Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-20, Page 4G ' EBTY Q B' 8*op To 4EoTW BI►r A0C0 P G ARE 719TAr,s A�;ls olc=W gxzu,A vE A14>~► gMER, x4B$R'1,'IE0 Et rr,;t• e Luc kn9w 8entinei `TlE4 E? i 4ITRIIC ar GII r; .A,., good deal • ;of diappoiu,tmeut, an cfln?,plain wd ex rose.ecI an Sunda evening fast heekluSe the electric light 3yexa uoL,..htrrging, and the -Reeve- ha received``; the following letter on . th +aubjeat • X044$@xr�S1 ;your rd rs the electric lights were ay. 8 el 'Bruce Q+ounty,f4Fl ;iNoven fiber 2 R t°_ y We are offering this week a l e of ✓,, EEYE — - �3. - it true that, � - _"\ , -•',:� 7 �• -err • , ,. rax %Q goal= "1!31 QJ? DERR,. IrMrerJ4incor t401. i6th. of October, and t% ` t rite 1b7e7�e ;i ,o Peninsula bas: been idledwith pot hunters: and dce,ixnuinerable engaged in the pur- .quit, .ani, slaughter of deer. Great T u�antrties of v n son have been shinpe - mly!„�us� o the'cides and towns, and the meat its, a: drup•:in the market. If this sort of,thing is allowed to -.continue deer.' •11 disappear from the woods and there wily be no hunting whatever. The law will have to be amended, putting an end '10, the hounding of deer, and •Indians must be prevented from shoot - 'Ting for the market. Hounding deer is uiit true sport. It is easy for a man with er gun to sit beside a lake until tt-.0 flogs chase a deer into the water end f, or lain to pursue it in a boat and oot •it in;, the head. Indeed at sueh tQ called sport a man does not need a i at all, -an' axe ,or a club will do. er will. make fora the water 1ntlsAol upon its trail, and rp; than`'.7is, shot fair 'and square on xutr'ways' where . skill comes into lr,1,'hund.reds are killed in the water, ere ;they have no chance whatever. ler, the act' one person is allowed five deer, two persons are 1Iwed. 'eight. and three or more pei- are allowed to kill twelve,- but is do enforce the law in the 'bush ? overnment would protect does myna al egether, permitting the ataapa limitednumber of bucks son;4; it would° do well, but it a�"better by ,prohibiting hound - Other. J. uli A11:10(41 I117 CHEESE. 'he` Canadian cheese dealers who Dive -been -holding off because: the lac;, cry *31. have asked 10c a pound, liereas the cablegrams from old world Ca arkets only warranted the payment of I are hada rude awakening last week, 'says the Adveyiis'er•, when John W. Geake,' agent for the Warringtons, of Loadbt and Liverpool, quietly sent lei`s 'buyers round to the factories in Ox- fordl'county and East Middlesex. They ascertained.'that the factory men were argireeab1e to sell at 10c, and immediate- fy the wordwas given to buy 40,000, boxes 4of tithe beat lots in sight, and the transaction Was completed.” When the ""sews, got abroad among the other buy- ers - there was a consternation, and in oiany cases, theya offered 10 1-16c in order that they might get , a share. p4t: cult .g.n Sunday night for fear they -eav - might mar the effects of the eclipse. •' Twilled Dress Good s If c S r l e n � cin. thec. a...�,�...,._r-s pl +fin .... " _ .._. �. ,�._-_...._..� . vection between the moon and the ._.._- .....__ ...... ___.. _.�.. electric light, The,general'_mind is as Worth 20c for 141-2c per yard, net cash. much in the .dank regarding this phil- mE S�`. osgphy as the streets.of Luoknow were on Sunday night, So far as the Reeve's action in the matter is concerned it took tlliring a conversation with the. street inspector about two o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The inspector asked us if itwas going to be. "Moon light" to- night; to which we replied w,e thought • Y it would. We had no idea, however, thatcher ladyship, the moon, intended going off on a hide-and-seek frolliok with some of her neighbors, and for a time shut out her., heautiful face from view. The electric lights are supposed to be run by the moon -light schedule, and itis a difficult task, more espec- ially on Sunday, to regulate then during the period of ' "light moon," so that the lightsand the moon will not be fighting for supremacy. This has already happened on several occasions. During the early part of the evening. heavy clouds would appear rn the sky and all indications pointed to a dark night, but ne sooner had the electric lights been "turned on, when the clouds gently floated away and the old moon sent forth herlight in all its splendor: During the week days it only requires a few . minutes notice to have the lights turned on,,,,but on Sunday the mill is not running, and it is necessary to give a much longer time to allow them to get up steam. ,/ THE Chicago Herald makes this com- parison, favorable to our country. Can- ada gives to its geological survey only $60,000 a year, while the various geo- logical surveys in our country absorb, nearly $10,000,000 annually. Yet Canada makes a fine showing with this modest sum. the annual geological records are in part records of original discovery and -research; and; with their fine maps and photogravures are as` rn- teresting as many books of travel. nada contains the largest unknown as of the American continent. For several days the buyers kept scour - ting the. side 'lines, 'and now there is 'very little left in any factory •east of this city. Probably not more than 15,000 boxes in all is unmarketed of • • the 100,000 boxes, in hands last week: .Hon. ',phos. Ballentyne says that the move was doubtless prompted by the :advance of cent in the New York markets., The price paid was purely eculative, and may or may not prove remunerative. A very large quantity of July, August and September cheese must be placed on the market. before the late cheese will ' be inquired for, i4nd perhaps the' heavy buyers now .taay live to repent their haste. The speed` with which the, cheese has been sold will close transactions for the year in the majority of cases, and leave dairymen with time on their hands cvhich they .may well turn to account in considering the great question of in- cn asin and improving the butter sup- ",p1y. They, can, if they will, do for Mutter what they have done for cheese. faunas on the Pacific Coast are interested in a discussion of the useless - "less or usefulness of a pig's tail. One aide argues that it is as useless as the letter p in pnenonia. The other side naserts,that the tail indicates the exact physical condition of the .animal. If 1i, hangs loose it indicates that the pig is not in condition, and that its feed *mould be changed. If it be coiled, tightly it indicates contentment and , food heal.ths It ig the AND CHEAPEST. GOODS 'r* arse ee 'L� MrP ? e•- p M. CONN L. STOVES ! ST ! ;TOVES Go straight to the Leading Stove Depot if you want a We have now on hand a large and well assorted stock, and would ask those who want a stove either for - Coat or ',Iii II�A� •il�III t( 1 411 1111 10 " � FA?'{1101. 1i 'Sro,i0 1 ' `'I 114 ii1 iilllwi ', v it x 'Nn IIUd(5 dao r11�„11 II Ili P „ i'4ZM1 y111 ,: fa'a� Imir 11 y, ,y 1114 . Iy, Rosi, {1;4 11111:11I1191111dC@ilNni Yt,1,1 �P9k'�9Nu 11 1 ^�°�I5. u 111 �^ll�l�^�I:`II12,1yi.r iv. 11ftet9vIm? IGI1 afl111ik' To call and get our price before going elsewhere, as we are bound to under sell any of our competitors this season. . N. B.—Special attention' given at this of the year to cleaningand moving StOVeS and stovepipes. TIDOS_ :ii_& 7” C IO E I Tow- Q1\T-T asC:xa* Jolill Grin, POR-- AUCTIONEER FOR Canada's Best Family Papr HURON 0. REAL ESTATE, . INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County,and satisfactionguaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS For sale on reasonable terms. THE HAMILTOLYN �YEEg SPECTATOR ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Contains All the News Many Special Features Crisp and Pointed Comments The most Entertaining Stories The Choicest Literary Matter Everything for Everyboby To 1st1898 January; 1� Th s great paper from now till 1st January, 1893-12 pages reading matter weekly— and our great premium picture, "SONGS OF LOVE," for only $1.00. AGENTS WANTED Liberal commission to agents. A good agent., for this district is wanted at once—one JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRI.DGE P.O. • BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSID WISHES TO inform the farmers of this section that he will keep for service this season at lot 18 can. 10, Kinloss, a thoroughbred Berkshire hoar. For pedigree and other particulars apply to ' 3AMES PURVIS, 4-929 Holyrood P 0 LAMBS FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNFD HAS" FOR sale at Lot 20, Con `10, Kinloss, a number of choice Oxford Down ram lambs and shearlings which aro offered for sale at reasonable prices He also has for sale some first-class ewe lambs, HENRY THOMPSON. 1 who will take an • nterest in pushing the paper Holyrood P 0 and will make a thorough ,canvass of his — "district. For terms and particulars address SPECTATOR PRINTING CO. HAMILTON, CANADA. FARM FOR SALE and 100 ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. Beingthe south halves of lot 53 an54 in the Twnship of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow. Good grain and stock farm, well fenced and hi a good skate to cultivate. A never failing creek runs through four fields.. Two good wella and pumps n good bearing476ause18xtdbe0x orchard. h 24, aacres. us 18 x 26. There are Bye acres of fall wheat. Apply to ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by' letter box 115. it Luoknow, BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN - form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10. (E. D.) Ashfield, his ea erior bred Berk shire Boar, . `Baron Nimrod." 'Perms—$1.00 at time of service, $L50 0 not so paid. BARON NIMBOD. born August 15th, 1889, bred by J. G. Snell & Bro., Edmonton, Ont. Sire, Baron-bon-Bismark [426] bred by W. H, & C. H. McNish, L . Unt, Imported Dam Moulsford 52nd [9 ; got by. Swineford (65)20.317; 2nd damMoulsford 36th (735) 20,316, got by. Watchman (485) - 3rd dans Moulsford 7th got by Samson; 4th dam Mouls- ford 5th got by Stoke Lad; 5th dam Moulsford 9thof by Norman; 6th dam D'foulsford 2nd got by. Nigger . 7th dam Moulsford lat. The above pedigree is correct to the beat of my knowledge and belief.—J. G. SELL# Bno, JAMES LANE, d., Ont w7 ENLARGED T'H� ONLY' -T0— WEEKLY GLOB ONE 16 PACES FOR 1892 DOL AND BALANCE OF 1891 LAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE. NO FAKES 1 NO CHEAP BOOKS ! NO JACK-KNIVE,$, SCISSORS OR CATCH-PENNT OFFERS ! BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME ' FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON • ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as, heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE 'WILL BE DEVOTED TO, SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. ° SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE `ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 3Ist DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SENT THEM UNTIL CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. T H I s' EAN S 15 months of a 16 -page for $ I to every one who subscribes " now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address. THE GLOBE, TORONTO.! NOTICE, 'j'HE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL. Printing Office. AGREEME S. BONDS. LEASES, DEEDS, MO IMAGES AND WILLS CA,REFt; LY PREPARED. Plans ,apecincati ns and estimates for build him mills, bridges, etc„ furpiahed on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lncknow. flea .18 1. LOOg HM RM FRE! FIRE! Insure your farm property. private dweliin in the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAL Office,—A. ROSS harness shop. Luoknow Wil be in the Dolce evcrysaturdayafternootr, JOHN LANE Agent 1Uniongilil.