Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-29, Page 4of u litintt IS* WARTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES •UF CONSCTENCEVii VIRIZE kuovu OTHER LIBERTIES. £rt'I.otac W, Itay 29th, CONFESSION OF FAITH. re t 7' _The_ Lucknow Bentinlel, Bruce Qoupty,_ Friday,. May 29th If Dr. Garnier cannot produce any more weighty arguments than the iepetition o -"Mr. Como, the gentle - Man ashamed to sign his name," he will be a long time, before lite will oau- vince the intelligent readers of the RN'1tINEL that- ailnexatien--i -n Ot---the. future of our country. Any wan who says- that the. United States is as badly guverned as Russia and that lynching, murder, swindling and immorality for the most part hold sway there, is either inexcusably ignorant or else wilfully states whatif he knows to be is his rant about the Fenians. ' In fact hq says himself that the Americans as a 'whole are nat. in sympathy with the Fenians. "From personal conversation with some educated Americans I have niet, they, without exception, wish t at • the bottom of the Atlantic. He says : " Are. we to, be coerced into joining the United States 4" Surely if I am such'an insignifica.nt brainless creature as he would have his readers believe, there • is no very imminent danger of uiy coercing the whole of the Dominion of Canada into a ltnipn with the United States, We do not wish to coerce anyone into suh ca Union. All we want is a fair and square dis- cussion on'the question of Annexation, and if the light ' of reason shows An• - nexation to be in the hest interests of our country, let us work for it with aa our 'might, :misting aside all blued prej- udice and old foggy sentiments. But if on the other hard. reason shows.us that -such a course, would not be the best for our country, let us work just as hard 'ar,ainst it. •If the doctor 4 thou.gllt it 'needless to enter into the Kalsbmine, White Wash and Faint , Brushes. " Daisy" Churns, 3 sizes. " Ideal " discussiolt of this .questit,n,-he was not-` - _. __..._ .._ co;ripwl]ed to do so, anaaif. fray -article Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers.. Carpet. Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds. was so effete and brainless it- would ♦.., •. 1m',*t ,-.kd19lVI 29m0.133.0O:. ,012faefil ._ Nii:wf •r..,a%Re`X' 'The •committee ..appointed by the ,.General Assernbiy of the Northern 'Church of 1890, to consider the revision of the Confession of Faith, has prepared a report to be submitted present in Detroit. In the report the committee details. the methods adapted in carrying out the assembly's commis- sion. Two chapters have been inserted in the confession, and alterations made in chapters 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, 21, 22 23, 2.4, 29, and 30. The .committee :recommends the assembly to ,send the report down to presbyteries for con- sideration, criticism or 'amendment, with the request that they forward their criticisms or amendments to the secretary of the Revision Committee by Dec: 1, 1891, and that said com- mittee be instructed to consider these •communications and prepare its, final report for adoption, • modification or rejection by the General Assembly of 1892. AN1uEX11Ti01V. To the Editor of The ,Sentinel : DEAR SIR, -It has evidently pleased Dr. Garnier, to work himself up into a •.sort of holy .frenzy over my article. of . the 1st inst„ and he has given vent to ---his-fseelit�„s-i-13--tlte-(�s1-u-r+rri ravings published in your issue of the 15th. I have ..not the pleasure e•f' being personally acquainted with the doctor, and the only -':means I have of ,forming an opinion of hint is from that article, and those who 'have' read it need not tit+. tot d that it cannot be a very favorable one. He evidently imagines that he is the sole occupant of the highest pinnacle of intelieetual greatness, and from that lofty eminence he •looks down and in a Sane of pitying scorn says, "who is lioldvfitt Smith, or Richard Cartwright •or Bunting, or Erastus Wiinan !" Am. .not I the great Doctor Gamier '1 Loi k unto me all .ye who .would .know any. thing about annexation or any other subject, for all they who do not think es,I think are' brainless idiots. But xvho-uiay I have the presumption to ask -is this Doctor Garnier, this. para- gon of perfection, this, ;rent •"I ani" who with a single s.‘veep. •of his mighty pen puts down & oidwin Smith. ' Sir Richard• Cartwright, and Erastus iti imair as fools, cranks •and hypocon- driacs, simply because they have views differing from his. Goldwin` Sniith is a man who is recognized thf' •'ivorici over as being one •of the foremost thinkers of the age, and 1 feel 'liiglily honored by being. •nientiened in the shine class with him 'notwithstanding the fait' that in Dr,, Gitrliitr'. opinioiihe is crazy and Jam all idiot. MILLINERY! • MILLINERY Tsz isthe time fore the ladies to call and leave - -- theirorder for A SPRING 16.firsuire11. Me*. Wag M.tfY *n,P,otagie.' e • to please her numerous customers. Ladies Will Roe -vivo the) Bosh .Al tto t i'on rr 1 .. .�. to show goods. WM_ CONNEZ,�_ HARDWAIEI H RD SieeereMOMMORIMM.MANMIS16 ARS! Go to • T. Lawrence if you want anything in •THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE LINE He has just received a fresh assortment of mixed paints'in all shades. Alabastine in all sbadee. nos go very far towards the disuienl- berment of the British Empire. In fact he has made so many contradic- tory statements that you wonder when he .gets done what he was trying to say. .But enough, of this. In my erti- eL--of Mayse-a-e-uulber of reasons why 'I thought Annexation was the future of Canada. If Dr. Garnier wishes to refute any' of 'these .arguinents, or to produce any argu- ments oil the other side of the question good and well, but if not I fail to see that he has to do with the discussion. In conclusion I be to commend to his most careful consideration, before he again takes it upon himself to call any - .i11i Cans, Creamery, -Cans: -Honey -Extractors. Dairy and the- x moils.. Vie- i So has in stock a full line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and . plain, and Zebra, Coal Tar, Coal Tar Roof Paint, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty HP' would also call attention to the nPv` adj ,stalale. w re wandd-w_and door f ereens.. Done. on the " shortest notice and at reasonable prices: All kinds of repairing I have not hr::l the pleasure of read- ing Godwin Smith's opinions en annex-' 'hien• 'line} w,ts net ':'-marle that lir v. as in.•favor of it. Had I7r. Garnier been arguing in ott'e'r of aill)t': ati'a he •could . not have produced a stronger argument. I'ittt. Seeith is not' a pOii- 'tician but is one of Our greates:'thinkers on political su;and the very fay. • that he is ct:nvieceu that annexation is the tuture vt :lr countlty proves,. (that there niust•lit• :great reasons for so thinkin . lei toy article of :NI:1v 1-t I eildt•avoi'.t d • t vt• some of these reasons alai 1 consni.er that Dr. Garnier has not Attempted to answer these nut thin!;; by wiling, '1 lot .t' 1onll,astic uonsen„' to tlin,i•• :i, r:`a,'. rs of}` the trat.k et the el•elt';tit•il at ]shut', and at The sS.,' t11 ., b,•rl:tie and vilify lute ,because. I happt: to hold op.ini''ns itlitiering from hi:.. Ile alio' st•enis :o IT Madly :ri)uieled ltt'causP .I dill not choose to aril tot' name to illy art1Cle and t'el•t-ats over rtll,l over again as if .he liad''struci: some :,ri!li:ter i,ll':>. '•�lr. 4 'colo, the _,tentleman ashamed of his name." The arse of a non (1r Hum, • in the ,',is- ,cussibn of a public question does not :at a?I shti.c' that. a person. nlyd to a :sign his ranine 5ut.h a question should be decided solely on the strength of the arguments advanced, without reg.lyd to the personality or the merits • or demerits of the writer. a article brainless or any statement idiotic, a time ltonofed' proverb which says : "They who live in glass houses should never throw stones." Your truly, Como. To the Editor of The Sentinel : DEAR 'SIR, -I have been much. interested in the,. disctission being carried on. in the SENTINEL. The article 'by Como did not seem to be. "Errant • the heart" in tone. -But • whether it be front•the heart of Como or not, there is no doubt but that' a nnn•iht'r in our country, .alas..! to great number, would endorse its sentiments:' The ducter's plan of argument I thiel: rather. unfair. No doubt ..Como is young.anm nd his invite would add nothiity to the force of what he has to soy, when, is it were, the doctor's naive, eco segeent!y hip age, adds force to his arguments. He has as it were his 'reputation established. . I ,L' :leve in discussing this question in .oere %l '. phone manner. It thus lacks personality and allows one 'to give t:'xprr's-inn to the real thoughts v';'hi,rr'reallr te;lir,g the public who thinks so. L'il' t then as t:' COMO. MP. I1,1rr answers 111111 .veil and comes out as:I 1 e',:•'•.vt' every Canadian should conte i`llt•--1 :1' ln•i•'•ia'nllr,nCE'. It s.-euids very. rand to spt•,k •of the union and L S., ' ut the gran(;( or is ooly ill theory: There is no doubt.' deo til,' av,'.ra:;•'-lnan, in our country is i t . etl' than :i,e average lean i:: the 1- S. 1\..e.,.b,:t}'e ditfculties, bta't they are nothing eotepar,nd ,with thost the .. S. coniluoner. Just ',o air ti,e border into the state of JIi Ili.::1n and se: what: stat' of tl,ill_.• ,'silts there! 'We speak of coin-. bn,. <. We hive no,itiea of what they re.11 1' a1't' till we eo to the State. :1.n American weekly of a' '.s rtrn t, • a, which I halt'' the, privilege. of rear nl:it'li"s. �rhirh are always played on ' - CAN.\f'1:1N, N • t .,that only but special excursion. tains are en'gag.:d to e.irry Po and. Marine Insurance. to and. fro the spectators. Enough of :annexation, tve,want none of it. This treat ry of loyalty to Engiaud is but In r,ntirintP •for- or optcome. of the nl',a.t 1•i;g • t-'•ir,atii in feeling for 111Qr•. intlt pelidence. For a parallel case we can refer to England about thirty years ago when anutu'ber ' of English I statesmen considered and expressed ng. cont.liils file record df l,asel)a11 • promptly attended to. T=OS_ I.,AW m '4CL, ' DITOKNOW oINTT themselves publicly to that effect, th•it Canada should now rule herself. They went to extremes. ;,nd .the result wasti loyal re -action. Anyone desiring fuller i„formation on this nl iy turn in "McCarthy's History of our own times" 'to the chapter 'example of the new Dominion."• No.. doubt' Canada would be best as she is ; but will people believe that? Canada is grow- ing More democratic every day. Democracy grows as the youth, of the country- grow, and Monarchy dies as tit 'fathers of the country clie. This is natural. To be loyal we must have national feeling. • «'tial ' ''we want is loyait3 to 'Canada. and let England look after herself. Mr. Rierriuentions the: great charter. • Tu a Democrat the charter may he but a relic 1,f the evi- dences of monarchal oppression. • It was the ,barons and kings who disputed while in reality file great u)a;•s :f the. people were in s!aiery. But e,ciugh On that :point. is • ine.:t)auataIJlE'. Let us refer to this \� iiil:ul. tion:, rase of "the greater it ,if of cowineiit-" I ani not well enoui.tir informed on the comparative fertility. or stirllity of Canada and the Statt:s, but I. would refer, \Ir. herr t , a map t,f Canada. ::uppo;(' iic', guided by his .'o.mmlorl $el!ae, (rat'. :1 1111(' a_'t'OS: tie dtl).i) rtertll of which lie c e.nsider. Canada unlit` fur practical ant: perivaneot lethitation, and he will }x• sui't,r•iscct at Liie i t aril:, 'WE never intend to have a Canadian Siberia • in •our northern latitu'1.•.s. I would point _lir. Herr t an fiat,icie '711 the .l','>•iIt rlic)•i,,'.r,Jt 11•.-':•.•' lty' the •llai-quis . et Larne. • in one l ve he says something to this ee're.t-°'It Canada shuu,cl •;u:,t the Stat", 1•,• uta t11E' Xai'ikee intiue;l,ca• tii•i'.v til': Jo, on the • 11^Iielizie, ri'.,'r.I '. -oiroi ••�-oino•' t, th,,,al'ul" 11,t., :l a.• 1 Ltl •1_i'.�, It ctrl l,(' seen at the rt 1_;i:, ; ;win' in the .11oy number of the I ' 'J;ut Mr. Editor,, not to trespass any inor-• on your. Spat." or the patit•ne,• ,. f your leaders, for reasuns given above 1 uiii, 1 \ol:l. 13riti-h ar,'l M. :ii• f I; ar,d L"nd• n. W • rr, f T .r r:t I. rtt'i. , l L u a;. , ti; ': ' f T.i', rl, , .. Iti•tri t, • f t+. .. 1. ,. (ivardian, of L"radon, 3 nwiar:,l. Pao hix,' of I,rmd• n, EL fan 1,•,in i Acei lent In. suratCc c f America, \I',ntreal. Ra- CUNNINGHAM, AGENT, - . GUELPH. GlEptA,PISE FRRMERS FOFISALECHEAPI ATTENTION! Any number of beautiful and. healthy •' GERANII'_MS, FUCHSIAS, and other green -house plants. - Also TOMATOES, CABBAGE, AND CELERY PLANTS, of new and leading varieties, for sale • cheap. Large, healt..hy tomato( plants ONLY 5 OTS. PER DOZEN. CALL AN 1 l SEF THEM AT GRAHAM'S GREEN -HOUSE, Outram St., Lucknow, 9JJROHISOiR 0,11 PIANL-FA('TuirEI;S'•AGI N1 FOR ..."moi SCHOOL DESKS, MAPS, AND SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. •dfENQI:IRE FOR PRICES. LI"CKZOII: , - ONTARIO. 0• can s. r,• at • ur>Pti tinenh.ork re .r 1' ta' r h♦ t}'.c b1 •! ,••her"+er ..*.c' lire. Ar. N� r We fern.i.l, .�� n ` ,hewri. Euap eleven. ' Y+'thre4" iv,, .•_, N,. ri•k. You can devote T, ut;pare m• men•; ,., •'.,,,Yr lam- to the work. Thin ie an entire;r neve read.an4 bring, wonderful ,u,teet to ..err worker, R•r'nn.n sr. venni,* tr',m 125 to 150 ;••r week and apwarda, ac9 tr.,re after a Ht, . exi{er;(nee. We can fumlah you the em. y ym.nt end teach yen FRCP.. NO 'lace to captain here. Pell information PBLI. T$L''E & CO.. At'Gt'ti?A. Ea131i. .lMl. 1)11-�11L' 1L 1 �'V1�1L' Having again secured a large quantity of Binder Twine V re are now . pi eparecl to accept orders for twine at the follow- ing low prices, Viz.: ,SILVER COMPOSITE BRAND, 1.0c. PEI( M. CROWN BRAND, 12c. 1'ER Ali. i.ED CAI', 13c. I'E1t tt . We also can supply other ' first-class brands such as BLUE RIBBON, It A1' UE TIS TAG,, AND PURE FLAX. (IVE CS A CALL. W • ALLEN. ' BULL FOR SERVICE. rTII-U•; UNDEBSIGNED WILL KEEP.. 1 for service . at lot 11, con. 8, Lastern • Division, Ashfield, the two year old thorough- bred Shorthorn bull, "Red J3ismark." a PEII(UtEE-Tied Bismarck 12758, red, ralve(l. March 8, 1889, bred by Wiwi. Malloiigh, Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wtallace i 2732 ; dam Annie 8.430 bYoung y Spring Prince 6299; Grace harper 2nd, 92.27, British Heir 2nd 2889; Lady Harper 'int , 00:10, by 2nd Famosa Chief, 1782 ; Lady Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 1833 by Royal Duke of Gloster, 105: Maggie; 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp) 15. 06428); Queen :of the West, 1751, by Victor 1136 (12268) ; Daisy •823, by Halton 684 (1J552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington (imp) 91. (3654) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex - 'Ander (imp) 6, (11099)Lavinia (imp) 299, by aeon of Scipio (1921), by Eryholme (1018), by Son of North Star (458). • I'EM ♦ RMS --8.1.'o. ('owe meat 1„' returned three times 1 tit.E.asary, ,.r they Will be charged for service. No fees charged if cows are not in calf after third service. PAUL 8M ELTZER, Belfast P. 0. n ter.