Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-11, Page 8• nIC • t coiy CTORY ---�-_ North Lritieh �,nd M. erc&n+tite, of Eciitiburgb =GEIS I -6:30? . , - uuaaY DeS I1 d ia.:3Q , tn,. �unday Sohogl,anu Bandon. �Pesteru, .of Toronto' .:a..mR anP... • . • F . Holme ' 0 1 , Londo4-aud .Globe, off Liverpool. 2.30 p, m., Superantendent, Wm. S , . Ltyerp o & Adult cies/ eve y Wednesday evefl1fl at Gore District, of Ga1t� o'clock, Bible and sayer book lessonom, P'e X11 _Northern, of London and Aberdeen. aseweTconne. REv . 3: Go�rrfoa, Bas Guardian, of London, England. Phce , of _. EDUCATIONAL.. suranae Co'y., of North Am 'ca, Mone London, England, and Accident In - R. OUNNINOVHAMI AGENT • - GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at, my expense, AL NEWS* M.a�ple 1�ogs Wanted' LOE ,1511NQ I� POS "OFFIcg, • e; ttehell Br' s intend c�opam aao-, uel1. k1ours #, a* m,�lE?� x [7� :iXt h. i . s in Luck- fi test r waiters eir tae dealt . . a siaivts• � -�' : � � - In a erat><ca!ns,;; at •�+1?;e�4r �'�1�,..,� le_ ��+' t s ger • •.1I:.Seth :. - 6:13ra t . Pally ; .ow immediately and are ;prepared to ,. .. Elliottis at resent 9 12'30;1. Th " ; ...pay from $6.00 to, .g er thousand for r ,_..The Rev. A1r. p /, « Qnaple logs of the usual. sizes. -Bring in the village visiting -his brother Ilr /AO ii: �r ElliottN � ` iu your 3pgn.:au •uYt,4•e. llic,t �. S ,of -.The Rev. B, Bryan, of Parkdale, w ° Death t. ©oi, Boyd is spending a few days with friends �` Lieut. -Cal, B. B. Boyd, commanding p g J0. ,amt; tipeaoekpl,au �n ; ]! 801', m, « Y- (Bruce) here. ` '' P''Tuesdaya'and• officer .of Cher Thin Second Bruce 3,6p,•p,m. Fridays . Battalion, died at his home in. Port—Wallace's silverware for quality, 'gids 1gin .�nt.,„ on unday last, aged - 44� cheapness and designl ur stases any .d►�,'�x�.�1c�t�1'1�►�,����_. --�*.aq�.�c�.:. 1;��:.Q•,-r.�-�3� ra.� � t 81tar ' ' . r years, frons, cancer in . tie atom li: titin d ut. t B "�5outh 3.20 a• m• s Col. Boyd -was a verypopular officer _The Paramount factory sold 'I+T°"th ZQp' ni• y p p cheese lest week, and we understand their aria served in,the Waterloo Battalion isupur r at the time of the Fenian raid in 1866. the price received. was 10 cents. ,los —Mr. Frank H tohinson, ' of Kin- -Mr. on Sleighs �` by ., ca:dine has fallen- $15,000 gigprominent farmer of atm the death of. a rich uncle in Buffalo. "06,,t � � t . - township called . our attention last . week to the .dangerous practice of —The most suitable and most eau - allowing, children to hang on sleighs. tiful Xmas, gifts for old and yonng. There is scarcely a winter passes but Can ,and inspect our stock.—J. Wallace. one or more accidents• from this —Don't forget to attend the assemb- cause and he thinks the village con- ly next Wednesday evening, Dec. 16th, stable should be instructed to put a in the , Caledonian Rall, Admission stop to it. 25cts. —The total amount of rainfall for the month of November was '7:43 ins: It rained on sixteen days during the month. John. Purvis, tax collector for Kin- loss. will be in Lucknow on Saturday Dec. 12, for the.purpose of receiving taxes. -" • Straw Cutters and Root Pulpers.— We have them. They are the best ; prices right. Call and examine at' W. Allin's. —Mr, Peter McKenzie, of Kinloss, is attending the meeting of the Heavy Draught Horse Association at Clinton this week. . —Mr. G. E. Kerr this Friday even- ing sings at a concert in Pinkerton pride---- "nth �- p anis ? r ttirLena L. E� Ring., •to m, Thomas Colernan, from d in Wingham, for $8,000. —Mrs. H. Stowe returned on Thurs- day last from Lucknow, where she had been attending the obsequies of her father. Goderich Signal. —Mr. Thomas Stewart left on Mon- day lash for Berkley, near , Owen Sound, as head sawyer in the Mitchell Bros. mills of that place. —A concert will be given by the Patrons of Industry in the school house at Paramount on Monday Dec. 21st. Everybody welcome. *.r ' ,4,3Up.�n.•. Fire and; iVlarimr Insurance.---- Throring..Snow Balls We would direct 'attention to the dangerous practice of boys . throwing snow• balls. on the streets; and espec- al ► at'ropassing teams. The constable has the authority to arrest every snow `Ioall thrower.and have him punished, and v'.le'woul,. like, to see him exercise ,.' "bat 'authority. :tory Meeting lie Annual Meeting of the White- n Urch. ;Creamery Company will be Acid iii 'orresters' Hall, Whitechurch, e ' S,aturday the 19th ' inst. beginning. .? m,, when the dividends will be paid , and other business transacted. All are requested to attend.. J. J. W. SIMPSON, Secretary. A:Nuns Hotel ' The,,large brick block. in this village ;that Was erected by Mr. Alex. Mc- Intyace;been purchased by Mr• o n Brown, implement agent, and is . r , leve' -`to be converted into an 1 e meeting of the South Bruce arrmers'• Institute will - be held in the town `'hall, Teeswater, on Tuesday ,next, December -15th. The afternoon session twill commence at 8 o'clock, and the evening- meeting at 7:30, when haddresses will be delivered by ;the Hon. John Dryden, Minister of A;g ricuiture ; Henry Brown, J. T. Brill, Henry Arkell,A. Zettle, B. B. Clement, Wm. -Valens and others. Visiting Old Friends AIL James Falconer, of Grandon, .North Dakota, and formerly a resident of Kinloss, is at present spending a few weeks with the old neighbors and friend's here. Mr. Falconer had a tre- • iiendous crop;yof wheatthe past season. 160 acres of which averaged 40 bush. , to the acre, -while the balance of his • large farm footed up nearly 30 bushels to the acre. He intends returning to thit•West about the New Year. What 1'Saw In Italy The lecture given by Rev. John D. Murray, B. A., of Kincardine, • under the auspices of the Holyroo'd Mechanics' Institute on the evening of Nov. llth, subject "What I saw in Italy was a splendid .success in every respect." It is needless to say that the lecture was interesting and first:- class rstclass every way, and in spite of the disagreeable weather . that prevailed, the Hall was filled with an apprecia- tive audience who showed . their delight by frequent applause. Secured the Saw Mill Mr. E.• Bower, of this village, has rented for a number of years the saw- mill at the 12 con. of Ashfield. The mill and alt the machineryhas been thoroughly overhauled anis now in first-class working order. Mr. Bower is a practical sawyer and thoroughly understands -his .business, so that all parties wanting custom sawing done can rely on getting . a first-class .job. A full supply of lumber and shingles constantly m stock. The cider mill will also be kept4 znning as formerly, and their retirement will be a loss to battalion, and Mr. G. E. Kerr attended. the County: the funeral of the late Ool. Boyd,' in Port Elgin on Wednesday•last.' —Xmas numbers of Illustrated pa —A grand school concert will be pers : Graphic, Illustrated London held in S. S. No.' .9, Kinloss, on the News, The Ladies Pictorial, Sporting 23rd inst. The programme will con - and Dramatic News, Dominion Illus- sist of music, recitations, dialogues, rated Pictorial World, Toronto Saha.. etc, Doors open at 7:30 p m. Ad - dry Night, Puck, Judge, British World mission 10 cents: man, British Workwoman, Band of Hope llewiew, 4.c. Large pictures wwith "—Great , b1izz►rd in the north. Terrific wind blo wing a class of inferior each IllufitratPd Christmas Number at Harry Days. boots to Lucknow. Traffic almost blockaded along; the sidewalk. The —Every merchant who desires his storm is over and people are goingto town as well as his business to prosper Peart's, the relitble, who has stood he should have his advertisement in his storm for the last 19 years. local paper, for the outside world judges a place greatly by the look of. —Rev. J. S. Cook, of Ripley, will its newspaper which, like a mirror, preach the, annual Missionary sermons in the Methodist churches of Ashfield, reflects the class of people in the town.. on Sunday next, Dec. 13th, at Blokes, —Have you seen T. L. Treleaven's 10:30 ; Hackett's, 2:30, and at . Hope Cabinet Photographs for $1.50 per doz ? 6:30. Rev. J. Kenner preaches in the If not it will pay you to do so before interest of the Superannuation Fund on the Ripley circuit. Revival Meetings The special meetings in the Metho- dist church each evening are still con- tinued by the Rev J J White, the evangelist from Hamilton, and his labors are productive of a great deal of good. The church is well filled on each occassion and already some ten or fifteen new converts have conse- crated themselves to the service of the Lord. • The Precaution Sometimes Needed When postage stamps, were first in- troduced, an Irishman having misgiv- ings as to the adhesiveness of the stamp, wrote under it, "Paid for, if the thing sticks." Our one - cent stamps have so little stick -to -it On account of the teacher being away next Friday evening there will be no night :school. All are expected to,be on hand next Tuesday evening. - Don't miss the book-keeping — single and double .entry.. Anybody can understand it. . The exercises will be useful and instructive. Punctual- ity is ,one of the secrets of success. Remember then, be on hand at 8 o'clock sharp. Popular Young Lady The Chicago Tribune in giving an account of a Highland bazaar in that ,city on Thursday evening, in aid of the Scottish poor, says that Miss Islay McIntyre, daughter of Mr Alex Mc- Intyre, and formerly of Lucknow, was awarded a handsome embroidered plush cushion for the most" popular " young lady present. The entertainment was under the auspices of the ladies of the Highland Association of Illinois, and was largely attended, The proceeds amounted to over $500, ' County Council There was not a great deal of ]lusiness transacted at the late meet- J'ng of the Bruce County Council 'at Walkerton last week outside the pass- ing of accounts etc- The Paisley bridge contract and a couple of other matters which was thought would ' be thoroughly ventilated passed off very quietly and the action of the Warden and the special Committee was unan- imously endorsed. We are unable to give. the minutes this week, but may - do so in our next. The personell of the Council will be greatly changed next year as some twelve of the' oldest members"have decided toretire. from public life, anti prominent among whom we may mention are Reeves John S. •McDonald, the present War- den; James Gaunt,'e±-Warden; George Moir, of Culross; John Henderson, of Carrick; J. M. White, of Amabel; D. J. .tzzard, of Port Elgin; Donald McIntyre, of Elderslie, and others. All these have been active me‘nbers 1.4UCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- bute. Reading room open every evening from 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays., when the hours will be from 2 to -6 p. m. The librarian, will be in attendance during these Nuances, Secretary. LOOK K:R ° "Now doth the busy candidate Improve each shining minute In proving to the electorate That he's the man . that's in it.". —Cutters and sleighs.—Now is the time to secure your cutters and sleighs; large assortment and latest designs ; good quality and fine finish.—W. Allis. ' —Great boom in repairing- those blizzard boots. Scores of pairs seek- ing refuge In the cobbler's shop. Repairing done on shortest notice at Peart's. • -Ladies', gents'"and children'sover- shoes in great variety, just to hand. Some new lines in ladies' ware. Call. and examine them before purchasing. —J. Peart. —There will be seven candidates for initiation at the meeting of the Work- men Lodge on Monday evening next, and all the members are requested -to be present.. —Bringalong your fall printing: A bill head or letter' head conveys the idea of a live business, while accounts or, letters written on the bare paper have a one horse look. —The Daily Globe has been en- larged to a seven column paper, and several improvements introduced. The Globe special train, is, however, cut down to a Saturday trip. —Mr. H. Morrison, lst lieut,, in command . of No. 3 Co. 32nd Bruce Bruce County (aoier M. Samuel Roether, gaoler of the 4.s County of Bruce, died at his residence in Walkerton on Sunday of last week," and his remains were, taken to Port Elgin for burial. Mrs. Roether died just two weeks before her husband. Mr. Roether was a most efficient officer/ and under his able management our County gaol is a Model institution. Deceased was in his 69th year and was always until lately, a strong and vigorous man.' He was a native of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. After coming to Canada, he first, settled in the County of Waterloo, but in 1856 moved to Port Elgin in this county,, where he carried on business as a general storekeeper until his appointment as gaoler in 1867 when Bruce set up as a county on its own accounb, , leaving your orders elsewhere. , FIRE I 'F Insure your farm property, private dwellin in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL 0 Office,—A.• ROSS harness' shop, Lucknow Wil be in'the office everySaturdayafternoon, JOHN LANE Agent Kinlougb. TEETH, TEETH! a.attw�avm�ax•%.�s+3F • THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the - SENTINEL Printing Office, AGREEMENT ,. : c LEAS'altS, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND ' WILLS - CAREFULLY LLY PREPARED. Plans,specibcatioas and estimates for build , ings, mills, brill, on sho Lucknow, ,Tan .1891 .3 es, etc„ furnished t no��',ce. AJtSOMERVILLE.. John Griffin, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON : CO. . REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. n class se of teeth_ ;LiES ATTENI)E IN ALL PARTS / C'r1 aVea r S2f thfl Ct3T +stat to gt urauteod. ch art , ca f oil numb/$ -����11 R'i'CLASS FARMS . p'ennant's Office, �ll.- For sale .on reasonable terms. L UCKWOW, ONT.! JOHN G fFI:IM, KINGSBRIDGE P.0. JOHN WALLACE, The Leading Jeweller, NOW WE HAVE IT The finest line and largest stock of Silverware ever shown in this .part of the country. X111. t �1 ,OB And therefore always pleased to show it. Call and inspect it. The PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN And guaranteed to be the best quality in the world, WATCHES, CLOCKS 9 AND JEWELLERY In endless variety. . A fine line of spectacles neatly done_ and satisaction gun need, os n hand. Repairing -z'VM ITS ..A. O-A.LL_ JOHN WALLACE„ L"UCKNOW, ONT. STERLING TLS M'MJJJLAKITTREDGE & CO. T MANUFACTURERS OF R STERLING MACHINE OIL R L FOR - "i FARMERS AND THRESHERS Absolutely pure from �e Absolutel y all foreign substance and will not gum or corrode op farm machinery. For sale by N S - C. TAYLOR, Lucknow, R, MURRAY, St. Helens 4