Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-04, Page 8lr
e Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, december 4th
The Soo - —Call and see the sample lot of
S, Falcoz#er, of the Glengarry ; ribbons just opened at Mrs. Smiths,
h�lAd lfR1C..sideRt of chewer than the cheapest.
oSs tgwnsliip, has been apgo}nted'
—.Presents for the million. Come
ncipal of the° District Training\ and get one, First conte first choice..
chclol at Sault.Ste, Marie, at a salary At Harry Days' drug store.
Of 1804 perannnno4,
Rem %tyles in a i linery just re -
The Noble 32nd ceived at Connell's. Give us a call
Mr, Pat Moore, of Lucknow, hat and examine our stock. ..,,,
returned home. Pat is one of the —It is said that the G. T. R. • will
membersof the noble 32nd and is a shortly take over the Express business
i'eteran of the Riel rebellion, himself which is at present under private con-
e going at that time on active service as tral..'
r#{. • '1: f ort►nontofalbums
� rw, y to ig p�'y� a p w ++f�.o.✓rol.H A ,t) �]�] JU=v''C•?'NX '!.P:: '*•=JC:L?�i."Sa�'9drrmN
1M_i Y 1::.�•. 1'�Kw�v'949: N1TUL1.:,:__^..ri"y�'^"v �.� .,;n,•µ}1Lu.I,Fi51,0L7 '•7°. 'a3i1�Lr�L e .'..,�i �9J�,a2.. 11+u4lnni.", 'y'"
CQl qod„m, to meet the Aespeier boys at camp plush and leather, suitable for anyone
)ia agla; next June -at Windsor.—Galt Reformer, at Harry Days'.
—You will see asnice a line of
. "k�Cl•ti#t �CtV. Xmas' goods as ever was shown in
J Lucknow at Barry Days'.S A * IP
A wiTd cat was seen' in upR
swamp in Kinloss last week, but'Pthe
dogs were unable to follow it through
the swamp.
—Sleighs.! �A� big stock of� sleighs
just in ; sever -al kinds o pic.. a..,... ,
all new, at Harry Days'.
—Lost, on Campbell street,,..e lady's.
fan. mw., finder -
ivory swan's down inti. The unu, a
would oblige by leaving it at the SEN-
TINEL Office.
—These is nothing in . the sealette
line to equal what Connell is offering
for $5.40 net cash. It is. truly abar-
—Mrs. Smith has just received a lot JEWELLERY'AN D
d ' b tt of sample hats and wings which she
than by stopping your paper. So ' will dispose of at half price, come early '
s the Printers Circular. L, k and secure bargains. In endless variety.
Y —The regular monthly meeting of
ok Cant Fur it
here f ' ul the W. C. T. U, of this village will be
ixpte in circulation. The ofixcial held in the Oddfellowys Hall on Vied- A fine 'line Of spectacles ii1�ays on Band. Repairilg
ri �tlQn of the, note says : "The nesday next at 3 o'clock p. r1:. neatly, Clone and satisfaction guaaneed•
kinds�xdti _-_-._----r"i.-V/ .Li TAT
ce e t fox he signature of the P wi sais y you.—Harry Days'.
ointment as. Director on the general '-LT.....
Baty inkier of Financ is_ blank.”- committee of the World's Fair Scot- T°pay our rural subscribers who
elite ?society tish Games." The great exhibition usuallyfor the SENTINEL with
would certainly not be complete with- wood would oblige us by delivering
annul meeting tf the Bible.out an exhibition of the physical some right away.
ociety ;wall be held, in the English prowess of the Gael. The Highland —The FFolprood association of Pat-
!hureh on Friday, Dec. llth, at 7.30 Association of Illinois, realizing the.Tons of Industry meet on the secondQI...-.L.4k,'1-0,-Wr".,
•�M. Addresses will be given by appropriateness of the Scottish race and fourth Wednesday of each month
� Smkth, agent of the Society,
taking advantage of the occasion in at Holyrood. Visiting brethren are
others. ' Appropriate music will this way, has entered the field and always welcome.
ea fur/iiehed by a• union choir. All will claim the privilege and honor of Comparing quality and price you
e r c rdiall invited. A colleo ion being the host for Scotchmen the will find.' Connell -is in the ring -.-iv
c? . Y
betaken uin _.�id of _extendin hen:.
-r -wg world over who will visit Chicage dur- you want goods cheap. The dressgoods
If,re work of'the Bible..Society. frig the great Exposition. The World's he is offering for 14 c a
c ,rAnother Fraud.Fair will be held the -proves this. yard net
Ai eastern exchange says that a first -week of August,. 1893: $25000aceast
19' OR. 189 3
s windier has been going about neigh-
be given in prizes: As Canadian .doe —Mr.
for ]somehtime and itsis evi-t 16 PACES AN.1 BALANCE
boring towns representing himself as representative, Dr. McCrimmon will dent the "YoungYankee's"former OF " 189] DOLLAR
1,.. an agent. of{a. large firm dealing in leave nothing undone; to use his own days were spent in something besides
rugs ,and° carpets. He carried with words, to demonstrate to the world the tea and sugar line.
, that forhim a large stock of membershiptick-physical vigor and marl
b T• ets.and all Who paid him .25 cents had Prowess the Canadian athlete has no —If it adds to your happiness to THE 'fit a chanes Of one of the tickets superior in the world. The genial glee eoods cheap, here are prices to MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE.
� r which entitles the'purchaser to a rug. Dr. now asks the help of the press P You, 19 lbs,od raisins
sugar for
Thi ;people. are anxiously awaiting and Canadian Scotchmen in the work g1.00 and 6, lbs good raisins for 25cts.,
their goods:' Look out for him.. He he has undertaken. A more enthuse- W' Connell. NO. FAKES 1 NO CHEAP BOOS 1 • NO JACK-KNIVES,
may give you a call . some of these astic co,Sta greater lover of manly - As now is the .season to display SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS! NIPES l
days, r games, or a better representative . on holiday goods I invite one and all to
this committee could 'not be found come and look at my Xmas goods: BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY' NEWSPAPER
Died In Michigan 'than Dr. McCrimmon. The Times Remember it is'no trouble to show UPON ITS M
There died some days ago at Seney, will assist the Dr. in his efforts to goods whether you buy or not.—Harry ERITS'
` . Michigan, Mrs. Kehoe, wife of Mr. Days.
have the name and fame of the county ,
Jelin ' Kehoe formerly section.master of Bruce brought out prominentlyat
on the G. ' T. Railway at Lucknow. the World's Fair. How would do b The following is • the way the Or- Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY
Mrs.' Kehoe'a, corpse was brought -bto angeville Advertiser announces a meet- GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve • a
rail to .Lucknow station and was in team from r�this county
un � a than would war ipg of council
g and dance hi-monthly
take y lace in pages a.,
i al sonP heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in
terred in the • Langside cemetery on snatch the medal now held ' by the
Tuesday the 1st inst. Mr. Kehoe's the council chamber next Monday Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRIGHT,
Oxford county boys under the chem- evening.'.' READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments.
Many friends sympathise with him in pionahip of Jas. Sutherland, M. P,._._
his „Teat loss•and sad bereavement, he Port Elgin Times: —Now• that "the. melancholy days Special pains will .be taken with its Agricultural aPages,
being always a genial and respected g have come, the saddest of the year," MORE SPACE WILL 8E DEVOTED TO „SELECT READINGg
neighbor during his stay for many
any. sane person prefers to . sit in the FOR THE
years in our midst. LOCAL 1QE7bIS, house and write items for the newspa- FAMILY.
Night School per, rather then face the inclemency of SUBS2'^RIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED. PREVIOUS TO
Spicy Items for Beakers of the Sentinel. the weather. 3 1St . DRCEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT THEM UNTIL
Luclourii can safely boast of the —The latest. combine rumor is to CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEARS SUBS
most flourishing night' school in this
--.--Wood wanted on subscription at the effect that several of the largest SUBSCRIPTION.
part of the country. The, ambition p furniture manufactures are to amalga= 15 mOnthS' of a Y6=page for $i t®
energy and perseverance of our young this office.
men and women certainlyrecommends--The Reeve is attending the mate in the near future. Toronto, ,1,J Lt ever +Cy118
Count WllO
Y subscribes no.
ahem to the good opinion of our Citi- Council at Walkerton this week. Y Woodstock, London, said to Bowmanville and AGENTS WANTED IN ,ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS.
Next Friday evening the differ- —A fine line of Hampden and Rbek-
other large firms are said to be in the For terms, address
ent kinds of promissory notes and the ford watches just received,—J. WALL- • —Xmas numbers of illustrated • THE GL
law bearing on'notes will be discussed. B EI TORONTO.
Don't miss this interesting part of the —Miss Maggie Martin . of Win ham magazines: The Graphic, golly Leaves, —m—�� um.os.... .
Wingham, Illustrated London., News, Ladies - ._� 4
programme. There is stillroom for is the guest of Mrs. F. Grundy, of this Pictorial, Toronto Saturday Night,
ten more pupils. Secure a seat; first village. y 9 ,
come first served. rhe Pictorial World, Puck, and Judge; STERLING.
—Mr. R. Cunningham, insurance large pictures . with each magazine ,
Diseased Meat agent, of Guelph, was in town on come and get one -at Harry Days'. j��
There is prevalent throughout the Tuesday last. 111 �/�
country a disease among cattle which —Mr. John A. Valens left feat depend llupon the honor of their cers are lot es- to
�i-r 11'1 LyI N, 167171RinG1-11, St. CO. I
has been regarded by man as trifling. Thursday to attend the High School pondents,- and no newspaper desires to n / MANUFACTURERS• OF '
For the information of farmers and at Waterdown.�, Um
buyers, we might say, that it is danger -,unnecessarily offend bythe insertion �T ®YL
—The largest and finest display of of ecess paragraphs that are ffensiv6 or ob- � STERLING _AI _-. �"
ous, and- that meat 'of cattle thus plush goods in town and,away down j correspondentsL ,,_ FOR—
affected is impure and liable to trans- actionable. Our with
' mit disease. The affection is notice- in price at Harry Days'. very rare exceptions, have never vis FARMERS E ��
able by lumps • on tho animal's body—DO You want a good overcoat fated this confidence,. and we believe � '
' cheap Z Just go to C.onnell's, we have this is true of correspondents for other Absolutely pure from all foreign substance and will not );urn or
which, as the disease progresses, be- some excellent styles, papers as well; but occasionally items corrode on farm machinery. For sale by
e raw and present sore spots. It get in that look unobjectionable on N.
q well also for our butchers to —Messrs J. 1Cincaid, R. Moore and their face but have a hidden meaning GDC TAYLOR Lucknow. R MURRAY it.Helenscoli -ely all cattle before bon htWm• Clow on Monday last shot 13 ' t t '`h see that these lum s rabbits in Ashfield township. eknown in the locality they are intend -°0
wouk i,,, p ed for. ,$Tow we wish it to be distinct -
examine clot, . ' killing such, the' —A fine gold watch with jewelled ly understood that we do not want
for butchering, �'�;, themselves Waltham movement, guaranteed 15 . items of this kind anytime. We . I EDUCATIONAL.
do not . exist, as b t ears,
only �
as well Y y $25.00.--J. WALLACE.
9 desire news, and will gladly publish�ll UCKNOyVm MECHANICS' INSTI-
butehers not only mak. niers. —Games ! A new lot of 25c games such as we can get, but thrusts in the iN LIS and �: RCH — y k 1' y evening
' Ln' S y y I tote. Reading room open ever
liable to a heavy ,penalty, bk, jut in at Harry Days':_ Come and dark, with a mean import, we do not „pram.
3op m.1 Sdperintendent, Win S�Hoclm°e�' the hour lwiilll be from t2 t s g pp, .m., when
endanger the health of their costo,- ,9 -them. Fine parlor amusements want, nor will we publish them if the Adait� cissa every Wednesday evening at librarian will be' in attendance slur ng these.
Farmers who sell diseased cattle area. 'rater evenings, y &clock, Bible and nnr�a'yer book' lesson's. All hours. D.: D. YULE, President. J. G
fl; can be detected before hand, arewelcouao. REV. W. J. CONNOR, Pastor. 14lunnocx,ecretarv.
liable as the butcher who slaughters so,
them, for vi i.
Bring in Your Grain "
We sayto the faxivers' if they wish
to realize the h'ahest • rices for their
grain and other produce they should
bring it to the Iateknow market. Our
buyers are paying the outside quota-
tions for all you have to sell and our
merchants are prepared to sell you
goods as cheap as can be secured in
any city in the Province. Be sure
and read what our business open have
got to say in the SENTJNDr Lmeh week
W,NaLtl iaa. ai .
Bank of Hamilton
When the branch of the Bank
of Hamilton was opened in this village
a few months ago it was not certain
whether the agency would be perman-
ent or not, and all •would depend on
the amount of business transacted:
The amount of business done in those
few months, however, is far in excess
of what was expected, andit has been
definitely decided to make the uc -
now, ,branch a permanent institution.
The Bank of Hamilton is one of the
foremost and most progressive banking
cor . orations in -the Dominion.
Jewette .
y � .
in this part of the country.
lone to the Asylum
Constable McLeod on Monday last
oiileyei the young man Albert White
o'the London► Insane Asylum.
Iyi oil Means Take It
t costs less than half a cent o day
n +-hke. A., a weakly pn.per ; less than a
ent:hen would earn in a month at
hex.;niar�lket price of eggs ; less than a
iii? a fortnight, and a cheap one at
hat;.,less. than; a barber would charge
h0,yeat. tb keep one's hair trimmed;
than' the• cost of -a-good sized tar -
;less than an .energetic kitchen
Will : waste in a week. A penny a
can be save in manya better
is a counterfeit Dominion
a �_
And therefore always pleased to show it. Ca11 and
inspect it: The
And guaranteed to be the best quality in the world.
—TO- WEEKLY GLOBE C .:ONE - .: ..._:=:.....akar A ..,.t.-rtti axvar.;:nrsao:ar.Ma.1?:.•«.a�ra..em'. nwnz.{�=u4u, ;.'.'.r,a.;MX_ _
. 44