. J. S. .Colling, Mr. Jonathan Rivett, of Lucknow, to Miss Mary Ann Little, of Kinloss. • RAILWAY. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH • COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, OREGON . AND CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 11:15 p. m., on Feb. 24, March 9 and 23, Apr. 6 and 20, and May 4 Through Touriat Sleeping Cara to , Vancouver without change. The train leavino,l'Lucknow at 10:38 a. m. connects at Toronto with this excursion train. Baggage checked through to destin- ation from here. For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAYES, " Agent G. T. R., Lucknow. LACES. Mrs. Smith has just opened a lot of Chiffon Laces In all the new shades. Als3 Yak Laces In Black, Cream and White thing new in VEILING.. More Spring Goods expected A CALL IS SOLICITED. rs. Sntith. Some - If you want a first-class•set of teeth. eheaper than the cheapest, call on LUCHNOME MARKETS. - Fall -Wheat,- -per bushel'. . lo Peas. .00 " .58 Oats • • .. .00 " .28 Potatoes ss • • • • • .25 Butter, per lb .14 " .15 Eggs, per dozen .12 Turkeys, per lb • . .00 to .0800 to ,06 I .07 .25 Dressed Hog -per cwt... . 5.75 to 6.00 St SI Geese, iS Dueks, Chickens, per pair Hides per lb Tallow " La,rd Hay per ton 3 .04 .08 $12 to 14 PUBLIC NOTICE. THE MILK ROUTES OF THE PARA - •mount Cheese Factory will be let by auction • at the Grange Hall, Paramount, March 8th, 1892, at 2 p. m. Tenders will be received for the plastering ' of the curing room of factory and taking down and rebuilding boiler furnace to be completed by May 1st, 1892. Also for the building of a ,hort pen. For plans and specifications of plastering and furnace apply to J. J. Taylor, and for specifications of hog pen see G. S. Robertson after March lst. Tenders received up till March 8th and will be opened at Grange Hall on same date, P. R. MeNAY, J J. TAYLOR, • Secretary. President. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING LOT.' 6, CON. 14, E. b. OF Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundredan,d seventy acres cleared. The farm is situated 2i miles from. Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in rass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better sod. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179, Lucknow P. 0, TeOth,.••Toeth Pattersont daily' • Dr. Tit' nant'l Office, LUCKNOW, ONT. Scientific American Agency for PUBLIC NOTICE. All parties indebted to me for accounts of 1S91 either by note or book accounts, are requested • to call and settle the same at once or they will be placed in other hands for collection. This is positively the • last chance. JOHN kART, Boot & shoe dealer, Lucknow ohn Griffin] AUCTIONEER FOR HURON 00. REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES ATTENDS) IN ALL PARTS of the dountyi and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST -CLAS s FARMS For sale, on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN; KINGSBRIDOE P.O CAVEATS, TRADE_ MARKS, DESICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbooli write to MUNN & CO.; 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORIC. Oldest bureau for securing patents in .America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of chargdin the '514frielitifiC, • • • Oat IllefICAtt Largest circulation of any scientific eaper in the mart sbbuld be without it. Week S3.00 a world. Splendidly illustrated. let intelligent rn months. a ; $1.50 six mons. Address AI NN & CO, ?I:BUSKERS, 361 Broadway. New York. . BOAR FOR SERVICE MHE UNDERSIGNED wisnEs TO IN form the fanners of this section thathe will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10, (E. D.) Ashfield, • his superior bred Berk shire Boar, "Baron Nimrod." Terms -81.60 at time of service, 81.50 if not so paid. BARON -NIMROD. born Aligust 1.51b, 1889, bred by J. G, Snell & Bro., &linonton, Ont. • Sire, 13,4ron-bon-Bismark [426] brtd by W. 11, & 0. H. MeNisli. Lyn, Ont, Imparbed Pam AI. udsford 52nd [937]; got ly Swineford (4n) 20,317; 2nd dam Almilsford311th (735) 20,316, e•ot by. Watchman OM) •; 3rd dam oll,ford.7th.got bv Samson ; -ith dant Mouls, ford 5th ‘ot by Stoke Lad ; 5th dam Mon lsford. 4th got by.Norman ; 6th dam Wulsford • 2nd got by Nigger , 7th dam Moulsford 1st. The above pedigree is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief.—J. G. SNELL& BRo, JAMES LANE, Lanes P. 0., Ont TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared- to EAY d,A.s FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. .4R. C. SPARLINC. ONownlore Ilties,wherever they lire. Any rapidlyer and honorably, by those of eithsex. young or old, and In their can be earned at our NEW line of work, one ean do the work. Easy to learn. We Banish everything. We start you. No rbik. You can derma your spare moments, or all your time to the work. This 5 an ,entirely new lead,an d brin ggvron d idol 'twee' to every worker. Beginners are earning trom 92S to *50 per week and upwards, and more after II little experience. We can furnish you the em- ployment and teach yon Mtn. No space to explain hone. ran tatormatton inpat. rityn at Co.. ATISICEITA. Mtn.. RINTING Job Printing of every descriptim. executed with taste and promptitude Send in your printing be it a °stela Ticket. OR A All orders handled in a workman like, manner and at reasonable rates. No job too small or too large for our capacity. SENTINEL LUOKNOW ONT. • McLEOD'S System netovator. And other tested renrdies SPEiCIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -.FOR Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia,. Loss- of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregnlaritlegu and General Debility. St per half pint and 82 per pint bottle. LAYkonAro4w. - - GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer Sold by Berry & Days and A. B. Congra Druggists, Lucknow. BEAD THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins', Figs, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. See' our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST GOODS, • LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery iii fancy. boxes • Ib., 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T Bt. DECEIVED' by Fancy Shows. We have the finest • goods ever shown in town for .Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than. ever. All goods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to,run ofr at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDIJING cAKE's A SPECIALTY. ' We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for Christmas. and New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders' and get them filled at, once. • THOS. REID. $9p0 SALARY and Commissi, n to Agents, Men and Women, Teac rs and Clergymen, to introduce a new and popular standard book. Testiinony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religions book of the age. written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Exclu- sive territory given. APPLY TO TheHenry Bill Publishing Co., Norwich. Conn.