Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-06-05, Page 8• • , r. POST*OFFICE 4010i• it„•tri.t0 rp. 4 . UAIPS Anutvc, ,TWM-413 LW. orth - R. North ,Goderich Intermediate points} H.&B. North 7,41016666207.. 41fIl'tt.,'IO13111•} '1- R. B. Sonth 10.00a. m- • W B, North 3'20p. Da • 1101yrood 4.30p.. iattbloagh} m Kinloss • ., • '1,, • , i23�.m. • ' 2:30 p. m. 3:48 p. ra. 6 4 9 QO p. m, " 10.30 p. in, 4 Tuesdays and rt ,•. vrezy 0.30p. W. • ,• -asmgteg,-z.,ix=x;:..*Aqaut:. The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, June 5th elr Johns III n oses When it was announced iniatelMOw on Friday that the veteran premier -wardead-general- sympathy -was- -fel among all parties, but there, was a feeling of relief when it was an- nounced that the report was untrue. The reports come in almost alternately hopeful and depressing. As we go to press his condition remains unchanged. -16.4Waittreo ricomphandk AttOsk•ff. 14761VN. .. NEWS OF THE TOWN. "Next months examinaticat, will 1,1m.Pr Complaint, was made that feneft of promotion from class to class and from D. L. Taylor is ett the road eli:owthitat. third to second department. ' Those Who pleas ....as asl5ed to notify mr. - themselves from the exam- Taylor to wove the fence off road enation will not be exacaleied -after. all,waned. tiount.if -tuee'.. ugaio ea- - FOURTH - DEPARTMENT 1 . • - August • Second class -Excellent --J Watson • W. LANE, Clerk. W Young, A McCorvie, J Lawson, A Middleton, W Grundy,. M Grundy. aittiLOSS COUNCIL. Good -A Brennan, A Rose. Fair-, Ross A McNabb, G NT • • & Week's Record of the Pushing Herder Town - Archie McCarroll has been very sick but is improving. at present in Lucknow. - Miss Eva Lindsay, of Goderich, iP the guest of Mrs. T. Lawrence. McConnell,_ a spending' his holidays ' London, is . in the village. 0or Part SeCond-txcellent-R Arm- strong, M Cameron, M Greer, L Moh- ring, 0 MeJaarera, M Murdoch, W Findlater, 11 Taatson, J Douglas. W McIntosh. Good -W Antal, M Reid, • obert- b Veoiiilliet On May 26 at one p. m. Mg having been read and adopted the following business was transacted : 0 eo. 'Harris was appointed pathmaistet- in place of Robert Harper; Alex. Camp- bell was paid $5.00 fnr the keeping of Co.ther'ine Nichoison, au. aged indigent 6 • 16 •„ IfWarrighlY !V/ son. Atir-11, Graham. FIFTH DEPARTMENT. 1 Senior class-LExcellent-G- Sandy, a Henderson, B Robertson, •G Patter- son, W Vance. Good -D Hornell, A Yule, E McIntosh, G- Brennan, J ; 1.-45.•rri . Mrs. McKay, an indigent, for four months $6.00. Eight dollars was granted to Wm. Elliott, and ten dollars to Mrs. Kinghan. The following ac- counts were also plid:-John Lane, assessor's salary, $60; J. W. Cox, cul- vert on con. 10, lot 3, $2.50; Wesley , . Old Pioneer Store, Lucknow. •, 'Rapid City, and made a fine .1 house P gown painted Mr. Lee” les Lyons H Wilson, E Adams, J Flynn, Riurdoch. Fair -B Allin, B B 5 0, v. 00. oyle, ,; itTaiae,BSe- Bnpherb Stock at the • Adams, Grundy, A Anderson, F Thomas McConnell, repairing culvert - FISH -Max. W" FOR ALE. BRICK HOUSE A.,ND WAGGON -Shopysituated.cavViotoria-anicaimpbell streets, Lucknow The brick house contains two- _front rooms, lite bed_ roomaandkitchen.. with stone wall cellar and continual flowing spring water in cellar. For further partici', lars apply to t -f JCULN MA0BAIN, Box 10, Lucknow P. A full stock just received. EMBROIDERIES. LACES Childrens ihess Tiimmings, NET TRIMMINGS) Corsets, Etc., tc. • , Roulston, W McCoy. at lot 9, con. 101 .50•1 Henry Bell, Have pleasure., in announeing 'La' a 1 -r,n; t -*limy, of the Peoples ' Junior class -Excellent -G Holdom repairing culvert 10 side line, $1.00; 'Ladies ,Jtore, St. Helena, left this week for a A Watson, R Matheson. dood--R Robert Harper two culverts, con, 8, •kiclbli iiiiiitieter lidera in such a•-..1 ctive Condition for the public. For Veriety, bittent P:neapness they ''` •1aQe %*"...-ptitised themselves , tart11iaVY1.8 itt all lines. They have • goods. Hall assortments drive sway trade ; women won't waste time -cannot-get-what • they want. • We have the crowd. It means that we have good goods and • prices right. Our Millinery der -atm the management of an- efficient and experienced hand, and .we turn out novelties in millinery and gladen the hearts of the ladies. We shall be 'pleased and thankful for your patronage. By patronizing us you will make money for your- selves. Fifty Thousand lbs. of wool wanted for which the highest cash price will be paid./ BRUIVIPTON BROS. . • three week's tripen.the North GShore rundy, J McCervie, G Mair, W M- $6,00; Jacob 'Miller, repairing eulvert 10 side line. $3.50; Pat Kelly, work on gravel road, $5.63, Moved by Valens, seconded by Nic- holson, that councillors Moffat and Nicholson 1ie a coannittee to examine the hill at lot 20, cons. 7 and 8, and if necessary to let a. contract, not' , to exceed • $150, on said hill. --Carried. Moved by Velem; and McIntosh, ,that •the sum of $15 be paid to McBurney & Carter for lutnber supplied to Joe Heckhridge. to -build a- habitation -his house having been destroyed by Carried. Moved by MeIntosh.seconded by Valens, that a grant of $10 be inade • to the Holyrood Menhanies' Institute. -Mntion lost. The sum of "$10 coun, cil fees was paid to each member of council. ivioved by -M -daft , ended by Valens, that the. following sums . of money be apportioned for •expending an the roads in the several divisions:ABy James Gaunte $100 ; G. McIntosh $75: W. Vans $75 ; G. Moffat $75 ; and that $75 be ex- pended. on the gravel road. -Carried. On application of Jas.' D. Baker it was ordered that his statute labor for lot 21, con; 7, be expended on the side line on said concession and tliat the path• - master be notified to that effect.- ' Carried. , The council adjourned to meet again on the 26th day of June, at the usual hour. PETER REID, Clerk. Village and Vicinity fenl. for bis health. -Special services are to be held in the Presbyteries church on Friday evening at 7.30 and on Saturday at 2 o'clock- All are welcome, -On Saturday night last about 12 o'clOok the street* of Lucknow 'were made hicliout ,with the Oat* ofl some persons not eatisfiett with disturbing the slumbers a citizens cried "fire." There is a penalty for raising an alarm of thea kind **hien duiprits—may—sct u - out. -Mount Forest 'will have a grand gala -day on July lst and 2nd, embrac- ing Band Tournament, Horse Raees, Acrobat Feats Athletic Games, Scot- Begpipe-Zenipe.titicul_ Irish Dancing, Lacrosse and Foot -ball matches, and other sports. On the evening of the first day there will be a grand Promenade Concert and a fine display of Fire -Works. The prizes amount to $1,800. .Reduced rates will he given on the railways. Presbytery of Maitland The Presbytery of Maitland sus- tained a call from Knox church, Brus- sels, in favor of Mr. James Edgar, licentiate, at its meeting in Lucknow on Tuesday.The stipend promised is $800. The call was unanimous aud numerously 'signed. Barn Rasing. At Mr. Alex. Cameron's, con. 14, West Wawanosh, a barn raising took place. The building was 40x63, Mr. Robert McCarrol, of Lucknow, had the contract and Jas. McCoy did the framing. • It is a bank barn, posts 20 ft. high, and everything went together in. good shape. • Which side won on the putting up of the plates is a disputed matter. Intosh, L Lyns, 1 Moore. air— A Connor. 0 -OeOn, J Barber. R Young, ' licDonald. Poor --.A Tennant. S. S. NO. 15, ASHFIELD. Report for May. IV class -;-Kate McDonald, Rollie Grant,Salvice Grant, Mary McDonald, Maggie West, W. W. `-lienderson-.A.unie Rutherford_ Mur- doch Matheson, Annie Hamilton. 111 class -:Maggie Rutherford, Maggie Mc- Donald, Annie McKenzie, Wm. Math- eson, Maud McKenzie, Fred Johnston, Alfred McBurney, Belle Henderson, Archie Matheson, Joe Hamilton, John Rutherfork-Becca-McKayoh stone..- II class -Walter McBurney, Lucy Rutherford, Daniel Henderson. Frank 11.cKenzie, Arnold Rowan, Alex, Henderson, Maggie Grant, Duncan McKay, Dannie Martin, Willie Mar- tin. Pt. II --Maggie Rowan, Lizzie McKenzie, Robt. Hamilton, Dannie Matheson, TonvBrown. Meteorological Report . Weather report for the month of May 1891: Total amount of rain fall, 0.79 inches; rain fell on six days snow on four day ; mean maximum temperature, 60°.6.; mean, minimum temperature, 38°.1 ; mean daily range, 26°.4 ; highest daily range, 38°.6, on the 26th ; least daily range, •06°.0 • on the, 5th ; highest temperature 810.0 on the 31st; lowest temperature, 25°.4 on the 7th. Farmers' Institute Pie-nic The annual' pic-nic in connection with the South Brace Farmers Insti- tute, will be held on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 10th, in Young's Bush, Kinloss, near Moffatt' corners. Speakers from the Ontario Agricultur- al College, and Mr. A wrey, pres. of the • Central Farmers' Institute as well as local -gentlemen; are expected to deliver addresses. 'rhe committee are making every effort to make this pic-nic grand success. Please don't forget to have your baskets forward in good time. Arrangements will be made at the pie- , rile a. excursion to the LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOM4. The following is the standing of the pupils in the May examination of Lucknow public school: FIRST DEPARTMENT. Intermediate. -Excellent ---M Stath- dee,, A. Lawson, J Baird, L McDonald, E Graham, J Yule, J Walker. Good -M McCoy, H.Holmes, M 1VIallough, T,Lawrence, M McGrory, D Cameron. Fair ---W Wilson, W Campbell. Sen. V. -Not reported. Jr. McOharles, A. Colling. • Primary V. -Good -R. McKay, T. Colling. Fair -:--G Bowers; W Mal - lough, 0 McLean. . SECOND DEPARTMENT.' The following is the percentage taken by those' of the class who attended during the whole examination: Entrance class -Maggie McNabb 71 Adah Grundy 70, Eliza Paterson 70, May Graham 70, Edith Smith 70, Aggie Hornell 66, Kate Treleaven 65, Albert Boyd 65, John Tennant 62, John Lyons 62, Mark Douglas 62, James Torrence 62, Malcolm Mathe- son 57, Annie Douglas 56, Aggie Lyons 56. Junior 4th, class -E. Greer, S. Greer, A. Burgess, M McKinnon, F. McIntosh, E. Odium, M, Stuart, J. McDonald, J. less, B McIntosh, S. Boyd, G. Berry, A M3Millan, C Ross, A. Findlater, A. Mathieson, J. A. McDonald, W. Treleaven, W. Yule, D Barbar, S. Yule, A. Lawson, A Miller, R. Holmes. S. S. NO. 4, HURON. • The following is the standing of the respective classes on regularity, punct- uality, deportment and general prcific- iency : Sr. IV -K. Murchison, J. McKen- zie, L. WcGill, A. Reid, E. Reid. Jr. IV -L. Pickering, E. Hamilton, A. Finlayson, A. Murchison, B.McKenzie, G. Murray. Sr. III -B Murchison, E. McGill. Jr. III -E. Reid, Hamil- • ton, L. Tenneson, L. Campbell, L. Clarkson, B. Robertson, N. MeInnis L. Murdock,, M. Henderson. 'II class -M. M.cinnis, Kate Beaton, M. Fin- layson, I. Henderson, G. Tenneson, W A. Tiffin. Parents should see that their children are sent to school regu- larly. Average attendance for ,the month, 38. . ASHFIELD COUNCIL. The above council met on May 28. All the members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed. A petition signed by thirty-four ratepayers, asking the council to improve S. R. 6 and 7, con. 13 and 14 W. D. was laid on the table. Decided that about $40, as special grant, be expended on the road by H. Chambers. • A largely signed petition praying that the dog tax be abolishsd, was presented by Wm. Kilpatrick. On motion of Stothers and McKenzie the clog tax is struck off the roll for the present year. , • A few ratepayers' in S. S. No. 13 (union) petitioned the council to take necessary steps to change' boundary of their section. -Filed. Letter from clerk of Huron town- ship requesting that scraper taken from Jas. Steel bereturned. Court of Revision sat at 2 o'clock. Three appeals were heard, but the court decided that no change should be made in either case. McKenzie and Girvin, that the assessment roll be accepted by this court as correct. Accounts paid :-M. Bowler $17.00, J. Rose $3.00, R. Hamilton $10.00, D. N. McKenzie $5.00, J. McInnis $2.00, 3, Bowler $4.00, Inquest on • Drake's fire $27.50, Mrs. McRae $5.00 S Garrett $1:50 (refund of Statute labor), W. McNeil $6.00 ; J. 'Tigart $4,00 ; B. Graham 50 cts., A. Taylor $42.65, S. Graham $2.00, D. Johnston $1,00, D. Connell $1.72, J. Bryan $17.75, Mrs. Sullivan $1.00, 3. Kil- patrick $3.50. G. Webster $17.50, J. Web$1P, ster 60, -MoUrn e2.om nats, Bonnets and, Feathers In endless variety, and at low prices. GIVE ME A CALL. Mrs. 2mit4...& TO THE -FARMERS THIRD DEPARTMENT. Junior 3rd class - Excellent -E Robertson, R Wilson, II Gallagher. Good --LJ McCormac; J Douglass, R Armstrong. Fair - B Bryan, W Brennan, E McLaren, W Mohring, J Moore, Poor -B McQuaig, W Corri- gan, M Thompson. Senior 2nd class -Excellent - H Sandy, 11 Armatrong, F Matthie 0 Mair, H Grundy, J Lyons. Good - J Baird, \V Dayison, B McCoy, E Nance, H. Findlater, F McKinnon, IVIfl ohring. Fair -G Middleton L ' Nivins E Agnew. Poor -D Ander- son,'C McQuaig, Junior 2nd class -Excellent --I Mc- Intosh, A Traver. A Geddes, D Henderson, L Smith, E Torrance, 11 McGrory. Goed-E Wheeler, Mc Donald, J. McCoy, W Itotmes. Pair• -M. Lauree, F Stewart, J Stewart, W. Barber. Poor -K Robison, Grundy. Those whose names appear in the poor list were absent from part of the Ennal a Far rri• . i exatnitio.tion and did not obtain mar Governnient xperir ks engugh tc. raise above the peer average. • NOTICE . THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREF CLLY PREPARED. Plans ,specincations and estimates for build ings, mills, bridges, etc., furnished on short notice. •JAS. SOMERVILLE. Luckpow, Jan. 1891. IIIIMEN11111641.111114.1.4=M116 .4866 I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to P..ts-"1" FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to, quality. R. C. SPARLINC, 1.1001C 0 FIRE! FIRE! Insure your farm property, private dwelling in the old reliable, the LONDON MPTUAL. 0 Office,—A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknow Wil be in the office everySaturday afternoon. JOHN LANE, Agent Kinlough• ••• 'WANT...THE EARTH, • I WANT A LIVING. And I am going to have it in Lucknow, too, and 1• hereby announce to the people of Lucknow -and surrounding country tha li any person or persons corning to me having their teeth out that I will put in two sets of teeth, , TEETH - TEETH Temporary or Permanent For the price of one set, $15, made of the very best material in the world. 1 use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons, London, England. The teeth will be C. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the business to he the best in the world. Those firms have their names on their gooJs7 and the p can Bee what they are getting, and as I will ' guaratitee SatieactiOn, To MI reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in the world, will please hear in mind, that I do not want their trade. I can always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. "utters* o• 01410'14p o lions gnatatIleva• • imusiry and Zstpenses Pahl. ,rean • olsEl Pernuinentes liar advantages to beginnerSiStook compiete, th Matiselling ; allTrIT PRIM W. gue.rotto what teryiverUse4Wrtte IIUOWM IMO Wisp Merge int Moron 0 nt. (This botifie Is reliable., 0