Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-25, Page 8i", rc Crown nol. If 'you. nie black- tea, , try a package- of this, it is special value,, as are 4 K. Si Mar e al nriceEt for all kinds relight toll* BY: I 641,1 PAWN 044 tl)0 0 The Shqrteg4,R al ark $U2 of 1 nerairriW-WolciaTez RAWL '1/640.0 in this village on. diirerenee fig livelc.40091:41. 10.4 14.4..410(141; near ..riveden, for only' 4010, threo -ininutes, 'Ave Or e*, years ago woutd have After the New .Year) hortevet at first by 4910 aVera 04. brOnght $0000, Or $7000, days begin to lengthaa 114t bqt ; "died in the AsYlura for Idiots at From the stateniont compiled ,,., ,, i CPrillia' °n Wed4"daY1 tile 16th in't VitotQailltereXaplorGrtaeltetteehiewePeellefero1144.1t'414414 the exertiens ',of Mr. D. E. Cameron, tor 1891 waS 1,352,670' bOX0 --i'l si SOMO four 6,tfirg years ago ti the largest of any, ygar, except' he was sent to, the asylurn as a ward f when 1,486.220 boxes were elcPer also: ether lines ii*,Cireen,, Blacleand Japan. A beautiful:range of men's :and boys' braces fromlOc per pair up. ,Sizime very fine lines Air the h.oliday,1 season, and . -siiitable for Presents to gentle - Men friends. "White and Colored silk handkerehiefs in abundance This year 448,438 were Sent . on "Hulot, Sandy, where are you ing 300,225 of • th'ese. The b'utte heading for T' "Pm just going down exports were k,891 tubs, the largea to see the big display of Christmas since 1884, when 108,137 tubs were>, meats j • Gordon Son's butcher shipped. shop:: Thet say it is something im- mense, and r want to secure some of it before the whole village a ts on to A pleasing entertainmentfunde th • be the racket. , Come along and take a, auspices of St. Peter's church, was held' nice roast home with you. in the town•hall'on TuesdaY, evening, when, in addition to a Christmas tree, Church. Anniversary the following programme was happily, The annual Sunday school anniver- ,rendered, , the pastor, Mr. Connors, sary , and tea -meeting of Hackett's occupying the chair :---Chorus, by the will be `held On' children ; selection, by the choir ; chili -Chi Ashfield, Christmas day, 25th inst., when r tcitation, Miss Holmes ; Solo, Miss addresses' will be delivered by the aggie McNabb ; recitation, Miss Revs. Fear, Strongman, Coiling and oebottom ; duet, Misses McNabb Anderson. Tea 'will be served from d Shoebottom ; chorus, by the 6 to 7:30, and tbe splendid choir- of ildren - recitationtsMiss Katie ,Mc-• the Dungannon Methodist church will iitb-rniiiiitii 'Organ set°, L -Baker i• ecitation, Miss „Elsie Stri furnish a good programme of suitable music. The proceeds are in did of the e least pleasing feature of - school and all are cordially invited. OrSL:0- :iiinusdtrn,rn3Zattautiki'449131,Oil erY ill he ,a0 4,A4 asos TYJI 10 Olibt 1 a .yecently deliver"! suitable for ladies' coat scatifsl Night School • n e entertainment was the handkerchiefs are various On account of the holiday season ti at.) Mr. Connors by the New Years. School opens on Tuesday evening, Jan, 5th, 1892. AB be on hand sharp at 8 o'clock. Subjects next night Commercial paper and how Canadians are governed. Any who wie1119j,041-4-119.1t do so and secure at prices away, down, ,viz largement of the heart, but Mourning at St Helens sties, in hem -stick fancy em- Helens on Sunday last wh A deep gloom was cas tation is widel as represented :the Pait wee ',that we are n ay south." No -wonld make se a .ptoilisatikt 01 - -A141) PART) -For Sale on iesseuabla terms oduce es i VW st tuignica *gad*, ititp x0:4 to Agents, 'Alen and- ClergymOrr.,,' given. 4..PPLY liwytil and fancy brocade. our esteemed merchants pas 7--rfartnaion that moorsousr,rday Of great advantage. A knowledge of the success. Two hours each evening can be spent very profitably. Don't miss your chances. Changed The Arnount We are informed' that a young man from Ashfield township sold a load of - peas last week to one of our local grain buyers. He took the peas to the store- house at the station and the 'weigh - man gave him an order for the money; but before presenting the statement at the pay office, he raised the amount another dollar which was paid by the Cashier. The 'forgery was soon discov- ered, ho*ever, and the young man brought to task, but on account of his widowed mother, we believe, the affair has been settled. This is a serious crime and `‘ought tO prove a good les- son to the foolish young man. Crowding the Post Office A good deal of complaint is made bnsiness men and ethers against the number of small children who con- gregate in the post °fade after school is out. This nuisance is not alone - confined to Lucknow, fot last week's issue of the- Kincardine Review, says: "If that gentleman who triectto aiini- hilace Russel 8age with dynamite wonlctorily gather himself up, pay our post office a visit this evening about. half -past 4, and blow up few of the many gaffirs who congregate there at at mail time to take up valuable space, .hear themselves talk gnd see -them- selves shove, and fancy they are clever he would bestow upon a long suffer- ing public a, great boon." A Local Lawsuit A lawsuit that has been interesting the public for considerable time is that Of Henry Young vs. Richard Carter., By contract Young agreed to' build a house for Carter the contract price being $500. . When the house Was finished Carter was to pay the plaint- iff $100 after the sale of some cattle, this he refused to do, consequently Young brought suit in the Ripley Di- vision Court to recover that amount. The defendants counter -claimed to the amount of $158 specifying 9 different items for damages on account of bad workmanship, inferior lumber .dre. Judge Barret, at the trialon Tuesday last, refused to recognize a single item of the counter -claim and gave judg- ment in favor of Young for the full amount of $100 and costs. Mr. Mor- rison for Young, Mr. Loscorall fot to Ms long home. He troubled for some time past been able to conduct his bus Children's lined gloves at 10c; to the rlay before his death. Children's leggings at 15-c • urday night after having r rest he was seized with a, Ladies fur caps at 75c ; Ladies pain followed by vomiting an hemorrage. :The doctor oyershoes at 80c ,; Boys and for he relieved the eyraptons, men's caps at 25c ; men's over- suffering whiCh,:,,, he bore w shoes -at $1.25; and our whole greateit fortitude, calmly away at ten o'cloek en the foren stock Of glassware and crock- Sunday. The suckleness of his has caused a shock to the whole • ery at 20 to 40 per cent. raunity by whom he was highly discount. teemed. He was cornParativel young man being only forty nine,y of age. He leaves a wife and children, Who• have the sympathy their large / circle of friends. I Murray mine 'to this country in t year 1864, after spending six years commercial life On the other side of t Atlantic. His native place was DU. set sail and coming to the cou Huron haslever since remained. first engage# as book-keeper wit Wm: Goran then merchant Helens. .gfter two years employ he returned* Scotland lot a life panion t4 person of Mrs. M who still sur4ives him. He Co as book7keeper till Mr. G-ord up business in the year 18 he tamed his Mind to which,„he remained for t ten years, but no,t findi liking he retired frore. himself a house in the township clerk and once .Co. he spent t, years, but his, liki business ever refold. up a general store a judgment and busi rient trade. His terred in Dung Tuesday last bein 'a large concourse - vices were conduc of the Pr'esbytef he was a member of Lucknow Lod of Foresters, an attended the fu ems being cond the chaplain of which Will tak repria, grapes, TO ut to nse light Tof lo Cir The- 'bleat CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO Q Luckli & Dungannon. Nista expendit Re sought, of great hastened, if ittlid Mason are seoure able sum was sotte4 son, but this theij nand); fenigi. Maple Logs Wanted The Mitehell, Bros. intend commenc- ing operations at their mills in Luck - now iminediately and are prepared to pay from $6.50 to $8 „per thousand for maple logs of the usual sizes. Bring in your logs at once. Municipal Nominations The nominations , for reeve, cowl-, oillors and three school trustees will tillte place ill the town hall on Mon- day evening next, at 1:30 olclock. The meetine being held in the evening will affSd all the ratepayers an oppor- tunity/to be preslr. On Wednesday the 17th inst., the small building adjoining Mr. Willis' produce store was .broken into and a number of fowl taken therefrom. The parties were seen in the act and are known, but it seems tho act was done more as a joke than anything else, as, all are particular friends of Mr. Willis However, such jokes are a trifle dan- gerous, ' Hedge Fence Company A„moom,party, -composed of about thirty of the hest farmers and busi- ness men of Perth county have pur- chased all the business and rights of the Ontario Hedge and Wire Fence Company in the counties of Perth, Wellington, Waterloo, Huron, Bruce and Grey, and will carry on the busi- ness under the name of the Stratfotd eft and he yet. a mo nly ti want came he he difficult p ffer to help heels. He nee and talked ,s things • she anm They'had passed ton sister that icago age .Weeldin son in 47111 edit Oin tio bhi Prisone ing In eu41 -fine line of spectacl satisfactio ring the shadow's AV &Ate which, the bend in\ would be at end for. throbbing fast with ,/ so self-contained, remand her trembling him. Once she had had, might have had all for but she had flung it ot when hemay—when 'nay." How was she ness was born of some - that of all his troubles ad been caused by her? g that these moments e, too, had a pain like Suddenly, on an in,- ature frank and unre- rknessi through which confession easy. k- I was such a lucky ache in my life till—till Then my. luck changed ; ow, you know—e,t least, eard-Lhow badly things ee the quivering face she him, but he 'heard a she answered, desperately, self r very gentty. ritirltrid-k` want Wird- -harder—stems."' Sh b7EI'vvcsal:TdriElh 4m\.. very p most for when he ing the and sai finger He ameio,. 10.414 at nig c. gee .tA,,itir ay ma bide 46 ttonstant as a compass and as co. it R SE. lir mu ir tr,z, N f ts- 0001131 'hitt COIrtil• 31a 4