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Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-29, Page 6
c f 4 . s - h f'rk°�ue G,,_y1 iZN ,.,� i.�.,,rr'i f„ -w w dt Wa +. •� , *�,� r, v�. .,, I'll .�a.._liM:'Ikliil4n,.�iG,I'�. �. r 'are. ae ..4r..:-, 1- a �' " •11 ' � heti, .. .., - ._ _ . f.;'. T. ,�'� J , .. 4 w r: - . I a: c _ ..-... _. _ _-....._ .-_ - - ---- _.. .!-,`> _ '�� r C ,., .-, - -.• -�.. _ . - -._ H IT � a T_�T /� pT.T A �rs�T�7 llarad.by the memberq or tkse ilzm or Larkin, taut Insufficient, had to add thereto the sum of would not be their instrument in aiding r 11 11 rJ1U41J� lel �1�J�111J t�11f11�1v r a oouuolly & Qo.,-Beaucoge-being througboat de- #9.00P. them to obtllin what th@y Wanted. Those A „ ,� calved b the paid Ron. Thos. McGreevy as to 'Chat.on.the 23rd Kay, 1887, in fulfilmont of the I ,41-, '. "+"""'"` bis Poai ou its x lmgttgr. eQ l}a alleges iR.an arrewgamento above mentioned and through the ersone @van forged itis nam to doonmen#e rij . • DiWoa111Ai Wo the Qiotim of a Mtudel- Mr, Wallace introduced a bill to amend action rooentI nteredbp him againgt t#Rapid effoxtli, the =,40Sx1eo . aq 1 iia intgrvenGton of o git n their ends, land he woo ready t0 ll", the cot toe. the reva�i#los a4d oappr@Attion Thos. ifioCaroev in relation to the said contract the said T'homae MaCiroeyy aria without any rove it. In many nnan>lbotized ways ilia y - ...__-__ Y_ _ .._q�_ $er-��� __% _ -1?,----- - m th®�apram® Court of >1donQreaL;� _-_- olio tender havin bein Ijeea d furl=a conEraot 1. ,. O oombinstigne in rea$raint of ri �ida.e Thet the said tenders ware traipemrtted to the was made'beZween @ Qn-eb—eo-Harboe�Jom` na�had-b@en made -0s9 Of'--H��an gl�-"----`-..- b,', ° �•---�^-- iskid that the ro ition was to strike Oat De maul of Public Works or Csnada for ea- miseionerQ and Lmrkin, Counolly & Co., for all that at last this statement had been naso ,- . - - - - - - - p -- , i : _. of ork r#al �,� - - - - thenQcessary-dreg ingand removal on the floor of Parliament andhe ho ed .a. ... , - SMALL HOPE OF BER. RECOVERY. the wot'd... unduly in pacagraphlj=A,.B,-arntna on and axteneion n �' and C, and "nIIreasonably " in paragraph That tvbile all the tentdere were being exam- in the west basin o the Quebec harbor works B ped inveati ation Would take place. He ,» - A London cable says : The latest advices D. Provision Was also mode that life Act ined and the quantities s plied in the Deparb- That in tiro egeoution of the works of this P y g �1 �, _ ment of Public Works of Canada, the said Hon contract extensive frauds were perpetrated to was prepared to defend himself, I and could „ r 'ivt' :,r-',., from iphester in regard io tliti lbdY aft7pttl. 8 ould not be • Itosilie to sirioily legiii• Thomus%LLuenrtlnvy, than arta now a. Inambaz ci � the detriment of the hta.blie treastary, +nal e+,rn.A g. Cm, je9. tti.e.. Aonse. t>, iO the result Of the 1 ; i""V"� " nhooW 1 injured on the Snowdon moon- Pp the Parliament of Canada, and a member of the of money were paid corruptly to oflioiale under inveati anon would be hie oompr8te viadi. �" � 1 @, y 7 mate trades anions. to Harbor Commiesioti by appointment of the control and direction of Henry F. Parley, g .., -,-, UJu qay that R, C. Duncan, of Washing- Mr. McMullen asked if in view of the the Government, promised to obtain and did and appointed by the Quebec Harbor Commie- option. The member for Montmorency W {A. 'I,, ion, arrived three weeks ago at the Benar petitions for the prohibition of the liquor obtain from the Department of Public Works of Sion ; (fQr. Tarte) had placed himself in a poli• �r>4ri1�1 > rxi r +.. ; . �a "042. , d .*1 Fh 6% - !Q oh he would a f, �, de artment in That by an order -in -Council dated 10th May, have Some dlffi• "'.:f.',d. .. ..;,...� ... M .rrr•.;,.. '°Pr, .,.•..„. .,, ,..: _ ...• ,-f;: - ,,, . i�""*'�-*"i',d—._s.ct17,.,&R�-.-_.A".y.m. rr� -m�•4r ....".,, rA,�. r11 nr 1^�""_^ r�1a.,_c....-r-`yStriiy. w..,.. _�. 'iE:' i'.ri=.,.x:w i.- n e ,.�J, ' .. i •"'! ""S 77'5` 4^"' • . _ t, .,rx• F9.a^^ „u, k tiY'at4n a tt 111°ii5'd`fliii tixl�li' . � Nu1e0i-'"�il-tit i u1J YwYs ti t 3�5 tizJwr�i�vsvi'=rilur _ „r . s r bj a young foreign yat� oc' m he intro- dace legislation to meet them. neotion therewith and the amounts thereof, in- qv sum of $12,600 yearly during ijve years to Mr. 0II1 Y A offtnb �'�Yf ei31 ,� daaed be his Wife.' DunoaII was already formation which he offered to commuhieate Julien Chabot, on the condition of his causing . Mr. Tarts denied that be been associated rHB is OWMVY scexDAU. �'��1,1, .: known at the hotel, where he stayed last before the result was offioially' known, and the steamer Admiral to ply between Dalhousie with the men ngmed in the correspond• . ° , aammer With two Otller AmeriOaas. On Mr. Tarte, on the orJare of the day being which he diff communicate to the firm of Lar- and Gaspe, forming a connection with the Inter- , " '� S *. called rose to s aestion of rivil@ e. He kin, Connolly & Co., and to certain 'members of colonial Railway; ansa. a 'Tuesday Duncan and his wife left the + That the said Bum of twelve thousand flue Mr. McGreevy -We will hav© more of y q p g the said, firm i'Rd}yliiunlly. A- hot@], ostensibly for the ar)jloee of going thea cella that he gwv@tioeitiee of }lis inten• That to the . knowledge of the said Thomas hundred dollars has since been paid -in the man- that by -and -bye. _''I to Liverpool, but having lett thele luggage tion a few days ago too the Minister Of McGreevy the tenders of Messrs. Gallagher and net presoribad in the Order -in -Council and the Mr. Tarte-My sincere wish is that the ,., M at the railway. station they returned to the Pablio Norge and the member from Qua. Besucage were lower tbatt those of Larkin. Con- contract made thereunder ; words need b m hon. friend may prove e, ; ... boo West Mr. MCQ reSv to bring before nolly & Co., but that inconsideration of the `That the said Julien Chabot was merely a y Y ak@r, if `� - - - - _ : , -. - . - - -- -.- '�r�t�sdtiiaagr- - _ -- - - _ _ - - ear utas a - e ea - --. _.. -,.,- w- - -- - - 61 , id Thom a sac- alk f for er r e L'-, 44', on Tien y arms o s e a wa , the tti$OfG _ - -- - = - tdi¢tiryy`E - Vit•; ;, O�dOok in the evening a farmer passing he might be permitted to offer a few Groovy, agreed tto ee� eccu a the acceptance of the long time t4ereafter the proprietor of the Ad- , d- him are forgeries, will not only apologize ` (` .,>-` 1Wro h a lantation in a eeoladed a of caw remarks. Those charges were to the c ffeat tenders of Liarkin, Connolly & Co. and that he miral in whole or at least in great part ; g + i }F4: ag p p suggested to that firm, and to certain members That previous to the 10th of May, 1888, to wit, to this House, but I will have no other ea• g y g that since 1882 or 1883 the accrete of the g v p- peotation than to go from this House, and 39anoan leanin over a women who wae'1 in thereof individually, to make erten omenta in since 1883 84 the same subsidy of 12,600 was aid ',��lt an the ground. Duncan shouted $bat the Department of Pab)i�+ Works had been connection with the said Gallagher -and Beau- for the said Steamer Admiral, then also owned b:,�, to do ver quickly. 9 lanae.) y WOmaII was hie wife, who had fallen and divulged for money oonsideratieine to pub• cage, and to so- manipulate matters as to render by men representing the said Thomas Mc- y q y' ( pi? - P ., ilio ooniraotors b the member for Quebec the tenders of those two parties higher than Greevy ; The following bills were introduced and t -.- .-- - hit her head on a rook. The Woman, who y those of the said firm,'or, st all events, to secure That the said Thomas McGreevy received read a first time: k 1 , ifs;n;, was' unconscious, was removed to a farm- West (Mr. McGreevy), who, according to the contract for Larkin, Connolly & Co., and in that connection a cum or about $120,000 To emend the Dominion Franohiae Act ► the evtden0e he had in hie hand, had been thmt said arrangement and manipulation were while being a member of the Parliament of ,r , r I house. The doctors who heard Duncan' s carried out so suggested by him: Canada ; , -Mr. Charlton. I - , slue wvrEi 3i%auia to risoa;3t;ila the nwtnra Hai® year by year, oontraot atter contract, That iti 1886 tenders were asked for by the Respecting the Niagara s Grand Island t tip y - + ° lar a same Of none that Bari that That in consequence of bhp said axrangeiiaiyt 1 ;= tDl the women a injaey with his story. Ser g y 1 . and manipulations, wherein the said Thomas Quebec Harbor Commissioners for the con- Bridge Co. -Mr. Montagu .��,x 1 ' shall was fractured over th right ear, ob• eriod of time Mr. MoG4reevy had need hie McGreevy directly participated, the oontraot for structiog of a work called the south wall, or Respecting the St. La enoe & Oltaws r @ g retaining wall"; b?1 ,iv°'' inflaeno@ ae a member of this Parliament the cross -wall and lock in connection with the �ionsly• from a blow. The operation of That Mr. Thomas 'McGreevy procured from Rsilway'CO.--Mr. Taylor. ' acre lulu was performed. Danoan, who and as a member of the Quebec .Har. Quebec Harbor Works was, awarded to Larkin, To Ocnfer certain Owers on the Canadian Q public officials the tenders received and showed ,its, ..; pb- g pe Uonroby & Cd on a report to Council made by p- Ily11 " ; was arrested, confessed on bein informed heir Commission against the public interest the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, under them to Messrs. O. E. Murphy, Connolly and R. pacific Railway Co. in connection with its that his wife was still alive that fo had on num important occasiona. It was date 2sth,May,188s; H. McGreevy, for whom he was acting, in order Y bi,''*' admitted On all hands in Quebec that That a Pew days thereafter the sum or.$25,000 to give them an undue advantage over thou telegraph business, and for other purposes battered her head, And the police be competitors ; -Mr. Taylor. 11 y 4 was; in fulfilment of the corrupt arrangement Y fecund s stone oovbred wish blood anti heir there was Something rotten and wrong in Thst they had the said tenders in their posses- a.. ; above stated, paid to tale said Thomas McGreevy Bion aurin eoveral hours, after which rho war Respecting the E. B. Eddy MAIIIIfaataY• r ` near the spot where the woman had lain, the Public Works Department, end #n the in -promissory notes,sigued by the firm of Larkin g y e in Co., and to change its Hama to the E. ��" 4 ' Harbor Board of Quebec. For ears Connolly & Co., which said notes were duly returned to Henry F. Parley, thon:in Quebec, by g g Duncan on being taken before a magic• Q y the said Thomas caoGreevy ; B. Eddy Company -Mr. Mackintosh. ,L „" ' trete made no explanation of the affair and .end years Parliamex+t had voted large paid ; - Tbat the contract was avF'arded to one John That about the Same date; namely, the 4th of Respecting the River Sl. Clair Railway ,SCA" ` pee remanded. Duncan is '27 ears old, is Bums Of money -many millions Of dollars June.1889, a sum of $1,000 was paid by the firm Gallagher, a mere figurehead for the said Mur - t � Y pby, Connolly and R. H. McGreevy, who did the &Bridge Co. -Mr. Montague. ,;1111.short, • slight and fair-haired, and wears -and very little aeetnl progress had been of Larkin, Connolly & Co. towards the Langevin work for their own profit and advantage; TO amend the Act to incorporate the X21 < spectacles. Oiq OD. Nobody could et evidence Testimonial Fund -a fund destined to be given ,L , pe 8e ie a noted lingniet, Hie g t; y g to Sir Hector Langevin; That changes detrimental to fire public inter- Empire Printing and Publishing Co. -Mr. f' family in Washington occupy a good social against the ease@clad parties. Look at 1h0 That in the course of the carrying out of the set, but of a nature to secure great profits to the .sic,. Denison. lx cillos. It ie stated that he met hie wife wSll planned arrangement for covering tale works the said Thos. McGreevy caused changes contractors, were made in the plans and the gar*it carrying out of the works, and in oho conditions Respecting 'the Lt►ke TemieOamingae r +nI 1., . 1>fi 8tO0k}]Olm, and that her {ether ie a cigar 'doings of the Canadian Tammany Halh contrary to the public interest to be made in the and securities set out in the contract, through ' 1 .��n conditions of the said•oontract; Colonization Company -Mr. Trow. 1' d% The member for Quebec was an import , the influence and intervention of the said Thos. . iEanutaetarer at Abo, in Finland. Mrs. Q p That In 1884 Thomas McGreevy, then and now Mr. Bergeron moved that the the time member of. Parliament and at the same McGreevy; w �, Danoan is still uneonst,�gas, and, tilers is a member of the Parliament of, Canada, and tti That from the year 1883 to 1890, troth inclusive, for presenting private bills be extended to �� enY the smallest hope/ of her recovery time a member of the Harbor Commission. member of the Quebec, Harbor Commission by the said Thomas McGreevy for the considera Friday. 29ib inst. Carried. t~'° y p sppointment of the Government, agreed with , yl� Duncan's motive for the crime has not Mr. $e6iey was the Chief Engineer of tion above indicated received a sum of about me_ be a thereof individually, to. secure for Sir John Thompson, in Oviug the first ah-• • u . heen -Pablio. -Wgrke, end at the same time m_ r or reading of &bill to codify ib criminal law k ' • FLiIIea en inset otiba (gaebeo hlsrTios wore: ` `fir. >hemthe ra cont sot for the completion of theand ograv ""ai~during_the _peucd_afr7resttl.d._ha__1¢as x13e Pi _ 9 ' g in dock of Levis one of the conditions of the agent and paid representative of Larkin, Con- Of Canaria, saidth�e objs0� a BapreBeed]ly""---- , )pExl(°-OF-KiN FR,dUDB. McGreevy was known to be a very clues g Holly & Co.; on the Quebec Harbor Board of its titib. It was intended o codify the. �, ; agreement being that be, Thomas McGreevy, y S li u --- friend of the •M►nister of Pablio Works. Commissioners in. Parliament, and in eounoo- Should receive any pace as over the, of fifty tion with the Department of Public Works ;. common law as Well se the statute law Ot y Beware of Big Stories of Money Awaiting The assistant engineer 'W68 a Bon Of the tbousand tioliars in the contract price.; 1.- Beira to Claim it. Minister of Pab110 Works, though he had That to the detriment of, the public interest. a That the Said Thomas McGreevy exacted and Canada. The bill was dratted On the lines �'' ` A London cable says • NO withstandin Hover been an @n neer in his life. This contract was signed in or about the month of received out of the sutiaidfea voted by Perlia- Of the Imperial codification of 1829. y t g Juno, 1884 for the', performance of the said ment for the construction of the Baie des Mr. Haggart, in answer tO hlr. Lander - r repeated warnings that have been Bent out was a strong Oombinstiod Cf men with works, and that subsequently the said Thomas Cbaleurs Railway m sum of over forty thousand kin, .amid that the sale of registration ?? from time to time by tbe.United States common interests. llfembers.of bothpolit 'McGreevy receives the stipulated in ilia dollars; _kriegatiOa-li@rs arta by$heZsr@>as Ot�aourioa ioeci tcrt:ieaw0re--inrterested.-The-header rnrruw tm)gebmmiaJ: e1 m@ntioned, namely,Ttat the said Thomas MaCiroevy on sleverat stamps in 1890 gave a revenue of X104 b26. ° i 1, aonoerning the trandalent character of so- the firm of contractors was Mr. Larkin, 622,OOu oceasiaYfa?IeIIfand in tiro�ravre-of the HvuMr.-Perry-,oris iaOt�on lot -a return -re--=---- r That in 1883 and 1884 tenders were asked for Minister t f Public Works and' received from, garding the Government steamer Stanley, 1 ,4I et:alled English' estate agents in America, who wee s well-known Liberal.' Then by the Government of Canada for the comple- Larkin, Connolly & Co. sums of,money ; 11. � recent developments show the number of there was Mr. R. H. McGreevy, who wee, a tion of the graving dock at Esquimalt, British That the moneys expended in connection with which plies between Prince Edward Island xH p Columbia; the works mentioned in the present motion are and the mainland, complained -of -the char• y dupes is increasing Daring the past few strong Conservative. The other triembera That the firm of Larkin, Connolly & Co. were moneys voted by the Parliament of Canada, and anter of the service there. That service last I' ar.r weeks more letters than ever before have of the firm were, three • American ottizan9, among those who tendered, and that the con- amount o about five million dollars; year, he said, was Shamefully neglected by �` kieeII received from America, inquiring who had bad large experience in the United tract was awarded to them in pursuance of a That certain members of the firm of Larkin, A ' alter imaginary estates of fabulous setae States (Daughter.) report to ouncil dated 24th October, 1884, and Connolly &.Co. paid and caused to be paid large the Department of Marine and Fisheries. Signed by the hon: Minister of public Works ; Brims of money to the Hon. Minister of Pablio He oontended that, the Government was - __- -- Awaiting -,the -the -writers-sn-the Hank -o! Ea --Mr.-L+anderkia-li3nt they -are-loyal to Works out of the proceeds of the paid contracts, 3 &Ig g That befareaenderitsg the -said Barkin, -[fan and t)Tat entries'.of the said sums were made on pledged to Oonetraot a tunnel beneath the hand. Ia the oAeo-of many estates, saoh as the old flog, holly & Co. had with Thomas McGreevy, then ; tate rennin s -Lawrence 'Townle or Obese. Mr. Tarte said that this combination and now a member of the Parliament of Canada, the books of that firm. etr('he fx g ' Y' communications and interviews wherein they That from 1882 to the present session the said '('he mOt10D atter being amended was f'; 4 Townley, $yde•Herne, Bradford -Hedges had enbeidized the organ of those who Thomas same Mehouse has always lives in Ottawa and others, special circulars have had to dared to resist it, and its political associates secures hie tervicee to assist them in dealing carried. i? with the Department of Public Works in order in the came house as the Hon. Minister of Public be printed to answer the numerous spell• were charged with treason to the old party, to secure the said contract ; works; and that he seems to have done so in The House adjourned a . 4 45. ... That be agreed to help them, and that he did order to put in the mind of Larkin, Connolly & Dante. The fraadalent agents insert. the old leader and the old flag. , The oar- Co. the impression that he had over said Hon. DkUia-OYJi➢D TO RUIN. 'L advertisements in news a re re stain res Ondenae Would chow that for the last in tact help them, in divers ways, and amongst Minister an absolute control, and that he was p pe g g p t,hers by obtaining from the Department of * . �' acting as his representative in his corrupt; ', IP alleged estates end oolloot -fees for pre- eight or ten years theeo men had the son- ablic Works information, figures and calcula- transactions with them. due Victim of a Procnrees Escapes and tended searches eta from the parties trot direction and organization Of the tions, which be communicated to them; That in- fact, on man occasions be need the Prefers a' Charge .Against Her. t,'', + + ' That to the knowledge and with the consent aP y it , Who 'are persuaded that they are heirs. Conservative party in . Quebec. was -it the said Thomas McGreevy, and for the par- name of the Hen. Minister of Public Works in. A New York despatch says • Frankie his dealiugs.with them, undertaking to obiafo t The dnpee often pay money to these agents surprising that, under these circumstances pose of securibg for themselves his influence, .his o0 operation, or declaring that lie had .Belleau, a pretty 20 -year-old girl who says - for several successive years. During r. the old party Should have been losing Larkin, Connolly & Co. took into t,artnersbip secured it ; she belongs in Troy, was in the Jefferson with themselves hie• brother, Robert H., lrlc• 1. '' p �' Liincolulo term as Minister here nearly all ground ? With many Others, he had keen Greevy, giving him a twenty per cent. interest That before the Board of Qaebee Harbor Com- Market Police .Court yt ptc-rday, in the role . ry the letters have some iron email oonntr aooneed of havin betrt► td the old f1a and mssionere he often also used the name of the i sx,� y g y g in their firm ; of ,cunei inane against Madame May I towns. Texas Esness, Iowa and the r ar the Conservative art. because he bad That during the exeeutien of the said contract said, Minister; I pkv, , ' p Y the said Thomas McGreevy was the agent or one - That a select committee be appointed to Leroy, w keeps A ' house of ill -fame on 11 Wee% seem to be especially productive. thought proper to take the OOnrse he had th the agents a the pay of Larkin, Connolly a enquire fully into the said allegations, and Fortieth street. The girl stated in .,court ,, i i ,.. lk' % Among the lettere recently received at the taken here, He watt elk.oted as an Inde Specially, but without limiting the scope of such Co., in dealing with the Department of Public inquiry, to investigate all the circumstances that madame Leroy met her in Troy some n,.,r Legation are communications fram claim. pendent Liberal-CODBert)ativs. Mr. Laurier Walks; connected with the several tenders, contracts, weeks ago, and by promisee O! fine clothes ��- ante to some thirty-five estates. Of all had never asked him %a repudiate his party- That he endeavored to. obtain and din J,1 ^ t • p P Y and changes therein, and the payments 'and end easy life induced her t0 come to New obtain for them, at their request, important s ; 'the claims investigated by the English He had never asked him to give up any of altermtions in the works and more favorable con- obber maters mentioned in the statements York. When the Madame got her in the ° tr', hereinbefore made, with power to send for a solioitore, not one hue b@en found to have hie principles. He would stat have done aa. ditions ; house on Fortieth street she took away all 1,9,. t tltny validity. ' In any case the Legation He had said, " You are performing a rept That the said more favorable conditions and persona, Papers, and records, and to examine p g g. witnesses upon oath or affirmation, and that the her clothes and only allowed her to have e here is powerless to, her claimants or even public duty ; I extend to you my help." the dhe id alter ti the public ni re tson weryi largo to committee do report in full the evidence i aken' the' house. investigate these cases. p A ststate Ot limi There was never any other agreement be profi s ; before them, and ,all tberr proceedings on the ]ow•neok@d Bross to wear, about the hoose. lotion flare a period Within which un• twaen Mr. Laurier and himself. With the That during the execution of the works targe reference, and the result of their enquiries; and All the money the girl got the .Madame same were pvtd a Larkin, Connolly k Co- to that rule 78 of this House as to the selection of took away from her also. The girl grew wml • claimed estates revert to the Crown, and permission of the Hoaee he would proceed Thos. McGreevy for his services in dealing with committees be suspended, and that Said coma- deeptirate over her situation, and on 1. 11mittees be composed of Measrs, —. ', . • this .period is twenty years. The limit to read the motion: the Minister of Public Works, with the tlicero Wednesday she ran away from the house ty within which action can be brought for the Mr. Tarte moves that Mr. Tarte, a member in of the department, and generally for his influence Sir Hector Langevin said this matter clad oply in ' her wrap and Slippers and recovery of real property is twelve Beare. this House, having declared from his seat in this as amember of, the Parliament of Canada; beinga matter of rivile n, and `there being "'" House that he is credibly informed, and that he ' That, in consideration of the sums of money so p g g went to the police Station and made a c_". ,. There are no, large sums of money awaiting believes that he fS able to establish by satiefdo- received by him and of the promises to him a Oonrt' appui4ted by the House, which w�sa complaint eegainst the woman of keeping claimants in the Bank of England. Thera y g a disorderly house. Justice McMahon, g tory believes that that fn to the cum of $175,000 made, the said Thos. McGreevy furnished to the Committee of Privileges and Elections, are ver few amounts Of £1,000 and none having been voted by the Parliament of Canada Larkin, Connolly. & Co. a great deal of informs, this matter should be sent to that court. r'. °' Y to - Tarr out the works of the harbor of tion ; etrove.to procure and did procure to be before whom the Oaeq wee brought, ad- . exoesding that Sum by more than £100 or y made b the de artment and the hon. Minister Ilea name was connected with tufa matter j K Y 11 Pl. °'e•"' £200. The amount o one in Chancery Quebec, the Quebec Harbor Commisioners Y P darned the 1dame Leroy s coons at the l;, ..', money y called for tenders for dredging in connection of Public Works, in the plans of the graving dock Of privilege by Mr. Tarte, and under th.eae , rcgaoet of Madams Leroy's counsel. The and in the execution of the works, . alterations circumstances be thought he should makti ' " ~ Belonging to'nnknown heirs' is sltogethe; with the said works ; g juage' released the Madame in obarge of - Thmt Messrs, Larkin, Connolly & Co-. which have coat large sums of money to the pub• her counsel, and ordered the girl looked a y a statement to the House which he woala hero than £1,000,000. a • and were awarded the contract for the said lie treaNury ; „ g P dredging; P That be himself took steps to induce certain d0 se followm ; I never communicated in iii the House of Detention. g 8' 'members of the Parliament of Canada to assist an way to an one tenders, Or- rices of A. KtLLEO BY A BOW. That in order to secure the influence of Hon. Y y Y p Thomas McGreevy -then and now a member of him, the Faid Thomas McGreevy, in his efforts tenders, or relative positions of tenders or i;`.^ , " $otaible Fate of a 81x -Year -Old Boy Who the Parliament of Canada, and a member of the in concert with Larkin, Connolly & Co. to obtain + Jn ]\Pi:LLED F iiOAi lrit®NUE. ., . Quebec Harbor Commission by appointment- alterations and additional works, for which names of tenderers, at any time before' • . Was Playing Burying.' o the Government of Canada -the firm of Lar•% large canis of money were offered to him by the the, contract Was allotted and signed, A 4'cotch Member of Parliament Ordered . A Wichita, Has., despatch says: In kin, Connolly & Co„ with ,the knowledge. of members of the firm ; and the work in progress ; the Only Out of the dlountrv, the said Thomas McGreevy, took as a That o', his suggestion arsons having the Same information A Calais cable s%yo lift. R. Cunning 11 HioWe county, on Monday, Johnnie Ren- ggestion memborS of the Parlim p partner Robert H. McGreevy, his 'brother, went of Canada were approached by members Y g i star, the 6 -year eon of a former, and an p• being the memherA of the Privy Council hame Graham yy giving hiim an interest of thirty per cent, in the firm of Larain, Connolly & Co.; GledatOnian Liberal mem. 6 -year-old dister,were playing at "burying." the firm : That ceresin members of the bald firm have and encu of the officers of the department' bur cf the British Parliawent `North• A hole had been dug. Johnnie sat down That the said Thomas McGreevy consented to declared that the said members of the Cauadian as were intrusted with the opening of ten• g west Lanarkshire, Scotlapd, w f romi- his brother becoming a member of the firm, and Parliament, on being so approached, bad asked p p k p i+n it and thegirl had piled up the earth dere atter the eriod fixed for their race Hens as a eyni tatltuzer witb- advanced ' stated that be had first consulted, the Hon. too for a certain cum c money for exerting their l until it reached the boy's chin, and be was Minister of Public Works, Sir 'Hector Langevin, influence in favor of Larkin, Connolly & Co. tion. I never found � or knew any each or thinkers, has been expelled from France L• -tightly embedded. At this juncture an Old and secured hie coneen' with the Minister of Public Works, and that other officers of my depsytment to.beguilty by the Anthoritlea. After attendiu a That the Said contract signed on• the 26th of Larkin, Connolly & Co. had maraca to give them y Socialist meeting in I'arle Oa Banda `' ' now and her brood appeared and Attacked of an indiscretion or breach of trust in September, 1882, Stipni ated tnat the works there- money for that purpose ; 6 y , (` the girl and drove her away. The slow under were to be finished b the first of Novem- connection with any tender or contract. , y That Thomas McGreevy, acting in contort night, on going, to his hotel Mr. Graham .then turned on the boy and sank her teeth ber,1884, but that the said Larkin. Connolly & with Larkin, Connolly & Co., did at -their Tenders accepted have been and are sO ' iII hie tau@ and bead several tiimea. By the, Co. continued to perform the work of dredging request `corruptly endeavor to procure the p r py 4 g was informed >haf Polios Commiseivner under the scale of prices therein mentioned III) acce ted s.rictl a oordin to law. It tho Brasseur wished to pec+ him in an w oin. kdismissal from ofTice of certain ,public officers J time help arrived the boy was dead. ` to he close of the season of 1886 ; employed in connection with the worms of the Patties named in the motion as, having inp, room. On entering the department Tbat in'order to' help Larkin, Connolly & Co graving dock at E.quimalt in order to have contributed to a testimonial presented to Wt. Brasseur, after reaniug the warrant of ' h , Murdered , During a Drunken Revel. to secure the. said dredgiog contract, the said them -replaced by others who wool suit Larkin, rite some eight or ten yesrlt NO bsvo so 11 .Hon. Thos. McGreevys reed togive and did giveis expulsion, took his arm and informed •g a Connolly & Co.,Lothe Former having for a time p . . A Jersey City'despatoh says : Wm. and in an undue manner br•• holp as harbor commie- incurred the ill -will of Larkin, Connolly & Co. contributed t0 it, I Hover Asked them to d0 hire that, be must proceed at once to i . ' Mrsi Carson, and Wm. and Mrs. Kerrigan, sioner to Larkin. Connolly & Co.; because they then compelled them to carry out So, and rip to this moment I never knew Calais in order to oatoh the boat leaving for v were Oxrousin at the squalid apartments That rip to the year 1889, aforesaid, Messrs. the works in conformity with the specifications them t0 have -done so. Directly or-indi. 4 I g q p Kinipple & Morris, of London, England, had and contract, and prepared their. estimates Dover at 1.30 this Morning. Mr. Gcaham occupied by the Oareone here this evening. acted as engineers to the Quebec harbor Coni- according to the terms of the, said contraca; reotIy, I never asked the contractors was not allO,wed to retprn 10 his room to ,. named in th motion for money, The two Women Were sisters, and the missioners, and that their resident engineer.tor That too winter of 1886 and trio said Q Obtain his lUggAge Or to flay g00t1•6ye t0 >� " •Herrigans were hers from the country on a carrying out of the works wits Mr. Woodford Th,,mas McGreevy proposed to and mage with obequ4s, or noise, nor did I his friends. Pilkington ; the firm of Larkin, Counolly & Co., through car- receive an Such Mone abs nes or visit: In the .course of the revel a row Y Y+ 9 _ , That in concert with T'.a kin, Connolly & Co. twin members of too said firm, an arrangement notes from them for m nae Yofit i arose and Mrs. Carson's throat was ant. 'u y , p , or ad- the said Thomas McGreevy 'undertook to secure w•liereby the said firm and-•rto ]t to pay to hien Tobacco Smugglers allied. She died in 20 minatoo. She aooaeed her the removal of Messrs. Kinipple, Mor0s, and the sum of $25,000 on condition that he would vantage. Continning ho said that he had ' husband of the crime, but Carson asserted Pilkington from their positions, and that they obta, n for the firm the sum of s5 coots per cubic A Gibraltar despstoh says : atrol of p no beacon $o Suspect do Perley of having Banish Soldiers and t, numb of the were in fact so removed in 1883 and replaced by -yard for the drudging of 8,000 cubic yards in the P f his innocence, And claims that Kerrigan Mr Henry E. Perley and Mr. John Edward Boyd, aroa of the wet basiu in the harbor of Quebec ; done wrong in connection with the matters tobacco ,eompany'a Kneads la evenin I committed the murder. Mrs. Kerrigan with the consent of the Hon. the Minister of That dredging of the s,me kind, and even laid before the Honseby Mr. Tarte It he surprised a smuggler near cho frontier and ' 1 also declared Arson is the guilty one. Public Works; more difficult, had rreviously, and up to tbdt had done go it was out of his (Sit Heetor'e) g Y That in the same year, M93, tond8rs were called time, and to the knowledge of the said Thounae knowledge, ' and having known him for attempted his olaptore. Tho smuggler drew Carson was arrested. Kerrigan fled, and for a cross wall and look in connection with the McGreevy, been executed for the tonp of 27 , ents 0 g a revolver and opened fire on the soldiers the police are looking for him. harbor works at Qubec, in accordance with per cubic yard, and even less, in the same many years se a faithful,, officer of his and guards. The lattHr returned the fire • -a plane and specifications prepared in the Depart- works ; depariment he could not make rip his mind and killed the Bmus ler. To -day the in. p Begs to be Excused. ment of Public Works, under the direction of That the said Thomas McGreevy used his that he had violated. his trust and tboreby R y Henry F. Parley, U;sq. ; influeoce as a member of this House with the habitants of the ncidhtlOrip;; village stoned Boston Herald : New England moknowl• That Soverai tondere were mmdo, and amongFt' Department of 1'tiblic Works, and in particular rendered himself pnnisbable by the Gov• the tobacco company's guards and fired ' edges with thanks the polite invitation df others who tendered wore Meisrs. Larkin, Con- with Henry F. Porley, Esti., to induce bim to ernment. In so far an Mr. McGreevy wael Holly&Co ; report to the Quebec Harbor Commission in Upon ifgemployees, ed, up ng two9evessil. Boston Mille of Canada for her to join the { That before tendering, and in order to tocuro favor ••f the -payment of the said sum of 35 cents place, itlo hon. Gentleman was in his 1"he officials then fired, upon their nseail- iuArltime Provinces, but she begs t0 .be the influence of the Hon. Thos. McGreevy, thou I par cubic yard ; place, end it was for him to pay what he .oXouttod, on rieanunt of a p,evioug, engage-' tend now a memberof the Parliament of Canada, f That the correspondence on tbis.eubject be- had t0 Bay. If the matter wee'referred'to otbe' killingin two and W hies g mangy+ and member of ttto Qtiel,nn ff+,rbnr 11narri by , tweor, ifenry F. Perloy and Larldn, Connolly & tits Committees on Privileges and Else. otbere. Finally the authorities weirs nom- = ment with the United Skates. • ttppoibttrrent -of the Government Larkin, Con- Co;, before the Quebeo Harbor Cornmirr.lnnt-ni palled to enmmon the military to tlnxll the tions lin world ba lucre rt a13y to give Holly & Co. took into partnership with thorn- were consulted, took place at the Sttggos,ien of dicltprbisrico. Gee'tib excibFttlrteant recalls On . A despatch from Buenos Ayres Bays that selves Robert H. McGreevy, a brother of the the Said Th6MU' McGreevy, and wits conducted evidtinoe.' p GF said on. Thos, McGreevy, giving hem a 80 per with his knowledge and participation i , such a Mr. McGreevy BBid he was not resent the! frontier, and farther trouble h anti0i. city is prr,ottoAily insolvent. The overr3• I manner as Y p ated. - Ment employees have not been paid for. knowledge and consentrest in the fof the said Hon with the mont and of to he public the corconceal fr;om rupt character of when this matter was referred t0 in the p ------0-— , last Parliament but he left the statement London now bas a •number of women weeks, and there i9 HOW 'duo t0 them' McGreevy; the contract, in connection with which be had + xc nesrlq X1,000,000 in salaries And WAgES., tractor namEdtlCiieo go il3oauc goiand ono John received Larkin, Connolly & Co.paid in mono to With Mr. Curran Which was read on hie of ariatooratio lineirge rrhd are in trade As +� y y behalf. To thet statement be still adhered. ruillinere Or dr)kemakere. T'I1 ar_.ol! -.___ ... _._ _ _ _._._._..__'he mnnaopality is unable to collect ta:eBeU:agllzte....: _ __ -_ . _.__. __. ____� ihi�e;�id._'Cb.a�.lv[etarese _ne...iaatt..cs7.c01 _ _. �....� ___. _ ..._-1 ___....._ �._._.__ __ $e c$araohcrrzocl .th@ whale Statemenrt tee.-.-- -T- m-.....,_ <_-.lisgWpsg_tbe.L1e0 le n9e.no.m- oney.;.'& diJ1( ���yLntit_was_on..thohuggontlo;n.nithasala.Fion. _i.r,.fuliilmont_t�Y thA=arrasgameut.-at�lrci=axtori-=. ;-- •-. - - _ 31L1S.LAc i t y- -�- 1+�•-�4er Ilittl0` gash in '4 o city' 11CCA8C1xy ]t1• i110(iet lomaa�IleGreevy titer i3oanC11 ©C'ongoiltotl to ttot,ed,,anrl t stat .,bis own ro u.est s. sum of wit b:At eU l 6k a t. a4 O yA� A, . d 3'�b4m� 9 Ilimake a tender; - � $6,000 was left, to secure the election of the said ; y ei-x 3'flhi it ago opelled,w little Shop; -in- Park " for absolato neoenahies. Tho • customs falsehood, and untrue from beginning to stfrent. Her capital Z hat with the knowledge of the said Thomas ' Chomas McGreevy to the House of,commons at p� al at the Start 1gaB only I reoeipta also show a decrease of nearly McGreevy the three•ttndere of Larkin, Connolly the general election of $1897, in the bands of'one end. It wag a foal conspiracy made to 9150, but She has been remar & Co„ of Besuoa e, and of Gallagher were pro- of tho members of tbo firm, who, finding that injure him b a certain clique, bemnee he k�)lly 9x0• aiie•h�lf. g g i p . lI ) 11 . Y q ceBatnl. 1A , n, . . • °� e;� .,x • A."i _ .... ,r .. �% z