Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-20, Page 8•
Hours 'g• a. m, to'' p..m.; _ ..
Ltu.a xv4.
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L.R.iB.1.V"o X,p,m. y
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(x. llc 8, ,8outh ,�.
S ut ' . g..30k
t• . & B. South 10.00 a m..
�+.� . Od ..6wrwi, $*4Up IIt"
iug>t �I.3o p.m.
he, hjgb, priees paid by' our Local
buys? s 1 s having a stimulating' effect
on the" market and large quantities of
rain `�and other • farm produce is daily.
114' 4414
Mtlre `!#`aifles
�n Oorning.ln
0, xr; now A crime to' print or sell
e tickets Last week a Peterboro'
er, was fined iii and coasts for the
former'o$'ertce ai d. anotbetr ma.*n..w
d flip same amount for selling them,
aro:Wenle., Souvenir
We bays 'received a handsome sou-
enir • from the 'St. Thomas .Journal . to
delobrate,.tbe: opez}ing of its new prem -
os ' TJ?eTwork contains some beauti-
,•s, pf the pity and surrounding
8Cotlamt beats the World
t the great international tug •of
Y!z contest recently held at San Fran-
c's*o, California, Scotland got first Public Notice
prize; Denmark second,. Germany third, As this is the season of the y
and Ireland. fourth. ` Canada,.Norway that every person expects to have ch
and the United States were knocked accounts squared, all parties owing
S. Campbell, merchant tailor,
requested to call and settle . the • sa
either by cash or note at once.
books must be balanced .this mont
No further notice. -..A. S. CAMPBEL
, The Price of Pease
The Walkerton Herald and th
Hanover Post are quarrelling over th
price of pease in their respective .tea
kets. The latter )says only 58 cent
per bushel is paid in Walkerton an
61 in Hanover. Just so, but the sen
sible ar ers; for miles around here ar
brio 'in _their pease -L- unknow where
the buyers are giving them 64 cent
per bushel and 'honest weight to boot.
Lucknow market leads the'van.
Brought Here for Burial
The remains of the late Mrs. Strach-
an, of Port$uron, and formerly of
Holyrood; was brought to this village
on Friday last, and interred in the
Kinloss cemetery. The deceased lady.
was in her 46th year and had only
been ill a few weeks.. Mr. Strachan
accompanied the body here and after
spending a few : days °with the old
neighbors and friends left for Port
.Huron on Monday. He and his three
children have the earnest sympathy, of
all in their sad affiiction.
Salting Canadian Thistles
A farmer who tried for ten years to
exterminate the' Canada thistles on his a
farm,by cutting them with a scythe in
August found that they increased
steadily all the time. He then con- m
eluded to try salting stock on them, L
especially. sheep. In one patch of half W
an acre, where the thistles were very 0
thick, he sowed the salt thinly ; on -
others dropped a pinch, beginning as in
soon in May as the plants appeared. '
They were eaten readily, the sheep Ch
gnawing into the ground. . At fast as Re
fresh shoots sprang up they were salted th
and so on through the summer. In
One year. enough .could not be found in be
100 acres to salt the sheep on. .
Foot Bali Match tar
An exciting. game of foot ball was wi
played in the , village on Thurtday ,y
afternoon last between the Holyrood 'a
and the 6th concession boys against yea
the Lucknow and 2nd concession clubs, o'cl
which resulted in a victory. of three the
straight goals for the latter players:
LUOrC.*1Ow, ROLYROOD, ,wee
Wm, Irwin Goal Baker
W. Lawrence j gr
A. McKenzie t Backe f ' Aarion a Frizel srr
M. Saunders '' m• Pierce
J. McCaig 1 Backs f Geo,leFraser ler
Alex. Fraser O:d
Murdoch. Left J. Corrigan
G. Potter ' { Wing f p, Corrigan
C. McKinnon Centre 'Vallens gen
D. McDonald Right Jas, Baker Ins
W, McDonald {.Wing? Harris a fe
Umpires 0. Cook for Lucknow and the
Alex. McLeod for Holyrood, Referee Exc
A. B. Congram. This is the third exist
match Lucknow has won on three es to
straights.. Wingham, Dungannon and
1H%lyrood have succumbed', to our' play- in th
—Now is the time to subscribe for
the SENTINEL. You can have• it sent He h
to any friend in Canada or the United whic
States from now till Jan. '93 for $1.00, sous
rhe ry � o. iM ) Esruoe C u
4. nty, F°lriday
Pauotf' O,ounoll.
Tlhe Detewber meeting of the Bruce ---G--
4'coutlt Cauncil wtil„assem 194,Wa k-,,, rapirp it for lavaliere or the sentinellsentinel,.e ion on Tuescda . December 1st. The
session prouni$es to be a lhk-eiy one,
Mamiltan Cpikge
Mr, and iVt rs. �W. U. Little accom
gamed tlhekclaughters Alliea??d.,l nip:
tp. ,tuna ltltr►, last we*. whew th.
;Y441ng" ladies vi11• attend the Ladies'
College in, that city, -
The alar L._ w ums of the Luckno
donian Society ill celebra night, Monday, No
by a grand ball and suprer
largo hall on the Caledonian
The Society intends making it t
ball ever ix ah -.
The Pesky Sparrow
A. war of extermination on E
sparrows will begin in Illinois on
first of December next, when
passed by the last Legislature, o
a bounty r.
,/ �x two Cen,.y$ a head f0
rows, goes into effect. The Sec
o£ the State of Illinois is now se
out illustrated descriptions of
English sparrow to every locali
the State..
Strachan, of GoderiCh was'
in .the village cm Monday. -
--The "Emma Wells Oo."'.is billed
to appear in Luclgnow sopa, • - ;
- -Mrs. L, T, MacDonald and family,
of London, are visiting friends in the
l-_Rel`g ens+ services 'cycle heli -in
w Cale- all the village churches on Thanksgiv-
ate St. ing Day.
Nov 30th, —There are a
in the , good many cows
allowed to run at large daily within
Park. the corporation.
he best r
was held in the Caledonian hall on
Wednesday evening -last.
nglish —Do you want an overcoat, a fur
the cap or underclothing? Go to Connell's
a law and see what he is. offering.
r s ar `Mr •' Wm. Stevenson, of Paris,
refer Ont., is visiting his brothers Thomas l
nding and James Stevenson, of this village. • PRIG'ef
-=-We are offering rare value in
tytin sealette. Examine the piece at $5.40
net cash,—Wm. Connell.
--the Special services are still con-
tinued each evening in the Methodist
ough church by the Rev. J. J. Whyte, of
e on Hamilton. •
-_Miss Gentles, of Kincardine, and
cps• Miss Goely, of Bobeaygen, were the
rand guests of Mrs. Robt. Proctor for a cou-
ple. of days this week. .
Ove,mber 2Qth
Leading Jeweller.
The fittest line and largest stock of Silverware • ever shown
in this part of the country.
,�.:. :..f .. «,, 12-.1.3 ,Z. ,wWwKP2.
,) ,'.
,) 1)
And therefore always pleased to show it.
inspect: it.. The.
Church Ke=C7pening _- ...... ........
The Methodist church at Kinl
will be re -opened for divine servic
Sunday, November 29th. The
J. S. Cooke, of Ripley, and Rev
Scratch will ' conduct the • servi
On Monday evening following. a g
entertainment and suppei. will be h
in the Orange hall, the program
consisting of a lecture by Mr. Co
speeches,, vocal and 4.instrumen
mask, etc.
rofaining the sabbath
correspondent sends us the follow-
. ' "W a are informed, that some
ee or four boys of the 12th • con. of
st Wawanosh make a practice of
en hng the Sabbath day by shooting
hunting. • We hereby give said
oya due,notice that if they continue
his.lawlessness they will have the rigor
f "the law to contend with before they
hawse e.'.
et another such' notice.'
eat OxforcLcheese-factory -hes-
nridrtaken to manufacture an enor-
mous cheese in 1892, to weigh 15,000
pounds- 7'k tons—for the World's. Fair
gt Chicago., 225,000 pounds • of milk
�lll'be required to produce the curd in
the manufacture of this cheese, and
will: require the milk from 11,260 aver-
age caws for two milkings.
Teachers Engaged ' .
All the present staff off teachers in
our public school have been re-engaged
for another. year, except Miss Cameron
of the second department. The new
teacher secured for that room : is Miss
Carrick, of Ashfield. The salaries paid
the different teachers per. year are : D.
D Yule, Principal, 86.50 ; . George
Middleton, $450; A. G. Smith, $300;
Miss Carrick, $225 ; Miss Archibald,.
Our Correspondents
We have now got. a good staff of
correspondents located at all the im-
portant points in the adjacent town-
ships, and we would be pleased to hear
from them all every week if possible.
It matters not how small a budget they
send, if it be but one item. Let us,
have what there is, and we will will
•ingly bear' the expense in postage and
corresponding materials.
To Whom It May Concern
As there is a report being circr&lated
that I am giving and
leaving Lucknow, I would ask the in-
- stigator of this report if it is for want
of better civilization or was it through
ignorance that this was .untruthfully
manufactured. I am not giving up
business nor going to`leave Lucknow,
but will continue here as in the past
to receive and wait on my many
friends and customers who have so
voluntarily patronized us since I
came here:=Taos." Yovrto
' '
Night School
All those intending, to attend the
night school in connection with the
Mechanics' Institute will please meet
in the school house next Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock. It is to be
hoped that all will turn out to get
necessary information preparatory to
attending the . regular course of
instruction. Young men and young
women, don't neglect this opportunity
tb get a thorough knowledge of the
necessary subjects taught. Remem-
ber next Wednesday evening at eight
o'clock. Come one, come all. No
efforts will be spared to make you
comfortable and to profit by the course
of instruction.
me —A young deer was captured in
ok, Sullivan last week. A farmer seeing
tai 'it among his cows, got his gun and
made an easy victim of it. "
—If you failed to see the eclipse on
Sunday night, don't fail to see that
ear line .of dress goods Connell is offering
eir for 144c per yard.
A' , —The memory of the oldest inhabit -
are ant cannot recall a fall in which the,
lny weather, was finer than that oft the
present season.
L. —Geo. Mair & 0o. have sold to Geo.
•Irwin the west of Lot 4,'con. 2,
Huron Township containing 50 acres
e and formerly owned by Isaac Hamilton,
e —The disagreeable weather on
r- Thursday deprived a number of villag-
ers offering up their usual Thanksgiv-
d ing slaughter of small birds, squirrels
- ' and other "game."
—Do- not go to Goderich of Kincar
s dine for a robe, but come and see what
• Gibson, is doing in that line, Mc-
Intyre's old.stand.
—Geo. Mair & . Co. have sold to
Wm. Harrison the south halves of lots
49 and 50, con. 1, Huron Township,
containing 100 acres.
—Saturday last was a `busy day with
our merchants, and the large num ber
of farmer's teams gave the main st reet
a citiyfied appearance.
—Have you had any of Gibson's
all wool flannel 26 in. wide at 15c a
yard; dress goods at 7c a yard and
ticking at 9c.—J, F. Gibson, Lucknow
-Mr. J. E. Barkwell, of Ashfield,
has lately disposed of a number' of his
fine Chester White pigs for breeding
purposes. Parties desirous of securing
n animal of that kind should call on
Mr. Barkwell.
We are • still replenishing our
illinery department with new goods;
adies requiring anything in the line
ill do well to give us a call.—W.
—The subject for next.Sunday even,
g in the Baptist Church will be
'Woman, her relation to the cause of
rist. or her obligation and work."
v. Mr. McKinnon will .preach' on
e subject by special request.
—LosT=-On Friday last on £amp -
11 street a grey chamois purse con-
ning a sum of money. ` The finder
11 please leave at SENTINEL Office or
th Mrs. Hugh McCrostie, Belfast.
—Listowel town council has passed
by-law prohibiting' children under 1.5
rs of age walking the streets after 9
ock p. m., unless accompanied by
it parents or guardians.
—Underwear, underwear, under-
- , all prices from 24e up, in white,
ey, blue -grey, silver-grey, flesh and
-pe ; selling at about half the regu-
price.—J. F. Gibson, McIntyre's
Mr. F. O. Taylor, of Kincardine,
eral agent for the Excelsior Life
ranee Company, of Toronto, spent
w days in the village this week in
interests of the Company. The
elsior is only a little over a year in
ence, but has already taken polio -
the amount of $611,500.
Everybody wears boots or shoes
e winter /time. If you have not
dy bought take a look throw h J.
ibson's boot and shoe departent.
as just received another big stock
h will be sold as before at fabu-
41,01 Via
Call and
And guaranteed to be the best quality in the world.
In endless variety.
A fine line of spectacles always on •hand. • Repairin
neatly done and satisfaction guaaneed. g
0 -IV" ITS
H .:,
.1 in
T–.�oN'T EA1�TH-BU. •`
And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I h
announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country thate
any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out
that I will put . in two sets of teeth,
p y or- Perntanet
For t d price of one set, $15, madeof the very best material
in the world. I use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London,,Eng]s,nd.
The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded'
by all who are in the business to be the best in the world.
Those firms have their names, on their goofs, and theeo le
can see what they are getting, and as I will p p
Guarantee) Satisfaction
To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there,are such in the world
will please bear in mind, that. I do not want their trade. I can
always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow.
* Pasifir4641 UV.
;) )
�l r
Absolute) ���■
Ny pure,from all foreign substance and will not gum or
corrbde on farm machinery. For sale by
D. C. TAYLOR) Lucknow, R. MURRAY, N
Y, St.. $: ens.
• a. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday School,
2:30 pp m., Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes.
Adult class every Wednesday evening at
o'clock, ,Bible and prayer book lesson's. All
arewelco e. REV. W. J. CONNoh, Pastor.
tuts. Reading room open every evening
from 6 to 10l' m.; excepting .Saturdays, when
the librarian swill
willbeinratten rano during these
hours. D. 1). ltur.n, President. J. G.
MURDOCH, Secretary.
Fire and Marine insurance,
North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh
and London. Western,. of Toronto,
Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool.
Gore District, of Galt.
Northern, of London and Aberdeen.
Guardian, of London, England: Phcenix, of
London, England, and Accident In-
surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal.
Telegraph or Telephone at my expense.
r y.