Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-11, Page 7, 11 To Avoid Errors. TEA TABLE GOSSIP. DEATH PREFERRED TO:TILLI.L. - Never judgea. maiden by the beauty of her hair, Never Judge a thappia tiy hie. evevvac-ant THE SyREEr O.A.It CONDUCTOR s Isayonzass. * WellumbigneziefellisinernntafTaktaPrgetistionW• . Ina Ertit' 'Never Judie a banker by fit i Change, --O Jillgle of his And in speech she isn't witty, A Toronto report says : . .. She isn't cultured in the things that beautify a the unfortunate young Englishman who was Henry Hanbury, WITH() "UT AN EQUcuALREs * e She's neither yotuig nor pretty Never judge a cook -maid by the blacking on involved in a charge of embezzling money RHEUMATISM the range. --tY. Y. Judge. 4aciriels hitthrmgraiest:pnwa ifug::' j Bull -tell have learned to love heis .liverystable Illaxe,- lij COBS 0/I . „.., {,-..11: mARA Zfloyer jwige. a. candidate byhow he shakes your Never. judge by Never Judge by agents' maps the value ef their lassd ; hand, labels when you're buying a zuidTowahnille firtinlz she's THE I See her going gaily vsterreyeti:eweensiti.yeeterday. sent up for trial, and he took his disgrace He said very little to anyone Hainbury had been Fl T.r‘M:Gs:t.'ATi'.1 A111 111 •;\ 4 .' ' j '4' 7 -!; INEURALCIA, ., A•77.•••••••,.... es_frzezr. AAAArAw*.ssamL.,,,....,..„„,,„„wwessAlea. iprbirzeaaniTvheY1,21aliO my' wfraTfoguhfiadride8eaBr iWianL"tialleioom at 168 King Et.umaiLlUSieveiiiiige. Never Judge theliquae by cigar, .the fixings of the She doesn't climb ofr backwaard ° women are, Monday night he had made up his mind to •R.EMEDYFORPAAI seuvneA, - - Sprains,. lEiruig3„esi MBACO; so fair as other about • it. t would seem, however, that en Never judgea paper by itscompetition sehemes, I'll marry her bee chg.', ka bar ; With a, tumble rude and awkward. ewe _Nat how to evening in writing letters, end hia life. He spent a portion of she and on Tuesday THE CHARLES A. VOGELER COMPANY, Never think that apything lo leally Whim . what it friend? —What greater loss than hats of true the litst seen of him by his wife. She looked leave a car. morning he started down town. That was Canadian Depot: TORONTO; ONT. ishing to a point downward to the exact is 610 acres. Hanbury had, it appears, rented a room terday quashed with costs the conviction in wants me to marry a man I have seen. Baltimore, BenAth the Sidewaika.for him on Tuesday evening, but could not There is an old theory that. if John Smith evenings. —Heavy • overcoats are not amiss these waited for him, but he came not. Yester- make out what happened, and sat up and THE TEACHER WiNfii. .._ owns in. fee simple a farm, or a city lot of He Was a Dude . certain superficial dimensions, he also owns —Ten per cent, of the population of India ndayiaaccustomeds hecain e do down looreewhIppinfg. ! : • the soil and.ssbAemels„iska,,,assasseasma,ssa.. , .fanAlit,27.,b. .1„.1.420.,1„,,L,,,ot,,,bourtwambs,anyzif The Judli.n.M. AkAkI1439.11,nereew.,4-4,2a. andwn she made b begantot oh. father hautnots,to marry a man I have never seen. low'all and every part of it, though dimina .4g!—The avfle;;;;;Of an Americanf:; fear that he had done away . with himself.' The Common Pleas Divisional Court yes- Perdita—That's nothing! My centre of the earth. If there are voids or —There are over 9,000 brass bands in the down town from Mr. Lucas, the case of the Queen vs. Balfour. This is • vacant spaces within these subterranean Satiation Army. surgeon on King street west, where he had the veterinary the case in which the defendant, a school A great obstacle to the • manufacture of to the very heavens, so that no man, king and French poefesayss- ass —Yesterday was the 319th anniversary of him then: Through a :i'ndow they saw lu • • • e of her scholars. The learned judges waxed in all the lead pencils in the world comes bounds he owns these also. And he also --The.PoPe can speak English, Germa ssilsd teacher near Niagara. Falls, was fined* and lead pencils wifl soon are in the scarcity„of owns the open space above his lot, upward some of his friends to look for costs for using' abusive language towards one -fielt-ealar woe:UT-Xi-present the wood *Ind or kaiser, may undermine' or overshadow the death of John Knox, tlib Scottish re- him lying on .his back on a couch. , The very warns when the evidence was produced from Florida, and that supply is e,xpected .him, save by his own proper permission, door was broken in, and he was found dead. before them, the chief justice remarking sive and inalienable are the rights of cor- to be exhausted within five years. duly ,signified and given. Not less exten- former. ' A }settle • labelled laudanum and another that a good horsewhipping should have been s'am."....".."1""""""m Why does the mother so sadly weep porations, so that the city which As she bids her son farewel chloral told the story of suicide. Between administered to the boy. The conviction D. C. N. L.,59. 91 . Because he plays on the college team l ? his fingers was a half -smoked cigarette. Ap- was quashed with costs to be paid by the erty in the depths beneath and in the owns its streets is also possessed of like pro- And his fate no power can tell. parently the unfortunate man sat down on private prosecutor, the court remarking 'heights above. This uch premised, it is to again in England. The announcemsnt of a to smoke a cigarette and wait for death to private prosecutor should pay the coats this ,. p• sundry owners ciPlis k buildings and proper- ( —Moody and Sankey have come together ,the couch, drank the poisons, and started that if ever there Was a case in which the be observed that n i , many modern cities g iog n oLionhdton packed Theopening thehall prayeron, thasecome. It came before he had finished the was the case. .An order was made protect- A live energetic saldsman who is active and ties fronting on the streets, have made, or offered by Mr.:J. E. K. Studd, the fareous veryeet sarrietith alone allowed that there had been a warrant been issued by the magistrate stamp can make a handsome income. No cigarette. A little bloody froth at the ing the magistrate and prosecutor, but had industrious. A lady or gentlemaof the righb ;caused to be made, excavations beneath the streets or sidewalks, for the purpose of cricketer. A SLEIGH RIDE. any internal struggle. The bottles were labelled Ryley's drug store, Oshawa. In have been made. The offensive language address, a nd an honest and uoright character Address M. A. C. Co., P. 0. Box 72, Hamilton instead of a summons, no such order would capital required other than a good and pleasing lighting or storage or other uses. Just now She looked so swept among the furs the pockets of the dead man were found a was to the effect that the pupil was a dirty there is much interest in these under -street I longed to press her to my heart; A THRILLING Detective Stories, I6 Co._ excavations in the city of Chicago. The But with one hand to rightly drive, solicitor, one to his wife, another to a sister and was called forth by the leading part number of letters, one to Mr. Barnes, his thing and Ilea to associate with animals, civic government of that city have concluded Alas ! I did hot have the art. in Australia, and one to Mr. Stone, the which the lad had taken in a game (.) 11 r4:.lekvarrt 1310, that all occupiers of rooms, -vaults, or spaces I tried, and tried and tried again, undertaker. Mrs. Hamburg was completely known as "bumping." One of . the pupils 0 street west. Toronto, Ont -city for the same. And now that Chicago .And make me draw it back in haste. her husband spoke .to her in the most en- sociation that pays $600 to 0,0001 If sc. I'Ma 1 aldSelTiFt beneath the public streets, squares and But when my arm stole round her waist broken down, and wept as if her heart MARRY Do you want to correspond for pleas - wharves must hereafter pay rent to the The:Lsk ittish colt would leap aside would break. She read the letter, in which tiro or marriage, or join Marriage AS* was being "bumped' for refusal to comply with an alleged agreement to expose his has set the pace there appears a disposition She chatted gayly all the while dearing terms, and said that the disgrace ofsend for our •Ilatrimonio I rper. Mailed FRE, fheiws arrestuperson. The best df all ways Sir ! .on the part of other smart towns end, vil- lages to keep it up.—St. John Telegraph. A most elaborate publication is about to ....___ IRO ilamiltals Until at last she pouting said— QUEEN VICTORIA7S FAMILY. And did notseem to see me strive, " Give hie the lines, and I will drive.' and he telephoned Coroner Pickering. When Dr. Pickering had examined the letters Detective John Cuddy was on the scene a tesaasfterotrhee thanaffai affair h be e e coulda ehear.known , of'the sluice -ways, through which the iin- begin with constipation or the clogging up For nine -tenths of the diseases of thebody Is to use Pierce's Purgative Pellets, To lengthen our days, S°11ATZELS8 WillOENW paid, Permanent traadoeo.otLipbosegtilo salary.Tot onoate11;e3d woe.h:olnbter be made of the life and letters of Emma, _ and viewed the body he decided that an in- Purities of the blood escape, so that they for wages, advertising, etc. For fal , paretieula !Li. l:ED=sz °,:7, se Od Lady Hamilton, the frail beautywhom Lord Re" This and Then and reference address CENTENNTST MFG Nelson, on the eve of the battle of Trafal- „ Its Larty„Exilittnav „ quest was unnecessary. Coroner Pickering are rs absorbed into the system. The Pur- CO., CHICAGO, ILL. quest remained unheede . warzis were showered upon 'ski .inc es Ills aylng re- f Honors and re- prince W 0 'i• -"---i.ona ) , • The cetlirnb:ears About 4/ (2-1 And restore_ a natural_ bps. 1 t.hc, ,1;--44-- , gar, left as a legacy-" to his king and to his There seems to be nothen took the letters to the parties to whom gative Pellets act gently. but thoroughly country," with e, entreaty that they family Stiffed efleasto" notlse foonr "Here's to the maidenof bashful fifteen, best laxative known. Without racking and Retail Price only ng extinction t feaar the royal. they were addressed. upon the stomach and liver, and are the THE PEOPLE'S KNITTING MACHINE.. should' give • bee 'she thahassays the„,kay straining the organs, they open the bowels- L. maintain her ran ' z'ao provision lb And here's to the widow Of forty!" terms that were the reverse of cordial. An Hen,'Inost of whom are alive, are iid of ducing regularity and healthy action- of the siiiSIIII Mak v with Saturday reitIrsThe nantease. __., 1 h . „.., with a revenue of $20,000 a year; $50,00s Princess Royal: The Emperor William, Albert- William female organs, cription stands without a peer. At a time Ilir. Pierce's Favorite Pres - alleged endowment- ra q tea ue," one of the terng hies; with head- ra7ge con:omission tOSagrilele. VgArIPtokelfdithie Mitt'. L•AHUON Safe delivery aad satisfaction guaranteed. Address whons throughout his life he.`12.'ainli!s ' earldom was conferred upon his brother, lows : The "Bay Stat was voted to each of his sisters, and $500,000 A Princess Charlotte, Prince A when nature gives them increased' burdens, quarters in Bos , has collapsed, leaving eic UtARHA Fit, Dundas, Ont rtilsalle.livliqu'elitaA-to`" reinatari6reOr"iii teiltarass. aop ia, rincessrMargaret. Henry, Prince Si(tin , „ mund Princess Vic - so many young girls have their • health for 22,000 subscribers inthelurch from $5 to PeINIENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING. the family. Lady Hainilton and her daugh- Prince of Wales : Prince Albert Victor, ce -wq eraar- Princess Freder- life shattered. If you wish your daghter to $90 e.ach. Thet ople . who go roped in victims are all working through the ter, Horiatia, who was 'the child of Nelson, Prince. George, Princess Louise Victoria, miss those periodical, agonizing backaches, goodCONSUMPTION.. ., were ignored and passed over. Twenty Princess Victoria, Princess Maud. and dizzy headaches, languid and tired feel -glittering talk of the agents.. There. are a yeo.rs after the battle of Trafalgar an un- Princess Alice : Princess Victoria Prin- ings, accompanied with. rough, pimply skin many of these concerns in the country, but T known womais, still preserving the remains cess Elizabeth,Prince Eprerdinecreiosks, Iprreinocto,es:Prince and 'dull, heavy eyes, get her a bottle of Dr. operating under slightly varying plans, of extraordinary beauty, died at Calais Ernest, . . Pierce's Favorite Prescription. If you have they are all mere traps to catch the hardP u 1 PULMONARYrno ii i c /r uUOWild REMEDYC si.pwntErar where, for several years, -, with redticed Princess Mark. reached the- later period of danger and earnings of the unwary. the All their methods and Hoarhound." Censumption. that hydra means, she had sought an obscure asylum. Duke of Edinburgh : Prince Alfred, Prin- weakness, you will need a bottle too. See are calculated to at once arouse the suspicion headed monster that annually`bweeps awayito After her decease the landlord discovered cess Marie, Princess Victoria, Princess Alex- . . wrapper on bottle for printed guarantee. of the mind thakis inleast trained to tens of thousands of our hlooming youths, may be prevented by the timely ose of of this vain from her papers that the stranger who was andra, Princess Beatrice. Satisfaction given in every case or money business. _„' able medicine. Consumption and lung disease i buried by the public charity in a pauper's np:rhoPoorsisnceiotoCrhri,sptiran,- returned. . nt and agreeable ' is the arise from coughs and colds neglected. gravePrFinrcinecAeslsberCthJroishtnia, . To Make a Target Out of Canada. verdict et all who have case Easy to use, pleas& used Nasal Balm, and of cold in the gists at 25d: Wistar's _Pahrionic Syrup is sold by all drug a famous actress, the wife of an ambassador, Duke of Cannaught : Princess Margaret, Detroit News: Gen. Procter's project of better still, there is .no will not cure. was fio other than Lady Hamilton, who had been in succession a servant girl, COSS Louise Augusta, Prince Harold. • , Prineess Beatrice : Prince Albert Alex- shoot across the. river into Canada, for, west Mcujazine : " I've a great free. ARMSe the favorite friend and companion of the Prince Arthur, Prinbess Victoria. building a modern fort at Detroit will suit head or catarrh that it Queen of Naples, and the adored amie of Duke of Albany : Princess Alice Mary, Detroit people. They will be pleased over INFORMATION. England's most famous admiral. Prince Leopold. the possession of a lot of guns that can . Careful Wife. ' A Good Word for the Stenogaphers.: ander, Prince Leopold Arthur, Princess . although they do not want to pepper their Canadian brethren, it will make a nice notion to go and jump into the river," said Mr. N. Peck at the end of a little domestic estie, North glimate, Variety of Crops. Maps and Circular Good Lands, LOw Prices, Easy Terms, Mild Troup, in passing upon the question of the children and as she is still hale and hearty at exhibit to visitors and will hurt nobody. discussion, as he started out. "You come right back here," ESSEX, Land , Confr, In the District Court yesterday Judge Her Majesty has several great grand- attraction for the town, a good thing to picked up his d THOS. Victoria, Prince reasoaableness of the stenographer's charge 71, we hope she may live to see a generation A whole regiment of troops here will be said his wife. " If you intend any such for services rendered in taking down and of great-grandchildren. another thing to tickle our vanity, a regi- tricks as that, just march upstairs and put LITTLE ROOK, Arkansas. DO DREAM • $ - transcribing the evidence in a matter before mental band, an artillery corps and a squad on your old clothes before you start." ,. r. TIRE a referee, took occasion to say that in his ' Alcohol and the Brain. of well-groomed officers being always a YOUR 4 YOU? judgment $6 a day and ten cents a hundred Dr. Norman Kerr, at the late annual valuable addition to the prestige of an ambi- FITS.—All Fits stopped free by Dr. ..Mt-ckuising all o. hers Lir liom called the GREAT 'ENGLISH words for transcription was not Unreason- thheeldBirnitious city. . , Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. treatinent is our epecific remedy able. The court further observed, that it a ncemeetingHome, of British London, ogaveen' sanad Temper.esWatching the Hour -Glass. No Fits after first day's use. Marvellou required more time and (inferentially) brainsamong women, in which he cures. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free . ordinary_ succese in curing Spormatorrhe. , Nigildl — PRESCRIPTION. It basest», to become a skilled stenographer thin to ac- upon inebriety said: "The reason 1 have insisted so As a miser counts his gold, night and day, to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch Losses, Nervousness, Weak Parts. The reedits of In- discretion. It will invigorate and cure you. SO year! quire equal proficiency in the mw; thatSo I count the minutes toklin the glass; St., Philadelphia, Pa. ,suceess a guarantee. All drugOsts sell it. SLOOpsaf probably nine -tenths of the lawyers, if not a larger proportion, never could excel as tion is I have constantly found in the skulls When -we -approach " the sere and yellow And I know I'm growing old as they pass. Ups and Downs. box. Oan mail it sealed. Write f r wailed kW'? to gureka Chemloav Co.. Detroit) Miele. weak- st.orOnlligslirloant, tihne making ic aolh speal:rvta toifo ostheon qduseasd- My eye is dim, my hair is thin and gray, court stenographers • that out of the several Whhraoindirsaanksetceorfta.ttLoinodginoioenues. leaf" of our days, we are •prone to look He—They had a lover's quarrel, parted, WEAKNESIS , 0 hundred persons who'have studied steno- of owth,otshee back regretfully. A clear conscience and •and she married her father's coachman for ,,,a e iinn race pimples, loss of norm, .4. graphy in this city, not to exceed half a sound health will lighten our glociiny re -Ow- • 4* ness, despondency, etc., from what- ever cause arising, cured by DU. ,, dozen could ever attain to the dignity of a sgeoteainwaelloauslhonfgraas ethesoerktwOrkithisdssuoei tisane flectiona. Health is the greatest blessing— spite. She—What became of her lover? • PERCY'S VITAL REGENERATOR. the remitter 25 year. Special Practise court reporter. The court expressed itself o outwardtsa reill less poproportion andthe t ion weacharinward Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery the He—Oh, he married her sister and hired ,s Cure Guaranteed in a manner to leave no doubt of its appreci- cotnhteegreatest medicine. It arrests the progress the coachman. sent by Hall in small pill form, ma ation of the skilled laborer in the steno - other and to the size of the skull. Alcohol, of lung and scrofulous diseases, and cures plain aealed package, with Rules, OA receipt of 'I wo Dollars. Equals Oe. graphic field and places him (properly) , however, has the effect . of thickening the consumption, or Lung -scrofula, if taken in •When all weather conditions are favorable bitted sale of Similar Specifies. Sexd for Sealed PamhIst. • among the higher •professions. From the ,,,twilig and connecting tissues, thereby' time. It is the king of liver invigorators the light of the 'Eddystone Lighthouse, as Or. JOHN PERCY. county clerk it is , ascertained that in "I clfreinishing the space allotted to the think- and blood -purifiers, and a powerful tonic, ordinarily directed, can be seventeen and BOX 603. WINDSOR. OHL building up the debilitated patient to per- one-half miles at sea, but it is found that a fees paid into the county treasury by 'the unable blae top odrto- witheirne, work.ochampagne, T hus , i fyoour come still , fact health. Contains no alcohol. beam of light of much less power directed sa this eounty during the past two years the in cells, so that they shrink and become distriet clerk on account of the two dollar . vertically is visible exactly twice as far , tax in each case exceeds by $700 the amount from a a beer -drinking ancestry, you do not, The French Population. and can be well'.'eerned through an ordi- drawe out for the same period of time by. possess the conditions of brain which God The French population returns for 1890 nary fog. , the official stenographer—an excellent show - ion: et nhde e d modified etdo at once, result000r s . co anshow an excess of deaths over births, virrimmassesssisassileif . ing for the county.-1Vinfield„ Kas., Courier. and thoughthe of namely, 876,000 against 838,000. A similar time it may be done. I do not care in whaa exeess occurred in 1854-55, owing to the InAlana Friends aud ,Proldbition. shape spirit is used, the effect is the same." cholera and the Crimean War, and How to Shave Fa0113'. again in 1870-1 owing to the Franco - The Friends' Yearly Meeting at Rich- mond, Indiana, adopted a strong plea for German / war.Ono of the causes last ' prohibitory legislation, declared opposition The moment you get out of bed is the year seems to haye been the influenza, for to the legalized liquor traffic, and urged the best time. Your beard will never be se the mortality was 81,000 above the previous church to educate all - people up to the pliable after you are around awhile. First year, but the births fell off. by 42,000 last standard of total - prohibition for the state, wash your beard well with soap and cold year, being lower than in any year since and total abstinence for the individual. Its water. Rain water is better, of course. 1870.'The marriages are decreasing about committee on temperance reported who, Then apply lather plentifully, and cold as a 1 per cent, and the divorces in 1889 were among the members had . any complicity rule. But if your razor. is cold close it and 4,386 and in 1800 5,457. 'with the use of, or trade in liquor or tobacco, place it in your pocket or under your arm showing two who sold liquor, as a beverage, till it gets warm. Like other edged tools Pale, weak and emaciated women and twelve who raised tobacco, twenty-four who the razor is only a very fine saw, and there- girls would soon disappear from the land if I sold it, and five hundred and 'sixty who fore it is better to move it a little endways all would use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a used it. as you shave rather than with a straight, specific for their peculiar troubles. Try What a Woman Can Appreciate. broad sweep. If you always shave in one them and be convinced. direction around your face the beard will — . . , It takes a woman to appreciate— soon get a permanent " cant" in that direc- What She Thought. An indulgent word when she is peevish tion, the effect of which • is—well, a matter Detroit Free Press: It was 11.30 o'clock of taste. —Rochelle ( Ill. ) Journal. p. m. and the clock marked the half hour with a sharp bang.4 and " out o orts.". X A gracious word when she has made some Some surprising effects have been re- The girl wearily. EVERY MAN Whouifitclitiblogrngligi:gfa:; Gurnufs : .Standard : Furnaces A tender vord when she has failed in some unde ing. ' From the Jaws of Death. The young man looked around hastily. slight mistake. , corded from the usoof Miller's Emulsion of " Oh," said he, with a short laugh, ' ; his physical powers flagging, should take tnese e his lost energies, both A generous word when she • is tired out Cod Liver Oil in the most desperate cases of almost startled me." ,, it Pise. They will relator physiCal and mental. Are Pewerful, Durable, Economical. i with petty worries and says something un- THOUSANDS IN USE, giving every satisfael . kind, • consumption. When all other remedies " I beg your pardon ?" said the girl. . have failed Miller's Emulsion nearly always " It almost stirtled me," he repeated, EVERY VralAN fihgclegtealths7.- p tion. For sale by all theleading dealers.. Write for catalogue) and full particulars An ingenious word when she asks advice succeeds. It is the best kind of a flesh and politely. ' pressiona and .negularities. which inevitably upon some important event. —Mu.sic and blood maker, and hasbeen used with marked " Oh, excuse ine," she apologized, " II entail sickness -when neglected. YOUNGti shouta take those Pmts. The E. & O. Gurney CO., Drama., BRUM by the physicians in the Insane thought you said, it almost started you." - !AM ni They will cure the re- Asylem, Penitentiary', Hotel' Dieu, and He got out duifing the next 10 minutes. esnystem. . HAMILTON, ONT. "If your little ones stiffer with " snuffles " ts a youthful bad habits, and atrengthen the certain cure for all forms of cold in the head bottles, 50c. and $1 at all drug stores. _ • Lady Henry Somerset, who will complete YOUNG WOMEN should take them. .• Nasal Balm will give thorn relief. It is ti General Hospital in Kingston Ont. In big or catarrh. Sold by all dealers. Try it her visit- to America next week, expects to make thorn regular. Thee° PILLS will . Pueblo, Col., is raising money with which go soon to Japan, where her son lives, Her For to by all druggists, or will bo sent Upon any missionary work. receipt of price (50e. per box), by arldrening • —It takes 50,000 roses to make an ounce to equip and send to G'hics.go a " cowboy object is to see the country, and not to do . of attar of roses. band." 271.11L.DA. WILLIAMS' MED. CO. Brackett:11s. Ont. ARE NOT a PUY- gative Medi- ine. They are a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and ltscon- STRIMTOIL, as they supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en- rich the Blood, curing all diseases coming from PoOlt and WAT- ERY BLOOD, or from VITIATED HUMORS in the BLoOD, and also invigorate and BUILD ur the Ihmori and SysTEAL when broken down py overwork, mental worry, disease, excesses•and indiscre- tions, They have a SrEcruro Acmes on the SExCIAL SYSTEM of both men and woinen, restoring Loss, VIGOR and correcting all inneritaaserrres and SUPPRESSIONS. Hot Air Heating ,A.iii.AAFAA'APAAAAAA., vi PISO'S.CURE•FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE All'. • Mgt cough Syrup. Tastes Good., pee in time. Sold b d sts.• 0--- ::•ti„) TIC) 1!:4 1— s.) I dr.tal aid toilw (IWO cr • • $