Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-25, Page 7---... . . yrf s. Conk CS to ha og a 1, {%I�BJLY' ()likes � THa$ QF IIOtUSE . fit: Tim BABY TO BLEC �� a.n and to teas, ,--- �p• a clave to social ties; sus W. >lti x i~ -ne-.= BALre DON MSTS. A1g iren.M, Io;harmlesu pleas n r ,.. •Le ° PltOliAIiLY TWO 1AlQlilD lJiS. here's muck of iuenina tion in he ye� Coal l a Few or 'hem. eoefi A? ;has r$eitt' To ; " - -- -- - -r. T. •.- - - _ _!• _ . alsi� lashiQn column ev'rIt da , Somebody ' *supposed g . < •- d � �qer �d Spica w. � .. A.Sn o flP''9 tee ler:1 s of Belix d'p yP writes iii the Ladies' Ho? st S'ometzme0,41411:1:; 1e pari. j •A•nd 5 Pa aojhti a Performer 66 Worse. ncls ,sire "sgs #nto a earn e in a waw 4 #, JQurnad that b Fa. Cy�cgs W. Feld �,a.a eek ,e?teed uu�rse, . $s With a "Tharea� ee one ` Journ a of boos. if eld is lits y the numerica1��',a,,y�tem o singingis, deer. p . i A been allhelbng s MOM -A, .des ,. tF. . a f".X she reedy owing thew ery,. andlx b18Batjt. has been aloe suppose -el 4 • New England: mistress'''keen oversight,. a .ded1JT usefyj, �anp .a,• another � singing a • Barr and Mrs Burr. ppoaed'�thab (�eorga�F,, withstanding she has been married env ; restless child to sleep. has sung' the sam9 .who were, foi7nd d,eacl 'TheaWeg er schope and collecting. CAZ • than to ears. ,_ songover 'and oyer • " a FELL'in •t�le. fate b murder i ref mead December `he hien sarte, — — ming=oiC 1e1 _ - --- verses rod's, hely, 17eula ly�this repeating of FOUR- Hi�REI? FEET. T. by murder and suicide the bus - Nn $their amateur theatricals she plays: the ways ofl her household.Wl ks o well to rythmie re stance is' effective • there are In "living tableaux" oft she takclose A-04410 iroru Ilorubay glues the #ol)owing shooting m!8 few cbildre: that can held out for more p' articular$ of the terrible death of h mselfIt was given �ti rnt�dttheonw killing taliving tubi aux of she takeana' .Met, L. P. iM rt addit,f e of the So,True-Press- than en hour or two a ainst it if theMansfield the a cider holes werec and :i.e.)Ut how else belps.the heathen mach she tells, , ion, most aocuratel g, voice , parachutist : An accident found in the wgman a Esso seed tvheo,not talk d�,y is gentle said the Singing is continued with- occurred here on Thursday by which a one in h rY` a chabnber reg Into Jog dips her inter hand syate�gnatic-'n all her expenses, even for out a b k g a iu.nof chocolate caramel. �•'' " 1 c aritry. ,and with a gradually decrees- daring rarhutiat met a horrible death in olver the they floor with all the cartridges t, ah! the glow of health is ole tier,eheek; mg volume of tone, But occasionally it the sightof many persona. The victim was empty seemed to establish the theory that isMrs, C. M. Depew buys and pays cash for happens; that oat as the • child is about to Lieut. Mansfield who had Mr. Barr saved the fifth bullet to end has The light of -love seen within her•eyes; all that is needed is her family. Spatia of go to Slee thereis ail; period when its reputationby bis thrillin gained turfs a ouh fond of pleasure doth she ever seek "society and literature combined own life. The undertaker a . y Withthose who 're sad and poor to s Inn, ,Mrs Pan _ ,�3C pr 7 f,�yr H g 934 ? Wee�aC Ole. "' �Ci�PA6, • '1N3 * Lw S s� L ›S"rL �TSn '� Gc iVR.. c Ylx gl5 s w1 a. ,Tis, n r .'s et' fir}.�hsszcil el eseizetftcs�" „,,, � eLif3"'° �� �� a1Y11 Yl�dTasaw tr ..,1 �%�mx l 11 11kL U re wsvry . w .Ta , Sdz' k s um.. = u mv.su Grp +ffcf'`+cirou , e• 'ilcent,ly, in were twoeta in ]els: `art3s right, the captivating elf, mistress, menu is often of her really remarkably acute, and when the the presence of a large crowd, he made a Barr's brain, and was so positive in hie And be wt o does not love her is a churl; own making out. whose same and more maywork of hours may easily be upset in an balloon ascension, and performed one. of his assertion than an examination was made. now I hasten to devote wyse1I be said of Mrs. Burton Harrison instant• A momentary halt in the singingwonderful feats, When he had reached The second bullet hole was found. From. Unto nay bright and smiling winter girl! , who can mayawaken the child ; the almost im erg ,000 feet Mansfield grasped upon occasion cookyou dainty deli fits. the height of 11 the course of the bullets it is believed that iii 1 y g eetible rustle attending the bending for- P either would have been fatal, and no suicide That is the case also with most of the ward to see if the child is asleephis parachute and jumped from the car. women of the Vanderbilt families. In adds= may have The re achine worked perfectly, and the dar- could have shot the second one. The body Tho Ami;i•Treatiag Movement. tion they all know about 'sewing, the same effect, and there comes a time ing aeronaut reached the ground in safety,of Mrs. Barr will, be dugup. This points to • .Detroit News ; " illy havcr.a cigar= ?z -ma ce their gowns if necessar . Mra&Calvin when even the lees -dant -the the sung strike the a &aisle murder and te DLitt -let Attorney RHen id the subsequently of ae announcedved tpectat would y ye one gentleman to another. " No, S. Brice writes poetry, keeps house and with nerves lses wakefulrerather "than anotherly jump that ho, would had been notified - nk you ;Ido not smoke," is the repay, cooks excellently well, ins rte of beinga with restful impulses. Here is where the make another jump 'from a still greater• Well,,have a glass of wine." "Ido net very active social force. Pnumerical system may be used to advantage, height, and fixed upon Thursday as the date Cai►t. Gordon's Great Bide. a . k wine," the other insists. "' Oh, take Mrs. George J. Gould gives all her time substituting for the regular words of the for his risky experiment. The wonderful c Capt. - Evans Gordon recently rode ,250 • ething 1" persists the first speaker, and to husband, home and children, caringng with their dissimilar and therefore Performance of Mansfield ha caused a miles in thirty-three hours in India, than - undoubtedly thinks he is very hospitable nothing for society and keeping herex somewhat disturbing sound waves other considerable stir amongthe ,inciting on his friend is ho hepi .. esle hiwithin the e she herself nets « residents a of ing horses twenty-three tis o. Tibet,tto words more nearlyuniform in character. Bombay and adjacent districts, and, as a ficin Leh, on the borders of to want to do. But good manners l ever Upon them. Suppose, for instance, • the mother is consequence, the Victoria gardens of this Srinagar, the capital of Cashmere, at 3 a: in. • w us to insist on making ou frieie : to Mrs. Abram S. Hewitt does all her own singing-' Grandfather's Clock,' and that she city, from which the balloon was to be on Oct. 10, he crossed the Phots pass t they do not want to do. ny marketing, and supervises strictly all that has been singing it for•an hour and half and liberated, was thronged with a vast crowd (13,300 feet) and the Mamika pass (13,000 plc do not know the differen,.,'_ .e ,cep goes on in her kitchen.' y has repeated the verses maybe seventy or at the hour set for the ascension. Among feet) and reached Dras at 9.15 in the even- itality and impertinence. ; very large Mrs. Charles A. Dana is • likewise an old- eighty times. At the critical moment be- those present were his Excellency Lord ing, having, when an allowance is made for her of those who in their exuberance of fashioned, thoroughgoing home.,andhome tween wakefulness and sleep she glides Harris, , Governor of the Bombay Presi- a half hour's halt, covered 151 miles in under taken good fellowship their urge etxubeir erance keeper. gently into Thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty- dencv, and most of the civil and military eighteen hours. After resting for seven f`,,, ions to drink or smoke when 'they would Contrariwise, three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, authorities, The preparations for the hours Capt. Gordan Started again'in a blind - i er not, and say so, are simply boorish thing herrschef nd butler,°a who have y ascent were soon completed, and at a ing snowstorm for Mattain, onlya dozen every -thirty-seven, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty- p are neither' kind nor have the true twenty servants under themand' never three, thirty four, thirty-five, thirty-six, signal''from the aeronaut the guy ropes miles distant, which was not rached till mots of good fellowsa thirty-seven,'were cut and the balloon was liber- two hours later. Here the weather P• Good herself makes a -household purchase—a « yvship consists- in making our cam- fashion alsoak followed by Mme. chase— he similar sounds which these words ated amid a storm of cheers. temporarily improved, but snow sagain ins comfortable, at home easy and widow of f to August Belmont, million- When freed from the restraining ropes falling before Baltal was reached.- By this produce make but the faintest ripple on the But is a person comfortable when sire banker, turfman and politician.' sensitive ear, and generally ten or fifteen the huge airship shot upwards with time it was noon. Pushing on, the traveller tuned to do something against his verses of the song so sung are -enough for lightning -like velocity, and the cheering found' that Soieamarg was deep in snow and Would he make himself uncomfert- TUE TRANS -SIB the purpose.—New York Sun. was at once hushed as the crowd instantly that two days' heavy rain had made the ore he "at home "? Is he easy and EIfI�N BA><ratOSD. perceived that something was wrong. The track to Srinagar very nearly impassable; en one expresses displeasure at his , The trans -Siberian Railway it is proposed Johnny's Composition. balloon had only reached, a height of about but by dint of perseverance the residency to accede to impertinence f The to open for traffic in 1895. But•the same 400 feet when it burst with .a loud and was reached -at 8 o'clock in the evening. doubts exist ,rp to the feasibility of accom- THE cnT, startling explosion and irnmediatel began (til, treating at beat is vulgar, and liahin the • ��. y ?3arper s Young people. y f ., tr iesat that are discouragingar, the P g kin such a short time, as to fall to • the earth. ' ,Mansfield made the existed respecting N• 7.he cat is a veryGreat Young lire, unconsciously perhaps, teaeh•J f' g hecanadian Pacific Rail- is a email fur dinteresting meows, animal. hasHe most Brom t to efforts to disengage the para- g Men. te, unconsciously s moral precept, and way. • The building, of -the railroad has g that and chute from the collapsed balloon but it had ' Charles James Fox was in Parliament at d etiquette. Why not ask become not merely, a commercial but whispers and several other whinge: ' He has become entangled in the ropes, and the un- nineteen. ' 'four aws—two fore paws and two behind fortunate man was soon The great Cromwell left the University if -he will have a pound ham, a political ,necessity"• to Russia. • The dad, ora pave of sec . t eChinese, it is clarm�el�i, have dear s ones—and a tail. He has been known for hold. The spectators uttered cries of dreg at Cambridge at 18, d 46 or a drink of whisks �': u.pn the fertile veils gn many years; two of him having been said to may as theysaw the b John Bright was neve to " Y ieh lies betweenhof the Usauil. Ark,where he muy g oto another, "Have a los ' Russian territory, aa Cont �ri late and uh- be on the �t have bee body coat whirling dayafter he was 15 years old. any school a tied up, or what would have become of the at the sight.' Mansfield struck the ies gronuud at1 Gladstone was in 24 'fin ?' and the other answering; P P . rats ? Cats don't get to be cat until .thehe was Lad of t e Zreaeur t°' at 22, and �J •Y �� ),, sank' ~y I don't ,care for anytt' pout 2,5001miles sof 'the trans -Siberian, are a year old; when they stop being kittens hist body terrific cru hand was ed and mangled, killed, Y 1ieiyi, entice the" arity of the otherwhich they are born as. It takes a kitte Henry Clay was in the Senate of the 'Slating, •' U ' have been surveyed. On the leans investigation beingto the cause of the accident United States, contrary to the Constitution, Iberia asP several weeks toget his eyes open, at 29. vvorn off, have you . ut'r ,in our own pr arise, few en- doesn'tget dtr y P if he revealed the fact that in a previous descent t et if you don't want to eats ring difficulties will . be encountered. wee `�ereih" •that' tune, an. the balloon had fallen into the sea and beenWashington was a colonel in the arm at vv ist x e anti -treating society uttcon' art of- the route •for. 1,. 00 miles has he scratches when he is mad. My father somewhat damaged and that the breaks 22, commands of the forces at 42, Presi- doesn't exists, so,far as food and clothing ..! lly surveyed ; else east o says camels ,sed, to be cats, but got their then sustained had been improperly re- dent at 57. concerned. What s a great 'thin for ', ° ; and a. r. backs' . ,e dayand couldn'tget them the jut 200. - `^gn down a paired. Judge Storey was at Harvard at 15,in mperance were this truea intoxicatingest. miles' g` in, and, so became camels. I Congress at 29 and Judge of the Supreme inks. The possibilities of 'the anti treaEur. through end nearest the he' rd a camel meow, but I suppo A Rule for Living Happily with Others. Court of the Unrted'States at 32. P society are far-reaching, indeed. mm` unsurve� d� the Ural mouzi_. ' ' because they can do most an A rule for living happilywith others is : Martin Luther had become largely dis- r" ° Vladivostock, which aGo they c suing seven stomachs and of to avoid havin stock sujects of disputa- tinguished at 24; and at 56 had reached the, Fifteen Rules 'for. Girls. class fortified is to thing, without water. g p!' tion. It mostly happens, when people live t°pmost round of his world-wide ferns. - station. harborand the many • :ti ary says a cat is a carnivoroub much "together, that they come to have • Webster was inicollege at -15, gave evi- . Shut the door, and' shut it softly. Dad tire rhe Gost of the rail- The it'd, 'hut that does not sound like a topics,dente of his teat future before he ,was 25 Keep your own room in tasteful order..r equipment certain set around which; from g Have an hour for rising, and rise. i°r ' at $17b OOO;OOU m rung at dru he old Egyptians used to be very frequent .dispute, there. is 'such a growth of, and at 30 he was the peer of the•ablest man " d !erg° coil OtC° The road he cat, treatinghim like a. member angry words, mortified vanity and the like; in Congress.—Young Men's Era. earn to make bread as well as cake.' the and food of wn family, ver let a button stay off twe large thoritieS in . ufl possibly and making mummies that the original subject of difference be 6, s, Pu ge . e ore principall derlak�g this of thea. A then he died: Some of, these comes a standing subject for quarrel, and Spoiled Children. y `iPoe•': $ uilding better for political mu of ,Theyhangtendency ' P 7. a know where our t a F 'moi► c�, live. used to there is a in all minor disputes to cometh et a day pass with t gin°• humanity people itbng cats in Egypt, because the drift down to it. Again :_H.neQp1 wust not jis t. r effete civilization. fey have always .ex: �'--, cellar. Ne t'' � afo ceto breakfast � Ad ` to Christmas cat we ► et the moon, probably because live much o. logic, and sueppo a that everything iar,eeFr, th first since the beginning of our ChicagoBa ars• bean Ueg� race, for the first child was Cain, and in the g, Nodes � Prase ; � g � ty out all night. We have is to' be settled by sufficient 'reason. Dr. toned. y hut- getting into the It is quite tune.to bei they One' ,and he has six' kittens, Johnson saw this clearly will}, regard to doliubt that Evet of his bal owed the wouent nderfuwe l little 10. Speak 0 with you ;ho easy for some Christmas s reit. begin a cat a married people od and of us to P It is tirecjtheir fico every day just P P when he said : '� Wretched creature his own wayin everything. O ' i- rmet t• o understand. . ugh ,p y unless we can get Into the not 'whit, i would be the pair above all names of -wretch nal sin was then -so new,so fresh, g that the • 11. Never fid f , r no d and bo-olly th re g along yr like oto like 1� ednoss who should be doomed to adjust by - m out of anything without J babyhad it in its undilutedpotency,and the y isturb - Iiristmas;,. might as well the Cats • a feet,'which is why their reason, every morning, all the minute eomebod o'• '" ,wore First of all be landyyoung mother, most hapless f womn, never 12, fever help y t r y about the thin d°n. t be ing eibl' they have to be killed details of a'domestic day.. But the appli- had a mother of her own to ' fore you pass the plat k be- / do for people but cannot you That begin to feet are elks -they die, and sometimes cation should be much more general than hestruct guide and in - 13. Be patient with 1 ythin, , GO ahead 2'hat willrlts to • ane tam : even then. They eat milk whenmade rt. There is no time for such reason- dren could beeasily cher. . Other ited from tof heoSc Scriptiled ure your mother to be,• ou ; write a list of friends do what You oil they don' fivheii wild they cry like a baby ings, and nothing that is worth them. And wish records—Jacob, his mother's earl, and 14. Never keep anybod and ,and ebodv comes' to. see what is the or fret, •f:�.glass, a it iu the corner be r°m°�bered mar•vhen we recollect how two lawyers or two, 15• 'Never fuss,and when inspirations your loo sothey politicians gocontending, Absalom, the pride of Davids heart, coni' ,a come iuspiratfons g- matter ad then eat him which is P latrans can on and that . the idea o kinat once to mind-' but it is not necessaryato IIs mad the 1Dr 1 r write " as , teaches people t6 mind their own there is no end to one-sided reasoningon the name of Pposite' the presents fatalananyweturn to the past, we have the species always Mono Tribune : You Dilidon't avta C:1aus. name, but Nisi/led :children aret gcrying fo or. what other contention is thesbesthall ttmode for arrot be sure hfving suchat with us ; perhaps in our own homes may be I ain't ageing t •1'` give useful and al!•t]r° elves eo , found choice,well-developed a ecimena. Arizona). , g of g o Y hair et vanities things ; ratify p Apse t s, ewe is a very unser thing, looking truth. But certainly it isnot the way to Harper'a Baar. P P manse, Lil.. You've g este ,b when• you can ; i lot machine all day and an agate at arrive at good temper,—New York Ledger. Pecips ,if g ns. Is it Jake Roundtop or, n i &hat your conscience give a like a. seem better in the. dark than in the Deceptive Appearances. Fannie Davenport is in need of a lop xg for '�� ti_ hu, $ sinOryou ni ht, ;like . witches. ' Therefore they rest Miss Kacktua (surrender g nssea afld a fle tellsgg It's you Gabe. I see you've u, Int your'ap os theent 04,1 de' pen light, d'to be friends of witches, and some There is in the English navya famous severe beingpaiin the head. a sufferer from a constant and Via. know they have fro remind tb8 o l ale ,are 8 d"ori't like theriu,on that account, but and valiant Admiral; who, whehe is. on Thirty-four pounds of raw sugar make Emperor Francis Josubles, m that Ido, shore, likes to take his ease in his handsome The resent'8o Trac two. best cats that ever lived house . in Belgravia, at the West End of twenty one pounds of refined. • imperial wedding p Trick' - Th 'e consists 91 a dinner servige + e}v Yak .Leer° eyed. bele ' g d to Dick Whittington, Mayor of Lgli$on, —A young lady was overheard telling i� tea' : dpn,l who went out west and killed a of hong age,, o another in a ° Walnut -street car yesterday persons, constructed of solid,; mists imine a fe Tref. Lo, Of rate at a dollar a head,and took the , the Admiral sat in front pleasant his nresidence Din " I sleep s kid gloves full of vaseine eve ,mrougnt and chased. Ther ; - thin t at's'got afootran� I'Il pulta fli t' et'° 'home to his •maeterto get to be a somewhat neglected costume, smoking a night ori getmy warts of£",; iPhiladelphict r'. is top ye or with; and Puss in Boots who stole pipe. • # pieces. P 14lana A of its ... , >i , P P , a �,� Y Wrinkles—No a.ater'a clothes and ate a. giant, thereby A policeman came past and looked at The largest dry dock on t,�iepeat lakes is t;? m Manager----Well, afla s No, I a Su fl it.g his master owner of the farm and him hard. The Admiral paid no attention, said to have just been completed at Detroit ger`Well d of a rich girl, whose.fatherdiedand "Look here 1" said the policeman, sea- bythe Detroit DryDock Co'Cri an at a �� �- 1 °: What a the here , P P y, Wrinkle$ (edging ? your iaf 1 to her. eptly ; ;' do you belong to the 'ouse, you cost of about $200,000. On the inside the g a ooh Dan t do anything lik6g firs, brit he know ?" dock is 378 feet long, 91 feet wide on top, °jProvlsed gift Y) --A b°d, theta just the sa e, and ie:Very gentle " No," said the Admiral, " the 'ouse be- 78 feet opening at entranL<e, 54 feet opening I 1VigLt Li y little broth •. lid pulls bis tail and- longs to' me, you know ! ." on Miter' sill, 55 feet wide on floor, 16 feet 6 n.tfiave to vllsh, e bade t.;' inches of water over keel blocks, 16 feet 6 ltogether 1 don't know wheat we should inches of water over sill, 4 , feet 6 inches 'thout cats, espeeially,tho'ee that like to A Nebraska agent of a St. Louis firm from top of keel blocks to floor of dock and them lying around just as ve do. Yours bought 100;000 bushels of wheat for his 20 feet 6 inches from water line to floor of y, •JOHNNY. principals and drove on them for $75,00 dock. It is said to be, capable of receiving The yule of a Wife. for it. The agent then shipped the rain to any vessel now floating on the lakes. ew York' Wand : A shockin sloe is thimself at Omaha, took the bills of lading to • The Shah of Persia is described by the g y the banks and borrowed all the money he opponents in his country as nearly played b'yiihe wife of an east -side wprker on could on them. He passed the grain through out.. Ho drinks a bottle of brandy a day, ke, 'Mild ' is ::suing her husband for a an elevator, reshipped it east on'new bills and arses much hashish and opium. The nee •. he declares that the man sold of lading, which" he also took to the bank child that he brought to Europe with him, aline" infamy, getting her on a false pre- and borrowed • more ' money. Now the St. the son of his cook, is now his sole and irre- g tb'go into the place where he had Louis people are looking for their $75,000, sponsible grand vizier. There is no enter-' animated the bargain. The man got a for the•age et and for the grain, none of prise possible in Persia. The rich Miry pittance for the Hale. Hes is now in which can be found. their wealth and are seized and tortured for or refusing to pay a Weekly sum. to the it.. Revolt is beginning to show in various n pending tris trial ; if her case. A Not Bad fora Child. provinces. The masses of the people are hould be found to make him deeply Her Sister's Intended—Minnie, 'if you'll affronted by the Shah's surroundings, and 1'`his'barter of his wife. Tush a trans- come and sit on my knee 1'11 give you a nice are beginning to look outside for redress. je the most degrading of• which present: Chinese annals as remote as 2000 B. C. ii-noind can conceive. • Minnie (aged Ave)—Ith that what made speak of the cultivation of tea, and classify What a Second Glance Did. . you give thither a diamond ring ? it almost as perfectly as is done to -day. Ito virtues were discovered by accident. o Tribune : " You are« charged, Colorado has, snow banks twelve feet deep. Charles C. P. Hunt, a Chicago boak- id the . police magistrate, with at- Vulgarity in long clothes is more shock- keeper, and one of the best in the city from g to•`kiee this woman on the street. ing than immodesty in short'skirts. all accounts,toils daily at debit and credit plead guilty or not guilty." The New York World is authority for the at the age o 90. ur honor," replied the blear eyed statement that Mrs. Scott•Siddons,. " who ' Major McClaughry, Superintendent of taking a good look at the preseout• never played anything but the classical the Chicago Police ems, " I plead insanity." t at drama, is .to return to the boards in a play an Illinois Presbyterian college was with the dex- A Christmas !'Wadding. 1 of to -day. It is a question whether the pectation that he would enter the Church. English -speaking stage, however, ever ,Sir Edwin Arnold Tories in the fact that blo wedding of the near future will could be or ought to ho emancipated from glories f'the well-known Mies Amy Gorine the infltreueeof classical models" }re has written at least, 8,000 editorial d Aubrey Boucicault, son of the �. (leaders, ,each of which has been over half a laywright and actor. Aubrey —Only 11 per cent. of flowers emit a per-' column in length.' t is himself an actor of note. The fume. Lord Randolph Churchill, who is in eatoel. ill take place in New York about The Duke' of Devcvnsh•ire, who is reported lent health, will, according to present f the holidays. to be dying, has the bestowal of forty-two arrangements, leave Mashonaland on his Church "livings," as they are called in hotnoward journey' within the nest few days. i •- n g to a doctor's,estimatei one per- England, of which twenty-three are vic- His Lordship is expected to reach London in left-handed. } sieges ,.-.left a ed • tet it week in stem r .I • sir 4c fi . rt ' de re g'lit, - e 4• ti `� e t' t fled ni h there are tt get -light is You u°°$ are made drape b9'A f can be cont'• but hose ctipe candle rive A 'T'i i mph' gi, d;�N,. f 1j 'f st can pard d and'4Ung lPere arta c several y the wink is far bels trouble of Souse Aczatt3�• and Lungs can ,. Household. ours 9� t a truly vas ohx ��, a�ireciate w gat The clip; heir. t illi rneons of it' li ,r easinn, aiWabere of heali�.�, Ys' ,. sensations strength -gathering and sec', «th-g 1 -.:'or wtti', , 5ten+o -� joys. $• t a are Unknown we.d° not ;reit easy c° id Sug a.,. 'and atet may . SillC,oli Sligo.% ai]d w fort+�v' e'd or stop co, a ticldin u ; ), e ordinary This is as far as , ; ^ cbee's (;,sees -medicine goes. .; a rre:at'S`lti sydpuri discover �' Where Lung Specialty. an lit mr years there have b�e tti n� ttti-;�css pair], coughing, re weakness; si hags, voice'' hexe doctors a ping down hill, w #nedietsae and advicehave been sw and followed to the gulf desplowed here there is the sici�=eni conviction t where all. is over, and tl end isi n there we pia end is inevitable, cures. �o Germed Sy epi£ you take it. a eve' man Y A Clever Trick. • y:wmLyueravmexuu.a.