Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-02-05, Page 8!"--,,9 :--991•,'r .. 9., ', : .• :, :. '• h I 1 ' . '''.1 ' ..';' 4. 1441;114444/00t,t4g44,'ittM401:,,,t. / t' ,10 ..p..0.4. :!71, .• {.....,4 '. ' '. 9-, '.' ' !; 1' 4",1091,49994;‘. ‘;',-'9I," I" 1 .I, '9'9-99 9,9.9"k, .9^ ' ',9- P1'."71 ' •,,,,,,,-.7,,- ----.--- • ' ' • . • 1: .i.--.•• . ': . e. ; . • [..' • I. " 49.4 ' " . 'rho Lk -ow Sentinel Bruce QQ1A nty Friday February 6th • 141.01C. .. NOW-.POSTIFFIGE., 'Hours„.....,,,%.:, 4, ,-,-,',R1k.to , To. nu '• "fi,.**Xlf,4” A.AiavA! :i'aelith.,•!...,.„, 6:13a. 14 .111i1illr 1 NTOX.#;": '" t,0Ti)..ni, ,..s" • , 'trifr,'. „ 2:30 p. M .4, ' ''',''."'...,: 1.'' V.' •'',' ',tr. , rth 12'..t' •,),..,, p7,... la441.. ,m,'.•!' ,••••.,,,, , eu int44 :,. . 0.30 p.,_ . :" 44 , '170ead"4' "4 390p, in 1, .' :1 ,- •, ).,:';$nuth .* .), • A 1 . 1.14491° • 9!, Oyla. IP It ' 494:0-4 , ,.:t.90t.b.t . 1.0.00a. m• $ , , ,,..PtIrortlil 3.t.29.13. M. '.1.. . +.4.... • 4.00p4,4„ i . AOiglent ' Sunday evening last Mrs. D. B. iizie 'met with a painful accid,ent 'O#iingpot of the Presbyterian She slipped and in falling ber hand ' to save herself the wrist Mrs. McKenzie well as can b. expected. '..cert in Wingharn '.'ilrand Mrs: Harry Days, Mrs. ,40=ig, 'Messrs. John 1VIeGarry, orrison, Geo. E, Kerr, A. S. C, Mullin and Wm. Horn- e at thc concert given in Wing- ' 941 Friday evening last. They _ I Pt I good time. uron dormers of the West Riding ron will meet in the village of non to -day (Friday) to elect And nominate a candidate to nt the riding in the Dominion ent. It is almost certain Mr. aileron, the old war horse will O the choice of the meeting. • eting *meeting will be held in the side Presbyterian church on Mon - 'Irking, February 8th, when ad are expected from the Rev. A fitmilOY) of Bluevale; Rev. George Armow; Rev. J. S. Coiling Murdoch, Lucknow, and ta, The church choir will furnish ;,Fe,enlle!4t programme of music on qPilon• All are *Cordially in- • • . _ 4,Disease by Electricity at Home er adtrertisement it will be P•;a, ,representative and eke- , 4,t1p3, Dorenwend Electric of Toronto, willbe at the The Munpal World .his is• the -title tot a new paper just startec‘in Si. Thomas. It contains a great deal 0 uSeful knowledge to MAW- ieipal Jr and a4 ethers who wish to bombe! posten° such mattersPuIc . 1, • NOtree All parties indebted to Alex. Ross, harness maker, either hy note or book accounts, must settle the same by cash or note on Or before the first of March hext, If not the accounts will be plaeed in other hands for collection. . !Selling to a Minor J.Flynn, hotel -keeper, on Monday last, pleaded guilty to a charge of sell- ing ,liquor to a boy under sixteen years of age on the 25th January, and 'was -fined by Magistrate Lawrence 015 andeosts. An n iversary Entertainment The, anniversary tea meeting of the 1VIe1hodist church at Crewe will be held on Tuesday evening, February 9th, when the Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., of Goideriehr E. A. Fear, st'ile; F. Swat' ; Auburn; J. Carrie and R. Fairbairn, Dungannon, will address he meeting. The splendid choir from Dungannon will furnish ,the music on he occasion, Tea served from 6 to 8. he public is cordially invited. Conservative Candidate At the Conservative convention at Smith's Hill on Wednesday, Mr. J. C. Patterson, of Essex, the new Secretary of State, was chosen as the Conserva- tive candidate to contest West Huron in the approaching election. His opponent in all likelihood will be the old member, Mr, M. C. Cameron, who returned last week from Florida, and who, his' friends claim, is in good "fighting trim." It is going •to be a hard contest. • Haze• l Kirke ' . Mr. Harry Hart is here, and with ▪ the,assistance of Mr. Geo. E. Kerr,has succeeded in forming a first-class Dra- maticCompany, the first of the re- portoire being Hazel Kirke. This is one of the most successful plays eve producei in America. It was playe -at Madison Square theatre, New York for 486 consecutive nights, the longest run on record. Mr. Hart will produce the above beautiful play, assisted by the Lucknow Dramatic Company on or about the 19th of February. Don't fail to see it: OUSe, on Saturday, Feb. ;he can be consulted cib011t 4 all muscular, nervous 116,16'1' '"diseases. No the ati Opportunity of.get- itua impartial opinion of ,His stay is limited, ' ' clef, Grand, Recorder o' the Ancient Order of then) has issued his an - 0.1891; from which these ; cash received dur- ' $361,300.1t paid for $3000; applications eiship received,. 3,333; in - en up, $6,666000; mem- ' nod standing on December 041,25;260 ; number of assess. Or4,0,ar* 13 ; average num/ber b 'SO.:Me for thirteen years, 13; ThOQO insurance per •member 'Oaf, $13. gr War of IVAT contest this (Friday) Ali* Lin the Caledonian 111,11 pron.- )e an interesting and exciting Mr. McLean, • the n'ianager, eiLtain a team from the 15th r , read. This team has been practi- jig in an empty barn for some time asb, and tbe stalwarts of Kintail will also be here. Mr. Smith, teacher, of Lucknow, is getting up a team which has also had some practice together. Mr. Vannorman, of 13luevale, an old time puller, will be on hand with a team from that village and Wingham. There are expected teams from Kin- cardine and Ripley. Belts similar to . those used in the international pull in Chicago and •New York will be nsed, Oue Pork Market The Goderich 8ignal and the Bilis; sEgs Post.tsay that loads of porkgo to t these places from the immediate neigh berhood cf Lucknow. This may be 1 true, but we Could give the name of an agriculturalist, near Lucknow whp took a load of pork to A neighboring town'thinking to get a better price than he could receive in Lucknow, but who was glad to bring it home and sell it here the next day. Messrs Grundy, Holmes and Spading have this year handled about 20 cars, which a good deal, more than has ,been I„ shipped from either Brussels or God- erich. Lucknow: is well satisfied wilh the amount of business being done 'here . /t will compare favorably with '',1ighboring towni, ,a,Anto! Curling On.Frirlay of last, week the Luck - now curling club went to Wingharn to Arneet the Howiek Thistle club Against whom they were drawn for the, Ontario Tankard competition. The Thistles not appearing, two friendly matches were arranged and played with the Winghamclub, resulting as follows : ' AFTERNOON GAME. Lucknow Wingham. _Rink No. 1-12 16 2-15 ° 14 27 ... . .... . ...... 30 EVENING GANE. Rink No. 1 22 '7 2-20 13 42 20 Total for Lucknow, 69 shots. Total for Wingham, 50 shots, LOCAL ITEMS. Newsy Paragraphs Served up to Readers of the Sentinel. —Hazel Kirke. —Master John Tennant is visiting in Wingham. —Sunday, the 14th inst., will be St. Valentine's day. —Winghaan orchestra will furnish the music for Hazel Kirke. —Win. Ellis junior, arrived home from Buffalo, Friday evening last. • —Mr. Peter Smith, of Dakota, is the pest of his parents for a few months. —Reiv.Mr. McNabb held services in the Ashfield Presbyterian church on Sunduy last. —Messrs. Ted and Mike Griffin of Ashfield, returned to their home Msr, quette, Michigan, • ---A number of Lucknow young people took in the Wingham Carnival on Thursday evening last. —The Rev. J. Kenner preached an able sermon in the Methodist church r on Sunday evening last. d —Messrs. Hugh McKay, W. Willis, Bert 'ffleCorvie , and D. Lawrence spent Sunday in Wirrgham. County Officers The annual meeting of the Wes Bruce County Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall, Black Horse, on Tuesday lat. There was a large at- tendance of members present from all parts of the county, and it Was decid- ed to hold the next 12th of July cele- bration in the town of Kincardine. The next annual meeting of the Coun- ty Lodge will be held in the village of Bervie, at one o'clock p. m. The fol- lowing officers were elected: A. T. Davison, County Master; Col. J. II. Scott, D. C. M.; Rev. T. Hall, Chap- lain ; Thos. Wilson, Secretary; D. C. Taylor, Fin. Secretary ; Robert Rus- sel, Treasurer; George Dagg, D. of 0.; E. Miller, Lecturer. About Manitoba On Tuesday evening. according to announcement, an address was deliver- ed in the Town Hall on Manitoba and its advantages as a place of settlement for agriculturalists, especially young men, by Mr. Elder, of Virden,1V,Iani- ., a, a prominent farmer there for 8 years, and formerly of Huron County, near Hensall. He is a fair, candid' speaker, and fully reliable in what he says. Mr. Elder did not enlarge be- yond The truth, but gave intending ettlers a clear exposition of what they inight expect. Men who were doing well here should stay in Ontario, but f they want to settle their sons on the arm Manitoba is the place to secure and for them. In Southern Manito- a a large quantity of grain is yet out n the stook and even in the sheaf, rid this must be cleaned off in the pring in order to get ready for the ext crop,. ceesequently all young men ho may go end and are willing to ork can easily .obtain it. The first ettlers train going out will be on the th of Mardi, all the way down the L. 1. SE B., lind Mr. Elder will be in harge of it. There was oply a fair, ut appreciative attendance present, nd all were highly pleased with Mr. lder's remarks on the great resources f Manitoba. The ehair was occupied y Mr. James Somerville', and at the lose of his remarks Mr. Elder answer - d a number of questions asked by hose present . 1 a 8 a —February in 1900 will not contain 29- days, although it will be leap year nburary in 1700 also contained 28 days. There is a slight error , in the Gregorian ealendar but it will only amount to one day in 2,325 years.t , —The electric light service has been unusually good this week. There is a new engineer at the helm. —Mrs. James Armstrong and son, of Gorrie, are visiting at the residence of her brother, Mr. Harry Days. - —Mr. Geo. Claxtou, of Winnipeg, lis in Lucknow and vicinity buying horses for the Prairie -Province. .7 -Mr. Wesley. J. Treleaven, of this village, has secured the, position of Mathematical Master in the Kempt- ville High school. —Mr. Edward Odium son of Mr. John Odium, of Lucknow,has been elected Alderman of Westminister; British Columbia. --The Lucknow Methodist church choir intend holding a sacred concert, the latter part of this month. Further particulars next week, —Mr. W. J. Matthie, who was for nearly four years connected with the SENTINEL, has secured a good position in one of the leading book and job offies•ip Toronto. —The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- perwas dispensed in South Kinloss Presbyterian church. The pastor Mr, McLennan, was assisted by Revs, ueen icrid Sutherland Ripley. • ntured Persons should see the new Dorenwend electrical attachment to combine with any truss, making ,cures 'certain and adding comfort. Call at the Whitely House on Saturday Feb. 13, as per adyertisemet in another column. No Scientific Knowledge evolved during the past century has been received with.greater interest, or been of .Thore seryice to mankind in its sphere, than the compounding of an anaesthetic which enables the dentist to extract any number of teeth with absolutely no pain. It deadens the tissues in proximity to the tooth, having no effect whatever upon any other part of the system. The patient retains conscimisness, enabling the dentist to perform his task properly, leaving no danger of broken jaws. It can be used on people of extreme nervous tempera- ments;: Whether troubled with heart failure or not. This anaesthetic is known by the name of Odontundur. I have secured the sole right to use Odoratundur in the county of Bruce at a great expense, but the delight I have in using it doubly repays. People coming to me from all over the county go away delighted. with the process. Odontundur is the only anaesthetic extant which will acconiplish like results. I am the only dentist in trnce privilaged to use it. A. H. ALLEN I, D. S., Paisley. • • . Oho • • 1 —Dan McKenzie; son of Mr. Angus McKenzie 2nd con. Kinloss, left this week for Rducket, lv„eu. —The. proclamation calling Perlin ment for the despatch of business on Thursday, February 25th. was issued Saturday. —Rev. Mr. Geddes of Whitechurch occupied the pulpit of the Lucknow Presbyterian church on Sabbath even- ing: --Mr. James Morrison of Brandon, Manitoba, is spending a few weeks with friend,a in Kinloss. Jim likes • Mani- toba well. • —The Royal' Templars' concert an- nounced to take place next Tuesday, las been postponed till Tuesday, Feb. 16. Particulars next week. —The sittings of the Division Court .will be held in Dungannon dur- ieg the year on February 21st, April 23rd, June 18th, August 20th, October 22nd and December 24th. —Quite a number of our subsofibers are sending THE SENTENIL to their relatives or friends in Manitoba or IL S. It.keeps them informed on local and county news and saves postage and trouble of writing. . Try it. —An Edinburgh bailie has iust fairy outdone the time-honored verdict of "Not guilty, but don't do it again." In discharging a prisoner recently he thus gave his decision; " I find the charge not proven; but remember,' if you are e.ver back, this will stand against you as a conviction." The bailie evidently knows about as much law as the proverbial nececsity does. - gok.-•99.•••40111/1•1•••••■••••r —R. Hue ; n Iras a 1:ilL line of crock- ery on hand. —The best way to keep a diary is to keep it clean, Never write in your dairy, my son, unless you desire to be aorry at some future time in your life. —R. Hughes, for choice groceries. — Bargains, Bargains, Bargains I Your last chance te get cheap ,goods. On Saturday, Februisy 6th, 1 will have a great clearing sale. .Over thousand dears worth of goods sold without reserve. J. F. Gibson, Mc- Intyre,s 'old/staed„ "—Don't Ierget to call and procure some of R. Hughes' 25c tea. ' A -The Kincardine Review in speak- ing of the Burns' anniversary eoncert in that town last week, says : " Miss Lalla Berry, Lucknow's favourite su- prana, sang a number of solos in sup: erior style. Her voice is clear sweet and flexible and she presents a charm- ing figure upon the stage." —Try the Snow Drift Baking Powber. For sale at R. Hughes. --LAt a meeting of sub -divisions 3 and 4, West Wawanosh, the following „, delegates were appointed to attend the Reform Convention,at Dungannon, on Friday, to select a Candidate to contest West Huron. No 3,—Alex. Stewart, R. K . Miller, and Robert Smith, No 4,--A. D. Cameron, Walter Wilson, and Geo. Webb. ,—Women's kid Button shoes, for $1.50 at R. Hughes. --The last assembly will be held on Wednesday evening next, by special request. ..1211126MIIIIIME.6111.11M•116.1.11!1.11•MIIMMEM. 4L\TEW ONE PRICE CjrII STORE. HUGHES Has just opened out in the shop formerly occupied by Cam.ern, Murdoch &. Co. for their boot and shoe departnien, a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS& SHOES Which will be sold at close prices. All goods are new. Just think, a line of Womens' Heavy Shoes AA 83c; Misses 75e, and Childrens' 65c. If you wish to get something extra in teas at a lo-ve price. Just call and procure a sample. A special line at 25c, worth 1- 35c. .) R. HUGHES. 4,4t, The JOHN WALLACE he Leading Jeweller. NOW WE HAVE IT - finest line and largest stock of Silverware ever shown in this part of the country. : .1 .4 4) 7 And therefore always pleased to shelve it. Ca and . inspect it. The PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN , And guaranteed to be the best quality in the .world. Arsomuslessmastemen WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY In endleSs variety. A fine line of/spectacles always on hand. Repairing neatly done and satisfaction guaaneed. CI-IITM 17S JOHN WALLACE 9e• - a 1