Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-20, Page 7'. k
To the Woilnen's Convention.
(An Old Maid in Noir York Bun•)
Hail, voiceless voters i
And YOU do well to press '
,In -perfect storm
AQsiust the boasted battlements
Of mieguided-man,
Mighty in meaunese,
ilial e7olent in ministration i
TLthousand ! d walla o1 Eden's
Siole§s garJen
Heard your weapful plaint.
Untirin.a. pantleee,
You have since kept on.
Yesterday, to -day at d forever
Will Nee you persevering
Just the same t '
The Oharm of Proportions in Both Wan
. ant% Wpums.
Beauty of the human form is today
eZsotlY what it in ancient Greece , it it
the same through all the -Centuries, how.
ever blind we are to its oharsoterietios
through iguoranoe. The census of ages is
a true verdict, and classic forms become
asfe models. -0reekoor0.pWro waawrougbt
when the body received its highest oul*ivs-
tion, and was so beaakifalso to be called
divine, wri4es E. S. L. Adams in Harner'e
Bow a 8hrevvd Shoplifter Utilized a Tame ideas Some People tl;awo of Stage Folk and A mother wllo V olped ber Little Ove at
!sat., Their Liveo - . • 8280 Oasis, .
" There have been many extreordivary "Queer idea the public. had of stage folk 1Mre. Norah L. Murphy, of Hoboken,
stories told of the ingenuity of thieved in and &heir life," said Bol Smith Rasaell re- concluded to ourtail exptnees byreduoing
the pursuit of their nefarious oailing, but a -Gently to a Chicago Herald reporter. " The the number of her family, She saw an
case which occurred while I was at Chat• opinion is almost universally held *bat the. advertisement that a child was wanted for
bum recently beats anything I ever beard," atrical people 'live in the moat luxurious adoption, and decided to dell hh p�
. remarked a newly arrived Englishman to fashion, est pie every, ten minuted, moo little girl of 2J years if an %*tractive.
a Phliad'tslphia Inquirer man. neverdo any work. The hardships of was offered. Eche was happy over the anti,
"A girl was brought before the Police travel, the hours of soul" wearying rehearsal cipated bargain, me the'handoome figure of
Court on the charge of robbing milliners' and study, and the thousand and one triate 8250 was offered by the agent. The eon.
shops. She wad only 14 veare of soA. and that beset tha antnr'w lifw &TA nnk conn..- --kine .if 4!6.- --,-, —...-
You aero, deluded dreamers,
And he rooetq !fish
an continuously studied, as well as pica
tures of . good nude figures.' The are to be
---,-------rr•.�+•a••• .. aw pus,-
zled the Magistrate was that none of the
---• — - -4CV ..,oy uu' nu. appear in vile
performance. They are behind the ecenee,,
&awarrea oy line roster-dangbter, who p
informed the police eseterday siteruoon.
i I
But faint not, fairest of the fair !
All that is man's may be
made familiar, tba& one may !assn why
witnesses ever saw her take anything, or at
least they would not swear to it, although
and, therefore, not knowable to'the public.
But they exist and are very harrowing. I
Mrs. Murphy was Widow Leary a year
ago. She has one` child, the
yet yours.
It may take time,
Aye, even eternity,
are good,why they deeervQ,admiration,
Moet people fancy they admire the olaesio
liter she had left a shop where she had
been making a pnrobaee articles
remember a little incident which
brought all this home to
viae she was
willing to barter for cash. She marrie
But what of that 2
Age is not wh&L women want,
-models, bat it must be iii imagination
only, else why 'should
of value
were missed.
me. In making
a jump between large cities it was
Michael Murphy, who is s widower with
four children. The eldest is Maggie, 18
And reckless extravagance,of time
Is therefore the
they allow
themselves to daempiity !alae stand
When arrested nothing wee found upon
her. The Magistrate
neoeeesry to put in a week among the
years old. She overheard the agreemen
noblest virtue of your sea!
Aweet VAic„Iw ., ,,,.
- .. said he could not
smaller towns, playing one night ins
entered into. by Mre. MDrn}L J,nri Chia soxgk
r.-_ _
- � �'� �-sm.�-,yam s' .�'
- ._-.tu�s� ..
� _. _ ......
- -
v ,� lies Baro lug t e began to. Dross -examine ber himself in a after the performance, had papked every. an office on the Bowery, -New Yorke He -
(io bravely on is fanning highest standards of 'human form, we kiind, fatherly way whish touched her . thing for flitting to the neat atop, and appeared to be much pleased with the child
With your dimpled chins, discover that • manly beauty and woman! heart and she broke down and oonfeeeed y o go to the train, which was and they agreed on the' price given. The
The thin, impalpable atmosphere, Y were reed t
IWhish like a sponge insatiate Qit beauty •differ essentially. It is meed that that she was guilty, and explained her due at midnight. When we arrived at the stepdaughter, who ie fond of the little one,
Abeorbe the wine of women's the lyes of manly proportion includes a methods to the setoniahment and amuse• depot, however, we found that the train was diegusted with the bargain, and when.
Wit and wisdom, comparatively large head, wide shoulders, mens of the court and spectators. wee late.
And leaves but sediment �� �� she went out yesterday afternoon, ostensi-
Of sorrow to her sea 1 rather square, a torso tapering to a con- it seems that, she had a tame white rat How late ? we ingaired. bly to have the child's photograph taken,
HepGaav, eolaeu, glorious, treoted pelvis; while the whole maybe 7J which she osrried about with her in i muff. " ' Don't know,' sbid the. oomforting she met Roundeman Stanton and recited
up j's' herds in height, or an additional half -hexa Slie would enter a @bop full of girls and individual who presided at the station., %be details of the bargain to him. He
Hee en 1 added to the length of the legs, giving a women and ask .the price of some article, ' May be one hour, may be two might be escorted her to the police station where
And when you get there, particularly elegant figure. On the other and while looking at it contrive to drop the three.' Recorder McDonough heard her sissy and
Let us know t band, fine proportions for s woman are s rodent on the floor. I " We didn't dare go back to the hotel to delivered the child into the care of Charles
small head, shoulders rather sloping and " Any one can imagine the result. Those sleep because of the uncertainty of the time Geiger, of No. 50 Munroe street.
RASTLAIKE's SMART BABY. narrow, the torso lull .and widest at the near the door dashed into the street, while when the train would come along, so we When the daughter reached home and
hips ; while the front line from the sternum the employees jumped on the counters and sat around the waiting room, miserably told what had become of the babe her step
8omothing That other 'People Have to over the abdomen should Show fire% a chairs, wrapping their pettieoatd tight tired and sleepy, trying to find comfortable 'mother was enraged and losses the dsngbt j
buffer from Fund Parente. gentle, and then a full outward curve. The around their ankles and ' screamed like positions on the barbarous seats. ter to tell her in whose keeping the infant
" Let me tell you the latest onto thing my conventional figure of the day is at variance mad,' as the prisoner expressed it, amidst " We waited there nrl%il 'nearly 3 o'clock, had been placed. Mrs. Murphy hurried to
baby said," exclaimed Eastlake to Sgail• with Shia type. Every effort ie made the laughter of the Court, in spite of the and at last the train came, and we the home bf the Geigere and demanded bees
dila, as they met on the street yesterday to imitate masculine oharacteristloe� The assurances that the rat wee quite tame. bundled aboard, disgusted, cross, sour. child, and threatened to'give them serious
afternoon, soya the Pittebnrg tJhronicle= shoulders are thrust up high and Equate, or " In the scrimmage -she - would quietly The run to our neat town was some- trouble if the babe was not surrendered
Telegraph. made to appear so, the torso ie, made to hblp herself to what she wanted, catch the thing less than two hours, So we cop forthwith. Mr. Geiger was absent at the r
"Sorry," replied Sgaildig, who is the taper in, and everything under heaven is rat, put it in her muff, apologize and walk not sleep on the train esoept to catch time and the babe was given up by the ,
father of cis children of assorted ages, "but done to make the waist look small.' The off. The Magistrate amid that on account enough o! a nap to be aggravat. affrighted Geigels, as Mrs. Murphy was
the last is I've a %rein *o catch, and only a front line is forced to take an inward curve of her ,oath, and ere she had voluntarily ins and wholly didoom nein It wee about, inclined to resort So vio]enge to regain her
few minutes to catch it in." below the !bust, and the side' lines to . form confessed to the thefts, he would give P g•
+� an awkward on le in the hollow of whish her one more chance, .and hound her over 5 o'clock when we turned out of the oar at bubo. She now has the child at her home
" Ch. it won'* •tali@ a minute, persisted g the town where we were to amuse folks in the tenement,at No. 4 Ferry street:
Eastf . .lake, "and it'd really, the beat thing voluminous skirts are , hung. ' One in the sum of £50-$250 of yrltir money that avening. -It was the, • gra of_dawn . _The-. olioe_sa- -.tbe --
she ever,got,o_ff.,....pnd_..ehe'e._awtnlly-smart,•-eboald____.atady.._...-sculpture with-•- She -to some a for 'ad nient" when y p Y y are•poweriese-ia the - --
" '"' - new p 1 g oa7led am iii'the- pile light we were a ghastly lot matter and can do nothing without the
- ~ isoo,� for s bub sill two and a half years w knowledge of these propor• upon. The boxes
smashers hurled our trunks authorityof some
old.�o ahead then eai one moat thou htfall till the "Cif course her friends soon entered'the document from the
' • ' ' '_ _ �,. :� , � g Y+ end house ant upon the -•platform with -glee- his Court -until
_• ' 'd Squildig, re.. y -t m of tbe-lines--has-1assened-itoelf npoq -required bonds, and Mary Barton will have fill savagery; and as I look -flout for some this morning. Mrs. Murphy refused'so
signedly, ao he' looked at his watch. the memory. Studying the pictures of the to find dome other place to praotise on the sort of back to take us to a hotel I heard talk about the case. She esid it was her
" It happened a week or two'ago. You best artists of the age, we shall find these weakness of her sex. The tame ret dodge the station agent, who was assisting she child and it wee going from poverty to s
See her mamma left ber just •a minute to principals everywhere. demonstrated. The won't work in Obasham anymore." baggageman in getting our trunks out, any good comfortable home. -New York Herald.
do some little thing and when she name obarrn of womanly proportion is in the long to the train man : - .
book baby wasn't there. Mra. 'Eastlake sures from armpit to ankle, whish is eo di!- RAILS AND THE WZATaER. "' What is all this baggage anyway ?' Looking Doren on a snowstorm.
found her on the porch in her etoeking ferent from the beauty of a manly figure. "' Oh,' esid the baggageman, -with in. If there were no other diversion on Mount.
lest and !itis!, soaked, for it was raining The depression et the en•called waist line Tracks Grow Long or Short. as it is Bot or finite disgust .in hie tone, ' it . belongs to •Washlneton. waiohing�he anter-miEtont-ems ---
-- . bAcd, -Fier-mamma-grabbed-her -up-and- =-only-_the'-mesting-of-tvso-_large-muscles • , __ _e._- �rld.-- -----y,-bt�p%n-y,- "reokon.-An--- ging do tin -_i and generation o! the clouds affords
said very -severely : which in a beautiful woman should, be A roadmaster contributes- to. the Railway get out of workin'.' sufficient interest to occupy mach of the
. "' Franoee, if You had a little girl who alight -would bettgr ba ignored in ' the Age 'some data regarding the ansion and "' That's a fact blame 'em 1' f. „
went out into the rain end got her stook- clothing, for the sake of the greater beauty contraction of steel rails der varim• agent, end I smiled a wan smile, however, merwell eas for theothereights,
the station a e
. iago wringing 'wet, what would you do T of the whole sweep, tions of temperature, which suggest some and went and informed the company that The summit of the mountain must be clear,
And what do YOU Sappode the smart little It is to be understood that the long curves interesting calculations. `Steel rails son• we would have to walk with our hand beg• mind the sun should shine brightly. Then,
. hLffina replied ?" �� are mode up of ehorter,contours, one gently %root or expand one part in each 148,000 Sage to the hotel, abort eight blocks. if s Snowstorm forme, say a mile below.
Danns. What ? tasked Sgaildig with melting into another. A, form made ap of parte with each degree of change in Sem. Anything to get out of working 1 Dear one of the moot enchanting of all. ,naturid
little apparent interest, graceful sweeps alone 'would be a weak, persture. me, if I had told that story to the company convulsions delights the observer. Thd un.
" She said, ' Put. drp tottuns on ber, nerveless, insipid thing. 4.'e.
he Penneylvania Railroad tracks from I think the station agent would have been substantial formations rival in grandeuro.
mamma.' Wasn't that 'real onto ?" These proportions. should be so under• k�ie city to Pittsburg are 353 miles in mobbed." the solid mountains themeelves. Disturbed
" Yes," replied Squhdig with a sigh, stood and so thoroughly appreciated, ere to length, and in this distance the expansion by the warm air below them, and ohilled
And looking at his wi toh again he,statted' be always in mind, else a beautiful human or contraction would amount to about 12.6 LAQHAIID't3 ot,BtrBlt BLEB. by the cold bladte above,. the great seas of
for the station on s trot. form will not be recognized. Use physical feet for each degree of change o! tempers. The French Lawyea Wins a Juror's A m_ p. g
exercises to attain the perfection of these tare. y vapor begin to roll and tumble and. pitoh,
pathy by Palling Down the Blind. until a regular tempest forms and Sways.
AN AMERICAN BONAPART�. curves. Hang piatnree�howing them where Between the ninety degree weather of them all. The billows form greet swells
d One of the American Bonapartes is they may grow inter your thonghe. August and the zero temperature of mid. An adroit lawyer, as all the world knows,. and depressions, They break angrily
ging in Rome, i! he be mot already dead. winter the tracks shrink 1,134 feet, or more says the " Youth's Com anion,"
then one -filth of a mile. alwa P does not against the rooky mountains, and their
While he inherited a great name from ,hie TRIMMINQg AND BUrTONS. ys depend entirely upon the logio of snowy Spray flies high in the air. Rising and
grandfather, he mlao'aohieved oonsidersble If the tracks between this 'city and his case or bid mastery of the art of per, fslling,twisting and tangling, they %ell of the e
fame for himself as a soldier, and as sr -ch spring russeme'nterfes—Galloons, olxa,,ps, Pittsburg were continuous rails- without suasion to bring a jury around to his way filling flakes and blinding saow•d
deserves mention. '• j of thinking. g Hat with
Fringes. joints and anchored, immovably at the g. He has an eye to the individ•, which the earth is being visited.. The more
Prinee Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte is a The new passementeries which find most Pittebnrg end the Philadelphis end would nal peculiarities of the jar men, and does• the o miction tbe,�ore motive is the fall
grandson of that Jerome Bonaparte who }avor are lea! gal'loon's with ,pearl border, shrink from Fifteenth street'out to Seventh not let an opportunity pass to impress gain on below. How they toss and tumble,
married Mies Elizabeth V&tterson, of p g street Christmas time and would not them favorably. and how' magnificent are the�'ohangee of
filled out with earl -bordered designs. Baltimore, but who on , becoming We ctS his Eiffel designs in all sizes are thus made: return until about July. • It is related that' M, Lsoband, the most light and shade 1 I witnessed .She finest
brother's command king of Westphalia Pearls gee coming more end more. into Or if the ends of the rails were at Pif-' famous of French criminal lawyers .of the show I ever saw of this nature, .one after-
` repudiated her• From .this union there teenth street in the winter they would present oentury, that, in pleading a certain' noon, about half an hour before sunset.
was one don, also Jerome, who was born in fashion l leaf firmed and arabesques, push through the front wale of the station ease, he perceived that one .of the jurors The great orb seemed to sink into a sea of
either alone or formed into galloons are seemed to ba hostile to him and hia argil- saffron; yet it shone with almost painful
. England in 1805, but same to America and cans upset the equestrian figure of General
given s pearl border oils filled inside with&
about 1830 married Miss Williams, of Roz- .dull designe. Reynolds in'front of the Public Buildings mens. brilliancy. Suddenly, upon the cloud sur -
bury, Massachusetts, by whom he bad. 'two Very ohe4p leaf designs are met with in by the time of hot weather. In the faces of all the other men in the face in front of my standpoint, a mile
eons, the elder one being the Prince great varieties, They are nearly all mads Rails mre.laid, however, with a snfftoient boa he saw, with his praotieed eyes, eigisS below my feet, a great mass of shining
Napoleon now dying in Rome. The father ,of president lace and are filled out with de- distance between ,each length to permit that his oratory, or his shrewdness, was light appeared. It was ere brilliant. mid the
lived in Baltimore until his death in 1870. signs in oord�nne6 silk. contraction and expansion without distor. having its effect ; but this man, in Spite of ern, and of about the same color. It was a
Jerome Napoleon was born in 1832 .in A nice gi his zi •:.a deli n tion of the line of track, and the. space be• all be could do remain
�g g g g of small P ed frowning, ease&• sail -sok -the inosine of the sun reflected
Baltimore and graduated at West Point atlas Is below which are teeth in resi• %ween eiah rail is determined by the tem. Clone, obdurate. on the white bosom of the snow storm. It
. in 1852, after which he saw service on the dant lace. P persture at the time .the rails are laid. M. Lsoband kept on with his work an remained
Tease frontier. Two ,years later be Cordonnet Erin e ' resent! e
d in eight for'eome time and was
g s are mach need and presently saw that bid opportunity ba caught 9 P d b the
resi nes and was room after m oinked m The Bin come. Its P Y t Y camera. The snowed an
g Ph champ chappa fringes are being brought for- g and .the Trust. owae a hot day, end a fay o! ern• continued, and the ern departed tumid an
lieutenant in the French cavalry service, wird. Those have pearl hangers, which Combination is found shine had penetrated a crevio in the attendance of olond
serving with the
ca ,c the Crimean o nd to be a mi btier a aqui! in piss to an
end in pearl balls. g oartmin, and was shining upon the top o! summer enure% I ever saw, The coloring
. war, for which he was decorated by Eng- For uletere >et^inoiple, in the economic game, than 'the head of this jaryman, who was nits upon the n
land, France and Turkey. He also served + paesementorie gFirnitnreS o! competition. As well oppose handicraft to 9 P Aper surface of that raging snow -
Y° president lane filled with Cordonnet silk are machinery . 'She scattered efforts of in_ bald. The lawyer paused in his argnment, storm was beyond the gift of the painter to ,
in the Algerian oampsign of France and in finding rely sale.. dividaala, with their limited resonroeS and and addressed himself directly .to the counterfeit. -From ,,-Mount Wasl in ton in
the war of Frranoe.and Italy againot Ane• Stuart collars, with or with t breast- consequent lack of oto min court : If Your Honor 'won9d, please," Winter' by Edward L. Wildon in1F�uar
trio. , He was an officer of the Empress _1g •e-nati�_iahonlder_epsalettee q y g power, to the b,q aid," "to--order-th"-the-ousts&- in n• - y
E ,-ate cls -trust-which-knows-h6 0
agenic a r goons .e e a o e oo
French empire, end since. then he has livedAmong
much used.
latest Parisian novelties i
aontro cess,
avenue, of transportation, to undersell its
yonder window be lowered a trifle, I em
sure that the sixth juryman
. quietly on the continent o! Europe. .Hie
lthe a
leaf gafv!oon in whish each Figure. is formed
rivals and to hinder them from receiving"
quested to bring a needle, a @pool of thread
would appre•
°fate it.
younger brother, Charles Joeepb !lona-
parte, now lives in Baltimore, managing
by two lengthy lesvea of fine atlas cord,-
supplied and from loadingor unloading th
goods they may have in and. IIni r the
hammer. When all the msteriMs were
This sign of watchful. attention won the
the extensive estates that came into the
Berlin Leger in Dry !foods .Economist.
decried commercial re lime of the middle"
obdurate juryman's heart and M. LFiohmad'e
family from the Pmttereone.
A Peenifar Oustem. ..,
ages, rices and
g - P qualities were fixed, in a
rude way doubtless, by the whole comma.
MIRE Terrv'e 8®ctet of Youth.
Writing of Irving's " ]Ravenswood," a
" Tlior® is one ver y peonliar thing about11
the lawti of the.Iale,of Man," says a writer
nity acting through its rulers. When the
ring and the trust have spread like a
No Burry. 11
' '
Buffalo News: Old Gentleman_M
don't you go to aobool ? y boy,
recent 's eatator of the la sae that
p play Y
in the Louieville Cotarier.Journal, - It is
network over the land --!-ad in regard to
Terr b some urea lainable ma io,
Y P g
.;,coke abont 17, and beautiful and innocent
the only country in rho •world, so fir ere I
know, except Iceland, which to the
some commodities the have done cissas
Y y
--prices and qualities will be determined,
lit a long after 9, and bore you are play.
. enough to make any man lose his head over
ancient customs of hundreds of years ago,
of them from
not by the people, who can but wait with
oriental Submissiveness till the fiat hue
in.; That a all right:' We bad a rather late
heir. And the acting is the beat she has
ever done --less restless, and more nainrml.
promulgating the top of
the shingwald Hill, a mountain in the very
gone forth, but by syndicates representing
breakfast, and. mamma•. wad '!raid 1'd be
into, so she wrote me
She makes ,Lucy Z'shton a gentle little thing
centre of the island. They must be read to
-shareholde.s. A small oligaroby of
wealth, at the
an excuse, and I've
of it in m .
g Y Pocket."
. Caught in a whirlpool of passions 90 mach
stronger than her own that she cannot
the whole people from the Thingwald
Moantain, on the 5th day of Jul before
summit of which are
enthroned the great railway kings and
$e Weer
resist or control tbnm. When Edgar oomEe
finds bas
they are binding. Of course there aro
sono special occasions, bat the 5th day
satellites will have tbns at the free
' ' P
American democracy under-its•feet, Free ?
atra Harlem
The new waiter at m Harlem restaurant
- and she just& signed the marriage
contract, she is too overwhelmed to explain
July is the lawful day; end on this ossa•
Why oortainl
y y. fres to vote for the oandi•
asked Jim Talbott who was '
)est about So
tookle a beefsteak -
' pr . ° • matters. -
, Those who have seen it will never for.
cion, each year, 15,000 or 20,000 people
assemble to hear the news read. This is
dates pent to Congress b the omnipotent
„ g y p
trustees," whose commercial mandates
: �,
'" Are yon saperatitiona ? "
et that w"hite•faaed girl, sitting there
m g g �
something that is 'not general! known I
will there be converted into law. -Rev. Wm.
„N0' of n do yon ask ? "
I've no
helplessly, without a word to Bay for her-
think, and is peculiar to the Isle of Meq.
y in the Dlarela Forum.
got partioulmir reason, except
that you are the thirteenth
self, while ever bod Slee rages round in a
Y Y•
Sbe makes one feeble, di@jointod
The laws must be read in both the MFi a
and English languages,"
very Likely.
man wbo bee
used that napkin %sada.,. „
reference to the lettere she had written, and
' Epoch : Softbart,-la Miss Tripligbi in
Abundant ]!Evidence.
, then drops over quietly and dice, in the
An Odd Snip for the Boys,
bervant-No, but She told me to tell yon
Editor. -Have yon any !otters or other
comfortable way heroines have when things
Christian Union:
if you called that it w4s very kind of you.
testimonials to show that you are a literary
s The last scene is the most remarkable
if you stick a.stick across a stick
air stick a cross across a stietc.
Softbart-What di indan ?
Servant -I suppose that she meant that
worker by profession ? .
Applicant -If you will look at my paints,
of all -jest a long expanse of .seashore,
'with the tide out, and a dull, lurid smiset
or cross a stick across a stick
or stick a or ss across a Bross
it was very kind of yon to call when, she
was on*.
air, you will find ont that they bag badly
at the knees
florin through the bare of cloud Caleb
g g
Or crops a erose across a stick .,
or cross n. cross across a cross
— s
A terrible railroad
, and it von will .pardon me
for turning around yon will see that they
stands there wringing his hands, while on
the gniokemndo- all to be e a is the bat
or stick a cross stick across a stick'
t�'' atu•lc a crossed attck across a crossed stick
accident occurred
near Morshau@k , in the' Government' of
are worn very shiny at the rear• Y'ee, air ;
I am a literary elan•=C#ood
with ilia raven feathers „
' —
Or croPq a, crossed rtiek across a, cross
Or cross a crohhod ntiel{ across a stick
Tambo on Monday. Two express trains
came into collision, demolishing the car.
41e new4snrra Fier.
Or crogy a crossed stick across a erossod atielc
NV;ad l that Ego an acrostic'.,
riagrs M both, Fifty PoMoos were killed
A}ter weeks of nntirin effort Cit M.a
Ebel Brite, g Y •
Philadel his Reeord : Mrs. G.-0, doo.
- .-
The facilities ii, New York for°oaring far
ontright and a itnrge number wore•seriousl
injured. Y
r to j ills, Texg@, 1189.
irreterl and brought to jail here severe] of
for bow I shenld halo to !furfur! alive
Doctor -Calm ourself, madam. No patient
y' 1
the dead at ell hours of the night are mar.
I told
-Your Cawb What a lain
S Y- p girl that
the gang of train robbers.- He has in ode•
tody a prominent rancher, living not
of mine need ever fear that.
voloua. was of a reoent instance of a
person dying in a hotel at 11 o'clock at
new typewriter is -in fact, quite homely.
Old Cawby--•i3nt Bhe'B hmif
50 miles from the pity, who was a lender
On Tuesday the Illinois LAgial4 �ro took
night whose body was embalrtaed, robed,
not eo lain in
ber face ad she is on paper. Thai a why I
in the BobomeB. From oonfessionB mads
by some of the artioS Marshal Brits hopes
__._ 135th' ballot for United 8i stets Senator
plQced a casket ready for burial and then en
to .a cies for a.,distmnt pity on
a ed her.
K g
to bag the whole gang and re cover a good
withont. reenit the vote 0tH :
W= _;^ `_. '' ..,.- �. Wily, , 8
' 100 fit: �i ur Sia lIIsb. y dif
-o altnsk t in A, t ril i�
�= Sin le - h , o1 maw._ when in
.. .._ ., ,
I,tr .66 Bit 7 Yea
onion Cf tlm stole ngptie .r
_ _._ r
_ -
,. r , -
' ;
°'Lindley, 2; Gresham, I. The .Democrats
. ..lzs�ai
-•••Naafi Yor1i ;Press. . falling
e�?gl�m h&VO t had a
fl y
dnt with ydnr wife, have yon?
..:..,- ,,. ,
--- A,dtlblent Tndiviifn4l--Yonflg nip,
didn't ydii know *hit tobacco -smoking was t
4y Palmer, but cannot get
-The debt of na*nre 'is the only -debt-r Bingo -Worse than tbst. With enr mr.
veru ininriona ? !&mall hno_...t7[1on .. U, .. i
I lvt_1 0• iP•4"A9v, #w wal.T•M•Y'. #Lwi4V'•',r .,7r . .,a•1 ...
' i• _
t +t ' +,� k �1 , '
. .
I .. ,
i g xt n p �,w ;+: v ,
�' .. .... .,._. , •�, ..-_
TME. .; , .....•• >' °'3; .. .. .... "kW.""'A. _ _ -, : � :.5 :...p`, •.4z: ,"^ ,.� r.,R.
_.__..- .___ _+'^^asz�• sari �.•cr
..!!'f!-��•... . h.:?,awt ,f +,•`^l. . m:. ..:G . e. h ^min;
.tM,r' uW"W,?,t, i.'t•e4*•
• 9x:�.^w� JM•
..,IS�w'yeo,ot2,t, i•a
A Boom in Buttons.
Small buttons will be largely u;ed;
Celluloid effects are rich and tatting.
Metal buttons with silk centres will be
Worn. .
Gilt,buttone will be need ad small as 12
line end as large as 45.
A gross of buttons in one. dress 1 You
express surprise, but yon. may see such a
eight this season.
Crochet buttons were never in such
demand ; in% feet, every kind of a covered
button -will be good.
This coming spring will. be a season of
buttons. Ever manufacturer has sold
larger gnsntities to the i 3bbere than for
many winters past.
A Fuunv Party. .
1 I ,
• A " hammer and needle party " is the
entertainment a country social club in.
f' ,_
vented the other day. Each lady wits re.
, ;`.;,
quested to bring a needle, a @pool of thread
' ;
inti eeverAi buttons, and each gentleman Fi14
hammer. When all the msteriMs were
"' ".
on the table, each lady picked ont a I
hammer and was given a block and
nails, Each gentleman chose sewing
I .-
iiiaterials and bnttons, and the contest
,, '"
begun, The ladies drove ere many nmils in
1< ". '
their blgoke as they could in five minutes
Find the gentlemen sewed on as many
buttdns an possible in ten minntos. Prizesy
„ .-I'
were given and mnoh laughter provoked.
In the Nottingham colliery at .Plyinonth,
Pa., a gang -of men were onKsged in mieing
. ,,� '':�.,
yesterday who had h -en inetrutted to nee
r' ,
aafety lamps,only. One of them, however,
had a nakrd lgrn, and nn en
�71AN' tl t'[•'.
snite,d., George Vida vvara tomost itrrtantjy
killed, R. Jones and W,m. .Jones were'•'
fatally burned, and W. U. Jones and Neal
Dggborty were�serion@ly hurt.
Lord Tennveon has written a ebrri poem
for tho NrwRe'view, London, for wn,ch he
� -
is amid to have received more than.$16 .per - --
word..: .._.. .�.-...... ..�
- .. :. . :
A, efi�atilc of Gt•eneral Sberman will be
.- �_� ,
treoted on the steps' of the new city ball
n q& Tamin Tk m;11 .Anew" i1rta •l+n.. __4
. -
4 �t. '!
W,.. ...5�, wit
.... ,.. ,
(y,y�,��y �Y¢h
ih-. V L))' .. �ur�d wal 1-1-1 - ii�!-
• : t . arcc
' L k, d&