Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-29, Page 5PKWOMITtift114.1.VM k01 .1%42200 ...le 05,..ttil
The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce tounty, May 29th
The farmers have time to look
around naw being through seeding and
in the slackest time "(if the season...'
• Moses Oats appears tob right for
once when he predicted a unusally
min A-pril andja eakFbac-k-ward-M.
'The crops are suffering. front.. drought,
ancl col.d. The average fanner would
willingly give his hired man a rest on
• condition it would be a wet day.
Mr. J. Lockhart has taken the con-
tract of building. the new Foresters'
work will be proceeded with imined-
We are sorry to hear -that Mrs. Col-
rioun while visiting her daughter Mrs.
Murray, of .Culross, had the misfortune
to fall down a stairway receiving a cut
Iss urvis is atten ing her and,we
hope to hear of the pld lady's speedy ,
Mr. L. Hogiris, who has been attend-
ing the Owen Spud Coll. Tnst., return-
ed home last week on account of ill
health. . .
Mr. S. Nicholson, who has been in
anitoba for about two years, returned
. home a few weeks ago. Sam doesn't
appear to bp' :very favorably impressed
with the prairie province as apparently
he intends to reside in future on the
sixth•concession; but it is just possible
that he might soon want sane body to
live with hirn. So be on the alert girls,
• keep one eye. on your work and the
other on Sam.
'The lecture delivere&by Mr. Allen,
of Goderich, on ','Ioruit Growing:" seems
to have done' some 'good, judging •from
the awount of brush to be seen' in and , 100- Deses. One
atbutlhe orchards in this neighorhood,
but the apple crop will be almost if not
plaerlailure this„year
A. splendid dramatic entertainment
was given in the tp. hall last Monday
eve,. by a Company from Huron. The
entertainment was in every way a 'suc7
eess. • Tise different sceucs of- the
drama, " Ten iiights in . a bar -room,'
were presented. in a manner that was
The importance
keeping the blood in
a pure condition is
4111Ye.rs_a_421. nowu,.
and „yet there are
very few people:who
have perfectly pure
blood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or
ifelfailhuniOils ecditeWnffed
for generations, causing untold suffering, and
we also accumulate ppison and germs pl (114
ease from the air we breathe, the food we eat,
er the -water we drink. They.: is nothing 211&73
conclusivep proven than the positive power of
Hood's Say- saparilla
over all dis- eases of the
blood. This medicine,
expel every
scrofula or rarace of
salt rheihn,
removes the taint
which causes catarrh, neutralizes the acidity
and cures rheumatism, drives out the germs.
ofinalaria, blood. poisoning, etc. It also vital-
izes and enriches the blood, this overcoming
that tired feeling, andhuildin ) the whole
merit, and the wonderful cures it accom-
parilla is Peculiar
to Thou-
sands testify testify to its,
success, and the best
advertising Hood's
' Sarsaparilla receives •
is the hearty endorsement of its army of
friends. Every testimonial we publish, and
every statement we make on behalf of Hood's
Sarsaparilla maybe relied upon as strictly
true in every respect.
11 ybu need a good blood purifier or building
up medicine, be sure to take Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. Further information and statements of
,cures sent free to all who address us as below.
Ho .d's
Sold by all•druggists. ;31 six for ;$5. Prepared only
by C. 1. HOOD & Co., AI otheearies, Lowell, Mass,
very creditable to the company 9f un-
trained aetois... Everybody., present
appeared to be well satisfied„ and it
takes something good to satisfy a Holy -
rood abdience.
Wife Witt Create a furore In Newport
this Summer.
Newport is to have a sensation this
'•It is authentically stated that the
beautiful and Celebrated' daughters of
Lord Rufferin, Beatrice and Adelaide,
are to .grace this famous resort with
their -presence this ,6oming seasom
It will be remembered that Beatrice's
beautiful dark ,eyes„have played havoc
lately with the heart of Albert, the
eldest son of . the Prince of Wales.
What': it will amount to is as yet a
matter of ,COnje3ture in England.' The
young ladies are acknowledged to be
,the most beautiful in all Eurape;Iind
there will -not be:a little excitement in
the hearts of our Americanielles over,
their coming. There are exquisite
dre';sers, and their costumes be
rnarvelsof curiosity. Unlikemostladies
they know exactly v.lint suits them
Some time, agp, they sett for tare chief
designer of the Paris house of Tim
NEw Y,010i. AND P.kuis Yigi.N;(; LAI71
FASHION, ',WAR, and • selected forty
costumes -each; the cost of which,will
amount to thousands of pounds, •
Through the courtesiof these
young ltidies. WV ..11aN'e bee -n permitted
iAto copy for the NEw Axn
two of their .most exquisite costumes,
%Odell' will
peal' ;ts figures 3 :laid 4 on
the colored plates of the J'Une number
of this IllagaZ i I1C, Utit 011t, (I for,
• which the publisher issued, in the naniQ
ef Anierican ladies, a earl of thanks,
.1t is runiored that, the iliac may fol-
low the young ladies, to :Newport this
summer. Tin: NEW rO1l ANI? PARIS
Youm4 LA.DiEs' FAlinioN .1.AzAl1 has
exclusive right to publish each Month
at least one or more of the costumes.
in which the ladies Beatrice and Ade-
laide will appear.
‘4, igt:
A pamphlet of information end ab. ••
straat of the laws, showing How to
Obtain Patents. Caveat a. Trade Ail
Zttarle,CQP.Yr.jghta,,seat free.
Addrom [MUNN & et0.
A* 361 Broadway,
• •••• New York.
Sometimes it's worth know-
ing to know that the knowledge
OF V •'\ 1,1711:l '1';VIZIU PROPERTY IN
IJ ) V;:‘' -11,11'
. IN '.!'11 11' OF EltITCE
•,y1! ;.(111.;it .
WechaeM.9,7 June 24th, .1891
at one o'clock ie the afturnoon, at Whitely's
LIY LUi;',-'aliGIN9.
by virtue 1)f pewer of so 10 contained -in
cerin ollailieed at.
the sale, tIl 11 o rats:sty .:
PA11.(1.Er,1.:.-1.,4 13 in the third concession
of the "J',)\vnship 1:inloss in the •:.....;etinty.of
Brace, efeJtsinis;• one ,liiid aei'e'4 more
or lessl
fellowing improtements are sai(1 to be
on tit,. premises tut tifty acres cleared,
apon which is said to ls• ie.ted a fra;ue holise,
frame barn ;:ek;i log addition• .
'11.P:1.1411S :•-•P'ifteen 'per cent. uf • tile pur-
elmse m•rnoy 114 1151(1 down on the day of
.sala, 1,:dance tosans wi 11 heal -vole laiown•
,at; the sale, .
FOP further partienlarsapply to.
B110si. &
•'foronto Strtet, Toronto.
Or to S. T. ijACISS'ON
, .
.4... .4
otoe to Creditors
In the Ma/e,e Donald .Cluple, of the
Township of Huron in the County
qt* Bruce, Yeoman, al/ Insoli,ent.
above named Donald Clark, of the Township
a Upson -in- the County of Bruce, Yec/Mall,
111.4 made to assigatneni to me'(under the pro-
visions of (lhap, 124,11.5.0. 1887, and amend-
ing Acts) of all his real and personal estate,and'
effects held in trust for the benefit of • his •
A ineetitvg of the Creslitors of the said estate
is hereby convened and will be held at the
(Alice of 1 f. Mortioal, ll'arrister, in the Village
of Luel-now, on . •. .
1.1:011,10 tin; 110111' Of Two o'clock 111 the after --
n al, to receiVe n 'tatnnlont of affairs, to ap-
point inspectora and flo• the ordering 11p of the
estate generally.
Creditoss are required to file their claims
with my selicitor at the Vi1lag6 of Liteknow,
toasalar with proofs ;eel particulars vequired
the said Acts ,• on to. before the
FirliST DAY/OF JULY A.D. !C91,'
ikfter i li I will proceed to distribute the
said estate halving regard only to ;such claims
of which1 have then notice, and I will not be
respensible for .the assets of the said estate
any 'sot thereof to any person or persons
whose lrtin r claims ghall net have been SCI)
Dated at TolMo-low this 22nd day of 11trty,
ICaLiilso:zi, Jolla 113,1.411ton,
Siljcjt'et,ItTrItAteil, l'rustee.
Hereford Bull For Service.
r rtll P., OE 1,E111.1.ATED 11 11 it EFOR I)
1. boll, Bistnark, will 'be kept for servicel
for the 'season of 1891 at I lenry Johnston's,
lot 7, cull. 8, E. D. Ashfield. -
P11 DT( MBE.. Bismarck was calved January
20th , 1;M6.. 11 is dam is Bloom,- (221107) by
Doko Argyll., C., g;(1. Victoria 4th by Duke
of Argyle, C. ,.g. g d Victoria by Sir. Charles'
g g t. (t Verbena lw Carlisle. The Bull
llismark was -bred by R. J. Miekie' of Oshawa
Ont., and got by Cecil, winner of first prize in
aged .1)011 class at Toronto •and Guelph and
silver medal at Guelph. for best bull of any
ago. Cecil was bred by \Ir. Aaron Rogeni,
ilerefordshire, England, and was got by
Charity :1rd, (Lu) 9728, and 115 by that noted
111, Ilo' ;To\ 3rd, that for 87,00d last
year a le.n favel\VS years Old, The breeding of
this calf 114 If Lln, bcmt to- he found upeil the
sid• f 1‘, • I. -ire and dam. tualskt• 1S (115 of the
best salves 1 have vver bred. Verna traly,
TIT -MS -i2. t insure calf. A reduction
made (1 'Il1 r more rows.
,PEPaiffarritts el"
some lines of goods means:
distinct satisfaction to those
who possess it. Werefer
especially to those new cloth-
ingsuits for men, youths ' and
boys. ,Probably from the
immense stock we carry we
were never so • well supplied,
nor so able to supply that
variety of choice and service-
able patterns which the care-
ful mother selects for the boys
for durability and pattern.
We have the and, while
going, still have some left for
those who use direcit haste.
For instance—
- • Boys sizes 20 to 26.
Youths ". 26 to 35.
Mens " 36 to 44,.
A -nice line in that navy blue serge,
o, suit. alt. sizes.
sish„„ITENDERS .
Something that everybody
wants and at prices that can
not be beaten.
the undersigned for the following works
up t6
Tuesday, the 26th May, 1891
at eight o'clock p, ra. :
Gravel for the roads, sidewalks and filling,
so much per.sicard •lgrading at so much per
mclAy., The akketreeraq,
Sam a"
vt2tramtrrarba e wages
of the man at the dump.
Lumber and tinder for sidewalks and other
purposes, including pine, hemlock, and cedar,
per thousand.
Care -taker for the village weigh scaleg, by
the year.
The council do not bind themselves to
I wish the general public to distinctly un-
derstand that I have in stock all kinds of
Boots and Shoes in every •
Variety of Style.
Again with leather. Its
variety and use is well account-
ed for by what we charge for
some makes Of it—especially
in the shoe department. We
direct .especial attention to
Our men's plough shoes,
Heavy lace shoes,
Congress Dongola,
" Bal. ' "
Our women's heavy shoe,
11 Cordovan,
Glove grain bals.
• Dongola and calf.
With boys, clildren and
youths. this makes a big- stock
and large assortment. Why
not call and see them ?
Some makes of Ginghains
• , •
don't" present the width that
others do its in the .make
and quality that follows. Yet
a. full yard wide gingham is
right .price is. a matter,. of
close judgment 'that ;judges.
judgment. Yet, if we relegate
thatto the' prints, shirtings,
and „drew. goods department,
we find ourselves mixed among
prices' such as these—
Prints at 6c, 7c, Sc,
" 9c, 10c, 1101
" 12c, 121,c:
Dress goods ranging front 10c to 12c,
12c to 15c, 15c to 20c, and so the
prices continue. •
Amongst them are some
lovely shaker flannels so much
-in demand.
We want your opinion.
Obediently Yours,
and Make
Which I am selling' for cash cheaper than can
be bought at any other store in the
County. All I ask is
Give me a trial, and don't be led away with
every wind that blows.
J. • PEA_RT'S,
Important to Farmers,_
chased -the superior. thoroughbred
Holstein -Friesian Bull, Sir Westwood (13210),
will keep him for service at Lot 6. COL 14,
Ashfield. •
PE D -1-0441-E : ' Sita-W-estsvoird--(-1-3210) was
bred byB. B. Lord & Son, Sinclairville, New
York ; calved August 7th, 1888 ; black, with
shield patch 'over shoulders ; bely, legs and
part of tail white.
Sir Westwond (13210) was sired by Lytle,
4102, H; F. H. B ;- Dam, Lady Westwond•
(imported) 11611, II. -F. -H. 13., milk record
801 lbs,per day at 4 years old, and 18; lbs. of
*butter in 7 days at same ageonie of the finest
cows we ever owned.
Lytle was sired by Barrington,- (ireported)
2103, who is claimed to be without an equal in
the world, and $3000 in cash was twice
mimed for him.. His service fees were $100
per cow, - His dun was Mietje. 2nd (imported)
a noted prize Winner, With a milk record of 62
lbs. per day at two years old.
Lady Westwood (imported) 11011, Was sired
by Peter, 103, N. H. 13., one of the most noted
bulls ever known in Holland, being the winner
of, first ..prizes and diplomas at five of the
largest shows in Holland, arid was sire of
many of the most -,noted cows that were
imparted to, .this country, His dam was
.Gletiburine (imported); milk record 89 lbs in
a day ; 20138; lbs in ten months, and 211bs of
butter in 7 days in January, 1880, all Under'
ordinary care,.
Barrington was sired by Jacob 2nd (District
Bull), dam tfamminga (Imported) ; •milk
record 99 lbs in, a day, on grass alone. She
was valued at 85000.
Mietje 2nd (Imported) ivas sired. by Jacob.
Dani, Mietje (Imported). . Milk record'83 lbs
per day, aud.winner of gold medal in Holand
for best dairy cow on exhibition, -
• Peter, 103, was sired by District Bull ; dam
tontine Milk record S7 lbs pei day, and 19:11
lbs of butter in 7 days..
Glenburine was ,sired by District
Bull ; 'dam, Srijntje, milk record lbs Per
day abutter record 20; lbs in 7 days.
Jacob 2od was got by Jacob.: dam, Minnie,
milk record 80 lbs per day , batter record 18
Hamming, (Imp.) was • sired by , Jacob
lbs., 7 days.
(Distriet bull) ; dap,' 'Srijntje, 90 lbs per day.
Mietje (Jmp.) was 'sired by District Ball ; •
dam, Meitje ist, milk record 881 lbs per day.
• Jacob WIlS sired by Klaso ; thin Marian,
milk recerd lbs per day.; hotter recent
20.f lbsin 7 days'
Thispedigree will shoW Sir Westwond the
richest boll of the breed ll Canada. Ile is
straight and round as a barrel ; heavy, low set
muscular legs, with four lar'b teats, and large
niilk veins, The above is a true record of the
breeding of Sir Westivond. Signed,
If W. F. Bousarr.
TERMS :-Siiigio cow, 81,75, cash at time
of service. A rednetion will • be allowed for
three or !Acre cows. •
Litelcnow 1'. 0.
• 2 • 0001) FARMS
• roR ,SALE -011 TO RENT:
sien 13, E. 1). Ashlield, in Ilut County of.
1 litrota, ninety acres cleared, about five acres
if fall wheat, fifteen acres -seeded, two dwell.
ings, two orchards, two wells, no better soil,
barn, stable, granary, shed. et:a ' Also north
half. of lot 6. tam. 13, with 12, acres of fall
wheat, 40 acres giaaled, good fth-ices, orchard
and buildings. . '1'lle above property' will be
•*sold 1)1' rented at mice. Apply immediately to
888 E. TRAVER, Lucknow.
'Margaret 'McLeod, Angus Mc-
Leod, insolventa.
The farm lately tiecupied by the above
named 1nwolvent8, situated in the township of
1-111, 1 s f,e, sale, All under enl tivation.
frame li •1 fi amc ham, 1.1res- oreharl, and
e11 wItered ; one of the best rains hi ibirdif;
a bargain. Apply to Peter Murray, assisrneo.
Huron , or to • • '
- Solicitor, Lncknow -
Lucknow, AIay 13th, 1891.
RRISON, Clerk.
Andrew Emersou, deceased,
There will be sold by on
Friday, June, 19th 1891,
at the hour of 1:30 0'3104 in the afternoon at
Whitely's Hotel in the Village, of Lucknow,
the following lands and premises :
Village lot number 256 in Somerville's
Survey of the said village of Lucknow, and
being part of the north half of lot 13 in the
14th concession of the township of Wawanosh,
containing one tplarter of an acre. .
The sale will be unreserved.
TERMS :—One tourth down ; balance in
30 days. The other conditions of sale will be
the standii.g 'conditions of the Chancery
Division of the High Court of Justice.
For further particulars' apply to 'Elliott
Eo., barrister, Lueknow, or to the
underaigned, - •
Efcccutors' Solicitors,
4-904 • Cli nton On t.
Campbell Street, Lucknow,
Oysters by the quart, pint,
or can.
CANNED Goons, • Fliurrs,
Constantly • kept in stock.
Give me a trial.
Remember the place, next to
the bank.
Du s
The Hub Gracory
Having just. received a large consign
ment of,
• •
'Ttesh Grooe.ries,
01105.06 family itour,
Qbaoicp' Tobacco,'•
.Canned Goods,
Teas, Coffees, •
ana atIgaTO,,
wjiieh will be sold cheap at
the Hub Grocery..
Goods deiivere*to 01- plrtm
of the village,