Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-07-10, Page 2^`
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,."_,,',;.k'11�11 . The Old Hymn. , and came in to the rescue, but when he dis- us, just in time. You. see, comin . tion pee in through the cracks until she shou& and N h - ud less difficult than I
: I 1,�,!., ,;, . covered the service reqii4red of him, he with the south in ose rly a a Irac-1 to him. Since he had followed her she had been for years.
" , .", ,,-,, . garded it with,%yeraiou, and showed a mean more than uncerta' "far, it would be better to let him go all most welcome of all, Warner a
F, i"-,, ". - ong the moba 8 e t night. promp " �:d by Pocahontas, and as ;Yhefher I should have received it is one. ier
,;" , ., 4 _*,h you had a gun and Nesbit Thorne was teaching im
1'1'11i, ,. , , 1 SS p beneath the tree, f 6 _on say, and this suppose I must take you, althou
_11' , , , . . "11 They. must all I "� again -before' shall never - -ter abit Tborn
.. 1; on his helpless kuees be p t il place, " forget his cousideration come af us, Sawney, remember that At the eleventh hour Ne
...�!',1.1' I .,. . ca , lover of my Soul." . -ts 'a quarter to I for my mot er, uor the kindness lie you're not -afraid. You must not cry, or decided to accompany his relati
!, : I aid we hola on to my dress with your dirty little flitting, instead of waiting to visitr them
,:. I , %-i I . now. I can t do it all bef9r,ft. half -past 2, to showed po - Temple. But fop his
11.,,_.,,�;k 'i,% I i' 1 X " The ca eneft Qf that 4iithoj ;Vet, save my life, unless you' help me. You, could hardly h4ve maugg d at the last, in hauas.- Do you hear 9"' ' later in the season.
X , , , v,; Alone upon that lonely stree .
. �,,; ," I . 'i 4 '.-": ,.' . ith grace room, and I've got your favorite pudding o? gratitude I'd fain repay. God bless suqplcious readiness, resuming his line of as to tile manner n'which their future life
." , ,, '?�,, .. And down his dragged and stricken fac already, and it's dowa�m!" The rising ill- . "'Amen "! echoed Pocahontas, softly. They thini in the
,I I ,�,!�,,,,,,�;,!�,�"",. I pursued their way uneventfully sire -to be of service to
�: : " 1111 , -.,', - The spalding tear --drops coursed along. fleet -ion of her voice conveyed an impression , until -they had reached the middle of the - troublesome move'; Perhaps there was,. ' .
11 ;:_4,'.. "! .,,;, 11 Jesus, lover of my soul, of heat intense enough to drive an engine. ) field when the catastrophe, which Poca- besides, an unacknowledged feeling in Ilia
.,� , I One bright, crisp" morning about the houtas had anticipated, occurred. A flock breast, that with of.: h*
_11,'' Thus adjured, Berkeley laid aside .h1s:
t,r," I ��Jv, *c,r lifting iz warm T. ork with the sun .. P,Qcahon.tas stood i ug -t'tlittle dis hin-dred, _ wallid bee.ome lo4eli -�
,',"I',"";!% 1. Then wandered onward with a air, . the back yard surrounded b 1, sud&ii�iy *i`aiae'd t0ir-head's-, 'ald ad- more 'Wearisome than ever. They had given'
1,,,.,.., L. , . !1 at the meridian. The empty gb�vt sleeve , y a large flock tancc .
�; ,q- , The music waked the better man, of turkeys. Turkilys were the youn vanced with joyful bleating, evidently him a semblance of a� home, and there was
,11,..,�..,,;,!"had a forlorn and- piteous look as it hung g lady's
i ." - , .. �,, , . specialty, and on them, alone of all ihe r4tigarding the pair as ministering spirit n 'undercurrent of
�'VV_ _ A girl with -face all wet and Wan crumpled and slightly twisted by his side. , I
'MW I Came slowly forth and haunted him. d6nizens of the poultry yard did she bestow come to tligir saline vearn* . after love and
'41,11.,r,N,,, trousers. He was well used to his loss, and moment in early spring when she a ribbi of his promise, no sooner beheld their in its obstrdeted channel, and'tried here
,�,.,�.,,i,-g,,,, , , T)TED the date of its arrival on the first e , un il advance, 'than he halted instantly, the and there blindly for @,nother outlet. .
",. I , th� full-grown birds were handed over linously. . .
'.1 -1111�oVio�,,'' . I ling of the. empty sleeve worried him ; the , muscles of his face working on Thorne's coming with them seemed to the
I "; .; ' was gone close up at the should Aunt Rachel to bet. fattened for the table, ' - perill 9 .
1.1 :,;,;_, - The trees- were always called "The arm er. I , aps I can be of serviqe to you Smiths a very natural proceedin . His
7 14. Then the pair fell to work briskly, dust, the turkeys were her particular charge, and.. * . .
., I Lovers," and under their sweeping branches, - . . I . . -_ - She started, and glanced rt�und quickly. aunt propos�d it one da,y, w.Ln he .
I I'll" %44:::,� . Ing, arranging, re-arran a , each morning and afternoon saw her sally A slender, dark, young in . an, a stra been more than usually help -
.11 . tthe young people were fond of gathering forth, armed with a pan full of curds, or a
;I';"- le g besi,de her, rglancing, with uncon. ful, vow* hat she
, 11 : .. , moonlitsummoreve ' ... 1, loaf of brown bread, for her flock. Her d amuse ne InLy t i
: 1 , I'V, I I elf under tb end her' brother sorted the books and re- . 'thout him, and Thorne
" , , anu J 11111 t . -little colore oy named SawneyTtU last a�rlo`r'7e-e't. , —r,� Ital Lia .
, , � , '43t , In royally, until Yocallontas served a writ of oming for the.
!'�,.,t .-7K,- "I 7 1 leaned against the rugged trunk, silently e little difference, since e was c',�, %i ,,,,,�,4. ejectment on his majesty by closing all the ofa'line of Sawneys exten ba to the .
J I , ,", , , " Oil thank you ; you can mileed," ac- shooting anyway. If Norma had another
-b,,, Z&..V drinking in with his eyes the still beauty of ontas' great-
,f�':��-_'Al ,�,` �'� shutters, and the sun promptly eluded it by dmiing-room servant I
�gllll', 11";," .". of the nialit--the silvery sheen of the water,- vueping in between the dinother. . cepting hiii pioffired aid with grateful readi-, theory in regard to his unwillingness to be .
, 2, ,I ._!, 11. I I the Pure lend of the sky, the slope of the , bars. A little gran . . ness. " If you will kindly drive these sheep separated from them, she was careful to .
,�,Zl 51 ,; ,, vi�grallt breeze stole in, fun of idleness and On this particular morning Pocahontas, I .
p�i,, I 1'1t.lawn, and the gray tranquility of the old ha3og,eiliptied her basket, was watchin ' away, I'll be much indebted to you. I'llis keep it 'hidden.
,&Q.,-, I !! I'll house in the background. And as lie ' mischief, and meddled with the books- 9 pro ok-ing libttle boy is afi�aid of th i, or Xrom the first they
', . . , gazed he k with interest and admiration, when e� d t emn were thrown much
.... "Ill, ,. ; , V, , there awoke in his breast, adding to its i
I ,�. , . hich. lay on its back wide open, lifting up Berkele made his appearance, on the torch r ,
v.f, L ;�Z, pain, that weary yearning which men call w . . N ow, S -ney, -
V, ,?� i `.' I th a ietter in his hand. , He se.emey . at a,% hush that abom- the 11asons at once assumed right cTpro
� I ,� ". 1 , _ the pages, and. flirting them over roguishh, wl . in a inable noise this instant ! The gentlenian' Perty in them, being bent with -
.r., J � .1, hurry, and called to his sister i . 0 '
"I . It'. � ; as though bent .on finding secrets. The im atiently.
sgl. i� " "" , wesently is going to drive all the sheep away. " te po'l,tion"d their
t,�',*,W. ' little'uoise attracted the girl's attention', �'Lookhdre, Princess," he sais, as she 10 a
11 ke" I-- - W , . "if the nights out there -in Mexico, . I oined hi here's a letter from Jim to old With perfect gravity, but his eyes full d eyb ti to'i atitude. When their loKed one .
, 'p -N,"111 an be more beautiful than this. I and ' _� I Z
P "I she raised the book' and. ' i n' " of. laughtei-, Nesbit Thorne flourished his was "Sic
_* . w p . u t 0 t, his " inairuny.' He told nw cane and advanced on the flock menacingly. had extended to him kindness,. and now
"" - 1, ,.".,-. , - have -read descriptions, and dreamed dreams, covers with her duater. As she slapped _ It A n . le
1, , !,-A' w . I I ilehtttl,yrwith her hand to get out he had promised the old woman to. vvTite
,,, �;, :, but I can't imagine anything - more per- al h d , . to The animals backed slowly. " Will that that opportunity offered, that kindness
I 9. i " ., - . . ' her. It came,%vith my mail this morning,
Jf _` . do ?" he called, when lie had driven them shou & be returned, full measure, pressed
ii, I � - i,,�,�-,� a slipped from among the leaves and I I
... .. I ".1, feet than that stietch of water shimmering .
�� ; I 11 to the flbor near Berkeley's feet'. . and I haveu�t time to go over to Shirley al�d .
I I t,j. ?". " about a hundred yards. . down and For tile general,
N4, . , Where did this come fr read it to her; I wish you would. She's ....
Z , oni? " he inquired, " A little further, please," she answered. Pocahontas conceived a positive enthusiasm'
lfk ,�,., I'll, . the, trees yonfer against the sk " . . ..
!-', Y. as he picked it u too poorly to come after it herself, so put on " No,, a great deal further ; quite to the -a feelh ally old soldier was
, I 11 It's more than beautiful ; itis home," ,, Ig which the j,
. . r bonnet and step over there now, like a
.. , t, , -.1 R Out of this book," she answered, holding You end slow
I . RNk�l � I , Jim!O voice shook a little. I 'Do you know, u the volume in her hand. I I It fell out go,, .of the field. He ,won't move yqt !" Her not in discovering, nor backward in
� V, - ., "I "t I ,., . I . voice quivered with suppressed mirth. reciprocating; the pair were the best of
% I , Princess, that whenever the memory of Step over ' there, indeed ! " laughed
r:1 't a,. Mile, I was dust' must have .
A I ".. llt ',I'�', I , home comes to me out yonder in the tropics, Ing ; some one Pocahontas. " How insinuat Feeling like " Little Boy Blue " friends. .
17 I ', O& 1� , I left it into Mark a plaoce. It must have ingly you put
1, I 114111, G.A!X'�',� , ' it will be just this picture I shall -always see. . it. Aunt Vi'let's cabin ' over at recalled to a gense, of duty, Thorne Ever since the finding of tile letter,
I : I'll, ".":. . been in the -book for years; see how soiled - the
I , - .. I The river, the lights and shadows on the Shirle7 : half a mile beyonlds Jiwna� rd's- line pursued the sheep remorselessly ; the the girl's mind'had been filled with I
I R $,P, . I I lawn, the old gra u with the it is. Whose is it? " , y poor beasts, convinced at last that .dia. story of the brother wholil she scarcely - .
�, P . I flowers on your breast, and tKeo " , Therp is something in the unexpected ' li tender imagination .
... I : ,,I - , moonlight 11 General Smith's line fence,,you mean. appointment was to be their portion, tiotted remembered. Wit
$ _1� I . . - Andir4' of a stray letter which stimulates '
_ -1. on your she exaggerat(
&I dear face. Don't be afraid, or before him meekl lying vent to their feel- ,-d his youth, his cour-
11 111111 11 t - ". . curiosity, and Berkeley turned it in his I wish you'd go, Princess. There's money . .
, j ", : I move away; I'm not going to make love to , ings in occa feats of reproach. age, his lia"rdships, and.glorified him into a - .
"I'll, I ,."' %,I' . hand'to read the address. The envelope Meanwhile, Pocahontas lifted Sawilay hero. Everything connected with , him
. . . . . 41, i 1, I 1. I . 1 - , - .. you -L -all that is over ; but your face must was soiled like the coat of a traveler, and t'he negroes. I promised 'Jim we'd lo% . ,ed ; his sabre hung
I "I " " �.., always be to me the fairest and sweetest forcibly to his feet, and led 'him acro,ss to appeared pitiful arid sam .
�, , "I'll d as though a hand after the old woman for them. The. girls .
4V1. . , ,!.,, . on earth. ". - He paused a moment, the opposite fence, over which sike Ulped above the mantle, crossed _
, t " _ had. olm.od raughlT._ The, w -n want her to come to Richmond but she
....... , V I I I wont consent -to quit the' Q,1d'pMde.--- -She- -h eingdeterinined-that no-iiiore
.. ; , "', - " was an " Berkeley . - . drew the dull blade from t
I i, 14, � I , away from her: "I want- to tell you- distinct . , scones should he inflicted on her that morn h e 6T, 'a . . .
,"', 011111 I , Mason, Esq., Wintergreen, — Co., liasn't any children of her own, you know. " , Tof the
,I 1, , ��,,,J " - I .?' this last time I may ever haib an oppor- g. When she ,had put a barrier between brass of the hilt, and the trimming ____
I , I 1,,,W1':, Virginia. " Mr. "Mason examined the Pocahontas extended her hand for the In, . . 9,
� I q. P, , tunity of speaking to you alone -that 011i I I She ought to q
R- A, 1. . I I blurred, indistinct postmark. Point"- , o to Richmond and. him and danger, she ordered him to sit belt and scabbard were
,.,.. I are never to, blame`yourself for what 0 down and calm his shattered -nerves and re. corroded in places. She got a cloth and
., 110111 ; .'' , I something, it seemed to be ; and on the live with Belle or Nina,' she'said, slipping I .
I ,V W I ,,, �e and gone. It's been 'no fault of yours. - ' cover his behavior. 'She remained within burnished -them initil they shone likegold.
0' , , -.,, k.,. 1. ther side, Washington, plain enough, and it into her pocket. "She'd die of home- I
, I You could no more h I I 'rig you than 0 the field, herself, leaning against the fence When she replaced it the contrast with the .
11 , the date, May 1865. What letter hii, abeen sickness way out in CAlifornia with Susie. I
.. I ,u's return, that other sword .
i 1, I : I I J ciituld help it myself; or than you could der whether the new people will let her and await the gentlema" hurt her, and a rush. of
�., --, I. make IM forwarded him, from the seat of government won . �h_ _._U+�E. u, . , made her take I
; � '. ,, . 11do . '651 ien memory untoided bit that down also, and' burnish it ca
I I .. . . fi, Jim, dear!" spoke the I I Oh, yes; Jim made ever By the time he rejoined her, Nes *..
. ,,; . . . . . , 'Pom L OOKOUT, May -, 1865. move. He had an understanding with ance was a; very h4ndsontii and unusually the young brother, she was grieved that e I I
I,, X -, . . I I I know it, Princess, in exactly ihe same To Berkel�y Mason, Esq.,- Virginia. , General.Smith about th ' e comer of land her attractive woman. The adventure a,mused should.have been the second thought. . I
4 -- in love Roy Garnett, and.,' or him, and he had a mind to.. pursue 'it fur -
14. 1,1- Way YC P . , immeasura- . cabin stands on ; feserved it, or leased it, ,her father's sword to .
N �._%' I I SiR,�A Cohfederate soldier, ther. As he approached, he removed his its place, aiia re-arrang the crimson sash, I
. ,X,J. L, , bl less than you love Berkeley. . That isn't of %var at this place, giving his name as something. It's all right." . , . L
Ig I.- . 'Always kind, always considerate, thought . f.
XT,�,� , ' . W, a . hat courteously, with a pleasant, lialf-jocular faded and streaked in U folds, from wear
.11 - , slow.', at understanding things, and I can't. Temple Mason, is lying in the prison the girl -wistfully, even amid the pain and remark about the demoralized condition of and time, when Norma and Blanche arrived, .1 .
R .,-,',_ , - 1. 1 myt thoughts into graceful, fluent hospital at the point of death. He was too her escort, and a w6rd indicative of his,sur- escorted by Nesbit Thorne. Little Sawney I . .
I " :,V.: , . . u I oreheml trans- hurry of d6parture-the sundering of .old .1 ' , .
�. ,-,alv� , . language ; but, I know what love is and ill to be sent, south with the L t finding a con '
I , dilfe'rQ. fer, and in compliance with lils urgent re- ties, finding time to care for the ci3nifort of pri8e a ntry child, of any color, had been �itting on the heatth-rug watching .
" I '' his old nurse. 'Good, faithful Jim. afraid of animals. . her polish the arms, and offering sugges- .
, I , " __ �.. P " . what I wanted. you to feel is very, I, 11 quest, I write again -the third time, to . "Yes; it is unusual," she assented, tions,.and. Pocahontas dispatched,him to - -
,.t I -: . Don't be unhapgy, about, it-oir me. .4 Have the new people come?" she called *
K . . ;.1 I worry through t e . . time, or grow , informyou of his condition. He can't last after her brother, as he disappeared within smiling oil him with her handsome gray invite her guests into the parlor, while she .1
%%%',�. 11 d to it. , T'Tton much longer, and in e,vent of his d ing I 1. I eyes. " I can't,account for his terror, for ran upstairs to remove the traces of her work. ,
1; , accustome , ugh, just at first, the house. .
I./ " without hearing fro
_U .. ".. I" I 'but I'll pull through somehow. It shall not ' I don't know. .1 rather think .they I'm sure no animal IlAs ever haru�ed h ini. "' The young people, from Shirley oftim
:: 11 .1 I I spoil my life either, although it must mar buried M' the common cemetery connected have," he ,answered. " I n6ticed 'smdke ' He would gladly have detaine( her talk- walked over ip the afternoons ; the way . .
"I ,�r, it ; a man must be a pitiful fellow, who lets with the prison, and his ide .
411'; rising from the kitchen chimney this Morn- ing in the pleasalit sunshine, 'or even -as was short and pleasant, and the brother and .
t, , probabiliti' ,'lost. This is what. he appears . ' I
I F,I'.,,. , . hipinself go to the bad because the womar� he to dread, and he entreats that you ,will come. ing. Ask Aunt, Rachel-t4e negroes are time was no object, and all ways alike- sister usually accompanied them part of the . .
I , ,,,, loves, wog't have him. God means every . . I
I 1., ". , , , . sure to know. " lla,Ve liked to saunter on besid� her, but wav home.. .
w'..., I to him, in God's name, if you are still alive. . I I
maii to hold up his 6wn weight in this Pocahontas was generally willing enough .
; - 'I', 1� Pausing a moment at the kitchen door ,there was no inistakin- the quiet decisioli. of - . I
'14 .1. -v�orld. I'd as soon knock a woman down as The utmost dispatch will be necessary. to request the servants to inform her her manner " she rep&Lted her thanks and to tell her stories, unless -indeed Norula . I
�_" 1. I . her " Respectfully-PERcivAL SmrrH, B. G. U. S. mother that she had walked over to 8 bade him good morning. . . 11 .
. URI ,, ,, - throw'the blame of a wasted life upon ' A., Commandant, V. S. P., Point Lookout. hirley . I happened to be present, and then the'im- .
8. With her eyes on old Aunt Vi'let, " Who the dickens was she ?" lie monprovisatrice a dumb. . .
... I _. I I" Pocahontas listened 1 L & to read a . letter to' '"'a Pocahontas was .
P,,.' : . . folded' , hands in her lap, realizing for , the Pocahontas came' and seatqd, herself on and would be home in. an hour or so, dered idly as-� lie'leaued oil thd'fence in not in qynipathv with Norma. Normathought ., . I
. I'-,. I I "', 1"; 1. . . . first time how deeply the kpan be her brother's knee, gazing at ' him with wide Pocahontas s6t'out on her expedition, never his turn, and -.watclied -the graceful fi ure old stories gre�t rubbish, arid did not scruple
I'- , -with a muttered disappearing in -the distance. ked .
V I I loved her.' Would any other man ver love noticinq that little Sawney, She w f to allow . that such was her , opinion, , .
. AA I this come? I never saw it before," she ,, .
.. I I grand unselflshness'�`ahe won- ' oticed, without ail)- of the lig
,.! �," " , , ' her with such Me dwine too," was r6solutely follo i well,.he n " -ly .and Pocahontas resented it - One evening, ' .
, ,"ti* ' ' dered, ever 'give all, receive nothing in questioned, gravely.
11 ," her:. The way led along a pleasant 6ountr tric a of pit so many women have , firn, in the beginning of their acquaintance, the
I t. ", . . . Then with troubled brow, and voice that y -1 I
, 4 , , return, and still ive on. Why couldonot road, as level �.s a table, which ran, Nvith and upright, with- he�d finely poised,, and three girls lia'(1 walked down to thq old . .
I'll, . I I.;'i. . . she love,him? I#hy was her heartatill and grew huskyat times, he, went over for her scarcely a bend, or turning,' straight from every movement a curve. Her' look ,,-,I willows at the foot of -the 'lawn, and,
": 1, �, ,, -e Masons' back gate over to the ancient voice harmonized -vvith her 'carria ; she Pocahontas, for theamusement of her'
I f" I speechless, and only her mind responsive. . ] ' th . I /
�, r of that unhappy and fateful struggle. I . '
, Z, ' home of the Byrd family at Shirley. Over- pleased his artistiesense, ail had related the little story con- '
_ . the autumn '64 their brother Temple, . . ,.
111:, I I He was worthy of any woman's love; why Ca d -he to,wered his guests,
�. " 1, could not she give him hers? I I . . .head the interlacing branches of oak and lids a little as he wAcli,tid her, as one focuses nected with them.. . I . .
1, I . . . . Ask the question how she would, the Ina 0 a trees a e a gorgeous, canopy of a'fine pi ture or stlLf no. 11 I think it wais all great foolishness,' I
"', _k . , r was always the same. She did not '. . los! Even in that brief' interview,. Pocalio,ptass .Norma declared. " If sheAo,ved the nian, .
� , �, .: answe e, and they'llad been unable to dis- .�y green and' sset, and the sunshine 1,
r, - -1 I I love livin - she . Itering through the leaves embroidered'the had touched a chord inhis nature no woman why not 'Marry him at once like a sensible ,- . -
P, llj�Nl . I old road with an intricate, pattern of light had ever touched before . it vibr6te7d�very woman ? The idea of making him wait . .
. , .11-1 . . ceration. Mason, himself, had been at . I
1 I .'� . After a -little, while Jim spoke again : and shadow. Now and thenahollytree, failitly, but enough to arrest Tllornes atten- thr'ee years, vind watch a rubbishing little . .
t 11. 1. q I , home on sick leave, weak and worn with the . . .
. 11 When you f or bush, bright with berries, made a lovely tion, foran instant, and to cause' him I
... I . . were a little girl " he said, " I to ,tree, just because his brother would have .
'e ;4 loss of his arm.and' a saber cut across his
1, , 'I', always was your knight. In all. our. plays dash of col7or, and glowed all 'over "With bend his ear and listen. In some subtle way madeaseene. What if he did,makeascene? .
1 .11 -_ I . I . and trublea it was always me you wanted. 'hile calamity follbwed. calamity with stun- suggefitions of Christmas and rejoicing. a difference- was established between her anZi He -vi-outicl soon have submitted to the I .
..., , I My boat was the one you liked best, and w ' As the name " Percival " crossed the girl's all other woniten. Her,ready acceptance of inevitable, and made friends'.' The lady .
r, , mind in her whimsical ,musings, her his aid,, her absolute lack of self -U scions- Couldn't have c
IV ,". . my dog and horse ' would -come to your r- ared much for her lover, to
1, ,� 1, '14", , .1 . remple. continued, 'made more intole ' - court us iling to put up with that dri
,�. .1 . whistle as quickly as, to mine. . I was 'the thoughts 'seized upon it and fitted it in. ness, even 'her calml3 ea dismissal be wi veling
,, I one �lwa a to care for you and carry out stantly to the name which had preceded it, of him, ued Thorne'a curiosity aLnd probation. " - .
.4� your :11, i " Percival -and Smith ! Percival Smith! interest. te' 'reflected that in all prob- , I",'-�hedi'd'lovehim,"ret6rtedPOC8611onta,s,
11. , this letter had arrived and converted a ..
.'.i . . I know, but don't forget me, Princess. Let , That was the name signed to the letter they ability he would meet her s;)on a n4 with anno'yance, " and she proved it by ' -
:;, �, '. '-- ,, ,. . :1 the thoixght of your old friend come to you 'dread fear into a worse certainty.' had re -discovered a . fter. its sleep of yea . rs . the idea pleased him, * .gain, a .
,; , , , . " . It had been handed to'Roy Garnett by & I . . being willing to .sacrifice a little of l4v
,, . sometimes, not to trouble you, only to re- Federal officer at Richmond, and Roy"'had the letter telling them of ,Temple. This Pocahontas, 'related her a,lvent�,ve'glee- happiiiqsi to spare him the bitterness of a ".
. . ; quarrel with his own brother.
"I . dden, straight down with it all those. newcomer was, or . had been, an - fnIlLy when they 'all issembled at flin" The men
and rough, and you need comfort, that ri, , army officer -a general. ',Suppose it and the - amusement. it excited was great. were twins, and 'they loved fine another . I .
.. there'sa heart in the world that would shed weary I miles, feeling curiously .certain that should be the same person ? Nay ; I Berkely I insisted teasingly t lia t hei ral rivalr� pushed family air, I . ..
,I . I it contained news of Temple, and sharing - until uhnatu e I I
its - last drop to help you.' ' I it must , be it aw ! Her mind I deliverer would develop 'into one of tion into the background., 'If he , ..
.. I I - their anxiety to tlfd full. . Roy had been .1 t nia ,
I ,,With quick impulse Pocahontas leaned;, ' i ; 16aped to the.delightful conclusion i1nPetu- . the workmen froill 'Washington, employed had been settled when both were at whi
". . . forward and Vaught his hand in berst, and, stanch and helpful in their trolible, aiding in I ously, and before she had proceeded ten 1 by General Smith in the, renovation of heat, ail estrangement would have'ensued . . I i
I before he could divine her intention, bent the hurried preparations for thT iltum"' I yards farther Pocahontas wills fully con- Shirely. One of the ca nt . ers, or -as lie which it would have taken year's to heal -if I . .
. I her h&d and laid her soft, warm lips against and accompanying the. wounded man, ai�d I �inced of the. corree . I * . 'IT ' There's no passion . I ,
I the pale, resolute mother ont their. desperate I . tuess of her con�lusion, looked gentlen .. . worc d coat, a .it ever' was heal6d. . . i
I . it. When she lifted -her eyes to his there , . . and busy with plans for returning the kind- fresco mail, abroad in search of ai - hate. /
L - I mission. , Then came the hideous journey, i . I P original sounvielding as fanii,13 They were I :
were tears in them and her v9ice trembled ness the had.received. . I
., . I y ,idea for the dining -room ceiling. This her Onsmen, t9o, men of, her own blood ;
, as -she- &-wil , -'--,-,- ,,,Will- think,()f y0U_6ftM__..�_the. arrival_&t_the_p.risoA.,,_ thip- -k*rfq1__f11Tat-. I he "had obli_-inal- furnish4ol-him she must think of thent, outside,of herself.-- - - --- -- ---r- ---
.i , I d tioning, the relief akin to pain of the reply-; t --Filled: -witir pleasure in her thought,- lier-idea 8 y
, I I old friend ;, of tow noble you, are, andhow . I steps quickeued, as though her feet were and lie would be 0abfe to make a ver� The welfare of the man she didn't love must
, .� 11 unselfish. You have been generous to me the interview with 'the bluff, kindly com- trying'bp pace'with her bright imagin- : effective ceiling of lier, and 8awney be considered, as well as that of the man I
. 1. all yout life; fa I than It have mandant, who took their hands heartily and b�lnd so engrossed was she with'aud the sheep, if,he shouldhandlethei� she (lid love -more, if anything, because. .
11 1, � I I ever deserveJ." 1 rend&ed them every assistance in his power. c!artie- ding that -it was only when sbe riahtlyi, These suggestibus Pocahanta she gave him so much less. How,bould she .
, �, I Then, in the rough hospital of the hostile - . 8 . .
q k�.A 1, . As they rose to, return to the,liouse, ^the I I stopped to climb a fence separating the road'sc�outed, maintaining gayly , that the come between twin brothers, and turn their
, 11 F- I- , . , jasmin blossom fell from the girl's hair to prison,, the 4trAnge, sad waiting for the end, from a field through which lay a short cut `datk .stranger Wha none ot . h0, than her affection to hatred ?, She knew them both I .
"N.J, the ground at Jim*sfeet ; h ed and that 'she became, C4 Smith,,*' the very identical John, of her- -knew that her own true lover would
t,,.;.Je. raised it, May I keep it? " 1: saiX., i aware of her sreNilt attendaut. . " % destiny, . . I hold firn� for -all the years of his .
'I �1. , ed her head silently. enough both'north and outh, bult none the, " Why, Sa"ey, who told -y t .)!? I
4� She bo : life, so that she could safely trust him
llt..,141. . . . &HAPTER V. , 4, , I I less pitiful for its commonness. . she questioned, as -.%lie sprani to the ground - ' CHAPTER VII. for three. And is lie kne%% that the lighter -
.1 I I With her head down on her brother's -
!;�. 7.0 1, a sobbed convulsively. on the other side. The little fellow slowlv . peetlih
I." " In the (lining -romp aft Lanarth Wjf)d Poe -a- shoulder ,Pocahonta. on 0 come. 1. TheSiniti,ilfamily' s - settied down naturb would, in all probalil't .
'. t" hontas, an expression of comical disma . Kh and carefully mounted tile fence, balancinu into their ew 1;,omc, an(I after the first inconstant ; and if. lie left lier oT, -n
I ;] I I , upon her face, a pile of dusty v6lumes oil tale, and knew vaguely of the weeks of h . is fat bodion the top rail- as lie tarnea feeling of strailgellegg hall Nvohi off Nvere free will, there could be no ill -feeling, d .
&I , , spectly in' order to scramble flown. forced to acknowledge that the reWlity of no -remorse "
tl,. the floor at her feet. The bookcase in the, anxiety that had lined her mother's gentle circum I . .
: I I .recess of the firepla,ce, with yawnin a doors . face and silyered her brown hair, but 'f all When the landing liad been safely effet-tell, 'country living was not P.o disagreeabl; as . Norma laualied deKsivelv. "And in his
I and empty' sbelve.i. stood .4wept aan,l gar- ') he peered up at her with twinkling eyes, ,thpy had anticipated. The iieighborhood,fine self-sacri'Ace she had no thought of her .
I . i particulars she was ignorant. ,She had been .
.. ".., nished, awaiting re-posscssjon. In a frenz - - very young at the time these sad event.,f and announced, *ith the air of, orie im art- was pleasantly and thickly settle(f, tile peo- lover," qtiotli'slie. " His'pain was nothing. , V
I of untimely cleanliness, she )lad torn Zo ing gratifying intelligeT�e : ' Nnbozil I ple kind-hearted and ll'ospitable.' True, She sacrificed him, tob." .
i. I ; occil irrod ; the young brother sleeping in the tum myseT I dwine long-er you. .. - . I Mm. Smith still secrF,,tiv vearneil for motlern
. . . f "', ,�, I the hooks ' from the repose of ,years, and , shadow of the' cedars in. the old burying- -)u' . 11 And why not ? Sur6ly no mail wo0d .
I I now that the dee,l wwi 'flone bevond ' " There are sheep in this field tQv, d bet- conveniences anti the '�-;)mforO of a dAily g I a, paltry three year'
, 1, , round was scarcely more than a name, to - I 8 out of his
. I , ", recall, she was a prey to) diSgu5t, . and fler,'A , nd the memories,of her childhood h ter run home, They'll scare you io death." market', and felt , that time alone coul,'l I , ife's happiness' to avoirl so dreadful a
,, I ': I I - . . ' . ad .9 Ain't 'feard " was the valiant response. I reconcile her to tile unreliability and in effl. thi g a
I.. I given. over to repenten-e. Berkeley �&ssed , faded somewhat, crowded out by the,cheer. t ill blood between twin brothers. If I I
I.; the open window,'looking cool -a�ifl fresh ful realities of her -glad girl -life. Pocahontas wrinkled up her brows ; it ciency of coloircol servants, but evrn she )lad she co - wait for his sake, lie could wait .
, , I in ,summer clothing. an(l Pocahontas, catch- was alm(,st too far to send him back af()nc, compensation. Her husban(1--whose th for hy' -
1. , When she broke the silence, it was very A woman -must not cheapen her. . - ,
o ., 'I 11 ,, . . ing sight-of4lim, .put her fingers wher lips ,I . and thete was no one passing along tile since his retirement, ]lad hung like lead self le I .
.1 I I . I a"Ild Avhls�led sharply tv attmut hi'zi atten- I ' '"'," fr644 who could escort.h im to the home gpii,t e ilp,)yi big hatid.4. wag blitay. ,wfi rtylfl infer-, exa,,1 ffort.31
li,_ I . f on, wi. iicii rein `&ne:'shc1rillovi;�eA tip the know.. This is the third letter lie wrote I --even it ne wou I I , , , , , .. I
�,Z It" ''t", ,,, ,,, . g - It would not do to start him home with the delight of buying xpensive maciiiner for . it Is a lovely story," Blanche .
a' "'. "110,1W. . advantage with p-intoinimic gesture.4.. in- about poor Temple; the others must ha,� 31 I decide ly. "Thelad behaved
11 "40
9-ealele�t 0
11 Wk 01�'13, . ithiscArried. ; just exactly as she should
, ,,� '. at lie would return the instant' the negroes to bi
,.,)'IY41�K , , dicative of despair, and r I her eye was moff him, and stand by the fence, for t W�Tyi to waite, Tbe girls were p ease(!/ .
,,, , . . 3 one only reached I lease / . A qua rel between brothers is .
I "01, , ,e,� I ;
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