Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-09-11, Page 1I1 .:1,16,,,,,,,••,ya,i..,,iate.1•11114k.•,,i,,i,.t,-,3,''eih,,"'""JULlettelt4S...kolViratira•A..1, .`,..15,1- ,11•IIWO•11,•16•riikWitit..Pkili&fi•••-2M.474Z52,,',.,.......:-Saa . 1 0 II I 'ow is the Season For your Machinery Oil; your Harvest Tools, your Potatoe Killer in the shape'lif Paris Green, all of which you eau get cheap at the hardware establishment of TAYLOR - LuotNaw. data VOL XVIII. -36. ntt Luallow4 ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEETE,LIBER 11, 1891 ANK OF HAMILTON GEO, IMAIR & CO Capital, $1,206,850. 'Rest, Seoch000.* President -JOHN STUART. Vice President -A. G. RAMSAY. • DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH! Or Luoknow Banking Comp' y. 4. LUQKNOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP F A.RM. Cashier -L, -J. TURNBULL. SAVI17GS BANK.—Haurs 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. • SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent ates of interest. DIU 31,3 on Great Britain and the United Stats bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingham, will be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for S10. Filiing and ev,tracting a specialty LEGAL. SIMON CO.RRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, in H. 0. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. PA. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver' old stand. c. RRISON, ATTORNEY AT -1-.1.• law, Solicitor in Cannery. Convey- ancer, Cominisioner, eta. Office. over the barber shop. , GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARRoW, Q.C. W PROUDFOOT._ MEDICAL TA. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. 0 0. Office, Kintail, DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op.` posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. irt McD. GORDON, M.D.. C.M., F.T. • .M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street,' opposite W. U. Little's, flR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by nail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall. Boarding house, Cain's hotel. ' Lucknow. GENERAL MONEY TO•LOAN! I HAVE A FEW thousand dollars to invest for private parties. at reasonable interests. ELLIOT TRAVERS. MONEY TO,LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to HOBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. OANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to intending travellers. JOHN MURCHISON*, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. MONEY TO LOAN ! AT 6 PER CENT from 2 to 20 years. Lists of farms for sale in Ontario as well as Manitoba. Parties desirous to sell farms will consult their inter- ests bY inspecting the advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and tinent-of-lands4er-saletwitna; Land Valuator ,Lucknow. Ontario. WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL Fire insurance Company, board of diregiars meets for the transaction of business on tl& first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly yorlar Company, will by giving _ - rriffrafird-Picie stiff several on hand, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers. DO 'YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or can give security and at reason sayable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan, if so we willa() it promptly and on the most favourable tends. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense, WE , DO A GENERAL BANKING businesa of all lcinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms.. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand •dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on all insurable buildings in 'English or Canadian Insurance Companies, Office hours 10 a.rn , to 4 p.m. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager ITEMS OF INTEREST PARAMOUNT. Iin- ',A.,'"..',7"-',.11`ral5,7701:7Agrm-irgAn igul,..2hz Vaiiiiir FROM EXCHANGES Misses Mary Ann and Oharlena FOR SENTINEL READERS. Beaton intend leaving for Detroit next • Tuesday. We wish them well. The mayor had the pod fortune to secure a couple of fine partridge last week. We believe that Dan scared one to death. . . —It was a sad instance of vegetable depravity when the first apple tried to destroy the first pair, —From thirty to forty bushels to Fall Goods. The summer days are draw- ing to a close..The demand Torligsfit goods is growing less and there will soon be a call a for heavier articles Fall binders, is the good news row the N.orthwest, —The County Treasurer of Bruce will on Nov. 10th at‘Walkerton, sell all the lands that are advertised as being in arrears for taxes. --Plums were an enormous crop here this year and hundreds of baskets are being shipped from the Lucknow station by our local dealers. Stanley Watson of lower Wingham,. aged about 12 years, fell from abutter - nut tree on Sunday of last week and broke his arm. Rev. John Gray, Baptist minister, of Kincardine, has'accepted a call to a church near St. Thomas, and will remove 'there shortly. The big fly wheel that drives the circular saw in Mr. Cargill's rni:1 at Cargill burst the other day, doing much damage to the mill. The friends of Mr. J. 3. Wright, of the Point Farm, G'oderich, will regret to hear of the death of his wife on the 2nd inst., after a ling,ering fitness. John Colclorigh, Wiarton and formerly of Kinloss, has entered a civic action against A. J. Kyle, • J. P., for 85,Q00 damages ferfakeimprisolltnent. The fall assizes opened in Goderich' on Monday last, Mr. Justice Falcon - bridge presiding. The Criminal calen- r came very near being a clean sheet. A. few days ago Mrs". MeAulay, living on the north line, Kincardine township, feil on the. barn floor and sustained a severe fracture of her right wrist, both bones being broken. • —The ambitious stockmait will now be currying. his,apring colt, giving extra feed to the big calf and in every way preparing live stock for the fall milk.fai.The pumpkins will be fed on goods are beginning to arrive, and our many customers will find that we have madeample provision for their wants at right prices. Considerable boots, and shoes. are selling and by the way we thinlK it a good idea to purchase in this line before the wet weather sets in. It gives the leather time to season', and the result is much better satisfaction in wear. Kid gloves are now moving rapidly, and to those desiring to purchase, we would say that our stock is large with a HERON, MURDOCH & CO Luoknow & Dungannon, notice, be cal e upon by an agent or byi one - i . ,of the Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. Office; Dungannon. ,1*, M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treasurer. SOCIETIES "1" UOKNOW • ) 1111 rAil I Lodge, No. A 'A meets 112 every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their -hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially Invited. WM. Hoon, N. Grand ; JOHN ELLIOT. Recorder. O. F., COURT s Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow,. Meet - every first and third Monday in eve r y month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. W. IT, JoHNSTONR, 0, R. D. D. YULE SEC. A 0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF .41-1.0 the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month at right o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman. R. D. OAMEAN, Recorder, A grand_ stand is being erected on the Walkerton Exhibition gronncla, capable of holding over 1,000 people, and will be ,ready in time for the fall show. It is .ten tiers high and 150 feet long. —13y no one are the general adver- tisine„, eolinnns of the newspapers so regularly, closely and critically read as by the women Of Ontario. The. ladies delight to look for announcements of novelties and bargains. M after nselecnutr war, wont A the 0 for ' learn histor Mr forme Schoo fire- inatio situat Model —T Order of Ju very 1 during quence increas The have in viz.; t fairs. Thursd at 10 0 A num Mr. died ve noon. eseal li 4 o'cloc seen to reach h ies. A tho time a rurle s r. M. S. McAulay, of Southampton, 15 years of persistent effort, has ed from the American Govern - for military services -in the civil a grant of $1200 cash and $6 a h aslong as he lives. young Englishman just out from Id Country came' across a skunk the first time and. adMiring its in-a--s-hart time ed , a good deal about natural y which he did riot know before. . W. H. Stewart, of Bluevale, rly Principal of Blyth Public 1, was successful in securing a lass certificate at the' late exam - n. He . has gone tb accept a ion at Forest asteacher in the. School. he death rate in the Canadian of Foresters during the months ne, July. and August has been ow. Only nine deaths occurred these months and in conse- the - reserve 'fund has been ed to 8159,000. Patrons of Industry, of Amberly aueuratecl a very useful feature, ho ''holding of monthly cattle The first fairs will be held cen ay, Sept. 10, and will commence 'clock a. m., closing At 2 p. m. ber of buyers will be present. John Austin, of Teestvater, ry suddenly on Tuesday after - He was apparently in his ealth that aftrroo•-n r.nr1 able k, while in the garden, he was, fall and before assistance could im the vital spark had fled. aa; ovh., and the ;MLA 11,1v.: 1.4(11 hock to her Debtor and Creditor The annual report of the Inspector of Division Courts for Ontario shows that during the year 1890 in the 322 divisions, 63,367 suits were entered. The amount of -claims entered exclu- sive of transcripts of judgments and judgmentsummonses were $2;535,165.- 32 ; number of judgment summonsesissued 10,392 ; total amount of suitors' money paid into court, $827,531,87; total amount of- suitoes' -money paid out of court $813,673.38' ; balance of cash in court $23,956,03;.nutrther of suits entered when the amount claimed exceeded 8100,.5,807 ; number of jury trials, 105. —A few weeks ago we copied ex paragraph from an cxcleanee effect that after this year the Grand Trunk. Railway will discontinue Civic Holiday Excursions. We have since learned that the 1:ranfl Trani; -deny the r,,port awl 4-13/ such change in their reenlatieas Seeding. is" now a story of the past, and judging from the number of acres sown by most farmers here the fall wheat crop this year must have been very satisfactory. Apple and plum thieves are very numerous just now. The natries of some of the parties are well known and, an example will be made of them if they do not content themselves with their own. Harvesting in this vicinity has come to a standstill, and farmers are begin- ning to fear that the remainder of their grain must remain on the fields. Some fields of oats which were cut nearly three weeks ago, had to be spread outagain on the ground, there to await a drying time. The harvest is bounteous enough, but the bright sunny days are few and far between. On the eveningof the 3rd of Sep- tember the Paramount Association of the R of I. he4d a grand concert in Paramount school house. On accoun't of the evening not being very favorable the attendance was limited,, but those who had the pleasure of being there declare that the programme was one of the finest literary amts_ -they -ever enjtiyed. After moving a vote of thanks to those from a distance Who,took part in the programme, the concert was brought to a close by singing, "God Save the Qtleen." Last Fridayi the 4th inst., the home af Mr. Alex. McDiarrnid was a scene of intense joy. Alex. might have been seen running hither and thither making himself useful in genaral, and wearing a countenance 'which told as plain as day that something had taken place to his intensejoy. When asked by Jiro' 'what • was the ma tter, he replied—Why, Lor! sakes J nu, my wife has.presented me with a fine girt baby ! It is needless to;say that Jim went home with a smile the whole width of his face. A few weeks ago some mischievous boys of Paramount broke open a house on the second concession, smashed some of the window panes and turned things up -side -down in general. The boys were found out and warned not, to commit the offence again. Last week one of the same boys and another equally bad, broke into the cellar of another house and were caught in the act, before any damage was done. Parents and boys should remember that house-treaking is a criminal offence, and if informed on, peniten- tiary will very likely be their dwelling place,for some future time. Last Friday, while the wife of Mr. D. Potchcr was getting down from one of the bar very serious and painful accident. appears that Mrs. Potcher had gone to hunt eggs and when attempting to. jump from the scaffold to the sheaf mow, she river -balanced and fell from the scaffold .to the floor, inflicting a severecut above her eye and breaking .three of her ribs and her collar bone. She was found- in this critical condition by her daughter, who summoned. -aid and helped her into the house. Dr. Gamier was speedily sent for, and we hope that under his skilful treatment she will soon be around -again. Mrs. Potcher is a mach loved and highly respected person of this neighborhood and she has the sympathy of all in her sad accident. A most remarkable case, which has baffled all medical skill, and which is said to be without' a precedent, in the person of a healthy and strong middle- aged farmer residing neer Teeswater, has come to light. One 'side of this gentleman's face will not permit him to place in his mouth any meat, no platter how fine it has been prepared ; eggs he. can eat; but milk he cannot d i I It r n ; water he can drink, and bread he can eat. The afflicted side of his flee will spurn objectionable food, as n clold would medicine. .1\to ,causc can he found for it, and the effect is not $t all pleasant.. tIJtitarthai Stock 1, better than ever. You are putting up rear lions.: and barns and -want sup plies,. which are expen.oi0e, but you ca ti save 80E00 of +this. expense by. coming -to 10' 0, 7-AvLort For your building - - faupplies., WHOLE NO. 920. • • .774.7•7•7•V j PRESBYTERY OF • . The Presbytery of Maitland met at Wingham on Sept. 8th, Rev, R. g. Anderson, Moderator, Elders COM- wiseions were received. A committee consisting of Revs. 1'. Davidson, Ross and Jones, and Mr_ .Ft o prepare a minute regarding the death of tt.te late Rev. G. Brown, of Wroxeter, -to. be submitted to the Presbytery at ita .next meeting. Messrs. McFarlane, McDonald and H. Chambers were appointed to prepare and submit to the Presbytery a minute • regarding • the death of the late GeorgeChaplin, an elder in Pine River congrt4esation. Messrs. A. McKay and John Archi- bald were appointed auditors to examine, the treasurer's books and report at next meeting. A petition from the congregation of Lucknow, asking leave to sell. the schoOl board strip of land adjoining the church, was granted. The resignation. . the Rev. D. Davidson, of Langside; ' was disposed of, and the followine. motion passed.: • That the resignation of Mr. Davidson be accepted, to take effect on the first - of October. While doing so the Pres- bytery desires to put on record their - appreciation of Mr. Davidson's char- acter as a christian minister, and their regret at parting. with a brother who, by his uniform kindness and courtesy, has endeared himself to them all, As a member of Presbytery he attended - the Court_eregalarl;yy-and--avas-ever-------• found willing to do any duty entrusted to him. The'Presbytery pray that the Great Head of the church rnay yet ' open another door of usefulness to him. in arome. part of the vineyard. Mr. McNabb Was appointed moder- ator of session and to declare the charge vacant on the first Sabbath in October at 3 p. Applications to the E. Mission Conarnittee on: behalf -of aid -receiving congregations were re-a.ffirrned, and it was agreed to apply to the H. M. C. for two dollars per Sabbath on behalf of Langside during the vacancy. - Messrs. J. S. Davidson and R. F. Cameron, students, performed the prescribed exercises which were sus- tained, and they were certified to the, Senate of Knox .College, Toronto. It was agreed to ask the Probation- ers Committee to supply Knox church, Brussels, in November. A letter was read from Dr. Coch- rane notifying the Presbytery that $900 for Horne Mission. and 8550 for Augmentation ire expected from this Presbytery for the year. The matter of holding mission 'meetings is left in charge the several sessioria. It was agreed that the arinnal Sabbath School Statistical reports be printed and distributed among all the Sabbath, Schools of the Presbytery,. and that the Sabbath Schools be asked, to defray the cost of printing and dis- . -eports. Committees were appointed to consider the General Assetubly's remits and to report at next meeting. ° The next meeting of the Presbytery will be held at Wingham on Tuesday, December 8th, at -11:15 a. m. • k JOHN MCNABB, Clerk. Lucknow, Sept,. 9th, 1891. CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. The directors of the above company met in the town hall, Teeswater, on August 29th. Members all present ; president in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved of, when it was' moved by Messrs. Kirkland arid McKague, that all applications lfctr insurance be now laid on the table for inspection.— • Carried. Armstrong — Reid, 'hat having examiried nine apillicatior!i and found them satisfactory, the president and secretary are hereby instructed to pre- pare and issue pelicies for same.— Carried. McKague--Taittle, that this board do now adjourn 4-o meet a 'rein in the town hall, To:08W7i for, oil tho last Saturday in 'Sent em leer at 2 o'clock p. rn —Carried: ' • . , ' •