Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-19, Page 84 • •,h, oter*:,-4441.-4,10r=:-.4=••=;:r40. • , 10010010000010$1ranSISIOSPOSSrstssrs-sst-sossessss-f-se . r.1111. ammormoommaimirmemk • 14 lye * 41 • ; r The Lucknow tSentinel etruee-County,-,FrilWx_..14.14,fle 19th , — LOCKSOW POST'•00FICEs 1 Division Court -nas-tssii ' 14.110 -41:01SVEiWth . 1230 p.m , ugh 2:30 Ir. m. " y roor,,.4.B,,p,Torth . .3.:4.s..p...m.„. .. • q°deXIOIX 46 •... Intermediate points 1 •j0 13. In, 16 "%ti. • , L. 11. & 13,40rsa. ,- s stssu.o0 -s. ws, 10 ' v• I • Itaeedays and ;-.., ' '• , Langstti'o- 4' ''' • ''' 300 p. m, .1tridaya ....„ . .- • 41t., 4 , 4 „TAR5,1,....,,, 4..,f‘.,., 111:5ECtgra:4S.117,47intaajAintra' , sa. a -os, oessa i . 'A. & B. South 10.00.a. ua• • W G.& B. North ,, , 3.20 p. ur fl?lyrood 4.30p.m. inlough•. Kinloss 7317= .„, 4,1 -00 • 0,0 1 111 ?0, 0 pion Bros. 'Im'mense and Supberb Stock at the Old Pioneer Store, Lucknow. Have pleashre in announeing that their stock was never before in such an attractive condition for the public For variety, extent and cheapness they have • fairly surpassed themselves. Great bargins in all lines. They have he goods. Half assortments drive away trade ; women won't waste time running where they cannot get what they want. We have the crowd. It sne4ns lhats_vve have good goods and prices right. •Our Millinery department is under the management of an efficient and experienced shand,s_ansl___ we turn _out novelties- in millinery and gladen, the hearts of the ladies. sWe shall • be pleased and thankful for your patronage. By patronizing us you will make money for your- selves. Fifty Thousand lbs, of wool wanted forfwhich the highest cash price will be paid. , BRUMPTON BROS • Village and Virlattp Sm. Hon. _Judge lArcca 41:61a sitting 'Orthe DiiisTon 'Coat in Islas' wiliageon Vaxescl ay- -last•, ItImerts, were -only a few cases tried. A -slum- -her of cases were-left-overstillsnext •court. Royal :Tempters The members of the Royal Templars Society in this village will march in a body from the Temperance 'hall to the Baptist church on Sunday • morning Photograph Gallery Mr. E. Kaake, of 'Clinton, bas rented the photograph gallery in Lueknow, formerly occupied by Mr. ' Ws 3. Stringer, and will commence ,business here about the second .f July. Foresters' Sermon The Independent Foresters to the. number of about 47 met at their hall on Sabbath ',morning last, and under the directorship of Lieut. Morrison marched to St. Peter's church, where Rev.. Mr. Connors preached an elo- quent and able sermon to the brethren. A New Departure. The Canadian Express Co. now issue money orders payable at all their offices in Canada; and over 10;000 places in the United States. This furnishes acheap and safe method of remitting small -amounts and can be sent to many places where no other means could reach them. The orders -ate now on sale at the company's agency here. Life of Si r John • For the past three years E. B. Biggar, of Montreal, has been gather- ing anecdotes and facts relating to Sir John Macdonald, and the result is an anecdotal life of Sir John, which will be issued in a short time. Before going to press Mrs Biggar will be glad to receive any authentic anecdotes or reminiscences on the subject that have not yet appeared in print. Mr. Biggar'saddress is the Fraser Building, Montreal: A RunaWay ' A' runaway, on Sunday evening, just after church, attracted a good deal of attention, in fact the whole population on Campbell st. turned Out., Mr. Fos- ter, of West Wawanosh, had his horse tied to Mr. Cliff's fence when it -broke away and came down Stauffer $t. at a 2,40 gait and turning up Campbell sts continuing its mad flight. The quad- ruped was stoped at Mr. Torrance's 'corner. •••••••-•••. '4* -- - ... -30 _ ' '•',0' • •••,50,11 °IA •1011 The Dead Premier Mr. A. D. McDonald, of this village, Iiiii-leenteit the -agency -ofsa --valuable ayorls on the life of the fate Sir John A. Macdonald,' idI �s1 Our readers. pluxhase in til thy have examined the book he is selling. Tenders Wanted . Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned D. O. Taylor's hardware store_ ing next, for the 'leasing of the Oale- sm-sAssess...sleAssisssrsqlessW4sszttssrovwcessmsesszsms. rnsgss-seassy service It is expected that a num- 11. W. Young, D. C. Taylor, A. '1. ber of sister societies from the sur- Davison; committee. rounding country will:also be present and take part in the, services. A Big Bass Mr. Brasher, -accompanied by Mrs. Brasher and the Misses Murray, spent a day last week at that beautiful resort Black Horse Lake. In the course of the day/ Mrs. • Brasher hooked a four and a half pound black bass, which Mr. Brasher succeeded in safely land- ing. .All the piseotorial sports in the village are envious. Had Him Arresteed Mr. W. J. Stringer, of this village, had a young man named Cook arrested on a charge of misappropriating goods of the photograph gallery and book store, during Mr. Stringer's recent ill- ness. We believe Mr. Stringer offered to settle the matter ; but on Cook's refusal to do s'o he had him arrested and committed to Qodoricliita -ievapping-ur reborn sne kindl tinge of the tawhe met, until he reaohe Mr. Needham% HO was two or thr hours ghosted with that gentleman. an from thence he went straight to Attorne Sharp'e. By the time his business wit him was oompletad, it was hie dinner hour, and he went bek to the Needham'e to pat take of it with them. p all visitors. No pains are being far. Needham had bean- a -friend- of o ' spared _to _make the place attractive. Passed Away The old pioneers are drooping off one by one. The last on the list is the death *the late William Gaynor, one of Kinloss' early settlers. Mr. Gaynor was a native of Tipperary, Ireland, and settled in Kinloss about thirty-six years ago. The deceased was seventy-six years old and highly esteemed by all. A Flax Mill The genial face of the owner of the oldest hotel in Lucknow Mr. Harris, of Colborne, was seen in Lucknow on Saturday last. Mr. Harris is a money and a landed man, and' has some notion of starting a fax mill in Luck - now, if he can get the farmers to grow that product. It is to be hoped Mr. Harris will, meet with encouragement in this enterprise. Orange Demonstration The 201st anniversary of the battle of the Boyne will be held in Lucknow this year in a manner unprecedented in its history. The freedom of the village is extended by the council to Mr. Lennard's when Paul was a dark -e ourly-headed boy, who thought it roust the grandeet thing in life to be s doctor, only to have a chance of tasting all thi sweet syrups that went out from by father's little room, that was study an eatery and oonsulting-room, all in one. -Mionic Deecifitiii-n- -- In a circular addressed to 400 lodges of the Masonic' fraternity in the province, the grand master, M. W. Bro. J. Ross Robertson, suggests the advisibility of the festival of St. John the Baptist (24th inst.) being observed as an annual "Decoration' day" for the craft. He likewise expresses -a desire that on . the Sunday following the festival the brethren should attend divine service in abody, the collections at these services to be devoted to charitable objects. Breach of Promise The following appears among the legal reports of the dailies : A London. girl named Annie Haines, aged 18 is suing Jas. Hastie, of Huron county, for $10,000 damages • -for breach of promise in marriage. The defendant set up his defence on the fact that the girl's father had. threatened hire with an action for seduction of the plaintiff and that to settle this phase of the matter it cost Hastie $4.75. Frank Anglia', the plaintiff's counsel, demurred to that defence, and Tuesday Mr.. Justice Rose decided that the settlement to the charge of seduction was no bar to the action,, for breach of • promise. The Wool Season • The wool season has fully opened, and on the Lucknow market , are Messrs. J. C. Grundy, W. -S. Holmes, and W. J. Brumpton, buyers ; between whom.there is considerable rivalry and prices range accordingly. So anxious is each buyer that the other day two young men, representing their employ- ers on the streets, made a bid on rolls just come from the carding mill. , The best lot of wool from any one farmer that has come to Lucknow for some years is that of Mr. Hugh McLeod, of 'the 13th con. of Ashfield. Mr. Mc- Leod brought in five hundred pounds of the finest wool, being the product of 80 sheep; leicester , and south downs, Mr. McLeod is an Old Coun- try shepherd and has Shorn his ninety sheep in ten hours. He is -now exper- imenting as a Canadian farmer, and frorri all' appearances he is going to snake a success of it. • The Delinc--.tor Do you wish to know the latest styles in house decoration and the newest ideas in crocheting, knitting, lace -making, etc. You will find them all, as well as 'many dainty novelties in fashionable podes, in the July Delin Delineator. It , is a beautiful number and will well repay its cost: Now is the time to subscribe, the July being the first number of the thirty-eighth , volume. The - price of the Delineator per single copy is 15c, or the subscription price of the maga- zine is 8,1.00 a year, post-paid: Address, The Delineator Publishing Co. (Ltd.), 33 Richmond Street- West, Toronto. • 't 4 '4 r James L. Hughes, of Toronto ; Rev. S. Livingston, of Listowel ; Revs. McKinnon, Connors and Colling, of Lucknow, and other orange friends will address the meeting. Runaway in Wingham , A span of horses from the Lucknow livery were driven into town on Tues- day with a light waggon loaded with trunks' belonging to a . commercial traveller. The driver left theta stand- ing untied at the Brunswick house, when they took fright at the water - cart and put for home. They stopped, however, when getting&a little past the salt blpck, the lines having entangled in one of the wheels, thus bringing them to a standstill. The only (lam - age done was a slight injury to the horses, they having cut their feet by striking them against the wheels:— W ingham Advance. A New Bus There arrived in this, village on the noon train on Wednesday last, a handsome new omnibus for Mr. Peter McLaren. It was manufactured by the James St. Charles Omnibus Com- pany, of Belleville, and is a credit to that estab)ishment. It is not quite as large as the old bus formerly used by Mr. McLaren, but it will carry twelve persons very comfortably, and is as nicely cushioned and ornamented as a palace car. It is beautifully painted and the various scenes repre- sented are splendid works of art. The bus cost Mr. McLaren $650, and although it may seem a pretty big price, it is a first-class article and we trust its enteprising owner will be well repaid for his outlay. ' Orange Pic-nic There gathered on the 9th concession of West Wawanosh in Mr. J. Edwards' bush, on Tuesday last, as nice -an assembly as it has been our pleasure to see for some time. It was under the auspices of Loyal Orange Lodge No 499, and the committee composed of Daniel Alton, Wm. Irarber, Geo. White, Paul Smeltzer, Robert Woods, Thos. Henry, Wm. Phillips, John Durnin and many Others, were indefatigable in their efforts to see all enjoy themselves. Miss Russell's , playing on tee organ was a most noticeable feature of the day. There was a drum beating 'contest in which the Armstrong brothers came out best. The crowd was not large, but all came away happy. "Wives and Daughters" for 41nne The June number of this excellent publication for women proves a pleas- ant surprise to its thousands of read- ers. Its contents are unusually inter- esting, and it now appears in neat six- teen -page form. The subscription price is only 50c. per annum. It is included, without extra charge, only with that popular " Double Weekly,' the W est ern Advertiser which is issued twice a week et the liberal rate of $1 for each eight mon ths. Sample -of each paper f ree by addressing—Any ERTIRP,It PRINTING Co., London, Ont. Rev. J. MacNabb will preach at Langskle next Sabbath at 11 a. m. CALF ESTRAY. Strayed -fro & The pretiaiseit- of -143.e Underoi-_, t- ed on or about the middle of May, a red and white yeatling heifm,.ArTitlf044,/$944,E14- ing to the sure recovery oz the same will be surtably rewarped. W. HE'llLEY, _• Lucluaow P.O. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH - SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday School, 2:30p. m., Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. A (ban: oltaaca 64v -cm'? WAtinam-lav WiRciareifiedWROVAirieraiiii are welcome. REv. W. J. CoNNon, Pastor. FARM FOR SALE. TN THE MATTER OF NORMAM 1. McLeod, Margaret McLeod, Angus Mc- Leod, insolvents. The farm lately occupied by the above named insolvents, situated in the township of Huron, is for sale. All is under cultivation aframe house, frame barn, large orchard, and well watered ; one of the best farms in Huron; a bargain. Apply to Peter Murray, assignee, Huron, or to 889 H. MORRISON, Solicitor, Lucknow, NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,specihcations and estimates for build ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished on short notice. • JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow. Jan .1891. , TO THE FARMERS .//m/MINIENIM=IM. • I have rented the store ied and am prepared to FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLING. Misses' and Childrens', black and white leghorn, fancy straws, lace and pic-nic hats. I shall offer the above- at less than WHOLESALE PRICES. Just the thing for these hot days is the SUMMER CORSE. Come and see them. FirSt come, first served. Mrs. Smith. 1..1001‹ 0 FIRE ! FIRE Insure your farm v., per private dwelliiij in the old reliable, the LONDON - MUTUk4,r 0--- Oifice,-A. ROSS harness shop. Lucknow Wil be in the office everySaturday afternoon, -1LA.NE's Afgent - — FOR SALE. ABRICK HOTTSE AND WAGGON - Shop, situated on Victoria and Campbell streets, Lucknow The brick house contains two front rooms, five bed rooms and kitchen, with stone wall cellar and continual flowing spring water in cellar. For further particu- lars apply to t -f JOHN MacBAIN, Box IO, Lucknow P. 07 STERLING OILS E R 1 111'111ILt AN KITTREDGE & .00 T MANUFACTURERS OF E. STERLING M A.CHINE 9,11a R —FOR--- FARMERS AND THRESHERS USE. Lf Absolutely pure from all foreign substance and will no gum or corrode on farm ,roachinery. For sale by D. C. TAYLOR, Lucknow.. R. MURRAY, St. Helens. Q Arae••=1/6,01,11161Mileilt4 I DON'T WANT THE EARTH, I WANT A LIVING. And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and I hereby announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out that will put in two sets of teeth, tEETH TEETH emporary or Permanent For the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. I use no rubber but 0. Ash & Sons, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the business to be the best in the world. Those firms have their names on tbeir (Tools, and the people can see what they are getting, an as I willi Guarantee Slatisfaction, Pro all reasonable people,lhe unreasonablesand there are such in the world, will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade. I can • always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. Zrattersono ?ousts- ow ;','M't;49,04.13t,v;1,,k, • 13 ; • eln 0 E E U NECESS WO Weis guaranteed. Salary and Ballad antages to beginner& Stook complete, WL 0101WIT runt. Tvil guarantee what la adv IMOTUIBUS,. Nureerinnen. Toronto, o ......•••••••••••*, . rertaseent.pos apemen rata. ram h faslesellIng sy0Olald011. rt4re.1WrIte 11.1111OWN This houee le cella • IL • --,•••••••• ;Mgr •!. r