Lucknow Sentinel, 1891-03-20, Page 4(7,."••:•••• '14 S,4,$ . . emieweime•mmaiommiaimama., Model •Schools, and at that, number 1 ,228 passed the final examination. . There are naw live training icstitutes. in -the Hamilton, K:ingaton, Owen,Sound Strathroy, Th s attendance in 1890 gentind. wtts 59 ; the number who wrote at the final e-xaminations waa 125, and the number who passed 88. T To UTTER AND To 4,HOUR ACOORDHsto,To THE inoTATss .;,,TONEME0E WE PRIZE MEWS ALL to' eitI110.6&11' 01;noW. March 2001, teal 10W RING' 04 TROUBLE. ' .44‘4,•••• l' • DEATO OF 4 BRITISH' IIERO. a The news of the death o ator Bromhead. at Allahabad of fever will recall the memory of the gallant defence of Rorke's Drift in 1879. With Lieutenant Chard and 80 men of the 24th regiment he held 'the post The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Oounty, Friday, March 20th GREAT CLEARING SALE. - OF WINTER GOODS, r co Over COntst Uelstek Jacks, •1 A Fancy Woollens, Furs. 0 co t ..,- . • • , TI3t4 tluel000. lotymon the two tOn.tu4on the Behring Sea ioil 1, ,,. , , y!*puttlictieo a year or is° ago e tit 'disadvantageous position T4tl'3 r. !eine occupied, and the a t phase did not present any change *rrshows that he is' no , . • ftdepteat diplomacy such as IcilVtirld'ittitesmen are. .4„ i•.,Ilis 'Position. •The question has now •e1. reduced to, what *were Russian EP..41v. the sea at the time of the fl, Sfer of Alaska to the United r,.. 4 ' Atesi • This will be submitted to ibitratiOatt and both will abide by the r isiOn. • In the tneantime, presum- 'Fislity, thetwo powers will combine to they left over 350 of their dead behind ,'• ... Aseating .t e grounds, and aclose them. At dawn the little garrison ' liSun will probably be proclaimed. saw a fresh host advancing. and . - Ps Is necessary, or Indiscriminite :timght their doom was sealed. It , will most—impot- turned out to be 'a -relieving force.- - • aUgIaet - r against victory at Isandhlwana, and so saved Natal. Rotke's Drift was one of the two roads from the Zulu territory into the British settlenient, and if the Zulus could have passed it in ,force nothing could have saved the colony from indiscriminate massacre. As soon as the'two officers in command hesid of the disaster at Isandhlwana, they knew they had to prepare for the worst. They had barely floiehed a barricade of bags and biscuit tins when the Zulus appeiired. The Zulus num bered 4,000, and their attack lasted nearly.a whole night Six times they got wiehin the barricade, but they were driven out at the point of the bayonei. When they withdrew next morning tit and lucrative industry. ft o the 'tat Behring Sea difficulty, about hich sti„niudi has been written and e!!i, and over which it was thought there would be war, will anilosibly adjusted, the right of bail tidies protected and the sealing leticids preserved, so that they will a good return each year. If the Perations of the last few years were allowed to continue the fur seal would1 Ase.ppear from the north Pacific, as it ivs from Kerguelen and the islands of l'othelksuib Pacific. !SVI/OOL REPORTS: • Has a man the right to wear a mus ache Many Many English nabobs claini that .he 'has :not, if he occupies the position of a sertant. An odd case of this 1611117:was—tried-m—Londan-,- other day. When Mrs. Gritoshaw's groom was engaged he was smooth shaven, but after a cold he grew a mustache by his doctor's advice, where- upon Mrs. Gritushaw ordered him to shave or g,o without notice. The:judge held tlipt the demand was unreason - ',We have veceived from the Ontario ..Governmentthe report of the Minister A.Education for 1890, together with ,14e statistic' for the year 1889: ' It f., places the school , population of the -WEST IIURON, gLECTION. __ ,Province for 1889 at 615,028, of which e • able. If he had beena, house, servant, wearing powder and white silk stok- ing, he might have leen ,reqUired to shave ; but a groom ,. was an outdoor servant, :and a nioustache was a natural protection against the weather Th l plaintiff got .Z5, 'damages. The fallowing are the offiial figures 4;i• number 500,815 pupils were registered; of the vote in West Huron en Mardi 1 Now is yout-time to secure bargains. DET SPRING, ur stock is now complete \in all departrnentp, and is the largest, BEST SELECTED --AN-D BEST__OQUGHT e have ever shown to our ciistomers;-- LIBERAL DiSCOUNTS--- --To-- tASII - CUSTOMERS. cordial invitation extended to all to examine -goods and compare pri6es. CA.1/1EIRJOi\T, NETTIt1)0011 LUOKNOW AND DUNGANNON, :i163,047 were boys and 237,768 girls. • . ' • 5th as announced by the returning %like 8010°1 population that year was ' • officer last Monday .ionly 675 more than in 1888 ; the iinumber of pupils registered had, how - Polling S.. D. ver, increased 4,492. The. asrerage No. A• ttendance in rural sections was 47 per iteentof the registered attend4nce, hiie in towns. it was 60 per cent. and ,iti, cities 64 per cent. • With regard to t.lie average attendance as compared the registered attendance, the report says it is evident that the u on trustees to corn - pe the attendance at school of children . between the ages of seven and ihirseen vettis is not exercised. But legislation •• .• ISTo.11 . ' will be introduced durin..t.' th:preset it 12 . 71 session dealing with the question of : ' ' i • 13,', 58 • 14 , 53 •al,sentees.- , . •,•'• In 1882 the number of absentees ' 4 ' .1...101.., ERICH TOWNSHIP. 3,betw'eeti the ages named was.87,, , • 1889 i be numbered 66,515.. There No.1 .... .. • • • • • 52 „ 16 . 41 17.... 30 18 ' 50 - - 19 52 AS HFIELD. Cameron. Porter. Total 1 65 83 144 2 • 63 64 127 3 -44 63107 85 56 141 5 .. 111 ' 27 138 6 126 16 .142 COLBORNE. No. 7•• 98 35 133 8• 35 41 76 9 •7r) 70 145 • 10 19 CLINTON. • 72 63 135 69 140 63 121 .47 100 90 142 73 114 82 112 70 • 120 77,129 94 91 99 78 90 122, 72 71 136 60 151 50 1i4 32 130 123 149' 106 97 4019 379 8 .are now 5,677 hou houses in the „ l'rovinee. iNotwitlibta,tieling the large expeuditure for sch,,,.1,^ sites and huiitl- • ings and the large increase in the ,teachni.; staff of the country, the cot• • ',per pupil •has but'sfightly advanced itt No.20 thi*teen years. The a%erage ,siost, per , ,pupil on the kiU 64' t...rul rd 1,11 1 89 ' 23 Goputticn. • 48 • 4.6 22 tur counties was • $7.14 ; Eur cities, 47 41 52 47 52 96 ; aud for owns, e.9.19, or an24- ..... averaiim of i„8 44 for the Province. ,In 1877 the average cost was, for counties, $6 01; for cities,, $7.52; for • towns; $6.51, or an average et .ti6.26 fir the 'Province. The ,nuinber. oft • -Itonian Catholic schools open during' he year was 243, the number of pupils, ..32,7,90, and teach(rs 546. The num-, ber .of High Schools, including collegiate institutes, v.as 120, with 18,6 t2 pupils and 427 teachers. Exansin ntnfl in lti rod erg artpn work were held during 1890 at Illunilton, ,?,Ottawa atid-Toronto,' and oil% of 105 ; candidates, who ,presented thanisolves, 20 'passed for directots and 3.5 for ssistants. J 1890 thew were 1,293 Aolhors in training •in the 58 county A f•4 s A ,* 4 40,010,: frq .... 56 34* 25 ....• , ... 63 59 26 ... ...... 34 WEST WAWANOSU. No .. 65 • 28 91 29 74 .30 98 . EAST WAWANOSII. No.31 tA2 41 •.3") 82 67 ' 67 34 . . f,199 1820 Majority fir 'Cameron Itejecwri ballots • .Spoiled balh,ts 15 " 00. • OUR •SPRING STOCK IS ABOUT OOMPLETE• - Prints and Dress Goods in great variety at krA right prices•. - TWEEDS: AND WORSTEDS e have Odra values. Our Millinery stock has just been purchased, and will be found IN TEE MARKET; rammarm..Ams..mil 4111•1111111, 1111111111INI volmerdomumINRAMIll ST42)1 S .1 $TO. ES ! SION/ S It will profit you if you want to purchase a good ", 00 K STOVE, PARLOR STOVE OR BO?( STOVE FOR GOAL OR -WOOD. This seasoD.,, to call on us, You will find our stc e;R: -,, complete and at reasonable prices. A large stock .of . I • Stove runaittue, Boalb, Piper.), Ete., 4711,,I)own iii Prim' 'Now is your time to get a good stove cheap at • The leading stove; depot. TIios. 1-1-A--w-R111124' 0E11 Otror cYkTri".