Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-01-29, Page 1IMINIMIMIMINIMIENC0111. ",•teass , Now Is the Season Scriainery • Oil, your Harvest Tools, your PotatoeKiller in the shape of Paris Green, all of which you can ' get cheap at the hardware establishment of 0. C- TAYLOR vocamow. 1 RF AragZZAW2.1151C Mita XraFat t 04042=‘, Agg,V,=394,MUMMaa,lb V.a'ZgMlSiU,21A'VV4,'ATXZM14ArAZTRAWS1g=f,,#'S'RZAOPW.PaQra=SattraiaZaFMWj=g5234UV:g3e.TIISCCOACtVLOAN%jgafgejgigarjN=fr41ZtafW 16a lawyer in One of the big oro 4.• •••P•••••0 1 ,...., , ,,,.. 0,.. ,,,,,71 •,..••• , 7 "• ''' ',:' ,,, . ' . • • , ,•6 " • •• , •"' eft° 0.j: r. ' - ey they ! courdn'tleep "• You were irretrinva, Ath,„ as aer e expreasion to in drunk:" ched the onlookers. "Not by a jugful." "No, but by several jugfuls." JOIN Is A CENIIIS. " You're away off, Hepsy." Not as greatly off as you were. Yea -es It Would Ile Called Laziness tried to open the gate with your latchkey, and you fell over eleinte the grass." 1701, XIX.— &. • LUOKNOW" ONTARIO, town one day, "run into . and tell him I'd like to see ser two." tItertelel ,;John. BANK OF HAMILTON LUOKNOW. Capital, $1,2o6,85o. Rest, Sfloo.000. President -JOHN STUART, Vice President -A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, A. T..Wcon, A. B. LEN (T Cashier -J. TURNBU SAVIEGS BeINK.-2--Hours 10 day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 received and interest allowed. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great -Britain and the United ' States leeight and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. GEO. ROACH oronto). LL. to 3; Satur- and npwards IMMUNIMINIMMEIM DENTAL— • J. S. JEROME, L. D. S.• Wingbam, will be in Lucknow on the seeond and fourth Fri, ay and Saturday of each month. Good •sets (Or e10. Filling and eetraeting a specialty LEGAL IMON CORRIC A.N, COMMISSIONER-, iu II. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. 1Ds A. MALQOMSON , BARRISTER,, q? Solicitor, Conveyancer., etc„ (late of (Yameron, Holt & Cameren, Goderich). Office at 'Traver's old stand. H• MORRISON', .ATTORNEY AT o law, Solicitor in Caneery, Couvey• ancer, Coniraisener, etc. Office. over the barber shop. rl ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- XX ters, Solieitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. 'GARBOW, Q.C, Iv le. PKOUDFOOT. .... , MEDICAL •i.j.A. IVIcDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. 0 0. Office, Kintail.. • e DR,ELLIOTT: OFFICE AND RESI, dence, Outram street, secoud door north •of Little's ekee store, . a DR. TENNANT,. PHYSI PIA N, Surgeon and Accoucheure Sargery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. ire . DMcD. .GORDON,m.M.D., C.M., P.T. . M.S.,.'C.P.S.O.'Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. , Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. . ! ty. D. GEDDES, V. 8„ CA.LLS : either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- Tiean's hall, - Boarding honse, Cain's hotel, a Lbucknow. . , GENERAL' • .. .. MONEY TO,LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to VI per cent. interest, r payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. 7 I Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connectione with other le s. Full particulars to intendinetravellers. N MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE L security for any time, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or e part of the princi- C pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the einount paid,. For further particulars, etc.,T, apply, to ANO e 8 .STEWAR7T, LateknoW.- n 'WEST W A W.A.N.O SIT *MUTUAL VY Fire- Insurance Conipany, board of : A directors meets for the transactian of business on the first Tnesday each month. Parties wishing to have their properte ineured hi this - increasingly popular Company, will by giving notice, be called npree byean agent or by rm� of the Directors. ' Business cells promptly attended to. Office, lentig,,annon. .J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary., We. LANE, Treasurer. I': . _... , ... ... ........... .. ,. . .. SOCIETIES — - - -ivy0. cr. ET.- - The regular monthly e, • meeting' of the Wemen's Christian 1114 niperence Union will be held every second le 'day of each month in the Odd Fellows II. le Lucknow, at 3 p. m. Mus. W. He 50 3'strfir, President ; Mns, Honeeree Secretary, , , ir UCK-NOW JA d 4,,,.; !)".4.4'' • I, Lodge, No. 112 Mt •meets 'every Friday • • evening at 8 o'clock .„ / n their hall, CamI" pbell 9treet. All brethren ' ordially invited. Wee Hoot), N, Grand; 'OHM ELLIOT. Recorder. • , ri 0. F.,COURT V. Sherwoed, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third ;4e,, Monday, in ever y % e: e! month, in tife Odd - 'I, , et, .' • fellows hall; Visit- ing brethren are \ e...,. cordially invited. 'W. ee JOHN 8coem, C. R. IMND. . Yeee See. A 0. U. W. LUOKNO-\V LODGE 01? _tie the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in tire Oddifellows hall, on the lest and second Moriday Jeveg• f .ectoh mina. eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordielly bivited. D. Perrensoe, Master .Workmae* --eltes•De C eMleiener inrcurger: -seer • „i QM, MAIR & CO. BANKERS, -- OUR eesoined that ef the law - !Jones' desk and that of , 'within ten feet of each eAvall that separated them en so ,thick, and if the lawyer pErtvn't beep so dignified, he might, himself, by shouting, have informed Bin Jones that cl. hirn Or ucknow Banking Now, it wouldn't have taken John more than a quarter of a ' Mr. "'P .Y minute to go to LUCKNOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO EA.RMEES,- DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. Give us a call. Althoueh we have sold seven farms this Spring., we have stile several on hand, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy tertus to suit purchasers. DO YOU REQUIRE 11.0NEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good. or can give security and at reason ona,ble interest. DO 'YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable tenni. or if you wish to seed away the interest on your IVIortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all ltinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or •Eng,la.nd, enshed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent, payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed oue thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies. Office hours 10 tem, to 4 p.m. , • -GEO. A. SIDD ALL, Manager EDUCATIONAL. .y IICKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI• _LA tute. Reading man open every evening from 6 to 10-p. m., excepting Saturdays, when the tours will •he from 2 to p. The librarian will be in attendance during these ' hours. D: Y gene_ Presktut,e_21-_.G leIteriDoCer, Secretary. . ' ANCastraiko` - MUSICAL TUITIOIV. . NY ONE REQUIRING FIRST -CL ASS. _ lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. Por terms apply to the Rev. Hr. Connor, the rectory. Prof, • Moss will be in Liicknow on Mondays, Air IT,SIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT 11_11L by Miss Reale. late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence .over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable, CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISH CHURCH -SERVICES. ll a. m. and 6:30. p. m, Sunday School,. :30 p. m., Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. dult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and raper book lesson's. •reweleome. REV. V, J. CONNOR, Pastor. C. T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lucknove for south at 0:03 a m. 0:30 a, m. and 0:25 p. m. North at 12:25 p: m„ 4:05 p. m, and 10:37 ire and Marine insurance. orth British end Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, iyerpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore DisteiC't, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen:. nardian, of London, Englnrel. Plernix, o London, England, and Accident ,In - ranee Co'y., of North America, Montreal. O.UNNINGHAIVI, GENt UELP111. Telegraph or Telephone at my expense, INSURANCE. emers, look to your own interest and insure your farm buildings and .• private dwelliege in the LONDON MUTUAL. large Prenhum Notes required CAST( SYSTEM : cents to 90 gents per 8100, for three years, . JOHN LA'E ENT, • • MUNCH. iso ageet for the Phoenix, of London, land, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN' office in the beilding east of the • SENTINEL Printing Office. • AGREEMENTS. BONI)S, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,suevitications and estireates for build firer, mills, bridges, etc„ furnished on ehort notice. JAS, §OMERVILLE, ineknow:, • the antecedents !oh. Of jivoffic. (kt anciBtubtetjhoeurnnf4eynewould not have telephone was John c. a J.110;d1.41:.up o office, hadan , Lncknow council for thIg year 189 JAMES BRYAN, our popular reeve, is a native of Cana da, having„been born in London in 1854. He was educated at the Union School of the Forest citY. In 1869 he went into the Advertiser office,. where he learned the art of printing, going through all, the mechanical depart- ments, from Cellar to garret. Mr. Bryanecatne to Lucknow in 1878 and took charge of the. •SSNTINEL. In 1880 he first elected to the coun- cil board under the, regime of Mr. Geo. Kerr, which position he held for three years. • He then retired from public affairs, as a • councilman, for a few years. In 1884, however, he was re-elected to the couneil under reeve Mr. D. Campbell, and in 1889 was elected reeve by. Acclamation; which has been thrice repeated. ,Mr. Bryan is of Irish descent, a Methodist and Reform in politics. During his career ris reeve the town hall has been com- pleted, .the waterivOrks and electric light put in and general improvements made in the village. ewe/Reemerge. -veseeeeeeesereatage=seereseesere "You came up the front steps on your hands and knees, opened the door, and in- quired if Carruthers lived here. Do you know that ?» "Bosh ?" "And you stumbled on a dark flower in the carpet and nearly went down.' " Not a word of truth in it." • "-Tried to hang your hat on a fly on the wall and then asked ivhere that nail went to." "You are totally hallucinated." "Why, you talked out of your ears, and when the baby cried on the bed you went to rocking its crib as hard as you could, singing Bye, Oh wy Oh, Baby.' • Recollect that? "Recollect nothing." etj' react not, and you got on Your ,attecl and rubbed the back cd the 1 PARTNERS \a That are Being ' Season. Ved-DOS NOT IN * BtAln9ng OPP • ,pvetun teagiwts of" producing aornething , eie may submit to their repre- eeesciciationa that will prove leo& and teking in all parte of the eolintry. The Oxford minuet this sewn seems to take precedence over other dances ese. and it is taught as many different ways as there are different itLes ...(6eleesseeemelreeeafsearexesirsaAsgefeelAtedlinevatrearer tative of the Buffalo NeWa a day or two, ago: "1 do not believe the Oxford minuet is properly taught in any schopl !outside of mine in this city; the orchestras play it without any reference to the instructions accompan. ing the music. .It is a beautiful dance when properly done and a. most miserable failure when it isn't." ' "How are you going to better things?" "Let the teachers give their attention to the music. The music contains the instruc- tion." e• edonians of ..". . aii, • " What are the change§ of the Oxford- • minuet ?" * " The first is slow an er ,artufpkre.i 6. VI I°';',. friends, by holding the " u.ea. ...;..;.... ; court minuet, so far as successful meeting lest Riday. d stately like the movement goes, t - ern Ball" in their Octaeon hall. It ' said : " Doggie, e.„...,01 ,aa ry society had another "..-vening, if we might judge from the - though played in schott as the vesuvianee, It is orul 9 ., . e „ e, • i Vme. It is . - .. large crowd that gathered to heat- and not as quick as the Alsatian ischenori yet as slow was under the management of Mr. G. ' ted ' on the rug In of eaneess ee , , .. take part in the spelling match pre f the prettit, e E. Kerr, and a better manager of such paratory to our pontesq with 'Tees - affairs there is nune. About ninety water. The captains were J: Purvis couples responded to the invitations and J. McKenzie. The match was sent out, an unusually large party decided ii draw. There will be no considering the inalemency of the meeting next Friday A yelling, but on weather. We noticed ladies and the fellowing week there will be a gentlemen from Chicago, Detroit, debate on " Resolved that the Abbott Buffalo, Toronto, London, Hamilton, Goveetiment should he , retained in Winghain, ,Wroxeter, Brussels, Tees- power." water, Kincardine, Ripley, St. Helens, The spelling contest between a team. Kintail, Duegannon, Lochaisb, Holy- Of eleven ladies and gentlemen from the rood and elsewhere. • , • „ Holyrood Mechanics' Institute and an The music was supplied by piper equal nu m ber from i he Tees water McKenzie,. of Kintail, as well as the Mechanics' Institute was held at the Walkerton orchestra, composed of the concert in the Teeswater town hall, on following members :— Messrs. Dan, the 28th. The words were taken Fisher, leader, trombone; A. Ren- from the weekly Globe of the 13th, stadtler, centre bass,.; G. Rife, cornet; • ti.rid the positions were, when the, . E. Rife, clarionet; C. Rife, clarionet, . Match was declared over—Holyrood, and,the mention that Mr. Fisher, is 2 standing ;. 'rees.water, '6. We do the leader is quite sufficient guarantee' not consider this any great defeat as . that the music was grand. and highly the home team had five teachers hold - satisfactory to those who engaged in ing 2nd and 3rd cla,ss certitic-ates While the whirl of the Merry dance and:en_ the Holyreud team had only one third tertaining to those present as on- class scholar, • all therest being ordin- lookers. •Mr. J. C. Kincaid'', of . Star reStaurant; Catered to the wants the _aQ' farmers' sons and daughters. - - Hayseed. •of the guests as to refreshments, and everything was choice and in profusion.. • DUNGA.NNON. • . , . e. joneS •• JOHN G. MURDOCH, ,Mr, Bryan's first lieutenant, is a Scotch 'lad. He was born thirty years agO in Dumfries, Scotland, and came to Canada when yet two years • old, went to the public' schools and vecitked on the farm Ashfield township until he was 18 years of age. He took out a teacher's certif;kate and taught for. three years, and then engaged in busi- ness in LoclialSh. for a ..few years. 'Four years a.go he came to Lucknow and has been in the council two years. Mr. Murdoch:is a Presbyterian and a 'Reformer. • -JAMES LYONS, one of Lucknow's best councillors, is a. typical Irishman in character. and mental make up. He was born in Ceunty •Down, Ireland', in 1855. Ile• came to. Canada. in 1872, right straight to Lucknow, where he has since resided. He has been engaged in Elaine . and farming, ever since. This is his fourth year in. thecouncil. Mr, •Lyons is a Reformer and a Presbyterian. -• JOHN ELLIOT, , one. of the new councillors for 1892, first saw the light of day in the town- ship of •Culross in the year of grace 1858. He attended the public school on the 3th con.,of that township, clerked in Teeswater a few years And came to Lucknow about 12 years. ago, 'working With .Jr, Win. .Connell. A few years aro counciller Elliot bought out_ the "Hub" grocery and flour and feed store; which he has most succosaT fully conducted. 'Mr. Elliot promises' to inake,a 000 . • ARTHUR B. CONORAM,. another new councillor. is the young- est member of the hoard, in fact he is called the "baby couriCillor," .fie is a son of Mr. Wm. Congram, con. 8, lot 1, Kinloss, and was born , there in 1866. He was educated at the Holyrood school and the Kincardine high school. Mr. Congram studied Me pharmacy under Dr. Tennant, and 11 after three years graduated. as a chemist and (Jingoist from the.Toronto School of Pharmacy with high honors. He is a Baptist in religion and Con- servative in politica. WANDERER. Mr. Land, of London, was present Mr. John H. Mallough attended the with his phonograph, but we are sorry Farmers' Institute meeting in Clinton to Say it was not well patronized. last week. , Altogether, theball was a brilliant . . , Mis- 8- J. Pentland has returned ' success, and as fine a gathering of the from Kippen, where she has . been , youth . and 'beauty as we have ever engaged clirring the last two weeks in • seen graceing the Lucknow Caledon- evangelistic work. ian hall, " .• . . 11• 1.rs. Jas. Harlow has gone On. a .. To menticin the belle of the ball is.. visit to Peterborough.; Her mother, rather a 'diffictilt. matter. . Soire say we understand, is seriously ill: the lady was from Holyrood ;.ethers • Mr: John G. Smith, son of Mr; say she came from Dungannon way; .J. Smith, is at present dangerously ill some from one place,' some from with inflamation: another. We have our 'own opinion The sad news arrived here from ,. 'but will only divulge it in secret.: Toronto by telegram on Monday, that _ • : • Miss Flora McDonagh, sister of Mrs. , ASIIFIELD COUNCIL. Edward Ferguson bof WawanOsh, was 4dead. . Miss McDonagh left here for Toronto about the first of this month. The abovecouncil met according to The -cause of death We learn was infla- statute. All .the 'members present mation. She took sick on Friday, the' Who took the declaration of office. 22nd, and died • on Sunday. The . The Minutes Of previous meeting were remains will be brought home for in - read and signed. The following ac- ternient in the Dnngannon. cemetery. counts were ordered to be paid :— Mrs. Win. McQuoid; of Ashfield, Gurrow & Proudfoot, legal advice and *who has been unwell for some 'time . J. .111ullen at the D. C., $42.00 ; Jas. • defence of the cases of A. Mullen and died on Sunday morning last about 9. , o'clock. The funeral .took place on ' John Kilpatrick,• breakwater at Harris Warren, water engineer, $22.50 ; Tuesday afternotm to the cemetery here. The deceased was much re - bridge, $44,7o; J. Robinson, 3 under drains, con. 3, $6.00; J -... Bryan, spected -by all who knew, her. She p jilting, $6.25 ; M. X. Baechler,..for leaves a husband and family to mourn Iter departure. lumber, $2.28; W. Stothers, filline and. delivering ballot boxg, • .$8.00,.; I.C. The Rey. Mr. Walwin . will deliver e Harrison, treasurer, $90.00 ; A. Mc- Iiiis popular lecture in the Methodist • , Kinnon, repairing culvert on boundary e'lureh .. here on e> Tuesday evenine Feb. 2nd: Subject, "Battles.'' Sil- $3.25 ; Peter Watson, clanfage to cul - ver collection at t.11. deur. . 1.•ert, $1.00 ; R. Farrow, under drain S. B. 3 and 4, $2.00 ; Mrs. Clare, for PARAMOUNT. gravel, 64e; deputy returning officers, ,• *ri •except conneil room. each $6.00 ; polling booths, each $2, , parties are all the go in our little burg. No less than .fi have taken • The board of health will consiSt of place within' the last three wejcs.. the Reeve,. R. Harrison, R. .1Vebster, Those who took in the ball in • Luck- • W. K irpatrfek, and the Clerk. • no.w last 1VIonclay evening declare they (heal health officer, Dr. McKay. had the finest.time ever, they -had in the village. On account' of the Wizard which sprang up in the evening, their pleaSilrO Was Infirred Considerably going 110711r annual meeting et Paramount cheese and butter factory was held in the Grange hall on Thursday 21st. About one o'clock the Secretary • put in his appearance and the.meeting was opened. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, after whicil they proceeded to elect officers for the coming.year, They are--PeSie - dent, Mr, Jas. Taylor; Secretary, Peter McKay jr. ; Board of Directors, Messrs. W. McNay, Alex, Patterson, Mr, Robinson, J. Taylor and D. T. McKenzie. It .was moved and see onded that tho •e.tmpts of ebeese left at the Bank of Hamilton, Luck , now, and all orders ho cashed there.-- . —The new rate of fire insurance in Walkerton, on account of the waterworks, went into operation. on Wednesday, the 20th inst. It means a reductionfrom $1 25 per thousand on the front street to 80c, per thousancl. , —W.F. Dulmage, of 'Caireniew Stock farm, Michigan, puid Lucknow a visit recently and it will interest intending breeders, that he purposessending .a couple of fine luairl staliimase-to this ecet, ion. Saranac will be tirotted this year and from the4'eed shown by, hiu he .'wfrl-Prove(ta fit torse. loved by Girvin, seconded by Chambers, that NV. Kilpatrick he assessor for the current year ----Carried. Moved by. Girvin, seconded by Kickley, that Dennis Sullivan • be collector for the current year. Moved in ammendment by Chambers; second- ed by Parrish, that R A. Carrick be collector for the current year. -- Carried. Moved by Girvin, seconded by 'Kickley, that Morgan Dalton be alelitor for the current year—Carried. The reeve appointed John Long associate auditor. By-laws 1, 2 and 3, fixing the salaries of the different officers, ap- pointing assessor, collector and audit- ors were duly read and passed. • el•ceesed by Parrish, seconded by Chambers, that this -conncirdo now, _adjourn lei meet p„,,(kain. on Feki.16.the-e STOTHERS:, Clerk, . ' 11 11 F-•ec. ' closed. sze , ;