Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-20, Page 7I
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THE KRACLE. an I *ko "oriii-01- I - . who Uoked at the Vrll�ght 414@ TV, . . . . . . . _M` I
. . I - , us 4agoatily Conoomed by 011to AWaratereAllianCeAdW tellanNeVOM A r Q1 -
- ca k 10gruie _W, 4 "_"a x1lew Sits ' It Xnexploreq, . I
. . . I
% - L . roqplo�; . 104.11016 - , _ - 11 .. . - � - Zite'. , � In$ per re,ematlyread before theOttAw .
. Murat fal Club,* by Dr; G. Dawaol�, . I'll.
" �
- He Was &']F�rruera� Alliappo 4dvoc%te Fi�ld, is I'll ,
A New Nwe A oes of he Coo " UWt it od . . it wiss aUte.4 that the unexplored and unea-
..- Suggestea . for - 44at-year-0800), -800 tons oftom t of , d," Asked, Spatta, 11 that one
... . . '�6'valuo of £40,000 were shipped from the right out of the first fomw from t f e never meets 0 farmer ?" . ..--111..
- . an optlials to f pupW regions of Canada present &A figgro-
. Islands to various ports in the king. corner, and " I met one While I was d' !''
,Channel Isla ' ' it showed on him badly, but he n Mg a ew
I wiles.
. Hamilton. . id not thinkspA 'ituthe , a ew York last a Area, of nearly 1,000,000 square I .:, ,1
dont. . Of this quantity, by fir the largest _ t 411. He came to the week$ western part of �e ."
' '
1. - , � part went to. London, though Liverpool,
DO), gotel lav in the evening and had retired to oom.iripr," replied. BlQobumper. . I I great To , y of the districts included. .11
yo the Newark Stand _
-AI,Aothor RemarUable Case WhlokWouia Glasgow, Tfull and Newcostl6olgo received his )room at once, ss� . , arcf. , lie to the north of .profitable agr.f& 1,
I - . �
I . . _ 1, Oh, come now I You surely don!t I ex- � Owever, * I Di-Dwmaix -defi - me I a. as . ka- - � - � I I -1 I _,,�'.,
X%oleate'vout the 144100 w9ut'd W_ oulto conaidemble coosi amebta. The natives of Half an hour later his bell rang and a,boy believed." , � .1., _ c __ _b,
. to 1. - _ ___ .1
Apiprov'riak. 1,
'. the Channel Jalan3a have found the tomato answered it, and he called for the p c 'o t I'm'll"e'te d _ do _ 1 stoppiia at t, It O_u_8'0 and Ot al line, 60 dog. Fahrenheit in titre - ,
I . . one -d- 1. _ . AM clerk. � "muLIX 01 July. The following are the tracts .
a glendid . u Bar; on
. . 't I 4qa,*A1th, of -vibich they, -Whert that Ecdcbbi�65 a4ing necessity'of hotel asked for a drink of wat.�. A ni which await the expl � orer : The count
,VM. Webkteii�i Cit _, Uve not been slow to take advents e. T - t ihquirtid wish great the porch who seemed communicallive and I rue Be. . . Mey life appepxed tho gaest between Alaska, the Pore River mi .
. give, the greatest care to t4e production of Pomposity of manner :• . . got into conversation with him. ' Crops upme
The \JP,fqo =nt of � Mr. johil Marshall's . he Arctic Ocean, 9,500 square miles ; bo-
.. I the fruits, selecting the varieties they grow " What, kind of a hotel do you call this, are .very good this year,' I. remarked. t
wonder Pi euro, after suffering for years with much thought and after many trials, anyhow ?" 4 Yes,' he said Lewis and Yukon Rivers and
, _
. with la ataxy naturally brought th. I d, •I we have a find y tela eld of tween the . .
. rlbt� to Their climate is congenial to the tomato ; 11 We call it a good one, air," answereq"every ing. Alaska, 32,000 square miles ; between � tbo .
light several other cases of almost equally but they have some heavy drawbacks to the clerk, showingoff a bit. I I I But I suppose,' I added, ' as is usuallyabove rivers, the Stickeen and the conA
miraculous cures in this city. Among the " Well, I I ranges, 27,000 square - miles; the te1r-_,__, � I., .... 1.11,
. the case when everybody bai lots of grain I 'I 'L rrrr ..,.a-Z�S=-_'___
11 0 1 "*U I'll so-
Olti contend against. All their produce must be 94 don'11VMn111= ,, I .... L ... 4'a _,__�
. many citizens profited by Mr. .Mar. e a earners, an consequently I he matter with ,
!}tipped q y no What's t .Mdjq , ,
I , ;,bg� I --Ctl&-,ZEIJ;-,Ia..�ul-v,vi4m�-WS,l�%t VUQ f- I , I ,.
sb&lllsex ,T L�
Perlence &US who have betn troubled . )I ,-_PwWhWm, C�; _ it _ L " "mm kevzie ,Rivers, 100,000 square mi es ,- "bo- . .1
. it requires to be more careftill pDae I I- ... "'.. I ,m,,F4ma--.cpj----zL;---------�w- at it. almost discourages faimers I .
, , .
'. , sil Bhow you in a minute. Look there,"
. fox years with the same affliefion wmMr. I q� , 22� .. so tween the Great Bear Lake and the Aretto ��
- fo " ...... . .24�w,�rz�et_i.i�rr�'ll�9-1--aii- 8 forwarded from ,trying to raise much more tbe.-A
Yblkiw-we-bat-uv-i�-rkov-:;t,--tUWNMW,2wewgv .. ' in the
11. � '. - .Uaj.,W,5��"Mft�'. t by rail. But they have surmounted need themselves.' •' Well, it ,might Ocean, '50,000 square miles ; betwecs .11
_w*=%,--1J18M,K1f "' , in the flour an(l.feed business in tho Market , ty p in "Why ain't there a tbl� the, Great Bear and Grea,t Slave Lakes and
. . . rqyare, and for over ten years while in his this difficulty, ii;ud succeed in pack- Mk on the wall. discourage some,' said be, but he found
. y tomatoes grapes and other soft eporskscrew with them bottle ? Do you Mackenzie River, 35,000 square miles;
omee, he was compi4led to remain in are- , I . that he could always sell whatever he the Mae .
fruits so that they arrive ,at their s'pose a gentleman opens a bottle with bi4 could raise at prices which - amply repaid a tract of 81,000 square miles, bounded by .
. clining,position on a couch, covered with deq&ation in almost perfect condition. penknife or a nail when he wants a him. . the Rivers Stickeen and Laird on the north,
- heaviliuftlo, robes winter and summer. It ,p . .1 I . . " * .There is a great ap . ple yield this year' . ' .
Ih6ir mode of packing tomatoes, though drink 1" . . and the Skena, and Peace on the soi4h ; .
was with difficulty that he could make his effective 'I You're quite right," assented r,he clerk, I venture. I Yes, immense. ' ' Bu t' 75,000 square miles between the Peace, . I
. 6 -1. � is ,ver alm le. They uisia light - t, with ' I
way, even with the aid of crutcheLs, to his - � y d Loon Rivera; 35,000 squaw .�,
I I - . et i3tron wicker t1tts which hold from meekly. "It was an oversight, and I'll everybody gathering full crops of appleo, Athabasca an . ..
reaiderlce,.bu� a. short distance from the 20 to 30 miles to the south of Athabasca La,ke."'; an 1:�
I store. He attri�utes his trou�l.e to coa- �Ounda each. The bottoms, sides go right down and send one up. 8 I hope you surely cannot get enough for them to etween Bathurst � .... A
l and ends of these basketa ate covered with you'll excuse us for putting you to o much pay for the picking.' Perhaps not. from the area of 7,500 square miles b
i scant exposure at the open door of his storej River; and v6 ,
I . large ,sheets of paper, and then the fruits 6able. " apples themselves, replied the farmer, I but Inlet and the Coppermine, 4
I -1 .,
currying heavy bags of grain in and out, and are put carefully in until the baskets are "That's all right, young man," he said we can get excellent prices for the cider we territory of 31,000 quare miles between , ,. . _.� ��� __2, , I
. ' , ;.'. 1
= over -heated and perspiring * sitting nearly full to the rim. I River aria this ocean. pieie 'LL � ... � ,
to - One or two sheets patronizingly, as the clerk started to go can make,' I � tx.�,
over an open eller-way in order to cool off. is also a vast region made up as follows c ... i
of strong paper are then placed over the out ; 11 us people frora. the country -may be- 11 It was that way cverything I suggested. .
I i
About a year lind a � half ar.) he found it An area of 178,000 square miles between ,�,,
top and laced 4�anly wiCh twine, and the n ab oui some things, but we do know He put the beat side on every possible con- , fk�^Jkve. lap- hiss busineaff, lakes already mentioned and the..western
- - , owing basket is ready for shipment. grell a little about bow a hotel ought to be tingency, and seemed to be quite contented. ' , :.,�f,�
11 . to t " he was be,orniin just I. :�,
- Cot � that 9 The Avores4ind Canary Islands also send run. * the -way," he went on 49 the As I left the p*e I r6narked to a man shore of Hudson Bay ; an extent of 22,000
. I '
utterly helpless' from his terrible disease. ' re ilea bAween tho , �j�
large lots to London.' krorn the north of clerk was trying to get, away, 11 Dguess who'was approaching, 'I don't think I ever aqua in Hudson Bay and. �.f
I In June last, on hearing of Mr. Marshall's France also come considerable quantities, you'd better send up a pair of snuffers met a man who took a br,ghter view of Rivers Saverti'and Attv,wapishkat; an area � - -.jr ..
.... �.--
. owe, he 'began to take that well-known ,;, �,
which are nicely packed with fancy -colored for this gas too. I notice you've got a things- thab the old gentleman on the porch.' of 15,000 square miles between Lakes Trout ,�P,.,
xemedy, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and has y p and'8eul and Albany River; and about . . . � I ..,;
. '4 paper shavings. This manner of packing up not to blow it out, and 1 ain't 'All 0 replied,the newcomer, as he shookI �. ,;", ,,�..
been greatly benefited tbereb been 35,000 square miles south and east of James' "
.V- helps to attract buyers to the lots and ell- able to find a -pair of snuffers high or his )lead, I that's Old Mr. Bowers. He was1
I . � �� 11.
. I Mr. Webster was seen by i� Timms to- I . two Bay. Filiallyj ,almost the whole of. tbr, �1,
. i'l
. fiances their x-alue. low." I discharged from the insane asylum or %v-�,,
'porter at his residence. MacNab street interior of Labrador, estimated at 289,000 1 . , ", � ,
two seasons quantities have . Then the clerk, promising many things, three months ago as cured, but I guess he . . "
For one or t � .J� I
. north, Saturday afternoon, and *was not at 82)arks. square miles, is unexplored country. 6,,,,�-,J . `
� �',
. a from the United States, where the went downstairs, sent up the corkscrew will have to go back.-Greena _. I ..... , I
. all loth to speak about his case. ." With come in and tiie anuftra and left •the office in �ury I , �'�.�.,,
. . I tomato is more extensively grown than � � W.
I the exception of this trouble with my legs," I Happy Thoughts from Heine. I I , "",,
11 .
. any other country in the world. � The die- charge of a large, muscular n1flit watch- , ONE GOOD HV`SBAND. - .,
. -"-
_. 42jr&l��I-.%
I �4
he said, "I have never been sick a day since tante however, is against this trade, as the man with maps and diagrams 0 the aitua- - Poverty sits, by the cradle of great . 11,41 .
. ' .. I
I was 17 years old, and I am now 55. This , I . Theodore Parkees Ten Mules of Marital . � "'.
it is of a very perishable nature.- tion up to No. 13. 1 men and rocks them �p to manhood, and 1. 1 jf�
. ;
, � , 4
. .,. ,4 , '
. �. . . 'A .
I locomotor ataxy is a terrible disease. F6r
fruit Conduct. ' I . �� .; g-,
Chambers' Journal. . is their faithful companion through life. . . . . . . . C A, I
11. 11,
. I 4��,�. 1
61. mi legs have seethed as though- they - ' . �.� I
. FROM Hlin THAT HATHO W, -V43. When Theodore Parker' was married he The modesty of a woman is & protection to .,,� .
. ",
. . � . . . . . , �
. lellonge, to somebody.elae. As I have lain . ,
.1 Boumania's Pretty Cpstoup. entered in his journal, on his wedding day, her virtue, more secure than all the , .�", ,,,
asleep on &winter night, one leg has fallen The Parable Strikingly Illustrated ins I I � ,.��T,!
I 3�,�_ 4p,
the follovVing resolutions - robes in the 'world, however little they � .. �, I "'V "
. ;,
I . I iRS 1.
I but of the bed and when Iwould awakenwith A pretty custom, similar to, that observed Modern Sunday School. I � I �1) 4,
. First -Never, except Kr the beat reasons, ma be cut down at the neck. -Lela � 0',::'�',,-,1
' 0
I � "�L,
the cold I would have to feel around with id England, Scotl,nd and the United States I I ! � �' ,
my hand before I could tell which leg was on St. Valentine a day, the 14th Of Felruary, The Sunday' school needed money, and to oppose my wife's will. Heine. ' . I . . . 1 � IL � roti.1, , ;
t) I out of the bed. 11 I were to try to place is in vogue in Rouniania on the Ist of 1`11. Smith, the superintendent, had &. new Second -To discharge all dutiesfor her Women has, 30,000 different modes ofren- I _�0�11.
. . Way of getting i . sake freely. I . �, .;;I �
. I . L daring us miserable to -only one wayto make _', .
my foot on a spot on the carpet within March, says Youth's 062�panion. This is I I . I ; � I
-fly. the -day indicated in the State and Church' , He proposed giving each boy half ado}- Third -Never to scold. , , us happy. � . I � . , . , ", I
� . . . . . . . 4 ,
. reach coul no more do it than . . r. I .
a . lar ; at the end of the mouth the principal, . Fourth --Never to look cross at her.''
, I have calendar as the official date for . -a- - ,,, L�
The P06 , -has been terrible. the begin- Only through some manifestation of pa , f
, . tion of the together with what it bad earned, was to be Fifth -Never to worry, her with com- . � I "."',L 2.;
. lain awake ni after night, week after ning of spring. I he masculine per . I sion can men gain fame on earth. , . .1.11
I I . .,A.
. . "I
* , ' ,
I . returned to him. mends. . . - ��
'. �
I week, alternate) , grasping each foot in my population is not favoreo, as with galea- The -scheme was good, but it didn't work Sixth -To promote her piety. � Generous nature never entirely disinherits . _.: , .,�L
I 6220D the sharppa.inslike knife stabs shot tines in this country, but the (laughter, I . .w F �
I , :-
. I . . y of her creations.. . . . I ,,'r' %m
, an a
. arts of ,my anatomy. friend, sweetheart or bride quite as Mr. Smith had anticipated. SeVenthTo� bear -her burdens. 1V ,
through various p mly be quite ��L'_
. . When I was first attacked with pains in roy sure. of receiving her tokeu of affectionate , The fourth Sunday found the superinten- Eighth -To overlook her foibles. . I -,� "' ,, ;
. It is all error to suppose that when , . � . . " .
I dent ready'to. audit the profit and loss 6c- Ni cherish forever de- ' an deceive us they have also ceased to ''I
l I nth -To save, ell WOM I ."11
. feet some ,12 -years ago .1 tried several remembrance on that day. L These little I �
I . could ' get no relief. gifts are called martisoires and are counts, and he commenced with Johnnip's, fend her. I love Us. L .
. ,physicians, but I I Tenth -To remember her/always in MY . I - � " i
I Paralysis then set in and I- immediately made of bronze, silver or some cheaper OUS& - be Women and the Ballet. . I -1
consulted a well-known specialist in Buffalo, material, in the � hearts. - I -low have you done, Johnnie?" prayers. Thus, God willing, we shall �11 �t;� i
shape of blessed. -Household. . �
I and he told me'that I was suffering, from stars and medallions. These little amulets I I My half dollar has earned another onei" blessed. �. .1 . . �, . -,Rochester Herald :- What can equal the �:�, , I
. ,
-4 locomotor ataxy and could not get better. I bear the date March 1,, accompanied by that said Johnnie, with the air of one having an - . . absurdity of confining the privilege of the , __ _ � _ _
- �
. . . . . _ -_ option on a halo. . I Cooked Kidneys. , - . -1- ballot.,exclusively,to the male sex ? '-The- - - . . ....
,. came Lome again and on the, _advice of the year, and any m6tt6- or -'inscription I , I
. I _Aa ' . . . .-
. - the as a - 11 Good,"B%id the superintendent. "Not , Chose fine d argument is whoi.1y, totally'against it and
. large kidneys, skin them, an I 1.
I . . �. of friends tried several hot springs, but with. which may occur to giver ppro on v it .
aggravate -my-hiariisoire c. I . no effect, except, perhaps, to oggr priate,' The recipient of the ;illj is oa good boy iti helping the cut each the round way into thin slices ; usage and prejudice continue the I
JohnnieI ,
I ta.lenL I practice. But women themselves are
. complaint -1 finally became discouraged, wear it, held by a small chain, on her arm, §el'Ool, but he' shows business each kidney should yield from 10,to 2 .. ��
. Doubling one's money in a month requires slices. Have ready a tablespoonful of flour blame if they do not get the ballot. The . . . .1 ., ..
I I aftertw� years' doctoring, and underwent or hung around her neck, until in her walks, . . .. I
.1 I ith •pepper and salt, and time was *ben men would not have granted . . �'
. I . •
an operation.. I was placed tinder chloro- abroad she sees a rose in bloom or bears the no common talent. Who can tell but . t what highly seasoned .w . . . Assoc ' I , 4 ... - -
. I
. . I .•
form,'a gash two inches an placed
a half in depth -song of the nightingale. ,Then she takes it we have a budding ,Wanamaker among us. well -mixed together; dip each piece of it That time is over. . )n as- a general . . . I I... I 11
- inade in the side of each leg near the hip, , •
off and hangs it on the next green bush to Johnnfe,.you have done well, ' And now, kidney in it. Cut Eome'neat thin squares movement is started among women in favor N . I . 1"..
. . Thomas, how much has ,your half dollar of streaked bacon, fry them very slowly in of demanding what is As,clearly their right
I I . I . , and the doctors put their fingers in the gash which she comes, as an offering to Mother earned ?" I a little butter ; when done, put them on the as it is the right of men they will get the
. aa4l stretched the sciatic nerves in . the vain Nature, for whom Roumanians have a great I .
. . hope that such would.give m6 relief. Since -love. Whether these little medals are 11 Lost it," said Thomas. dish for serving, and keep . hot while you ballot,. The enlightened lightened portion of the I . I
I i i
. then, now ci-�er ten years ago, until June allowed to liang on the bushes and swing in 11 What ! Not nn',,y failed to earn. any- saute the .kidneys, which put into the fat male sex recognizes the folly of disfram- I . �V.
. . . . last, I took ,no medicine whatever, and, the breezes all summer, or whether after a thing, but actually lost!" said Mr. Smi' .h. the bacon was cooked in. In about a minute chising women and is prepared to remove L I ,
. business, became so helpless certain time they are stealthily gathered by 11 How was tllat0 . the gravy will begin to rise' on the upper the disability " soon aswornen shall gener-
retiring' 11 I matched with.Johnnie," was the side, then turn the kidneys, and let, them ally agree in asking for the ballot.
that I could not walk a step without my a martisoire collector, to be melted for . . . ,
. crutches,, and sometimes --the 'pain was another season's use, is. not stated by the reply, "and he won." -Life; . finish slowly ; when they,are done, as they 1� . Go West, Toung Man and Marry.
. . .
something awful. About Julie how- great German ,paper -which tells of this . i I will be in three to four minutes, the gravy
� I Boysil incomes In Wnglanda K;A,, ' . . Milwaukee Sentinel: In Buchanan .. I .
ever, I got some of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills pretty, if rather sentimental custom.- , ,, will again begin to rise clothe side which 10 Buchanan,
* ,
: . and after using the first box felt such a Washington Hatchet. .. The amount of the ,Queen's civil list ,uppermost. 'ut kidneys on theAish with the Mich., the preiience of, a matrimonial es-
i- ! I
beneficial effect from them that I continued . (.t385,000)," say! Labouchere, editor Of the bacon, and our over them a spoonful. or pert has been made public. Twenty yeats
to use them ever k4rice with the result that . ' London Truth, in the October . "Forum," two, of plain beef gravy, or water thickened -ago Miss blary Mitchell married Mr. I
I Ontario Prison Commission. . divorced,, married Mr-
the'terrible pains I used to suffer from have I . "in noway represents the cost of royalty- with a -little flour, boiled and mixed with Swe&riiqger, was .1 f
. . Boston Sunday Herald: From these few The maintenance of palaces is a most costly the fat wad gravy from the kidneys in the Sherwood, became 'a widow,.married Mr..
vanished, and -with the exception of a gentle points, taken almost at random out of the item, for it includes not only the palaces fat in the Thompson, was divorced', remarried Mr.
little dart at rare intervals, I might never . much,fat a' report., it will b% seen that habited by theRovereign, but a vast num- - iller" is too muOh Thompson, vas divorced again, a
. . know I had ever suffered with them. Since commiasoner n ces in- n (ro' � before boi ng the gravy. . .11a hasjust
frying 0 boiling
' husband, - - Mr. .1 I
-neighbor has started out in an - 'a her. first
her of houses in which she lodges her tela- pan,' ' i pour
k1d'&n'eWya Yon a hot-water
our Canadian . . Serve the dish. .
), the pills I. get to sleep early abd sleep " .
. using earnest effort to solve the great probleni of fives and friends. One of these,houses has , Swearingen., . She'llas been divorced three I
. I .
as soundly
. . tiger- . . .
undly and peacefully as a baby all night the day, and to solve it on the basis of the actually been given to the Duo de Nemours, , now to Hang a Picture. times and married five times, and is still I
I through. I can also walk a dozen steps Or best,thought of its most persistent students. a son of Louis Philipple . , and one of the . only.36 years old.
so .without my crutches." ,And to illus- It would be easy to say with some selhutific wealthiest of the Orleans family. ' Besides Never put ti sombre -colored picture in'the ,.
trate, the old gentleman got up and walked men that 'the reform of criminals is Impossi- this, there is the building and keeping in shade. Put it where the light Will fail Salting Canadian Thistles.
. upon it, says the Ladies! H6me Journal. Be-•
- I
. . . scross the room and back again to ble, because riature has foreordained them repair of royal yachts, and various other tween two windows place pictures with A farmer'who tried for ten years to ex- I �
I his seat alongside the reporter� " Now I to crime by their imperfect moral endow- such costly items. Incomes, too, are voted terminate the Canada thistles on his farm
I I couldn't do that at all before � last June," light backgrounds that will stand out the I
. went. But Gen. Booth, in h:a, " Darkest to the sons and daughters of the . . by cutting them with a'.seythe in August I
continued be, and..th6 pills are certainly En land" -and in other re;crdq indorsed by sovereign and to other of her relatives. In more prominent by reason of their dark found that they increased steadily 411 the I . I I
the pleasantest medicine to take, that I hlgW authority in England, Of the addition to the revenues of the Duchy of �urroundiogs, Hang the big pictures 'first, time. Ile 'then concluded to try saltiog . .11
. I I ever tried. 1 would advise any one who is Salvation Arm . y's work-picives, that kind-, . r in suitable positions, and group with smaller stock on them, especially sheep. In oma ' .. I
. troubled with an affliction any Way similar Cornwa.l�, amounting to about'960,000 pc� ones in two rows in between. Be careful
. . . riess and religion have achieved a wonderful' annum, an income' of 950,000 per annum that the pictures do not conflict in color. patch of half an acre, where the thistles , . . if
wing item any ver- . ,sons who may fairly have of Wales, and were very thick, he, sowed the salt thinly; to mine, or who is sufle, influence'upon per has been voted to the Prince '. I
I vous , disease, to try � Dr. Williams' Pink " Use your own taste in thi% Itis on others droppeda pinch beointim' 3 I . I 11 "
I . been,regardedas hopelessly depraved. It of X10,000 per annurn .to, the Princess of to give airy brief rule on the subject. Hang 2 0 1 11
I . . pills. I ell Rapidly. I has often succeeded in making of I'lleFe, Wales. The younger sons of the Queen the pictures on a level with the eye, unless soon in May as the plants appeared. ' hey . I
They S ciont aids in amO.iorati 0 were eaten readily, the sheep gnawing intu) I
I . Mr. A. J. . Barr, the well-known Hamilton proselytes most effi . 109 have buen voted incomes of X25,000 per . hey b as Some are, pictures which should the ground. As fast as fresh shoots sprang I
. . . the condition of their class. 'loaccomplisil annurn, a portion of which devolves upon •t
eloo e' u
. druggist, says that the demand for Pink anything in philanthropy we must certainly their wives if they survive them. The b ked p to: 'Place small pictfires in up they were salted, and so on through the ., A
. stouishing. Last winter corners and alcoves Over doors place, large I ... Y- I
. Pills is a be hopeful, and to try to eradicate all the daughters of Her Majesty have each an in- * raurnmer. In one year enough could not be 1, ,
be purchased. one dozen boxes., This was , evils of the World seems not more chimerical . additi and unimportant canvases, �ny-thing that found in 100 acres to salt the sheep bn. . .
'his first order. Since then he has sold 2,880 . medical come of per annum, and ihe_ 'on looks well. Water-colora may be hung on .
I pills, and every day the. than the idea of Dr. R. M. Bucke, , to this the Empress Frederick of Germany the same wall ivith oils when framed in
boxes .of the . superintendent of the Ontario - Insane Dr. ItichardspA Says: ,
. He sells at least two sl� . received a sum of 9100,000 on her martiage. white. White margins on etchings and en- I I I
,demand is increasing. . . Asylum, whose plan to restrict crime is by The Duke of Cambridge, as a cousin of the ".Ili tile presence of alcohol there can be
doxen �)oxce per day. � The same story ,, .t. graviliga don't go well with oils. The main true nervous' action. There rnay:be u ..
. preven ing criminals from perpetuating Queen, has 212,000 per annum, and his two no
. I light should �e on the picture. I
comes it. other ilruggiBts in Hamilton. ,,
i income of ;C5,000 1 . a certain -wild .pleasure in the -first stage, !
4 4 1 .
' their degraded race." sisters have severally an i .
I ,,tr,, Ferguson "' I � I
. I The o ter day Mrii. Martin, of - - and ;C3,000 per annum. " . Colors of runnels. , I but there can be nothing more, and I sup�
avenue, Hamilton, Ont" called at IM r. John Newspaper 1111stalfes, pose the moat bigoted alcoholic, would not. ,
. .
I I I A. Baxt-'s drug e�tabljshmcnt in lige city How thankful we ought to be (writes a The prince or lynies, Debts. The funnels of differcrit steamships are assume that it was ever good to pass ,beyond
. and asked fora box of Pink Pills. She had jaded Journalist to the St. James's (gazelle) "The exact financial 'Position of the characteristically painted to enable people the first stage. Alany- would like ,to go ..
I a little girl with her a perambulator, and for the competitive news -providers. Lab- Prince of Wales," says Labouchere, editor of modest nauticafknowledge to distinguish through th6'first stage but no further, but I I
while the mother was in the store the' child last night all Fleet street was excited by a of the Lonclop'Truth," in an article on them. A Cituarder has brilliant red funnels, t�at- is an iinpossibility, because to excite
The mother'laughed over the incident carriage. cab the greatest 11 liners " 11 English, Royalty," which becontributes to a around the top. The t ie heart day by day and hour by bour'l
climbed out over the aide of the i with br,�ad blick band' I
dent and - one
I Havre line is the same, but has two uArVOW .
(no, leg iam that
0 f the reat s,� tile October Forum, 414allotknown. There � to brie I
tried beton ne.o on that automatic action which
remarked: " It it were not for Pink Pills ' ging to tn� h. }teen
I black bands in addition. North German leads finall to the destruction of nervoust
e(, W5 ce
steams ) il C, i (n �l have teen rumors that be/ is greatly in
I .
any baby would -never have been, 4,ble to do 3S companies
a loyd vessels stacks of a lovelyunbaked y. I
h at a certain
point name ( -' but'l question their' 'Correctness. I ,"I
I . I that", To those in the drag store M VS. d in ,d) off t e debt "the Prince came of biscuit ware tint, very,daintly and summery balance." 0
Martin narrated the wondet,ful cure which Newfoundland coast In A few moments When age he became to look at, and the distinguishing mark of , It is rumored in London that the Duke of A
1 -had been effected by Pink Pills in the cure we had out all our books of reference, our possessed of the accumulations - realized the White Star line'in yellow with a black 'Connaught will succeed Sir Frederick . I .
. of her infant: , When about a year old gazettecra and maps bad charts ; we were' during his minority from the Duchy of band. The Guion and Inman lines both Roberta as commander-in-chief of the army,
and the hunting up the history of the lost vessel Cornwall. A portion of them 'Was ex- �
the baby became paralyzed, and recordingthe previous disasters of the pended in the purchase of the Sandringham have black funnels, the former banded with of India* . I
anxious parents consulted the best doctors a. atter with white. A very few irbiii has all area, of 217,000 square miles ,V
. company. o sooner had we knocked estate, and the remainder becaniq his. With ,red and the I �
. in the city, but their trv?0 asont, was Of no together a couple of readable columns than this nest -egg, with an income'of - £210,000. minutes will familiarize anv one with them being almost a fifth smaller than Texas, Q I
- , avail. The little one was not able to move were . greeted by later intellig8nee. per annum, one of ;C10,000'for his wife, a differences and add aapccial interest to the a population of about 3,000,000, or half that
. paniny vessel met; on an ocean voya4a or .
"U'll ,or foot, d for a tinke the case was we ie of the State of New' York. Valparaiso, its
hope], ass one. Seeing an Th vessel lost is not the City of--. " It separate provision for his children, and
'00 n we from. a bathing beach.
i.d, e r,
. conj 'r , d 9, was a cattle -boat. This was a relief to our with Marlborough,House kept up for him at v P chief port, is about the size off Syraense, "
.. I advortiseme the f1,%mi1tonTxmEs, of the feelings, though it meant the loss of our Illeftiblic cwt#.� Shoe Sizes. land Santiago, the capital, has about the
I effected by Dr. ' wi� ,��ere seems to be no reason - I
11 labours. In another hour we got the latest �ii;" exodilaiture should outrun his same number of people as Rochester. Her
wonderful c I being effe
. Williams' Pin Pills, Mrs. Martin procured news- No vessel lost. The, whole story means. His hospitalitics are not gr A third' of an inch' gives its & full size in regular army numbers nearly 6,000 oflio,ors .
I ,rigater had taken ne I . cater
i a box axle} before t than of I - and Me'L, with a militia for - cc of 50,000. .
I in has been traced to an insane seaman," And the French President, who, longh of shoo ; a sixth furnishes the inter n
I "" Yo'd vin She has two ironclads, a monitor, eight,
I an it contained, a marked improvement et our readers wonder and complain that with leas than half his income, does not got me iate point between two sizcA, the saving I noticed. The paralysia y % of which is desirable, if practic'abl'e ; a I torpedo boats and a couple of corvettes left.
her condition was sometimes the newspapers publish state- into debt." Ornal
, . fraction ;of breadth goes a good way in
L disappeared, and the little one's al)P(,'titc som .
I retnt-ned. Tile parents' hearts * were menta which turn out not, 11 to be anthentil Young Osbourne-Misa Tomas has a securing comfort, smd in girth of ball or President Harrison has received it nt-i(IM
delighted with the result. it was while
sated � - great mind. Van J She has, indeed ; instep an infinitesimal part of an inch is 11elkent from S. Elwood May, of X-ew York.
� . a�;ith i She isalways yt is an elephant's forefoot, beautifully
buying the see d box that the, child Queen Amelie, of Portugal, is a tall and and she is very libera t. sometimes an ell of freedom ; a quarter of .
011c carriage on toy i he side- ebZy a piece of it., dressed and -mounted in elviny. Tne inter ioi
BeA, fribled Out of t stately young woman, with more of the giving Bout . an inch is taltgood deal of lotting -down or .
I - -sting a 110 ]reel, and the difference u ;0-11 PPT`141,00ed
I walk. The mother told Mr. Barr that the queen in her bearing than many royal ladies During &'visit to Stratford -on -Avon this clei . , (q a is hollowed out .and lined *,v chni(�est, �
. paralysis had resulted from teething. A possess, She is 26 ye'Xil,gold and a daughter slimmer, William �-Vintcr, the New York si'tevnth is readily nalivo woods Cold filled with 0
. X I pereeptible at thesole.
. ropresentative of the Tnii,7,4 who -itivesti- of the Comte de Paris. . dramatic critic, discovered a jug and cane For these reasons, sudden and extreme native tea. -The foot is from tlio Island 6T. I
the little . I . Ce.Nlon and is intended to represent iiativt I I
seription to women as con h belonged originally to ShakesPORre. changes in size dr weight of shoes are injudi- I .
. gatt"d the case iliscovervi I'llat A doctor's pre b'�Jonf� to - es- cious.-Shoe and Leather 1?rportcr. inbstries. I I I
girl is now walking around in the best of clucive, to health -and that means goo,l looks which
_ one of the dramatiat a � - .... It is not the man who thlimps the bar the .
I 11' i
health. -is a! e an(l,easy to,follow : "Sleep cent ants, a Mrs. Fletcher, of Gloucester, ' ' i 70,000 girls areiliardett that h�.s the mostmomy to pay the . r
1. . �o awr establishing their In tile United Kill9don'
No girl in Norway is allowed to have a eight [ our8 out of the T4, -cat 'three meals a who ham documents
� I I day and walk on the sunny side of authenticity. . . . I niployed in public houses and bats, . rink. I . ----�,,•---��--�
I . I - bake 'bread. 1 -7���� - I
. beau until she can I . A_ --=�- . -
. 7--r.
- -
i - 1 11�4
�1 .
in I I
ak g
I as I
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