Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-05-29, Page 39 anzons DuFALOATIONIL DIOTATION- SZORNTRO. L1KZ TUIN "HX OW AN.&NIA9. TO-ANTO'B BaT RULWAY A XJ XJ)J IP-W-"- VOtectiVesand *coau'utanis Investigating North-Western Raii switchmenquietly WstO Of a WOMM Who BO" Wallis Witness The Tot Had ValIon. Xato the Habit of Tallill 49#40 in that "Ontim*1 0419q. Displaced yesterday. log Like, a Father, A Montreal despatch as a: Ron. Moo. Its loute Through the Ouburbl; of the in Courti. Y A Chicago despatch says : This morning On Howard Street, the otber'day, a interviewed -.all -..-Ottawa- -every-un1=-swiv-6hmsu­-tw lbrfOlk, benavolent-,V.&--gentleras�behel4---m- the other day in connection with the report the North-Western Railroad, not only. -in Va... who is stopping so the Southern, 6 -year-old girl walking gravely along, with thst-& commission would proceed to Mon- Chicago, but at every other point -says the St. Louis .Star --,sayings, relates a a bamet on her arm, sae the Ban Fran. , was , A THOUSAND MEN AT WORK. very remarkable coincidence,' which, it cisco Examiner. Potting the chubby tot areal to investigate Abe condition of affairs discharged. This was done in carrying out in the Montreal oustom house. T substantiated by the facts, would be a 0.11 --' . he the company's resolve not �to allow she A great work, an enterprise of pith and miraule. under her Ohio. he said: flaxatar prawp'.ly 'jIthaisad �60 ropor owitohm6n to inte�fere with the affairs of moment, whose magnitude and i4ortanoe And whc- are you gbing, my pretty iintrue. Whether this be so or not it would Mr. Graves, while not a witness to the maid 2" the road, and dictate as to the discharge of it will be_difficult to realize and impossible affair, nevertheless says it is true. The appear that such a commission would find yordmastere, eto. For months the oom• to overestimate, is being rapidly carried "Give thee good- day. graybeard," replied some profitable employment. The case, pang has been preparing for the battle, forward in our midst, as story, as told by him, is as follows: the midget My father bade me to the T ,mhowever, has passed beyond the scope of a ye the Toronto On Wednesday of last week a colored . . . . . . . . . . . . i0e. I in RA-tJ '9 A__4eldca4 U ikitiYtiibt-ONO", he,,, I -M-!-! I 4"mj I , i oron-to, onokmoue y increase the m 'W 0"' -party. r. on,) over the country. o quietly bag it a oo of the Peace named Farwell, who had an^ a ed'ifie 66M wbpt they can do to unravel the oomplioa, been doing this work, that the union switch• travelling facilities of the people, and bring it Hapiv thou knoweat him -the good Hong into which the department has fallen. office on the Bridgeton road about 18 mile a inan did not got any inkling until the very. the outlying portions within eseV socess o man Skidmore?" it quired the tiny dame. The most'sprioue charges have been made last moment of what was goirig on. As the centre of the city. from Norfolk. "Noo.o," said the gentleman, much against certsiol officials, and they have not Price had been besting a number of en soon so she local force was discharged, 200, ' The Toronto Belt Line Railway Colo. in the nighborhood, and, 0,,,Ii..'J,,, in puzzled. - You're & quaint little thing. been denied,,ond now the head bookkeeper, new men were ready to take their places PsnY was organized and obtained its utiar. kBOD, Come witl, me and I'll buy you some John F. Campbell, has been missing s% the switches. The newcomers were ter ID1869. It was formed for the purpose a colored woman, was pladed on the witness candy." stand to tell what she knew of the matter. for ten days. He was an employee .for the most part experienced, and under of affording a rapid transit service for she Alseft, I am forbid to tarry,,gentle Sir. 04 the department for p" She gave he fkpr U wullo its eastern portion and through 't a Bub. upon my coming." 0 superintendents had no trouble in doing directors ,Good bye, then,"ssid The old gentleman. 001111111801.01113 and what some call tho work. The North-Western offioisis are orbs to she west, and nortb. The Do you know that you are lying ?" blackmail amounting to 615,000 a year, confident of victory, while the discharged of the 'company are Mr. J. D. Edgar, She onewered, 11 Yes, air." Rest you, merry maeter," and dipping Mr. Campbell, who handled " most of men are somewhat dozed at the turn R. P., President; Mr. J. T. Moore, These were the 'last words Carolins,ever a little courtesy, the mite trotted off. the money, enjoyed the munificent allow. affairs have' taken, sua have not yet Vice-president; Mr. H. . L. Rime, spoke. She had appeared quite independ- "Bless m6, what an extraordinary child I" !inoe of 6800 a year. Hie books are being dent and to some extent impudent when said the gentleman to a bystander. determined upon theirpolioy. Treseurer, and Mr. -S. Davison. The first put upcn the stand, and after the Isk Investigated, but nothing can be made of idea suggested itself from the euceeBs 11 Oh I that's nothing," replied the other. them yet. It is not the cosiness of officials of the Belt Line Railway in Buffalo, and remark a number of questions were asked, 11 You see, ehe's the daueliter of the heavy to furnish the truth about the affair, any TOO BUMPrIOUS.' the Toronto Belt Line may be Said to have but the woman made no reply. tragedliar A% Morosco's Theatre, and I sup. Zo" T than it is Mr. Bowell'a business to A Grand Duke VV ho I blub s 7 hat's what's been modelled on the Buffalo pattern. T Believing She was shammiiag'.the Juatice PoEe,they talk so roach of that kind of nfirm report that have since been proved he directed the constable to escort the Wrong With the Kaiser. Toronto line consists of two distinct loops, lingo in the family that it comes natural to witness from the ccurt-yo,3w, but when t, truej but one official said that there was both of which will be worked by the Grand her. Don't hear anything elee, you see." 45,000 short yesterday morning a ol that A Berlin cable says: Emperor Williams Trunk Railway under ordered to follow by theofficershe did not an aj long lease of forty move. during the day 03,000 had be Mounted recent after-dinner Speech, in which he years. The route of the 'Yonge Street ABL1113 IN A TRIANGLE. lor. Toads y it is stated that the defalos. boosted thathe alone was master in Ger- 10OP Two men of her own color were then told will be from the Union 131stion, '13 tions amount to 012,000. 'the detectives' many, has given great offence to Some of easterly along the Esplanade to going to carry bar out of the room. While in the Z he Nev rest is that Mr. Campbell left when be the Orinoes of the older States of the Con- station, then up the valley the Don act of carrying her out it, was plainly visi- ost Idea In Face to ]Face Arrange. heard that the commissioners were coming federation. The Grand Duke of Meokldn- of the Don, ble she was in a helpless condition. She xnonto. to hold an inquiry. The investigation is burg. Strelitz has openly remarked in the along the Don improvements on the west had been paralyzed in evrry'pmrt. Her As q, Lcndon Table 11 tells no, the fine, being conducted by, Mr. D. D. O'Memrs,thb, presence of officers of the garrison that the side of the river, with a mission on the Don limbo were motionless, her tongue bad 130 forge 01 the fan world are at present Meadows in East Rosedale and another interested in the suggestion of the tone inspector, and Mn McMichael, the Kaiser overstepped bounda'when he called at the mouth cf k�pri . ng Oreek ravine. 'power, and it soon became apparent to all lar table for dinner parties. It is done by chief -financial inspector, with the agais- himself master of Germany. - The grand The line then winds through that moss present that the hand of the Almighty had arranging three tables in a triangle.' The tance of Mr. Belton, an officer of the duchy is noted for its particularism, and picturesque of all the ravines in the been laid heavily upon her. departmen%. , This incident is only one of the Grand Dake did not order any oalebroi- neighborhood of Toronto until it Fortwohours or thereabouts the woman host sitv at the point of the triangle, witb the many to be investigated. The other tion of the Kaiser's birthday this year. He reaches Moore Park, inimpedistely to the remained is this I passive state, after which the two =czt distinguished guests on his objects of the inquiry are to Sift to the considers himself an independent prino©, she was placed in a wpggon and conveyed right mw,� left baud. The hostess occupies. South of Mount Pleamut Cemetery. The to her home. She never moved or spoke the centre cf the base of the triangle, and bottom oert ' &in charges Which have been but declines to have anything to do with line then follows the -ravine through the has.the diEtinguiBlied men with her. The made of discrimination and partial treat.' Prussia. The Grand Duke is notalone in afterward, and,on Thursday evening last the expenditure his sentiments, a . nd the c ontrast between cemetery farm a long way, to the east 'of she expired. beauty of this arrangement is that at large any burial places. Jurning to the west No antidote applied L during the interval dinnere the host and hostess are not---­--7­-.-- and eliminate those who may be considered the young Raizer's bumptious self -speer- along the south aide of Merton street to entirely removed from the guests at the as not necessary to the good working of the tion and the mild and con-ailialory attitude availed in affording the alighteet relief. Young street, and immediately east of centre, 6.1 the table. As is usually the case, a of his father and granafather is daily mak.. g-atreek, Altere.-will _bemAmrgo _atation_ Youn Ing la—Ir COLORNO BAPTIST'_b6**tSfftox. CHILD INSURANCE. nceD more Out- for firer gptsnd passengers. Young Street keep an eve upon them, and see that they spoken. But so long as Bavaria 'remains is already spanned by a magnificaDs ateel- thern Negro Who Looks Upon are well served and are being amused. I u AL Club Whose Management Is an Under- solid with him be has little reason to fear a, deck girder, built npo a piece of the finest A I SOU But with,tho tvisugul&r. table every one dertaker and His Daughter. serious movement to break up the empire. masonry to be seen anywhere. The lines Northern Belp an an Avii. faces them, is near enough for conversation London cable says: The crusade will then follow up the valley of the other A Charlottesville, Va.,deep& ' tch says: to be possible and agreeable, and shogether against child life insurance bag been justi. IFRENO IiY Il" TH VA RIPPER," oreek, having a station immediately to the At the Virginia Baptista' State convention, the conversation is easier to start and to Wid by revelations of the workings of an in- rear of the new Upper Canada, College. representing 200,000 colored," Baptiste, regulate. iie to. day Rev. Dr. MoVickers, late of Toronto,, _g_ do Say the Jury In the Carrie Brown Mur-_ This fact will be of task importance to all from Birmingham, where many women are der Case. who art) inter"o -ed-iiii 0 adw,-iii ­umg—in g-TWTidd f6,00U-f ar- ge, for it ­vvil-1 -C-s-n The Church Gate Walter. employed in chain. making. The president A New York despatch says: The pro• render the institution accessible to students two colored seminaries, draw s gloomy and treasurer of the organization is an an- adedinge in the .inquest on tie so-called in all parts of the city. The next station picture of the colored people of the South,, Owen Sound Advertiser: With "the re. d I artaker and his daughter is secretary. Jack -the -Ripper murder cane were reaumed will be immediately to the south of Eglin- sasersirg they were worse off now in many turn of balmy spring the oburoh gate( waiter B6th.manage the entire business. A fee of $hie morning. Dr. Cyrus Edson, who ton avenue, near Forest Hill, 'and a third sections than they were 35 years ago He is out in full bloom. Sandayeveniag week fourpenoo per Week insures life and doo4br's analyzed the blood spot found on the pri- of a mile further to the westward Bathurst then spoke of what the American Baptist the sr preaches to the BcropeSt. Methodist attendance through- illness. The concern soner'a shirt, testified. street is reached, where there w)ll be Rollin Missionary Society designed to do, Chrreh were all b:)rdered with feitive pays 50 shilling& on. the death of a month- Mary Minetur testified me to being another freight and pseseager atat'on. The for the people of.. the State. Rev. J. M. wreathe of him, so to speak. It is vas - old child, X5 on the death of a husband, £3 assistant housekeeper at the hotel. She line takes a course almost, due west from Armistemd, colored, of Petersburg, amid : t0m5r.T fcr newspapers to ridioule the an the death of a obilo twelve years old, saw Carrie Brown come into the place mind. this point until the York and Vaughan 16 1 am opposed to any more Such beip aslnduflir3 I , writer, and to make unpleasant ly road, the continuation of Dufferin street, is from she North.' I would amy to the Home insinuatior: 9 as to the size of his brain, and leas amounts in othc r cases., Avery go' upstairs with a man who pave the name largdnumber of babies hav' reached at F&irbank, which will also have S, Mission Board 61. New York; put your and e,; forth ; but'we fail to See how he r. been insured of O. Kincklo. He was not the prisoner. in this so-called club, and the rate of mor- Sam Shine, bartender of the hotel, tee. station. From this points short run bade money somewhere else, and let us help our. can help himself. Even if a young man tality among them has been alarmingly tified to Be4, Ali having Stopped at the to the junction of the Northern Railway, selves. It we are ever,to stand, alone, now goes to cbnroh be cannot always sit with high. It was from Oldbury'shed a depute- boatelry''on the night of the murder. north of Eglinton avenue. From the point is the time to do so, bate long as our the beloved object, and Providence has tion of female chain-ma4are recently Detective Alonicle repeated 'a oonver- of junction with the Northern the ,rain Northern brethren rock the cradle for Us never prcmsed. to bring them together at waited upon Home Secretary Matthews to o&tion he had in French with the prisoner, will run into the Union Station o]Q '$be we will be children, and forty years hence the gats; wil,hoat effort an either side. Con - protest against any legislative interference in which the Uttar' told him, conflicting Northern Division of the Grand Trunk, we oball be me dependent on Northern help sequently one must'wait, and it looks bet• with their employment. One brawny stories as to how he got the blood stains on. Stopping at Davenport, Bloor street, park. as now. This speech crested a stir and ter for tho man to do it, even it he has to dole and other pincee. The contractor, provoked a long and heated di stay out of church to be on the ground in amazon who spoke for the delegation, in- his shirt. 1, soussion. terrupted the Home Seoretary's nicely The jury rendered a verdict that the Mr. Hendrie, of Hamilton, istakingadvan. time. Some one suggests that a system of worded phrases , by saying: 11 1 doesn't woman came to her death by strangulation tage of the open weather to push on the How to Wash Blankets, signals be organized by which loving hearts want my work taken from me.' it aoeen't at the bands of Ainleer Ben Ali, slime construction with great vigor. 'From the Before putting blank may find thetr counterparts me the congre- Don improvements all the way to Yonge eta into water they gstio,2 comO'3- Out. , Trumpets, bazoos, domenolarm.11 Tbeeewomerkareunsble Is Frenchy.11 Should be looked over to note if any are m 'penny whistlea and the popular oat call to attend to their children, mud the mortal- street he has large an of men at work all stained; those that Are Should be put it y among them isvery high., in the piling for bridges, the preparation might be utilized, but we are not in favor ]NEW YORK'S RIPPE0. into a tub of worm water to .soak for ten of the masonry Or' stonework and the minutes. Boll half a poundof yellow of this doubtful reform, and would rcoom- CHANG8.0 HJ -S COLOR. An Inquest Opened and important Te&ti- grading of the road. At Eglinton avenue W 9001P mend that the gate waiter be let alone, so and hall a pound of soft soap in throe pints Molly and at Bathurst street structures are being of water long ao he behaves himself and doesn't spit Presented. until dissolved, let it get cold, on the sidewalk. Death of a YounIC Nam From Addison's built carrying the highway over the rail. when it will/be,& firm jolly; this quantity Disease of the KJAncys. A New York despatch Says: Th: - at Dafferin street thermilway will be sufficient for four or five bl&nketo. 8 In- way, and A San FraiDoisce, despblich says : George quest on the body. of Carrie Brown, or will be carried upon the bridge over the For Wide-Awafte Housewives, L. Sturtevant, a young �msn, boo ins$ " Shaka ears,'' the victim of Jack the higbway. It is advisable to prepare the boiled soap the day before the blankets are to be Beeawaa and 'ealt will make rusty succumbed to Addison's disease, hie skin Ripper, was began to day. The inhabi. On t&le'we'atern route of the Belt Line, washed. Take a quarter of the soap j 41y flatirons smooth. beCOMiLg as black as a negro'e. Three years t&Dti3 of Water stract were out in force which will also be worked by ties Grand & ago, wbeit the disease firak manifeisted an Trunk, the trains will run from %be Union to cover two blankets, press %be blankets teaspoonful of corn stmrch.with one cupful d almost filled she oburt-room in the and put it in a tub with enough hot water To keep e,,4]t dry for table use, mix one coroner's office. The eight females who itself, Sturtevant's clear skin moat hie chief Station out to Carlson, and then by a now. down, and let them soak for a few minutea of salt. claim to beauty. At. the time of death his are held as witnesses were also preeens. piece of road will run along to the west, to soften the' dirt, then rub well, and stir Varnish Qe solea of your shoes, and it body was perfectly black. The first indi. Ameer Ben Ali, or Frenchy No. 1, was ward by the edge of the ravine lying north them about in the water; pass through a will render them impervious to dampneeo, also there under guard. He was shabbily of Toronto junction until a point is reached cation of the diseasa was the appearance. wringer or wring with the hands. Have and will'Mao make them last longer. on the tongue of a bl'kck pigment formstion wattired.itbin a few hundred yards of the Lsmb. another tub, with another quatter of the Emeelleat lamp wick may be made out of the Si z 3 of a pi�ft. Two rnonsha after. Police Capt. Connor testified when he ton station of the C. P. R. At that point soap and the same quantity of hot water as Of the me,n'3 "Oft fell,, hate by lotting the !Mrd his skin asautned the ooffron has of arrested French No. 1, the letter bad blood the line runs in a southerly direction, sl soak in vinegar for a couple -of hours, jaundice. A diagnosis by experts finally Staina on the front of hie shirt, also on the Pkirting at times the high banks of tie was used at first; wash the two blankets will in Shia second latbor; after wringing th-n drying them Addison 'i a the northern them out they should be well shaken be. Tarr lamp winks down below the top of back near the collar. ' The knife found and established the fact fiat he bad River Humber, passing disease. In the second year his skin Frenohy'a shirt were handed around for the extremity of BIcor street, and st"last form - changed to a bronze tint, and in tho third jary to look at. The 'parts of the shirt ing a junction -with the Grand Trunk at fore they are hung ons. If possible a bright the tube vyhen not lighted, and you will not year, from the chest down,, he was a dead where the blood stains had been ''found sw&noes station, just west of the boll and rather windy day should be chosen for be troubled with the oil running over on cat outbut will be -roduced I washing blankets, &a they look go much th6 ontaide of the lampa,—Home Queen. black. Histwere, , p ongne was also black. He &tOk- works. The trains will run into *be Union whiter and are Softer if dried in the open had no pain, and amused hirnkelf by ready Frenoby looked on'quietly and smiled when Station. The work is entrusted to the - ing and playing the piano, but complained his shirt was exhibited to, the jury. same contractor, who has undertaken to a1r.—New York World. All Over with. o . fgreat larignor. His 00,80 had On6 pecu• have it completed at the same time as We Anti -Hebrew Outbreak at Corfu. And is this your final decision 2 mut. liarity never beforekbeerved. Themajority StiN COOLY HIM OFF. Yonge Street Section. t3re3 tho young man, hoarsely, as he ISpatients, die irk she second year, but all A Corfu cable says: The anti -Hebrew gathered up his cost and hat and prepared POIAlbave hor'etolore paHsod tbia stage The Rather Droll Precaution of a 00 'UP STAIRS. excitement which caused an outbreak. to depart. became meane in the %bird year. Hturte. Mohammedan Widow. about April 27th is becoming, more vane-, it Is is," replied the beautiful creature, vent lived the tnll limit of three yk,&'ro. but An Arab- woman when left a widow 7he Distinguished Canadian Given Corn- mous. Yesterday rioting was resumed. as she Bank back lintleesly into the Turkish showed no signs of inasu , isy. The disease mourns her husband devoutly ; but, like mand of Ahanglo-Bolglan Zxpedition. Two Hebrews were killed and a number divan which her father, who was 1% well. is due to the. dtcampmiziun of the. outer other widows, if she has the opportunity,A Halifax, N" S., despaitph Says: The injured. ^Troops dispersed the rioters and known humorist, had placed at her die - mating of the kidneys, she may be married again. The night Anglo -Belgian Expedition to the ?head now surround , the Hebrew quarter. pagmi.,, I beforo her second marriage She pays a visit watero of the River Congo, Central Africa, flebrowe are forbidden to pass onteide the 11 Then fazewell," he hissed ; and as be GEN. "001VII-8 SCHEME to her husband's grave. There she kneels. promoted by the King of Be)ginm, has left cordon of troops, and all the storea.1kept by stood On the steps outside a moment later 0 and prays him not to be offended. As, for lie q9 ne of its work. The command Hebrews are closed. The prefect of Corfu and ,took ol last look at the Stately Laid Before thp 8 "Co 11 P has been summoned to Athems to explain U 'a wis's 'Council But Not however, she feels that he will be offanded, has been givbn to Capt. W. G. Stairs of, mansion, he murm r d And this in ", ' 9 'the situation to the Government. Troop; all. A dress Suit two nights a week for Enth ' uslaotleAlky tteeetVed. she brings with her a donkey, laden with Halifax. formerly of the Emin Relief have been sent here from Atbers to restore throb Moatbs &A 63 a night, and nothing A Berrie cables o%3 a: General Boot b, of two goatskins filled with water. The Expedition, beaded by Stanley. The n the Salvation Army, called upon President priyer ended she proo'seda to pour the European members of the pariv Smiled order. to show for it."—Clothier and Furnisher. Rticho"nett, of. the Swies Federal Council, 'Water on the grave, C) keep the first has from London yprterday for Zanzibar, Saved a Cool Thousand. recontk,and unfolds his bis sabome for the band cool ander the circumstances about thence to -marsh inland for seven montbe I he NtIlt-WalWer Murdered. redemption of the hnman race through'tho to take place, and, having well saturated to Ratan a. It is expected that the work Now York Weekly: Wife (pro'ndly)—i The Posener Zeitung says that Dorton, operations of the k4alvsflon Army. The him, she then depirts.— Modern Society. of this expedition will take two years to saved . yon $1,000 to day. We haven'b the Frenchman who started to walk on vartionlar pmrl; of the Array's work that -t-""'- I complete. Husband—Saved $1,000 ? 1 0 stilts from. Paris to Moscow, was attacked General L Do6th etideavored k I o bring to the Chinese Burn Out a mission. that much to'save. We haven't $10 wo soon after crossing the frontier iujo�R ; The �,tralght Lake Accident. amn-cell.onr own. Uang me, if we have nesis 1presidbut's favorable attention was the ' A Shahghai cable Says: An anti. over 610, come to think. near Koenigsberg, beatc-n to death ancl' W*eclsmation of the drun,ksrdR of Switzer- Epropean riot has taken place at Woo Hoo. . A Winnipeg despatch says : The first Wife—But, you have always said that if thrown into a ditab. There is much un. land and too reformation Of the criminal The 'natives attacked and burned. Abe C. P. R. passenger train from the cast you ever had inoftey enough yon #would certainty os 4o Dornon's fate. The above Bio00 Sunday arrived in Winnipeg to -night classes by,mostis of a plan atmailar. to that Catholic mission and & number' -of other statement lacks confirmation, but it is a' ,he advocates in Hugland. M. Ruohonneti afil, o'clock. Owing to 'the accident at build is house. Enropesfi dwelling houses. The Europeans the Straight Lake trestle, traffio his been Husband—Of course. fact that the otilter, m3 s0rionsly disap. listened BilenlIV, but failed to develop any have taken refuge upon the bulks anchored 11 Well, for $5 1 bought a book showing pearpd in fhb vicinity of the 'Rai3oian enthnoisarp over the project, and it is not in the river. Her Majesty's ship Incon. completely suspended for the past three how to build a $10,000 house for, $9,000. border. The man was a native of Lea likely that the 8&1�&tiomato will make any at has boon ordered to proceed imme. days. , All the injured psasengers were able I Landes, a marshy district in southwestern headway in 6,90mriand. They have diately to the scene of the riot and to to proceed on the westward journey. Btcyc I ling Slot ot In Her Line. France, where shepherds and others are alwayti b66n worse treated in the little protect the lives and property of the Before leaving the scene of the & ' coident obliged to use stilts and they btaome ex. RepAblio than in any other European European residents. Woo Hoo Is a treat the company settled all the claims of tha New York Herald : Mies B&okbsy—Dnr- ports y country, although the Swiss are largely port of China, in the Province of Neon passengers for injuries received. L All the ing your visit to Boston, Miss Do Porqnfl. strong Calvinist@. Eloii, on the Yang Too Kiang River,fifty mail and express matter except the villa, I hope you will join our society for While, the vessel on which the Czxrowita registered letter ponobes were burned. payebical research. I don't suppose you is making big Asiatic tour lav n10 P.D milen from Nanking. The population is ohor in To alool, 1,116 Xtata, ro leaving Straight Lake the pnosengern lisvo ono in Chicago,? the hatboy of Mowdrits,' and bg was prAcing A City of . Moxico despatch Bayo : A 40,00.0. Dejo . and presented..a purse of 062 to the engineer Miss Da Porqnevitfe Good graoionq, no I the deck, he wan suddenly iddreastd in delayed tolegrant from Acapulco states the Tile Force of "abit. an a testimonial of his bravery. It idn't Considered ladylike. You know it Russian by t% poorly clad man. The Eamoralds bad left that port after raving Judge: Undertaker Morrie absent mind- is So hard to—er--er—straddle the m&. tntare Emp,ror, believing that he was in sought manv favors, whi3h were refused. For good wear, let me recommend an chino. the presence of a Nihilist, drew a revolver The Eameralds is well armed and equipped. odly, se helps his newly-weddaughttr outing dress of 11 outing cloth " at 10 cents from his pocket and fired it the audacious to the station)—Drive slowly, James, per and •; ton yards will make a plain fall The Exeontive dowm4ttee of the Domin. epqaker,• Luckily the unknown stranger She received telegrams from the United Off I and atrmiht to Gre6fiW66d Cemetery. _'Ou­ Tr&deA­ 4 ��p -not- karst-_ -A-n--4nveot&igeA-k4n­ provedr- _-Mataki.- And_ then wen'tto -moo* -th"tats, SkI &a 'bor Cbngk&&s� wfll.,�meet wee A Manzanilla telegram Says the captain of Far From It. collar, full aleovep with waist -band. . This in Ottawa row. During the day the that the alleged Nihilist was a Polish -L -wi-ILgtAnd-ropeat.od-vicit�-to-.the wash. L' embara," 'A"_d'!3OVerument will -be -waited- -Hebrew who bad, wd'bisw L ' p th for, my n on 6, t therm: -claimg- hill. vonel, wag 0 -a' thi,&g- itr x little tub and mlwfty`9- 00mr bs d ar, VMS oyd'dr—ti bag nearly run down before &%ylig-bit by P, I -n ok lotykirg- --so -if- -npon, an in steamer without lights bound north. peculiar—the gfano widow is never green. just now. legialation will be laid before them. return to Rnsaim. L'an. —