Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-01-29, Page 4IF 1 BT ,pro `u 4.,, t 'xo ARGUE •a$ 1, Ca 1BIl,41 TA, , THE DIQT4.TEs 11-1001:04 ABOVE ALL '440*.0r o .40.1447 20, 1801. nglash language 18 now more egally' +Sp.Pken then any other by the nested world, and the Detroit Free 'rete'; Urges that it should._be made the 'rd 'rehoh, came to he later. There is ye4aPh why the suggested, reform, ogle nOt be carried out at • once. �glieh it! now the language of trade Atte world over. Dispatches -received at the Depart - ;gent of,the Interior indicate that the !ret . .of the series of the sale of ohoollands in Manitoba has been very no9.essf ul. ' At Morden on Thursday 1,522 acres sold. realized $103,282, an average of about $9 per acre. this its considered an excellent price as the ands are neither improved nor bu ilt ujion,, and are merely farming lands Much less advantageously located than hose, whtoh were sold three years ago. Foe the funeral of an heir presum- ive .to the throne of the greatest npre the world has ever seen, that of., Prince Albert Victor last week was certainly a simple one' and free from .,.courtly display and military pomp. n'he most impressive feature apparent- as,,the great -and general sorrow of sole Anti the simple expression 1?pa"gently spontaneous, by .the gria gathered along ' the road, in and walked behind as at airy funeral. There„ being no ieotacular cortege 'the common elt at liberty, we ' suppose, to heir lave for .the Royal Family e1r sorrow over its bereavement is simple way. is said:.''th'at Senator Plumb sub- foll•: every.;.newspaper in Kansas; ere are about 500 of them, and he. devoted,two hours every fore- tu:reading them. He was once as saying :—"believe in the-loc- 'r,. + �gwspaper. They are , the leaders; :Akers. of public sentiment. They ',nearer to the people than any other era The editors mingle with the le,and consciously or unconsciously nt.;the views oftheir readers. By ;private letters from all parts of the ate; and by reading the local papers ..hell just what the people of ansas are thinking and talking about, ati feel the . pulse -of the people and e bheirTetnperature. I am amazed, *the 'excellency of our country ,ers. The majority of them are efuily, ably edited." **nit being before the courts and ;Itailway Committee of the Privy Buil;the latter has at last given a iSion' on the application of the ario Expresseempany to ne allowed arty express matter over the Grand nk. It seems, according to the act ncorporationr the Grand Trunk was nd to allow any company to carry ess matter over itg line. When Ontario Company applied to do so rand Trunk objected on the ground they would have to put on an extra and that two express companies on k in would cadge a confusion. At �o, spllze the. difficulty. The Grand fought out the Canada Express only,. which for a number of years the . oily' ,one carrying express '091; the) lime. The Railway nittee 'of the Privy Council has wdecided, to refuse the application e Ontario 'Company to compel the d Think to 'afford them carrying Iiet�`,o,;/er,'their line. ' Brllt[1�'� 1c. O rl:i'�rY�r .��.• ; �, . �ST,$'YJC'X'I01Si. 'n2elieen1'nni26:---Yesterday at 10/ ctheerrrgir�'''pouncil met, and' it� � tte )A., ex -M. P. for • ,viallpgeefite.c1 to the omelibRousecorterealr,Adolphe and Hon. Macken Bowell lyltuiroadbl' ^t ?'' q €rpmos mama Jug a'C ..7l�� .f, kt, .5o1 5o1 ai ei u•,, wt.' buil WOr14 e9'1,rt•) .Lol+.r1 i %dioome Lj:n anrt Ili N 9r.•., l 1 v.;.•, 1.) t.v 11,paolr, 9t4 Pa: li-t am l.nn ovrY; ,n.); 1,107 .. i911,1 AA loot/ L)I eing,9' ')',' Lid: .f19i.tivx),,av; fArtiarrl ;,"u' L'ri/ JJSrl',; a%1,Yi .ta)) y,( 1.6.'1 7 71;:: ugki o °entitle!,; 4nd Hone J. ,A, Chapleaa, by the Premier* surrendered that of Secretary of State, Hon. J. C. Patterson, was then sworn in as Secretary of State,. and Hon. McKenzie Bowel' as M n st,ez of Militia and Defense, vice aSir Adolphe Caron, resigned; and the announcement was made to Lord Stanley i l}at kr01..l • A. Chapleau had accepted RAn. art Bowell's late poz tfoi o.. -,that of Customs. The new Minister of .Customs -will be sworn iia; by Deputy Governor-General McGee, who will go to Montreal for that purpose. The reorganized Cabi -r° CeC',.►tau t1t,, rM ., � � daYR Januaiy 29th. _ lompase S GOODS. We are offering this week a line of Meavy Twilled Dress Goods • Prime Minister and Minister of the Privy Council.—John Joseph Caldwell Abbot. Minister of Justice — Sir John Thompson. Minister of Public ..Works—Joseph A. Ouimet. ' Minister of .Customs — Joseph Adolphe Chapleau. • Minister of Finance—G. E. Foster. Minister of Rail ways and Canals — John G. Haggart. ° Minister of Militia and Defence— Mackenzie Bowell. Minister of Agriculture John Carling. Minister of Inland Revenue—John Costigan. Secretary of State—James Cole- brook Patterson. Minister of Marine and Fisheries— Charles Tupper. Postmaster General—Sir Adolphe Caron. Minister of the Interior— Dewdney. Without Portfolio—+rank • b s Oc or2c per yard, net cash. It is the BEST AND CIIEAPEST G For Winter dresses, in the market. WM. OO,N N ELL. THE !FADING HARDWARE STORE Is the best place in town to purchase your Edgar r� Cross Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Axes and Axe Handles d�eS GRANGERS MEETING. . mith. Division Grange No. 7 met ou Thursday evening; Jan. 23rd, in Mohring's hotel, Lncknow. After preliminary matters had been attend- ed to the grange proceded to elect the following officers : -- Master, Bro.Humetn ; overseer, Bro. Dawson ; secretary, Bro. Welsh ; treasurer, Bro. Robertson ; Chaplin, Bro.' 'Pedal ; Lecturer, faro. Agnew ;. Steward, Bro. Crowston ;. assistant steward, Bro. Ravey ;, gate keeper, Bro. Gillies ; lady assistant steward, Miss Welsh. All the officers were installed by Bro. Currie, of Wingham. . The different grangers then made tbeir reports. Bro. Agnew discussed the constitu- tion of the Grange, 'bringing out the fact that the Grange only wants to be better known to be much more thought In ,the evening some considerable debate took place in ,reference. to the extermination of destructive grubs, bugs and ail sorts, of vegetable destroy- ing insects, and as to the different ways of applying Paris Green or .other remedies. for the prevention,, of , such pests. • .Not the least interesting feature of the meeting was the practical talk on the best system of dairying as it is presented to. Canadians. _ ilow found some little discourse and by . some of the members' was strongly advocated as a winter, food,. and one gentleman. said that cn one hundred acres twenty cows could be kept and it was possible to make from each cow $50, MOIITGGE SALE THEREWILL BE OFFERED FOR sale, under power contained in a mort- gage, by„ public auction at Black horse Hotel, - -Kinloss, —ON— Wednesday, Jan. 27th, 1892 At two o'clock p. in,, all and singular parts lots 14 and 15, in the 12th con. of the townsh of Kin1osc, containing by admeasurement 5 acres more or less; The property is well timbered, peincipall with cedar, a.nice quantity of pine, a mixtur of bhick ash, loft elm, etc, This property is conveniently 'situated .8 miles from Luoknow, on the gravel road ; 5 rules from 131ack Horse, and 17 miles - from Kincardine. The lot will be a splendid investment for anyone engaged in the lumber business. TERMS balance without interest in one month. t Possession given on completion of purchase. For further particulars and conditions of A full stock of the best makes in the market. Also a big supply of STOVES, TINWARE, AND SILVERWARE Al] at the Lowest possible Prices. CALL AND EA LIE OUR STOOK BEFORE PURCHASINZ. TH s. L WRENCE, Leading Hardware, Tinware and Stove Depot. A- ' Representative Electrician ----OF THE oren2vend Electric Belt & Attachment CO., OF TORONTO, WILL BE IN' LUCKNOW AT THE r HITELY HOUSE, of ON . 8ATU IIAY, FE.Ba ,;,1 'Y 13 0 Where he can be consulte;l with. Lboue all forms 'of 1'Iuscular, Nervous and Chronic :Diseases :— Y Dyspepsia, Kidney and Giver' Trouble, Heart 1Veakrievses, Spinal Curvature, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Neuralgia, - Nervous Debility, Sperma- . totrhoea, Impotency, Sexual 1'C eaknesses, Varicocele, Female Complaints, Asthma, Bron chitis .;nd all Lung He will have with him lt.full line of the 1)OREN WEND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, "The World's Best System for Self:treatment."' A,IsoMedical Chest.. Protectors, Abdominal Supporters, Obstetric Binders, etc. No drug treatments, all cures effected by electrical and mechanical appliances. - He will not treat you but will show you how to treat yourself at home, cheaply and successfully. ,Consider how many owe their health and vigor to electricity es applied by the Dorenwend inventions. Is it worth your • while to enquire into' the matter 4 • Call and see the.lists of those who testify to their merits; perhaps you may find 'the names of friends or neighbors among 'them. ',No charge An'consultation° 13 ak on home treatment presented free to every caller. `TREATMENT OF RUPTURE A SPECIALTY. —If you are-ru p Lured and are wearing a truss, call and see the new attachment whereby your truss can bo made into an electric tru,, prakin;g cure more rapid and giving ease and comfort to the wearer. ' Remember, at the Whitely House, on Saturday, Feb. 13th. Will also be in. ORENWEIVD ;E., B. & A. CO., TORONTO, CAN,° KINCARDINE, at,Queen's Hotel, on.Friday, February 12th. BRUSSELS, at Queen's Hotel, on Monday, February 15th. i sale apply to H. MORRISON, Vendor's Solicitor. COR,RIGAN, Auctioneer. 0 SAL2[IIy4and Commission and ClergymeTn, to introduce a Or to PETER 090 achers new and Testim The mos age, writt sectarian. sive terra TheHen to Agents; en and Women, Popular stnndnrl book, ony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. t remarkable religious book of the en BY 300 eminent scholars Non - Every Christian wants it. scholars, give . APPLY TO Ty Bill Publishing Co., Norwich. Conn, R THE HUB Leads them all for Family . Groceries AND CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season, FINE TEAS A SPi; CIALTY. .The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Beast Value obtainable in Lucknow, JOHN E LLI t AT MRS. J. u re h 1sOij's LUCKNOW The newest, freshest, latest, most seasonable, most fashionable MILL.INERY As cheap as'cash can buy. PERSONAL ATTENTION To all orders the year round, Mrs. Murchison. �=y (17 • •