Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-04-10, Page 4• • „BIRTC TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE ACcoRppio TO,THB DICTATES 3,10 CO$SPIEME wi PRIZE ABOVE ALL AtTHER X#1061rPIES.. • In MAU.% .1,1t ( A80 . „1;:ancrw, April for Oat wilT4L inisnaz AP...T.,•• P , 001tY of Bruce is' inhabited " epitlitp,......are, we be- idiii40 Rit '4hpee:: --,,,,,,, • ••1 ifaid yetWit#1‘'1W :•.:,;.,,v.44, r•II?ligg) , il 4 _ #, 4. rel Iiiiil f Ora ° out )1401 ofl „,iti: ''',A special it ; 1 •, ,County --0ouncil; •,• sisnn 54,;'"the Oewies• of Kincardine, * heeley, Lucknow, and the • irci.t1, Met in NiValkerton last week. r , i•t 4nsiestigate the matter and see if :,..,.1.'irtetilitig could not be done to lessen-• es penses connected with this de- Pikkriiient- The work of the committee Of eourse, only of a preliminary ip,rtieter, as they have no poWer to ware any chatges, but to report their #11fitei ,.o the June session of the S-;fjounity, Gouncil, but fr• ,m the evidence . , "Sulanitted lo them and the many cases ' •, , 4r.,-.” txtravagant charges made by con- v4ij•iblis and others, we believe smut .., elianges Will he suggnsted by :from .$11,000 9 In our opinion the :whole system of paying the officials is 'ng end Might to be amended. We' ipetent—officia al salary for 'heir work, but hen men,' have it in their power to run ad ever the county, and work up t -big bill of costs. O. some supposed or trifling affair, merely on the suggestion 'Of a magistrate, - it. is time some - should he done to check it.- .11 7' ATTEND 801106L. the don. G. W. Ross introduced into, the Ontario Legislation last week a hill respecting' truancy 'and cornpul- „ sory school attendance. It provides ,that ail children between. 8 and 1.4 ' years of age shall attend school for the term during which -the school of the section or municipality in which they reside is open each year, unless excused for reasons mentioned. The present law places the age limit at 7 `--'and 13 years and the period of attend- : • anee at 100 days. The new Bili also provides that the Police Commission- ers, or, in cases where there are no okce Commissioners, ,the municipal ;;• ' council/of every city, town. incorpor- ated village and township shall appoint 11' one or more persons to act as truant "Officers for the enforcement of this • Act. the truant officer shall, for the Turposes of this Act, be vested with C,Ipolice powers, and shall have authority enter factories, workshops, stores all places where children may be ;mployed, and shall perform such ser- vices as "may be deemed necessary for the enforcement of thie Act. • And it ehall also be his duty to institute ?•,,• ceedings for violation of the Act. As a penalty, instead of as at present, ''the Bill provides that any person or ',officer mentioned in this Act, and des - moat as having duties to rt -'-'"i7:'-"------ #perforin in the enforcement of any of lts provisions, neglecting to perform any such duties, shall be liable to a lhte of not less than $'25 nor more than ',AO for each and every offence. PUBLIC HEALTH. 'The public schools are very often gest disseminators of disease. The gathering together of hundreds of chil- lista in the schools must affect their icalth rie matter- whates-11 re t,' p :taken to guard against the introduction Of disease:lint IncrefirsontionmiigIit: often be taken than there is exercised t present. Doctors are required by aw to inform the local medical health ificer of the existence of infectious di- es among their patients, and that isreitiiredv t• I • • .1 • • ar.t.,.a4,4i•••••0 ° • -- 1 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce 00iiitti, Friday, April IQth -49,1404.are-properly-placarded-nad that children residing in them do not go to school tili the disease -has run itseourse. But there is little doubt- that children have attended school from homes were infectious diseases existed and the teachers were powerless. to help it be, cause they had no knowledge of its " tIR=M MIT I infifEWM9fitit officer is required to notify the public school authorities of all vases of infee7 dot's diseases in homes where school children reside. By this means the teachers are promptly apprised of sick- ness among their: scholars or in their homes and see to it -that the_ is n4 allowed to find its way into the acht#01.' • PA4A.NOUNT• JOTTINGS. Patrons—the Patron lodge now numbers 70 'members. •The officers for this quarter are : President, Bro. H. Hudson ; vice-president, Bro. P. E. *Kay; secretary, 2, H. Murray; treasurer, J. Reid ; financial secretary, T. Smith; sentinel, R. McAdam ; Guide, M. Beaton ; detneter, Sister Mary Martin ; Minerva, Sister Mary M 3 Kenzie. Grange—The Grange has burst.. Not up, but out. Like the opening bud, new beauties are coming to en- lighten it all the time. New members are'being added, old ones rejoining and those who stuck to the ship are becom ing imbued with new life 'as she rides onward overcoming the waves of adversity. • Patamonnt lodgewi 1 soon be one of the strongest in wester& Ontario. Good - Ternplars—A. , good number have joined out ranks within the last two months. The ' literary contest is, cd. Bro7.-R-G•;-Melienzie-ancl--ins clan having put chief P.' Murchison -and his followets to flight. It was .decided to celebrate the event by a whish , accordingly took place. Everything was sticky. The taffy stuck to the pot. Some of the - boys got stuck to the seats, and softie more stuck close by the sides of their fair charmers, so close in fact that they were not separated when last seen. • ' • Retired—Mr. D. F. Clark, owing to the rush of business at the shop, has transfetred his' interest in the Para- mount Sun to Mr. John Hunter. Mr. Hunter has secured Mr. J. Murray as assistant; and under the able manage- ment of these enterprising young men the Sun is brighter than ever. Dan wishes to remind the painter that his advertisement is still unpaid. The Sick List—Mrs. McInnis is at present suffering from an attack of inflamation. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Miss Flora Murray who has been confined to the house for Some time by the same complaint, is able to be around again. Over half of the children in this section are sick with grip, mumps, scarlatina, cholera or smallpox. William John is recover- ing impetu-amoria. The War -Cloud—:-We . were just going to say a word to the Sky Island correspondent, but on thinking over his remarks about scriptural texts another one came to our. mind, "Cast not thy pearls before swing lst they turn again and rend thee," so.for this reason we will not address ourselves to him. The only -thing commendable about ' the Sky Island scribe is his obstinacy. Having started a contr&L versy, he like the scolding woniari seems bound to have the last word. Probably if he had studied those texts that he taunts , the Paramount, stribe with knowing, he , would have examined his own eye first and then he might have attempted to pick flaws in that of his Paramount brother; and also his anything but intellectual remarks. about The Paramount writer show that he i as busy with other people's affairs as anybody. We might say more in regard to his polite refer- ences to us, biit Solomon says "Answer not a fool acccording to his folly lest thou also be like him," and in excuse for what we have already written we would again quote that author, who in another pessage• says that 'it is some- times well, to "answer a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own conceit." Other Gossip—Miss M. Murdoch is awa visiting_grknds„ Miss_ Bella_ McKenzie, of Locinsisti;' ie visits h eisterl„ -MeS, zmA., -7)1 01) timid . fisJ• Archie .SICSritien, of 'the second crib: cession, spent a few days with friends here. Miss Lizzie Murdoch is sojourn- ing under the parental roof. Bill Davis has a bob -tailed pup, having got it as a present. Nearly every farmer round here has a a ood-bee. The dust is, ingliamiin4In4ions •••4-1-41:"'"'"'""Nv'F`V`9"7"":"-Irrl'7.- .v`7"-.7fsseir,tpres9ric•-••,-;7•77,0,-#.•,...,6 1,17,4, - P • • . GREAT -OLE-A 0. Jacket Cloths 1NG OF WINTER GOODS. SALL 4atz..ft J41,berma alzaz°,4z=m4amtia- inn2171 Fancy •W01211012$, Fame •I•J PE -71'w - Now is your time to secure bargains. T. DETLOW r 1. - SPRI 91. Our stock is now complete in all departments, and is a the largest; • BEST SELECTED AND BEST BOUGHT . • We have. ever shown to our many customers,, LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO CASH _CUSTOMERS. 1 A cordial invitation extended to all to examine goods and compare prices. CAIVERC)1NT, IVECTIMOCII LUCKNOW AND DUNGANNON. Now is the time for the ladies to call and leave /their order for a'P A SPRING BONNET! Our stock was selected by Miss Markle. with an aim to please her numerous cu7tomers. Ladies Will Receive tike Best Attention • n this Departinent, as Miss Markie is always pleased to show goods. C01\1\TIJILL. ARDWARE i HARDWARE! Go to T. Lawrence if you want anything in THE HARDWARE OR TINWARE LINE He hasjust received a. fresh assortment of 'mixed paints in all shades, Alabastine in all shades. KaLsoniine, White Wash and Paint:Brushes. ” Daisy" Churns, 3 sizes. "-Ideal" Washers. Wringers, cheap. Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Beaters. Garden Tools of all kinds. Milk Cans, Creamery Cans. Honey Extractors. Dairy and other Pails. He also: has in stock a full line of fencing wire, Annealed, Galvanized, Barb and plain, and ebra. ,-etraTTer,- epal Tar Roof Paillt:Water LiTrLeo_Rlaater, my. Ile woukl-also call attention fothe new adjustable Wirq-window and door fly screens. • M.A.:"NTE1TIZOTTG-IIII\Ta Done on the shortest notice ' and at reasonable prices. All kinds of repairing • promptly attended to. 99 • ." . !• • • ,1111